Jackie Perry Has Some Advice For You - LOL!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So I had posted this awesome picture on Gab yesterday, it's a picture of a fish
I caught yesterday right at the spot where I caught it, beautiful waterfall in the background and everything.
It was just a wonderful, wholesome picture of just a guy fishing, you know what
I mean? This is wonderful. And somebody responded to it with a
Jackie Hill Perry Instagram video and said,
I guess I'm allowed to listen to you still with a lot of laughy faces and I was like, what's this about?
So I watched it and it is quite funny. So let's play this and I'm just going to give you a quick response to this because Jackie Hill Perry here gives voice to something that most big
EVA people believe and it's complete utter nonsense, but let's hear her out, you know, we need to listen to black voices.
Oh no, the audio is not working. Hold on a second here, hold on a second, all right, hold on,
I got to pause this, figure this out. All right, I figured it out. Let's go back. Ready? Here we go. If you follow somebody or something, and literally all the content they produce is talking about other people, like you don't need these people to teach you how to spot false teaching or error.
You need the spirit, you need the church and you need your Bible. What's so funny about this is, so basically this is a wolf in sheep's clothing trying to get you to not listen to people that are calling her a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Like this is how lame and pathetic and weak big
EVA has become, like their only course of action at this point is to try to get you to not listen to people that are calling them out.
And so what they're going to say is, well, if all their content is criticizing other people, then you don't need that.
You just need your Bible. You just need the scriptures and the spirit and the church. And it's like, well, but here's the thing though, right?
So there's a couple of things here. Number one, most of us belong to church is number one. So we're part of the church.
Number two, we're quoting scriptures, right? So we meet that requirement as well.
And because we're Christians, we have the spirit. But even if, putting all that aside, it's just complete nonsense.
Like all of the best teaching from Paul the apostle, like all of the stuff that we hold near and dear to our heart, it's all polemics.
It's all responding to someone's poor theology. He's correcting someone else's theology.
Paul was talking about other people's theology all the time. And that's where we get our scripture from in the
New Testament. So it's complete, utter nonsense anyway. Let's continue. You don't need a constant diet of someone tearing down the body to teach you how to contend for the faith.
That's not what Jude offered. He offered the Old Testament to them. Right. But what was it?
What was that sound? Well, this is the point though. It's like, but that's what we're doing as well.
We're offering you scripture and we're comparing it to the kind of nonsense that you say. So we say,
Jackie Hill Perry says this, or Tim Keller says this, or Matt Chandler says this, but here's what the Bible says.
We're doing exactly that. But you see the big problem here, what Jackie's problem is, is she doesn't want you talking about individuals.
She doesn't want you naming any names because Jackie engages in this behavior herself every time she talks about white people or white evangelicals or things like that.
But you see, this is the point. These people are discernment bloggers. Jackie Hill Perry is a discernment blogger.
She's just a really poor one. She's just a horrible one. And what she does is she never gives you the specifics that you need to check it out, right?
So she'll say something stupid about white people and she thinks that's okay to just say something stupid about all white people or all white evangelicals or whateness is wicked and that's okay.
But you can't say, you know, Matt Chandler said XYZ and this is why it does not comport with the scripture.
See, that is unloving. That's attacking the body. No, it's not. It's uplifting to the body.
Jackie, here's something that might bake your noodle. Lots of people find content like mine and content like Protestia's and content like John Harris.
They find it uplifting and encouraging and they find it helpful to the body.
They find it building up, right? Here's who it's tearing down. Not the body, but those who seek to introduce error into the body.
People like you. To give them some context for how to discern false teaching in their presence.
Guard your heart and guard your mind from those who would tempt you and disciple you into lovelessness in the name of contending for the faith.
If you follow. Right. So, so it's not lovelessness just because you receive it as lovelessness.
See because if I say Jackie Hill Perry teaches nonsense and I tell you exactly where the nonsense is in a video or something like that or Tim Keller or Matt Chandler or whoever it is.
Right. And I tell you, John Piper said this and this is complete nonsense because the scripture says this. Like that's not lovelessness even if you receive it as lovelessness.
You might not feel great about that, Jackie. These might be your heroes and you might be like, well, how can you say that about John Piper?
And you might not like it, but it's not lovelessness just because you don't like it. See, that's the problem.
We're attacking wolves. We're attacking poor theology. Not all, not all the people that I attack are wolves, right?
Some of them are just have bad ideas. We're attacking that. That's not, that's not attacking the church though.
That's not the same as attacking the church, right? What's actually attacking the church is when people like you say, why evangelicals be like this?
And it's like, no, that's actually attacking the church because what you're saying is entire swaths of people. When, when, when, when, when
Jamar Tisby said, I don't feel safe worshiping with white people. That's actually attacking the church because he's making no distinctions.
He's just saying white people, whiteness is wicked. If I were to say, I don't feel comfortable worshiping with black evangelicals or black evangelicals is evil, that would be attacking the church.
But no, no, I'm actually not doing that. You're doing that. So stop telling on yourself. In any case,