F4F: Is the Death of Billy Graham Prophetic Sign - Part 2


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A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament Part 3

A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament Part 3

Welcome to another YouTube edition of Fighting for the Faith. What we are doing right now is we're gonna check in once again with kind of what
YouTube and the YouTube Prophecy Types and others are saying regarding the death of Billy Graham.
Is it a prophetic sign, a portent of things to come, and what does it mean? And if you remember yesterday, we've heard two different things regarding the death of Billy Graham.
Well, apparently there's more to it than just that. Let's go ahead and put the screen on.
This is a fellow by the name of Stephen Dinoon of Israeli News Live back on May 19th, 2013.
He made a prophecy based upon a dream that he had regarding the death of Billy Graham and what it's supposed to signify and mean.
And this is a prophecy that is making the rounds. If you've been monitoring traffic on YouTube as it pertains to, is the death of Billy Graham a prophetic sign, this is the video that keeps coming up.
Let's take a listen. My passion and my desire is to get the gospel that God puts in my heart out to as many people as we can around the world.
On that little bit of a note, I just have to chime in. The gospel is not something that God lays on your heart.
The gospel is the good news that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scripture, was buried and raised on the third day in accordance with the scripture.
The Bible itself defines the gospel, and you can find that definition of the gospel in the opening verses, the opening portion of 1st
Corinthians chapter 15. Just had to say that. We continue. Truly the hour, the hour is late.
It's extremely late. Last night, for example, the
Lord woke me up about three o 'clock in the morning, and it was after having an incredible dream, and it was a rapture -related dream.
Yeah, Stephen Dune literally is one of the earliest YouTube guys that is a rapture dreamer, which is a whole category of the prophecy types on YouTube.
I'll someday have to actually address that whole thing that's going on. And by the way, the rapture dreamers are literally creating the anticipation that the rapture is supposed to happen like any day now.
In fact, some of even, you know, were claiming that the rapture should have happened already last week.
So, you know, I wonder what they'd be saying today, but we continue. People were gathering together, preparing for the rapture, and just very interesting indeed.
One interesting, very interesting thing, though, that happened while I was in this dream is not only who it was, but someone come up to me and said that Billy Graham will die shortly before the rapture.
So that's something that I guess we can be looking for as well.
All right, so the rapture is gonna occur shortly. Shortly. I don't know what shortly means, but shortly.
I mean, it could be tonight, tomorrow, next Thursday, who knows. But shortly after the death of Billy Graham.
That's the one that's been making the rounds on YouTube, but there's more. Let's check in with another of the prophecies as it pertains to the death of Billy Graham.
This one is from Steve Fletcher and his YouTube channel. Let's take a listen to what he had to say.
I want to bring to everybody's attention that there are pending prophecies that have to do with Billy Graham dying just before the rapture.
All right, pending prophecies. Pending. These prophecies are in pending status, apparently. Okay, I am not going to go into the details about what
I think about that. I just wanted to bring this to everybody's attention. Yeah.
There are articles about it. There are videos about it. You can study this or pray about this or, you know,
I just want to bring it to everybody's attention. Yeah, so he's brought it to our attention.
Listen to this next bit and you're gonna note the dates he's given are already passed.
Over the last two weeks and over the last month we had been watching 35 or more signs leading us to February 16th and 17th and all the signs conjoined on one time frame and then exactly in that time frame they had the winter storm
Noah. Oh yeah, see there was a winter storm named Noah. As were the days of Noah.
Noah! See, it's the end of the world. It came through and if we look at the
Bible and see what the story of Noah means, we see that there was a seven -day warning before Noah.
Seven whole days, yeah yeah, a seven -day warning. So, you know, the Noah storms, seven days after that would be like February 23rd, 24th.
Uh -huh. I entered the ark and before the flood began and so my understanding or interpretation is that the
Lord has given us a seven -day warning from the winter storm Noah. After seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth and and that gives us a warning day of February 23rd and 24th.
We're in the clear and so what is that 15 times I have now survived the end of the world?
15, I think I'm up to 15. I didn't even know about this one until like now, okay.
