F4F | Rod Parsley and Steve Munsy Are Phishing for Dollars

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever, you know, been changing channels, you know, flipping through the channels and you came across Rod Parsley's Breakthrough Program and you stopped and you watched and you thought,
God wants me to send money to Rod Parsley. You don't have to admit it to me, but just quietly go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell so that you can be notified when we update our channel.
So we're going to be heading over to Rod Parsley's Breakthrough Program and we're going to look at his latest phishing scheme with Steve Muncy and note the egregious way in which they are utterly twisting
God's Word and for the purpose of really just scamming people.
These guys are not really making disciples of Jesus Christ. They are making themselves wealthy off the, well, gullibility of people who think that God works, you know, via some cosmic quid pro quo where he really desires for you to demonstrate that you have faith in God by writing a large check to a televangelist, which when you put it that way, you sit there and go, there's no way
God is that way. But see, the thing is, these guys are good, man. They are really good at scamming people and scratching where it itches and the people they pray off of are those who are hurting.
This will be an example of that, of them praying on people who are experiencing pain and grief as a result of experiencing loss and then them coming in, swooping in in order to make a buck off them.
Yeah, that's what we're going to be looking at today. So make yourself comfortable. Let's get to it.
We'll whirl this up. Here's Rod Parsley and Steve Muncy and what have you lost is the name of the episode.
Here we go. Dr. Muncy, I can't wait to hear this word. I'll tell you that you shared just a little tidbit of it with me in the green room getting ready to come out here to break through.
And I said, please, please, please stay and do a whole program on it just from that little bit.
So, you know, you're going to be blessed today. So we're ready. I'm ready. No, I know that if I watch too much of this,
I'm going to end up getting robbed today. Jubilee Bible in my pen.
I'm ready to receive a word and I know it's going to touch my heart and change my life.
Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Parsley. And actually, this word was born in my spirit in the air from Chicago to Columbus.
I, I. You gave birth to this word while flying from Chicago to Columbus, Ohio.
OK, we continue. Came in and I quickly began to describe to Dr.
Parsley that this word was birthed and the Holy Spirit said to me, you must today speak this.
You know, and I said, but now the Holy Spirit said, you must must speak this.
All right. Or, you know, I can't tell Dr. Parsley we should that, you know, we should do another program and and you're going to know that this portion of this fishing scheme, you know,
P -H -I -S -H -I -N -G is designed to make it look like, oh, Steve Muncy, he's a humble, humble man and he would never impose his will and ask for another television program on with Rod Parsley.
And, you know, they probably only plan two. And and now the Holy Spirit is saying, no, no, I want you to do three.
And so he's he's in a quandary. He he doesn't want to overstep his bounds. And so all of this is designed to just pull on your heartstrings and go, oh, man, brother, if the
Holy Spirit told you and you birthed this in your spirit in a plane from Chicago to Columbus, you you just got to you got to risk it, dude.
You got to risk it. This is utter nonsense. This is total theater that we're watching here.
Well, I would tell you about a little bit. And you said, oh, that's got to be spoken.
And I so appreciate your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, every person, you that are watching, what have you lost?
I'm talking to you to tell you you have lost health.
Have you lost something? Losing my mind right now. Have you lost health?
Which, by the way, you live long enough. It happens to everybody. If you live long enough, you lose health.
Yeah, yeah. You'll note that the beard is gray. There's a skunk thing going on here that wasn't there 10 years ago.
No, I I looked a lot younger then. Yes, I did. So I'm losing my youth.
I've lost my youth. What am I going to do? And so here's where the fishing part of it is, is that he's reaching out and kind of casting a net here, you know, or throwing, you know, the the lure out.
You know, we're going to we're going to see if we can fish for people who've lost stuff and then make some weird promise from God about finding things if you send money to Rod Parsley.
That's how the scam works, by the way. You're you're you're you're gasping, saying you're talking to me.
You have lost a relationship. You've lost him. You've lost her. Oh, no.
I lost her. It's going, yeah, but what have you lost her?
