F4F | Prophecy Bingo 2024 Edition
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- 00:15
- Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
- 00:21
- This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
- 00:27
- Now, there's this thing that we do from time to time here at Fighting for the Faith. Let our hair down a little bit and, well, you can see where this is going.
- 00:35
- It's time for Prophecy Fingers. All right, gentlemen,
- 00:40
- I would like to welcome you all to Prophecy Bingo. So let's see here, over on this way, over on this way, we have
- 00:49
- Pastor Voth of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Grand Forks, North Dakota, but he's one of the fellows that provides regular content for HireThings .org
- 01:01
- for their social media page. And then down below, right directly below me is
- 01:06
- Pastor Harrison Goodman. And also one of the major faces for HireThings. You're on the leadership team now at HireThings, aren't you,
- 01:13
- Pastor Goodman? Yeah, they gave me a fancy title to make up for everything else they do to me.
- 01:22
- I see. Wait twice if you're in distress. Now since you're officially on staff there, what is
- 01:30
- HireThings and why should people care about it? So HireThings is a national youth organization that exists to make known the gifts of Christ Jesus to youth and young adults.
- 01:40
- We preach the gospel in a world that is absolutely filled with Christianity that is law and entertainment or law and then more law.
- 01:49
- We do law and gospel. And so there should be hope that that's what we're there for. Right on.
- 01:54
- Okay, and I used to be on the board of directors for HireThings for quite a long time, and no longer, but still
- 02:02
- HireThings is an organization that is near and dear to my heart. Had the opportunity to speak for HireThings at their summer conference down in Texas this past summer and was able to give a couple lectures on Christian apologetics.
- 02:19
- And I'm really legitimately thinking I should probably do those same lectures for Fighting for the
- 02:24
- Faith as episodes of Fighting for the Faith, but that's a whole other story. All right, gentlemen, you know the reason why
- 02:31
- I've called you here. We are here to do prophecy bingo. And I can legitimately say that having previewed all of these prophecies, that as according to Scripture, we are not to despise prophecies.
- 02:44
- And so the good news is, is that we aren't despising any prophecies because none of these are actually prophecies. So they are legitimately false prophecies and everybody claiming to be hearing words from God for our 2024 prophecies, they ain't hearing from God.
- 03:01
- And you have to buckle up. I apologize. Bendy straws, knee pads, duct tape and tinfoil pyramid hats are all kind of necessary bits, safety gear for prophecy bingo.
- 03:14
- But we are going to be looking at the major 2024 prophecies.
- 03:20
- I waited towards the end of the month of January to kind of collect them up. And we have got a whole host of them.
- 03:28
- We'll throw in a little bit of glory of Zion just because we can. And so, gentlemen, hopefully you got your bingo cards ready.
- 03:35
- Mine is right here. So I'm going to go ahead and take my free space with the sneaky squid and we're ready to rock and roll.
- 03:41
- So first up is Charlie Shamp. And one thing
- 03:47
- I got to tell you about this fellow is that beard stubble that he has got going on right there.
- 03:56
- He had shaved literally two hours before he recorded and his beard grows that thick and that dark and that quick.
- 04:05
- Is he able to manifest it that quickly? Yeah. He is the king of beard manifestations.
- 04:12
- But let's listen in for the prophetic word for 2024. Here we go.
- 04:17
- As I was seeking the Lord for wisdom and guidance concerning the year 2024,
- 04:25
- I heard these words spoken to me from the
- 04:30
- Lord. And he said this. He said, 2024, the year of greater works and greater glory.
- 04:39
- Got glory. All right, glory. First blood. Nice. That didn't take long.
- 04:47
- Took the right amount of time. Well, let's keep going here.
- 04:53
- You know, it's a little early. Unfortunately, I don't have either of those. But alas, here we go.
- 04:59
- He then gave me a passage of scripture out of Acts chapter 20, verse 24, where the apostle
- 05:04
- Paul declares, but I do not account myself of any value, nor as precious to myself.
- 05:10
- If only I may finish my work. And the ministry that I have received from the
- 05:16
- Lord Jesus Christ to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. This particular—hasn't
- 05:22
- God given us all of these verses already for like every year? You know? Am I missing something?
- 05:29
- Well, it's a special one. This is the one that has like two twos in it, and a zero. Oh! We haven't had that one before.
- 05:38
- Do you think he has one of those, you know, verse a day calendars sitting on the back of his toilet and he just kind of like, you know, ripped it off, and it just happened to be that one?
- 05:51
- Anything's possible. Anything. The particular passage of scripture of Acts 20, 24 is very significant for you and I in the body of Christ.
- 05:59
- God is calling us. Ooh, I feel the presence of God right now. Some of you need to type in as a point of contact as you're watching this, greater
- 06:08
- Greater works, greater glory for me. Greater works, greater glory for me.
- 06:15
- The Lord of glory. I thought glory went to God. So much for sola deo gloria, but you know.
- 06:24
- We're watching the wrong YouTube channel for that. Oh, okay. Turn it over to higher things.
- 06:30
- Right. Didn't Martin Luther warn us about theologians of self -glory?
- 06:37
- I'm just saying, I remember something like that. Does it count on a birthday calendar?
- 06:43
- There's got to be, you know? I don't know. Let's keep going, gentlemen. ... of our purpose.
- 06:50
- Purpose. And a real commitment to the ministry. Yes, I have purpose. There we go. I got it. Okay. There we go.
- 06:57
- I don't have it, but I know it's a prophecy. Bingo word. Bummer. I got my purpose -driven wardrobe. You have no purpose. Okay.
- 07:03
- Yeah. Yeah, because I got my purpose -driven wardrobe. Rick Warren would be very proud.
- 07:10
- Do you have Birkenstocks to go with that, sir? No, but I do have something the kids call my
- 07:16
- Jesus sandals, so. Okay. All right. That's good. Okay. ... entrusted to you and I. Brother Charlie, I'm not in the full -time ministry.
- 07:23
- Well, God has given to each and every one of us the ministry of reconciliation. Yeah. So, whether you are in a full -time position as a vocational minister, and you travel, and you speak publicly, or you are a believer in the body of Christ, each and every one of us, even
- 07:44
- Acts chapter 16 speaks of that we're going to lay hands on the sick, we're going to cast out devils, we are called to the ministry of reconciliation to bring people to the
- 07:52
- Lord. He said healing. And so, each and every one of us. He said healing? He said heal.
- 07:58
- I have healing. I have that, too. And so, in my own personal self -interest,
- 08:03
- I think I should take it. He's on the board. Where did it go?
- 08:09
- Hang on a second. It vanished. Oh, no,
- 08:14
- I don't have it. Oh, I thought I had it. Oh, too bad. This is too much. Okay.
- 08:20
- All right. I don't like this guy's pace. So, let's go to the next one.
- 08:25
- Let's switch it up a little bit, shall we, here? Oh, really? Yeah. Josh's favorite. Okay.
- 08:31
- All right. Here we go. Brace yourselves. Hi, and welcome to my channel. I'm Kay Nash. If you're new here,
- 08:36
- I deliver prophetic words from the Lord. Yeah, you're going to know. Messenger of the
- 08:43
- Lord. What is this tinfoil dress? Is that? I saw her on Star Trek once.
- 08:50
- Yes. You're not wrong. No, wait. She's a microwave burrito. That's what she is. She's being festive for the new year, you know?
- 09:03
- This is what she wore to Times Square or something. My question is this.
- 09:09
- Does her business card legitimately say Kay Nash, Messenger of the Lord? Because that's her card right there, kind of in the video.
- 09:20
- Okay. Teachings, I do some blogs and things. What was that, Harrison? I see three books and triangles and Christmas trees.
- 09:29
- Three books. Yeah. Okay. That's the vastness of her whole library. If you're interested, make sure you hit subscribe.
- 09:35
- If you're not new, then welcome back. I am going to be delivering in this video what
- 09:40
- I feel the Lord is saying for 2024. I'm very excited for this.
- 09:46
- I'm excited to get into it. I kind of want to tell you guys a little bit of how this all started. There's some different rhema in this.
- 09:53
- There's some different verses. Rhema is a Prophecy Bingo word. There's some different tips and stuff.
- 09:58
- So, if you want to screenshot it, if you want to get your notebooks out, I would definitely encourage you to do those things.
- 10:05
- Maybe watch it back so you keep getting the word in you, in you, in you. Jesus. All right.
- 10:11
- There it is. Jesus. I have that on my card. That's it. It says Jesus. Yeah.
- 10:16
- All right. So, what I did was God kind of highlighted this verse to me in Ecclesiastes 12 .5.
- 10:23
- And it says this, the almond tree shall flourish. And I felt like this was kind of interesting because I felt like God was digging me deeper and some questions were coming in my heart where...
- 10:36
- Pastor Booth, I just have to ask this question. And that is, if you were to, on any given
- 10:42
- Sunday, talk like this from the pulpit, what would happen to you? You know, there's still some split rail fences in this state that they probably would use to ride me out of town on.
- 10:55
- Okay. All right. Just saying. Okay. Because I've never, in all of my time in the pulpit,
- 11:00
- I've never gotten in the pulpit and say, I really feel like the Lord is telling me for the season, you know, things like this.
- 11:08
- Yeah. It's easier when you have like a nice lectionary text to stick to rather than waiting for random words to drop out of the sky and impartiality as well.
- 11:19
- And I can say this in our church services, and I know you do this as well, is that every time, you know, like when we read the text, like the
- 11:28
- Old Testament text, the Epistle, you know, I say these words, this is the word of the
- 11:34
- Lord. And people respond by saying, thanks be to God. So does that make me a prophet?
- 11:39
- I think so, of some kind. Well, you're forth telling the word of God, so that's forth, not for.
- 11:47
- Yeah. Indeed. Indeed. Okay. All right. Why would God say the almond tree would flourish?