This report of Billy Graham's death on February 21st is huge, very very huge, very ginormous in the prophecy world, yeah.
Interesting, you know, I mean this could be another sign from God that this is the time and I just bring this to everybody's attention.
I will be leaving in the description box all the... Yeah, you do that. All right, so you can see that with the
Lance Wallnau, Kim Clement prophecy, the expectation that was set was that it had something to do with the with the church continuing to flourish.
Kim Clement's prophecy basically said that that God was going to replace
Billy Graham with two Billy Grahams, one male, one female, and since Lance Wallnau is part of the
New Apostolic Reformation and is a true Seven Mountain Dominionist, that's what he teaches, that that would somehow play into his eschatological expectation then that these two new
Billy Grahams would take an instrumental role within the Joel's army, Joshua generation, who's supposed to rise up and participate in this, you know, billion souls harvest thingy.
Whereas Stephen Dune's prophecy was that it would be the rapture would come shortly after the death of Billy Graham and then
Mr. Fletcher here piggybacking on that expectation. So you can clearly see that these people all claiming to be hearing from God or reading the signs and stuff, they're actually contradicting each other, which basically means logically one of them is right and the other is wrong or both of them are wrong.
I'd go with the second one on that. And by the way there's another type of expectation that was created from the prophecy types as it relates to the death of Billy Graham and this one comes from the so called
Prophet Neville Johnson and this was from last year. Let's listen in as the
Prophet Neville Johnson's prophetically right there as he's prophesying, has the direct connection, the portal opened up and he can hear directly from God and see stuff in the spiritual realm and what he received back last year regarding Billy Graham.
He can see the face of Billy Graham now. This was September 7th through 9th in New South Wales, Australia.
Okay, I'm not a loony, just hang on. Really you are.
When Billy Graham dies. Notice he's creating the idea that this is
Fred. He just got this seconds ago directly from the heavenlies. The end of the old phase from the 1948 move right up to now.
It'll come to an end and he will soon die. Sorry Billy. All right so that kind of a weird but this is a little bit of an outlier which segues perfectly into the next segment but the idea is is that the death of Billy Graham would be the end of a phase and notice he referenced 1948 which makes me wonder if this guy was influenced by a latter rain theology.
But then that leads us to our last one and we'll spend a little bit of time on this one. Steve, I can't even pronounce his last name,
Cicalante, Chicalante, I have no idea. And so we call him
Steve C here at Fighting for the Faith and in order to properly understand this one I have to show you the description.
Here in the video description it says this prophetic message was recorded days before the passing of the
Reverend Billy Graham on the 22nd of February, that's Australia time, and the
Lord had given Pastor Steve C a word about changing of the guard to awaken believers to a new season and what are the characteristics of this next move of God.
So if Billy Graham defined a generation of revival by centralized Crusades the next move of God will be led by a decentralized decentralization of the
Bible and so he goes on to explain all this. And so the name of the video by the way is
Billy Graham sign of the next move of God changing of the guards online church decentralized revival.
So I think this is fascinating. So Steve C gave this message before the death of Billy Graham but he saw it as prophetically significant because of the timing and the theology in this one is quite fascinating because he is literally going to make the claim because of the changing of the season changing of the guard if you're operating in an old anointing in the new season that's coming then you will be guilty of well the occult.
Yeah I'm not making that up. So this one this next portion although he doesn't mention Billy Graham by name he in his description sees this as significant and which is exactly what
Neville Johnson was saying that the death of Billy Graham would would mark the end of one season and the beginning of a new.
So let's check in with Steve C and how he think what he's seeing in the spiritual realm as it relates to the coming of the new season and the changing of the guards.
Listen to this at a familiar scripture and we're gonna put a new twist on it. All right let's take a look at this.
I think it will explain much and it will apply very directly to everybody listening.
Second Kings chapter 2. And it was so when they had crossed over. Okay now a little bit of a note here.
Fascinating that he's going to this text. So he's headed he's entitled it changes in seasons and this is the story then of the changing of the guard between Elijah and Elisha.
