Smooth AD on Jeff Durbin Controversy (Language Warning!)

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hey there, smooth AD Robles here and I just wanted to give you a little bit of insight into my thinking on a very controversial issue that's making the rounds these days and talking about Jeff Durbin and his speech at the
Fight Laugh Feast conference. Did you know that there was a Fight Laugh Feast conference this past weekend? I don't know if you knew or not but if you didn't
I'm here to tell you that it was a fantastic time and Jeff Durbin was one of the keynote speakers and he had a sermon or a speech or something like that.
I don't know if it was technically a sermon or not. I always have confusion about that. Is it a sermon if it's not on Sunday?
Is it a sermon if it's not at church? I guess it could be. But anyway, that's really neither here nor there but apparently at the end of the sermon
I actually missed this part. I was at the conference although I wasn't smooth AD of the conference.
I was just my normal self, that kind of thing. I missed this part at the time and I kind of walked into the main area just as Jeff was done with his speech and he got a standing ovation.
I thought, wow, I must have missed quite a sermon and all that kind of thing. Then someone came up to me and said, hey
AD, he's stealing your bit. He stole your bit. Jeff Durbin stole your bit.
I just kind of laughed it off because I figured what he meant was he was talking about the woke church and all that kind of thing.
But then I came to find out that really that was not what he was talking about. He was talking about using, well, potty language, strong language, talking about the woke church.
He used the word bullshit and he also used the word slut, I think. Woke sluts.
Yeah, something like that. I didn't really know it in context at the time but I've since watched it.
Jeff Durbin is a very good preacher. There's no question about it. He's got his head on straight.
There's no question about it. I listened to it and my thoughts on this are that, listen, sometimes strong language is necessary when you're confronting strong and serious error.
There's no question about it, baby. There's no question about it. Now, this does not mean that you would have to have said the same thing that he said.
In fact, if I'm being honest with yourself, I don't think I would have said it. I don't think I would have said that at all, but the reality is, baby,
I'm not the standard here. I'm not the standard. Of course, Jeff Durbin will have to answer to the
Lord for every word that he says, whether he's behind a pulpit or not behind a pulpit.
Every word is before the eyes of God, of course. But I would argue that, you know, when the situation is serious and there's serious issues at play,
I think the language and the rhetoric needs to be ratcheted up. Now, that does not mean that I would have to have said everything the same way that he would have said it.
But again, I'm not the standard here, baby. We don't want to make rules for people's communication that would disqualify the prophets of God, baby.
We wouldn't want to do that. We wouldn't want to make standards of communication that would disqualify Jesus Christ himself from some of the things that he's said over the years.
And so, here's the reality, guys. I think what we really need to do is just, you know, if you wouldn't have said the same things he said, there's nothing wrong with expressing that, of course.
But let's not overreact here. Let's not strain at gnats and then swallow the camel, if you know what
I mean. Because the reality is that whether or not you would have said it the same way he said it, baby, whether or not you would have been smoother like me.
Well, whether or not that's the case, let's not use a very harsh reaction to the content, the tone, and the style of communication.
Harsher than the actual subject of the content, because at the end of the day, baby, I'd rather hear the word bullshit all day as opposed to hearing dangerous and perverse doctrines being put into the mouth of our
God and our Father as if he spoke this perverse stuff instead of just the woke church and instead of this, the sociologist and the social justicians of our time, baby.
We do not want to put the doctrines of demons into the mouth of our most holy
God. Of course not. Of course not. And if somebody thinks that that's bullshit, well, that's fine.
That's fine. Even if you don't think it's bullshit and you would use a different word like that's bad or something like that or smoother, maybe like that's not good.
If that's how you feel, you feel like it's not good, then just say it, baby. You can say not good. We don't have to do all things the same way, baby.
Some of us are gifted in such a way that we can be the tip of the spear, if you know what
I mean, but the tip of the spear is not all that's required, baby. We've got to have the whole spear.
Sometimes this tip of the spear gets all the credit, but at the end of the day, there's more aspects to the spear. Everyone has a different role for the kingdom of God.
And I think Jeff Durbin is one of these guys. It's like in World of Warcraft. You ever play that game?
That game was very smooth, baby. That game was very smooth. There's different roles for different people.
You've got people that are healers. You've got people that are fighters. And then you've got these tanks that draw a lot of attention to themselves.
And so when everyone's worried about the tank, the fighters can come in on the flank and do their dirty work, baby.
And that's what I look at a guy like Jeff Durbin. He's like a tank. He's like a tank. He draws all your fire.
