I Told Gab that God Is Destroying the US and Canada

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Happy President's Day. I remembered it was President's Day because I went ice fishing this morning. There was a lot of people out today.
And I was like, that's weird. It's a Monday. Usually I'm out here all alone. And then I remembered, it's President's Day.
Who's your favorite president? I don't think I have one, but, you know, let me know in the comments what your favorite president is.
You know, I, um, I posted this on Gab this morning, and I'm not sure what
I was expecting. You know, I knew that some people wouldn't like it, but I didn't think it would be enough to get, like, a lot of negative comments about it, right?
Because, you know, most of the time you see something you don't like, you just ignore it. But, like, when you get really triggered, you know, you have to respond and things like that.
So, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting with this, but I got a lot more pushback than I thought. Now, a lot of likes as well.
So people are all feeling kind of the same thing that I'm feeling. Here's what my post says. Pretty, you know, normal stuff.
I mean, it's nothing controversial. At least that's what I thought. It says this. It says, Canada and the United States are currently being destroyed by God.
His people will still feel some of these effects, but He will remain faithful to us. Trust Him.
Follow His plan. Be fruitful. Multiply. Obey Him. Teach others to obey
Him. Keep it simple. No matter how much you protest, you can't stop what's coming.
The nations must be humble or be humbled. Now, what
I had in mind is just, you know, obviously there's a lot of economic uncertainty. You know, our currency is being debased more and more every day.
You know, inflation is a very serious threat. I mean, people are feeling the pinch. You know,
I saw something online that said something like the official reports like 60 % of people are living paycheck to paycheck.
That's probably more like 80 % of people. And that's tough because if you're already living paycheck to paycheck understanding that, you know, the cost of living is going to be another 10 % probably this year at least.
There's going to be a lot of suffering already out there. And then I was also thinking just about sort of the tyranny that we're seeing here in the
United States but also Canada. You know, what happened in Ottawa over the weekend.
Sadly predictable and just horrible to see, you know, people get trampled by, you know, a horse and to see the financial you know, assets of people being frozen for ridiculous reasons.
You know, police officers harassing you know, business owners and then laughing about it in their little private chat rooms and stuff like that.
It should not be surprising when police officers, you know, are kind of reveling in, you know, doing their duty to like beat down people that were like supporting them yesterday.
And people are saying, well, I hope this doesn't happen in the United States. It's already happened and much worse in the United States.
So it's I don't think it's any question. Then you see like the situation in Ukraine and it's only a matter of time before there's some kind of a conflict and things like that.
But the bottom line though is that our nation is a shell of what it once was and it's heading down a very dark path.
Canada is heading down a very dark path as well. And quite frankly, this is the judgment of God.
I think it's very clear in the Bible that God judges nations who disobey Him and He blesses nations that obey
Him. Our nation is just heaping sin upon sin upon sin upon sin and God won't put up with that for very long.
And I think that the hand of God is upon us right now. And so what this message was just a call to God's people and the call is just, look, whatever else happens, you remain faithful in your families and your churches and you're not going to be totally insulated from the judgment that God is unleashing on the
United States or Canada right now. You're not going to be totally unaffected. But if you remain faithful, fruitful, multiply, make disciples of all nations and all that kind of stuff, it's a very simple plan, right?
God will be merciful to His people. He always leaves a remnant and all of that.
And even when we're in exile, because that's another thing. There was a great sermon by Jared Longshore about David in exile and how he was raiding the
Philistines and stuff like that. Even in exile, there's opportunities for God's people to be faithful to Him and to take ground for the kingdom of God.
I am not pessimistic about the kingdom of God in any stretch of the imagination.
However, that does not mean we're immune from hard times. And we're heading into hard times right now.
So that's what I was thinking about. Pretty kind of basic stuff, but I got a ton of pushback on this and wanted to respond to some of that.
So first off here, we've got William E. Mims. He's got a picture of Donald Trump in his bio here.
Donald Trump has exposed them all. There's no such thing as communist or Nazi. Those words are pathetic attempts to hide totalitarianism and slavery.
Democrats are Nazis. Democrats are communists. Nazis and communists are just pure evil. That's what his bio says.
And he responds with just, whatever. I don't know. I don't really have anything to say about that. Here we've got a positive comment.
He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Amen to that. God is in the heavens and he's laughing at the pathetic rebellions of the nations.
