Christian, You Can't Love Black People That Way

AD Robles iconAD Robles




I joke around a lot on my YouTube channel and I'm never gonna stop. It's part of my personality It's not an act and I know a lot of you guys have found that to be one of the best parts about my channel because you know
These are serious issues and they affect us all very seriously. Our churches are Splitting up over this.
There's all kinds of chaos being Wrought upon the Church of Jesus Christ when you bring in error, especially error that's so As sick as as critical race theory and and things of that nature and and the reality is like you don't have to know about the ins and outs of critical race theory to accept a lot of the poison and to spread a lot of the poison and You know when you when you divide up, you know people any kind of a group whether it's a
Magic the Gathering card game group or a knitting group or a church when you start dividing people along skin color lines and Then, you know really hammering against, you know, one of those skin colors and then
Really kind of soft soft peddling and glad -handing the other skin color Obviously that creates chaos and obviously puts people in situations that are extremely
Damaging to themselves when one when one group people considers himself the victim All the time and the other group there's nothing they can do to really not be the oppressor
They just are because of the virtue of who they are their skin color their gender, whatever it is It's just chaos and here we've got the pastor of Back Creek.
I think it's a Presbyterian Church It's an ARP Church, which it's very disappointing that that he's from an
ARP Church in my opinion I want you to really take a look at the tweet that's on the screen and And really think about what it is.
He's saying here. There's a few ways I'm gonna comment about this, but but I want you to think about it yourself because on the surface it might seem like he's got a point
But let me explain something to you as a minority because I come from a demographic an ethnic demographic that votes
Overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party and I'm the guy the last few days It's been saying that Democrats should be excommunicated from the
Church of Jesus Christ because the Democratic Party exists Solely to promulgate evil every part of their party platform is evil with the exception yesterday
We found one part where they want to legalize marijuana. That's a good thing Here's what we have here
Back Creek pastor says this If 90 plus percent of a particular demographic within the body of Christ vote for a particular party
What exactly are you communicating when you anathematize all who vote that way? Really think about that because if you're like me and you were trained like me and you were educated like me this statement has sort of a
Visceral reaction that that's that's kind of conjured up within you because I can think of all the fairness training that I have and all of this sort of like Just feel you know feelings based sort of thinking
Well, how does this make you feel and if I'm honest this makes me feel angry. It makes me feel like Yeah, that would be because what he what he wants you to do is and this is this is the first criticism
I have for this. This is the ultimate squish right ultimate squish Just tell me what you're talking about. You're talking about black people.
You're talking about black people. Let's just be honest about that I'll say it. Why can't you say it and and instead of asking a question like a like a little bit of a sissy
Why don't you tell me what you're what you're asserting here? What you're trying to get me to feel is it's not right to tell black people
They can't vote Democrat and have a Christian witness and be saved to have any comfort in their salvation status
It's not right to do that And so what we're trying to tell black people is that they're not they can't be
Christians black people can't be Christians That's what he's trying to get you to believe that if you say that Democrats and people who support their party should be anathematized should be kicked out of your church
Then what you're saying is that there's no room in the church for black people Think about that for a second
You see he's bought into parts of critical theory and he might not even know it or maybe he does I have no idea
But it doesn't matter to me whether you know, you're influenced by critical theory or you just are influenced by critical theory
The result is the same because think about what he's trying to get you to believe and then think about what he's saying
We're not supposed to decide whether something is sinful based on the demographics that do it and here's here
He's trying to he's trying to grab you into saying no. No, wait reconsider. Don't say that it's sinful
Don't say that it's simple because because if you do the optics look really bad because black people do this all the time
But here's what actually happens though, because you might think oh, well, he's got it. He's got a good heart in his shoulders
He's got he's got his heart in the right place And but the problem is that there doesn't matter where your heart is The results of what you're doing are very bad because here's the reality again
I think this is a very easy case to make the Democratic Party exists Exclusively to spread evil.
