Enemies Within the Church - Interview with the Director

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, well you're about to watch an interview that I did a little bit earlier today with Judd Saul, who is the director of the
Enemies Within the Church documentary that just came out within the last few weeks. This is a documentary you're going to hear a lot more about, and so I would suggest going over to the website and picking up a copy of it, either a physical
DVD copy or a digital copy and giving it a watch. What the movie tries to do is it attempts to connect all of the insane things that we've been seeing happening within the church over the last couple of years, whether it's the social justice controversy, whether it's
COVID lockdowns and all of the just completely ridiculous political pandering that we've been seeing from evangelical leaders pandering to the progressives, pandering to the socialists and communists and all that kind of stuff.
It attempts to connect this all together and it kind of reveals that this is a coordinated assault on the foundations of the institutional church in the
United States of America. So I think the movie's really good. It'll open up a lot of people to these ideas for the very first time.
For some people that have been paying attention, the information's nothing new, but it's unique in the sense that it kind of tries to fit it all together.
It names names. It names Keller. It names Russell Moore. It names Al Mohler. This is a documentary that a lot of people wish never got made.
I hope you decide to pick it up. But if you want to see the interview with the director before you do, here's what's going to happen.
We're going to do that right now. I hope you find this video helpful. God bless. Welcome, Judd Saul.
Judd Saul is the director, producer, everything guy for the new movie,
Enemies Within the Church. If you have not heard about it, you're going to hear about it right now and it's quite a good film.
Judd, welcome. Hey, thanks for having me. Okay, Judd. So I've got some questions for you because I've seen some things online.
I've read some things about you and about the movie. So I want to ask you why you made the film, but first it's going to be multiple choice, yes or no.
You ready for this? I'm ready. Let's go. Okay. So, Judd, did you make this film because you hate black people?
Let me think about that. No, no, no, no. I did not make the film because, yeah, no, no.
Are you against women? I love women. Do you hate the church,
Judd? Did you make this film because you actually want to destroy the church? I made the film because I love the church.
Let's talk about that. Those were obviously joke questions. I've seen a lot of... Listen, the reason I'm asking these questions is because I've seen some of the pushback for the film and lots of baseless accusations are made about not only the film itself, but also the people in the film,
Pastor Kerry Gordon and all that kind of stuff. So why did you make this film,
Judd? Because I want you to set the record straight right now. We set out to make the film.
The goal to make the film and why we made it was because a lot of people put out articles, different YouTube videos here and there, and a lot of the information when people are researching and doing it are just scattered.
It's scattered all over the place. So only a small fraction of an audience or a segment is actually going to know what's going on and be able to follow the story properly because the big media outlets, even the big
Christian media outlets, only give you a sliver of what's going on because they're protecting somebody. Somebody's got a relationship somewhere.
I've been doing documentary films since the mid -2000s. And the way to tell a story, the way to tell a story and to get people to understand the whole picture is to do it in a documentary format.
It is an art, but it's also a way of storytelling to draw in as much information as possible and make it palatable for people to understand what the situation is.
Yeah, Judd, that's such a good point because even for this YouTube channel, I've got like 900 -something videos on my
YouTube channel. And you never can tell when someone new is going to come.
And I referenced something that I said six months ago. It's not going to make any sense for someone new. You need sort of an organized sort of place that they can kind of put all the pieces together.
In fact, that's one of the things I loved about the movie where the good pastor is talking about putting the puzzle pieces together and seeing the big picture kind of thing.
That's something that I found so helpful about it. That's what your goal was, essentially, to sort of tie in everything that we're seeing within the church as far as the social justice, as far as the
Me Too stuff, and all of it to try to tie it all together. Yeah, and also a way to let people have a voice.
People who've been affected by this and give them a voice and let people hear their voice in the film.
It's not just us pontificating, but it's giving other people a voice to express what they saw, what was going on, which makes the film more compelling.
It's really hard for people to follow from one thing to another. This has just been my way of being able to tell a story.
It's something I've been doing for a while. Yeah, it's a very effective way to do it.
And just between everyone here, we understand that our enemies do this all the time.
When they put out an article that's filled with lies about their church, the way they typically start it is they'll tell a story in the beginning that you can kind of emotionally get tied into it a little bit.
Oh, look at this church, very sad situation, this and that. And then they fill the rest of the article with lies.
Sometimes even that story is a lie. But because you're emotionally hooked into it, it still can be effective.