Because, you know, she died. It happens, you know, or what if you lost him?
Yeah, because he was eaten by a shark, you know, it's I mean, it's just saying, you know, so notice he's purposely preying on those who are mourning.
Uh -huh. My children, I can't communicate. Something is lost.
I've lost money. I've lost money. Oh, yeah. Notice the quivering lip in the, you know, the the
Rod. This is just pure theater, folks. He's he's an actor. He's a thespian.
Yeah. And that has nothing to do with sexual orientation, by the way. I just saying we continue. Lost time.
I've lost relationships. Let me give you a little word.
This is I think this is a good word. You see a little smirk there. He knows he's lying through his teeth.
He really does. And how much do you think he spends in the tanning salon? Just wondering.
Can't make new old friends. Wow. You need to realize.
Pseudo profundity right there. You'll follow it up. The wow. Oh, this is these are pearls from heaven, man.
No, this is all a scam. He's fishing, trying to exploit those who are internally experiencing mourning because of a great loss.
The circle that you're in is permanent and that Satan is trying to break down the people that are surrounding you because they are the people who will actually help you.
But somehow loss has come. I want to tell you, I want to tell you that even though loss.
Has come and you're staring at me saying, who are you? What I've seen you,
I don't know you, and it doesn't matter. You're the devil.
Yeah, you're a schemer and a slander and a liar. Yeah. What matters is
I touched something within you and you say, as Dr.
Parsley said today, I lost my child at Disney World. I've lost my keys.
I've lost something. May I tell you that this program has literally been stopped of regular broadcasting,
Dr. Parsley? To insert. And may I say it with all due respect and with with a servant's heart, that this is a
God word and everything is. No, it's not. This is not a God word. This is a greed word that we're about to hear.
To tell you that the loss you have is not bad.
It's ready. It's getting ready to be good. Thank you. And that. Making promises for God that God has not made is called blasphemy.
That's what this is. This is just straight up greedy blasphemy that we're hearing here.
Loss loss is a signal that God is getting ready not only to get it back to you, but you're about ready to be promoted.
So you. What I mean, again, you know, you noted that somebody has lost him, has lost her, and I just ask the question, what if they died?
Right. So you're saying that somebody who lost a loved one to death, that that person is going to be returned to them and then they're going to experience a promotion.
Mm hmm. Yeah, this fishing scam here. Who that have lost.
Here is what happened to a young man who was tall and his father was very wealthy and his father had many, many donkeys.
Now, that sounds like a farm and and maybe you can't. Just for clarity.
The theme for this episode has nothing to do with farm animals, just saying. Because you ride the bus or you, you know, you get a ride to work or you drive to work or you've been in a vehicle.
So a donkey is something that's foreign to us. Let me kind of break this down. He was in the donkey business and donkeys are are used as a.
He was in the donkey business. Why? I know the taxi is referring to it.
I don't think that details in there. Are used for harvesting the crops, you know, walking down the rows of the corn or the tomatoes, and they are able to put in a.
They used oxen for that. Now, granted, a donkey is a beast of burden, but they used oxen for, you know.
Prepping the land and stuff, the donkey and stock it. So now visualize that donkeys are a combine.
Now visualize that Saul's daddy, Kish, lost somehow one day 300 donkeys now picture in your mind, 300.
300. I know the text in question.
And I do not remember it saying that he lost 300. So let's take a look at this passage, shall we?
We're going to note that it's in First Samuel chapter nine. It's a historical narrative.
And these this is a particular type of text that scam artists like Steve Muncy and Rod Parsley enjoy mangling up to make it look like there's some kind of principle here that, you know, if you do the same thing, then you're going to have some positive outcome in your life.
This this is how this works. So, yeah, historical narratives are to be believed not applied in this way.
And this is the account of the anointing of the first king of Israel.
And that's Saul of the tribe of Benjamin. So here's the account.
There was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel. Son of Zerar, the son of Bekoroth, the son of Afia, a
Benjaminite, a man of wealth. He had a son whose name was
Saul, a handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he.
