Laws of Logic and Social Justice | Apologetics Live 0039


Someone comes in to talk about the nature of logic. Then Jamal of the Prescribe Truth podcast joins Matt and Andrew to talk about social justice. Apologetics Live 0039 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


This is Apologetics Live, with Matt Slicks and Andrew Rappaport, part of the
Christian Podcast Community. All right, welcome.
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Matt Slick and I. Matt Slick is with CARM .org, C -A -R -M stands for Christian Apologetics Research Ministry.
So CARM .org, Matt Slick has a live radio show Monday through Friday, which you can get the link at CARM .org
for the radio show, where he does an hour every day, Monday through Friday.
I am Andrew Rappaport with Striving for Eternity. You can go to strivingforeternity .org
to get details about us. I have several podcasts, Andrew Rappaport's Rappaport, which is a weekly one hour, roughly, show on biblical interpretations and applications.
And then I have a Monday through Friday two -minute show because I can do what Matt can't do. I can answer things really quick.
But not slick. And there we go. So two minutes a day,
Monday through Friday, we give you some biblical interpretations, applications in a more devotional type level.
And then I have this, what you're listening to now is a podcast, Apologetics Live. They're all part of the
Christian Podcast Community. And so you can go to christianpodcastcommunity .org
to get all of our growing podcasts. Matt, we just added a couple more. We added
Prescribed Truth, a guy who you, I got to send you some of his stuff because I know you started looking into social justice and the intersectionality and critical race theory and all.
And he has some excellent stuff out there. His brother Jamal has got some great content on social justice.
And I guess because he is African American, people can't say that he's just saying it because he's white.
Ah. You know, like you and I, they just reject what we're saying because we're white. And therefore, that's why we say what we say, because you and I have this privilege.
We're automatically raceless races, too. Yeah. Well, as Christians, we're raceless, right?
There's one race. So I don't believe in other races. That's right. So if folks want to join, do us a favor, actually, you could share this with others so they know that we're live.
If people have questions, I'm going to go to our Apologetics Live group, though,
Matt, and see what questions we had in there for the week. I know that I did get some questions.
One that came in to me for you and I to answer is, can we explain the differences between Roman Catholicism and what we believe and what we would believe is
I would call biblical Christianity? So how would you answer? The difference between Christianity, biblical
Christianity and Roman Catholicism are multitudinous. One, we don't pray to Mary and thus we do not submit ourselves to the idolatrous practices of Catholicism in that we don't believe that Mary is able to hear millions of prayers simultaneously in different languages all over the world.
We don't believe that we have to be good in order to become Christians and be saved. We believe that justification is imputed and infused something into us through sacraments.
The Roman Catholic Church is sacerdotal. We are not. That means that grace is obtained through the sacraments of the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church. We don't believe in that because we don't believe in grace as a substance.
We believe in grace as a forensic, well, grace is the unmerited favor of God and included in grace is the justification, which is the legal aspect of the legal work of God, where he imputes the righteousness of Christ to us,
Philippians 3 .9. So there's many differences in that and we don't, most Protestants who are biblical will teach that you cannot lose your salvation, but Catholicism, of course, teaches it does.
Catholicism teaches the papacy, which we reject. There's many, many, many, many, many differences.
I'd also, I mean, you got a lot of good things there. I would, I would just add that one other difference we would have is you and I as Christians would believe in sola scriptura, the word of God alone in authority, where the
Catholic Church adds, well, they add the church, they add tradition.
And one of the concerns I have with that is when you add something, especially when you add something and say it is the only thing that can interpret scripture.
In other words, they say that only the Catholic Church can properly interpret scripture. Once you put something in that position, then that becomes higher in authority.
So even though they say tradition and the scriptures and the church are all equal in authority, when you put one of them as the only arbiter, that thing becomes superior to what it arbitrates.
And therefore, when they put the church in that way, I would say the church is now the higher authority than God's word, which is a real problem.
Hey, actually, before we get to the next question, Matt, you're wearing a brand new T -shirt there, so why don't you, you should at least stand up a little bit so folks can see that shirt and you can say where you got that from.
That help? Not at all. Now you can't see it at all. Oh, we don't want to see your face.
We want to see the shirt. The shirt. All right. There we go. Can you see it?
Is it is it right or is it left? Well, it looks it looks good on here and it says Christ alone. And I'm going to show the gospel tracts that come with that T -shirt.
And this is those who are given out by five Solas Ministries. I think that's where you got yours from five
Solas, five Solas ministries .com. And they're giving right now 25 % of all of their sales is going to support
CARM. And so five Solas Ministries, that's plural on both the five
Solas and the ministries .com. And when you get the T -shirts that Matt's wearing, you get the tracts that go along with it.
Right now you're pretty particular. So I'm curious, you're particular on the clothing that you wear because you're a little bit sensitive as far as that goes.
How do you like those shirts? It's okay. It's a little bit too small for me. I like things that are a little bit big baggy.
And what people don't understand is I have, I'm a little autistic. I have some autistic issues I have to deal with.
And one of them is hypersensitivity. And so I wear as much cotton as possible. And I get out of jeans as soon as I can and things like that because it's uncomfortable.
Just the way it is, it's always been that way. And so this is a little uncomfortable for me right now, but I'm wearing it right now.
And it's a little warm where I'm at, upstairs here with all the lights on, computers and everything else in here, not much circulation right now, but it's a nice shirt.
It fits okay. I just like them even bigger. So you're a little bit autistic?
A little bit. I'm high functioning autistic. You're high functioning, huh? Hmm. Okay.
Someone in the, in the chat says that your shirt looks slick, pun intended.
Yeah, it is slick. It is so slick. I am definitely slick. Okay. Someone's asking the price on those shirts.
I don't know. Uh, go five solas, ministries .com.
Actually, the thing is, is you can design. They have a whole bunch of shirts and other things. You can get tote bags and, uh, tumblers and all kinds of things.
So, and they have different, uh, they have all the five solas. They have a whole bunch of stuff and you can change the change up, uh, how they're doing it, someone saying it's 1999.
Uh, and I believe they all come with gospel tracks, but. That was a good song. 1999.
Yeah. I didn't know it's a song. By Prince. Probably like it's 1990.
Prince was the guy who was former, who also went by the name of formerly known as Prince, right? Yeah. For legal reasons.
Yeah. Oh, really? What was the legal reason? Do you know? Yeah, there was some, uh, it was a, um, uh, uh, legal way of getting some control back in his artistry and what the contract was with some company he was in.
And if he's named didn't apply, then they couldn't enforce it. They couldn't enforce something.
It was some weird thing. It was a legal move. So, oh, that's brilliant. So, so basically he had, he wants to keep the name
Prince, but then doesn't want to, uh, at the same time, you know, have that problem that that's brilliant.
I didn't know that. Yeah. I read, I read that it was part of the reason, um, you know, he played it off as this being some weird thing, whatever, and get more attention, but whatever.
We've got somebody who's got some, uh, we're going to mute them. Yeah. Um, you know,
I put the volume down, but I think we could hear him. So, uh, we'll add him in a moment. Uh, but yeah, that, that, that reminds me of in my, uh, town that I used to live in, there was a, you know, the cracker barrels down South, we have them here too.
Okay. So there was a, it's a chain of, of like doors where they have like a, uh, um, they, they had a thing where they would, uh, like a storefront and then they have a restaurant.
Well, there was a guy in my town who had a little ice cream shop and convenience store called
Cracker Barrel. And one of the executives came through our town, saw it and actually sued the guy and because of the use of the name.
And the irony of it is he sued the guy because, and the lawsuit was that the, he was sued for the franchise.
Uh, fees for all the years the guy was in business, which means they had to go back and find out when the guy went into business and it was like his great grandfather's store.
Well, it turns out they owned the name first. They were several years before the
Cracker Barrel franchise. They turned around and countersued Cracker Barrel for all of the franchises they had all the years they were in existence for all of their franchise fees for using their name, which quickly ended up in a settlement of, it was like three and a half million dollars.
The guy was almost like in his sixties, early sixties. So he just basically retired. He sold it. But part of the deal was he had to change the name.
And so he sold it and changed it to Jim Baker's Cracker Barrel. So he kept the
Cracker Barrel in there. It works. Yeah. Uh, well, I don't know where manager went.
We had someone in here who said that you invited him into discuss the nature of logic, but he just dropped out.
So hopefully manager will come back in. Um, but, uh, and we could discuss the nature of logic.
So we'll go on to the next question while we wait for folks to come in and ask questions, Matt, the next question that was in our
Apologetics Live Facebook group was, is salvation a conditional gift?
Yes. Of course it's conditional. Okay. Conditional on?
On the work of Christ and God's, uh, saving work in us. It's all conditioned on what
God does, not what we do. That's conditioned on that. In Roman Catholicism in paragraph 2068 of the
Catholic Catechism, uh, you, you obtain salvation by faith, baptism, and keeping the commandments, observance of the commandments, which is heresy.
Contradicts Romans three 28, Romans four or five Romans, uh, five, one Galatians two 16,
Galatians two 21, Titus three, five. It is. It's, uh, the
Roman Catholic church teaches heresy upon heresy upon heresy upon heresy. It's a false church.
You're saying they teach heresy. Yes, I am. All right. Well, I brought a manager. Oh, one, something tells me that's not the name.
His, his mom and dad gave him, but we'll find out.
So I brought you in and brought up your mouth. I think you're unmuted there.
Yeah. Try speaking there so we can hear you. Hello. Can you hear me?
There we go. Yes. All right. So you said you had a, yes, we hear you.
Um, you said you had a question on the nature of logic. Yeah.
Um, I noticed then, um, on carm .org Matt says that the, um, the logic is conceptual and I was wondering what the difference is between something that is conceptual and something that is, um, imaginary and how you, uh, what is the criteria for distinguishing between the two?
Why are you asking the question? Because I don't think you can tell the difference by your definition.