- 11:53
- Do almond trees not normally flourish? Like why was he making that seem like that was some kind of unusual or some different things?
- 12:01
- Now, some of you that might know about almond trees or something, this might be obvious to you, but I don't.
- 12:07
- Okay. I'm not a farmer. I don't know these things. You claim to be a messenger of the
- 12:12
- Lord. If you thought this was important, why don't you just ask him and he'll tell you, you know? Right.
- 12:19
- Or that's what the Google's for too. Yeah. Anyway, I looked it up and it says that almond trees only flourish after five to 12 years.
- 12:31
- Jesus. It takes five to 12 years for the almonds to come out of the almond tree.
- 12:39
- So it's not like you just plant it and then it pops up every season. No, it's years of season is a prophecy.
- 12:48
- Bingo word. What tree do you just plant? And then it pops up and pears fruit.
- 12:54
- Like how is this sort of an astounding revelation? I was thinking that same thing. I've never heard of any such tree.
- 13:01
- Clearly not a botanist. Is that a Buc -ee's? Add that to the list of things she is not.
- 13:07
- Right. Pastor Harrison, Pastor Goodman, is that a Buc -ee's drink cup that I just saw?
- 13:16
- Yeah. But of course. Okay. Just want to make sure that there's been an official
- 13:23
- Buc -ee's sighting here on Fighting for the Faith. I think that's a first. I manifested it. It's fine. Okay.
- 13:31
- Continuing on. Waiting for that almond tree to flourish. It's years of hard work for you before that almond tree is flourishing.
- 13:42
- I'm not an almond tree. So yeah. Although I'm sure somebody somewhere is self -identifying as one of those nowadays.
- 13:51
- So but we continue. The other thing I felt like the Lord was highlighting to me with this is that after the almond tree starts producing almonds, it can produce almonds for 25 years straight,
- 14:04
- Jesus. And I felt like the Lord was saying this, you are that almond tree. Though it's been five years, though it's been 10 years, though it's been 12 years, the almonds are coming.
- 14:15
- The almonds are coming in the name of Jesus. God has not forgotten about you in the name of Jesus. And once it comes.
- 14:22
- She's really worked herself up at this point. Well, yeah. Yeah, and I don't know what almonds coming has to do with 2024.
- 14:30
- I mean, I, yeah, she's nuts. I mean, you're not wrong.
- 14:38
- You're not wrong. Let's keep going here. It will keep coming. And once it comes, it will keep coming.
- 14:44
- Some of you, you've been waiting for years and years for this breakthrough to come. And you're like, God, I've been doing this stuff.
- 14:49
- I've been. Breakthrough is a prophecy. Bingo word. Do I even? Yeah, I could have sworn
- 14:56
- I had it, but I'm just not seeing it on this one. I really have a bad card. I'm in trouble, gentlemen. I'm going to have to cheat like there's no tomorrow.
- 15:03
- Water in my almond tree. I've been pruning my almond tree, but I don't see any fruit. I don't see any almonds.
- 15:09
- And I just don't understand why you're not blessing me in this specific area of my life. And I felt like the
- 15:14
- Lord said in 2024 is the year that the almond trees are going to flourish for the faithful.
- 15:21
- Now, I did plant one 10 years ago. You did.
- 15:26
- I didn't. I forgot to plant it 10 years ago. So I guess I'm out of luck again. Yeah.
- 15:32
- You got to start over again. It reminds me of the time. Chavo's convention was yesterday.
- 15:40
- Right. All right. We're going to throw a little bit of fun. Let's see. Okay. So we're heading over to glory of Zion.
- 15:49
- And Pastor Goodman, you're not ready for this. This is their sermon time.
- 15:56
- They don't actually have sermons anymore. This is what they do. They kind of have a prophecy open mic thing going on there.
- 16:04
- So here we go. I have spirit on my card. I'm just going to call it right now.
- 16:10
- It's just right there on the wall. Go for it. Go for it. That is coming back to the body of Christ.
- 16:17
- It's almost like a redo where God says, I'm going to have you stand in ways you've never stood before.
- 16:26
- You will see the enemy, but the enemy will not knock you out of the gate.
- 16:32
- And Elijah got all the. How many different ways are there to stand?
- 16:40
- If I'm going to stand like I've never stood before. You're going to stand like a flamingo. You're going to have one foot on the ground, one foot lifted up.
- 16:46
- I've already done that. I distinctly remember doing that as a child. So, you know,
- 16:52
- I'm a little concerned that I've run out of creative ways to stand here. And okay.
- 16:59
- Way into the gate. To exhibit the authority the
- 17:04
- Lord had told him to. Authority. I have authority. Authority is a prophecy bingo word.
- 17:10
- Yep. Nicely done. Okay. I've got position. Just standing on your feet. Is that a position?
- 17:16
- No, it is not. It would be on your card. That's an untenable position.
- 17:25
- My card is cursed. I have a cursed bingo card right now, so. Knocked out of the gate.
- 17:32
- In this year of the gate, the door. Wait, did he say position? Because I also have position on my card.
- 17:40
- Yeah, come on. Yeah, all right. I have position. Sweet. Okay. I'm marking it.
- 17:48
- Away from bingo. I have the free space so far. I have the free space.
- 17:54
- That's all I have. So this is not good. You will not get knocked out of your doorway.
- 18:01
- There isn't. That's good. I'm glad I'm not going to get knocked out of my doorway. Let's see here.
- 18:09
- Increase your boundaries to turn the... Hang on a second. Let's see what this one is all about. The Lord spoke to me this morning.
- 18:16
- And he began to say, Robin, remember, it was when Saul got...
- 18:22
- Yeah, increase is a prophecy. Bingo word. Yes, I have it. Oh, I have that one too.
- 18:28
- I'm on the ward now. There we go. Ding. Okay. Is that kind of sappy music in the background too?
- 18:35
- Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah, it really does. Yeah, we'll go for it. Yeah, you should take that.
- 18:40
- Okay. Around a band of musicians, prophetic musicians, that he was changed.
- 18:49
- And he said, this is a time that I am going to begin to use sound like I have never used it before.
- 18:59
- So God's going to use sound like he's never used it before. So there's some kind of innovative sound thing going on.
- 19:05
- It's prophetic musicians. But only to people that aren't deaf.
- 19:11
- All right. He said to go forth and deal with the high places.
- 19:20
- He said it was the high places that the musicians were raised up for.
- 19:27
- And he said, prophetic musicians be sent forth like arrows in the hand of God.
- 19:36
- He said, because I am going to use you in this hour and you shall prophesy.
- 19:43
- You shall bring forth the word of the Lord. You shall deal mightily with root systems.
- 19:51
- He said, I'm bringing reformation through that sound. I am bringing reformation, the
- 19:58
- Lord says. He said, the systems of this world will begin to bow to a new sound.
- 20:07
- I have no idea what she said. That's a Rage Against the Machine album. Whoever that trumpet player in the background was.
- 20:16
- Rage Against the Machine. What were you saying, Josh? That trumpet player in the background was playing some pretty sour notes.
- 20:24
- That was pretty glorious. Man. Okay. As we've been in this time,
- 20:34
- I just said, Lord, what are you doing? He said, I am pouring out my spirit without measure.
- 20:39
- And he said, when I pour my spirit out without measure, my people must respond without restraint.
- 20:51
- Remember guys, when the Lord pours out his word without measure, you cannot operate in restraint.
- 20:59
- So yeah, not sure what any of it means, but it's not a clue.
- 21:04
- That was my question. A little restraint is okay sometimes. Yeah. Ones that will be able to turn the battle at the gates this year.
- 21:13
- So he said, when I begin to pour my spirit out, respond without restraint and turn the battle at the gates.
- 21:21
- That's yelling. Yep, that's yelling. That's yelling.
- 21:30
- Is she going to do a mic drop moment here? She's having a
- 21:36
- Joe Biden moment. She doesn't know where to go. Bring me the mic back, lady. You know, okay.
- 21:42
- Yeah, we got to get Chuck speaking in some tongues here. To me like this, what you are hearing prophesied through Robin and Linda, it was during our time after DeMonte had finished speaking,
- 21:58
- I went back and the Lord said, walk the length and the breadth of the place.
- 22:08
- What place? Hey, he said breath. I have breath on my card. Woo. Yeah, that actually. No, it's breadth.
- 22:16
- Oh, sorry. My mistake. Yeah. One extra letter. I don't give these guys any credence though, man.
- 22:23
- He totally mispronounced it. Yeah. They can add syllables wherever they want. Right.
- 22:29
- Indeed. Hang on a second here. I don't want to do. Okay. Right, right.
- 22:36
- So this is Jane Hammond. And so she's going to be giving us a prophetic word for 2024 year of divine breakthroughs.
- 22:46
- Hallelujah. Well, you can be seated. If you were here last week, you know that Bishop Apostle Tom and I kind of did a little tag team.
- 22:54
- We actually, all three of us stayed pretty much within our time. How many believe that there are miracles that still happen? Okay. And Bishop said last week that this was going to be a year of double for your trouble.
- 23:05
- Double. I have double. Yep. I also have double. Yeah. Okay.
- 23:11
- Yeah. I'm making progress, but it's double. Okay. Let me just turn that off.
- 23:18
- All right. Continuing on here. A year of restoration, a year of recovery. And he talked to us out of Job, which
- 23:24
- I know Job isn't the nicest book that you can read sometimes, because you see all the things that happened to him.
- 23:31
- But at the very end, you got to go to the last chapter. At the very end, Job got back twice what he lost.
- 23:36
- He got double for his trouble. Amen. How many believe that we're going to step into 2024 with victory? Step into is a prophecy.
- 23:43
- Bingo word. Victory is, yeah, you got victory. And victory. I missed miracle too. She said that there was a miracle.