No question about that. Here's a sponsored post. Clown world dating. Clown world dating.
That's a weird one. This is actually the thrust of what
I was saying. Jay has a positive comment here. He quotes two Bible verses. One is Leviticus 18 25.
It says the land became unclean so that I punished its iniquity and the land vomited out its inhabitants.
Amen. God still works this way. There's just no question about it. What's amazing about this verse is
God is actually talking about pagans. They didn't have a covenant with God but he was still spitting them out because of their iniquity.
They polluted the land with their sin and God judged them harshly. He still works this way.
There's no reason to think he does not work this way with nations anymore. And then he quotes Zephaniah 2 3.
This is the exact thing I was talking about. The prophet says, Seek the
Lord all you humble of the land who do his just commands. Seek righteousness. Seek humility.
Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the anger of the Lord. Amen. Amen. He's calling for people to be humble, to be righteous, to seek righteousness, to seek humility so that when calamity comes, he passes over you.
You know, that kind of thing. I agree. Here is a comment. Just Canada and the U .S.? No, not just Canada and the
U .S. but especially Canada and the U .S. are being destroyed by God. This person says so are the
Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France, and so on. I agree. This person agrees. Okay. Okay.
Let's find a couple of negative comments here. You are starting to sound pre -mill.
Well, the thing about being post -millennial, which I am, is that it doesn't mean that things are always better every single day, like every day that passes is better than the day before so you have no problems in your life at all.
It's not like that at all. I've kind of described it as kind of an up and down but a positive trend for the kingdom of God and all of that.
Here is what S. Andrews says. He says, I agree, but God is not doing this to us.
It is the inevitable outcome of sin and disobedience to His laws and our lack of reverence and thanksgiving for His having created us and all that exists.
God is allowing these events, and you are right, through prayer and humility, admitting that we have sinned and turning back to Him, we may mitigate our punishment and receive
His great mercy. Yeah, I agree with this. This is our fault. This is our unfaithfulness. This is our sin.
God didn't make us sin. However, God did promise what would happen if we turned our backs on Him and stuff like that.
He created the world to work this way and that's how it works, and so I agree with that completely.
This is someone who calls himself dissent should be normal. He says,
A .D., there is no provision in the new covenant for God to destroy His own creation. You are mistaken and poorly taught.
All authority in heaven and earth has been given to the Son whom we know as Jesus, and all judgment is
His and His alone. Well, you know, I'm not saying—this is just a misunderstanding—
I'm not saying He's going to destroy His creation, but He is going to destroy the nations that oppose
Him. There is no question about this. There's many, many verses that talk about this. Christ is at the right hand of the
Father, and He is sitting there until all His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet.
May Trudeau perish in disgrace. May Joe Biden perish in disgrace. He is making all of His enemies a footstool for His feet right now, and so I'm not saying
God is destroying His creation. What I am saying, though, is that He is destroying the nations that oppose
Him, and sadly, the United States is a nation that opposes Christ. All right.
Let's continue. Here's what Respond with the Quickness says. He says, A .D., I want to qualify this by adding that the truckers are right to protest
Trudeau and the World Economic Forum puppets in Canada, and to reject their ungodly overreach of civil authority, but as you say, we should not expect anything other than national destruction unless and until we repent.
I agree. It's totally fine to protest, but I do think we ought to take a step back and look at these protests for what they are, because when
I look at what's happening with the protests, I see like strange dancing and drinking and just all kinds of like quite frankly, it kind of looks like a bit of debauchery to me, and so, yes, we should protest, but this is why this whole time
I've been saying, you know, you could go to the trucker protests and have a weirdo dance party, or you can just not do what they tell you to do.
Say, nope, I'm not getting the vax, nope, I'm not going to wear the mask, and I'm going to go about my business, and that's that.
And it doesn't mean that they won't come for you. I mean, they came for pastors for having church. You know, this is a wicked, evil government, no question about it.
They jailed pastors for having church. Right? So, obviously, there's going to be a price to pay for exercising your freedoms, but the thing is, freedom isn't free, right?
But it doesn't mean that the only options are do nothing or go to the trucker protests where they're dancing to weirdo music and, you know,
I don't know. I saw some weird things with some gas canisters. I saw
Owen Benjamin posted the video from Zoolander when they're all spraying gas everywhere.
I thought that was hilarious. But, yeah, this is the thing. And lots of people have this dichotomy in their minds like either do nothing or go to Ottawa for a protest and hold up a protest sign.