And so if the liars can do that, certainly we can do that with the truth. Amen. Yeah. So this movie's been a long time coming,
Judd. I remember I looked at my video history about the first time we talked about it.
It was a few years ago. People have been excited about it, and then it's kind of been taking a while to come out.
So why did it take so long for this to come out finally? I'm not trying to insult you, Judd. I'm just asking.
No, no, no, no. The reason it took so long is a number of factors. One, doing a documentary film, and what
I would call at a very professional high level, which is what we try to attain. People have to understand, if you look at like Dinesh D'Souza's movies, or you look at some of the other very high budget documentaries, you're talking about putting two, three million dollars into a documentary film budget.
For us, I mean, we're doing this at a fraction of the cost, and we have to leave the funds to make the film.
This isn't cheap. You know, every time we have to hire a film crew, multiple cameras, travel, plane tickets, hotel, to go across and interview these guys, it's costly.
So, well, we set out to do it, we raise money, we go produce. And then we run out of money, and we go, okay, we need to raise more.
We need to go produce some more. But then along the way, we ran across stories that we had to tell.
We ran across stories that we couldn't wait, and it's like, okay, this is too big of a story to just throw in the film and do it justice.
So, that's why we did First Baptist Naples, a 38 -minute documentary just on the story of First Baptist Naples.
We did a Southern Baptist compilation video that we put together from interviews and other research and things that we got done so we could help inform people before the recent
Southern Baptist Convention vote. And we've gone out and broke stories along the way. It's not just making a movie for us.
We're fighting a war. So, as along the way, we diverted resources to break stories and to bring people information.
Yeah. Yeah. And also, the amount of research that went into this was crazy.
Yeah. You can tell. You can definitely tell with the result. We're talking thousands of hours of research.
Yeah. And to back up what we are saying in our film, which that'll be out in about a week, our
Wokipedia page and then the resource page of evidence backing up things we say in the documentary. Yeah, you can definitely tell that a lot of work went into it in that way.
And one of the things I noticed, we were talking a little bit before we started recording, but there were some stories in the movie that I know were very recent.
And so, we were kind of saying, when do you decide to just end it?
When do we land the plane? Because this is ongoing. So, if you could seriously make a 10 -hour documentary and you wouldn't be done.
There would still be more stuff because there's new things happening all over the place. You could do a documentary about McLean Bible Church right now and that would have added another couple hours to the film.
It's like, I'm kind of glad it took forever because things ended up in the film that really helped the message that didn't happen until like six months ago.
Right. And that's the thing. It's like, eventually with a film, you have to land the plane. And this is a thing with documentary filmmakers.
The film's never actually done. Yeah. We just stopped at one point and had to put it out there.
But so much happened leading up to when we were in the edit bay working on final things. I'm like, okay, we got to cut this.
We need to add this in. We have to add this in to give it relevance. And finally, it's just like, okay, we're done.
We can't add anything. We have to be done. We're burning hours. Let's put it out there.
You also had mentioned, sorry to cut you off, but you also had mentioned that it's obviously very costly to do this. What's cool about it is you don't need to have the multi -million dollar budget like Dinesh D'Souza to produce something really quality.
You just need a lot of time and you do need some money, but the way technology is now, you don't necessarily need to have these huge budgets.
You know what I mean? To do something, you have to have it within a reasonable range, but you also have to have talented people and a talented team.
This isn't just a Judd Salt project. There are a lot of contributors and a lot of people that helped with this. And through this process,
I'd say the Lord opened up doors and introduced us to a lot of other creative people that we're going to have longer working relationships with in the future.
We will be putting out future content. One of the things I said on my channel recently is that the pagans, they're licking their chops.
They feel like they've kicked us off all these social media things and we're losing our jobs and stuff.
But really, we're going to flip the script on them because now we're finding each other. We didn't find each other in the sea of Twitter.
There's so many people on Twitter. It's hard to find people that are believers. But now that we're stuck on Gab altogether, now we know who we are.
You found so many people, talented people that you're going to work with for a long time. We're going to do some damage now that we all know each other.
We're going to flip the script on them here. Let's talk a little bit about the process here. One of the things
I remember from early on, Judd, is that you had done a bunch of interviews. I forget even where you did them.
It was at some conference or something. A couple of people, if you want to name them,
I don't care. It doesn't matter. A couple of people had dropped out once they heard the name of the project or once they got some pressure to drop out because you guys were just going to slander everybody.
