The State of the Hoosier State and Abby Johnson Said What?
We are excited to have our friend John Jacob, State Rep running for re-election in Indiana, to discuss the state of the GOP in his state. We will also be discussing some very encouraging recent comments from Abby Johnson.
We are also very excited to announce our new sponsor AR500. We are thrilled to partner with them. Please visit our new friends at:
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- 00:00
- Non -rockabotas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it!
- 00:07
- Are you going to bark all day, little doggie? Or are you going to bite? We're being delusional. Delusional?
- 00:14
- Delusional's okay in your worldview. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
- 00:20
- So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt. Is he hung up on me?
- 00:27
- What? What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
- 00:37
- The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.
- 00:44
- Going to all the world to make disciples. Not going to the world to make buddies. Not to make brosives. Right. Don't go in the world to make homies.
- 00:51
- Right. Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle neck. That's a joke, pastor.
- 00:59
- When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
- 01:20
- But if you strike him down with an iron object so that he die, he is a murderer.
- 01:26
- The murderer shall be put to death. And if he struck him down with a stone tool that could use or that could cause death and he died, he is a murderer.
- 01:35
- The murderer shall be put to death. Or if we struck him down with a wooden tool that could cause death and he died, he is a murderer.
- 01:42
- The murderer should be put to death. That is numbers 35, 16 to 18.
- 01:49
- And I don't know what's going on with their audio here. We're having some weird stuff. So if it sounds weird on your end, I apologize.
- 01:55
- I'm not sure what's happening. Um, but somebody is, is that you that's coming from your computer?
- 02:03
- It was my phone. It was Zach's phone. It was pastor Zach's phone. I couldn't figure out.
- 02:09
- We're like, where is that coming from? Okay. Cause your computer was muted, but the phone was sneak, just laying there sneakily.
- 02:17
- We, we figured it out. Problem solved. Welcome everyone to apology or radio.
- 02:23
- I am Luke the bear, uh, hosting again today. Cause pastor Jeff is currently in Denver again.
- 02:32
- Uh, they have, uh, we have our rally for, uh, equal protection bill this weekend in Colorado.
- 02:39
- So if you're there within driving distance or if you want to fly in, please do come support that on Saturday.
- 02:46
- That would be awesome. But I do have, uh, pastor Zach who just introduced himself.
- 02:52
- Howdy. Just messing everything up. It's okay. You might know him from shows such as provoked with his, uh, awesome sister,
- 03:04
- Desi, who probably would have messed it up too. She would have.
- 03:09
- That's okay. You guys have the same haircut some days. Really? We do. Some days at church.
- 03:15
- Remember I'll take a picture. Like you guys, you guys kind of Sam, right? Not a man, but Sam, Sam, right?
- 03:22
- Yeah, man. Fun. Uh, joy. The girl mama lady.
- 03:28
- Yep. Hi. That's me. It's really warm in here today. Not even wearing a vest.
- 03:36
- No, I'm not, but I do have something to show you. Yeah. No, I'm not wearing a vest today, but it is warm in here.
- 03:41
- It's starting to heat up here in Arizona and I'm sweating and the AC sucks. So, uh, but speaking of vests,
- 03:49
- I have this handy dandy, uh, little, uh, vest you can put on under your shirt.
- 04:00
- So this is a concealed, uh, soft armor, they call it, uh, which is really cool.
- 04:07
- So say you're at the abortion mill and you don't want someone to shoot you when you're trying to save babies. Great opportunity to wear this.
- 04:14
- You can put it on your shirt. No one knows it's there. Maybe if you're at a rally like this, this weekend, you know, you're speaking at a rally, people don't like you.
- 04:21
- They don't like that. We want to end abortion. Great opportunity to wear this. It's lightweight, soft fits under your clothes.
- 04:28
- Yeah. This is, uh, is it heavy or is it? No, it's nice. It's super light. I mean, it weighs like five pounds,
- 04:34
- I think. Yeah. And, uh, that is from our, uh, friends at AR 500 who we mentioned last week.
- 04:41
- We are very excited and forgive me because I forgot to pull up the thing. Um, I'm very excited to be, to be, uh, partnering with them.
- 04:49
- They're sponsoring us and I'm just, we're just getting started with, with what, uh, we're going to do with them.
- 04:55
- So, um, I just wanted to mention them again. That's AR 500. You can go to armoredrepublic .com
- 05:02
- is their website. Um, and the mission again of armored Republic is to honor Christ by equipping free men with tools of Liberty necessary to preserve
- 05:10
- God given rights in the armored Republic. There is no King, but Christ. We are free craftsmen.
- 05:16
- Body armor is a tool of Liberty. We create tools of Liberty. So thank you
- 05:22
- AR 500 for that. We, we, we each got one of those as a gift and I'll have some more stuff next week, hopefully as well, but all that to say, uh, today's, we're going to be, uh, talking all about ending abortion.
- 05:35
- Uh, we got a number of topics we're going to discuss here today, but, uh, the first thing we're going to get to is our friend, representative
- 05:43
- John Jacob, who I'll bring on here in a second. He's from the Hoosier state where I grew up and not originally from there, but I did grow up there.
- 05:51
- Some impartial to the Hoosier states and, uh, he is a state representative.
- 05:57
- They're running there for reelection. So John, uh, I'm going to go ahead and bring you in brother. Tell us about yourself, what you're up to, what's going on.
- 06:04
- And we'll go from there. Hey Luke. Hey guys.
- 06:09
- Uh, again, my name is John Jacob. I'm a state representative on the South side of Indianapolis. I am a born again,
- 06:15
- Christian Lord saved me over 30 years ago. Uh, I'm married father, grandfather, six grown children, five, uh, grandchildren and, uh, love the
- 06:27
- Lord been serving here in Indianapolis primarily, but also in some foreign missions as well in the past and been doing street ministry, street evangelism, street preaching here in Indianapolis for years, and also ministering at the abortion clinics for years.
- 06:43
- And part of this, this, this, when I got involved in abolition, uh, we had found out about that there was a bill of abolition actually in our state house, in the state of Indiana, that was authored by representative
- 06:57
- Curtin Isley. And that was authored back in 2017 by Curtin Isley.
- 07:04
- And so we, we being the abolitionists here in Indiana, we're pushing our legislators to give a hearing to this bill and also to push it forward.
- 07:15
- And we were just getting really, really frustrated with them just because, I mean, we, again, we live in a
- 07:21
- Republican, we live in a very red state. I mean, at least on the surface, we, we have a super majority in the state of Indiana, which means we have control of the house by predominant control of the house.
- 07:32
- We have 71 out of a hundred house out of the, uh, representatives on the house that are
- 07:38
- Republicans. And I believe it's 39, uh, out of 50 of the senators are
- 07:44
- Republicans. Well, so you would, you would think that if, if we were able, if you want to do anything as it relates to the
- 07:50
- Republican platform that we could get pushed forward, but we don't. So anyway, I had actually been preaching inside of the state house, pressing legislators to repent of their apathy over the issue of the pre -born.
- 08:01
- And, you know, so I'm trying to work at the state house, trying to be out to abortion clinics. We're rescuing babies out there.
- 08:08
- And all the while our illustrious Republican establishment is just doing nothing to abolish abortion, but again, doing everything they can to regulate baby murder.
- 08:21
- So the opportunity presented itself in 2019 for myself to, to run for state representative.
- 08:29
- I actually had the, my incumbent long time incumbent from my area had resigned. And one of my best friends who, who got me involved in abolition that I preached with out at the abortion clinics, he asked me if I'd prayerfully consider running for state representative.
- 08:45
- And well, long story short, I felt like the Lord wanted me to run and actually beat the incumbent that was caucused in.
- 08:56
- She had seven times the money, obviously the backing of the establishment and praise
- 09:02
- God. I mean, the Lord got me in and I've been pressing now from the inside, you know, against the
- 09:11
- Republican establishment, pressing this abolition bill forward. I'll give you more detail.
