Trump Derangement Syndrome and Some Encouraging Words

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Well, oh man, back from probably about a week and a half off of work and a week and a half off of doing videos and all that kind of stuff,
I hope you guys have been having a lot of fun. I know I sure have. I got a chance to visit my mother and my father and just have a lot of really good times with the kids and all that kind of stuff.
So if you were praying for our travel and all that, thank you very much. And I'm glad to be back in the saddle.
So I wanted to do a video today, just about a quick one, just, well, I guess it depends on your definition of quick, but really just two things.
First thing is something about Trump. And then the second thing is a little bit of encouragement for you, because I know that things can be a little bit bleak these days.
Anyway, the first thing, Trump. I saw that Trump derangement syndrome was in full effect when
I was on vacation. Oh my goodness. So my brother alerted me to this.
So he, this is just ridiculous. So I've said this many times before.
I think that Trump uses Twitter in to epic effect all the time. He's very, very skilled at using
Twitter to control the conversation. But anyway, here is a tweet that Trump, President Trump tweeted that caused a lot of waves.
Anyway, here's what it says. It says, I think also the misplaced quotation mark in this too.
It has the one quote, well, I'll just read it. It says, thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words, quote,
President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world.
Not just America. He is the best president for Israel in the history of the world.
And the Jewish people in Israel love him like he's the king of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God, but American Jews don't know him or like him.
They don't even know what they're doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense. But that's okay.
If he keeps doing what he's doing, he's good for the Jews and Israel. That's the rest of the tweet.
And people lost their minds over this. I mean, Trump derangement syndrome was in full effect.
I saw people saying, see, I knew he was the antichrist. And I saw people talking about now, now he's proven that he thinks he's
God. He agrees with this, this quotation. He's claiming to be the king of Israel. You know what he's doing.
And they're basically saying that if you still support Trump at this point, you're an occult. You're an unbeliever.
You're ushering in the antichrist and all kinds of insane things.
I mean, my goodness, I've seen this tweet misrepresented so egregiously, but let's just be honest.
This is not a good tweet. This is a bad look from Donald J. Trump. Now, there's actually something that happens kind of similar to this in the
Bible at one point. Paul and, who's the other guy? Oh man,
I should have looked this up before. Now I'm going to look like an idiot. But Paul and one of the other apostles, they were preaching the gospel and they were doing miracles and stuff.
And the people that they're preaching to say, oh my goodness, you're a God because he's doing these amazing miracles.
And so they start to worship Paul. And he says, no, no, don't do that. We're just like you.
We're people just like you. And so Paul puts a stop to it with the quickness, right?
He says, no, no, you can't call me God. And people are saying, well, Trump here, he didn't say this, but he's agreeing with it because he quotes it favorably.
He says, thank you for the kind words. And I got to be honest with you, if you're an anti -Trumper, which is fine,
I didn't vote for Trump. I don't recommend people vote for Trump. I'm probably not going to vote for him in the upcoming election.
So if you're against Trump, you got to understand. If you're still laboring under the delusion that most people who support him think he's a legitimate, like a born -again
Christian, if that's still the plane that you're operating under, then you're out in left field somewhere.
That's not what most people who support Trump think. They think he'd be a better president than Hillary Clinton.
They think he'd be a better president than the whole staple of buffoons that the Democrats have up for presidency this time.
That's why they vote for him. They don't think he's a born -again Christian. That's not why they support him. And so it's not surprising, at least to me, to see him retweet this in an approving way because non -Christians, they don't understand that they have to put a stop to that.
You know what I mean? I was just trying to think, if somebody said something to me like, hey Adam, you're like the god of Christian YouTube.
If somebody were to say that to me, what would I say? Honestly, I would say something kind of similar to Trump.
So I'd say, I know that you think that's a nice thing, but definitely not.
Not even close to the god of anything. That's what I would say. I would say thanks for the kind words, just like Trump said, because the person who's saying this about you, that Trump's the king of Israel, he's like the second coming of God, the person who's saying that is trying to be nice to Trump.
And so Trump thanks him for the nice words, but what he doesn't do is he doesn't put a stop to it, which he should have.
That's what I would have done. At least I think that's what I would have done. I would say, hey, thanks for the kind words, but not even close.
I'm not the king of Israel. I am not even anything like a god, nothing like that. And so, you know, that's what
I would have done, but Donald Trump's not born again. Donald Trump is not a legitimate
Christian. So of course, I mean, he has an ego. Everybody knows that. So this is not a surprising tweet.
It's stupid, but it's not surprising. But I guess, but just because it's stupid, why would you misrepresent it?
He's not calling himself God. He's not calling himself the king of Israel, and people who support him don't think that he's like God.
And if there's one thing I can guarantee you, if there's one thing I can guarantee you about Trump, there's not many things that I can guarantee about Trump.
He's a bit of a loose cannon. It's part of why I don't support him, but there's one thing I can guarantee about him.
He is definitely 100 % not the Antichrist. That job is taken.