And that way, people that maybe wouldn't necessarily want to be the one that's receiving all the criticism, all the attention, can come in unnoticed and launch a sneak attack, baby, because I got to say, there are some things going on, baby.
There are some things going on. There's some people that I think that are primed in Big Eva that are launching surgical strikes at all the right moments, baby, about the woke church and how it's a different religion and stuff like that.
You've got to pay attention to some of this stuff, because while Jeff Durbin is drawing all the enemy's fire, we've got people that are in professors.
I saw there was a young man in Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary who launched some surgical attacks.
Now, I know this man is quite controversial amongst allies in this fight, but he has launched some surgical attacks against the woke church, and I, for one, applaud it.
I, for one, want to draw attention to that, because here's the reality, baby. As a man like Jeff Durbin, as a man like your boy
A .D. Robles, as a group like the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network is drawing a little bit more attention to ourselves, it gives people cover fire.
People in their local churches, their local assemblies to do the needful, baby, to do the right thing and to fight this fight.
You don't have to worry about being canceled for saying that the woke church is stupid and bad and garbage, when somebody else is over here saying it's bullshit.
You see what I'm saying? Because you can't get canceled comparatively. You see, they'll try to cancel Jeff Durbin, but they won't be able to, baby.
See, I'll get all fired up about this. I'll get all fired up about this. Jeff Durbin did you a favor, because now when you come in, you say this is unbiblical, this is against the scripture, this is against what
God has for his people, baby, against what he has for his church. By comparison, you're not gonna get the same brush, the same blowback.
You're not gonna get the same cancel attempt, because Jeff Durbin has took it upon himself to take that majority of that fire.
He's giving you cover fire, baby, and I look at myself in the same way, baby. I will tell you how it is.
I will tell you what's what, and I'll tell you in a way that's a little bit flashy and bombastic. So then comparatively speaking, compared to old
A .D. Robles, you're gonna appear much more reasonable, baby. So take our cover fire. We're providing all that cover fire, baby.
Look, we can absorb it. We can take it. I don't work for somebody else. I work for myself. Someone can cancel me.
Well, let's just be honest. Someone could cancel me, but I'm willing to take that risk, baby. So we're just trying to help you out here.
You know, we're using our powerful language because we feel like it's right, and we see examples from the prophets of people using powerful language.
But just because you don't agree, baby, just please understand what we're doing here. We're providing you cover fire, baby.
We're providing you cover fire. Please take advantage of it, and just try not to do the thing where, you know, you shoot us in the back as we're leading the charge kind of thing.
Let's not do that. I see a lot of discernment ministries that get a lot of grief, a lot of grief, and they get shot in the back, and they're leading the charge.
Yeah, sure, sometimes they make mistakes. I get it. I understand. But let's just give a little grace here.
Not all of us are Ezra. Some of us are Nehemiahs. Do you remember this? I will end with this.
I hope you have a wonderful day. I will just end with this old video from A .D.
Robles that, you know, you might sound familiar. Jeff, did you draw a little inspiration from your boy
A .D.? You don't have to answer that. You don't have to answer that, but I've got to tell you right now, Mr.
Durbin, I'm with you on this one. Have a smooth rest of the day.
God bless. Well, you say you're believers, but you believe there's many paths to God.
You guys are so into your idolatries, you're like a whore on a street corner. You spread your legs for any dude with five bucks that passes by.
If anyone says they're a Christian, but then they twist the gospel into something that's not, God damn you. You even think about messing with God's children in any way, encouraging them to sin.
Like a lot of you guys who want to make your little boys girls and your little girls boys, you might as well go throw yourself in the ocean, drown and die.
Those troublemakers that are bothering you, they might as well get it over with already and chop off their balls.
By the way, trigger warning. So, you know,
I'm not expecting full agreement on this one. Obviously, you know, people have different approaches to things and they're going to use different language.
And the thing is, but you have to recognize that this is a sliding scale and it's very debatable.
It's something that we can argue about and we can decide, okay, was that the right time for that? But there's obviously a place for strong language.
I just read too much of the Bible to know that clearly there's a place for strong language. And again, not expecting total agreement on when and where those spots are, but let's not spend too much time like arguing about it because the reality is that there's objectively wrong things with the woke church.
And okay, we might disagree on something that's highly debatable as far as, you know, when and where to employ strong language.
But one thing we can definitely agree on is that we need to destroy this movement in the church, this woke church movement in the church with everything we have.
We need to run every play that we have available to us. And so let's just do it all, man. Let's just go. And if you've got a better way, show us the better way.