- 09:17
- Also, some of the behind the scenes things that were happening that have happened over the last two legislative sessions as well, but I'll let you go ahead and ask questions on that.
- 09:26
- So, yeah, I was going to ask, so what is, and I should mention that we have been helping some in Indiana.
- 09:32
- We're actually, we're supposed to do I think it was this weekend. Originally we were supposed to be doing a rally there in Indiana with you guys.
- 09:39
- And then I think it, for whatever reason, it got pushed back to where we did Colorado this weekend, which I think we're still trying to get it in Indiana.
- 09:45
- But between an abortion now and apologia and action for life with Dennis Arfate, we've been working together to help you guys there.
- 09:55
- So what actually is the status of the bill? Because you put the bill in again this year, correct?
- 10:01
- That's correct. We authored, coauthored the bill again. It was assigned to the judicial committee and it died in the judicial committee.
- 10:12
- So we, Indiana, we, we are a temperate, we were not, we don't meet all the way all through the year.
- 10:18
- So this year we're in a short session. We went, met from the early part of January to about early part of March.
- 10:25
- And again, the bill died in committee. It never, it never got a hearing, never gotten because it never got a hearing.
- 10:33
- It was never voted on and it died in committee. That's the way the establishment wants to keep it. As long as they can keep it in committee and they can let it die in committee, the vast majority of people will not know that this bill is actually out there.
- 10:46
- When I talk, we talk to people on the pro -life front, you know, and I mean pro -life front, not the, not the abolition front, but those in Indiana who are part of the pro -life movement who are, who are abolition minded, but don't know it yet.
- 11:01
- So we try to educate people and let them know what abolition is about and what abolition is and how the pro -life movement has actually really perpetuated the, the abortion industry.
- 11:14
- And we let them know that there is a bill to abolish abortion. You know, the vast majority of people are very supportive.
- 11:21
- They're like, Oh, we didn't know that. It's like, exactly. You don't know about it because the Republican establishment doesn't want you to know about it.
- 11:28
- So that sounds very familiar. What happened here in Arizona last year with our bill.
- 11:34
- And so who specifically, okay. So is there a chance for it to be resurrected still?
- 11:41
- I know that's what happened here, or is it just completely dead for the year? It's completely dead for the year because we, what they call sine die.
- 11:47
- So we've already ended our session again about the, about mid, mid part of March.
- 11:53
- Okay. So we will not, that bill will not be able to be reintroduced until the next legislative session, which will be 2023.
- 12:00
- So again, again, the problem there is that, you know, again, representative nicely and myself, all the representatives are running for reelection.
- 12:08
- So if representative nicely and or myself are not reelected, I mean, then we're going to have to look for somebody else who's going to be willing to carry the abolition bill.
- 12:17
- Yeah. So we'll, we'll get into the election cycle here in a minute. But my question is who is responsible specifically for squashing that?
- 12:27
- Who can our followers in our little grassroots army, we've been building with an abortion.
- 12:32
- Now, who can they go out to? Who can they put phone calls into or email to? Who do we need to let the people know is failing to do their job?
- 12:41
- Well, you would, that would be representative Jerry Torr. Jerry Torr is the chairman over the judicial committee.
- 12:50
- Okay. And I know different states, different, each state is different in the way they handle their committees and the way the bills move forward.
- 12:56
- But in Indiana, when bills are, are, are authored by various representatives or senators, they're then assigned to various committees.
- 13:04
- This, the abolition bill was assigned to the judicial committee. Representative Jerry Torr was the chairman.
- 13:11
- He, the chairman has the absolute power to have the two as to whether or not a bill is going to be heard, whether or not it's going to be voted on and representative
- 13:21
- Torr chose to have the bill die in committee. He never gave it a hearing.
- 13:26
- Now, you know, that would be on the surface. So if they gave me the, if they gave you the answer, they would say, oh, representative
- 13:33
- Torr has the authority to be able to have those bills heard. But, but we all know that the way it works is that the, the caucuses in each state are the ones who make those collaborative decisions.
- 13:46
- And it's leadership that who ultimately make those decisions. So in Indiana, again, I would say it was a
- 13:51
- Republican, it was a Republican establishment leadership that made the decision to push
- 13:57
- Jerry Torr to not have the bill heard. Now, that doesn't mean that Jerry Torr's for the bill and he was going to get that he was somehow or another coerced by leadership.
- 14:07
- These guys get their positions because they do what they do, the bidding of what leadership tells them to do.
- 14:14
- Yes, exactly. And so, I mean, we, we talk about this all the time, obviously it is the, the pro -life industry that is ending, ending or is allowing abortion to end.
- 14:29
- It's the, they're the ones that are ending, not allowing the equal protection bills that will abolish it immediately to go through.
- 14:36
- And so we need to expose those legislators because they're, they're fake. They're, they're false, right?
- 14:42
- They're not doing what they've promised to do. And so you guys have any questions?
- 14:49
- I know you were nodding over there. Yeah. What do you think's the way forward in 2023? I mean, it seems like Jerry Torr is going to be the huge hurdle to get over, or what is, what is your strategy?
- 15:00
- I mean, as much as you can tell us, but what do you think needs to be happened? How can we prayerfully and actually like Pastor Luke saying, support you to get to where you need to be, which is of course having that bill voted on.
- 15:12
- So now we can really know who these people are. Right. Now I would say that also
- 15:17
- Jerry Torr, the Speaker of the House, I mean, has an enormous, before I answer your questions, Zach, I want to finish up the other one.
- 15:24
- Representative Todd Houston, the Speaker of the House, Speaker Houston is, would be the other person that people need to contact.
- 15:31
- So they can look up the Indiana General Assembly and then they can look at their contact information for Representative Todd Houston, Speaker of the
- 15:38
- House, and also the Chairman Committeeman, Jerry Torr. But to answer your question, Zach, that's a great question.
- 15:44
- So I think the primary thing that we all agreed on is that, and we have worked with Hoosiers for Life, which is the abolition organization here in Indiana that's pressing for that, that helped to author the
- 15:57
- Bill of Abolition in Indiana back in 2017. And the primary thing right now is, is making sure that, that Curt Knisely is reelected.
- 16:07
- He's been the author, he's been the champion, you know, the lead on this whole thing. And, you know, the other thing is, is to see that I get reelected.
- 16:16
- Because obviously, I mean, two years, it's really hard, you know, having to campaign every two years.
- 16:22
- And if, if Curt Knisely and or myself end up not being reelected, it's going to be very difficult for a new person coming in to hit the ground running with this, to figure out how to work the system.
- 16:39
- So that's the two main things right now. We've had a lot of, we've had Hoosiers for Life and other liberty groups getting behind us trying to get both he and myself reelected.
- 16:49
- But in addition to that, our plan going forward is, is just to gain ground. We've been calling, we've been calling legislators to repent for quite a while in Indiana.
- 16:59
- That's the number one thing. Number two, we've been calling them to, to help them understand the issue of abolition, that if they're going to, if they're going to make the concerted effort to stand against the issue of abolition, we want them to clearly understand what it is that they're standing against, you know, if they, so at least they understand it.
- 17:17
- And I know they clearly understand that we've educated them over and over and over. So, and you know, the bottom line is, is that they're just giving in to typical pro life rhetoric and they're just, and they're just going along with what they can do to basically get their check mark and get reelected.
- 17:34
- So we've given them advance notice. We've given them ample time to repent of their apathy and their willful disobedience to God.
- 17:45
- And they said, no. So again, I'm glad we picked up one other coauthor, but so in the meantime, what we've been doing along with this is we've been inspiring other people that are willing to run against the incumbent
- 18:05
- Republicans here in the state of Indiana. So we've been working with some other Liberty groups and those Liberty groups have actually helped to mobilize approximately 25 other representatives who are,
- 18:18
- I'm sorry, 25 other candidates who are willing to run against the Republican rhinos that are actually in office right now.