Important to note Elijah didn't die. So yeah it does this doesn't
I've seen people try to apply this including Lance Wall now to apply this to Billy Graham but Elijah didn't die so this isn't really you know something that applies to that but fascinating that this is his move.
Elijah said to Elisha ask what may I do for you before I am taken away from you.
He said please let a double portion of your spirit a double anointing come upon me.
So Elijah said you. Yeah weird because other people have you know they take this and they talk about mantles dropping which is weird because yeah that's not how that worked out in the text.
Double portion of your spirit. That's the hard thing. Nevertheless if you see me when
I'm taken from you it shall be so for you but if not it shall not be so. So can you see church the passing of the old.
I think so. There's a season of new things coming and obviously there's going to be new leadership coming in the body of Christ.
New leadership is coming in technology. Is that right? New leadership in business. Some of the old names are on their way out.
I think George Soros. Yeah this is what happens as people get old. They die you know.
It's kind of the way it's been since I was born. Okay. Gonna be around for much longer. Even the great
Warren Buffett called the greatest investor of our time. He's gonna be replaced. Now there are new billionaires coming up.
There's a passing of the old. The world sees it. Does the church discern this? So you got to pay attention the passing of the old.
When I was a kid you know during you know my early childhood you know we a lot of these movie stars of the golden age of Hollywood.
Yeah they they were dying when I was a kid. So yeah changing of the guard you know.
If you can see the closing of a season you are qualified to enter the new season.
What? Okay this slide it's interesting. It says principle of freshness.
So yeah new doctrine by the way. The the doctrine of the principle of freshness.
So and the rules of the principle of freshness are if you can see the closing of a season you can enter the new season.
This is not what 2nd Kings is teaching. Wow this guy twists scripture pretty badly.
How important is this in the spiritual area? If you operate with an old anointing when seasons have changed you will be in the occult.
Really? Which biblical texts actually says that?
Now there is no biblical text that says it so what he's gonna do is he's gonna take a historical narrative and make it he's gonna shoehorn it to try to make it mean that.
But there is no text that says what he just said. See what is the occult?
We we don't discern. We think it's beyond possibility that we could be involved in the occult.
I'm pretty sure that in order to be involved in the occult you probably need to actually desire to be part of the occult.
I mean you know it doing the occult thing is not something you just accidentally happen upon or you know it's not exactly how that works.
But when you operate with an old anointing after seasons have changed after God has moved on you are in fact part of the occult.
Who knew? I mean there you go. So I mean since I'm a confessional
Lutheran and I haven't jumped on to the new thing that God's doing in the charismatic movement that means
I am an occultist and didn't even know it. No that's ridiculous.
I will prove it to you from the Word of God. Please try. The Pharisees refusing to see the passing of the
Old Testament and the transition to the New Testament. Again I have to note this fact that the
Pharisees were heretics. They were not Orthodox Jews.
Number one they opposed Christ the very he who is none other than the God they claim to worship in human flesh.
But it's a little bit more than that. Let's take a look at Matthew not Matthew Mark chapter 7
Mark chapter 7 and we'll just pay attention to what's going on here. The Pharisees were heretics.
They added to the scriptures and they were not quote -unquote Orthodox as we talked you know in the way we talked about somebody who is truly
Orthodox believer. They believe in Orthodox doctrines and things like that. That's not what the Pharisees were about.
So here's what it says in Mark chapter 7. Watch this interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees.
Now when the Pharisees gathered to Jesus with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem they saw that some of his disciples ate with hands that were defiled that is unwashed.
Now why are they choosing to have this fight over this practice? Answer well number one it's important to know you can look through all of the
Old Testament you will not find a command from God to wash your hands. So the question is where did the
Pharisees get this idea that they needed to wash their hands? Answer it was part of their body of doctrine and a sacred work they claimed came from Mount Sinai from God to Moses from Mount Sinai and it was the oral
Torah. It got encoded in a place called the tradition of the elders.