- 23:49
- They stopped all talking or something. I missed that one. Man, my cart is cursed.
- 23:54
- I kid you not. I hit the refresh button way too many times. Keep saying curse.
- 24:01
- I have it on my cart. I should just take that. No, no. That's not how this game works. No. Continuing on here.
- 24:13
- Overcoming heart and overcoming mind. Listen, I saw a post that said this. It said, Lord, I pray this year you give me a fat bank account and a skinny body.
- 24:22
- Please don't get it mixed up like you did last year. All right. So we're going into this year with victory.
- 24:28
- All right. And then Apostle Tom's going to be preaching next week about leaping into the moor in 2024.
- 24:35
- And then last... Leaping into the moor? Leaping into the moor.
- 24:41
- I think this is like scratching itching ears. I mean, clearly they're playing on the greed of the people there.
- 24:47
- Aren't swamps called sometime called moors or, you know, a section of land that's relatively fallow and not really fit for, you know, any kind of agriculture?
- 24:58
- Right. But you would expect... I would not expect Jane Hammond to have that level of education to be able to distinguish between that type of moor and moor.
- 25:06
- I just want to see her leap into a swamp. It would just be funny. Yeah. I'm with you.
- 25:15
- So, you know, of course, if you want to add some animation at this point where we throw her into a moor, go for it.
- 25:23
- The forbidden marshes from Lord of the Rings or the Dead Marshes. Do you hear that high pitched noise?
- 25:34
- What? No. Oh, there it is.
- 25:44
- Continuing on here. Last week, I discussed some of the biblical significance of the number 24.
- 25:49
- I'm going to do this real quickly just to kind of update you a little bit. But when you study in the word of God, you find out that the number 24 has a connotation of God's government.
- 26:00
- Twelve is a governmental number and God's government that you find in the throne room of heaven.
- 26:06
- There are 24 thrones with 24 elders sitting on the throne. That is a heavenly council. And so I believe in this year that that governmental anointing for increased authority.
- 26:15
- Okay. Anointing and increase are absolutely prophecy bingo words. Yeah. You have anointing?
- 26:22
- Nice. Okay. An unshakable faith is coming upon us.
- 26:28
- Come on. How many believe that God wants to increase our authority? God wants to make our faith unshakable. He wants to put us into new positions, new promotions to lead.
- 26:36
- He wants to bring that clash of kingdoms. Promotion is a prophecy bingo word. There is a clash, if you're not aware, between the woke and the awakened.
- 26:45
- You're going to have to decide. Are you going to be part of the woke? Are you going to be part of the awakened? Last week, I think
- 26:50
- I shared with you that in 2020, the Lord gave me a word that kind of set the course for, I believe, the decade. And we were in a morning, in morning prayer.
- 26:59
- And the Lord said this to me. Number one, he said, I need you to tell the people that they're coming into a time when chaos will increase.
- 27:08
- How many think I'm a true prophet? How many think? No, no, no, no, no.
- 27:16
- I'm also a little bit of morning prayer right now. Hold the Abrams tank to the wall at this point.
- 27:22
- No. All right. Continuing on. This is fascinating.
- 27:30
- He's been crazy since 2020. Coming into a time when chaos will increase. But then he said, but wait, he said, but then
- 27:36
- I want you to tell them that I'm going to use chaos to strip the covering off of the corruption and the evil things that have been being done in secret.
- 27:45
- The wrong ideologies, the wrong mindsets, the wrong agendas that are being pressed. And the Lord says, I'm going to use chaos to expose it.
- 27:52
- Listen, I think we saw some of that this week when the president of Harvard and the presidents of those other universities, did y 'all watch that a couple weeks ago when they were brought before Congress and they couldn't even condemn calls for genocide of the
- 28:08
- Israeli people. They couldn't, they wouldn't condemn it. They said, oh, it depends on the context. No, there's no context to calls for genocide.
- 28:14
- Okay. But see, that's one of the examples of God bringing to exposure things that are being done so that he can overthrow them.
- 28:20
- Amen. And this last week, the president of Harvard, as well as I think the president, I think of Penn, ended up having to resign because of those positions.
- 28:26
- Can we thank the Lord that he always carries out his word? Amen. So we need to be watching for God's ways of using chaos to uncover the works of darkness.
- 28:34
- I don't remember Harvard in the Bible. I don't recall them being in there either. It's, this is, this is really weird.
- 28:41
- Isogeting Fox News is not a biblical practice. It's just not. No. Okay.
- 28:47
- Joshua, I gotta tell you, I put this one in here for you. So this is my late
- 28:53
- Christmas present to you. Yeah, this is Chuck Pierce. And the reason I chose this, so the reason
- 29:02
- I chose this particular prophecy is because the group that put this out, they create graphics for the different portions of Chuck Pierce's words that he's giving us.
- 29:17
- Oh, no. This is an illustrated Chuck Pierce prophecy. So these are, they're fresh words from the
- 29:27
- Lord, but they already have PowerPoints to go with them. This one does. Clearly there was a pre -recording and then they decided to really get some graphics here.
- 29:38
- So Joshua, hang on. Here we go. Welcome to 2024, the word of the
- 29:45
- Lord at Christian International. I love this place. If I were you, I would start off by extending a blessing to Christian International, what they have done to pioneer revelation in the body of Christ is beyond.
- 29:58
- And so I am so honored that they would include me to speak to you over some of the insights
- 30:04
- I'm having for 2024. Pause it. Pause it for a second. Yes. This has severe.
- 30:12
- McDonald's has given me this time to talk to you about drugs. McDonald's restaurants have given me this time to talk to you about something we both really care about.
- 30:29
- It was, it was given me a apology video from Santa Claus for disappointing the children.
- 30:39
- This is all part of the coal initiative. Okay. Let's continue on. Is now my son,
- 30:47
- Isaac wrote me this morning and said, I looked at the sky and it was like a new blanket. And the thing about new is you don't have it all defined yet because you're walking in a path or you're walking in something that has never come into the quality that God is going to bring it into.
- 31:03
- That's what the word new means. It means. Has it come into the quality? Have you, have any of you ever stepped into a quality?
- 31:15
- I've stepped into a lot of things, but never a quality. Okay. All right. Just checking. Something that's never been before or something that will be a better quality in days ahead.
- 31:23
- And yet I think we have to step forward by faith into it. And then we began to see clearly.
- 31:29
- I like to look at it like the man who was blind and Jesus prayed for him and put mud on his eyes and he could see men walking like trees.
- 31:41
- And then Jesus prayed for him again. You're going to have to have times through this year that you are not only prophesying, but you're praying or you're interceding and you're not going to always begin by seeing the new as clearly as you would like.
- 31:57
- But the more you press toward it, the clearer it will become. So I say to you right now, just tell the
- 32:03
- Lord you are ready to step forward into all the better quality or even some unknown that he has for you in the year ahead.
- 32:11
- Now, one of the things we do is we always have starting the year off right. You go to our website and you can look at that because I try to get like 15 or 20 minutes from a lot of people to share what they're seeing.
- 32:23
- And I call that gathering at the beginning of the year. The Lord of hosts will triumph because we have to know we've got to understand the triumphantness of the
- 32:32
- Lord this season. Triumph means that you play the trump card. Now, I'm a card player from way back, and you always have to know the timing when to play that trump card.
- 32:44
- And you always have to watch being played around you. So we're into a pinnacle or spades metaphor here.
- 32:54
- Now, this guy's playing go fish. Oh, man.
- 33:01
- Yeah. Okay. So, Josh, I'm just going to fast forward a little bit here because I thought you would like this particular graphic.
- 33:07
- Oh, no. Is that a hedge of protection with angels? Are they realigning the border?
- 33:13
- I need somebody to animate my disappointment. I think your face says it all.
- 33:21
- Yeah. All right. I just wanted to back it up just a little bit so we get the context here. Over your nation. This year, there is a focus on America, and he showed me four ruling angels that were surrounding the entirety of America, including
- 33:33
- Alaska and Hawaii. Then he showed me 51 angels that filled in. One of the things we're going to be doing is taking you virtually from state to state to state and hearing from people in those states.
- 33:45
- So we know how to pray for our states as we go into the year ahead. Those angels had their sword in their sheep.
- 33:53
- That meant they weren't ready to war. This was last August that God showed me.
- 33:59
- And so with that, he said that by Passover 2024, he would have angelic visitation going from state to state in America.
- 34:09
- I got visitation. Nice. Yeah. That is proper bingo word. Good night.
- 34:17
- I'm just thinking good witch of the north, like the witch of the east, the flying monkeys.
- 34:23
- This is a complete fever dream. So, okay. Okay. Another person you really like,
- 34:29
- Josh. Cindy Jacobs. Okay. I thought that was Bon Jovi from the backside.
- 34:38
- He hasn't aged well. That's what happens when you live on a prayer.
- 34:44
- So, you know. Oh, he's halfway there. Yeah. Okay.
- 34:53
- Here we go. You've heard me say this a thousand times that some of us just live dumb, boring lives.
- 35:01
- Just cut that out. We are not called to mediocrity. We are called to do more.
- 35:08
- And God has anointed us to do more. Well, you know, if you want to listen to the full word that the prophets gave for this year, at least our prophets that meet here at Trinity, this is a year of shakings and open doors.
- 35:24
- Shaking is a prophecy bingo word. Yeah. There is a thing. There is a scripture that God has given us.
- 35:31
- There's a thing that God has given you. Okay. If you have the word something on your card,
- 35:38
- I think that'll count. So, yeah, it's just a thing
- 35:43
- God has given her. Also for the year in its revelation for verse one, and it's come up higher.
- 35:50
- So God is saying to us, come up higher. Wait, wait. She actually read something.
- 35:56
- What? No, she read two words. I'm sure there's more to that verse. Yeah. Oh, come up higher.
