Kamala Harris - No Moral Compass | EP 27

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Now that Kamala is going to run for the head of the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket we need to really know who she is. And it’s not pretty. Many people think she’s not a threat but they don’t know her history. Do you remember the California Attorney General that went after the undercover reporters in the Planned Parenthood Baby Body Part selling scandal? Yes that’s right it was Kamala Harris. How much blood does she have on her hands. Oh, she’s got a lot.


Yeah, she has no moral compass, no standard that would keep her from doing just about anything.
And in fact, that video right there shows that there is no length to which she would not go. And welcome to Tearing Down High Places.
My name's Average Joe here with Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tim. And well, hello,
Mrs. Robinson. Here's to you. Here's to you,
Mrs. Robinson. Jesus loves you more than you could know. Amen.
Amen. That is awesome. We're very blessed to have a special guest today. Mrs. Robinson is in the house.
Mayor, welcome to Tearing Down High Places. Thank you guys for having me.
Yeah, it's really great. So what was it that made you say, Tim, I need to be on Tearing Down High Places today?
Well, I just so happened to join Tim in coming to the church today. And Jeff was like,
I think Mayor should be on the podcast because we're talking about none other than the,
I guess, non -elected Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris is today's topic. That is true. That's interesting.
So what are you, Jamaican or something? What's the connection? Well, I feel like as a woman, because you hear so much about women of color, mainly, who are like, she's representing us.
And for me, it's just, I guess you could say, I like to bring things to light.
And I feel like you should not be voting based off of somebody having the same gender, same race, or anything for that matter.
It should be about the policies and what they're enacting, because this is going to affect us in the future. So I try to bring as much light as possible to the situation and kind of bring up, you know, talking points for people that follow me on social media.
So, you know, maybe if there's an inkling where they feel the same way that I do, or they're questioning, you know, her policies or who she is just in general, we can have a conversation about it and hopefully rub off on them in a little bit, that they have a little bit more sense.
That's great. Well, I feel like we're going to get a big jump on or a big bump on social media today because of you.
So that's awesome. And speaking of that, listen, if you're, to the audience, if you are watching this, if you watch with any regularity, please, please subscribe.
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I did a little Stuart Spalding there. That's okay. When I think about Kamala Harris, the first thing that comes to mind is that whole coconut tree thing.
You fall out of a coconut tree and everybody's like, what is she even talking about? Sometimes she'll go on these weird little rants.
I have one of them here I wanted to read. This is from Kamala Harris, where she says, the governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right?
The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs.
And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about it in a day in the life of our children.
Joe Gormley, what does that mean? I have no idea. It's nonsense.
She has a few of these really, really tough limericks, I think they are. Yeah, they're odd limericks.
But when you read them, you think, well, this is a harmless woman, Joe. This is a woman who's just, she's just got silly ideas and she laughs a lot.
And some people think that's a bit of an annoying laugh. But regardless, she's just a harmless woman.
What you told me about today is something I was not aware of, but you're going to introduce it, a video. We are not dealing with an innocent, harmless woman in Kamala Harris.
We're not. We're not. Take it away. Evil is not always what it seems to be.
In fact, would you say, how often would you say evil is easily discerned?
I mean, it depends on your gut. Yeah. Even demons will disguise themselves as angels of light, biblically.
And that's also true of those who are false prophets. They don't come to you and announce themselves for what they are.
They're hidden under sheep's clothing. And I believe that's precisely what that outward persona of just somebody who's just harmless and jovial and silly, even.
This is not the case at all. She is not a good candidate.
She is steeped in evil. And we're going to watch a video today that she was not only very involved in promoting abortion, but she was very much the key to preventing the entire crumbling of the system of Planned Parenthood.
She did and wielded her power to protect Planned Parenthood during the expose of selling baby body parts.
And it's evil and it's sick. And we're going to watch a little video right now and I'm going to pull it up.
Oh, just a little reminder, everyone. This is another reason you need to subscribe to channels like Rumble and Spotify, because YouTube doesn't like what we've put up there.
This is actually pre -recorded. I was able to record, I think out of my cache or it's still available on YouTube, but you can't get there through their website.
They're completely blocking this. What we have all known and Planned Parenthood has certainly known is that we can never take for granted that any of the gains that we have achieved will be permanent.
We cannot go backwards and we cannot tolerate the perspective that is about going backwards.