- 18:25
- So, and if those, if those other 25 are, or a portion of them are elected, they have, they've already been vetted.
- 18:34
- They've been interviewed and they have flat up just said that they will coauthor with the bill of abolition.
- 18:43
- They will help to push abolition forward in the state of Indiana, along with other things that are constitutionally minded, but specifically since we're talking about abolition, it's on the issue of abolition.
- 18:54
- Praise God. And of course, I can't, I can't forget to mention our good buddy Darren Stid, who
- 18:59
- I know works closely with you. Very good friend of ours. One of our favorite people in the world. And so Darren, if you know him or operations save America, they work very closely with, with our friends here in Indiana.
- 19:13
- So Darren's a good friend of mine. Yeah. Yeah. He's a great guy. I just talked to him the other day.
- 19:19
- He remembered who I was too. So that was cool. Cause yeah, he's recovering from his bonk, his noggin.
- 19:26
- He's been having some crazy brain issues going on. Um, so I love you
- 19:33
- Darren. I was giving a hard time when he called me. I was like, Hey, you remember me? Um, so, um, two questions
- 19:38
- I wanted to ask, um, one, what would be, what, what's the big, uh, pro -life
- 19:46
- I say in quotations, when that the Republicans did this year in Indiana. So we can show the distinction between ending abortion and what they're actually doing.
- 19:56
- Oh, that's, that's boy. And this one was the kicker for this one this year.
- 20:01
- It was coerced abortion. So they actually, and for some reason, right to life didn't even really profile this bill on their website, although they, it was touted as being a pro -life win.
- 20:15
- And that was women who are being coerced into an abortion cannot be coerced into an abortion.
- 20:23
- And so that if, uh, so, you know, for example, if, if, if a woman is brought to the abortion clinic by her boyfriend, husband, her pimp, whatever, and is being forced into having an abortion, it would now be against the law to actually, uh, coerce that woman into having an abortion.
- 20:45
- Wow. Yeah. And that was touted as a, as a, as a pro -life win.
- 20:50
- And there's some other things here I want to address on that one. Specifically. I had questioned,
- 20:56
- I quizzed the author of this bill on the floor and she would not answer my questions.
- 21:03
- I asked her specifically, I said, Hey, I said, is this, is this bill going to save babies? And she just kept on saying, this bill will keep women from being coerced into having an abortion.
- 21:13
- I kept on banging the drum on this and kept on trying to ask the question in different ways. She would not answer the question because I know she was, she was a newbie and she was just basically doing what she was told to say.
- 21:27
- And so I just did what I was entitled to do as another representative, and that is to call another representative and ask them to explain this bill.
- 21:35
- And because I was calling out basically that this bill is basically a big bunch of do nothingness. I had another seasoned representative who literally after I, I did that on the floor and I was polite about it.
- 21:47
- I just, just was very pressing about it. He actually pulled me off and pulled me off to the side, off into the hallway, started chewing me out and literally just big guy too.
- 21:57
- I mean, he's way bigger than I am, just started getting up in my face. I just had surgery and was in a sling and he was just getting up in my face.
- 22:04
- I honestly didn't know if he was going to actually hit me. Wow. And I told the speaker of the house, I mean, afterwards
- 22:10
- I told him, I said, I said, I don't ever want that to happen again. I said, I don't expect as a representative that when
- 22:15
- I, when I do my, my constitutional oath, my duty, what I've been voted in to do to sit there and have another representative come over and sit there and basically start threatening me and intimidating me because of what
- 22:29
- I can do on the floor to be able to sit there and just call out legislation when it's do nothing legislation.
- 22:34
- And by the way, so this, I want to say another thing on this legislation. I called it out for what it is.
- 22:42
- There was, there's already laws on the book specifically, explicitly in the state of Indiana on the issue of coercion and intimidation.
- 22:51
- In other words, you cannot intimidate, coerce, threaten anybody into doing anything.
- 22:58
- A, that is illegal. And, and also even if, even if it's legal, you cannot threaten or coerce them into doing something.
- 23:05
- And I, and I called them out on that on the floor. I said, this bill has nothing to do with even protecting women from being enforced into an abortion because we already have laws on the books and that's, and trying to just basically create a law that's already on the books to make it look like you're doing something when you're really doing nothing.
- 23:24
- It's just a bunch of do nothingness. Yeah. And I said, Oh no. And I said, and let's just call it what it is.
- 23:30
- This is just so that you base, you guys can basically look good and smell good. And you guys being the establishment, the other
- 23:37
- Republicans to look good in this upcoming election saying how you love babies and how you want to protect women.
- 23:43
- And I'm like, no. I said, any bill that basically comes to the end and it still says that, but yet you can still murder your baby.
- 23:51
- That's bad legislation. Yeah, absolutely. Exactly. Yeah. And so, I mean, that just goes back to, uh, well one,
- 23:58
- I don't even know how you would even enforce that law. Just thinking about it. That's like a part of it. If you're being coerced or threatened, you're not going to say, you know, you're not necessarily going to say it's not even, like you said, it doesn't even protect the woman because it doesn't,
- 24:17
- I don't, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this actually is going to tie in nicely to the discussion we're going to have later, but yeah,
- 24:23
- I mean, again, it just goes back to this idea of, of the women being the victim, which they can be.
- 24:29
- But again, that's the exception, not the rule. And you're right. Like most women aren't going to be like, Hey, uh, Mr. Officer over there.
- 24:35
- I'm being coerced. You know what I mean? Like, um. So like it's, it is, it's really just, it's like fluff.
- 24:41
- Like, let's see how much we care about the women. We don't want them to be coerced, but it's not really, there's no actual.
- 24:50
- Enforceability. Yeah. Yeah. There's no, it's, it's just an absolutely, you know, worthless type of move there because the abortionists and those working for the abortionists, um, it's up to their discretion to say,
- 25:04
- Hey, look, uh, you're being coerced. This is against the law. Why did they not do that before? Because there's already laws in the book for coercion, right?
- 25:11
- Right. Yeah. So they, it's a money -making industry, of course. It's in, like you said, it's just, it's worthless.
- 25:19
- And all it does is make these pro -life, uh, representatives look good so that they continue to, you know, gain support and then pro -life, uh, ministries and organizations can just continue to profit off their donors by showing them some quote unquote fruit of their ways, which is, it's nothing.
- 25:37
- It's, it's worthless. It's doing the opposite. It's just causing more babies to die. So sad.
- 25:43
- Yeah, exactly. And so again, just to show the difference, you have John and Kurt's bill that's saying we're going to criminalize and end abortion immediately, equal protection for the preborn, for all life, um, and the
- 25:57
- Republican establishment could have even got it out of committee to vote for it. But instead they squash it and said, we're going to do this fluff bill that does absolutely nothing, you know?
- 26:07
- And so that's what we've been trying to show. Cause most people, when we say that's what's going on, they're like, you're, you're crazy.
- 26:13
- And it's like, no, actually this is what's happening. Um, so my next question then is who is the, uh, who's the big, the big guns for the pro life industry in Indiana that is calling the shots behind the scenes that we can put on blast?
- 26:31
- Well, uh, I do not know. I know the, the person that was active in the state house with Indiana right to life was
- 26:42
- Kathy Humbarger, but she has since just recently retired and I don't know who her replacement is.
- 26:49
- Okay. So, but Indiana right to life typically though is the culprit, uh, whoever the present director is for Indiana right to life.
- 26:57
- They would be the ones that are working with the Republican establishment to ultimately see that the protection of life bill is killed every year.
- 27:08
- And they've come out, they've just specifically come out against the bill and telling Republicans why they cannot vote for this bill.