Anyway, so that's what I want to talk about Trump, but man, Trump derangement syndrome, that is a heck of a drug.
That is a heck of a drug. But here's the thing. Let's take a serious note here for a minute, too. Like honestly, like Christians out there that just will rip huge amounts of people.
Anyone who's a Christian that supports for Trump is in a cult. Anyone who's a Christian and supports Trump is with the
Antichrist. Anyone who they're going to, we're going to get look back on you and be like, how could this be? Like, man, you guys slander people you don't know all the time.
And these are the same people that are going to tell me that I can't say anything negative about Matt Chandler.
I mean, they've got it twisted. You guys slander regular Joes. You guys slander the church all day long and let all kinds of evil things happen because the person who did it wrote a good book one time that probably wasn't even all that good.
I mean, because you know, your favorite conference speaker, you know, you let him slide, but the run -of -the -mill people who vote
Republican, they're the problem. The fundamentalists, the fundies, that's the problem. You guys got it twisted because that's not what
Jesus did. You have it inverted. Jesus had compassion on the crowds, the many, the people in the pews, and he took the leaders to task, the people that were leading people astray.
He took those people to task, and he had compassion on the crowds. You guys got it twisted. You take the crowds to task, and you protect and circle the wagons with the leaders because they had a good book one time.
Again, that probably wasn't even all that good. So anyway, that's what I have to say about that. I mean, this tweet, would
I have tweeted it? No, I would not have tweeted it, but to pretend like, I don't hold Donald Trump to the same standard
I would hold a Christian to. If a Christian took praise like this where someone said, hey, you're like the king of Israel and didn't rebuke it,
I would probably take them to task, but I don't hold Donald Trump to that standard, and why would you?
You got to be crazy to hold him to that standard. Anyway, all right. But what
I wanted to do is I wanted to encourage you before we got into the weekend here, because as I was kind of relaxing over the week, the vacation and stuff like that, and I was looking at, you know,
I kind of kept in touch with Twitter to keep me engaged with what's happening. And I saw, you know, that Gospel Coalition article that, oh my goodness,
Jesus struggled with his gender identity. I mean, this is this is first order like error here.
This is not this is not like nibbling at the margins anymore. This is like this is heretical. Like, you know what
I mean? Like, at what point do we say you're not Orthodox, you have a different Jesus if you think Jesus struggled against it, struggled with the flesh and fleshly desires and stuff like that.
If you think Jesus struggled with homosexuality, he had homosexual desires that he struggled against. If that's what you think about Jesus, like you have a different Jesus, right?
You do. Anyway, I saw all that stuff. And honestly, like, I, when
I was on vacation, not doing much of anything, it felt pretty good. It felt pretty good, because this fight, this battle, it weighs on you, man, this is a serious thing.
You know, this, the all the same plays that are being run in evangelical circles, all the same, you know, things that are happening, deconstructing the hierarchies and, and subverting things and having a different, you know, view of history and critical theory.
This is not just happening in Christianity, it's happening all over the world. And it gets tiring. I mean, we can't watch a
Star Wars movie without the deconstructionist trying to deconstruct Luke Skywalker. We can't, we can't read a comic book.
We can't play, you know, Magic the Gathering without having the social justice warriors, the woke crowd in those various, you know, groups trying to assert their will on this.
I mean, you can't even relax anymore, and do entertainment stuff without, you know, getting these woke, you know, narratives and things like that thrown in your face.
It's tiring. But but but here's the thing, guys. I'm an optimist. I've said this many times in my videos,
I have an optimistic eschatology. I'm an optimist, in general, and just in life, as well.
But but guys, you have to understand that we are having a tremendous impact in in our circles here, we are doing good work.
I don't have a big budget, neither do a lot of the guys that that are on the right side of this and things like that all of the money, all of the big budgets, all of the platforms, they're on the other side, they got woke, you know what
I mean? They all got woke. And I don't think that's an accident. Because, you know, to maintain that money to maintain that prestige and that power and all that stuff, you know, sometimes you sell yourself out a little bit.
That's how it works. That's how it works. But here's the thing, though, guys, the people in the pews, man, we're having impact on them.
I get I get messages all the time about people say, you know, they've heard of, they heard some my videos, they saw some
John Harris videos, man, they're so appreciative of it. I get emails all the time about that kind of stuff. We're having an impact.
And you know, you know, you know, we're having an impact, because those people in those positions of power, they're being forced to respond to us now.
And here's the thing, guys, here's the thing. You don't all have to have a YouTube channel, you don't all have to have a blog, you don't all have to be active on Twitter and things like that.
Everyone in a battle, and this is a battle, this is a war of worldviews, critical theory, and Christianity.
These are different ways of looking at the world. One is correct, one is evil. It's just that simple.
And so this is a war of different worldviews. And one of the things about war is that everyone has a different role in a war.
Not everyone is infantry. You know what I mean? Not everyone is a tank. Not everyone is a sniper.
And not everyone's even on the battlefield. Some people are logistics and people in the background. Some people are medics, some people are financial supporters and things like that.