I'm David Daleiden and I'm the founder and project lead with the Center for Medical Progress. Five years ago, my undercover videos caught
Planned Parenthood's top leadership trafficking and selling the body parts of aborted infants. America's biggest abortion business was desperate and furious.
So they turned to their political patron, then California attorney general, Kamala Harris for help.
She's standing beside us strong. At Planned Parenthood's special request,
Kamala Harris targeted me to punish and silence my message about the abortion industry and fetal trafficking.
I'm not the first person to ever report undercover video in California. Local news reporters routinely report and publish undercover video exposing factory farming, corrupt medical practices and unlicensed marijuana abuse.
Yet somehow I have become the first person to ever have the California Leary reporting law enforced against me for news gathering.
We know how to fight. I just wanted to pause there just to recap and everybody recognizes that Kamala Harris's title at this time is attorney general for the state of California.
As attorney general for the state of California, she is using a law that has never been used since it was written.
It was a law that specified that your freedom of speech is constrained in certain situations because you may be impinging on the rights of others.
And they're going to talk more about how they made sure they went out of their way to make sure they didn't infringe on anyone else's rights.
So just to be clear, what's happening here is an undercover agent of some sort. Some kind of journalist had video evidence of people trafficking in human body parts from aborted humans.
Right. And he exposed this. And so she prosecuted him rather than the ones who were trafficking in human body parts.
She prosecuted him for having an undercover video. That's what you're saying to me.
That's right. That's exactly right. Okay, here we go. Met in secret with a group of California Planned Parenthood executives in Los Angeles in March 2016 while she was running for U .S.
Senate and promoting Planned Parenthood in her campaign. Action items from the meeting show that they discussed
Planned Parenthood's legislative agenda in California as well as Planned Parenthood's lies that my videos contained threats.
With two of the Planned Parenthood witnesses in Kamala Harris's investigation present at the political meeting.
Less than two weeks later, Kamala Harris sent 11 California DOJ agents to raid my one -bedroom apartment with explicit instructions from Planned Parenthood to seize the computer and video equipment that I was using to publish the undercover videos.
California Penal Code 632 prohibits secretly recording a confidential communication without the consent of all parties and defines confident.
So I just want to point out, it said in there in that note, Planned Parenthood would like to seize their computers and some judge said, sure, why not?
That's evil in itself and it's an abuse of the law, right? So there's a group of people engaged and when you have that power, it will be wielded.
It will be wielded against us. Anybody else? Well, we're talking about California.
This is what leftist policies do in a state and now the idea is to take what's been done in California and make that all of the
United States of America. Take this former attorney general who turned California into a wasteland and make all of America endure the same thing.
This is why state's rights are so important. Yes. As a communication that you cannot reasonably expect will be overheard by other people.
So my team was scrupulous to record our California videos in places of public accommodation like crowded restaurants where the conversations were obviously overheard.
But you can't necessarily say the same thing about local TV reporters in California who have taped inside of private doctor's offices and inside of private homes.
Yet not a single one of them has ever been charged with undercover video recording in California in the 60 -year history of California's video recording law.
Mine is the first and only case. And there's another piece to the California video law that specifically allows recording even a confidential conversation in order to gather evidence relating to violent crimes.
The entire purpose of our video recording in California was to document and expose the violent crimes of fetal trafficking including selling infants aborted alive and killing them through organ harvesting and medical battery against pregnant women.
If those aren't crimes of violence, I don't know what is. But Kamala Harris's investigation never even considered our purpose or addressed those crimes.
Even though local Southern California law enforcement prosecuted and shut down two of Planned Parenthood's business partners based on my video recordings.
By the way, those business partners, the Vichy companies, they actually admitted guilt in a 7 .8
million dollar settlement for illegally selling body parts from abortions at Planned Parenthood Orange County.
Who was the top abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood Orange County supplying those body parts? Dr. Jennifer Russo, one of the participants in the
March 2016 meeting with Kamala Harris and one of the Planned Parenthood witnesses. You have to wonder, if I have been investigating unsafe grocery handling practices, animal abuse, or unlicensed gun sales, would
Kamala Harris have ever thought to pursue reporting charges against me? It's pretty obvious that the reason that I alone was targeted by Kamala Harris is because I dared to criticize
Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. What Kamala Harris did isn't treating people fairly or equally under the video reporting law.