From his shoulders upwards, he was taller than any of the people. Now, the donkeys of Kish, Saul's father, were lost.
So Kish said to Saul, his son, take one of the young men with you and arise and go and look for the donkeys.
So I at least in this account, it doesn't say nothing about 300 donkeys. I mean, that would be a huge amount of donkeys.
And he passed through the hill country of Ephraim, passed through the land of Shalisha, but they did not find them.
And they passed through the land of Shaalim, but they were not there. Then they passed through the land of Benjamin, but did not find them.
And when they came to the land of Zuf, Saul said to his servant who was with him, come, let us go back, lest my father cease to care about the donkeys and become anxious about us.
But he said to him, behold, there is a man of God in this city and he is a man who is held in honor.
All that he says comes true. So now let us go there. Perhaps he can tell us the way we should go.
Now, a little bit of a note. The man of God being referred to there is the prophet Samuel. And it says of him in scripture that not one of his words fell to the ground, which, by the way, is how true prophets operate.
If you're really hearing from God, none of your words are going to fall to the ground and everything you say is going to come true if you're doing predictive work at all.
And the reason for that is simple. God doesn't lie. So we can already see how this is going to go down.
You know, spoiler alert, but this is what's going to end up happening, is that Steve Muncy is going to sit there and go, have you lost your keys?
Have you lost him or her? Well, you need to find the man of God, you know,
Rod Parsley, you know, and you're going to need to give him a gift the way, you know,
Saul and his servant gave a gift to, you know, to Samuel so that you can get the lost thing that, yeah.
And all of these details, by the way, the events that were happening in Saul's life, God was orchestrating for the purpose of bringing him before Samuel in order that Samuel might anoint him as king of Israel.
But, you know, I digress, but so let's come back. So then the servants, Saul said to his servant, but if we go, what can we bring the man?
For the bread and our sacks is gone, and there's no present to bring the man of God, what do we have?
So the servant answers Saul again, here I have with me a quarter of a shekel of silver, and I'll give it to the man of God to tell us our way.
Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he said, come, let us go to the seer, for today's prophet was formerly called a seer.
So Saul said to his servant, well said, come, let us go. And so they went into the city where the man of God was.
And as they went up the hill to the city, they met young women coming out to draw water and said to them, is the seer here?
And they answered, well, he is, behold, he's just ahead of you, hurry. He has come now, just now to the city because the people have a sacrifice today in the high place.
And as soon as you enter the city, you will find him before he goes up to the high place to eat, for the peoples will not eat until he comes, since he must bless the sacrifice.
Afterward, those who are invited will eat. Now go up, for you will meet him immediately. So they went up to the city and entering the city, they saw
Samuel coming out toward them on his way up to the high place. Now, the day before Saul came,
Yahweh had revealed to Samuel, tomorrow about this time, I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin and you shall anoint him to be prince over my people
Israel. So you'll note here what I just said, that this idea that God orchestrated these things in order to get
Saul in front of Samuel, God worked that all out so that God was the one sending
Saul to be anointed as king of Israel.
So he shall save my people from the hand of the Philistines. I have seen my people because their cry has come to me. So when
Samuel saw Saul, Yahweh told him, here's the man of whom I spoke to you. He it is who shall restrain my people.
So then Saul approached Samuel in the gate and says, tell me where is the house of the seer? Samuel answered
Saul, I am the seer. Go up before me to the high place where today you shall eat with me.
And in the morning, I will let you go and will tell you all that is on your mind.
As for your donkeys that were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them for they have been found.
And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for you and for all of your father's house?
So Saul answered, am I not a Benjamite from the least of the tribes of Israel? And is not my clan the humblest of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin?
Why then have you spoken to me in this way? And so when you read the account here,
Saul never gives Samuel money. You know, in order to learn where the donkeys are, no, that never happens.
So keep that in mind. There's something further going on in this text. And this is about God orchestrating events, which
God is actually, you know, able and prone to do is the best way I can put it. This is not about some principle that if you bring money or give money to a man of God, then you're gonna receive lost things.
Because nowhere in this text does it say that Saul actually gave the shekel, the half shekel to Samuel.