Everyone has a different role in a war. And just because I'm out there on YouTube, and you've got other people on YouTube or other people blogging, other people tweeting, things like that, it doesn't mean that people are doing it wrong or incorrect.
Look, the body has multiple members, man, and everyone has a different role to play. And so, you know,
I just want to encourage you because here's the thing, man. We could do so much if we don't really care who gets the credit, if we just want to give
God the glory, if we're not worried about promoting our own platform and things like that. And I'm not saying it's wrong to promote your own platform.
I promote myself. I've got a Patreon page. I've got, you know, the Fight Last Feast Club and things like that.
Promote that. Nothing wrong with promoting yourself. But the thing is, let's not take aim at each other just because, you know,
I was the first one to break that story or I was the first one to say this or, you know, things like that, because at the end of the day, that's counterproductive,
I think. I think that's very counterproductive. But at the same time, let's, you know, if someone's speaking the truth in this area, let's, you know, point people in that direction because there's a lot of people saying good things out there.
You know, when I started on YouTube, there wasn't really that much that we're talking about this, you know, many people talking about this.
I mean, honestly, I know Pulpit and Penn was talking about this for a lot longer than I've been. I know
James White was talking about this. And, you know, to be honest, like, I'm not really sure of who else was doing it when
I started, you know what I mean? But now there's a lot of people and I thank God for that, man. You know,
Neil Shenvey, you know, this is someone that I disagree with, with some of what he says. And I disagree with,
I don't think some of his tactics are as effective as he thinks they are. But at the end of the day, I thank God for him because he'll get access to places and to people's ears that I won't have access to because of his style.
That doesn't mean his style is wrong or better or mine's better or wrong. Look, here's how
I see it. I mean, let's just be honest. This is how I see Neil Shenvey versus me. Okay. And this is, again, this is,
I'm not saying one is better than the other. I feel like Neil Shenvey is like a sniper. That's what
I feel like. I feel like he's like a sniper. He doesn't, he's not going to be knocking out like large swaths of beliefs at a time.
He picks and chooses his spots. And I think that that's smart. You know, you, you go after, you go after certain targets, high priority targets, and you might be picking off one guy every week or so.
Um, but at the same time, like that, those are, those are high priority targets. And that's what, that's what I think of Neil Shenvey.
Um, even though I do disagree with some of his tactics and, and I don't think they're as effective as he thinks. Again, he's, he's, he's a blessing to the church,
I think. Now, when it comes to me, I think I'm kind of like a, almost like a specialist.
Almost. I've got, I'm a one trick pony. I've got a specialized thing that I can do. Um, but I'm not going to go after, you know, like,
I just don't have the same style as, you know, you know, other people might have. I mean, we're, we're like, you know, a little bit more of a scattergun approach, a little bit more of a flamethrower type approach.
Uh, things like that. That's not my skillset. I don't think, and that's not where I'm going to be used most effectively. Some of you, some of you people have different things.
So, so the reality is like, look, be encouraged because we're having a huge impact, absolutely huge impact.
And it might not look like it because the big boys in, uh, in, in, in, in the, in the, in the fight, you know, we've got the
Chandler's, the Russell Moore's, you know, they're, they're still in power. They're still doing their thing. And, you know, they're still promoting
Jamar Tisby and Kyle Howard, the clown, the jester of the group, you know, all that kind of stuff.
But the, but the thing is like, like we are having a tremendous impact. Keep going, keep making them say stupid things like that.
Kyle Howard tweet, where he said that Josh, Josh Boyce is a, is a, is an abuser and a racist and things like that.
Like that's, that's a gift, man. That is a gift. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't poo poo that kind of stuff, man.
Kyle Howard is a gift in that way because he's a buffoon. He's a buffoon.
He's a caricature of everyone on the woke side. So the stupider that, that he acts, which,
I mean, it just, let's just face it every day, it's dumber than, than the last, um, that's becomes like almost like the avatar of the woke movement because everyone is like him is some, some people are just less buffoonish than he is.
So Kyle Howard is a gift. Every time he's, he, he decides to, to, to, to, to go after a
Josh Boyce. I mean, my goodness. I mean, at least go after someone respectable or, you know, less respectable than Josh Boyce.
Oh yeah. Yeah. Josh, Josh is an abuser. Sure. Sure. Anyway, uh, be encouraged guys, because the more that kind of stuff happens, like, like also that gospel coalition article that said that Jesus struggled with his gender identity.
That's a gift, man. That's a gift because all you got to do to influence reasonable people, read, uh, clear minded people in the pews is show them that and show them that's a different Jesus.
All you have to do to a reasonable person is to show him Kyle Howard's effeminate shenanigans.
And they're going to, this is woke. This is the woke church. These are, these are gifts, man. These are gifts, um, to, to, to the cause of truth.
And so use them, use them. Absolutely. Anyway, I hope that this was encouraging for you. I look forward to doing more videos.
Um, I'm recharged. I hope that you have a chance to take some time off this summer as well. And looking forward to talking to you again.