In fact, Kamala Harris's deputy prosecutor, Jeanette Jerome, admitted in a court filing that the reason her office targeted me alone among all undercover reporters in California was because my videos were, quote, edited for shock value and that that made me, quote, more culpable than other undercover reporters in California.
Obviously, I dispute the characterization that my videos were edited for shock value. What they show
Planned Parenthood doing is shocking enough. But more importantly, it is your First Amendment right to promote the significance of your own message.
When she said that I was targeted because of the content of my videos, Kamala Harris's deputy prosecutor admitted that the reason that I was targeted and I alone was to punish what
I have to say. Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. That's why I'm suing Kamala Harris, the
California Attorney General, Planned Parenthood, and others in Los Angeles federal court for conspiracy to violate
First Amendment civil rights. This is crucial to defend the First Amendment rights of all
Americans to report on issues that matter and to listen to what we have to say to each other without fear of government punching.
Selling body parts is a crime. Reporting on it is not. I will never bow to the tyrannical vision of leaders like Kamala Harris who believe that they are entitled to tell us what to think, what to believe, and what to say.
Wow. Yeah, they do want to tell us what to think and what we can say.
They want to intimidate us and they will use arcane laws sitting unused on the books.
Guy just looked like he was trying to tear down a high place, you know? Yeah. You know, he's just trying to tear down a high place and now they're trying to tear him down for trying to tear down what should be torn down.
Was that a Kamala -ism? A little bit. I don't think so. When you're gonna tear it down, that's a tear down.
You know? Yeah. We're gonna tear it down. But actually,
Tim's made sense. Tim is saying they're trying to tear him down. When he's actually attacking evil, they attack the one who's doing good.
Right. Why is it that when the highest evil is attacked, that's when people get offended and want to come back at you for doing the right thing?
What does it say about the character of a person who would attack those who tear down the highest evil known to man?
First of all, murder, but then not only to murder but to take the body parts of the ones murdered and sell them.
And the most innocent. The most innocent. The most defenseless.
But I think that also goes back to if we bring up, you know, the word that nobody wants to bring up, which is the vaccination.
I know, I guess it's an organization, Project Veritas, actually spoke with somebody who was within one of the pharmaceutical companies that said that they were using cells from aborted fetuses to put them within the vaccination.
And I just think that keeps going back and forth, that it's like you're trying to uncover and bring light to a lot of situations that they're trying to just hush hush, make sure that nobody knows anything about it.
Because how many people got this vaccination and had no idea that these cells were in the makeup of it?
Such a great point. Great point. Yeah, I think the biggest point here is to folks back on Kamala Harris, because we can all just voice our disgust for abortion and selling baby parts all day long.
And we should. And you guys do it all the time. You guys have been to abortion clinics and pray with people outside and all that stuff.
So there's no end to that. But today's show, really, we need to talk about Kamala Harris, who she is, and how far she's willing to go to violate the law to get her policy through.
Where we were asking the question at the beginning, oh, is she just a kind, nice little lady?
And she's not. Yeah, she has no moral compass, no standard that would keep her from doing just about anything.
And in fact, that video right there shows that there is no length to which she would not go. The level of evil that she's capable of is displayed in what she fought for.
So just that one evidence right there is all we need to know about her character. But you do see it in so many other things.
The most liberal, most leftist voting record in all of the Senate, worse than Bernie Sanders in 2019, the highest left -leaning rating of any senator, because she was in California.
And so she's looking to get elected by a leftist population. She was willing to say and do what that population wanted her to say and do.
So there's nothing governing her morality.
She's willing to do whatever is popular. She jumped on board the BLM riots and said they should continue because that was the momentum.
Now she would distance herself from that because the momentum is no longer with BLM rioting.
Whatever the moment brings to her mind, she's willing to just say it. She doesn't have a filter.
She's just completely unhinged. She's no longer at all tethered in any way, shape, or form to a standard.
We as Christians have a standard. We have the word of God. What standard does
Kamala Harris live by? She doesn't. I've heard the phrase or idioms for a long time.
They make so many laws that everybody's guilty of something. But she's actually literally invoking the ability to take people down for laws that aren't used against other people.
So a law that was on the books and never used all of a sudden is used as a weapon.
I can't tell you how disgusting that is. And even by the letter of the law, it wasn't right because they were recording in public places where you cannot presume privacy.