- 27:16
- Got it. Okay. Thank you. That's, that's helpful. Cause you know, here in Arizona, we know who it is. It's her, we've mentioned her name and I'm going to mention it again.
- 27:22
- Kathy Harrod, we're gunning for you. Um, and the, uh, what is it? The center for Arizona policy.
- 27:28
- They're, they're the ones that, that are not helpful here in Arizona. Um, so, okay, so moving on then, cause, cause
- 27:35
- I know this is, this is huge and I want, I want you to tell people, um, how hard the
- 27:41
- Republican establishment is trying to keep you and Kurt and, and others, other, others that are like -minded like you and ending abortion.
- 27:50
- How hard are they trying to make sure you don't get reelected? Oh, they're, they're working at least a one and a half million dollars hard.
- 27:59
- They've literally, they, when they read, so we, in every, every 10 years in India, so every, in the
- 28:04
- Indian constitution, every, every 10 years when the census data comes out, they have to redistrict everything. So last fall they redistricted everything.
- 28:12
- They, they hacked up my district. Even the Democrats said they gerrymandered John Jacob's district and, uh, you know, which is really the people's district.
- 28:20
- And they, they redistricted Kurt Knisely in with another representative so that they could put the money behind the current, one of the other current incumbents and actually leverage him against Kurt.
- 28:32
- They put at least a million, at least what we understand is a million dollars behind, uh, to Kurt's with, behind Kurt's opponent to try to get him out.
- 28:41
- And they put at least a half million dollars behind my opponent. They actually had to go through four different people to finally get somebody that would run against me.
- 28:51
- You know, just that, that's just a long story. I mean, one people that were going in and out, some people didn't want to, they asked, they had, they asked somebody who was running for Congress, another friend of mine, and they, he said, no,
- 29:03
- John's a friend. I'm not doing that. Another guy had a lawsuit against him. He stepped out of the race.
- 29:09
- Another former rep, she, she chose not to, uh, to run. And the
- 29:15
- Republican establishment had actually specifically gerrymandered the district to make sure that they could cut in two of these candidates right up front.
- 29:24
- But anyway, they chose not to run. And so they were scrambling, trying to find somebody to run against me.
- 29:32
- And the issue is it's just ultimately to shut us up. And I'll, and I'll use this as, as another, just an explicit example of how this is represented.
- 29:41
- So when you talk about the race, when I, I had a conversation with the speaker of the house, uh, representatives,
- 29:48
- Todd Houston, and during the session, and I'd gone to him to complain about some other issue that was happening on the floor.
- 29:56
- And he was basically, he was basically dismissive, being dismissive of me. And he immediately pivoted to my conversations on the floor.
- 30:05
- And he said, you know, John, he said the, our colleagues are the other, the other people in the caucus, i .e
- 30:11
- the Republican caucus. They're very uncomfortable with you calling abortion murder on the house floor.
- 30:17
- Because every time I got an opportunity to get up and if it had anything to do with life, I want to make my speech related to that.
- 30:24
- I wanted to be able to say abortion is murder. Hey, by the way, did I say abortion is murder? Oh yeah, abortion is murder.
- 30:30
- Well, they were getting sick and tired of it. So the speaker of the house told me what the other, my other colleagues were saying.
- 30:36
- And I said, well, Mr. Speaker, I said, you're a Christian. I said, do you not believe abortion is murder? Silence.
- 30:44
- Wow. He immediately wanted to pivot back to just what they were saying. And he didn't want to answer the question.
- 30:51
- And, uh, I'm like, wow. Okay. There you have it. So why do they do that? Why do they shy away from using biblical terms as Christians?
- 30:59
- Why won't they call it murder? I'm not sure I can answer that other than,
- 31:05
- I don't, I don't think that they, I, I think they somehow or another have bought in somehow to the lie that somehow women are just victims in this whole thing and that they just, they want to continue to, that's something that they do beat that women are victims.
- 31:18
- And I'm like, uh, and I understand sometimes that may be the case where they're, they're just actually being coerced in the situation.
- 31:24
- But the vast majority of the time we know women go in there of their own free will. Yeah. What, uh, what district are you in John, for those listening?
- 31:32
- Uh, house district 93 to basically the South side of Indianapolis. And, uh, it's, yeah, it's excellent.
- 31:40
- So if you're in Indiana, you can, uh, definitely go and help or even not in Indiana, you can go in and help
- 31:46
- John as well, but just to show my website, both for john
- 31:51
- Jacob .com is my website. It has my bio and what I've been doing. And then my, my political page, uh, my
- 31:58
- Facebook political page, it's john Jacob state representative, which has been a great tool for us to leverage against the
- 32:04
- Republican party. It's amazing. I mean, what God has really done. I mean, and I also give a lot of accolades to my social, one of my campaign managers and my, and my, he's my social, he's, he operates social media and literally, uh, two years in for me.
- 32:18
- I'm my, my Facebook page is literally bar none. It is the largest, uh, political largest
- 32:25
- Facebook social media presence out of all 150 legislators out of the house, the representatives and senators.
- 32:32
- These are people who've been around. Some of these, some of them haven't been around for decades. And with that, I've been able to pivot and put when they've been doing stuff that ticks people off when it ticks the voters off, takes the people out off out there,
- 32:44
- I let them know about it. And so it's put a lot of, a lot of, uh, exposure on the do nothing this, uh, the
- 32:52
- Republican party in Indiana, so that they, so that I've been able to use that, put pressure on them.
- 32:58
- So that one's john Jacob state representative. And I really need, I really do need campaign donations.
- 33:03
- I don't need the half million dollars that my opponent does, but I do need at least a good portion to be able to, to pivot, to be able to speak to the voters about what
- 33:13
- I really stand for. I mean, I'm, I just spent my afternoon out here in the cold and I'll be doing this all the way up until May 3rd, knocking doors.
- 33:20
- And when I tell people, you know, Hey, this is what I do. This is what I represent. This is what I did for you.
- 33:26
- This is what I have done. And I fulfilled on all my campaign promises and more. And they're like,
- 33:31
- Oh yeah, I want to vote for you. I don't want to vote for that person. I'm like, well, you know what? I need, I need campaign campaign donations to be able to get that messaging out to people.
- 33:39
- She's got, obviously got no shortage of funds from the establishment to get her message out, you know, through all sorts of, you know, through TV and everything else.
- 33:47
- I don't have that kind of money. So just to put this into perspective, I think what's a typical state rep, uh, fund.
- 33:56
- You need about 50 grand, right? For an election somewhere around there. Well, actually about the average, the average state state race is a house race is about 20.
- 34:05
- I believe Darren was telling me this afternoon, I think it was like 25 to $30 ,000. The average race.
- 34:11
- So, and that's between the primary and the general election. So around, you know, 50 to $60 ,000 between both for both.
- 34:19
- Okay. But again, but again, keep in mind when you're, when you're talking a half a million dollars in the race,
- 34:24
- I literally had a voter at the door. It was like a half a million dollars. Are you kidding me for a house race?
- 34:29
- I'm like, yeah. I said, this is how bad they want me out. Right. And so, but, but I do,
- 34:35
- I don't need a half a million dollars, but I definitely need more than the average. Sure. You know, for what would we typically run on a house race?
- 34:42
- Yeah, absolutely. Well, that, and that just shows, again, the perspective of how much money they actually are pouring into this.
- 34:49
- So yeah, you guys can go and, and, and, and help him out. That'd be awesome. And I think this is a good opportunity to talk about real quick.
- 34:57
- Our friend Don Nays, who is Zach's brother -in -law, husband to Desi Mays, half of Provoked.
- 35:05
- He just got himself on the ballot here in Arizona. And we're very excited for him. He's going to be running for, for house here in Arizona.
- 35:11
- And if he gets elected, he will be putting in our Equal Protection Act next year. So very excited for that.
- 35:17
- You can go to Don Nays for house, right? That's right. Dot com, I think is what it is.
