Southeastern and Danny Akin WokeFest - Book Sneak Peak!

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
Ah, yeah, I love iced tea. Iced tea is very, very good. Anyway, let me get started right away.
Sorry I did not upload yesterday, but I was at a funeral, so I could not upload. But maybe we'll make up for it today.
Maybe we won't. We'll see what happens. But before we begin, let me just say this. If you have not considered doing so, please consider becoming a
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Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. But I'm a little bit biased, all that kind of thing. Let's jump right into it today, though.
What I wanted to do, there was a montage, if you will. There was a montage released showing lots of woke, critical race theory, just kind of bad teaching coming out of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, led by the fearless leader
Danny Akin. Danny Akin is one of the most woke of all the seminary presidents. They're all a little bit woke, but he's one of the most.
There's some troubling things going on at that seminary. I've worked with and for a lot of corporations over the years.
Some companies are run very, very well. There's a lot of transparency, a lot of directness. You always know where you stand with them.
I love working with companies like that. But then there's also companies that are just super toxic, where it's just very dysfunctional, lots of secret meetings and secret agendas always at play, like the mafia almost.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, at least from reports, sounds to me like one of the worst places to work ever.
It's just like you never know where people are coming from. There's secret rules that are not really written down anywhere, but they're unspoken rules that you've got to follow, and they try to control your
Facebook feed. You can't post that on Facebook, stuff like that. Just really, really lame, just horrible.
It sounds like a horrible place to work. That's my opinion, of course. But anyway, this guy
Scott Crawford, he used to work there, I guess, or maybe he still works there, I don't know. But he had a lot of very interesting things to say, very sad to see, and all that kind of stuff.
But he also shared a montage of very poor teaching.
And so I thought we'd have a little fun and go through some of this stuff. I think that you'll enjoy it. And if you don't, well, at least you'll be informed.
Let's get started. And I'm going to let their words speak, and I'll leave it at that.
Thank you for watching, and grace and peace to you. Amen, Scott, and grace and peace to you as well.
He mentioned as part of the comments here that people are always like, oh, you took him out of context, you took him out of context.
But then if you ever ask, my strategy with people that say that is, okay, great, what was the right context? And if you ask even one question, they fold like something that folds.
It's just a thing that people say. You took him out of context, but they don't actually ever know what the heck they're talking about.
It's almost like that scene in Liar Liar where he goes, objection, and he goes, on what grounds?
And he just says, because it's devastating in my case. It's just something you say when you've lost.
Anyway, let's take these words out of context, because I'm sure that's what they're going to say, and let's just talk about them.
This is some good stuff here. Let's get started. White Christians need to learn, above all things,
I think, to be good listeners. Over the last several years as I've tried to help build a culture for racial reconciliation and kingdom diversity, which is a core value of Southeastern Seminary, I've come to understand more and more that my perspective is not the perspective of my
African -American brothers and sisters, or my Hispanic brothers and sisters, my Asian brothers and sisters.
They really do see life differently. They're operating out of a different paradigm, a different context that's very different than mine.
And I didn't really realize that until I stopped talking, and began to listen.
I think one of the things that white evangelicals in particular have got to do is become better listeners. In addition to that, we've got to be willing to surrender power, which is, again, not indigenous to our nature.
I love this. I love this. So this is one of my favorite things. White Christians.
The president of a prestigious seminary probably has a very good income. There's nothing wrong with making a good income.
I'm just pointing out that this is a very powerful man in the Southern Baptist Convention, and he's sitting there, like, white
Christians need to give up power. And this is a big scam because it's like, dude, if you actually believe that,
Danny, you would give up your power. You see, that's the thing. They always say it's for other people.
Other people that they have no control over, that's who should give up power. But the only person that you do have control over yourself, no, no, no, that's not for me.
I'm going to maintain my power. After all, I am the great Danny Akin. I've established the core value of racial diversity, kingdom diversity even.
And it's like, it's a big scam. It's a big scam. Put your money where your mouth is. If you really think you need to divest of power, then divest of your power.
As a matter of fact, my bank account stands ready. I have a PayPal. I've got a cash app. Send me the cash because I don't have as much cash as you do, most likely.
So why don't you send me some, divest of your cash and give it to me. In fact, I'll even consider it reparation.