Oh, yeah. I think they've got a great case. They've got a great case. Let me ask our special guest,
Mrs. Robinson. Mayor, we'll call you Mayor. Hey, Mayor, what do you think?
Should Kamala Harris even be a candidate at all?
I do not think so. From the biblical standpoint, because this is tearing down high places, we're doing it with the foundation in Christ.
One thing that I want to make apparent is what we were talking about earlier. She's had a debased mind since day one.
I won't go into detail, but we can go back for whatever from the start of her career and the things that she did in order to get to the places that she was.
Nothing was of good character, I guess you could say. But I was mentioning to Jeff earlier, and I've had conversations to Tim about this, about a
Jezebel spirit. Does the Bible directly talk about a Jezebel spirit? No.
But does it mention Jezebel? And if we go into 1 Kings and we try to understand who
Jezebel was, she was promoting the worship of Baal, which is demonic.
Then Revelation even talks about her in a sense of so many people tolerated her in a sense when she was seducing people to carry out sexual immorality.
This is what we're seeing. The reason why I bring up Jezebel spirit is because this is running rampant in our country.
There's nothing new under the sun, but clearly what you see is a lot of women who think that they can rule over men.
What they're going to promote is they're going to try to appeal to a lot of feminist agenda in the sense of my body, my choice, you're equal to men.
That's not how God ever intended it. If we go back, Tim talked about this in our Bible study on Thursday, going back to Genesis three, where it makes that command that wives, your husbands will rule over you.
Of course, that's always going to be a thorn in a lot of women's side at the fact that they never want to succumb to that.
They don't want to answer to a man. That's what you're seeing right now with Kamala Harris. It's like she's literally trying to uproot marriages in the sense of giving into LGBTQ, giving up to the role of a woman where you're supposed to be a nurturer.
You're supposed to stand for children because they can't speak for themselves. That's what you're seeing.
It's like I will 100 % be against her running for office.
Not only that, I know that I'm going to get a lot of slack from this, but I honestly do not believe that women should be an authority over the free world.
There are positions that they can assume that would help along our country.
In general, I've always laughed and made a joke. I said, for any woman who's been in a female -driven environment, we are so much driven by our emotions, by our feelings, and you cannot run a country on that whatsoever.
We would literally crumble. I laughed because I'm like, I'm pretty sure Vladimir Putin is shaking in his boots that Kamala Harris is going to be our president.
I said to them, they would nuke us in a heartbeat just for the mere fact that they're this clown is in office.
It's as straightforward as it gets. You wish that a lot of people's eyes would be open, but they talk about it in Romans.
They're going to give people over to a debased mind because this is what they keep choosing. They keep choosing what's in.
Do I want to see our country crumble and literally it no longer is one nation under God?
100 % no. I'm going to play devil's advocate and say, but come on.
Can't women rule too? Wasn't there a woman named Deborah in the book of Judges that ruled?
Maybe Jeff, you want to answer that one? I'm going to jump in on that one because we don't want to just put
Mary Elizabeth on the spot. The whole point of the
Deborah story, if you actually read it from beginning to end, is that it would be inglorious for her to receive the victory over the enemy, but rather Barack was supposed to be the one to go, but because he was so weak, so cowardly, he refused to go into battle.
Deborah led because the man refused to step up. That's the point. In fact, when
JL takes a tent peg and drives it through the head of the enemy, the enemy dies at the hands of a woman to shame him even more for his wicked rule.
The whole point of the Deborah story is that these men were not willing to step up and lead.
God used a woman as further judgment on Israel for their departing from the ways of the
Lord. But if you notice that that was the exception, not the rule, and it contains right within the story, these statements about Barack being unwilling to lead and her comment that this is not
God's design. Let's pray that our daughters aren't surrounded by such weak men that they have to go into battle to defend our homes.
How horrible is that? I said this to my daughter. She asked me because of Kamala.
She said, do you think that Kamala would be a good president? She's a woman.
Can you vote for a woman? She literally said that. I said, absolutely not. I can't. She got up.
Oh, she was shocked. Just like, you know, mayor alluded to, you know, that that people would be shocked.
But I said to her, I said, remember, we're talking about the draft and going into battle. You don't want to be drafted, right?
She said, Oh, no, I don't. I do not want to be drafted. I said, I don't want you to be drafted. I said, and nor do
I want you to make decisions over who does get drafted and who does go to war if you don't have the threat of the wickedness of war hanging over your head.