- 36:03
- It's actually come up here in Revelation four one. She did her best. She got too close to the
- 36:12
- Bible. Her hand started to burn and she had to run away really fast. Yeah. Yeah. She almost preached the scripture.
- 36:19
- Okay. Okay. Or say, I mean, you to be the head and not the tail. The tail just gets dragged around.
- 36:29
- This is like a prophetic trope at this point. Aren't you tired of being the tail getting dragged around all the time?
- 36:39
- It's better to drive the ship. Yeah. I don't like being the tail because I get pooped on.
- 36:45
- So, you know, I want to jump off the ship. And some of you have gone through so much.
- 36:52
- Some of you just thought, I want to get off this boat. But the Lord says, no, that is not my will for your life.
- 36:59
- Now, this verse after these things, I look to be another verse. Okay. I'm just thinking that this woman needs a good keel hauling.
- 37:10
- Yeah. Something like that. And the first voice, which
- 37:16
- I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying, come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.
- 37:24
- I assure you, Revelation 4 has nothing to do with 2024. At least not the way they're doing this.
- 37:33
- So very interesting because this passage says that he was looking.
- 37:39
- You understand this? The apostle was looking and then he saw the door.
- 37:45
- The trouble with us, we can't find the doors. We're not looking for the door. We're just having a big old pity party.
- 37:57
- Kind of looking for the door, right? Remember, every room with Cindy Jacobs is an escape room.
- 38:07
- Yes, this is most certainly true. All right, let me do this. This particular video has potential because it is four hours and 24 minutes long.
- 38:20
- This is destiny images. I need some sleep yet tonight, Chris. We're not going to watch all of it. But I know where to drop the play head so that we can get generational curse.
- 38:32
- Does that count? Not yet. Not yet. Only if you watch the full video at one time speed.
- 38:40
- Three hours. So this fellow over here on that guy, he goes by the name of Joseph Z.
- 38:52
- Those of you in Australia, he's Joseph Z. But let's listen in because he specializes in prophetic political thingies and stuff.
- 39:04
- What we're doing right now is we're doing a series for 2024. What is the Holy Spirit saying? And candidly, the people
- 39:10
- I chose to be on this, I know are accurate. They are not simply prognosticators or predictors.
- 39:16
- The people who know times and seasons is that sons of Issachar anointed. So I want to put it on you.
- 39:21
- No pressure. But listen, for all of you who are watching, I'm not I'm not asking Joseph Z to give me five bullet points of predictions of what's going to happen in 2024.
- 39:30
- I want to go Issachar level times and seasons. What do you sense the Lord saying and doing?
- 39:35
- And how can we partner with the activity of the Holy Spirit? So. So, Pastor Goodman, have you been partnering with the activity of the
- 39:42
- Holy Spirit to your congregation? Pastor Goodman I mean, so I haven't actually gotten a cut financially.
- 39:48
- So probably not. But, you know, there's there's something to shoot for. All right.
- 39:54
- All right. Sounds hopeful there. Pastor Voth, have you been partnering with the activity of the Holy Spirit lately?
- 40:00
- Pastor Voth Not the way that they say, you know, I was just teaching on, you know,
- 40:06
- Luther's small catechism, third article, you know, that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in the
- 40:12
- Holy, you know, in Jesus, but the Holy Spirit's called me by the gospel. I guess that's if that's what they mean.
- 40:20
- Sure. Preaching the word. Yeah. Yeah, that's not what they mean.
- 40:28
- They definitely don't mean that. So, all right, let's keep going. Pastor Goodman Thank you. Well, I think that's a great word.
- 40:33
- Partner with the activity of the Holy Spirit, Larry, because what is happening in the coming year? And, you know, people always try to box it into a year or a certain 12 month time frame.
- 40:42
- And I think that's a mistake because there are seasons, there are times and there are epics of times.
- 40:47
- Times and seasons are prophecy. Bingo words. And I believe we're coming into a time that the
- 40:53
- Lord has said to many of us is not set. In other words, people that made predictions about presidential things, how things were going to go in the past season.
- 41:01
- I believe the Lord purposefully right -sized many areas of the prophetic to bring a higher quality and a higher level of accuracy that the body of Christ in Jesus deserves.
- 41:10
- New level. Yeah, level will count. Or new level. He's a higher level.
- 41:16
- Yeah. Do we have both? Yeah, we do have both. Yeah, go for it.
- 41:22
- Sweet. And so what I see coming in this next season is not set. A lot of it is not set. He needs the cooperation of his body.
- 41:28
- He needs the cooperation of his reformers. He needs the cooperation of those that get behind what he's doing, not just trying to predict or fortune cookie the future.
- 41:36
- And so that's why I appreciate you, Larry, and I appreciate Mercedes and the way you two stand. You really are a representative of changing of the guard and a new wineskin that the
- 41:45
- Spirit of the Lord is bringing. New wineskin is a prophecy bingo word. So I got to ask you guys this.
- 41:52
- If this is legitimately the Holy Spirit talking through all of these people, have you figured out what the
- 41:59
- Holy Spirit is saying at all? Because there doesn't seem to be any consistency of messaging at this point.
- 42:09
- And it seems to be a spirit of confusion coming upon them. It has nothing to do with the forgiveness of sins or Jesus, but it sounds dope, so.
- 42:15
- It sounds dope. Sounds like they're smoking dope, but that's a different thing. So what were you saying,
- 42:21
- Pastor Voth? Oh, I've forgotten now, so. Okay, all right.
- 42:27
- Why am I being lectured about seasons by Discount Mr. Clean here? I just don't get it. Yeah, I don't.
- 42:33
- Hey, this is Kmart Mark Zuckerberg. I can see that.
- 42:41
- I can see that. Okay, yeah. Right now on the landscape. The eyes. Here's what I heard for the next year. I'll share a few things about it.
- 42:47
- I may even draw a little bit on the whiteboard with some of the things I saw specifically for America. And look, you know, we love America, but we're believers in Jesus first.
- 42:54
- We believe in the living God and we believe in Christianity and the kingdom over any specific. Kingdom.
- 43:00
- Hang on a second here. I got another one. All right, I'm making some progress now.
- 43:05
- Hang on. That's limping along there. Yeah. Yeah, limping is the emphasis here. Political affiliation and all that.
- 43:11
- But I have some things I will share. I saw this. I saw the words in 2024. There will be a roar and a war.
- 43:19
- And then last night I was praying because I knew I was going to be speaking with you, Larry and your awesome audience. I have warfare. And I heard the words.
- 43:25
- Yeah, go for it. Warfare. The roar, the war. And then
- 43:30
- I heard the word more. Very interesting. And I'm not typically one of these rhyming prophetic people, but I saw more war.
- 43:38
- That means Nikki Haley is going to win. Show me the door.
- 43:47
- Hey, you've got that prophetic gift of rhyming too. Wow, wow. Okay. Words to the faithful.
- 43:56
- More will be given. In other words, like the one who is given one talent and then the one who's given 10. The one who is faithful with the 10, even what the one had that did not be faithful with it ended up in the hands of the 10.
- 44:06
- And I believe the spirit of the Lord is saying to those who are faithful to what they have done, more will be given. So the faithful this year are going to see increase specifically.
- 44:15
- Increase. I saw the words. It is a year of land. Now, as economics gets wild and things go up, they go down, there's a shaking and all these things that will continue to happen.
- 44:23
- I saw a year of land and almost that there was people that had things that they were supposed to be receiving some three, four or five years ago.
- 44:30
- And suddenly it's been ripped away from them or suddenly they were not able to have it. I saw the spirit of the
- 44:35
- Lord beginning to give favor where they're in the middle of pressure. Favor is a prophecy. Bingo. Nice.
- 44:44
- Is he talking about the tracks of land or something? Those are huge. We can't talk about those here.
- 44:50
- I think that's where the almond trees were planted. Ah, that makes perfect sense.
- 44:57
- So that's nuts. Okay. I need a river to go through that land.
- 45:07
- It's almost like that funny saying you got change for a paradigm shift. I feel like that is going to happen in this coming year.
- 45:12
- Shift is a word with all this. Nice shift. Yeah. All right, digital stuff.
- 45:18
- They're going to begin to push and talk about with the rumbling and shaking of the economy. I believe there will be powerful moments for land, for people to own, for things that will come into possession supernaturally.
- 45:29
- I see that like there's been a supernatural. I have supernatural. Yeah, that's on there too. And it will come to people.
- 45:34
- A number of things that I've really been praying about also is this narrative on some of the strange things we've been seeing.
- 45:41
- And I'm going to get into a graph really quick here because I've been praying through this. One of the things that's been strange that we're going to see more of is this.
- 45:47
- And this is funny. And please, please indulge me or humor me as you're listening to this just for a moment, because I believe it's very important that we hear this.
- 45:53
- This narrative of UAPs, UFOs, and the alien narrative. And people say, oh, my goodness, here we go.
- 45:59
- What's this all about? Well, first and foremost, I believe there is no such thing as aliens. But I want to say this to you, that there's going to be more and more of a widespread deception with this.
- 46:07
- And I believe it's on the back burner almost for a moment. But it's going to come out again with full force where they begin to bring this out.
- 46:13
- And whether it is technology people are seeing, whether it is stuff like Project Bluebeam, where they blast images 3D into the sky and they deceive that way.
- 46:21
- Or if it is indeed some form of nefarious spiritual activity from fallen angelic beings, or if it is demonic in origin, whatever it is, one or all three of those.
- 46:30
- I believe that narrative is going to come. And I do believe that is a last day's deception to deceive even the elect if it were possible.
- 46:36
- I want to. I don't know what's going to happen, but something's going to happen. I swear to you, it'll be something.
- 46:42
- In the Olivet Discourse, Christ did not say that UAPs would deceive the elect if possible.
- 46:52
- That was not the point. That was Area 51. UFOs, UTIs, all sorts of stuff, you guys.