- 35:22
- So good dude. So I want to go ahead and transition then to the, to what
- 35:28
- Abby Johnson said. I'd say some people in the chat are asking. And you can see John very, very well represented the
- 35:37
- Hoosiers today. Are you, are you an IU fan or did you just, do you just,
- 35:44
- I mean, okay. Are you a Pacers fan or you just don't care? I don't care.
- 35:50
- So I, I didn't do this on purpose because I, so I'm, I basically from Chicago. I said, I said it from Indiana, but the, the area of Indiana I'm from, it basically is included into, into Chicago.
- 36:01
- So I wore my Bulls hat today. I didn't mean to start like a basketball war, but thankfully
- 36:07
- John doesn't care. So yep. Anyways, I just wanted to say that same colors at least.
- 36:15
- But so, okay. So I'm transitioning here to Abby Johnson. So she, if you don't know who
- 36:21
- Abby Johnson is, she's been one of the premier Opponents for us in the pro -life industry.
- 36:30
- And John actually doesn't know, doesn't know what she said yet. So he's going to hear this for the first time, but she, if you don't know who she is, she's, she's
- 36:38
- Roman Catholic. I've actually done a number of talks where I've, I've mentioned a lot of stuff she's said which is very much anti what we're trying to do.
- 36:48
- And so she's Roman Catholic. She has, you know, a false gospel and in her, her approach to ending abortion has been very much the woman is a victim.
- 36:59
- That's been one of her biggest things. That's, you know, what we've been talking about, right? They refuse to call the, the mother, a victim who's hiring an assassin to, to murder her child.
- 37:10
- And that's why I read the verses I did at the beginning. Obviously most people would say, well, yeah, that's the, the abortionist.
- 37:15
- They're, they're the ones we're in the murdering the child. Yeah. But someone has, is paying them to do it. And so we're going to get into the, to the weeds here a little bit with that.
- 37:26
- Before I do that, do you guys want to add anything about Abby? I'm, I'm very, I was actually,
- 37:31
- I heard this and I was like, I was like, praise God. Yeah. Like I, I was very encouraged what she was saying because she's, she's been fighting us on this.
- 37:41
- So I was like, all right, she's listening to somebody. And like, they, they can't keep the pro -life industry can't keep squashing this and ignoring it.
- 37:50
- They have to have a response at some point. So I'm going to go ahead and pull this clip up. Gabe, if you can get that up, let's see right there.
- 37:58
- I'll go full screen here. So I'm going to go ahead and play it. It's only like a, it's not a very long clip.
- 38:04
- It was taken from a longer interview, but that's going to give us plenty to talk about. So she was on a show called, well, it's turning point, turning point
- 38:11
- USA. So here we go. And if, if, if we're going to act like it, then
- 38:18
- I think that, you know, there has to be penalty under the law for, um, for taking the life.
- 38:26
- So I'm going to pause right there. So, um, what she's, what she's saying is, um, if we're going to act like it, she means if we're going to act like all lives matter, if the child in the womb is a life is a baby is a human from conception, which she would agree to.
- 38:41
- Um, she's saying if we're going to act like that, there has to be penalties, which yes.
- 38:47
- And amen. A lot of people in the pro -life movement would disagree with you on this. You know, Abby, I know,
- 38:53
- I know they would. Um, now I'm not saying that, you know, we, that we have to lock every woman up or, or whatever, that's not what
- 39:02
- I'm saying, but I, I, I have come to a position where I, I believe that, um, that there does need to be due process.
- 39:15
- Um, and there would be some women who have absolutely been forced and coerced into making completely ignorant and have no idea, completely ignorant, have no idea what's going on.
- 39:29
- Um, you know, their friends, their, their parents have forced them into making this decision.
- 39:36
- Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely not. Um, but there are women who are very knowingly, very selfishly making the decision to have nine, 10, 12 abortions, who are taking abortions on the steps of the
- 39:53
- Supreme Court out in the open, who are taking the abortion pill on national TV. Um, do
- 40:01
- I believe that those women should go through some sort of, of possible prosecution for the murder of their child?
- 40:07
- Um, yeah, I think there should be some justice there and I think there should be some due process.
- 40:13
- And, and so I, I, I have sort of come to a different, uh, opinion on that as, as I've watched our, our culture change.
- 40:24
- So again, it wasn't very long, but again, I'm incredibly, incredibly encouraged, uh, by that.
- 40:30
- And again, this goes back to what we were, we were just talking about and what we've been saying for, for a while now is that, um, the, there are, are there women that are coerced going back to Indian law?
- 40:41
- Yes, absolutely. Or forced to? Yes, absolutely. Um, but if, if these laws that we're trying to put in, into effect actually were voted into place, um, that doesn't just, it would immediately criminalize abortion, but what's that mean?
- 40:58
- What that means is if someone has an abortion, it goes through the justice system, like she's talking about.
- 41:03
- There is a due penalty to that. There would be a trial there. They would go to court, you know?
- 41:09
- And if the, if it could be proven that she, the mother was coerced, say like, you know, like she mentioned, uh, by her parents, say it's her mom.
- 41:18
- It's the grandparents then that are guilty, right? They're the ones that are guilty of, of murder.
- 41:23
- Right. Um, or if it's the dad, he's guilty of murder and she would be found innocent. That's how murder should be, should be handled in general.
- 41:32
- Right. And that's, what's not happening. That's what the pro -life establishment pro -life industry is, is not allowing for because they just want to say all women are innocent.
- 41:41
- All women don't know what's happening now. Again, there are exceptions to that. Um, but the rule, like she just said, like there's women on national
- 41:49
- TV, you know, they've had nine abortions. Like that's the rule. That's what, that's what pastor
- 41:54
- Zach sees day in and day out. That's what John's seen day in and day out at the, at the abortion mill is women that go in there.
- 42:01
- They know exactly what they're doing. The vast majority of, yeah, they're not innocent. They know exactly what's happening.
- 42:07
- And, and so to hear Abby say this, and even to like be calling it murder, which the pro -life industry is like,
- 42:13
- John just gave a perfect example. The pro -life industry has been very, very careful not to do that. Um, she just did it.
- 42:20
- And I, I'm, I, when I saw this, like I said, I was blown away and I was like, praise God, this is huge. This is really important.
- 42:26
- And it, and I'm hoping that the conversation is now shifting, um, to a more biblical perspective away from, uh, this nonsense we're fighting.
- 42:35
- So go ahead, jump in. What do you think, John, about what you just heard Abby say? That's encouraging.
- 42:42
- I mean, it's, it's, it's a, it's a far cry from where she was at just, you know, what two, three years ago.
- 42:48
- I mean, when, when a lot of the Indianapolis were jumping in on our page and she was just instantly just being very childish and being, and instantly blocking us, you know, for any dialogue about the issue.
- 43:00
- And it's, it's hard because there's a lot of people in the pro -life movement who I think would move towards abolition who are, who don't know really where Abby Johnson stood.
- 43:10
- So they thought that Abby Johnson was very much, you know, for that she would be for abolition. And, and we try to explain to her at the time before this speaking event for Abby, you know, we were just trying to tell people, no,
- 43:22
- Abby Johnson is not for abolition. She has actually been fighting abolition bills historically.
- 43:28
- And so I, I mean, I don't look, you know, it's just as, as it is with everybody, I guess I don't,
- 43:33
- I don't, I'm not looking for people to be my enemy. I just want people, I want people to do and address the issue of the pre -born being murdered.
- 43:42
- I want them to address the issue of the Holocaust. Now, if, if our, if our opponents now come on board and are willing to fight with us, then
- 43:50
- I'm all for it. You know, I'm not, I'm not wanting to push people away if they're wanting to come on board and help with this.
- 43:57
- So I'm, I'm glad this is a good step in the right direction. You, you brought up a very, very great point.