You know, I personally, I've never served in the military. I don't think I'm qualified because of that, you know?
So, yeah. So, I mean, I think, you know, we're just so inundated with Wonder Woman and there's another character.
There's a whole, all these women are just going around in the movie theaters blowing people up. That's not their role.
That's not God's gift to them. Their gift is to give life and to nurture, like Mayor said. And, but these women,
Mayor, do these women just hate this gift that they have? Is that, is that what it is? I don't think it's so much that they hate it.
It's, a lot of them are like the blind leading the blind. And it's like, they resent it. They resent that this is the natural order of things.
And it's like, what would do like a lot of people who are worldly, that's what they want to do. They want to rebel against what is supposed to be.
Not that they even have a recollection of like, oh, this isn't, you know, this isn't right or this is wrong.
Like they do have that recollection. It's like, but they'd rather, you know, answer to this than answer to that.
Wow. Wow. I think there's a turning point coming though, because all the families that I know where feminism is the rule of the home are in disarray and the husband and wife are not happy.
The children are not happy. There's not just this unity and growth of the family together in godliness.
And the outcomes are just really bad. Like feminism has a track record now from the 1960s to 2024, and it's divorce rates of more than 50%.
And of the homes that are not plagued with divorce, there's also just not a lot of good, right relationships.
So do you think there's going to be a movement back to biblical Christianity and homes that are rightly ordered according to the word of God?
Is there a time when people just wake up? I pray that happens. Hope right there, right?
We're hoping that people would wake up because yeah, you can even, you don't even have to read the Bible to just look at the families that are happy and look at the families that are miserable.
And Jeff is right. Every family that I know that the woman is the leader of the household, it never ends good.
It's always just chaos. Every family probably has family drama or is dysfunctional to some degree, but the ones where the woman is the lead, and especially when the man doesn't take that role and he's afraid or a coward, especially just backing down when he knows the right thing to do, but knows it's going to make his wife mad or whatever, when he's in the woman role and the man or in the woman is in the man role, it's always bad.
And Jeff is right. The kids are unhappy and they don't even know what a proper household looks like to where even when the kids grow up, they don't know what it even is to be a man because they watched their dad just be a coward their whole life.
How much is this in the church though? I mean, we know our culture is steeped in feminism and feminism is a word that describes a lot more than what we're just talking about here.
It reaches into all the LGBTQ stuff. It reaches into a whole bunch of other things.
Sadly, I think it is in the church. It's just not called feminism. They're not coming out and saying it, but I think that it's probably not seen a lot, but when kids go home, we don't know exactly what their household is like.
And I know of families where I knew they grew up in the church. And then when I get an inside look, it's a little bit different where I can tell that the woman is in charge and they don't really have the same beliefs as the
Bible. And I think there are confused folk that go to church, especially if they go to a watered down church that doesn't preach what
Pastor Jeff is preaching on Sundays, according to the word of God. We're new believers.
We got to always be bringing up, lifting brothers up.
Sorry, you could step into a church for the first time and you might be coming from a household like that.
You're not going to switch it in one day and know what to do. That's why you need brothers and sisters in Christ and you need teachers and you need pastors to help you sort through things and be teachable, be open to realize, wow, we were doing that the wrong way.
Let's try it the right way. We got to be discipling all the time. Mare, who specifically were you thinking of when you said, oh,
I know I'm going to hear some flack if I say this. Well, this is full disclosure.
So I do usually know people that, like I won't name names or like a grouping of people, but for the most part, a lot of slack that I do hear from are women of color, that they will sit there and this goes back to when
BLM started their whole organization for the most part and they were running rampant in the streets and labeling white privilege everywhere and then some.
And I was like, my dad's black, my mom is white. So the experiences that I have are not experiences
I made up. They've been experiences that I've lived through. And I'm like, racism doesn't extend from a white side or a black side.
It's literally everybody across the board. It's just an inherent quality that a lot of people have and you can't label just one race with the brunt of it all.
So with me addressing Kamala Harris, that's what you're seeing in a lot of people of color,
POC, all the little acronyms that they like to come up with. But they have this allegiance, mainly women to voting for people of color.
And it's like a great concern for me because I'm like, these people are not, you know, under cloaks like, you know, and they have no idea what their policies are or what they're about or anything like everything is full disclosure.