But what's conceptual. You said it's of the mind only something conceptual is of the mind only.
And I think clearly something imaginary is also of the mind only. So what is the criteria that we're going to use to distinguish between something conceptual and something imaginary between imaginary and conceptual?
Correct. That which is imaginary is conceptual, right? Well, obviously something imaginary is not real.
And according, I assume that what you're saying about the laws of logic being conceptual is that they are real, but what is the criteria for determining that?
Well, all things imaginary are conceptual, but not all things conceptual or imaginary in that.
If you define imagine, hold on one sec, Matt, let me just, uh, manager. If you do me a favor, maybe turn your video off.
We're getting a lot of lag and it's digitized. So it's hard to hear you. So go ahead.
Answer. Okay. Yes. Okay. Thank you.
Um, are you defining imaginary as what is not real? Um, sure.
I mean, we can imagine, uh, unicorns and so forth. And obviously unicorns are not associated with something, um, uh, within existence.
But, uh, when you're talking about conceptual as you defined it as something of the mind only, we're never sure as to whether or not it is associated with something real or not since, um, uh, it could be imaginary.
So when you're talking about the laws of logic, it's just as easy to say that they're imaginary as they are conceptual. So if you define imaginary as they don't, they don't exist or just made up, is that what you're saying about the laws of logic?
I'm saying that your definition of the, of conceptual as applied to laws of logic, using your definition of conceptual, that you have defined the nature of logic in a way that you cannot distinguish between the laws of logic and something imaginary.
I can't. So how do I define the laws of logic? What do you think I said?
You said that the laws of logic are conceptual and according to your definition of conceptual, that means they are of the mind only.
That is your definition of it. So, um, the, uh, the question arises, obviously something imaginary is also of the mind only.
But there is no connection with the world around us where, um, the,
I intend that the logic must have a connection with the world around us, which contradicts your definition of conceptual.
Okay. So you're saying that, that which is imaginary is not real. It doesn't have any existence. That's correct.
Okay. All right. So do your thoughts exist? Um, sure.
So then your thoughts are abstractions are of the mind. My thoughts are products of the mind.
Okay. They're of the mind. Yeah. They're, they're conceptual. They're of the mind. Right. So, uh, then we have things that are conceptual that are not imaginary because we're distinguishing between them.
Yes. So how do you distinguish according to your definitions? I just did. I just distinguished them.
Oh, I must have missed it. Well, I asked you if your thoughts were real and you said, yes.
And the thoughts are of the mind. And you said that which is of the mind, you know, you distinguish between conceptual and imaginary.
The thoughts, your thoughts have actuality. You said they do.
I don't know. How are you going to demonstrate that your thoughts have actuality? Okay. So, um,
I have thoughts of, um, something that, uh, like unicorns or snivel dumps or turtle mates, or I have thoughts about, um, the laws of logic.
Uh, what is the difference between those thoughts? What is the difference between, uh, and again,
I contend that the nature of logic is that they are extractions from the world around us or extractions from language and, um, but, um, there is a connection between something imaginary.
Is an extraction a conceptual event? No, an extraction begins with the world around us.
It does not begin with something in the mind. Okay. I asked, is an extraction a conceptual event?
Not by your definition. No, because no, yeah, we're using your definitions and I'm showing the problems with your definition.
Your definition is that conceptual is of the mind only. If we extract it from the world around us, then it violates your definition of conceptual.
You're not making any sense. No, it's your, it's your definition.
Your definition is okay. Hold on. Okay. Hold on. Whoever else is talking. Hold on. Um, I just said that the laws of logic are of the mind.
That's what I said, that they're conceptual. Okay. They're the mind only.
Uh, we, can we find the laws of logic under rocks? Um, we can extract them from rocks.
Sure. I didn't ask you the question. Can we extract them from rocks? I said, are they found under rocks?
That's what I asked you. You don't answer my questions. You rephrase my question and answer something else. I don't ask, can you find the laws of logic under rocks?
The, the laws of logic, um, are not existent like rocks exist. No. So the answer is no.
The answer is they do not exist like rocks. Okay. So let me ask you another question.
Can you find the laws of logic under rocks? Uh, you, uh,
I just explained that to you, uh, since they do not exist like rocks exist, no, you cannot find them.
The answer is no. Can you take a picture of the law of logic? Um, no.
Okay. Can you weigh the laws of logic? No, but I can draw them. Can you, um, you don't draw them.
You draw representations. Can you, you can't weigh them. You can't measure them. Sure you can.
But you measure the laws of logic? Okay. What instrument do you use to measure them? You can, um, by using a metallurgical structure, you can measure the scope and range of meaning of the logical statements themselves.
So you measure them and the context. So the context that I was talking about was rocks and photos and weight and measurements.
So that's the context that I asked you the question. So what instrument, which is why
I said, what instrument do you use to, to measure the laws of logic? I will use metallurgical, uh, tools measurements.
Okay. So, uh, so let me go back to the context, rocks, photos, weight.
These are physical characteristics. Right? What instrument do you use to measure the laws of logic in the context of the physical characteristics of these laws?
Uh, the physical characteristics, um, in the same sense of rocks and so forth, you're not going to have them.
No. You broke up, couldn't you? You can't use your mind to measure them. I said, no, you're not going to find physical tools.
Like you would measure the weight of a rock. No. So you don't measure the laws of logic in a, because they're not physical, right?
So you don't have instruments like that to measure them because they're not physical or not properties of the physical, are they? Sure. They are because the properties of the physical can be measured.
A property of, of hardness can be measured. A property of, of volume can be measured in an object property of, of energy, momentum can be, uh, you know, or color can be measured.
Okay. Am I understanding you that you're, you're saying that the laws of logic have no connection with the world around us?
I didn't say that. I'm asking you what you're saying. No, that's not what I'm saying.
I'm not, not saying it. I'm not saying anything about that right now. Okay. I'm asking you specific questions.
Okay. Right. And because I'm trying to show you that you're not thinking clearly.
Okay. Go for it. So properties are such things as size and shape and texture and color and things like that.
Those things are measurable with instruments. And the reason they're measurable with instruments is because these things are properties of objects and in the physical realm.
So, so if you have, for example, a bowling ball, it has a spherical shape.
It has a, you know, we'll assume a black bowling ball. It has blackness. It has hardness.
And you may even have a scent to it if it's freshly made or whatever. And we can measure all these things because they relate the measurements of the properties relate to the physical aspects.
So if something does not have anything that's measurable by any instrumentation, then it's not physical.
It's not, the property is not based on a physical thing. Okay. Hang on. You said the property is not based upon a physical thing.
Or emanate out of or proceed from physical. Okay. Then, then how do we come to acknowledge that the laws of logic, if they are of the mind only?
Because we are, we think, but see the, I'm trying to show you that the, these laws of logic, if you're going to say that they are properties of the physical universe, then
I, that's why I ask you, what instrument do you use to measure them since other properties of the physical universe are measurable?
Well, I'm not saying they are properties of the physical universe. I'm saying they are extracted models of the physical universe.
Do you have an extracted model to extract them as a model is something that occurs in the mind. So you have to presuppose their validity in order to observe them, decide about them, et cetera.
It's a process of the mind. No, what you have to assume is that we encountered the world around us and we are existing things and we are humans.
And as humans, we try to find patterns in the world around us. And that's a part of finding those patterns is extracting those models, whether it be logical models, mathematical models, engineering models, scientific models.
We extract models from the world around us to find patterns of things in the world around us.
They are not patterns in the world itself. These are patterns that we look for and we find and we construct.
So when you drop a rock and it accelerates and stopped by the ground, you can measure the acceleration and that's a physical event.
But the observation occurs in the mind. The analysis occurs in the mind.
The postulation theorization occurs in the mind. The extraction of the principle occurs in the mind.
That's correct. Okay. So when you say you extract the laws of logic from the universe,
I just gave you, you extract the idea of physical object moving. You can extract certain properties and characteristics of a physical thing.
You said agree. Now you want to do the same thing with an object, with somehow the laws of logic.
So can you show me how the laws of logic can fall through space so that we can measure them as these objects are?
Show me their connection. I can tell you what we do with logic. This is how we look. We look around the world around us and we take a look at dogs and we extract from that all dogs are mammals.
And until we find a reason to believe that that statement is false, then that universal logical statement is extracted from the world around us.
And then we go further and we symbolize that and then we manipulate it within a logical system.
And that's how logic occurs. And that's how logical systems are created.
And we develop techniques for showing its consistency or inconsistency, its completeness or incompleteness, its coherence or incoherence.
And that's how logic works. It begins with our encounter with the world around us and we extract models out continually, continually and manipulate them in such a manner that helps us predict the world around us and deal with the world around us.
These are tools. The tools are abstractions. So dogs and mammals are concepts.
So you're presupposing the laws of logic in order to extract them. Dogs and mammals are concepts.
By your definition, concepts are of the mind only. Dogs and mammals are obviously of the world around us.
Wow. Are you serious? You're really serious. This is how you want to proceed.
You're the one who has defined this map. You define conceptual as of the mind only.
Dogs and mammals are not of the mind only. So if I perceive a dog, is my perception occurring in my mind?
Sure. Okay. So whether the dog exists or not is irrelevant.
Well, I'm going to say it that way. My perception occurs only in my mind, right?
Your perception occurs only in your mind? Okay, I'll go with that. Sure. Okay.
Is my perception the same thing as the dog? No, of course not. Okay. So perception and the object that is perceived are different in nature.
That's correct. Okay. So when I perceive something, I'm not... Well, when
I perceive something, it's something that only occurs in the mind. Let's just leave it at that. It's an abstraction that occurs.
So your perception... So you say all dogs are mammals. So you see a dog, you have an abstraction that occurs.
You identify it. You presuppose the validity of the law of identity. You're presupposing it by saying that's dog and all.
And mammals, you're making a logical conclusion. You don't extract this. You can't extract it from the...
