Steven Furtick Says God Is A “Molecule”!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Stephen Furtick is the lead pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
His church is what you might call a classic seeker -sensitive church, which means that they are a church that uses entertainment and popular trends to get people in the door.
But unfortunately, when you get people in the door using unbiblical tactics, you often have to keep them in the door also using unbiblical tactics, and Stephen Furtick's Elevation Church is no exception to that rule.
Oftentimes, Stephen whips himself up into a frenzy while he's preaching and screams something unbiblical at the top of his lungs while his audience just claps and eats it right up, and Christians who actually read their
Bibles are left scratching their heads in a desperate attempt to figure out what exactly Stephen said and what it meant while he was spiritually intoxicated on stage.
I have a prime example of this phenomenon happening in real time in the video I'm about to show you.
The picture will be slightly distorted due to my past copyright issues with Elevation Church, but you'll still be able to see and hear everything that's going on.
Check it out. You think God's like keeping a desk somewhere in a corner office like an old college professor on Sundays?
Come by, you know, like God's an old man in a nursing home. I wish you'd come see me more. No, God is energy.
God is spirit. God is a molecular structure. God is a molecular structure.
That fills all in all. That's what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning. So let me refute this unbiblical worldview of Stephen Furtick in three simple points.
Number one, God is not a molecular structure for the simple reason that God is not physical matter.
God created molecules and all the different elements of the periodic table that make them up, and as a result, those things are part of the creation, and therefore they are not in and of themselves a part of the creator.
There is a strict division in scripture between that which is created and that which is the creator.
You say, Colin, if you're so smart, show me one verse in the Bible that says what you're saying. To that I would respond by saying that you don't have to be smart.
You just have to know how to read the first sentence of the entire Bible. Genesis 1 .1 says, in the beginning,
God created the heavens and the earth, and since Stephen Furtick apparently needs a lesson in sixth grade science,
I'll offer this to him. The heavens and the earth are composed of what we call atoms. Atoms often combine to form what we call molecules.
In other words, the Bible says that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, including atoms and molecules.
It does not say, in the beginning, God created himself, which is what it would have to say if God himself was a molecule.
So in other words, the first reason Stephen Furtick is wrong is that he basically says God is a part of his own creation.
From all eternity, it has been this way. This cannot be the case because God is eternal, and his creation molecules, by definition, are not eternal.
If they were eternal, then Genesis 1 .1 wouldn't have said that God created them because you cannot create something that has always existed.
Now there's one caveat here. Some will still say, but Colin, Jesus was a human being made up of molecules, so maybe what
Stephen's saying is correct. No, he's not. When Jesus became a man by being born of the
Virgin Mary, this was God entering his own creation. This was God becoming man.
To suggest that God has always been a molecular structure is not the same as saying that God is fundamentally spirit who entered a physical body made up of multiple molecular structures.
Those are two very different statements with very different meanings and theological implications.
One is biblical, and one is completely unbiblical. Long story short, my response to this is, nice try, it was close, but not close enough.
This brings me to point number two. These are things you'd expect to have to explain to an 11 -year -old
Christian person, but it's very concerning that Stephen Furtick, who is a grown man, 41 years old, and has two college degrees from Christian institutions, can't seem to wrap his head around some of the most basic concepts of the
Christian faith. Honestly, I have no idea why thousands of people listen to this guy and think he's got so much wisdom.
The dude thinks you can see God under a microscope. I hope he repents, and I hope he realizes how truly vital it is to understand that God is not a molecular structure.
God and His creation are different things, because suggesting otherwise strikes at the very heart of God's nature in Scripture.
Stephen Furtick does not meet the minimum qualifications of a pastor given in the New Testament. Second Timothy 2 .24
says that a pastor must be, quote, able to teach, and this does not define
Stephen Furtick in the slightest. He may have an audience, but that doesn't mean he can teach, and his many unbiblical statements from the pulpit over the years are a testament to that.
This brings me to point number three. There's an important question here that some people might be asking. Isn't it possible that Stephen Furtick could just make a mistake?
After all, pastors aren't perfect. We're all fallen creatures. So is it then unfair that I would highlight
Stephen Furtick's mistake here on my channel? No, it's not unfair, and let me explain why. Yes, pastors can make mistakes even when they are preaching.
In fact, there is no pastor who can claim that they have never made a mistake from the pulpit at all.
However, there is a biblical distinction to be made here. There is a big difference between an occasional mistake accompanied by an apology and a commitment to change, rather than a consistent and constant assembly line of mistakes from the pulpit.
Stephen Furtick says something seriously unbiblical in almost every single one his sermons.
When he has then been called out for those things, he has pretty much never responded with repentance or redacted his mistakes at all.
Acts 3 19 says, repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out.
Why is this important? Because the type of pastor who reveals their accidental false teaching, and that's all this is, it's accidental false teaching in most cases, and the pastor who repents of this can then explain to their congregation why they were wrong, and they can explain how their congregation can then understand the
Bible more accurately in the future because they acknowledged their mistake. But if a pastor constantly says false things from the pulpit and after being called out for those things does not apologize, well then he's just allowed his congregation to believe something false and unbiblical.
If you do this kind of thing with enough frequency, you become a false teacher, and that's where Stephen Furtick is at this point.
So make sure you pray for Stephen Furtick and all the people he's deceiving that they would turn away from their falsehood and turn to the
Word of God. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with some common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.