It's right there for them to read. It's right there for them to see. But mainly because they want to, you know, wear pride as their cult, like they have so much pride in their color and their race that they're not willing to see anything past that.
That's why you see a lot of women of color who are like, Donald Trump is a racist. He's this, he's that. But I'm like,
I brought up to Tim in a conversation, I said, but it's so hypocritical. Because when you research
Biden's background, there has been on numerous occasions where he said very racist comments, one being, poor kids are just as smart as white kids.
And you're like, but you voted for that because he put Kamala Harris as his running mate, like somebody that was going to be there.
So basically, they didn't think it's like every single thing that they try to like press on people when it comes to racism, or, you know, being sexist or feminist, it's always going to be more racially driven than anything else.
Do you think Mayor, do you think that people love racism? Or do they love the sin of division?
They like to create divisions? Definitely like to create division, without a doubt.
And that's something that you're seeing continued on, like there's video after video of conservatives and even people who are, you know, left leaning that are like, you know, when they start this new, you know, with Kamala Harris being in office, when they start her little ad campaign, they're like,
Can you please not pander to us anymore? Because number one, Kamala Harris is not fully black. She's not married to somebody of color.
Her kids really don't appear to be of color. So it's, you know, don't pander to us and say that we have to vote for you or that, you know, we're not in self loathing if we don't vote for you, that kind of thing.
And it's something that I wish that people would kind of take off their rose colored glasses when it comes to color, and realize that it's like you can you can vote for somebody who does not look like you.
It's not it doesn't mean that you don't like yourself or that you know, you're promoting racism because clearly you're not but it's like you, they've allowed it to cut like cloud their judgment so much that this is why they keep making these decisions over and over again.
Like if we're gonna bring up abortion, everybody knows Margaret Sanger was a known racist.
And that the main race that's being aborted are black babies.
So it's like you got to make it make sense somewhere like if if you're for Black Lives Matter, you should be outside those
Planned Parenthoods fighting your butt off. So you know, we're, they're continuing to have continuing to have black babies.
It's like, why do you think the percentage is so low? Because it's like, you know, with the fatherless households that are in the black community, the baby's being aborted at that rate.
And it's unfortunate that they think that's racist to bring up these statistics. But at the end of the day, that's what's real.
That's what's really going on. And it's like, you can't shield it. You can't throw some, you know, racist thing on there and say, that's what it is.
It's not. It's very straightforward in this world. And it's not because of white people that this is happening.
That's such an amazing point that they're going to keep pulling that race card and playing that all the way till November 5.
But just like you said, Mary Elizabeth, she's from Jamaica and India. And on the
Jamaican side, she's from the largest, one of the largest slave holding families in Jamaica.
It's not that this is some badge of honor. Oh, did you know that? Is this a slave holder?
Yeah, yeah. The Jamaican goes back to a slave line of the slave holder side, not those who were enslaved.
She's a baby body part selling slave holding. No. Okay.
So the left is going to say because her ancestors are of a certain race or ethnicity, that means she has these intersectional points to be able to speak.
But we don't hold that. We hold what? Meritocracy, right? They're going to try to play the race card.
We say, what is her merit? Okay. She was made the border czar. It was her job.
And you can go back and watch the videos where Biden appoints her as the border czar to rein in the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border.
How has she done? On merit, let's just judge this on merit. That was her responsibility as the vice president.
That has been the worst part of the presidency of Joe Biden. Did he really want her to rein anything in?
I think he set her up to fail because he didn't put my orcas in place and just, you know, he, he repealed everything.
That's the thing. She was willing to go along with that, which shows she has no standard.
Now it's coming back to bite her because she was the border czar. And now the whole country wants us to reign in the border.
But Biden's first day one, I think it was January 20th or 21st when he was sworn in.
He also wrote executive orders to repeal stay in Mexico and all of those policies, which was actually keeping the border somewhat under control.
Look at the chart that Donald Trump had up on the map behind him when he turned to the right and that saved his life.
That chart saved his life. It shows immigration and the cross, the illegal crossings right through the end of his presidency.
And then when it spikes, when Joe Biden takes over, well, that's all under Harris. That's her merit so -called.
So if you're to judge her by merit, that's all she has. You know, if, um, this would be hilarious if she didn't have a legit shot at, at winning.