- 44:03
- I want to just jump on here quickly. That's something that we've been saying for, for a while is we need to win the pro -life industry.
- 44:11
- We need to win those people in there to our position, right? We need to show them, we need to lead the way and show them this is the correct way to do.
- 44:19
- This is how God and his word would dictate that we handle this and not make them our enemies.
- 44:25
- And there's unfortunately so many people within the abolitionist camp who we would agree with on 99 % probably of, of, of ending abortion that, that want to make them our enemies.
- 44:39
- And we're like, no, like, no, I'm not saying everyone in that, that calls himself pro -life. I'm, I'm talking just so you know, this, there's so many people that are pro -life.
- 44:47
- I was pro -life. I mean, I'd still call myself probably, but like, until we like realized what was going on behind the scenes, you know, pro -life was electing a
- 44:58
- Republican candidates and, you know, hoping that SCOTUS would overturn Roe v. Wade. That was, that's what the majority of pro -life people think is the way to do it.
- 45:08
- And we need to win those people because they don't know there's another way. They don't know there's a better option. But the, the people that we're talking about that need to be called to repentance would be people like Abby or like the people you mentioned in, in, in Indiana rights of life that are actively blocking these equal protection bills from going into place.
- 45:29
- They're the ones that know exactly what they're doing and are misleading the majority of those in the pro -life camp.
- 45:36
- So I'm glad that I'm really glad and thankful that you mentioned that we don't need to make them our enemies. We need to win them to the truth. Yeah. We can't make them our enemies, right?
- 45:44
- Cause you're talking about 25 potential candidates for civil magistrate positions in your state.
- 45:50
- How are we going to vote them in without the pro -life movement? Right. Right.
- 45:56
- So we want to win them to a proper ideological system that's congruent with scripture, which would be the abolitionist ideological system.
- 46:04
- We want to win them to that, not just attack them because then we'll just galvanize them against us and what we're trying to do.
- 46:12
- Right. So it's attacking an ideological system of the, you know, the apostle Paul says to tear down these things, but not attacking people.
- 46:21
- I think that's where we went wrong. And I think the way forward, if we're going to vote people into positions of power who we need to be there to see these bills go through, and in your case, vote on these bills to have them go through, we got to win the pro -life movement because they're our voting base.
- 46:36
- They are the voting base to get these people to get, you know, godly people where they need to be. I've been pretty clear about my position as an abolitionist and what
- 46:45
- I ran. And as far as I know, and we talked about this within Indiana abolitionism.
- 46:52
- I think I was the first openly open abolitionist that was elected to a representative or senator position in the
- 47:03
- United States. So I, and I'm not saying, I know there's other magistrates that were abolitionists, but they were already in office or they became abolition after the fact.
- 47:14
- So, and we talked about this in depth in Indiana. It's like, well, do we want to use the word abolition? And I know that there's the purists within the abolitionist movement that they were saying, well, you got to use the word abolition.
- 47:23
- It's like, I'm not opposed to the word abolition. It's just that the vast majority of the people I knew when I went to the door and I talked to people within being within campaign literature, on social media, or that door talking to people face to face,
- 47:34
- I knew that, that I was going to lose people. They were just going to, their eyes were going to glaze over when it came to the issue of abolition.
- 47:40
- So what we came up with was, was wording that we felt like would be couched within my campaign platform.
- 47:47
- It was that, that I was a hundred percent pro -life. And that's, let me explain what that means. It means that, that I am,
- 47:53
- I am, I am for all pre -born lives. I'm not just, I'm not for right, the right to some lives as RBL is.
- 48:00
- I'm the right to all pre -born lives. All pre -born lives are created in the image of God, and therefore they should all be protected should end abortion immediately.
- 48:10
- We should defy the federal government, defy SCOTUS, and we should operate on the 10th amendment, and that we should just end abortion immediately in the state of Indiana.
- 48:20
- And yes, I understand that's going to go to court and all that stuff. But look, a lot of the regulation, do nothing regulation bills go to court anyway.
- 48:27
- So we wanted to change the, the discussion so that we could discuss abolition, but be able to educate people for those people who truly were for abolition.
- 48:38
- And I'm finding that there are a lot of people at the door that are sick and tired of what the Republican party is doing. And they would like to see an end to abortion.
- 48:45
- They were, when I explained what the abolition bill does, they're like on board, signing up, you know?
- 48:50
- So, and we, we stopped in Indiana. I think a lot of the abolitionists, we realized that we didn't need to just intentionally alienate the people that were in the pro -life movement who were abolition minded.
- 49:03
- They just don't know they're abolition minded. So we thought, you know what, we're going to start coming to these events and everything and trying to find those people who were abolition minded, but yet don't know it and try to educate them on, oh, we can do that.
- 49:18
- We can end abortion in Indiana immediately. Yes, we can. And this is how we can do it. And they're like, wow, sign me up.
- 49:25
- So we are, I believe we are winning in Indiana. I think that the movement is growing in Indiana because of that.
- 49:31
- And we're not trying to intentionally alienate people. We're not compromising the abolition position, but we are educating people so that they understand what it is that abolition is all about.
- 49:41
- Yeah, man, praise God for that. And this, what I'm about to say is going to get, get me in trouble with some abolitionists and I'm perfectly okay with that.
- 49:51
- But there's, there's a, there's some ideology that says that people need to repent of being pro -life.
- 50:01
- And I'm of the, we are of the mindset that, well, one, that's not biblical. That's not a sin in the
- 50:07
- Bible to repent of. But being pro -life isn't a sin.
- 50:12
- Like we just, like you said, we need, like I said, we need to win those people. We need to show them the correct way. What people need to repent of is apathy and cowardice and laziness.
- 50:23
- That's, those are actual sins in the Bible that need to be repented of. Being pro -life isn't a sin.
- 50:29
- And like, I love how you said, I'm a hundred percent pro -life. We're saying like, we are truly pro -life. That's how we were.
- 50:35
- And it's the same, the same idea, but we truly are pro -life. We're Christians because we stand on God's objective standard of, of what defines pro -life.
- 50:45
- And so, so I, I'm, I'm so thankful, so thankful that you said that and how you described that.
- 50:51
- I was going to say one other thing in there. The one thing I did add in there is also I'm a hundred percent pro -life, no exceptions.
- 50:57
- But I want to end all abortion immediately. And that's, that's another thing. My, my opponent, actually the
- 51:02
- Republican establishment, when they did this, they actually stole my 2020 platform language.
- 51:08
- And my opponent is actually using my a hundred percent, a hundred percent pro -life language. And I'm thinking you're a flat up liar.
- 51:15
- You're actually flat up lying because the establishment has actually fought me on that language. There's no way in the world they're going to get behind you and support that language.
- 51:23
- So I started having to realize that I had to even pivot my language and be more explicit to be able to show that I'm not that,
- 51:30
- I'm this. And to make my abolition platform clearer to the people.
- 51:36
- And as I am doing that, people are saying, yeah, I'm going to vote for you. I'm not voting for her. Yeah. Well, but that also shows you that what you're doing is working.
- 51:44
- Because you're defining the terms, right? And they're defining the terms properly.
- 51:50
- And, and they're saying, you know what? We need to use that same language, even if they're being dishonest.
- 51:56
- So that, that shows you that you're shifting the conversation. And, you know, and you know what
- 52:02
- I'm, what I'm going to say, because it's Rusty Thomas's favorite thing to say is the paradigm shift, right? Like you're shifting the language, you're shifting the paradigm.
- 52:10
- And, and so praise, praise God for that. Yeah. I just hope we can go back and like cut out or pull out the little clip where you explain your methodology there, right?
- 52:19
- Of educating them, of letting them know you're actually an abolitionist. You just didn't know about that.
- 52:26
- Going at it with graciousness and understanding and patience and bringing them to a destination ideologically, that is the key.