You see what I'm saying? This is preposterous. This is preposterous. It's all a big scam. White Christians need to divest. Okay, you divest.
Why don't we start with you because you're the only one you have control over. It reminds me of the Emancipation Proclamation where it's like, it freed all the slaves in all the territories that we didn't control.
It's preposterous, obviously. But then, you know, even more than that, it's like, well, white Christians need to learn how to listen more.
That's so preposterous. Every Christian needs to learn how to listen more. When the Bible says be slow to speak, quick to listen, that's talking to everybody.
That's not just for white Christians. That's for Latino Christians. That's for black Christians. I know plenty of Latinos and blacks that have a hard time listening.
This is a thing that's true of humanity in general. He's like, well, white Christians have this problem, giving up power.
Again, that's another thing that is common to humanity. That's just something that's common to humanity.
When Christ was telling his disciples that whoever would be first should be last, when he was showing them how to serve, if I've washed your feet and I'm your
Lord, then you should wash each other's feet. It wasn't like depending on your ethnicity, though. If you're a one ethnicity, if you're white, the worst ethnicity, then you really got to learn how to serve other people.
But if you're black, maybe you still have to learn how to wash feet, but maybe not as much. This is so perverse.
The whole thing is perverse, and it's very condescending, and it's very hypocritical and preposterous.
I love it. It's one of my favorite scams. Danny Akin is expert at this scam. Let's continue. As I often say, not only do we need to invite ethnic minorities into our room and to have a seat at the table, we even need to be willing to surrender leadership at the table if we're really going to make progress and really help our brothers and sisters understand we see them on an equal plane with ourselves.
I love that. One of the things that you should also pay attention to with this kind of a presentation is notice who it puts squarely in the driver's seat.
Who it puts squarely in the driver's seat, it's the powerful, the capable, the very learned white
Christians. You see, if white Christians don't invite us savages to the table, we'll never get to the table.
So a savage like me will never get to the table unless the white powers at B invite me in.
But not only that, that's not enough. You see, the white powers at B not only need to invite a savage like myself to the table, but they also, if they didn't act, you see, if Danny Akin, the great, didn't act, not only would
I not be at the table, but once I got to the table, I would never be given a position of authority.
I would never be able to have any authority. Nobody would take me seriously unless the great white power of Danny Akin grants me the authority to lead the conversation at that table.
Danny, I don't want your help. I don't want to be at that table. I've got my own thing going on, right?
I don't need you to divest of power in order for me to get ahead. You see, I actually believe people are equal.
I actually don't believe that I'm a backwards savage. I actually believe that blacks and Latinos like myself are just as capable as whites.
And what we need from people like you, Danny, is to just treat us like everybody else.
We don't need special invitations. We don't need special divestments of power. We don't need special treatment.
We would just like to be left alone and treated like everybody else. But to Danny Akin, that's not enough.
You see, he squarely puts whites in the driver's seat here. Unless whites act, we will never amount to anything.
That's how it is in Danny Akin's twisted worldview. I think that's pretty preposterous. I think it's perverse.
And let's continue because it just gets better from here. You live in the middle of a place that is just overwhelmingly white.
There's hardly any people of color where you live at all in your town. This is Matt Mullins. Matt Mullins, we've done some videos on his content before.
I guess he's like an English teacher or something like that. And here he is talking about interracial adoptions.
This sounds like a harsh thing to say, but you probably should not adopt a non -white kid.
So here's Matt Mullins. Definitely not racist in any way. He wants you to know that up front.
If you're white, you probably shouldn't adopt a non -white kid. Because Matt Mullins said so.
And do you think he might have gotten that from the Bible? I can't imagine where he would have gotten that from the
Bible. But let's hear him out because maybe he's got a good reason for saying that white people should not adopt non -white kids.
Let me just say it again, just in case you didn't hear that one. Here is a Southern Baptist professor saying white people should not adopt non -white kids.
This goes back to that form that everyone's going to have to fill out at some point if you want to adopt. And we've talked with other couples about this given our experience.
And if you're going to move to the middle of some place where it's all white folks and you're filling out this adoption checklist and it says, what races are you open to?