You don't understand. You can't extract these logical principles out of objects.
These things are done in the mind. No, you presuppose the laws in order to do the extraction.
Matt, the world is not someplace... The laws of logic are not things that are imposed upon the world around us.
That's why there are so many different forms of logic. That's why there's so many different definitions of logical identity, which
I have sent to you in emails. That's why there are so many different logical systems, so many different definitions of contradiction and identity within logical structures, because we extract different things from the world around us, and we construct different logical systems to deal with those different perceptions.
It is our encounter with the world around us where it begins. It does not begin with some ephemeral world of logical properties that everything must fit into.
If it did that, then you would not have many different definitions of contradiction, many different definitions of identity, which indeed we do.
To even have a definition presupposes a law of identity. You don't want a definition to have different ones.
Okay, then how do you explain that there's many different definitions of identity, and many of those definitions are contradictory to each other?
Because people are inconsistent in their minds, as you are. Yeah, so are you.
And that's why if you have looked at many different logical systems...
How would you recognize an inconsistency? But by applying the law of logic. The law of logic is not produced in your mind.
It's not the product of your mind or my mind. Our minds are different. If I died, the law of logic doesn't disappear.
They... my point is still the same. There are many different logical systems. There are many different definitions of identity.
These definitions are inconsistent with each other. How do you justify...
The reason they are is because they are based upon... How do you justify the idea that there's many different systems?
Because I've studied many different logical systems that have been created by men because of their encounters with the world around them.
So you've studied them, but that occurs in your mind. Yeah. So you presuppose the laws of logic in order to do that.
No, but again, we presuppose that we first encounter the world around us.
And from that encounter, we extract different things from our sense perceptions. And again, if you are correct, then the laws of identity should not vary.
But they do. Even Greg Bonson taught this. And he defended it vehemently. That the laws of logic vary.
And that is what I've been trying to tell you, is that within many different logical systems, you have...
And if they are universal, it is your job to show that they are universal and how you can have conflicting definitions of these laws and it be universal still.
Are you saying then that something is... That the law that something is what it is, is not always true?
Correct. So there's actually times when something exists that it's not really what it is itself as it exists, but it's existing.
Okay. I sent you an example of this that's called temporal logic. I also sent you one that was called vague logic.
I also sent you one that was called free logic, where you have different definitions of these things. Temporal logic, where A is identical to A within a given time...
Hold on, hold on. A is given within a class of objects, so that they are not identical objects, but they belong to the same class.
Okay. So here's a pair of tweezers. So it's a pair of tweezers. And okay.
So are you saying that there's times when this isn't what it really is? If you take that pair of tweezers and you put it on a table and you leave it there long enough, it will deteriorate to the point to where it's no longer a pair of tweezers.
Therefore, it is identical to itself right now within a given time frame. Oh, well,
I don't have any problem with that. You could take a piece of wood and you can burn it and it's no longer wood. It's just carbon and then you can...
That's right. That's not a big deal. But then you would know... But then you would know that the wood no longer is wood.
It's something else. So now you have the law of identity being consistent. Wood is what it is.
And something and whatever turned into carbon is what it is. It's still true. No, because again, it's only true within a given time frame.
I've sent you emails on these things. And you're simply not understanding that a law of logic is only true within a given logical structure.
You must have a metallurgical structure. Your logical system must be consistent. It must be complete.
And if you don't have that, then you don't have a logical system. And I've also shown you how if you have a universal law of logic, it is going to yield a contradiction as true.
It is by definition incomplete. And that has been proven that it's going to happen that way.
So therefore, if it's going to be universal, it's going to be incomplete. And it's going to yield a contradiction as true. If you're going to have it being consistent, it is going to have to be finitely defined and have a given scope and range of meaning.
Now, I'll go back on this for a little bit. I know Andrew wants to ask some questions. Notice what I said. This is a pair of tweezers.
I didn't say what it will become. You continually misrepresent what
I say. You change things. You're not consistent in how you present your argument.
This is a pair of tweezers. Is it true that it is a pair of tweezers? Sure. Okay, so that is a true statement.
Is there any time when the statement, this is a pair of tweezers, is not true?
It is a pair of tweezers within a certain time frame. Therefore, the identity of, we can say
A is identical to a pair of tweezers. That is a logical statement. Therefore, logic deals in statements, not in objects.
Therefore, when we say A is identical to A within a certain time frame, if you set it on your table, at some point, it will deteriorate to where it's not a tweezer.
So, in other words, A equals A, is that true? First of all, you're misusing your terms.
A is equal to A is not the same as saying A is identical to A. A is equal to A is an arithmetic term.
A is identical to A is a logical term. You're misusing your terms. Which term do you want to use for the law of identity?
A is identical to A. Okay, so is it always true that A is identical to A?
Within a certain time frame, yes. Or within a certain class of objects, sure.
Okay, so the statement A is identical to A can also not be true? Correct.
Blue sleeps faster than Wednesday. Well, now you're getting away from the topic.
You can have a class of apples. That includes red apples, yellow apples, and crab apples.
You can say that class is identical to that class. But to say that red apple is identical to crab apple is not also true.
So you can say A is identical to A in terms of a class, but it's not identical to A in terms of the individual part. I think he totally missed your point.
Yeah, he does. Yeah, he doesn't get it. Let me ask you something, manager, real quick.
First off, you did make a statement about absolutes, and I'm curious whether the statement you made applies to the statement itself.
Well, you're about to commit the vicious circle fallacy when you're using illegitimate totalities.
It is not suffocating to say that I can use logic to show that logic is not logical. It is not suffocating to say that I can show using logic that the laws of logic are not universal.
It is not suffocating because it's a level of logic. Well, actually, no, your statement was how we determine it.
But let me ask you this, because I just have one question before we move on that I'd like to work out with you.
You said that logic is the product of human minds. No, I said it's an extraction of the world around us.
The law. Where does logic come from? It comes from humans.
It is humans that do logic. Do you believe, and I think this is where Matt was trying to go, the second law of logic, the law of non -contradiction, do you believe that's always true?
No. So you accept contradictions. No. So you're wrong. Correct.
Yes, you're wrong. No, because we have contradictions. No. You're wrong.
No, I can show that there's contradictions, a different definition of contradictions.
Manager, you accept contradictions. Therefore, in your worldview, you can be wrong and right.
If you believe that you're right and I'm wrong, then you're borrowing from my worldview and you don't accept contradictions.
No. So if your worldview is correct, you're wrong. I'm right in saying it. If you think
I'm wrong in saying it, then you're not living in your worldview, you're living in my worldview. So let's start with this.
Are there contradictions? Okay. Listen close.
Within different logical systems, there are different definitions of contradictions. What is a contradiction?
So you got to try to stay on topic. I know it's hard for you because you really can't.
I know you're trying to trap man and I, and it doesn't work unless you kind of do fallacies of jumping everywhere else.
So you accept contradictions, correct? I accept different definitions of contradiction.
I'm not talking about different definitions. Well, that's why I'm talking about the law of logic. The second law are the law of non -contradiction.
You don't think that's correct. Okay, hang on. Let's assume for a moment that you are correct, that the law of non -contradiction is universal.
Then how do you explain different definitions of contradiction that contradict each other? Because we're not talking about the definition. We're talking about the law of logic.
Okay. So if you're committing a fallacy of equivocation... Yes, you are, because you're using the word two different ways.
We're talking a law, you're talking a definition. So it's two different concepts. Okay. You said that the laws of logic are the product of human beings.
Is that correct? Yes, it is humans that do logic. So you and I would agree there was a time before there were human beings, correct?
Correct. Okay. Could the universe have existed and not existed in the same way and the same time before there was a human being?
Sure. It could. Sure. Okay. Then you don't accept the laws of logic.
Because once you accept the contradiction... Hang on. I'm assuming your definition of the law of non -contradiction.
I am saying that I will accept that as true. Then how do you explain that there are different definitions of contradiction and identity?
How do you do that? What are the different definitions for the law of non -contradiction? Okay. Within modal logic, there's three different forms of modal logic that have different definitions of contradiction.
There is modal identity that has different definitions of contradiction. There are free logics that have different definitions of contradiction.
You haven't given them yet. So I'll try this again.
Give me the different definitions for the law of non -contradiction.
Okay. Within modal systems that use necessity and possibility, they will say that A is possibly true or A is possibly false.
And they will use the negation of that, that A is not not possibly true or A is not not possibly false.
Still waiting for the different definitions. But okay, you're talking about the possibilities that would impact in the case of non -contradiction.
So I'll ask this a third time. What are the different definitions for the law of non -contradiction?
Okay. A contradiction is A and not A in propositional logic. Okay. In modal logic, it would be not possibly not or not necessarily not is the definition of contradiction within a modal system.
Depending on the scope and range of meaning of necessity and possibility, will determine whether or not it contradicts with one of the other systems.
And that set systems are defined by the scope and range of meaning. So you have different definitions of contradiction within those systems.
I just gave you two of them. You gave me a wrong definition for one and a fallacy for the other.
So let's look at it. The definition for the law of non -contradiction is that you have
A, you cannot have A and not A in the same way and at the same time.
Now, you then give a different definition for a different thing, not the law of non -contradiction, but the law of modal non -contradiction, which now we get into the logical fallacy of equivocation because you're trying to equivocate them as the same when they're actually different identities.
So, I get it. Okay, let's assume that you're right. You're wrong.
We all got to see that. And you can't argue against it because you accept contradictions. And the only thing you could do is appeal to what we believe to tell us that you're right and we're wrong.
But Matt and I both agree and know that you're wrong and you can't disagree with me. Okay, first of all,
I'm a Christian man. So, therefore, let's put that aside. So, we share the common worldview.
Second of all, the... So, okay, let's check that. So, is
Jesus Christ God? Yes. I am a Trinitarian, yes.
Why did he die? He died for the redemption of everything that fell in the fall, according to the scripture.