- 47:01
- STDs. The Urinary Tract Infection, yeah. What has happened here?
- 47:09
- All right, let's continue. I'm going to drop the play head.
- 47:15
- Oh, wait, wait. We've definitely got to get Chris Reid in here. Okay. All right. So Chris Reid, he's taken over at Morningstar.
- 47:27
- But let's listen in. In this book, it's all documented. These are given at our New Year's conference.
- 47:33
- A lot of people come to our conferences. We're a conference center. In the
- 47:39
- Vision Conference, you can find out information about it. Vision! All of our conferences at MStarVision. Vision is a prophecy media word.
- 47:46
- I still have no bingo. This is ridiculous. Oh, well.
- 47:52
- Okay, let's keep going here. Dot com. But this was the prophecy in December of 2022.
- 47:58
- I said, I saw a costly oil spill in the Southeast US. Now, a lot of people say, what's the big deal about an oil spill?
- 48:06
- They happen often. But this oil spill, they said over 1 million gallons of oil that was spilled.
- 48:12
- It's the biggest one since the 2010 BP oil spill, which a lot of people will remember.
- 48:18
- And so we share these things. And why are we doing something like this? It gives intercessors material to know what to pray.
- 48:25
- Intercessor! Helps develop watchmen. Yeah, that's a prophecy bingo word. Man, I can tell you, my card is cursed.
- 48:33
- No, because oil is one syllable, but Jesus is four. And this is just, it's playing with my mind a little.
- 48:44
- All right. My apologies. This is definitely mental stuff here.
- 48:49
- To know what God's saying in the current events, to know that God is speaking. And this book kind of explains why some...
- 48:58
- So I do think it's interesting that for 2024, Chris Reid chose to plug his 40
- 49:03
- Prophecies book. This is, gotta make sure to get that plug in for my 40
- 49:10
- Prophecies book. All right, let me fast forward. I've got Lana Vosser on another one, but oh, here we go.
- 49:18
- Perry Stone. Okay. All right, let's check in with Perry Stone. We do not hear from him very often anymore.
- 49:25
- So let's see what he's up to. Okay, Pastor Franklin, who has been a friend of mine, I knew him before he ever married his wife.
- 49:33
- And my wife and I were married on a Friday and started a three -week revival in Gastonia, North Carolina on a
- 49:39
- Sunday. And that's where I met this very thin saxophone playing preacher named Jensen Franklin.
- 49:44
- And I knew then God was going to use him. I told my wife, God's going to use him. So we became friends that far back, which was 1981.
- 49:51
- We watched him take the church there and build it from about 400 members to now thousands of members that come.
- 49:58
- Jensen had contacted me, I think it was in the month of September. I don't want to hear about Jensen. I want to hear the word of the
- 50:03
- Lord for 2024. And I said, that's right. Tomorrow night, we're going to feature all the
- 50:09
- Baptist people. We're going to minister to you. If she talks fast under an unction, she can't do it. I mean, some of the things that we've been taught, we need to go back and re -evaluate some common sense, you know.
- 50:19
- All right, let me go ahead and welcome. There will be a city where there's no rain. I will cause it to rain in one city where it's not raining in another city.
- 50:28
- So the people where it's not raining will go to where it is raining. It's a very strange verse. And I almost think it means this, that there are places where there's a drought spiritually.
- 50:37
- And God is going to open up outpouring centers, refreshing centers where his spirit's being poured out.
- 50:43
- And because it's not raining here, sometimes we criticize people that travel to a place. But if it's not raining where they're at and it's dry, people are going to go and visit.
- 50:52
- They may not move there or live there permanently, but they're going to go and visit where it's raining. And my prayer is that the rain,
- 50:57
- James 5, the husband waits patiently for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience when he received the early rain and the latter rain.
- 51:04
- And, you know, one of the great men of God of yesteryear, 1959, gave a prophetic word that Cleveland, Tennessee would be the hub of the end time revival before the rapture of the church.
- 51:11
- Wow. And we don't know what all that means. We don't know what all that represents. But we believe that one day the Omega Center International. Cleveland, Tennessee.
- 51:19
- I don't know what all that means. It means all the rock and rollers are going to leave the
- 51:25
- Hall of Fame and head over to the revival. Right. All right. Let's check in with James Gall.
- 51:30
- Hang on a second here of the Acts 3, 19 to 21, that this is that which is spoken by the holy prophets of old now.
- 51:39
- So it's both biblical and it is according to many prophets which have spoken now the great harvest.
- 51:47
- But I'm also going to interject something. Is this the final harvest? And you know what? I got a harvest.
- 51:53
- Harvest is a prophecy being a word. I'm not convinced it is necessary.
- 51:59
- There is a difference between the great harvest that we have ever seen. And is it necessarily the final harvest?
- 52:06
- Ah, and I'm going to leave you hanging on that one. Okay. He's not going to hang himself on that one.
- 52:14
- Right. Exactly. It's a cliffhanger, you know, but he's playing it safe while trying to make it look like he's not playing it safe.
- 52:26
- Wait, hold on a second. Did Jesus or any of the prophets of old ever actually have like a, you know, a cliffhanger or stay in tune for part two, you know, because don't worry,
- 52:36
- I can't give you the full word right now. I'll give it to you later after you pay me. Yeah, the
- 52:41
- Bible wasn't big on cliffhangers. They introduced Judas as the one who would betray him. Like, you know, you got to keep your eye on that guy.
- 52:48
- Right. The anti -cliffhanger just gives you spoilers. Yeah. I would say this, that in Daniel, there's a whole prophecy that got sealed up.
- 53:02
- And so, you know, there was something, but it wasn't put out as a cliffhanger.
- 53:08
- It was basically sealed up until the end of the age. I know one cliffhanger. I know one cliffhanger from the
- 53:14
- Bible, but it's not a prophecy. It's Daniel in the lion's den because there's the stone gets rolled over, and then they have to wait.
- 53:21
- And like, oh, is he alive? He's alive. Right, right. That's about it. Okay. Continuing on, gentlemen.
- 53:29
- One side of the Jordan River where we proclaim it's coming, it's coming, it's coming. And we have crossed over a generational 40, 50 -year generational line over to the other side of the
- 53:40
- Jordan River where we can now truly say we have entered into the inheritance of generational words.
- 53:47
- Inheritance. I can be. Nice. What was that? Inheritance.
- 53:54
- Oh, wait. I think I might have that. I've got river, but I don't think you mean Jordan River sort of. No, hang on.
- 53:59
- Hang on a second. I want to, I thought I had inheritance. No, I don't. My card is cursed. I have a legitimately cursed card.
- 54:06
- I'm just trying to bet his card on his phone is actually different than the card on his computer. It is not.
- 54:11
- It is the exact same thing. I'm not that senile. There's a commandment about honoring your father and your mother.
- 54:23
- Anyway, so. Staying at things accurately is not disobeying the commandment.
- 54:30
- It depends on timing. Which is also a prophecy bingo word.
- 54:36
- And you don't get it. No. One of them amongst many who can now say this is that which has been spoken and we no longer need to say it's coming.
- 54:51
- It's coming. It's coming. I am here to declare as a veteran. Hang on a second here.
- 54:57
- Declare. I have that one. There we go. I declare.
- 55:03
- So I got the decree of the declare. So I'm in a good position here.
- 55:08
- If I can cheat my way into a bingo, I think I've got a chance here. I just need to do some battling wins or something like that.
- 55:16
- You can manifest some wins. You think so? Yeah. Okay.
- 55:22
- I've been known to do that one. No, my wife complains bitterly about that. All right.
- 55:29
- Of 50 years of prophesying, this is that which has been spoken.
- 55:35
- It is no longer the harvest is coming. The great harvest has already begun.
- 55:41
- The timeline is already, we have crossed it.
- 55:47
- And I could also say it another way. We've crossed the timeline. The way the guy talked with his hands actually annoys me.
- 55:54
- Yeah. I keep, let's keep going here. Israel is the clock.
- 56:00
- The clock is ticking. And this Israel war is a beginning fulfillment of Isaiah, excuse me,
- 56:09
- Psalm 83. We are entering into biblical prophecy that has never been fulfilled.
- 56:16
- And so we're entering into the beginning of the greatest harvest that the scriptures predict and that prophets have predicted.
- 56:28
- And guess what? I'm alive to get to see it. And you get to be laborers in the field put in the signal for the harvest.
- 56:36
- That's right. Now, moving. Haven't like all Christians who preach the gospel and share
- 56:43
- Christ from like Christ's ascension until today, haven't they all been harvesters in the harvest field of the
- 56:50
- Lord? I'm pretty sure that's kind of how that works. Is my exegesis wrong? When he keeps pointing prophets, that means like these so -called prophets, not the actual scriptural prophets.
- 57:02
- Right. All right. I'm going to, I'm going to, we're going to change gears here. You know what? Hang on a second.
- 57:08
- I feel like we are overdue for this. Testimony of salvation.
- 57:13
- Nevermind. I'm looking for one. My wind will cause your garden to bloom.
- 57:20
- That has potential. That has potential. I think he has wind on his palm. Yeah, I know.
- 57:26
- I'm going to blow. I told you I cheat. I do not hide this fact.
- 57:32
- The most like poetical fart joke that I think I've ever made.
- 57:39
- Stick around. It only gets worse. My wind will cause your garden to bloom.
- 57:45
- My wind will cause your garden to doom. Anyway, that's a different thing. Blow on your gardens.
- 57:53
- God says you have had fields and gardens that you have planted, that you have tended, that you have watered, that light has come to, but they still have not blossomed.
- 58:04
- And it's because it's been waiting on the wind. The Lord said. There it is. There it is.
- 58:09
- Hang on a second here. I am now in the hunt. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay.