You're just evil. Along the way, you've had people that you've interviewed that you wanted to use in the film, but they decided to say, hey, don't use me in the film.
What I wanted to ask you is, what do you think that's about? Is that a strategy? What's going on with that?
I'm not going to name any names, but I'll talk about trying to think of the right word to use.
I'd say a very common theme that we have discovered over the three years of making this film is people want to get behind you when it's safe.
They don't want to be on the forefront of leading the fight.
They want to get in the fight when it's safe for them to do so. After they've tested the wind and see where the wind is blowing, and then they'll get behind the film.
Then some people are saying, well, if I'm in this film, it might ruin my ministry because these guys are worthless.
A lot of rumors went flying around about us while we were making the film.
If they would have just come out to us and talked to us directly and actually reasoned with us and said, okay, what are your intentions?
What are you trying to do? We're not as crazy as they thought we were.
Honestly, today, since the film has come out, I've had people that actually ruined fundraising efforts for us, trashed us, people that are now texting me every other day talking about how wonderful the movie is.
I'm just grateful now that they're on board. I'm very happy that they're on board and that they're supportive of the efforts.
You live and learn. You had a chance to be in it. Now you're not. Some of these interviews that didn't go in were fantastic.
I respect these guys and their ministries. People need to see the threat for what it is and lead or get out of the way.
Yeah, Judd, I'm so glad. We didn't talk about what your answers were going to be before this.
I did let you know some of the things I wanted to talk about in all fairness, but I didn't know what you were going to say. That's moving, man, because it's very easy,
I think, to have this attitude. I'll just speak for myself. When something like that happens to me, which it has, people have privately tried to ruin me and stuff like that, and then later when people are accepting what
I'm saying, they want to be friends again. My first temptation, Judd, I don't know if you feel the same way, is like, screw that guy.
Forget that guy. Oh yeah, oh yeah. That's the flesh side.
That's the flesh side of it. That's right. You never want to do that. That's right. But the thing is, the message of the film and what we're trying to do is bigger than us, it's bigger than ourselves, and it's bigger than any one ministry's ego.
Amen. This is a film that every
Christian needs to see so they can wake up and realize what is going on in Christendom around them.
A lot of people like to stay in their Christian bubbles and they have no idea what's going on around them or even what's in front of their faces because they're stuck in a bubble.
And if we don't defeat this now, wow, we can't have those other theological debates later.
Amen. Yeah, and right now, it's such a big fight that like, listen, maybe some of these guys that kind of tried to screw us over in the beginning, maybe they can't be generals in the fight, but we kind of need all the soldiers we can get right now.
You know what I mean? Like, we can't be looking gift forces in the mouth at this point. So, yeah,
I get it, man. Plus, it's Christian to forgive people. So, there you go. Yes, it is. So, speaking of the fight and the pressure that people are receiving,
I noticed a seminary president was very upset that there was a seminary in the country that was going to host a screening of the movie and he wrote a letter.
Adam Greenway wrote a letter and he was very upset about it and he said that it's not right for a
Southern Baptist seminary to criticize another Southern Baptist seminary or this and that.
Did you see that, Judd? I don't know if you're paying attention to that kind of stuff. Oh, yeah. We're well aware.
We're very well aware. What was the deal with that? By the way, let me just say this,
Judd. I think that that was an error that Adam Greenway made and it was a forced error and I think that the movie itself forced him to make that error to put on paper in black and white the 11th commandment because usually they don't talk about that.
Obviously, it's a real commandment, the 11th commandment in the Southern Baptist Convention, but he put it in black and white.
He put it in black and white. When that all happened, I talked to the guys at CBN about what was going on and I talked to folks from Mid -America
Baptist Theological Seminary and they were mad. They were really mad at how
Adam Greenway tried addressing the problem. Edith called him personally. Adam has never contacted me personally about any issues.
Then they just put out that blanket statement. Well, that backfired. It blew up in their faces. So much to the point, it drew so much attention to our film.
I give him credit for being our biggest promoter. We paid for some advertising.
We paid for advertising to advertise the film and get it out there. Wow, Adam Greenway. Oh, no.
You're muted, Judd. You're muted. Thankful. In the spirit of thankfulness, we created a promo code for DVDs.
What's the promo code, Judd? Oh, no. You're muted again. How did that happen? There you go. You get 20 % off.