Not at all. That's not what happened. That's not how this went down. So Muncie is up to no good and his partner in crime, and this is a crime, this is blasphemy.
And the two of them are gonna have to stand before the court of heaven and explain all this to Jesus. And that ain't gonna go well is the best way
I can put it. But we continue. Practice. All right. Now, then Saul said, after several days of looking for the 300 combines or the 300 donkeys, he said, we better get back.
My dad will be worried about me. And I'm just gonna have to tell him we're never gonna get this job.
Notice he's not reading the text. No. But Broad Parsley does have his
Jubilee Bible in a pen. Doesn't seem to be taking any notes and that Bible doesn't seem to be helping any.
You know, I'm just saying. We're never gonna get this health back. We're never gonna get our children back. We're never gonna get this marriage back.
We're just not going to get our investment back. We're not gonna get our business back. We just lost.
Notice. Loss of a marriage. Loss of a business. Loss of an investment. You know, people who have, who are literally down and out.
That's who they're exploiting. This is sick. And the servant said, wait a minute.
There is a seer. There's a seer in this, not far from here.
What do you mean by seer? Let me kind of read it to you. Cause this deals with you. The Bible says in first Sam.
How do you figure it deals with me? I was never anointed the king of Israel.
Never will be either. Bummer for me. Nine. Now this is just for you.
Just for you. He says, and he said unto him, the servant said to Saul after he said, we got to go back home.
We just got to take our loss. He said, behold now there is in a city, a man of God.
And he is an honorable man. All that he sayeth, listen to me. Cause in a moment,
Rob Pursley, I'm going to ask, cause he's an honorable man of God. He's going to. Rob Pursley.
Have you been nipping off the bottle there before the television program started?
Just asking, you know. Speak that your loss is found.
He's going to. So Rob Pursley is going to speak a prophetic word over your life so that what you've lost has been found.
Fishing scam. That's what this is. Because the
Bible says, anything that the man of God says, God will back up and it will come to pass.
Rob Pursley isn't a man of God. He's a greedy heretic. He's a wolf.
Exactly what he says. He says, he is an honorable man. And all that he sayeth, coming surely to pass.
Now let us go hither. Preadventure, he can show us the way we should go.
Immediately Saul said, we can't go. Next verse says, he said, we can't go because we don't have a present.
We don't have a gift to give the man of God. Yeah. You'll note that they never gave a gift to Samuel at all.
Nope, didn't happen. Let us move him with that gift.
Now, here's the power. Here's the power. You're at loss. In a moment, I'm going to ask
Rob Pursley to speak prophetically, just to pray a prophetic prayer over you.
Yeah, get to it, Rodney. Pray a prophetic prayer, would you? This is so egregious.
Happen that you that are watching, you're at loss, you're crying, you're weeping, you're wondering, your anxiety, your emotions, the soul of your man is just frustrated on these children, this marriage, this job, this bills.
Again, notice he is intentionally praying on people who are experiencing deep pain.
The things you're going through, and today, God is saying these words. Oh, I'm so excited to tell you this.
God says, tell them, Steve, that in their loss, not only are they going to find it, but I'm getting ready to promote them.
God didn't say that. God didn't send you to say that. You just made that up out of your greedy, stone -hard, sinful, impenitent, blackened heart.
Now, I gotta tell you this. This is so exciting. You better hear this. Better hear this. I'm talking about you that are sick.
I'm talking about you that are going through the valley. I'm talking about you that have been shut down. I'm talking about you that have lost.
Now, get ready, because always when loss comes, it is emphasized in the negative.
We could actually say, God says to the devil, you go first.
You go first. Always God is a gentleman. He always says to the negative and to the prince in powers, you go first.
You give them your best shot. Oh, my. Because I'm a gentleman. I will go second.
Wow. You smash their marriage. You take their money. You steal. I have no idea.
This is just made -up theology here. Totally whole cloth, yeah. Their health.
You go after their children. But me, I'll go second, because when you give them your best punch, and they lose, and they're in lost position, then
I'm going to move in. For the Bible says, the enemy comes in like a flood.