Right. And the problem is she really does have a legit shot, even though I think she only got 2 % of the polls in Iowa when she was in the democratic primaries, uh, four years ago, uh, trying to get the democratic nomination or herself.
Um, she was laughed out. No one took her seriously. Um, she's got a legit shot.
I mean, especially because I don't think the Republicans did anything about ensuring that we're even going to have a fair election.
Well, why was she picked in the first place? If she only got 2 % in the Iowa straw poll, she was hired, right?
Because he said, I'm going to pick a black woman. He was totally diversity, equity inclusion.
Yeah. Yeah. Hey mayor, how do you, do you think, has anyone ever, uh, thought you might be a
DEI hire and did you feel like, uh, you know, you know, they weren't respecting your credentials because of your, you know, something like that.
Or have you ever heard of someone else having that kind of experience? Um, that's a, that's a no.
It's good. It's just good. But Votie Bauckham talks about it. I know you're, uh, I know you guys are all
Votie Bauckham fans and Votie Bauckham says he went and got his master's degree, uh, in theology over in England at Oxford specifically because he didn't want people to think that he got through in America just because of the color of his skin.
He didn't want people to think that he just got passed through. He wanted people to know he did the work.
He deserves the degrees. And, um, that's not what happens here in America. Well, to kind of jump on that, cause it's, it's actually really funny.
And you asked me that question because I said to Tim, um, like I, it's kind of hard to describe because I'm just doing this based off of my own life, not like off of anybody else's, but I'm like, when you're sitting here and you're thinking like,
I'll like, I always make jokes when I see sometimes like black people driving, like really nice, nice cars.
And I'll look at Tim and I'll be like, they must be so oppressed. Oh, so oppressed. And I'll look at him and I'll like, when is it like me, like jokingly,
I'd be like, when is it going to work out for me? Because for the most part, like, not that I actually want it to like work like that, but just as a joke, um, because you sit there and you think like, when
I met with a counselor in high school, um, they actually, even though that they would have us check off boxes in school of like, what our race was like my siblings and I would always check off black and white, like, you know, our mom and our dad that's 50, 50 came together.
So we are just as much her as we are him. Um, but the school district that I was in ignored it and they would always put our races black.
So when we would go and we would meet with counselors, it's very clear, like even our counselors being primarily white would tell us, oh, you guys can get scholarships for being black for, you know, being black and having these grades for being black and being this well -rounded for being black and, um, like being athletic.
And there's so many, um, ways that you can get kickbacks for being black.
And you think I graduated in 2012, but this is stemming, like you meet with a counselor every single year of high school.
So this has been going on since, you know, God knows when that they've been informing children of color, mainly black children, that you can get all of these perks.
Now, did I ever benefit from that? I wouldn't say I ever did.
Um, like I, I could go down a rabbit hole and tell you some of my situations that I dealt with in college.
Um, but for the most part, like, I agree with him. I feel like now you really do have to separate yourself because it's so inherent how many perks, um, you know, black, black children do receive when, especially from graduating from high school or graduating from college.
And I do like, I believe someone, someone like him who is fully black, that it's like, sometimes you do, you want to separate yourself from all the handouts that you're given so that people know that you worked, you worked your butt off because I can,
I can tell you, there's kids that are graduating from high school that were just really good at football that had like a 2 .0
GPA and they got full rides to really good colleges. And it's like, that's really sad that you're going off to the back of your, your color, not your merit, not how hardworking you were.
Um, and that's something that I feel like needs to be brought to light because for people like Candace Owens or Votie Bachum, and you know, just the way that they went about things because they didn't want people to think
I earned this because I pressed the mentality. That is well said.
Well said. I, I'll tell you, Mary, if you, if you do want to start your own business, uh, you get like 10 to 15 points off of contract bids on all government work.
The SBA will bend over backwards to give you loans. Of course, make sure even if you're not making any money that you show a profit so that you pay taxes because they want to see the taxes.
Then they give you the bonus. I can tell you all that. You know, what's interesting about this conversation too, is that the recent
Supreme court led by Clarence Thomas in this decision was against affirmative action because affirmative action has been a failure.
And yet Clarence Thomas is the one who is most hated on the Supreme court.
How is this? It's just an upside down moral system coming from the left.
Yeah. I was talking to my dad recently about this. I said, you know, dad, and I was like, uh,
I said, I said the black Catholics on a Supreme court are okay, but those Irish Catholics are killing us.
