FBC Morning Light – 12/30/2023


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Romans 1:1-17 Speaker: Mike Gottemoller


Good Saturday morning, people of faith. Before we turn to our scripture passage this morning,
I have a question. Is there something in your past for which you are ashamed, perhaps something that was done to you or something that you did?
Let me tell you a story about something I did. I have to go back to the fall of seventh grade at a football game.
It was right towards the end of halftime. I had gone to the concession stand and got some popcorn and hot chocolate and maybe a candy bar.
And I was on my way back to my seat and a friend from my class was kind of poking me and teasing me or making fun of me.
And he said something that just made me angry. I don't even remember what it was. And I reared back with my hot chocolate and I must have had to look in my eye that he was going to wear that hot chocolate because he ducked.
And when he ducked and moved out of the way, that hot chocolate went all over a bunch of people for about 15 rows.
And I looked and I'm certain that I was ashamed and scared and I ran.
So if you were one of those people, I am truly sorry. But anyway, that is definitely something for which
I have been ashamed. Now, I understand that that was in a previous life.
That was before the gospel had changed my life for certain. Well, we're going to be looking at Romans chapter 1 verses 1 through 17 this morning.
And Romans, of course, is written by Paul. And Paul references the word gospel, uses the word gospel four separate times in those 17 verses and has at least one other time where he uses a pronoun for that verb.
So the first time is in verse 1. He says that he is called to be an apostle separated to the gospel of God.
Then in verse 9, he says, for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son.
This good news, this gospel, Paul is always, always has a gospel focus.
And he is talking to the Roman church here about how his plan has been and will continue to be to come and share that gospel in Rome and how excited he is to do that.
And it picks up, we'll pick up again in verse 15. It says, so as much as it is in me,
I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.
And then verse 16, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the
Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it, that is the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the just shall live by faith.
So Paul is saying that he is not ashamed of the gospel.
And that ought to be our goal as well, to not be ashamed of the gospel, to share that gospel as any need or any opportunity might arise to not be ashamed.
And let me suggest to you that there are a couple of reasons why you might be ashamed of that gospel.
Reason number one is if you are walking in a known sin, perhaps it's something that nobody else in the world knows about except you and the
Lord. Perhaps it's a thought, a word or an action that you've harbored in yourself and that can transfer over.
And you will know that your lifestyle is not worthy of that gospel and that can make us ashamed.
Let me suggest to you that there is another way that you can be ashamed of the gospel, and it comes from a very slight, seemingly slight misunderstanding of that gospel.
That gospel says that you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
And it is not of works, lest any man should boast. If you think that that gospel required your participation at any level beyond what
Christ has done in you and following in obedience to what Christ has done, understand this, that no flesh will be glorified in his sight.
It will not happen. And perhaps, perhaps you could be ashamed of that gospel because you misunderstand that gospel.
You think it is about what you have done, and it is not about what you have done.
It is only about what Christ has done. So as we are about to enter the new year of 2024, let us keep these things in mind that we might not be ashamed of that gospel, but that we would be faithful and obedient to follow
Christ in the sharing of his gospel. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your
Son. Thank you for the gospel. Let it be that we are not ashamed in our thoughts, words, actions, or even in our unbelief that we would choose to believe you, to walk with you and follow you as you have changed us from the inside out.
It is in your Son's name, Jesus, we pray. Amen. Have an excellent day, people of faith.