I think white folks struggle with guilt. They feel guilty if they say, well, I'm only going to check the box that says
I'm open to adopting a white child. But it would be much better for your kids if you are going to only be able to because of where you live, because of who your friends are, because of what you can and can't change in your life.
If you're going to raise kids like white kids, that's not bad. That's not wrong. That's not evil at all.
But you should adopt white kids. You see, according to the non -racist
Matt Mullins, if you're going to raise your black kids as white kids, then you should just adopt white kids because you shouldn't raise black kids as white kids because that's evil.
But if you have white kids and raise them as white kids, that's not evil. You see, if you're black, if you're going to be white and raise your black adopted sons as black people,
I don't know what that exactly means exactly, but if you're going to do that, I don't know, maybe they listen to Jay -Z when they're in the womb.
I don't know what he's talking about. You have to ask him. He's the one who's definitely not racist. But if you're going to do that, then that's okay.
If you're going to have a Korean kid as an adopted kid, you have to raise them as a
Korean, even if you don't know anything about Korea. You definitely still have to, unless you're racist. Because if you're racist, then you will adopt a black kid or a
Korean kid and raise them as a white kid. You see, that's the racist thing. So stick to your own kind, according to Matt Mullins, the non -racist professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
This is all nonsense, obviously. This is all nonsense. And it's not hypothetical for me.
I actually have a brother -in -law who is a Korean, and he was adopted into a white family, and they raised him the way they raised all their kids, and he's totally fine with that.
You know what I mean? There's nothing wrong with him. He's fine. Obviously, there was no unrealistic expectations for his white family to raise him as a
Korean, since they knew nothing about Korea. Well, I don't say nothing, but they weren't
Korean, so they didn't know how to raise him as a Korean, whatever the heck that's supposed to mean. Matt Mullins is out of his mind.
He is a racist. And I think he is one of these guys that admits that. He's like, well, I'm a racist, you know, one of those kind of guys.
So I'm just going to take him at his word. You heard it here first. The racist, Matt Mullins, well, let me just say this.
In my opinion, he appears to be very racist. On video and audio said that if you're white, stick to your own kind and only adopt white kids.
That's nowhere in the Bible, but, you know, racists typically don't get their stuff from the
Bible. So let's continue. We've now got the great Dr. Walter Strickland, who
I do quote in my upcoming book, Social Justice Pharisees. I think this is a quotation about James Cone.
James Cone is clinically insane, and one of Walter Strickland's favorite theologians.
He opened my eyes to the fact that Christ is trying to restore brokenness, you know, and he really had a focus on that brokenness as manifesting as oppression, racially speaking.
Dr. Cone really allowed me to see a new vista, a new space, a new avenue to allow the gospel to be made manifest.
I think the evangelical will do well to hear the voice of Dr.
Cone in drawing us towards the reality that the gospel, the resurrection of Christ, has implications for the here and now, but yet also making sure that we don't lose the eternal realities of the gospel.
You could see Walter Strickland is just googly -eyed. You could hear the admiration, the respect, the, how shall
I say, just awe that Walter Strickland holds Dr. James Cone in.
In fact, in the article that I was quoted in in the New York Times, they also quoted Walter Strickland about how he secretly teaches
James Cone without mentioning him because he doesn't want to put a stumbling block in front of someone that is on the way to accepting the gospel according to James Cone.
So now, one second, I've got a little bit of a treat for you. What I have here in my hands is my book.
This is my book, and this is the proofs that they sent me. They've done the layouts, and they send you the layout of the book so that you can see what it's going to look like, and you can approve it, and all that kind of thing.
Hold on a second. Let me find where I quote from the great James Cone. All right, so here's my,
I've got four pages here on James Cone, the godfather of the woke church.
I'm going to read to you this section. This is the first time that I've read from my book on the air, and so I am looking forward to this.
If you remember, Walter Strickland, a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, says that evangelicals would be wise to heed the gospel presentations of James Cone.
James Cone has formed the warp and woof of Walter Strickland's kingdom diversity,
Danny Aiken approved theology. Let me read to you the section in my upcoming book,
Social Justice Pharisees, about James Cone. James Cone was a black liberation theologian who passed away in 2018.
When he died, Jamar Tisby and many other woke church leaders waxed poetic about how much they owe to Cone's writings for their own ideas and beliefs.