The redemption of everything that fell in the fall. Okay, so all human beings? All human beings and all of creation that fell without him.
So, would all human beings be a child of God? No. Are all human beings redeemed?
No. But you just said he died for the redemption of all human beings.
That's correct. How could he have died for the redemption of all human beings and yet they're not all redeemed? Because there's something other at play other than because Christ died for all does not necessitate that all are saved.
What does it mean to die for all? What does it mean? Well, according to John 1 29,
Behold the Lamb of God which comes to take away the sin of the world. Sin is referring to the fallenness. World is referring to all of creation.
So, therefore, it is a biblical mandate that... And within the spectrum of what
Christ died for in some way he died for everything that fell.
But because he died for all does not mean that all will be redeemed. No. So, he redeemed everything.
When did that happen? When did it happen? And when did everything get redeemed?
Christ died on the cross. So, the universe is now redeemed? He died for the redemption at that point.
The fulfillment of the redemption could happen at death. It could happen in salvation. It could happen at the destruction of all of creation.
According to Ephesians 1 10, at the fulfillment of time, all things in heaven and earth will be gathered up even in him.
So, all of creation has a part in redemption at some point. Can you explain?
It's interesting because each time we ask you, son, you keep switching things and not staying consistent.
So, it's kind of hard. So, Christ died for what purpose?
To redeem. To redeem. Why? Why? Because God loves.
Okay. Loves what? He loves his creation.
He loves—it is his nature to love. God is love. Is God wrath?
We are never told that God is wrath, even though that is an attribute of God. So, is he angry with the wicked?
Well, sure. But anger is not an essential characteristic of God. Again, we are told that God is love.
We're never told that God is anger. We're never told that God is wrath. So, you believe that Christ died to redeem everything that fell in the fall.
That's correct. Because of his love. According to the scripture, yes. Yeah. Yeah, I'll end up agreeing with John in the chat that your understanding of soteriology is as good as your understanding of logic, but both are valid.
So, Christ died because people violated his law.
There are sinners and criminals in his sight, and he paid a fine. He paid a price.
That's only one aspect of the sacrifice of Christ. To limit it to the debt payment of sin is to water down the scope and range of meaning of the sacrifice of Christ.
Romans 5 .20 completely destroys that notion, because it says, where sin has abounded, grace has abounded even more.
And that completely destroys the idea of debt repayment of the sacrifice of Christ.
There's more than one aspect of the sacrifice of Christ. There's an aspect of Christ that is, to use the technical terms, is propitiation, expiation, and atonement.
He expiated for all of creation, propitiated for all of mankind, and he atoned for believers.
So, there's three different aspects of the sacrifice of Christ. So, do you believe that God is absolute?
Yes. Do I believe that God is absolute? What do you mean by absolute? Is he a universal being that doesn't change?
I don't know. You don't know? Yet, scripture describes him as being someone that doesn't change.
That's correct, but we also see that he does change in scriptures. How? Where does he change?
This is now back to the law of identity. Well, clearly, the way he redeemed mankind during the flood was very different than the way he redeemed mankind in the temple.
And very clearly, he redeemed differently on the cross. That's a fallacy of provocation.
The word redeemed is not being used the same way in each of those cases.
So, you're saying that people have their payment of sin made and have eternal life by getting onto a boat?
No. I'm saying, again, that God doesn't change, and that's what the scriptures said, and I agree with you.
But we also see that in scriptures that God deals with different people in different ways, redeemed in different ways, and we see that in the sacrifice of Christ in a different way.
So, you're trying to say that people are redeemed the same way Noah was redeemed by getting onto a boat?
I'm saying that you're the one who raised the question, did
God change? And I gave you an example. No, but you didn't give me a proper example because you're using a logical fallacy of equivocation in your example.
Therefore, your example is flawed. For someone that wants to come in and talk about the nature of logic,
I would expect that you would not use logical fallacies in your arguments. So, you're using redeemed in three different ways.
Do you recognize that? Actually, I'm referring to the sacrifice of Christ, and then using three different terms to describe the different aspects of the sacrifice of Christ.
Okay, so you're saying that the sacrifice of Christ was when
Noah and his family got onto a boat? Okay, let me expand this a little bit if you don't mind.
I got to get to, I didn't mention the Super Chat, and we just got another. So, let me take a time out and do this because we should.
And Matt, there'll be a question for you. So, NavTimer1884 gave two
Super Chats. He just gave, I'm going to start with his later one first,
Matt. And for folks to know that when you give a Super Chat, and you can do that just in the chat window there on YouTube with a little dollar sign, that money goes to CARM .org,
help support CARM. It does not help Striving for Eternity, who puts this on. So, if you want to donate to Striving for Eternity, please go over to strivingforeternity .org
slash donate. So, NavTimer gave $20, Matt, and he said he's giving $20, giving this donation, hoping we can move on from Unicorn Dude.
Yeah, I watched it just a bit ago. In a way of moving on from, I guess that is manager's nickname, is
Unicorn Dude. Sorry, I guess it's from his opening. But Matt, here's earlier when manager came in there,
NavTimer gave $20, that's $40 that he gave total so far tonight. And here is the question that he had for you.
This is one way you can guarantee to get a question asked is give a super chat.
So, Matt would appreciate any advice. I work under a boss that is
Catholic, he knows I'm Baptist, and I'm confident he has a grudge against me, gives me a hard time, etc.
I pray for him daily. Any advice for this situation? He's a what?
He's a Catholic, and his boss is
Catholic, he's Baptist. So, he feels that his boss knows that he's a
Baptist and has a grudge against him because of the religious difference, gives him a hard time.
He prays for him, but doesn't know what else he could be doing. Any advice that you could have?
And push Jesus, going just to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.
I always tell people, do that. Pray for them, of course. I would just tell the person that what he needs to do is,
I do the Catholics, can you trust Jesus? Can you pray to Jesus? Yes. Can you ask him to forgive you of your sins?
Yes. If you do, are all your sins forgiven? Yes. Why do you need the Catholic Church? Just do it like that.
I guess part of the thing being when you work for someone, that does make it a little bit more difficult.
I mean, the issue there would, I would think, I mean, one thing as a
Christian, you want to be the best worker that you can, and that way it's harder for them to give you a hard time.
But, you know, a good way of, that I would say doing advice, I would have, invite him out to lunch, offer to buy lunch if you can afford it, and just ask him straight out.
To me, it seems like you hold a grudge. It seems you give me a hard time. Maybe it's because of our different religious beliefs.
You know, I pray for you daily. Let him know that, and see if there really is something there.
See if he really does hold a grudge. You never know the reaction it's going to be. I had a situation with someone at a secular job many years ago who used to use
Jesus Christ's name all the time as foul language. It really bothered me. And I don't usually ask people to watch their language,
Matt. I'm going to have to. Yeah. I mean, but when it's using Christ's name, that I think is a little different.
And I decided to do something. I took the guy out for lunch, and I paid for lunch, and I said I wanted to talk to him.
And I said, listen, you know, I know you don't believe in Jesus Christ, but I do. He's someone I love very dearly.
And when you use his name as foul language, it really hurts me and bothers me. And I care for you.
That's why I wanted to take you out and let you know how it makes me feel, because I'm sure you don't want to be purposely hurtful to folks.
And he ended up never doing it around me again. Now, it turns out there was a guy who claimed to be a believer who
I didn't think really was. And this guy used Christ's name as foul language, apologized to me.
The other guy was like, how come you don't ever apologize for me when you do that? And the guy turns to him and says, because Andrew actually believes what he says.
And it was like an ouch moment. But that's one of the things I would try to very tactfully just ask him and say, look,
I care about you. I pray for you. But to me, I could be wrong.
Always assume that you could be wrong in that and say, you know, maybe this is me reading into it, but, you know, is there something there?
Is there something we can work on together so we can work together in harmony? You know, one of the things
I did, I have some Mormons that have been visiting every week. And yeah,
I know it's been cool. They keep coming back. One of the tricks is before they leave, I make sure we set up the next appointment so that and, you know, what we're going to discuss the next appointment.
But they asked, why am I wanting to meet with him? I don't shy away from it.
I said, look, I believe you're wrong. You believe I'm wrong. See, now, what do you do when you say that? That you're not saying that they're wrong without recognizing they think you're wrong.
So you're putting it on an even playing field. And I say, I believe that you're, you know, you're not going to heaven.
You believe I'm not going to heaven. And so I put it on an even playing field so we understand we both hold to these views.
And that's one way that I try to do it to say, look, we're both in this. You're Roman Catholic and you believe I'm not
Christian. I'm a Baptist. I believe you're not a Christian. We both agree this about each other.
So you could start there. I did that with the Mormons. I said, you believe I'm, you know, you believe that I have a gospel that needs to be restored.
I believe we always have had the gospel and yours is made up. And so this is the way we both view each other.
So that's how I would approach it. And he just gave another $20 super chat that says, great advice, guys.
Really appreciate it. Never thought of lunch idea. God bless. So that's a total of $60.
Thank you very much. Carm appreciates that very much. The next one.
Well, let's see. We have a choice now because Catholic, traditional Catholics stepped out and others came in.
We go with the original order or we go to cat. I'll leave it to you, Matt.
Cat or Catholic? Ladies first.
In three letters. Well, see, that's the whole thing. Now I don't know how to say if I look on the list now, the list now has cat is next.
We'll go with cat because she may be quicker. So let me add her into broadcast and bring up her mic.
And then what we'll do is we'll go to someone that may give us a commercial break. But Cat, did you have a question for us?
Well, you know, like I said, on the side there, I don't know if quicker. Now I'm kind of, you know, inspired to take my time because of that.
However, I was born 43 years ago.
No, I guess I've been seeing a lot of this lately where people on Facebook, things like that, you know, who are
Christian, you're seeing them profess the word and, you know, granted, we never know what's in one another's hearts unless you're really face to face with him on a pretty, you know, frequent basis.