- 58:15
- I just need a battle. Just as I breathe into Abram and Sarah and cause my breath to bring life into their bodies, where they could press.
- 58:26
- I have breath. Yeah. Breath is rusty. Bingo word. Okay. What was that?
- 58:32
- Still no bingo. No, no. No, I have nine, 10, 11, 12, 13.
- 58:40
- I have 14 words on my card and no bingo. What is that? That's like a record. You've got magical powers down there.
- 58:48
- This happens to me so many times. I get so many words, but no bingo. It just doesn't happen. I'm trying to figure out where is this wind that God was blowing into Abraham and Sarah?
- 58:59
- I mean, yes, he spoke to them, but that's not wind blowing. Yeah, no.
- 59:07
- She needs to go back and read Genesis. Yeah, prophetic gas bag edition.
- 59:17
- So continuing. The Lord says this year you watch for my wind because I am blowing on your gardens and there will be incredible multiplication and incredible life.
- 59:31
- Come forth from the seeds that you have planted. I can't animate this.
- 59:41
- No, no, and I like rain on my garden, not wind.
- 59:47
- You know, wind dries out my garden. You know, did you say provision? I can't.
- 59:52
- I can't. Did she say provision? I didn't hear. No. All right.
- 01:00:00
- Sorry. And I say to you, your fragrance has been locked up. Talking about winds and fragrances now.
- 01:00:07
- I'm just getting so uncomfortable, you guys. They're so close to making this into a flatulence joke.
- 01:00:17
- So seeing how everything works with kids and most of what we do is just like, can this be turned into an inappropriate joke?
- 01:00:25
- Because if so, don't say that thing. They don't they don't work with kids. No, I would note that it's kind of fascinating.
- 01:00:35
- It seems like that the predominant demographic there at Glory of Zion, which is the name of this church, it looks like the predominant demographic is like boomers.
- 01:00:46
- You know, so, you know, it's a bunch of old, old people prophesying. You know, it's just weird.
- 01:00:52
- Lands have been locked up. But I say I will send the strong winds this year to unlock the fragrances.
- 01:01:03
- Oh my goodness. Come on. What does he always say?
- 01:01:08
- Chris, this is like this. He sounds like, what does it smell? The color nine or something like that.
- 01:01:14
- I mean, it's it's absolutely his wind. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, this is this legitimately is just like a fart joke without saying the word.
- 01:01:25
- It's just wow. That has been locked. Get ready to smell me as I blow, sayeth the
- 01:01:34
- Lord. I remember that in the prophets.
- 01:01:48
- Oh, smell me, sayeth the Lord. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- 01:01:54
- Oh, I'm crying. You're laughing so hard. This is up there with Garden Hill.
- 01:02:12
- I'm afraid to ask what the garden hoe was, because, uh, yeah. Oh, there was a prophecy bingo we did last year with Daniel Chapman.
- 01:02:23
- Oh, man. And Canesse writes words from the Lord, like, directly. And she's like, you know, put down your hoe.
- 01:02:30
- And she put in parentheses garden for hoe. Put down your hoe.
- 01:02:37
- Put your shovel aside and see truly the hand of the Lord. Put down your hoe.
- 01:02:44
- She had to specify. Oh, wow,
- 01:02:50
- I didn't even see that. It's an important distinction.
- 01:02:59
- This is so funny. Oh, this is so bad. I can see it now.
- 01:03:12
- People are going to say, I want a merch. I want merch. I want a fighting for the faith t -shirt that says, smell me, sayeth the
- 01:03:20
- Lord. I will unlock my fragrance upon you, says the
- 01:03:27
- Lord. Pull my finger. Pull my finger, anointing.
- 01:03:42
- Oh, we have lost control, gentlemen. This is, I can see that email's coming in now.
- 01:03:48
- This is no way for pastors to be behaving. Listen, we're just teenagers at heart.
- 01:03:57
- Right. With three pastors and one layman on board this prophecy bingo, this is the most sanctified bingo we've ever done.
- 01:04:10
- Yeah, it's usually a little more ruckus than this. All right, why don't we check in with Jennifer LeClaire and see if she can help me get this bingo.
- 01:04:20
- I just need a battle from her. So the inventor of the sneaky squid spirit is now going to regale us with her 2024 prophecy.
- 01:04:28
- Here we go. How the Lord can speak through many people the same thing and then speak different things through each of us.
- 01:04:34
- I want to highlight one thing quickly. Now, some years ago, Chuck Pierce began to prophesy about the new
- 01:04:41
- Watchmen movement rising. And, you know, I jumped in on that. That's been one of the calls on my life is the
- 01:04:47
- Watchmen anointing and began to write and teach on that. I was in prayer a few weeks ago and I was reading the book of Nehemiah.
- 01:04:53
- I always ask the Lord, what do you want me to read? He said, read the book of Nehemiah. And in one chapter, three times, it says the enemy burned down the gates.
- 01:05:01
- Enemy is a prophecy bingo word. Oh, Lord, he said the enemy is trying to burn down the gates. Now, in ancient times, this was literal.
- 01:05:08
- But now the Lord is speaking symbolically, figuratively. The enemy is targeting gates at all levels of society.
- 01:05:14
- It's not just borders. It's the seven mountains. And this is not a new strategy, clearly, but it is escalated because the
- 01:05:20
- Lord shows. Strategy is a prophecy bingo word. Strategy is I have strategies and that's bingo. I have bingo.
- 01:05:28
- I wanted fair and square. I think that was a dig on you,
- 01:05:36
- Chris. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to save.
- 01:05:43
- I'm going to save my prophecy to see if I can get more than one bingo. Okay, you're going to see if you can. So that is an option.
- 01:05:50
- Saving up your prophetic utterances until the end. Okay, let's continue on here.
- 01:05:57
- Coming through the gates, he wants to burn them down completely. So there's no resistance to his plans.
- 01:06:02
- If he can burn down the gates, he can come in like a flood. Now, we know the Lord will raise up a standard as the intercessors pray. But we need to understand not just what the
- 01:06:08
- Lord wants to do, but how the enemy is moving against God's will. So that we're positioned rightly for this era of war.
- 01:06:14
- The enemy wants to dominate. He wants to change the times and the laws. Save battle. Position is a word. Yeah, position is a word.
- 01:06:21
- Save battle, lady. Position is for the battle. We got to get a battle in here. I need. No, it's the year of war.
- 01:06:28
- It's not battles. I know. I need her to save battle. She's this close.
- 01:06:37
- Morality prevail in cities and nations. God wants to bring revival. Nations. The kingdom of God. Nice. Violence.
- 01:06:45
- The violent take it by force. But, you know, the answer here is twofold. The church in general must remember.
- 01:06:51
- We must remember that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. We must not allow the spiritual pressure that we're feeling.
- 01:06:57
- I know many leaders, many believers are feeling great pressure. And the enemy wants to take that pressure and turn it into oppression so that we won't release our voice in prayer.
- 01:07:05
- So that we won't speak to that mountain. So that we won't stand. Speak to is prophecy being a word. So that we won't make up the hedge.
- 01:07:12
- He wants us to lay down our weapons. Especially with regard to the gates. It's a critical time at the gates. Because the gates are what?
- 01:07:18
- The point of enemy attack. Because that's the seat of authority. The gates are where judges and officers administrate justice.
- 01:07:23
- We're looking at the Bible here. The gates are where conspiracies are plotted. The gates are where councils are held.
- 01:07:28
- The gates are where prophets proclaimed the messages of God. Catch that. The gates are where the prophets proclaimed the messages of God.
- 01:07:35
- So the enemy wants to burn down the gates. Now here's the strategy. Watchmen must partner with gatekeepers at a higher level.
- 01:07:43
- We've seen for many years. Sounds like a mid -level marketing scheme.
- 01:07:51
- Yeah. They have to stand upon the parapets above the gate. Okay. The watchmen on the wall.
- 01:08:00
- The gatekeepers guarding access. We need a new level of cooperation. Sharing of prophetic intelligence.
- 01:08:06
- Praying together between the watchmen intercessors. The watchmen prophets. And the gatekeeper intercessors. The gatekeeper intercessors must be alerted.
- 01:08:13
- See the watchmen. You know this. The watchmen see from far off. The gatekeeper has a different perspective. Because the gatekeeper's job is to guard the gates.
- 01:08:20
- So we need the watchmen and the gatekeepers to really connect with one another. We don't need to be in silos. We don't need to be in our little camps.
- 01:08:27
- Our little flows. Our little streams. Flow is a prophecy bingo word. Come together with different perspectives.
- 01:08:34
- Different understanding of different cultures. Different nations. Different types of warfare. Different streams of prayer. And we must begin to release the gatekeepers over these closed gates.
- 01:08:44
- To quench the fiery darts of the enemy. And it's the combination of the watchkeeper and the watchmen and the gatekeepers.
- 01:08:50
- Through the avenue of worship and prayer. That's going to prevent the enemy from burning down these gates. He's not going to prevail. I decree it in the name of Jesus.
- 01:08:56
- I declare. I got decree. That's a bingo word. Decree. Gave me bingo as well.
- 01:09:04
- And she came this close to saying battle and she hasn't said it yet. But she had mixed metaphors.
- 01:09:12
- Yeah, I still can't take it. Let me come back.
- 01:09:19
- Jenny Weaver. We have not covered her yet. But she's one of these ladies who was in the
- 01:09:24
- Domino Revival movie. Let's check in with her. The word of the Lord for 2024 is that there will be the return of the fear of the
- 01:09:33
- Lord. The shaking will intensify. Intensify says the
- 01:09:39
- Lord. The shaking will be noisy. I could say there is a shaking coming.
- 01:09:46
- But the Lord told me to say it this way. The shaking will intensify. Why? Because it's already been shaking.
- 01:09:51
- He's already been shaking us up. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Do you hear what's happening in the realm of the spirit?