- 52:34
- And I think that's why you're where you are. And I think anybody wanting to replicate hopefully what you're doing in Indiana should listen to that carefully because it's the grace.
- 52:45
- It's the grace of God and his sovereignty. I mean, it's ultimately where you're, where you are, but it's also him through you using that particular methodological system that has gotten you to where you are.
- 52:56
- It's so important. Amen. I agree. Joy, you're wearing your fearfully and wonderfully made pro -life t -shirt.
- 53:03
- I am. My 100 % pro -life t -shirt. Without exception. Without exception.
- 53:09
- I should put, we should add to this baby lover without exception. You have anything you want to add to that?
- 53:15
- No, I'm just, I mean, that's a huge change with Abby. I, obviously, you know, it's not perfect, but that's kind of how it looks when you're headed somewhere.
- 53:26
- Sometimes it doesn't look like you're there yet. Because if you have any other, you know, view on that particular subject, it's like absurd.
- 53:36
- Right. You have to shoehorn yourself into an absurd position to say, murderers shouldn't receive any type of penalty.
- 53:43
- Right. Right. Because that's ultimately what they're saying. So that's why I'm glad she's come to that.
- 53:48
- But it's just so common. It's just common sense. Right. Yeah. And you know, I think the encouragement from that, obviously, is just that she continues to follow that to its logical.
- 54:02
- Yeah. Destination. Destination. Then, yeah, then she's close to the biblical position.
- 54:10
- It's just kind of, it's funny because we're like, yeah, Abby, you're coming into the understanding, but it's just, we're simply saying people who murder innocent human beings should be held accountable for that.
- 54:20
- Yeah. It's like when they asked Trump, remember, he was running in 2016. They're like, hey, do you think women should be punished for killing their babies, you know, for having abortions?
- 54:28
- And his response was, yeah. Right. Yeah. It's pretty, it's simple.
- 54:34
- I mean, you look at that and you're so thankful she's coming to that conclusion, which we are. But in another sense, you're like, the way.
- 54:41
- Yeah. I mean, that's the only logical. Lord willing, she'll say the same thing one day.
- 54:49
- I've done, you know, I'm sure we've all done. We've all had our joy moments like, oh, okay. Wow. Absolutely.
- 54:55
- Well, without getting too far into the weeds here, I mean, John told us before that he was, you know, he was saved out of Roman Catholicism and.
- 55:03
- Right. And ultimately, like what people don't realize is it's Rome that's driving this pro -life industry ideology, right?
- 55:12
- The reason they won't call women murderers is because that is a mortal sin that you cannot be a part of the
- 55:21
- Roman Catholic church. If you've committed a mortal sin, you can't be saved from that. And, um, and it's like literally like the first one listed as a mortal sin.
- 55:29
- And so there's, there's a huge, even theology behind that. That's driving that. And most people don't know that most evangelical
- 55:36
- Christians who are against Roman Catholic theology don't understand that what's driving that ideology is
- 55:43
- Rome. And, uh, and so that's, that's super important. Well, it's very important, uh, that we define what's actually happening as murder because that's what the actual, if, if, if there's a crime committed and there's a victim, that means that there is a process which makes that victim whole, which is justice.
- 56:09
- Um, and you can't, justice can't be, it can't be fabricated.
- 56:17
- You can't pretend you got justice. Um, and so a huge part of, you know, even if you,
- 56:23
- I think a huge part of the play here historically has been the ignorance, which even was alluded to in that interview with Abby, some people are just ignorant.
- 56:32
- And it's like, well, I'm not ignorant about what murder is. It's been clearly defined for me by the law.
- 56:40
- So, you know, it's, it's, so that's been, that's, that's the game they're playing, which is if, if we can't, if we don't clearly define it, then we can still say women are ignorant of what's going on.
- 56:53
- Sure. But that's not really the case. That's just a, that's a play. That's a con. Because largely people are completely aware of what happens when, um, uh,
- 57:06
- I mean, of what happens when you, uh, what, what it takes to reproduce and create a person.
- 57:15
- That's very clear. We're clear about what it is. We're clear about what the baby becomes or starts out as completely.
- 57:23
- And so, yeah, it's just the, the definition is so important because all that's where you, that's where all these little, like you're talking about just absurdities, that's where these absurdities exist.
- 57:37
- That's where they're allowed to exist. Cause you can kind of, I mean, in absurdity land, you can just say whatever you want to get to your ultimate position, but it's so important to be defining these things.
- 57:50
- Because all that ambiguity is just where mad foolishness, I guess is the best word for it.
- 57:56
- Cause you can get away with whatever you want. I mean, and that's the situation when you redefine what murder is, not looking at it, of course, the way that God defines it.
- 58:05
- Um, horrible things happen when we put our own definitions into what
- 58:10
- God has already clearly defined. Right. Horrible, horrible, horrible things happen when you think about it's the dehumanizing of the baby.
- 58:18
- It's calling a baby, not a human. And so we've redefined what we know to be true.
- 58:24
- And then it's open game on that particular people group. Same thing in 20th century
- 58:29
- Germany. Same thing during the slave trade. No, they're not human. And so it's just,
- 58:34
- I think it's really the enemy's tool to just absolutely victimize certain, uh, segment of the populace when you can take away what we know to be true about them.
- 58:45
- Right. Yeah. I was just going to say, speaking of absurdity, and I don't know if you, you saw this, John, did, if you guys saw the bill that's being introduced in Maryland or was just introduced, uh,
- 58:55
- I don't have it. I'm going to give you a rough outline of what this bill is.
- 59:00
- Cause I'm not entirely sure how it works yet, but essentially it's a, this is bill 669 in, in Maryland essentially legalizes the murder of children during the perinatal period.
- 59:13
- So not prenatal perinatal essentially is like 30 days before birth and 30 days after.
- 59:21
- So it, it eliminates the criminalization of the murder of children 30 days before birth and 30 days after.
- 59:28
- And essentially from what I was told, um, from what I understand is that it makes it so there can't even be like an investigation after.
- 59:37
- It's insane. Yeah. Like that's absurd path. I don't think so. I think it just was introduced.
- 59:43
- I don't think it will pass from what I hear, but the fact that they're that brazen. So I don't even understand that.
- 59:51
- So 30 days after, what is that? How many weeks, seven weeks after it says from the 20th to 29th week of gestation to one to four weeks after birth.
- 01:00:01
- Okay. So the baby's crying, the baby's cooing, smiling, um, breastfeeding, drinking.
- 01:00:08
- So they can what? Bring the baby to the facility to have the babies just killed.
- 01:00:14
- I don't understand. Yeah. I don't know. So there's, you think about an abortionist and an abortion clinic, it's going to be filled with babies that, that they're going to bring into a back room for the doctor to cut the spinal cord.
- 01:00:27
- Yeah. I don't think that, I mean, you could never, yeah, it's insane, but that's what, that's insane.
- 01:00:35
- That's wicked. Yeah. That's where the left is headed. So, um. Yeah. Well, and they're putting that,
- 01:00:40
- I mean, I guess that's really ultimately the, the importance of what you're doing, John, is that they're doing something about it.
- 01:00:47
- And we're going to also, if they're going to be so brazen as to say, you can kill your already born child when that's,
- 01:00:54
- I mean, that's so far past the argument they already made, however many decades ago. Right.
- 01:00:59
- How do we respond to that? That's, I just. But that means we need people, and we don't even just need people as a presence in front of abortion mills.
- 01:01:11
- We need people as we need state, we need representatives, we need senators, we need people who can actually get in there where the stuff's happening.
- 01:01:23
- Yeah. Men like John Jacob. Yeah. I think, I think, you know, you asked me, what are we doing in Indiana?
- 01:01:29
- So this is something else I was thinking about. Something as I speak across the state. I think the other issue is, yes, we need more.