But I'm seeing a lot of people who are now just suddenly running from God. Oh, well, you know, I believe in God.
But, you know, the Christians that say this and it's scripture, you know, it's not like I made it up and I'm saying this because of my belief.
But this is what the Bible is telling us. And in very obvious terms, and I'm seeing a lot of this lately where people are claiming that they're
Christians, they're saying that and they're saying the words, I love God and their actions are completely opposite of this and of the
Bible. And I guess I'm asking you guys what your thought is, your viewpoint is for people like where does that come from?
If you can get to the point that you say that you love God and they feel they genuinely do or you it seems genuine in a sense, but the teachings of the
Bible, they dismiss them. They pick and choose, but they're going to profess in a very passionate manner that love for God and for Christianity.
So I'm not sure. Is this that Satan has them deceived to think that they're Christian? I don't know.
And I don't even know if I properly explained that. You're just talking about the differences of subjectivity.
How do we know if someone's really saved or not? They're going to have different levels of experience, of knowledge, different levels of experience and sanctification.
And so it's difficult to discern who really is saved or not saved if you look at their fruit.
And so it just takes a while and it's not just a direct thing. So, yeah,
I guess for me, it's hard to go, I love God, I'm a Christian, but what's in the
Bible is just make -believe and well, this is make -believe, but not this and then they just walk away all of a sudden.
And I know then they were truly not saved, but still you're professing that love.
It's hard for me to understand to profess that, but not feel it. I just wouldn't profess it, I guess. Well, people, you know, there's true and false converts, true and false repentance.
2 Corinthians 7, 10, I think it is or 10, 7, 7, 10. And it's just it.
So how do you know? You judge them by the fruit, you know, and they say they love the Lord, believe what they say. If they leave the faith, then we know that they were never saved to begin with, because that's part of the revelation of Scripture.
Right, right. I guess it's just hard for me to understand, because for me, it's just obvious. But thank you guys for that.
All right, so what I'm going to do, just because I have a theory, I'm going to see if I'm right, but I'm going to bring in Five Solas Ministries before our
Catholic friend, just because, well, I have a feeling we may get a commercial break right now, but because James from Five Solas Ministries was recording just as we went live,
Matt, he decided to use Thursday, 8 o 'clock Eastern time to announce a new product.
Okay. So don't you think we should get him to make that announcement right here? Yeah, whatever.
I guess if we have to. I mean, you're wearing a t -shirt. He said. Oh, that's right. I am, aren't I? Yeah. So, James, let's see.
Did I turn up his volume? Yes. Are you there, James? Yeah, I'm here.
I'm sure the Catholics are tickled about someone with the Five Solas going before them.
Yeah, what would be an equivalent for the Five Solas for Catholics? Sola Popola?
No, no, no. No, it would be. Sola Popola? Sola Ecclesia, because it'd be the church.
Sola Ecclesia, that's true. Sola Hymnola? Sola Workalata. Well, it would be.
Let's think about this and we'll have our maybe correct us. It wouldn't be scripture alone.
So it'd have to be church, since the church is the one that interprets scripture.
It's really church alone, because they're the. What's the opposite of Sola? I mean.
Many. That's why I just said a lot of. A lot of. A lot of tradition.
That's right. A lot of heresy. A lot of not scripture, but I'd be a lot of authority.
A lot of authority. Yeah. Sola versus a lot of. Be a good teacher.
He's thinking of teacher ideas. So, James, now that you just spun up our Catholic friend here, he comes in.
So what do you got for us? We just released a whole bunch of new shirt designs.
New shirts. So, Matt, you actually got the last of that shirt material. We went to a much, much softer.
This is also not cotton, is it? It is cotton. That one's pre -shrunk cotton, so it's not going to shrink.
Your wife asked me if that was going to shrink. I was like, it's in no danger of shrinking. The only way it's going to get smaller is if you put on weight.
It's going to get a lot bigger. You want to. I can nuke it. I can nuke it in the dryer, right? Yeah, there you go.
My philosophy of washing clothes is everything goes into one big lump of cold, cold water.
Then, from there, everything gets lumped into a dryer. I nuked the crap out of it.
Whatever survives, that's what I wear. I have a different philosophy. Instead of washing the clothes, we just buy new ones.
That works, except I'm broke all the time I do that. Or make new ones, rather. Yeah, we could always wear our underwear and socks until they become so hard, like shurikens.
Okay, Matt, you've asked for it. Let me see. I don't know if this is going to work, but I got to try this.
I'm going to share my screen. Let me know if you hear this. Because I think
I found a video. It's three minutes long, Matt, but I think this describes what you were just saying.
This is for folks who need to find this. I just searched for a magic table that cleans itself.
You haven't watched this video. I think this really describes Matt. So, let me know if you can hear it.
I'm going to have to move this so you can hear it. You got to hit play.
Yes, I just first have to make sure that it's technical. I can't understand it.
Because you're hearing the background noise from five minutes in here? Don't know. It's all broken up.
So, I can't understand anything they're saying. No, I'm going to try it again. Pan and bowl in the house.
I always end up doing the cleaning. I'm exhausted and you're always in honeymoon mode and it makes me feel like shit.
Okay, maybe I have been getting it a little bit easier than you. But it's just because... Well, here goes.
I've been doing something behind your back. Secretly. Yeah. Okay, so there's a lot of cupboards in this room, right?
Is there one that looks different from the others? Expect it, only
I can see it. You've got to have a clear mind. If you think outside the box like I do, this one opens from the top.
Oh, wow! I know, and we're just getting warmed up. You're going to think I'm crazy, but any dirty dish, pots, pans, plates, whatever, you sit in these rack things, somehow the next day, they're all replaced with brand new exact replicas in these cupboards.
Yes, very funny. I knew you wouldn't believe me. You're going to have to see for yourself. I'm pretty sure I know how it works.
No, you don't close it. I did that once, nothing happened. You just got to load up these racks, back away slowly and leave the house.
That's why I've been going to the pub and the movies so much by myself lately, just to keep this thing going for us. What, you what?
I don't think it means any harm. It just wants to help. Like seriously, I've hidden dirty plates, stacks of glasses and shit all over the house.
And it doesn't seem to matter. As long as the door's left open, it still reaches them and replaces them all brand new.
So you're seriously telling me that you don't know what this machine is? Don't call it a machine, it doesn't like it.
Remember when we went to Wendy's Hens weekend? I caught it that once and it stopped doing it for two days. I think it was a warning.
It feeds off like spiritual harmony, like a good version of paranormal activity. Paranormal activity?
As he's putting a camera on. Honey, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
I set up a hidden camera last night to capture the house spirit in action and I feel so bad now. It seems the spirit is a demon.
It has possessed you and is forcing you to perform its duties. Remember Ken from indoor soccer? We're an online exorcist course.
You guys are both nutcases. I did all of that cleaning knowingly using OxiClean boosters, Ajax sanitizer,
Dettol disinfectant wipes. Oh my God, she's speaking in tongues. You understand any of that? Not a word. Demons be gone!
Okay, so I believe that's how Matt does his. I actually didn't see that one. They have a whole series of them. They had one on the magic table where he just dumps everything on the table and it magically disappears and everything just is gone by the morning.
And then he has this laundry basket magically, just throws everything, it just leaves stuff everywhere.
It only works around the magic women too. Yeah, I mean, it's really funny. The one with the magic basket is classic because it's two police officers.
They're trying to figure out where she left. She leaves them and he goes, maybe she fell into the magic basket on the magic table, which just everything disappears.
Whatever you put on there disappears by morning. I like that. I need some of that. Oh, you'll love that.
So maybe that's what you did. So I'll bring James back up now. He's probably in his car. James. Yeah, I didn't know they had a whole series.
I didn't. I only knew the one until I saw there's actually three or four up there. I grabbed magic cupboard because I hadn't seen that one before.
Wow. Yeah, so now we know what Matt's going to do later tonight. Searching magic cupboard, magic basket, magic table.
He's already on YouTube now searching. This is heavy duty car research that he's going to be doing tonight.
And so that means that if I want to be a godly woman, I need to stop doing the dishes, stop doing the housework and all of that stuff, because I really don't want to be associated with a demonic presence.
So I'm sure our Catholic friends can help you out with a priest. So he can help us.
But he was, I guess, reincarnated as as, you know, Eli.
So maybe maybe that's what we're going to end up having. But so. So, James, what do you have?
What will you have for us tonight? Oh, man, we just we're really we're launching all of our lineups for the women.
Evidently, there's a lot of reformed women out there that like stuff, too. So we just released our tote bags, a lot of different shirt designs, phone cases.
That's new. So, I mean, we're just we're just trying to go all in with it, you know, just trying to have as much material as possible for everyone.
Could you get a T -shirt that says reformed women make better sandwiches? I absolutely can.
And not only that, but I can maybe take a picture of a sandwich that my wife makes me and put it on the shirt.
Oh, we have a lot of women out here.
You guys are horrible. You know, James, you're smiling. I know you're smiling.
I want you. I want you. I want James. I want to get a
T -shirt that says reformed women make better sandwiches. When he puts it on for his wife.
If you I know, James, I know you've done some martial arts and I know that, you know, martial arts, if you can throw really quick punches and kicks, it's a good.
But if you want to see quick, just watch Nick's hands as she smacks him.
I mean, it's going to be faster than any low motion. She stopped hitting me because of her health.
We have Matt's address. Can I take your place? Can I be a substitute? There's a lot to catch up on.
No, wait, Kat just gave me a great idea. This is a new fundraiser for CARM.
Can't smack you, Matt. We could do a fundraiser. Whoever bids the highest gets to smack you in her place.
But it's arm hits or shoulder hits. For a million dollars. Okay, shoulder hits are fine. Whatever, you know.