- 01:09:57
- Even right now, I feel like trembling. Realm is a prophecy bingo word. I have realm. Yeah. Again, it will be noisy.
- 01:10:05
- It will even look chaotic. Some will say the shaking is even demonic. But the shaking has not been initiated by the devil.
- 01:10:12
- This shaking is the Lord's doing. The shake will be so intense in some places, ministries, and areas of the church.
- 01:10:20
- It will create a massive split. This is what I saw. The very ground will shake so violently.
- 01:10:29
- Many will actually fall down. They will fall because of the shaking. But there will be those who will actually find.
- 01:10:39
- I was going to say, this is just an earthquake that's going to happen someplace. Right. Why are we dragging this out?
- 01:10:49
- Doesn't the Holy Spirit understand how Occam's razor works? Less is more here.
- 01:10:55
- I feel like she's just bleeding this thing out over a long period of time.
- 01:11:02
- She should have been succinct. Their footing. They will find their balance when the shaking happens.
- 01:11:08
- It's like they've mastered it. They found this because they found the best place to be.
- 01:11:14
- And that is firmly planted on the rock. I feel the Lord. I'm getting a download here.
- 01:11:25
- I happen to be able to translate this. I have the gift of translating gibberish. And guess what?
- 01:11:31
- She said battle, didn't she? Hell yeah. You know she did. But I also heard her talking about a covering.
- 01:11:41
- I just want to make sure that you guys... It was really quick, but there was definitely a battle and a covering for the battle itself.
- 01:11:47
- I've got covering as well. Okay. Hang on a second here. Let me get back. We've got to get to some of these.
- 01:11:54
- These that are planted firmly on the rock will have a viewpoint where they can actually see the shaking all around them.
- 01:12:02
- Oh my goodness. I feel the Lord so strong. They will see shaking. They'll look over here and they'll see shaking. And then they'll look at this camp over here and they will see shaking.
- 01:12:09
- And they will be on the rock. I have no idea what
- 01:12:15
- I'm saying. What a great place to pause. Just a great place to pause. We've already done that.
- 01:12:23
- Where will you be when diarrhea strikes? Josh, what do you think? You think I should... Yeah. Yeah.
- 01:12:29
- I guess. So this is the apostle, Catherine Crick.
- 01:12:35
- And by the way, she issued a prophetic warning near the end of the year.
- 01:12:40
- And Pastor Voth and Pastor Goodman, this applies to you. The Holy Spirit told her that we need to pass our batons to her and the younger generation.
- 01:12:52
- And if we don't, God is going to take our batons from us. I have a point of contention.
- 01:12:57
- I don't think we should actually... These people that call themselves apostles, I think it's actually...
- 01:13:03
- We're doing them a disservice by actually calling them by that title. We should come up with an alternative title, like faux -postle or something.
- 01:13:11
- Faux -postle. Yeah. Faux -postle. Yeah. So if she's apostle, then
- 01:13:16
- I'm a turnip. You know, this is... Right. So you need to know, in the lead up to this prophecy, she is giving some out -of -context biblical texts to kind of make it look like this is something really biblical going on here.
- 01:13:32
- So here we go. It's free. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. To proclaim the year of the
- 01:13:38
- Lord's favor. Favor's a word. Yep. The Passion Translation says,
- 01:13:44
- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me to bring hope for the... I love the fact that the Passion Translation, its initials are
- 01:13:51
- TPT, the toilet paper. You know, translations. It's just ridiculous.
- 01:13:58
- For freedom for the brokenhearted and new eyes for the blind. And to preach to prisoners, you are set free.
- 01:14:04
- I have come to share the message of Jubilee for the time of God's great acceptance has begun.
- 01:14:14
- For the time of God's great acceptance has begun. Aberrant translation.
- 01:14:21
- But she's clearly wanting to believe that in this year, 2024, that there are going to be many leaders within the body of Christ who will accept the fact that she is an apparent apostle.
- 01:14:34
- But she's a faux -postle indeed. Yeah. I'm going to release the word and then
- 01:14:40
- I will explain it right now. So the word of 2024, the prophetic word of 2024, is that this is the year to catch the wave.
- 01:14:51
- The wave. Ooh. Cowabunga, dude. Yeah. Got to catch the wave.
- 01:14:59
- Cowabunga, dude. Of revival. This year is the acceptable year of the
- 01:15:05
- Lord. It is the year, the time of God's great acceptance has begun.
- 01:15:11
- God is causing a big revival wave. She's a terrible orator.
- 01:15:20
- To come and wash upon the whole world. And she's got really scary, creepy eyes, kind of like Ken Copeland.
- 01:15:26
- You know, you look at her and it's like, I don't feel like we're looking at something human in there.
- 01:15:33
- So I'm just saying. Well, clearly not. Because, I mean, the scriptures that she's citing,
- 01:15:39
- Jesus said today this has been fulfilled in your hearing. Yeah. That was a couple thousand years ago.
- 01:15:46
- Not what she's claiming here. I know. And doctrines of demons for sure.
- 01:15:54
- A great wave is coming. Three people in the audience.
- 01:16:01
- A mighty revival wave. We have been in revival now for some years. But this revival is about to progress in a level that we have not seen yet.
- 01:16:10
- God is making this massive wave of revival to come this year. God released this word to me.
- 01:16:19
- And the following day, which was a few days ago. My parents are here.
- 01:16:25
- So usually I'm pretty much staying at home most days. If not traveling all the time. But my parents are here.
- 01:16:31
- So I'm going and we're doing things. Yeah. We're getting out. And so I decided today
- 01:16:37
- I'm going to take mom and dad for a hike in Malibu. The second time I've ever done a hike in Malibu. It's gorgeous.
- 01:16:42
- You can see the water up in the mountain. And we are driving. As we're driving,
- 01:16:48
- I'm looking. And I've lived in L .A. now for 10 years. And I've never seen waves this size in L .A.
- 01:16:57
- So she saw the big waves. And so that was prophetic confirmation of the big wave of revival coming.
- 01:17:08
- I should have grabbed her surfboard, not her hiking boots. Yeah. Okay. Let's listen in with Patricia King here.
- 01:17:16
- You know, for all of you, we're so glad that you're here. We feel that this is very strategic. And I don't know if we've ever done our prophetic words right on January 1st.
- 01:17:25
- But I really felt in my spirit that we were supposed to do it right away. Declaring these right into the new year.
- 01:17:31
- And positioning you for what is to come. Positioning. The way you position yourself right now is absolutely important for how the outcome is going to look in your house.
- 01:17:42
- In your life, rather, and in your house. All right. What position do I need to be in? Downward dog.
- 01:17:48
- Whatever it is. Whatever it is, just assume it. Okay. Got it.
- 01:17:53
- Okay. For this coming year and the years to follow. I believe that we're in a bit of a cycle right now.
- 01:17:59
- We're in a decade of transition here. And you're going to hear about some things that the
- 01:18:05
- Lord is speaking to us. But as we align, we will live as victors. We will be the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath.
- 01:18:10
- We'll be with Jesus on his front line as he advances the kingdom. And he's going to take you with him.
- 01:18:16
- So let's pray. And then we're going to get right into the words and break open what the Lord has. Say out loud right now that the goodness of the
- 01:18:24
- Lord and the mercy of the Lord is going to follow me. And sustain me in 2024.
- 01:18:30
- We're going to take that whole psalm and all that it represents into this coming year. But Psalm 24 is definitely a key scripture for 2024.
- 01:18:39
- And I'm going to actually bring the prophetic insights that the Lord has given me for you. I'm going to bring it forth out of an outline that I've made from Psalm 24.
- 01:18:48
- I think that almost every prophet that I know were. Isn't it a bummer using this prophetic method that like Psalm 104 never makes it?
- 01:18:58
- Yeah. Yeah. It just gets put out. Psalm 126 is gone too.
- 01:19:04
- Never gets to be the word for us because we're looking at Psalm 24 in 24.
- 01:19:11
- Coincidence. We're all getting the same thing. It's been confirmed over and over and over again. Probably everywhere you look, you will see prophets saying that Psalm 24 is significant for this year.
- 01:19:22
- And so we can build so much from it and align ourselves to it. So I'm going to break it up into three categories.
- 01:19:28
- But let's read the whole psalm right now. Psalm 24. No, we're not. You kind of get to see what the shtick is with these folks.
- 01:19:38
- All right. Lana Vosser. We don't hear a lot from her lately. She had a kid a couple years ago.
- 01:19:44
- And has been doing her prophecies more privately behind a paywall.
- 01:19:51
- So for her to come out from behind the paywall and give a prophecy is kind of a rare thing nowadays.
- 01:19:57
- I brought Lana on because as many of you have been watching, we've done a series of videos for 2024 in terms of what is the
- 01:20:03
- Holy Spirit saying. And we're not coming on here to give predictions and prognostications and all that necessarily.
- 01:20:08
- Although God has the right to give us prophetic words. But I really wanted to ask Lana, who to me is like an
- 01:20:14
- Issachar, Times and Seasons prophet. Lana, what do you sense the Holy Spirit saying, doing? I'm just going to turn it over to you.
- 01:20:20
- Is she a Jedi? I mean, I feel a disturbance in the force. What do you sense that the Holy Spirit is saying, gentlemen?
- 01:20:27
- What on earth? And what do we as the body of Christ have to do to be positioned to be walking in step and in sync with the activity of God in this season?
- 01:20:38
- So good. Well, I could sit here and season is a prophecy bingo word and share a numerous amount of themes that I feel like the
- 01:20:47
- Lord has really highlighted for next year. But as I was really sitting with him and asking him, OK, Lord, like, what do
- 01:20:53
- I bring this morning? I really felt to start by sharing with you an encounter that I had a number of months ago.
- 01:21:00
- Now, golly, it was actually it was probably eight or nine months ago now. And I had been through quite an intense season.