And nobody gets the joke. That would be, that would be the, uh, the other woman there who came from Notre Dame and then, uh,
Cavanaugh have, they're both Irish Catholics. My dad's Catholic. I was messing with him. That joke. That joke didn't hit mayor.
Tell a joke. You were being funny today. I'm actually, usually I'm not really good with off the cuff.
They don't all land. You gotta be daring. You know, sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesn't. Yeah. So, well guys,
I mean, this was a very, I think this was a very fruitful episode because we really need to take this woman seriously.
She's, you know, she seems like she's not a serious candidate. She is going to be a serious candidate. I'm very interested to see how the, um, if, if, if they debate that, that's going to be interesting.
Um, I got a quick story before we go, Joe, when I was in seventh grade, um, my
English teacher, she, we were, we were talking about who the next president was going to be and who, uh, we asked her, who do you want the next president to be?
And she said, Hillary Clinton. And we said, why do you want Hillary Clinton to be the president?
And she said, well, because she's a woman and I want to see a woman president in my lifetime. That's a horrible reason to vote.
So when someone says, oh, I want to vote for this person because she's a woman or this person, because she's black, that's just not good thinking.
This is a really big, important vote. So you don't just do that because you want to see a woman at the top or a black person at the top.
That's not what it's really about. That's all I just wanted to say. Just, just bad thinking, bad teaching, not good.
If it's, if it's sexism in one direction, is it, it should be sexism in the other direction, right?
If it's racism in one direction, it should be racism in the other direction, right? And there is what, just as black as Kamala Harris, but someone would look at Mayor and what she believes and say, you're whitewashed.
But if you look at Kamala Harris, they wouldn't say that at all. Why? Why? Because we have different beliefs.
That means that makes you white or black. It's like Joe Biden saying, if you don't vote for me, you're not black.
That makes them think, oh, well, black is the number one thing I want to be. So I better vote for Joe Biden.
That's just not good thinking. Don't get manipulated into voting the wrong way because you just are told to.
Joe Biden and I are both Irish. We don't think alike. Well, I have to say one thing. We fought how many years for women's rights?
We fought how many years to abolish slavery so black people were treated equal.
And the thing is, if we fought that hard, then we would literally be so happy and joyful at the fact that women and being of color, you can have differing opinions.
That's the freedom in this country. So when people attack you just because they're like, you should be black, so you should vote for this, or you should be white, so you should vote for this, or whatever they say, that's how you know how wrong people are in their thinking.
And that's what I've received a lot. People are like, how could you? Are you not black? And it's like, I don't answer to my color.
I'm first and foremost a Christ follower. So I'm going to do my best to, if we're looking at voting as a civic duty, which
I took seriously when I turned 18, is the mere fact that you're going to have to do it from a biblical foundation.
And it's like, that's what irritates me, is you can't say you're a Christian and be voting for Kamala Harris.
You can't say you're a Christian and supporting abortion. It's like, what do we call that? Lukewarm, and God will spit you right back out.
You gotta play that little clip, Joe. What's wrong with you people?
You can never get enough RC, right? That's great. Hey Joe, if somebody is claiming to be a
Christian, yet is supporting somebody who not only supported the BLM riots and said that they're not going to stop and they should not stop, she spurred on the
BLM riots, which did more than $2 billion worth of damage in cities and killed 27 innocent people.
So if someone's going to support someone like that, and someone who defended the selling of baby parts.
And they say, well, it's because she's a woman or has certain skin color. May the Lord judge between me and you.
And I would hate for that person to stand on judgment day before God with that argument, because God defends the innocent and he loves people.
He does not tolerate that kind of thing. And we gotta be prepared. They're going to come back with other arguments. I can even tell you what some of them are.
Some of the arguments are there. Well, they're not making a profit on those baby parts, but they were selling them, but they have clips out there showing that they take out of content.
Well, we're not really making a profit. We want these to be out there. Hello. It's crazy.
But the attack is on thought. The attack is on first amendment.
The attack is on our freedom of speech, which is our freedom of thought, which is our freedom of religion.
That's why five, there's five freedoms in the first amendment. They're all in there because they're all interconnected. And, and, uh, that is what
Kamala Harris hates. All right. Lift the brother up.
Here we go. Pick them up in there. You got to tear it down.