That's what it is. She always hits me in the shoulder. But lately she can't because of her health. But, you know,
I miss him. So I think this is a great fundraiser. You know, we can do bidding to see who can replace
Nick for hitting you. I like this idea. Well, ask me a girl. Well, you know,
James is identifying as a girl if he gets to hit you. Oh, no, no, no. I know a guy. I know a guy.
If he were to sign up, I literally watched him. This is no joke. He benched 400 pounds 13 times.
Can you imagine that guy going, I won. I get to hit you. I would be in the hospital for a week. You know that the female winner for powerlifting is a man.
Because of the gender thing? Yep. It's insane. There's a lawsuit. I heard about that where these girls in high school and stuff, they're doing great.
And then these transgender guys come in and kick their butts and they get all the awards. It's just not fair.
It's just ridiculous. It's the end of female sports. Really, what we're doing is we're preventing James from finishing his commercial.
Yeah, that's true. He's trying. James, what percentage goes to Karm of all your sales this month?
15%. We just did a finished up this past weekend where we did 25 % of sales.
We're going to end up doing that, running that again for them. So for right now, it's 15 % of all the sales.
That's the t -shirts, gospel tracks, tote bags, phone cases. The thing is, what makes it different is everything that we have is dedicated to reform theology language.
You're not going to have universalism or anything like that on the tracks. Matt got some of the tracks today. I don't know if you checked those out.
Yeah, we got them. I just haven't looked at them yet. I'm buried. In fact, as soon as we're done here in an hour or whatever,
I got to be on the phone with somebody else talking about something else. It's just one thing after another. You know what, Matt?
I mean, you do a little bit of marketing type stuff for Karm and promotion and stuff. I mean, when people think of, you know, like Matt Slick, they think of Karm.
They think of Karm .org, right? Yeah. It's funny. Here's a guy trying to say, hey, we got these great products.
You know what's been missing in everything he said? What's his website? I mean, where do we go?
I mentioned it on the radio today. Products. I mean, seriously, come on, James. 5SolasMinistries .com.
That's the number five. 5SolasMinistries .com. Finally, it's like pulling teeth to get him to give us the website.
5SolasMinistries .com. All right. You have anything else for us? I was working on the
Reform Women Make Better Sandwiches shirt whenever. It's so awesome.
You'll get one sale for sure. I'm going to send both of you the mock -up of it in a little bit.
I'm going to have a beautiful sandwich on it. All right. If they make that sandwich,
I'm not paying for it. But if you guys buy it for me, I'll wear it. I'm going to put it in the winner on our website.
I will do. All right. So I added Eli in here, a familiar voice.
He's just waving to us. There is a new face, though, Matt, that I'm adding in here. I mentioned him a bit earlier in the beginning of the show.
And this is Jamal Bradley. He is with Prescribed Truth Podcast.
Good. So let's see if his mic is working. I'm here.
Hey, wait. He looks like he's got melanin in his skin.
I thought you talk against social justice. Doesn't that mean you have white privilege?
Yes, it's covered up. Hey, it's Bandy, by the way.
Bandy, sorry. Forgive me. It's all good. It happens all the time.
How are you doing, everybody? All right. How are you doing? Doing good. Put little man down and he's good to go.
And so I'm good to go. Wifey's good to go. Good. So Jamal, Matt is starting to look into and study intersectionality.
Anything that you could give him for some thoughts to help him in that study? Only thing
I've seen so far is the argument is basically the more you can intersect in all the areas where you can call discrimination.
That's where you're the better off you'll be. So there's the feminist movement in Minnesota.
If you're a woman, then you're African -American or some people try to say
Latino and all those things, but really it's black. And so if you're a black woman, homosexual, and you may struggle with your gender, then
I think you're pretty much the only person who can speak on anything that matters. With disabilities.
Oh, yeah. With disabilities. Yeah. Now see,
Matt has several. I mean, I know that when we look at the intersectionality, Matt, Jewish people are not considered as, you can have someone who is, even though Jews are persecuted and whatnot in different places, they don't seem to get any votes for intersectionality.
And Christianity, people that are Christians are persecuted more around the world than any other religion.
But that seems to be negative points for being Christian. But I'm wondering how many
Matt would get? Well, Matt has a point. Eli, you'll verify with me if I'm right on this.
Let's do the intersectionality points for Matt Slick. So we give him a point for disabilities.
Right? He has some disabilities. Yeah, I have autism or I'm autistic a little bit.
Okay. Age, he's old. I'm 62. Sometimes we've seen him walk with a cane.
Yeah, which is right back there. By just turning and picking up socks that could throw up his back.
That's right. That's right. Picked up socks. I opened the door last week and it hurt. Hey, does this mean in that paradigm, the more victimized you are, the more privileged you are though?
Isn't it kind of a paradox? Yeah, it is. I was victimized because my last name is
Slick. Well, but does that really count? Yes, it does. Oh, heck yeah.
I was beat up. I was accosted because I was Slick. I had buck teeth and I was skinny. So I was victimized.
I really was victimized quite a bit. You said you had buck teeth. So the bullying could have just been because you were ugly.
And there's an ambiguity there. It was like, oh man, I looked really ugly. So it might just be one or the other.
Well, my dad was in the service. We moved 26 times before I was 12 into 12 different elementary schools.
Hey, I get a lot of points because I had a rough childhood. No, but see, but we have to take into account, you were the new kid all the time.
I was always a new kid. So you were always a new kid. Got beat up. And I'm not in check. To be ugly is not good.
Could it be that, Matt, your sense of humor and style humor might get people to think you were being a jerk?
No, because I have a great sense of humor. I didn't see you on camera there, Matt. See, he's laughing so hard he doesn't want us to see it.
That's why he's off camera there like that. Oh, me? Oh, no, I'm back in. Oh, the cat did that.
Ay yi yi. Hold on a second. Okay. And he has cats. So that's a point because smarter people have dogs.
Cats are like a meal in Chinese. You know, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Well, you know, just saying the Chinese got in trouble for eating cat, you know, because they were finding the neighborhood cats.
But all right. So how many points does
Matt have now? three zero zero I should have a lot why does he have zero because all of his counseled out because he's white white male white male white male that's it so I'm no
I'm worthless no points I should be wiped out right I should be killed and put in prison shouldn't
I so this is gonna get really funny because you know Matt I don't know if you know that AOC is she now has a challenger for her seat yeah
I heard and she is going to be running up because her whole argument is you know that her parents were or immigrants and so she was doing all the intersectionality she's a woman and she's a child of immigrants and all this now she's gonna be going up against an
African American Jamaican so she's black woman who actually is an immigrant not the child of an actual immigrant so I think she's gonna lose all these intersectionality points we're just gonna have to vote for her competitor you know what it sounds like she's gonna be worse
I don't know that anyone could be worse than AOC I mean we do have one one maybe redeeming quality of AOC it is entertaining to believe that she actually believes what she says the things that come out of her mouth and the fact that she actually believes him is is kind of entertaining but then it's really sad to see that people are actually thinking that's good
I know it's so dangerous she is so ignorant of so many things oh yeah yeah yeah people voted for gosh
Matt New York more yeah I know so got a new podcast he's joining us in the
Christian podcast community well he's not a new podcast it's new to us I should say and so let me give
James a quick second to talk about his podcast with some of the things he discusses on there there so I started
I said James I met Jamal I'm sorry the show so maybe that's it
I'm trying to get the old points like Matt you know and just doesn't work well as him it's not gonna work it's not gonna work oh yes a podcast is called prescribed truth podcast
I started basically off of a YouTube channel prescribed truth at youtube .com and then
I moved over to podcast since I've been doing podcast about a year now I really enjoying it just just doing apologetics and and dealing with different issues and just given from a given my view from a reform perspective so good much it good your reform that's good like that oh yeah
I used to be very charismatic the Lord when the Lord saved me 2013 it was funny
I began to see in the scriptures for God's sovereignty in salvation before I even knew anything about Calvin and it is so good and so and so when
I began to know about reform theology it was just like you just clicked you know just clicked why don't you for Matt's sake because Matt doesn't know your background you may describe the church that you started out in because you were in a bad bad church to start oh yeah so um back in oh nine
I you know I was agnostic you know I began to just feel like I need to go back to church so I went to a church it was rooted in Pentecostalism an apostolic church but not like the tough apostolic where women wore pants and I mean couldn't wear pants and all that stuff like that but very charismatic he was very manipulative our church was made up of mostly young people
I think the oldest person in church was him he was 30 and he was 34 at a time and um and it's very you know very manipulative he used to teach from the
Old Testament a whole lot dealing with how we should obey laws and give first fruit offerings and you know sin offerings and all those things like and I remember and I tell you it's a funny story now it was crazy but I remember one time
I didn't have much money and um I know I was I sinned you know I did something wrong
I can't remember exactly what I did but I knew it was wrong and I went to him and I have any money and so like I'm it's kind of it's embarrassing a little bit but I had brought on my sneakers
I had like some fresh Air Forces it's like like two or three pair and I was like I haven't worn
I was like I was like man I said I said Apostle I don't I don't have any money I said but um I wanted to offer these instead he's just like thank you
Wow he's like thank you and um it's that was just that was just one um it but as time went on you know
I live I had I was staying my parents and then I end up living with him for you for about the remain well about six seven months because of my parents they they knew something was wrong with the church but you know we was just we was just you know we just felt like hey you you against our pastor you against us you against God you know and so I remember going to him and he was he would misquote the scripture where Jesus says who is my mother my brother but then they do the will of God and so when
I everybody in our in our church were young we had issues with our families because of this church and he would quote that scripture well misquoted and he'll say well who is my mother or my father but then they do the will of God so if they if they're not for you being in church then who are they if they're not for you being in God then who are they to you then you know obey
God not your parents and so like completely dismiss the commandment about you know be honoring your father and your mother and um and we didn't know no better like we didn't read the word you know my favorite book at the time was acts like I didn't do nothing about the laws and commandments like that you know
I was very ignorant to all those things and um he just took advantage of it the church ended up going further downhill as he began to get into a lot of fornication of church it was issues with that in the church and drugs and and all the kind of fornicating yeah was um multiple people not just one you know he was married you know but it was it was tough the um it's you know it's got it was it was deep you know and I remember doing a time when
I found out about it and like I said we believe he was an apostle and we believe he had power we knew we believe he had power from God that he can speak things into existence he can cause curses and all these things like that you know he was so we never wanted to step up against them it was like you know people were afraid to leave and I remember when um at a time when