It's like the KKK party the KKK party exists exclusively to spread evil
Do they have certain small aspects of their party platform that they get right? Yeah, they I'm sure they do
I'm sure they do just like the Nazi Party probably had small parts of their party platform that they got right
But the Nazi Party was a party exclusively designed to spread evil right and So here's the thing though so so if it's so so so if it's true that it's a sin to support a party that is exists to exclusively spread evil and 90 % of black people vote for that party
Is it loving to continue to pretend like everything's a -okay for you to continue to support this evil
Vile detestable wicked party. Is that okay? Yeah, you know a lot of black people think that that abortion is right, too
Is it so so I guess is that what we're doing here we're just saying we're deciding what's right and what's excommunicatable and what's anathematizable based on the demographics of who believes it see that's a
That's that's a part and parcel of critical theory you look at the results of something to decide whether or not it's good or evil you look at the
Demographics of something to decide whether or not it's good or evil and that's exactly what back Creek back
Creek pastor is doing Is he doing it intentionally? Does he know that he's applying critical theory? Does he know that I Don't care if he knows it or not
It doesn't matter because he's a pastor and being a pastor is good enough is
Enough training to know that this is not how you decide Who and when you anathematize someone and for what this is not how you decide and think about this
He's trying to love black people here He's trying to love black people here But instead he ends up hating them because the reality is that it is an error
It is a sin to support a party and to try to empower a party that exists primarily to spread evil
It doesn't matter what excuse you use. It doesn't matter what excuse you use at all. It's still evil to do it
And so by not saying that it's evil to do it. What do you end up doing to those black people?
Well, you end up putting them in severe danger where they're continuing to do evil every election cycle
They're doing more and more evil and they're adding and compounding on their evil because you know What no pastor had the balls to tell them to stop and here's the thing people who say we should anathematize
Democrats It wouldn't take very much. All it would take would be a few excommunications. Look you can't do this anymore
Here's the reasons why you can't do it. Look at their platform. Each one is upside down You can't support a party that exists primarily to spread evil.
You just can't do it as a Christian All it would take was a few excommunications and then the rest would see what happened to them and they would fear and they would change from their wicked ways and so the reality is
What are we telling people from the certain demographic group within the body of Christ that votes for a particular party?
That is exists exclusively to spread evil. What are we telling people by saying you can't do that anymore? Otherwise, you're gonna have to go go form your own liberal church.
Do whatever you have to do. You can't do it here anymore What are we telling them? We're telling we're telling them that we love you too much to lie to you
We love you too much to lie to you so that we end up looking good We love you too much to go for the optics over what the truth is
And so you need to turn from your wicked ways. You must repent or you will perish in the way
There's no other option We don't we're not a respecter of persons We're not a respecter of skin colors all that stuff doesn't mean anything to me.
You might call me a hater You might call me an evil white supremacist bigot because of the optics of what
I do But I don't pay any attention to that because I'm trying to please one person and it's not back
Creek pastor And it's not Bradley Mason and it's not Thabiti Anyabwele and it's not
Ibram Kendi X It's the Lord The Lord so he doesn't give me the option of saying well if he's black, you know
Be a little easier on him because you know black people I guess, you know, I guess there's what is what exactly are you saying back?
We pastor our back our blacks just given over to the sin of supporting part political parties that spread evil
What exactly are you saying back Creek pastor have the balls to just say it You see here's the thing man.
I doesn't require you to hate Black people or Latinos or whoever to tell them to stop sinning you should probably turn from your sin
In fact, it takes a lot of love to do that Especially in a context where you know, you're gonna be lambasted for it
You know, you're gonna be called the white supremacist bigot for it and all those kinds of things Look take it from me my white friends.
Take it from me. I don't hate Latinos I might it hurts my heart to know that lots of people in my family are gonna vote for Joe Biden in Kamala Harris It hurts my heart to hear that to know that I know that without any without a shadow of a doubt.
I know that They need to stop they must stop it can't be done
And so don't be like back Creek pastor who's like snuggling them and cuddling them on their way to hell
Don't do it. Don't do it be willing to be the guy who says look I know this doesn't make me look good, but you need to stop man.
You need to stop Be that guy Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
I have my podcast appearance Later this morning and we're actually gonna talk about this issue about excommunicating
Democrats I think this is one of the easiest cases to possibly make And it's funny because well,
I'm not gonna reveal how I'm gonna make the case right here because it's gonna be interesting I want to see what their reactions gonna be
And then we're gonna also talk about you know My approach with Jonathan Lehman and stuff like that calling them snakes and vipers and stuff like that because they'd really didn't like that But I'm not backing down from that absolutely, not
I have lots of good reasons why I do that kind of stuff and Anyway, looking forward to talking about it pray for me for that conversation.