- 01:21:06
- And as I'm sure we could all say, but I was in this moment with the Lord and I sat there and I said to him,
- 01:21:11
- Lord, what are you saying right now? That is my always my positioning. Lord, I want to hear your heart. What is on your heart today,
- 01:21:17
- God? And as I sat there, I was taken into this encounter. And I want to invite you into this because I really believe.
- 01:21:24
- Pastor Goodman, what was the last time you asked God what's on his heart today? I'm clearly not as good a prophet.
- 01:21:31
- I messed up. I can't say I've legitimately ever asked that question of God.
- 01:21:37
- Hey, God, what's on your heart today? How are things going with you? Are you OK? Nobody ever asked, how is
- 01:21:46
- Jesus doing? I'll tell you one better. Why is
- 01:21:52
- Jesus? This is nuts. OK.
- 01:21:58
- That this is a word for 2024. And so in this encounter, I saw Jesus and he was standing on what looked like a timeline and he was in the center of this timeline.
- 01:22:08
- And as he was standing there, I knew that this particular timeline represented the season that we were in.
- 01:22:15
- But at the same time that the Lord was standing in this particular timeline of this season, in my spirit,
- 01:22:21
- I knew that the Lord was standing in previous seasons and previous timelines of seasons gone by.
- 01:22:27
- And as I'm standing sorry, as I'm watching the Lord standing in the middle of this timeline of this season and seasons.
- 01:22:35
- Is she describing a multiverse? What is she describing here? Yeah, she doesn't even know.
- 01:22:42
- Got it. Jesus is about to pull out a photograph of his siblings and see that they're slowly disappearing one by one.
- 01:22:49
- Yeah, that's what happens when you mess up the timeline. So, you know. Right. I hear the thundering.
- 01:22:57
- The only way I can describe this is the thundering voice of the Lord. That sound that would cause mountains to shake like every part of me reverberated under the sound of his voice.
- 01:23:07
- And he said these words, begin again. And when he said those words, I knew that there was a redemption of time.
- 01:23:15
- In that moment, I knew that time was bowing to the Lord. Right. Time. The Lord is not contained by time.
- 01:23:21
- That time is a resource for the Lord. And as he thundered this word in my spirit,
- 01:23:27
- I knew that there was this mighty redeeming of time. And so, as I do in these moments,
- 01:23:33
- I said to the Lord, God, explain this to me. What are you saying, God? And in a moment, I heard the
- 01:23:38
- Lord say these words. There is a convergence of the spoils of the seasons and the spoils of war.
- 01:23:44
- And I began to see in this redemption of time that there was this, I am going to restore all.
- 01:23:51
- There was this incredible restoration of the Lord where he was gathering the spoils and giving to us the spoils of every season.
- 01:24:00
- There was this place where the Lord, it was like the sense of Joel 225, you know, like I will restore the years.
- 01:24:06
- And this place of redeeming of time that many may feel like, you know, you may look at this last year and go, my goodness,
- 01:24:13
- I feel like time has been wasted. I feel like, you know, things have been stolen from me, or I feel like time is being wasted right now.
- 01:24:21
- I was thinking that same thing. This is time you will not get back. That rumbling in her stomach and all those things just kind of reminded me of like a bad
- 01:24:31
- Taco John's trip or something. Right, exactly. This is why you do not eat unauthentic
- 01:24:37
- Mexican, you know, I'm just saying. But holy smokes, I mean, and redeeming the time for the days are evil is not talking about what she's talking about.
- 01:24:47
- No. All right. It's like if you pepper in enough
- 01:24:53
- Bible words that maybe they think something's going to make sense or that they're going to have credit.
- 01:24:58
- But all they're doing is, like you said, scratching itching ears and not saying anything of worthwhile.
- 01:25:05
- Not at all. So it is time for us to –
- 01:25:12
- I feel like we're torturing Pastor Goodman. He looks like he's going to have like blisters or something.
- 01:25:21
- Kidney stones from this. We don't want to send our guests to the hospital. This is the point where we have to consider giving extra words to our audience to assist here.
- 01:25:37
- And if you're thinking that Open Heaven and Momentum are within my strategy here, you would absolutely be correct.
- 01:25:44
- So those of you in the audience, if you are a subscriber to the
- 01:25:50
- Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, you are allowed to take Open Heaven. And if you've rung the bell, then you definitely do the
- 01:25:59
- Momentum thing. And take a look. Prophetically, my bingo card makes a cross. I think we need one more bonus word for people who like the video.
- 01:26:09
- Oh, that's right. You've got to like. If you like this, props to you. I recommend that the word be curse because of how many times you mentioned it and it was never brought up.
- 01:26:20
- Well, it's not going to help me, so I don't need any more help because I would need a lot more words than that.
- 01:26:25
- So sure. Why not? Curse. If curse is on your card. Triple. Triple bingo.
- 01:26:31
- I see how this works. That's impressive. That's impressive. But alas, little did the editor know that he had made a fatal error.
- 01:26:42
- Crippled by his ADHD, he did not realize that the word
- 01:26:47
- Momentum was part of his own card. It would have given him a quadruple bingo.
- 01:26:53
- It was only during post -production that the error was found. And unfortunately, the points are not going to be given to him retroactively.
- 01:27:02
- So we've each got a bingo here. And I think
- 01:27:09
- I should go first just because mine will be the least impressive out of all of them. So Joshua, I feel like I need some prophetic music.
- 01:27:20
- What flavor? Do you have bluegrass? Bluegrass.
- 01:27:28
- Bluegrass. I might be able to pull up a banjo. Give me a moment here. Okay, hang on a second. Let me see.
- 01:27:34
- I'll pull up a banjo for you. Banjo. Bluegrass banjo.
- 01:27:39
- Yep. Oh, yes. I can feel the spirit right now.
- 01:27:45
- I'm getting a download. Do you feel it? I need to declare right now that there's a battle wind coming with a strong fragrance.
- 01:27:57
- The fragrance of the Lord will be all over that battle wind. But when it comes, the kingdom will increase.
- 01:28:05
- And a covering and a free space of the momentum of an open heaven will ignite a wealth transfer.
- 01:28:15
- All right, then. All right.
- 01:28:22
- Yeah. Very good. Should I flip a coin for who goes next?
- 01:28:29
- Any volunteers? Any volunteers? Anyone feeling the moment here? What do you think, both?
- 01:28:37
- Go for it. All right, both. All right, pass or vote. All right, fine. It needs something new agey going in the background there,
- 01:28:45
- Josh. New agey. New agey. Okay, hold on. Let's see. Oh, perfect.
- 01:28:53
- Yeah. Yeah, so the Lord has positioned me for a time of favor so that I can decree to you that in this year, great miracles will be done by those not expecting it because the squeaky spit spirit is coming back in full force to open heaven and bring about a curse.
- 01:29:20
- All right. Indeed, indeed. All right. Pastor Goodman, what flavor do you want?
- 01:29:28
- Yeah. Sappy music is one of my squares, so I feel like maybe -
- 01:29:33
- Ooh, sappy. Sappy. Yeah, I'm feeling it.
- 01:29:44
- All right, so I do decree among the nations that there will be an increase of the presence of just the almond trees.
- 01:29:59
- They were planted the right time ago. That's what we need right now.
- 01:30:11
- All right. I think I'll go for the classic.
- 01:30:17
- Actually, you know what? This should be kind of funny. Let's see if I can do this alternative.
- 01:30:25
- No, maybe Motown. Let's see what that does. I gotta see what this does.
- 01:30:32
- This could be funny. All right. Yeah, we can have some fun with this.
- 01:30:41
- Oh, boy. Here we go. All right. Oh, wait.
- 01:30:47
- I gotta put this up. All right, everyone.
- 01:30:53
- You ready for this one? All right, let's get ourselves a little bit of fun times.
- 01:31:00
- Are you strong, Dad? I am! Jesus is giving me the position to double your purpose.
- 01:31:13
- I'm going to have all the authority to plant your trees a little early this year.
- 01:31:22
- And we're going to get ourselves a brand new level of increase and have all the supernatural realms of warfare and have ourselves a grand old time with that stinky squid spirit.
- 01:31:36
- Do you feel it? I don't. I have pancreatic cancer.
- 01:31:42
- Oh, no.
- 01:31:51
- Wow. That was terrible. Yeah, that was something.
- 01:31:58
- Sorry, I couldn't help myself. So, Pastor Goodman, HireThings .org.
- 01:32:06
- HireThings .org is the website for Hire Things. And you guys are putting out teaching videos out on TikTok and out on Instagram as well, right?
- 01:32:17
- YouTube, too, yeah. YouTube? Okay. So, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
- 01:32:23
- You've got your teaching videos coming out. And I would note that when people ask me, like, where do
- 01:32:31
- I go to find a daily devotional or a reading plan for reading the Bible, I always send them to Hire Things for the reflections.
- 01:32:40
- Because although it's a youth organization, I find the reflections seem to hit pretty much every age group.
- 01:32:47
- So, good stuff. And, Pastor Voth, you are a regular appearer on the
- 01:32:53
- Hire Things social media platform as a teacher and instructor.
- 01:32:59
- And Pastor Goodman as well. So, we'll put links down below in the description. Thank you guys for coming on and playing.
- 01:33:08
- My pleasure. Pastor Goodman, aside from looking like you were in total pain the entire time, when
- 01:33:17
- I would stop the video, you would always come up with these one -word zingers. It was great.
- 01:33:25
- He's good at that stuff. Yep. So, let me do this. I'm going to sign off with the folks there in the audience and then stay on.
- 01:33:32
- We'll chat for just a minute. So, if you found this video to be helpful, entertaining, all of the above, there's information on how you can share the link down below.
- 01:33:42
- Let people know and tell them about Prophecy Bingo and fighting for the faith.
- 01:33:48
- So, until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.