You can read it today in the Talmuds and the Mishnah. But they claimed that there was other doctrines that God revealed to Moses other things that were required but they were not written down in the written
Torah and you'll note that when the Old Testament ended by the time you read all the way from Genesis to Malachi there's no mention of Pharisees anywhere in that time period.
In fact the Pharisees come up during the intertestamental period and they invented these doctrines and they added to Scripture.
Now here's the idea then in the tradition of the elders in the oral Torah was the command that if you go out among the goyim among the unwashed
Gentiles yeah their sinful ick will get on you and so you have to do this cleansing ritual with a water basin when you enter into a house and you know the the ritual kind of went like this you put your left hand over the water basin and with the palm down and then you take the water pitcher and you pour it on you know the back of your left hand switch hands right hand palm down you know put water on top of that switch hands again left hand palm up water on top of that switch again right hand palm up water on top of that and then you kind of spritz your hand and then you say this prayer
I thank you Lord that you have given us the command to wash our hands that's how the ritual goes you can find it in the
Talmuds in the Mishnah and think places like that but the thing is it's not in Scripture and so when
Jesus and his disciples came in from doing their ministry work that day they passed the basin up and went straight to the dinner table and the
Pharisees lost it and the reason why they lost it is because Jesus by instructing his disciples to not wash their hands was denying the authority of the tradition of the elders so that's what's going on here so when the
Pharisees gathered to Jesus with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem they saw the disciples ate with hands that were defiled that is unwashed for the
Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands properly holding to and the name tradition of the elders should probably be capitalized that's an official body of work and they do and and when they come from the marketplace they don't eat unless they wash and there are many other traditions they observe such as the washing of cups pots copper vessels dining couches and the
Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus why do your disciples not walk listen to this according to the tradition of the elders which is an extra biblical body of work but they eat with defiled hands though Jesus said to them well did
Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites as it is written this people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me in vain do they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men and that's the problem so already we've got a major issue with Steve C's claims here that you've got a you know that the
Pharisees they didn't see the changing in the seasons and so they were guilty of practicing the occult yeah no the
Pharisees were heretics from the beginning they added to the scriptures and taught the doctrines of men as if they were the doctrines of God it's not that they were
Orthodox and missed the switching of the seasons that's not it at all he doesn't know his
Bible very well we continue but everything in the Old Testament is done away with we don't believe that but there certainly was a transition wasn't there when the
Messiah fulfilled the requirements of the law which no man could fulfill he brought in something new it's called the
New Covenant yeah again this that has nothing to do with what was wrong with the
Pharisees it's not that they missed the season change it's that they were totally off the rails to begin with it's a covenant not based on our good works which always fail but on faith in his accomplished work which he fulfilled all through his life and then with his perfection was able to pay the price of sin by dying on the cross for us he deserved not to die and yet he died he died in our place that established that cutting which is most certainly true is his body and the bleeding of his flesh that established a new covenant now if you were the teachers of the
Bible and the guardians of the revelation of the Word of God but you missed that one thing you become the occult yeah no see the
Pharisees were not the guardians of the Word of God they had added to it with the tradition of the elders the oral
Torah so yeah this teaching falls way flat and he's created this new doctrine the doctrine of freshness which by the way kind of ironically here is he's guilty of doing the exact same thing that the
Pharisees did he's teaching as doctrine the commandments of men nowhere in Scripture are we told that if you operate in an old anointing after a season change you are now practicing the occult and so in a very strange and bizarre ironic turn of events here in this
Billy Graham significance prophecy teaching we've got a problem and that is is that Steve C is doing the exact same thing that the
Pharisees did teaching as doctrine the commandments of men there is no doctrine of freshness
I think you get the point so that's our look at the prophetic significance of the death of Billy Graham the issue is is that the prophetic significance is that we have false teachers and false prophets falsely prophesying and twisting
God's Word exactly the way Jesus told us it would go down in Matthew 24 which funny enough these false teachers and false prophets are the actual sign that Jesus told us to look for regarding his eminent return weird how that works if you'd like to see more of this type of programming please support us you can do so all the information is down below in the description on how you can support fighting for the faith here on YouTube as well as our podcast by the way if you like what you're listening to are seeing here on on our
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