I found out everything else was going on like the drugs and everything else it was like I wanted to go but I felt like I will be leaving my lifeline like this is the like this is my connection to God if he's all he's our voice between us and God and if I leave this church and I'm leave my connection with God and so I stayed in the
Lord like in 2010 he passed away he died in a church he was headed out of town to a conference he had to speak at and on the way on the way there him the church
I couldn't go because I had to work that day but um the van that was driving down the road the tire bus and it flipped and um he and along with three other people from the church passed away hmm and um
I get I always kind of get a little emotional I talk about this but yeah they passed away and um and I was in basically into the church the church split after that you know yeah so it was a couple years you know
I went to other churches after that you know but they were just similar to the church I was in just not as bad you know just you know still faulty teaching but just just not all the extra stuff you know in 2013 that's when
I first heard the gospel but yeah that was that church but that church is that being in that church is one of my driving forces behind doing prescribed truth that's how
I reason why I started it for wanting to help others who are in situations like myself I'm in cults or in under manipulation strong manipulation and is does that happen a lot in a black community um yes it's my charismatic circles and mostly
I was saying that said a black community but mostly in like a lot of the black charismatic circles and and what
I've come to realize and you know my the pastor I was under at the time like think about I look at his past and who he was as an individual outside of the title he gave himself he had issues with his with his family with his father and his mother and that goes and that kind of shows to why he projected it to us as well and um you know he got to a point
I believe at one point he genuinely believed what he believed but at some point you know he just got greedy you know he saw he saw the power that he had was greedy and went forward there there are other guys who
I know who are in charismatic circles asked like that who are just who are genuine what they believe don't go as far as he took it you know but that but that what
I'm seeing is common and it which which opens doors for stuff like that it's when pastors teach their flock that I am though I am the voice between you and God like I'm the pastor right you know
I'm you know I'm the one who you can come to if you want to get understanding if if you want to you know which you know it's like a twist that they twist the trust of what we should have for pastors because we should be able to go to our pastors and gain understanding and get wisdom and stuff like that but it should not be the end -all be -all well that's how every cult starts and I mean that like we were talking earlier with the
Catholic Church that's where they started to go wry right they started to set themselves up as the authority to interpret scripture and once you do that you're done
I mean what I have God's Word all you have I'm glad you're
I'm glad God you know got you out of it and he's using you yeah
I'm mostly grateful especially when I started and I think what hit me the hardest being a friend of I was talking about this we came up in the same church and I was
I was sharing with him reform theology you know he's coming to the faith and I was having questions about salvation and we can talk about God's sovereignty and salvation in election and um it was funny man he thought about something
I had thought about a long time ago he was like so you telling me like all those things that happened like so God already knew those things will happen he already those things are already there you know and I was like yeah
I said but the thing is it's like we don't understand God's reasoning we don't know his reason for those things but the way
I look at it it's like those things happened for my good it happened for my good and for his glory you know and I was like it wasn't for those things
I wouldn't I can't say I mean I don't think I would value truth as much as I do you know it's going through that false teaching like that you know so I know the dangers of being under false teaching under cult -like behaviors and so on so forth and if Lord to use that situation and not just myself but there are other people's in that church it was just unfortunate is other people in that church who have yet to still come to the faith they've gone to other false teaching churches just not they just they feel like they're okay because they're not in the church that's manipulative like they're not he's he's not being as badly he's not doing a sex he's not doing the drugs but there's no gospel you know and they feel they feel safe because they don't have that manipulate that manipulating pastor you know so I just I see this is
I see God's sovereignty and all of that at work and it was it was hard it was hard pill to swallow at first you know think about the people who passed away and right and everything but man it's like at the end of day
I'm so grateful thankful to the Lord for his grace and his mercy amen and I love hearing that Matt I mean this is the you know you think about for you and I we joke about being older but I mean as we look at Jamal this is the next generation of apologists right here how old are you
Jamal? I turned 30 last December December what 20th okay what are you
December 10th Matt? I'm 9th yeah I'll be 63. Do you have your
AARP card yet? I think I do actually and Social Security stuff yeah they're asking about that and things like that yeah you see folks this is why
I have to buy Matt his lunch I mean he's just yeah he's gonna be on Social Security soon he he can't afford lunch
I can't afford a lot of stuff he can't he not only is he not slick enough to buy me a meal he couldn't afford it if he did oh it'll happen and the more you you remind everybody about it when it does happen it'll be a bad day for you
I freely admit if you ever ever someday you will buy me a meal and I will deserve all of the abuse you give me but oh it's gonna be plenty plenty until that day
I am going to enjoy the fact that actually actually you know there's a clip here
Matt we could play and this is from the guys that did the after show and and others recognize this here let me play this for you was
Andrew the one that helped you get the podcast back up yeah he did get the podcast didn't help
I like the guys over there at the council
I agree with them you know you owe me a dinner or two yeah that's right the funny thing is yeah
I know I didn't show up to Manti that I you know we had the best lady last year at Manti at McDonald's man yes she ripped on me a lot yeah that's right not everybody
I try and forget about that oh that was great so so uh we got about 20 minutes left let me let me ask
Jamal Jamal with with the questions you have on with apologetics and all and any questions that you found really difficult to answer where maybe you know matter
I might be able to help out I found it very interesting when
I listen to you guys I think that was having a conversation with somebody a long time ago wasn't that long ago it was on the basis of dealing with science
I was it's my like the dating issue I don't know what's my people like the dating of things mm -hmm you know how some things are dated older and dealing with carbon dating and stuff like that those are those are those are stuff that you know
I have a little difficulty with you know when they're dealing with as far as somebody acts you know but I just I just stand on what
I know from scripture well you know those are questions that I come up and I'm like okay
I wish I knew more about this area yeah I'm gonna study it too but what
I would recommend study it more because I want to do the science section but what I would recommend is getting some books you go to Amazon look up problems with evolution and you'll find books that do various analyses and there are lots of problems with the illusionary theory
Matt I'll throw this out to you by the way I was supposed to mention to you
Matt dr. Silvestro is in your town he just got in today we did huh yeah so he's gonna be trying it he wants to get you and Mike Riddle together okay and you should actually when you live in the same town as Mike I mean you should probably try to get
Mike to help write some of that stuff he's got a bunch but dr. Silvestro his book I'll put it up here on the origin of kinds the full title is on the origin of kinds by means of Creator God and the preservation of souls for the struggle for eternity but on the origin of kinds can be you can get that at the striving fraternity striving fraternity at the store that's gonna actually give you a lot of stuff on on creation science and evangelism presuppositional apologetics so that is helpful
I got a whole bunch of books there's ones on Matt the one that you like is was it icons icons of evolution
I recommend that book yeah that's a good one Andrew Andrew if you don't mind if I just ultimate proof for creation by Jason Lyle and anything else that he puts out so yeah no so that's that's all that's good
I'm more I'm young earth but I was like but um to me so difficult right
I'm trying to I'm trying to say like so is a dating issue more of an issue of evolution that I'm setting is where we are nothing is important because evolution needs large amounts of time in order to be justified because of information transference through mutations and progeny and things like that and so I'm just saying there's a problem no it's okay there's lots of problems with it there are some a lot of accuracies as well but there are some inconsistencies and there are certain assumptions that are made with dating things but you know they'll assume that the rate of that when something's in a media like dirt or granite or whatever it might be different kind of media certain minerals transfer into something while it's decaying at the same time and so these things all had to be taken into account when you're making estimates of dating there's there's a lot more complicated than that but there's a lot of problems yeah one is with like you mentioned carbon -14 right one of the issues that you have there is that can only go back about 64 ,000 years so when people try to argue that oh we have we carbon you use carbon -14 dating on a dinosaur and it's millions years old yeah do that there's also they're finding fresh
DNA material bone marrow material in dinosaur bones correct you can't have that at the you know well yeah and so what you end up with is you end up seeing that a lot there's a lot of assumptions that these dating methods take into account and they don't it's kind of interesting they're skeptics about everything but their own worldview so they don't question the basically their their own testing method so they assume everything's universal and uniform so nothing as if nothing ever changed now that's a big problem because anytime you have a world catastrophe and everybody accepts that there was a worldwide catastrophe then you can't know what the earth was like we would say there was a worldwide flood they would say that there was you know several ice ages things like this but you can't assume that everything is the same today as it was before that worldwide catastrophe because no one will know it so there's called uniformitarianism versus catastrophism and you know
I know in Anthony's book I'm just trying to look it up real quick he he stole well he borrowed from Jason Lyle what he calls an
AP was an APT test yeah yeah they're different they're different things to look for when you're hearing an argument so anytime someone makes an assertion you want to see if the assertion is arbitrary is it just something that they're asserting and there's no rational justification for it and the the the assertion that they're making is there anything within the assertion that is inconsistent logically incoherent so even if you don't know much about the carbon dating like the science itself which for myself
I'm more of a philosophical guy I'm not really a sciency kind of guy but I it's a very important to point out that when people do things like carbon dating or anything for that matter in science there is involved a whole host of presuppositions which are themselves not validated by science right so if you're if you feel a little uncomfortable going into the science then
I think a good strategy is to focus on some of the philosophical presuppositions that are going into those assumptions and attack those since they're holding it from within a non -christian perspective there's a lot there's a lot of food for you know there's a lot of areas that you could attack when it comes to science within an unbelieving worldview context mmm -hmm that's good brother look what
I found in this book and in his book does that that chart look familiar I remember that I took that from karma