Can you repeat that? You went on mute right when you said the promo code. This is important, guys. Yeah.
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we created a promo code called Greenway. If you type in Greenway, when you go check out, when you purchase the
DVDs, you get 20 % off. So that's from now up until Sunday evening at 5 o 'clock on Thanksgiving weekend.
So we thank him. And I really thank Adam Greenway for promoting us, getting the word out there for us.
What a lovely gesture. Thank you, sir. Hats off to you.
The one thing that I think is to, the people that are on the more progressive and liberal side of these battles, they do a lot of things really well.
One of the things they don't understand, though, is what to do in internet squabbles and internet battles.
And this is the thing you don't do. If you don't want to draw attention to it, you just have to ignore it. But to draw attention to it in this way and say, well, this is slander.
People that would have never heard about this now heard about it and are interested. It's like putting the parental guidance rating on a
CD. Of course, every kid wants it now. You know, I hope they do it again.
I hope they do it again because it's helped us out so much. They can't help themselves. They will. I know, but the fun thing is they came out and said it was full of slander.
Slander. That's the word. That's hilarious. It's both slander. Well, I'd like to challenge
Adam Greenway. Sir, where are we wrong in a film? Where are we wrong in the film?
Where have we gone wrong? Please repeat it. I would love for you to address our concerns in the film.
Other than say to your donors and the people, it's not happening here. Those guys are liars.
Right. Okay. How are we lying? Show us. Right. Yeah, that's always the thing.
They always want to say a couple things. They always want to say it's conspiracy theory. It's slander.
And that you're doing it for your own self -promotion. Those are the big three things that they'll always say when they don't like what you have to say.
And it's very easy to respond. Just like you said. Okay, prove it. Prove any of those things. And I'll be glad to talk to you about it.
Address where we're wrong. Quit the ad homonym attacks and show us where we're wrong.
Please. Yeah, absolutely. And they know they can't. They know they can't. So how can people help here?
Because I obviously want to help promote this movie. I did a video the other day. I didn't even realize it was out yet.
Because I stopped paying attention to the website. Sorry about that, Judd. But I was like, oh, I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure it's going to be good.
And then that day I was like, oh, it's already out. So I watched it that day. And it is good. So I want to help promote it.
Obviously, I have a YouTube channel. But not everybody does. What can people do to help? People can help by going to the website.
You can purchase the movie. You can stream the movie. The most important part is you guys need to take that message and get it out to as many people as possible.
Yeah. We created this film to be a tool for people to use to wake up the remnant, wake up the people in the church, to put a stop to the cultural
Marxist movement, post -modernist movement, wherever you want to call it. This evil, anti -Christ, false gospel that has infiltrated our churches needs to be purged.
And we gave you a very good tool to use to fight it. And we're going to continue providing resources so people can fight this.
And I just want to tell everyone else, you guys got a great thing in A .D. Robles here. This is a warrior who's been in the fight from the beginning.
Y 'all need to support people like A .D. We are all in this fight together, and we need to be backing each other up.
Yeah. You're so right. And one of the things that I really appreciated about the film, and I texted
Judd right after I finished watching it, and I said that I was so fired up, and I just thank you for it.
And obviously, listen, you made the film, but all credit goes to God for this, because this is what was so important about this movie, is that in the movie it is so clear that the message being presented is that it's a dark film.
There's a lot of enemies out there. There's a lot of things happening that are not good. But the movie makes it crystal clear that God is powerful.
And when you watch this movie, even the way it ends, it ends on a really dark note. But somehow you managed to end it on a dark note, but still you walk out of the movie feeling like, man, it's time to get to work.
We're going to win this thing. And it's not because we're clever or great. It's because God is powerful.
It makes much of the power of God, this movie, which is so contra to what you would hear if you just listened to the critics of this film.
Because if you listen to the critics of this film, you're going to get all that kind of stuff. But this movie is about the power of God, man.
It really is. It's dark, but somehow it makes you feel like, we're going to do this, you know what
I mean? And so I just wanted to say that if that was your goal, to wake people up and get people excited about getting to work, it did that to me, man.
Yeah. What I want people to get from the film is this. What weapons can stand against us?
Amen. We have God behind us. We have the power of Christ behind us. You don't think our
God's big enough to fight the lies of the woke? Yeah. You know, people are worried about their jobs, and pastors and ministers are worried about getting intimidated by an evil portion of their flock in their church that's trying to make it go social justice.