- 01:01:38
- I think we need more principled born again believers in the political realm. But I think that one thing
- 01:01:46
- I think I really harp on is the issue of the church, the church. Amen. I had to repent of my apathy. I think the church in America has predominantly become saltless and lightless.
- 01:01:55
- And I tell people, I have people that I go to church with. I mean, other believers, you know what? We as a church are the first people that need to step up of our apathy and be the salt and light and bring the gospel and the conflict with the culture.
- 01:02:07
- And we need to bring the gospel, not only in the conflict with the culture, but also with the political realm, because Jesus Christ is
- 01:02:12
- Lord of Lords. He's King of Kings, by the way, that is a political term. Right. Yeah. Amen. I don't care what your 501c3 says, you know, you, you need as a believer need to be involved in the political realm because Jesus is
- 01:02:25
- Lord over all realms. And he is Lord of the political realm. And look, the Bible says, I mean, you know, in Proverbs, it says, when the wicked rule, the people groan.
- 01:02:33
- I don't know about you, but I'm groaning. I'm groaning because we've abdicated the political realm to the wicked.
- 01:02:39
- And then we wonder why things are the way they are. Right. It's like, we need to take this back.
- 01:02:44
- Absolutely. And it's just, it's frustrating. I mean, to me, it's a two -pronged approach. It's the issue of the church repenting of its apathy.
- 01:02:51
- And then also not, and specifically into the political realm and, and, and bringing believers into the political realm and saying, yes, we can do this.
- 01:02:59
- And yes, Christ calls us to do that too, to make disciples of all nations. And yes, that includes politicians.
- 01:03:06
- Yes. Amen. Man, you, you were preaching to the choir brother. And I guess Zach and I always say it starts in the pulpit, right?
- 01:03:12
- It has to start with pastors. And, and I'm so thankful that you said that. That's how we approach things where there's, we have the two pronged approach.
- 01:03:18
- We have an abortion now, which is our prophetic gospel driven side of things. And then we have action for life, which is our legislative arm that is still based upon biblical principles.
- 01:03:30
- And God's word is our objective standard, but there has to be that two -pronged approach.
- 01:03:35
- So thank you so much. Go ahead. I have one, I have one thing if you don't mind. Yeah. So, you know, we were talking about the paradigm shift on the education side.
- 01:03:43
- You know, one thing I am finding is, is that yes, Roman Catholicism has driven the right to life side with the issue of not being willing to call abortion murder.
- 01:03:52
- But you know, one thing I am finding encouraging is I'm talking to more and more Roman Catholics there as we're talking about this paradigm shift overall, and trying to bring people over to the idea of abolition.
- 01:04:01
- I'm encouraging, I'm encouraged to see that there are Roman Catholics who, once I start educating them on this issue, that they're willing to swing over to our side.
- 01:04:09
- Praise God. That's great. That's amazing. Yeah. Praise the Lord for that. Well, thank you so much brothers for being on here today.
- 01:04:15
- Again, let everyone know where they can go and support you. Voteforjohnjacob .com.
- 01:04:21
- It's my website. And I have the giving link on there to raise the money, giving link on the website right there on the main, my main page.
- 01:04:31
- And then also my John Jacob State representative Facebook political page. I do a lot of videos, a lot of stuff on there, what
- 01:04:38
- I've been doing for the last two years on there. They can check out, you know, what I'm all about on there. That has a lot more information, you know, detailed information of what
- 01:04:47
- I've been doing here in the state of Indiana. Awesome. Praise God. Hey, did we meet in Connecticut in 2016 at an
- 01:04:54
- Operation Save America? Were you there? It was, I don't know if it was in, it wasn't in Connecticut.
- 01:05:00
- We met somewhere. I can't remember which it was. I think it was at an OSA event. I can't remember where it was at though.
- 01:05:05
- Yeah. It may have been Connecticut in 16 or Indianapolis in 17. Well, actually, you know what?
- 01:05:11
- Were you, I think the last time I saw you was, were you at the, uh, the
- 01:05:17
- Southern Baptist convention? No. Okay. That was Zach Gorgon. I'm Zach Morgan.
- 01:05:22
- Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Are you serious? Is that really a guy?
- 01:05:28
- I was like, I totally, I totally was like, wow. How can that be? No, man.
- 01:05:34
- I just want to tell you, I'm so thankful for you and you're just demonstration of manhood. All glory to God.
- 01:05:40
- But I'm super thankful for everything you're doing. Thank you. And I appreciate, I really appreciate you guys getting me on, having me on here.
- 01:05:48
- Yeah, for sure. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate all you guys are doing. Oh man.
- 01:05:54
- Same, same with you, brother. We'll, we'll stay in touch and, and see how we can continue to help you in Indiana. So, uh, brother.
- 01:06:01
- Absolutely. Well, man, that was encouraging. Um, I'm going to go ahead here and Gabe, if you could, uh, pull that up.
- 01:06:08
- Uh, I'm going to, you know, that, uh, is, uh, um, so you know how there's the science curriculum, the apology, uh, well, one of their guys is named
- 01:06:20
- Jeff and his email is Jeff at apologia .com. No way. Oh yeah. You know how many emails he has to forward to me?
- 01:06:28
- Ouch. That's hilarious. Yeah. It's not apologia .com. It's apologiastudios .com or apologiachurch .com.
- 01:06:34
- Right. It's not Zach Gorgon. It's like the upside down version of you.
- 01:06:41
- Yeah. You're all true. You're evil twin. Uh, well, uh, on that note, I wanted to talk about, uh, good old reform con 22, uh,
- 01:06:53
- Gabe, I don't know if you pulled that up or not. I got the website up. Um, and we're very excited. We are going to be putting more speakers up this week.
- 01:07:01
- Right now we have pastor Jeff, uh, pastor Toby and David Bonson up, but again, uh, committed.
- 01:07:08
- We are already are pastor James slash Dr. White, uh, John Sampson, Andrew Sandlin, Joe flowers, definitely not flowers.
- 01:07:16
- Most definitely not. Um, and there's a possibility there may be a debate on Saturday night.
- 01:07:22
- We're working on that, uh, possibly. And, uh, we'll have a, I know we'll be getting a lot of questions about sponsors.
- 01:07:29
- We're going to have some amazing sponsorship opportunities. Um, we're going to have booths for sponsors.
- 01:07:36
- I know I've been being asked about podcasts. We are going to have a podcast row. So just be watching for that. We will announce that whenever everything's up and it will be up soon.
- 01:07:44
- Um, we're going to have, I'm very excited about this. Um, so Thursday night. And again, the dates, um, for that are
- 01:07:50
- October 27th to 29th here in Mesa. Um, but, um, uh,
- 01:07:58
- Thursday night, uh, we'll have registration and then a time of fellowship with, with food for everyone.
- 01:08:03
- And then we are going to have an after party, which is going to be really, really cool at the hotel. I'm very excited about that.
- 01:08:09
- So be watching for that. That will be an extra add on you can get. Um, but, uh, very excited for that opportunity.
- 01:08:15
- Um, so anyways, um, as always, thank you everyone. Um, by the way, that's reform con .org.
- 01:08:21
- You can go to sign up right now and get your early bird tickets. They will be going up to regular price soon.
- 01:08:26
- So right now, uh, tickets are cheaper. Um, so, um, as always, thank you so much, everyone for your support.
- 01:08:36
- Um, so we can do apology radio. We can do sheologians are provoked. Uh, we can have guests on like John Jacob and, um, that's here in apology studios and within abortion.
- 01:08:48
- Now you and action for life. You, you make it so we can help support men like John Jacob who are incredibly brave and courageous and, and, and a blessing to not only the church, but to our nation and their local areas where they, uh, have jurisdiction.
- 01:09:06
- So thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Uh, Zach Gorgon, see ya.
- 01:09:14
- See you later. Enjoy the girl. Bye. Oh, peace out.