I have a chapter in Anthony's book on textual reliability and and what do you know I stole something from car kind of like you know you took something from you know
Mormon Research Ministries it was you was it you got a picture from Bill yeah there's a picture of a temple that he took and it was no big deal he goes hey did you take my picture go yeah what else you got you tried not to laugh but didn't you agree if my memory serves me didn't you agree to make it up to him by taking him out for lunch yeah and then
I took my lunch no no no I just owed him a lunch for something and then when I get there and I'm ready to pay I don't have my wallet and it's just one of those stupid things that happen but I'm sure that never happened again yeah and two months later
I said I owe you a lunch let's do it you don't even pay it make up for it and I forgot my wallet again and I just I remember seeing his face
I'm going oh I forgot my wallet again and I and I look at his face and I could see this is gonna be forever this is gonna be something he's gonna forever he goes did you forget your wallet again and I go yeah he goes okay from now on and I knew
I could see it that's what happened I can't pay for Andrews lunch because you never have your wallet actually you know the funny thing was for four years when when
Matt would tell people to go check out mrm .org and you know which just stands for Mormon Research Ministry he'd be like oh when you talk to Bill tell him he owes me a lunch yeah yeah it's a running joke now tell
Billy owes me a lunch you know and so anyway yeah it's all in fun yeah but what we do notice is
Matt never pays for lunch that's that's the conclusion yeah yeah well remember what happened to Manti last year you tried yeah you well what happened there was we're at McDonald's and you you weren't feeling all that great we were gonna wrestle for who pays but you didn't so I paid for my own and I walk over to the soda machine to get something and the lady goes hey
I've turned around she goes your card didn't work it failed and I'm like no cuz you're standing right there you whip your card out and pay for it
I'm like crap so what I thought I got it it didn't work that actually happened to me today
I was I was getting a cup of coffee with a friend and I used my Apple Pay and it didn't work and last time
I bought him coffee last time we went out for coffee so he was like oh I'll do it and he just paid
I was like it reminded me of how what happened with you at that McDonald's but that was good it was funny though it was funny because you know it was just part and parcel of everything and we were laughing about it but yeah so Vincent popped in here we haven't seen him in a long time so welcome sir how are y 'all good we're gonna need your help
I think I need to talk to you off -air yeah it's going away ain't it it is Google Hangouts goes away into this month and so I was playing with OBS last night and some other things so you and I need to know why because they don't want to support it anymore because it's
Google because they love to change things and not tell you it's we're all moved over to discord that's why
I mean we're rarely on here anyway but and we have video doesn't it yes we actually recorded a council episode just last
Saturday we like to weekend and it's a little bit easier for most of us so we decided to do it on Saturday nights and we did we did a even had
Josh Smith there and his wife let him come in hey he was here last week
Josh was in last week that's Calvinist Klein because they kept looking over his shoulder make sure his wife wasn't there saying what are you doing he was giving us wisdom in marriage oh oh oh oh
I was gonna start with this Matt I forgot about this now I gotta remember what was that there was something you remember your book how to win women jerk maybe yeah okay so I was reading an article this week and I couldn't help but to think of your book so the article was this it was talking about the question the article was titled why do
I'm trying to remember the full title by sound like why do high -performance women always date losers or something
I could I'm reading the article and I'm like I really should have saved it for you and sent it to you because basically the the premise of the article was this
Matt and anyone who goes to Amazon you can get Matt's book how to woo and win women by being an obnoxious jerk and this actually is what
Matt wrote years ago and they're now saying that the studies show that Matt was oh that was hard to say
Matt was right but are the article said that when you get high -performing women that like run businesses they're used to getting things done they're they're self -disciplined what ends up happening is they end up dating guys who are complete losers because they want to fix them basically which is what your argument was they they they see one that needs some fixing and they just see it as a project to work on and there are but that's why they all date losers that no that's part of it because they have what's called a mothering instinct gene and you have to activate it by doing something stupid then they want to fix it you want to fix you but it's a mothering kind of a thing we want to fix things a different way something is broken but they want to fix men and so you have the mothering instinct gene but then you have to also activate the bewilder filter and the bewilder filter is something that they don't think logically so when you say to them hey are you gonna wear that tonight they mean what they understand is you think
I'm fat and ugly and so you're in trouble a bewilder filter kicks in well if you use it the proper way you take a bunch of your clothing with reds and whites and you head towards the washing machine while she's watching you you can see the mothering instinct gene activate as your eyebrows rise up and her eyes bug out and she starts rescuing the cloth and then she's doing your laundry and then you keep doing things like this for the next few days and then she starts thinking about you because you're so stinking irritating but because of the bewilder filter she thinks she's thinking of you because she likes you it's science yeah it's science when he explained that to my daughter is she actually was like that makes sense and I was like I'm so glad that she married
I thought for sure when she thought
Matt was we're at that dinner one time and I'm there with your daughter talking about two other people and I was giving her marriage advice and dating advice when you found out you were like no but I want to jump over the table and be like yeah but I gave her a lot of good advice though what to look for in a guy stuff like that but I wrote the book actually in seminary anyway she liked it she thought it was good but I'm glad she didn't follow it with the guy she married because she married a really good guy and I said you make sure he opens a door for you you make sure he's not checking you out all the time and that's what he's interested in you know see if he guards you and watches out for your well -being going to see if he leads you in prayer those are the kind of things
I was talking to her about she goes yeah that's right oh she he is I'll tell you this one that I may get my listen my but fortunately neither one of them are probably listening to this podcast so you know
I had I have insurance that covers my daughter and it will continue until she's 25 so I'm like well look it's already paid for like I figured just keep her covered under me instead of under her husband right because they said they would cover her and I said okay and so I was like well leave her under me and and to me it's just a practical thing right you save money and I was like this keeps coming up as an issue with with the two of them and uh so finally my daughter sits me down and she's like dad you don't understand you this is an issue of practicality it saves money for us to have you pay the insurance
I'm like well yeah what what other issues are there she's like well it's he feels it's his job to take care of me and provide everything for me and I'm like oh okay so even though like their phone bill is under me but they pay me you know cuz he's gonna he takes care of everything for he opens doors for and yep so apart good even though they were both there when you gave that advice they got married anyway which is good it was good advice to it really was yeah we should do a poll and see who thinks that's good advice right so with that we're gonna come to a close of the show folks just to remind you you could go to Christian podcast community org to get all of our podcasts that we have available apologetics live the rap report that's wrapped with two peas the new one prescribed truth five solas our
Catholic friend who never actually stayed in here long enough would he should really listen to five solas and find out what the five solos are really all about it was funny
Matt actually there are traditional Catholic friend there was um in the chat much earlier was saying how you argue really well against atheists but not so well against Catholics and and I commented no actually he argues both well against both it's just you have confirmation bias not accepting the arguments he makes against Catholics maybe he'll come in next week but but folks we're here every
Thursday night or most Thursday nights I should say eight o 'clock to ten o 'clock Eastern Time you could go to apologetics live comm ask any questions you have we are trying to set up a couple of debates now we have oh
Matt what were the debates we have two we have a Catholic I didn't tell you about this we have a Catholic that wants to debate one of us so I'm gonna let you handle the
Catholic I'm gonna find that email and I'll tell you what he said willing to debate on the topic of oh wait this is the one for me so this is the one that I'm gonna take someone wants to debate the topic of Judaism versus Christianity and he says rabbinic
Judaism will side will argue carnation is a truth there is no eternal hell we come back as animals and Isaiah 7 and 53 does not prove
Christianity so that's the topic that I will end up taking that debate and what is which
I get I get a phone call in four minutes I gotta be at sorry I didn't hear you
Eli we're gonna set it up we don't I don't know yet and the second debate we have to set up the second debate is gonna be debating
Roman Catholicism so I got to set that one up with a William that one will be for Matt okay so we'll set those two debates up here
I do have a debate on the gospel truth on his channel coming up I think it's
September 29th and Matt and I both I mean Matt has loves this topic it was great
I told Matt that the person actually asked this as a topic Eli he wants to debate that secular humanism is superior to Christianity I love the topic
I that's one where like Matt was saying that's where I'm where I just have to let the guy go and speak and anything he says it's gonna undermine his whole world yeah it's gonna be a fun one hey guys
I gotta get going here I gotta be a phone call in a little bit if you guys do an after -show email it to me and I'll be done maybe go on later but I got to take off okay
Vincent we'll see if there is one so later I'm at so with that folks were just let y 'all know there's
Charlie so so folks if we do have we do set up debates if you want to get a formal debate on this channel just go to striving for turn actually just email info at striving for eternity dot o
RG that's info at striving for eternity dot o RG and we will be happy to set up a topic of debate so we that's some of what we do that's why we do this for two hours so we have enough time for formal debates if people want to do that maybe we should get some with Eli if he wants to set some up here we should get you and doing some debates here as well but I do want to let you guys know that we thank those who gave the super chats during the show and a reminder that goes that money goes toward calm org because that's why we put it on karms
YouTube channel because they can monetize and Google doesn't like us it doesn't let us so we do that for the monetizing there but this is a ministry of striving for eternity and so if you want to help striving fraternity please go to striving for eternity dot o
RG slash donate and you could donate there and so what you end up seeing there is you get a couple of gifts if you donate $2 a month gift will get you the book what do we believe and if you give $5 a month and it usually takes us about three months to get these out but you'll get the book what do they believe plus what do we believe if you give a $10 gift to get those two books plus the book that I mentioned earlier by dr.
Silvestro on the origin of kinds and a $20 donation gets those two plus the book that both
Matt and I contributed to sharing the good news with Mormons so if you want to get all four of those books you just give $1 25 $20 gift monthly and we'll send those out to you so striving for eternity dot o
RG slash donate to help us out with that that helps us to keep this show going because we're gonna be moving off of the free