And that's the other thing. A lot of these protests, it's just profane. It's like, you know, screw Trudeau, and even worse than that, and things like that.
What do you expect is going to happen when you're promoting? This is the side of good, by the way.
We're being told this is the good side, and it's just vulgarity. I just don't understand the
Let's Go Brandon stuff. For the side of good to be promoting that stuff,
I just don't see it as a godly kind of protest. I'm not saying do nothing.
I'm saying do something, but you don't have to go to the trucker protest. That doesn't make any sense to me, and I really don't like that dichotomy.
Excuse me. I don't think that dichotomy is kind of something that's just naturally come up.
I'm saying don't wear the mask and make that be your protest. Don't get the vax and let that be your protest.
Continue doing business and let that be your protest, and then when they jail you for opening up your coffee shop,
I mean, then that's the, I guess, freedom isn't free, right? That's what people always tell me, right? I agree.
Freedom isn't free, so exercise your freedom and pay the price. Alright.
This person says these commies aren't god. That's true. These commies aren't god. We understand that.
Communists are destroying the country, but if you understand the scripture, God regularly uses pagans for his purposes.
There's a number of times in the Old Testament law where God says he's going to judge Israel, and the way he does it is by bringing in Babylon to destroy
Israel, right? He brings in Babylon and he uses them to conquer and enslave and all of that Israel, and then he says, and by the way,
Babylon, because of your sin, I'm going to turn around and destroy you because you weren't doing this for me.
You were doing this for your own evil purposes, and I think that's what's going on with the commies, right? Trudeau is an instrument in God's hand.
That doesn't mean he's doing the right thing. He's doing evil because he's evil, right?
But he's an instrument in God's hand, and God is judging Canada for their sin, and he's using
Trudeau to do it. Likewise, God is judging the United States for our sin, our heaps and heaps and heaps of sin, and he's using
Joe Biden as an instrument in his hand. Now, Joe Biden's not doing the right thing, so he's going to be judged in addition to everybody else, but that's what's happening.
God did that in the Old Testament. He's doing it now in the New Testament. There's no reason to believe that God does not operate the same way that he's revealed he operated in the past.
Anyway, so that's how I want to respond to FunBobby51 said that.
Quinton Cuduward says this, if we get into positions of power, big or small, we can humble our areas of influence to God still.
Amen. That's what I'm talking about. This is what I'm talking about. You see, we've got to avoid this dichotomy where it's like join the dance party in Ottawa or do nothing.
No, no, I'm not talking about doing nothing. I'm talking about gaining ground for Christ in normal, everyday, simple kind of ways.
By the way, this is what my whole speech is going to be about at the upcoming conference. If you're in the
Austin area, oh my goodness, what's the name of the conference? I forget.
I am such a horrible person at marketing, but I will put the link to it in the description of this video, and my whole speech is going to be about everyday disobedience because that's what we need right now.
We don't need more flashy dance parties at town hall or city hall or whatever. What we need is everyday obedience.
That's how we win this thing. Alright, so let's continue.
Good comment, by the way, Quentin. I completely agree. Dan Medina says, while the devil does what?
Sorry, can't buy this one. God may have forsaken much, but he is not destroying anything. We are, with the help of Satan.
Again, I get it. I know what you're saying. I get it, but the thing is, the Bible reveals to us how
God works. He destroys Israel. He judges Israel with Babylon or other nations, whatever it is.
They're an instrument in his hand, but then he turns around and judges them because their hearts weren't right before God either.
They weren't doing it knowing that God was using them. They were doing it for their own selfish purposes and all of that.
So, that's just a misunderstanding there. Renee says, it can't be stopped.
That's your opinion. Well, I mean, I guess it is my opinion, but what I'm basing my opinion on is the way that God promises he will act in the
Bible. The Bible tells us that he provides nations blessings of abundance, economic booms, good weather, no pestilence, and things like that for nations that obey him and for nations that disobey him and decide that they're just going to rebel against Christ.
He promises curses and economic turmoil, calamities, wars, violence, lack of peace, pestilence, things like that.
So, of course, it is my opinion, but I'm basing that opinion on what the Bible says God is like.
And so, there you go. Changelang Changelang says, Changelang says, did
God know every decision Satan would make before he created him? Yes, Changelang. He did. All right.