You guys, you work for the Holy Spirit. You work for God. He can help you beat this and beat the lies that are coming in.
We're worried about reputations, and it's time to stand on Christ and lay it all on the line for truth.
I'm not going to give up the whole movie because I want people to go out and get it. Don't forget to use the Greenway promotion code to get some money off to buy the film.
The section in the middle about antinomianism and love, oh man, dude, that was so powerful.
I often say on the channel that you can always tell someone's smart when they can say something in a few sentences that takes you a 90 -minute video.
Pastor Kerry Gordon and some of the guys he was talking to, they're right there, man. There's a few paragraphs in this movie that it's like, man, it would take me an hour to explain this.
It's just so perfect. I'm not going to give up the whole thing, but that section, man, that spoke to me.
It made me so happy. Good stuff, man. Good stuff. We had to go not only just show here the enemies within the church, but we have to go to the history and history in the church of where the church went wrong, where the church went wrong just doctrinally, and how we have made the mistake on overemphasizing certain things over others that have led to where we're at now.
It paved the way for the social justice movement to infiltrate. It's not just, here's enemy, enemy, enemy.
There's a lot of history and theology in the film that people can really take from.
I appreciate that. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a big Eva, maybe
C -lister, not a main guy, but he's one of the side conference speakers.
Not the main stage, but one of the side guys. I remember he was so exasperated with me, and he said to me, you guys have always said that we don't care about the law of God.
We're antinomian, and now we're bringing this to you, and you're still not happy. What he was trying to say was that the social justice thing was the placeholder for God's law.
That's what we're replacing it with. He enunciated that as if it was a good point.
I'm like, no, that's the problem. You're still presenting lawlessness.
Yes. Yes. When you take away the law, when you take away and you deemphasize certain things in the scriptures, you're going to fill that void with something else.
That's exactly what he... He enunciated it on accident, but that's exactly what he was doing. Well. Yeah.
Anyway. Sooner or later, they out themselves and say it with their own words. That's right. You're 100 % right.
All right. Just to wrap this up, and I don't know if there's anything cooking, but do you have any projects in the oven right now that you want to let us know about?
Are they all just top secret? Right now, they're top secret, but I can tell you there's more coming.
There's going to be a part two to this. Awesome. Because we had to land a plane for part one, but there is going to be a part two, which is going to focus on things more worldwide than just what's in the
US. Oh, that's great. We're going to focus worldwide and the real driving movements behind the erosion of the church worldwide.
Why are... Address things like, why are Christian churches being converted into mosques all over Europe now?
How come... What happened to the Christian church in Europe? And we can't...
By looking at what happened in Europe, we'll be able to reflect even more what happened in the US. Yeah. But hardly any news gets reported of what
Christians are going through in Europe right now. And it is crazy. Yeah, no, that's really good stuff.
I'm sure that purchasing this movie would help with that project as well. Is there any other ways that people can help with that project?
We're still accepting donations towards our efforts. And there's a couple of mini documentaries that we want to do as well that start with McLean and with church.
We want to do some mini documentaries and kind of expose some other things that deserve their own stories that haven't been told to give people a really big, shed a lot more light onto what's going on with some of these big
EVA leaders and some of the more sinister things. But I had to... We had to do a broad view picture and what you're getting in our film is just a sliver.
It's a tiny sliver of what's actually happening out there. And we got to go into a few subjects and shed light on those.
And we hope to have those out in the next few months. That's awesome to hear, man. Part two is probably going to be another two -year process.
All right, man. Well, I can handle that. Now that I know what the result is going to be like, I'm ready to...
It takes a few years. It takes a few years. You know what I'm saying? Awesome, man. Well, hey, Judd, thank you for joining.
Obviously, I want to help promote the film. We'll talk about that kind of offline and what I can do. But guys, if you haven't seen it yet,
Enemies... What's the website? www .EnemiesWithinTheChurch .com
www .EnemiesWithinTheChurch .com And on DVDs, don't forget, 20 % off if you type in Greenway on checkout box.
All right. God bless, Judd. Stay on the line. I'm going to end the recording right there. So what are you, the director of this movie?
Yeah, I suppose. What's your... Is producer higher than director? What's the highest title?
Technically, director is the highest title because it takes on the most responsibility. But I produced, directed,
I camera -opped. I did many, many different jobs. It's kind of like how I'm the
CEO of my company and also the diversity director and also the recruiter. All right.