He goes first. The enemy goes first. God goes second. For the
Bible said, the enemy comes in like a flood, but then God gets up and raises a standard.
Watch this. We've been endured for the night. You're crying. You're shook up. Come on,
God. God's saying, get that last cry out. Get that last worry out. Because no,
God's not saying any of this. And even the verses you're quoting are all out of context. This is just pure, unadulterated greed on your part,
Steve. And Rod, like I said, you're going to have to explain all this to Jesus when he returns.
Boy, he's not going to be happy to see you. Wow. I'm going to rise up, number two, and what the enemy has brought in your life,
I'm coming to bring joy in the morning. Thank you. Yeah, and that joy in the morning, of course, if you want that, you got to write a check to Rod Parsley if you expect him to actually prophetically speak a word.
Because Saul and his servant needed to bring a gift to Samuel. So you can't show up empty -handed and expect these kinds of joy in the morning kind of blessings, you know?
In your loss, God is speaking. Now watch what happens, because we're getting ready to pray, and it's all going to change for you.
No, it's not. You mean this program's going to change? This program? Yes, yes. You're only one away.
Yes, yes. You're only one record away, one song away, one poem away, one prayer away, one offering away.
You're only one person away. You're only one invention away. You're only one away. You're not standing in line of 10 ,000 saying,
I hope my day will come. This day has come in your life because you have heard loss, and God is saying,
I'm getting ready to restore not only your loss. Watch this. This is incredible.
Talking to you that's sick, you that need a miracle, you that are saying, I need a financial, need in my life.
The Bible says that the man of God, the man of God, who knew nothing, who didn't really know anything other than he was honorable,
God spoke to him and said, tomorrow about this time, there will be a young man, and that is the, oh.
There it is. Here we go. That young man is going to be the first king of Israel.
Oh, you're gonna, you're gonna be the next bazillionaire. Uh -huh.
Boy, these guys are good. Boy, they sure do know how to manipulate people. Wow. We don't know anything about it, but when he comes, he's going to ask you about his loss.
But I have got promotion on my mind, and I'm getting ready to make him king.
Yeah, that's not what this text is really about. As if somehow, well, you know, as soon as you give money to Rod Parsley and bring a gift to him,
God's got promotion on your mind. Oh, who am I talking to? You are getting ready to be king over your situation.
Yes, yes. This is so perverse.
So perverse. I don't even have words for how perverse this are.
It is, yeah. King of your finances. King of your children, of your job, of your health.
And the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit says to, to the man of God, speak.
You'll speak over him. Not only will you tell him about his loss and how he's gonna get it back, but you're gonna tell him you are the next king of Israel.
He knew nothing. He was just a boy doing what his daddy said. So God's gonna make you king of something because you're gonna send money to Rod Parsley, apparently, yeah.
Know nothing. You knew nothing. But now you've turned the television on, or the computer, and here you're watching.
And you're saying, you're talking directly to me. How? You're trying to steal money directly from me and everybody watching.
How? What do I do? You have come to the television set and you have met the man of God.
And God said whatever he says comes to pass. No, God has not said that anything that Rod Parsley says is gonna come to pass.
That's just absolute hogwash, bovine scatology. Yeah, it's rubbish.
Moses blessed the people. God backed Moses up. Right. And then you say, well, what do
I do? There must be, there must be within you your heart, not on your sleeve, but in your hands.
For where your treasure is, that's where your heart is. You see, notice, where your treasure is, there your heart is. See, he's now made the official turn to the big ask.
He's gonna ask for you to send money to Rod Parsley in order for you to become the king of whatever it is that you've lost that will be returned to you with promotion.
Man reaches in to give a gift to his wife, to his husband, to his children. He'll put it on a credit card.
He'll stretch it over 30 years to get a. Notice he's suggesting that you pull that credit card out.
You're gonna have to get yourself in debt in order to get this blessing. Yeah, that's what that was. Stretch it over five years to get a car.
He'll stretch it over. Make it a huge amount of money, thousands of dollars.