Regalitardkiller Religitardkiller. Ah! Very clever. Very clever. He says, there is no
God. They are being destroyed by Jews and their communist foot soldiers. Again, these things aren't mutually exclusive.
So, again, God could be using communists and Jews to judge the nations, right?
And he could be doing it as an instrument in their hand, then he turns around and judges them in return because they weren't doing it for the right reasons.
They had arrogant hearts and things like that. Dude, you know there's a
God just like I do. I'm not going to try to prove to you that there's a God. Stop being an idiot and all of that.
President Trump, the greatest ever. That's what this person goes by. President Trump, the greatest ever.
He says, love God, Jesus Christ, President Trump, the Constitution, and the Republic. I love
God. I also love Jesus Christ. President Trump, eh. Constitution, eh.
The Republic. I do like my nation, so I love that as well. Anyway, he says this.
Who are you to speak on behalf of God Almighty? Did God speak directly to you? No, I don't think so.
Self -righteous jerks like you are usually the biggest hypocrites. You sound like a controlled opposition in the very least, and at the very most, a lost soul.
Pathetic! And then in all caps, he says, Rise up! Rise up, good people of this planet, because we can stop
Satan and his plans. Everything is possible with God Almighty. Now, I'm not going to be too mean to you because you seem like you probably have your heart in the right place.
But I was not saying that all things aren't possible with God or anything like that. But what I am doing is
I'm applying the Scripture that God spoke to his people. He didn't speak directly to me in a way that he hasn't spoken to you.
President Trump, the greatest ever. But in his word, he spoke to his people, and he told us what he's like.
And in that word, he said, he judges, he gives curses for disobedience to nations and blessings for obedience to nations.
I don't think there's any question that Canada and the United States have been disobedient to God, and he has been so patient with us, and we've heaped sin upon sin upon sin upon sin, and we're very sinful people.
And God has promised, because he's holy, and because he never lies, and because he's totally righteous, I can say with a good degree of certainty what
God is going to do to our nation if we don't humble ourselves. And that's what my comment was saying.
Look, we will either be humble, or he will humble us. And that's the point.
So, I'm just a nobody, you know, but I'm a believer in Christ, and God spoke to me in his word, just like he spoke to you, and that's who
I am. I have no special qualifications, except for the fact that what I'm doing is
I'm applying the scripture to this situation, and I would urge you to do the same thing. I think that these these, one last one,
Soccer Punch says, this is heresy and the misdirection of the lazy. Again, Soccer Punch here seems to be caught in this trap of the dichotomy is you do stupid protests in Ottawa or nothing.
And that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying take dominion over the things you have control over.
You have no control over their turf. Ottawa is their turf. DC is their turf.
City Hall, that's their turf, right? And so, you can go there if you like, I just don't think that's the most effective way to protest.
If you like to do that, fine, go ahead and do that, but I would suggest that you do not ignore the everyday stuff that you can do, and I think the everyday stuff will be much more effective.
And what I mean by everyday stuff is go about your business, don't obey their nonsense, and just build your families, take care of your churches, and your local communities, and things like that.
Again, all this just for a weird protest in the capital of Canada, it's a dance party.
It's a dance party with kind of vulgar, when you just take a step back, what's actually happening here?
It's very, very weird to behold that people are so behind this.
It's like, I get it, I don't like tyranny either, and I'm not saying that you do nothing, I'm saying that you do things, but what
I'm saying is that is probably not the thing to do. It just seems like it's very easy to squash that, it's very easy to turn public opinion against that.
It hasn't happened yet, but I still think that that's a very big possibility that public opinion will be in full support of what's happened in Ottawa and all of that kind of thing.
I guess time will tell, maybe I'll be wrong, but we've got to break free from this dichotomy, because people are reading this comment like, what are you saying, do nothing?
Are you lazy? Are you in a controlled opposition? I'm like, no, I'm telling you not to wear your mask, I'm telling you not to get the vaccine,
I'm telling you to keep your business open, I'm telling you to mind your own business and forget what Trudeau has to say.
That's what I'm saying. Trudeau doesn't own me. I'm saying go to church, and if they want to arrest you for having church, let them arrest you for having church.
I'm saying you answer to Christ, you don't answer to Justin Trudeau. And because you answer to Christ, maybe think twice before going to a dance party in Ottawa when,
I don't know, I just don't see the value. Maybe I'm just not seeing it.
I don't know. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.