James Cone was a literal, capital H, heretic. He denied every single one of the fundamentals of the faith, and abject lack of forgiveness as a priority was a big part of that.
In his highly acclaimed book outlining the basics of his heretical faith, he spoke about the situation for blacks in America in the 1960s.
Why appeals to wait and talk it over are irrelevant when children are dying and men and women are being tortured.
We will not let Whitey cool this one with his pious love ethic, but we will seek to enhance our hostility, bringing it to its full manifestation.
In the next section, Cone describes in more detail what this hostility includes. We have reached our limit of tolerance, and if it means death with dignity or life with humiliation, we will choose the former, and if that is the choice, we will take some honkies with us.
At this point, you may be wondering why the crown jewel of woke theological thought sounds like he is more interested in revenge than he is forgiveness.
James has a succinct answer to that. Black theology refuses to accept a god who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community.
This means that any theological idea that is not advantageous to blacks and their interests can be rejected, even if it seems to be taught in the pages of the
Bible. Does Christ say to love your enemy? Well, that must be White Christ speaking, since black theology would teach that loving your oppressor is sin.
Quote! Their sin is that of trying to, quote, understand their enslaver and to love him on his own terms.
As the oppressed community recognized their situation in light of God's revelation, they know now that they should have killed him instead of loving him.
James Cone spoke prophetically to our times as well. Ever wonder why woke church downplays modern race riots?
They didn't invent this. They got this from their favorite theologian. Black Christ affirms such things.
Quote! To be a disciple of the Black Christ is to become black with him.
Looting, burning, or the so -called destruction of white property are not primary concerns.
Such matters can only be decided by the oppressed themselves, who are teaching, I'm sorry, who are seeking to develop their images of the
Black Christ. You say, how can this be? This is not what Christ taught or how he behaved.
Is not Christ the example for those who bear his name to follow? You foolish white fundamentalist!
Quote! We cannot use Jesus' behavior in the 1st century as a literal guide for our actions in the 20th century.
To do so is to fall into the same trap that the fundamentalists are guilty of. It destroys the freedom of the
Christian man, the freedom to make decisions without an ethical guide from Jesus. Still can't accept it?
Maybe you follow the White Christ. Don't worry, he's on the list too. Quote!
We need, what need do we have for a white Christ, when we are not white but black?
If Christ is white and not black, he is an oppressor and we must kill him.
Yeah, so Walter Strickland thinks that listening to that guy, who's definitely clinically insane, would be something that evangelicals should do.
Because he understands the gospel better than you do. Yeah, you know, the gospel that you should be killing your white oppressors, take a bunch of honkies with you, you should worship the black
Christ who doesn't mind if you loot or burn down buildings, all that kind of stuff. Oh, and by the way, if you think that Christ in the
Bible says you shouldn't be violent in that way, well that's a white Christ and we're going to kill him too. That's James Cone for you, and that's the guy that Walter Strickland thinks is very helpful.
Let's continue and see if there's anything else here that we can talk about. An African -American cannot thrive in a white evangelical space, if that space is entrenched in white evangelical culture.
It's just a matter of time before I hit the brick wall. All my assimilation and everything, somebody's still going to call me the
N -word, somewhere along the line. So because someone somewhere will eventually call him the
N -word, then it's impossible for whites and blacks to worship together. You know what
I mean? Unless you do literally everything that they say that you should do,
I don't know, maybe have hip -hop in the worship service, and I don't know, what is it that they want? They don't ever say, they just want you to do whatever they say.
Then that means that you can't thrive, because maybe someone when I was a kid called me the
N -word, then I can't thrive in a white evangelical space because these two
PhDs say so. It's all nonsense anyway. Let's stop there, but I think
I should continue in this, because this gets juicier, this montage, and Walter Strickland makes a number of appearances here.
In fact, you can find Walter Strickland in this video montage talking about how you really can't blame the race rioters.
Burning down buildings and burning down businesses of your neighbor, that's just the voice of the oppressed.
It's funny, because in this article, or my book rather, this comes from James Cone, his favorite theologian.
Of course he believes that. He's following after his teacher. His teacher is the heretic that was
James Cone. Anyway, I just wanted to do that video before the weekend.
I hope you found this podcast helpful, and I'll see you next week. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the