It's gonna take you years to pay off the debt that you're gonna rack up sending it to them. That's what he's suggesting.
They'll put it on a credit card because it is a gift. It is something I'm giving, I'm working for.
And what you honor will come back to you. Oh yes, oh yes. Saul moved in and.
Oh no, oh no. Yeah, this is straight up false doctrine. This is straight up heresy. This is nothing but rank greed.
God's word doesn't teach any of this. That here is my gift, man of God. The moment, because God had said don't give it away free.
Only, only pray for those that bring respect and honor.
Yeah, that's weird because Samuel didn't receive a single farthing, half a shekel, not even a gara from Saul, nope.
I'm not going to give, turn the channel. Try to find somebody else that'll bless you. I'm telling you that right now, the
Lord is. Turn the channel, if you're not ready to give, go find somebody else who will bless you for free because their blessings are only available for money.
And let me tell you what's getting ready to happen. And in a few moments, Pastor Parsley's going to speak.
He's going to just speak blessings on you. I want you to go to the phone. I just feel this very strongly.
You that are about to be multimillionaires, you're about to be catapulted.
So I send money to Rod Parsley. You're about to become a multimillionaire.
Oh my God, I can't handle this. Quick, honey, grab the credit card.
A quarter would be 250. There are some of you that are about to come out of your dilemma today with a $25 gift.
You need to go to the phone as quickly as you can. You need to move to the phone and say, this is my gift to give to the honorable position of the man of God.
When you do that, the Bible said, the prophet said, I have found your donkeys, your combat.
No, I read the text and Saul never gave him anything, not anything he intended to.
And he received all the blessings and the answer to the question about the donkeys for free.
Yep. And sir, son, come with me. And he said, what do you want, great man of God?
Because you have honored me with your gift. Because you have put the offering on the altar.
Yeah, it's weird because nothing in 1 Samuel 9 says anything about because you have made an offering or put a gift on the altar.
Nope, you're adding that to the text. It ain't there in 1 Samuel 9. You are a liar.
Just as my son honored me on Calvary and gave himself. So I come and put the offering.
Oh, so Jesus's death on the cross is an example of giving money to a televangelist.
Who knew? Like I said, this is perverse. This is sick. For you, oh
God, I can't do anything, but the God in me is waiting for that honorable gift.
Notice on the screen now, so 250 or begin with at least a tithe of $25.
Now they're being overt in Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, use your credit card, go into debt, send in that money so that you can become the next multimillionaire.
God's gonna do, no man, wow. Just step to the phone because in a few seconds from now, there's gonna be a release come through this television.
It's gonna come through this computer. It's gonna come through the mechanism of how you're watching me.
And there's no coincidence why you are watching and God is speaking.
Or could I be the servant and say to Saul, give, let us give, let us give, let us give.
Nobody said to Saul, at least Samuel didn't say to Saul, give. Nope, it was just an idea, a suggestion.
And they ended up giving nothing. When you pick up that phone and say, here is my $250, here is my $25,
I mean move with something within you to say, oh God, oh
God, I honor this moment of you speaking to me. Yeah, you're not honoring
God at all with this. These men are blasphemers. They're exploiting people in their greed, telling them false words.
These people, Rod Parsley, Steve Muncy, they are boils on the derriere of the body of Christ.
These men are leeches. They are just basically vermin, preying off of people who are suffering and in pain.
And it's just absolutely reprehensible what it is that they do.
And the reason why this show is so successful, well, how do they say it?
Suckers born every minute, yeah. So if you found this helpful and you know anybody who thinks that these guys are men of God or whatever, and they're going into debt in order to receive blessings from God, that's not how
God operates. Share this video with them. They need to see it. And if you're interested, we do a two -hour -long podcast every day, the five days a week, the normal work week, over at fightingforthefaith .com.
And if you think that you can benefit from learning more about biblical discernment and comparing and contrasting what the most popular people like this are saying and comparing it to what
God's word really says, yeah, subscribe to our podcast. I think that you will find that helpful. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. Amen. Amen.