AD gets Triggered - Grab Bag Episode

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Wanna see AD get triggered? Democratic socialists, MAGA, Jemar Tisby and more!


All right, well, sort of a grab bag episode today. Just a few things
I wanted to cover. Kind of related, but they really don't have much to do with one another, but that's okay.
Just, you know, wanted you to get a little bit of a window into sort of the things I think about during any given day.
The first thing is that I have finally, after a lot of thinking, a lot of contemplating,
I finally figured out what my Trump 2020 strategy is going to be. As you know, I did not support
Trump in 2016. I did not recommend people vote for him. I was happy that he won, but I didn't vote for him.
I didn't recommend people vote for him. And if you took a look at my, I didn't have a
Twitter feed back then, I don't think, my Facebook feed, you would have seen a lot of anti -Trump type of rhetoric.
But I did figure out what I'm going to do in the 2020 election. And I'm not going to reveal that just yet, but I can't wait for you guys to see what's coming regarding Trump 2020,
MAGA, making America great again, all that stuff. So that's the first thing. The second thing is just a kind of a point that I wanted to just kind of throw out there.
Sometimes, maybe you've seen this kind of thing on Twitter or Facebook, but I've seen it quite often where somebody will say, will make a post and they'll say something like this.
If you follow this person, go ahead and unfollow me right now. Or if you support this person, go ahead and unfollow me right now, something like that.
And let me just be perfectly honest with you. Maybe this is petty, maybe this is petty, but even if I don't follow that person or support that person,
I will always, pretty much without exception, unfollow or unfriend the person that makes that demand.
I don't need people on my Twitter feed making demands of me. What a stupid thing to say.
If you follow this person, then go ahead and unfollow me right now. Are you aware that there are multiple reasons to follow somebody?
I follow Beth Moore, for goodness sake. I follow Russell Moore. I watch every one of Russell Moore's videos on YouTube.
And so let's just say someone on my side said, if you follow Beth Moore, then go ahead and unfollow me right now. You don't usually see this on the conservative side though.
That's the problem. This is usually liberals. This is usually progressive. This is usually people that have sort of a liberal bent to them that say stuff like this.
It's just like, well, if you are in any way connected to this person, then you must be evil just like him.
Look, I'll tell you right now. I mean, if that's your goal, to appear like a crazy person, you've mission accomplished.
I will always, almost without exception, unfollow or unfriend somebody who makes that demand.
Even if I don't do the thing that is so objectionable to them. Anyway, that's just a kind of a random thought.
Another thought as well, I wanted to talk about this. Did you guys see this video? This is my
YouTube channel. I'm sorry, not my YouTube channel. This is my Facebook channel. And I wanted to show you this.
This is so interesting. So, so interesting. Hold on. This is the...
I was laughing for like 10 minutes about this yesterday. This is just one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
This is the Democratic Socialism Conference, National Conference, where they kind of set their agenda, talk about the issues, very serious situation here.
This is their conference. And as you can see, this is as stupid as you might imagine.
As this caption says, it's pathetic as you'd expect. I agree, it is. It is very much pathetic. But I want you to just get a glimpse into the window of this thought process here.
Let's take a look at what happens. Ready? Here we go. Quick point of privilege. Quick point of personal privilege.
Guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he, him. Okay, so this guy, he wants to interject a point of personal privilege.
Okay, that's fair. That's how meetings work. I get it. And then he introduces himself, complete with his pronouns.
Let's continue. I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum? I'm one of the people who's very, very prone to sensory overload.
There's a lot of whispering and chatter going. Okay, now you might not have noticed this, but right here, this is the guy speaking right here, okay?
And he said, personal point of privilege, he, him. He uses pronouns. And then he said, guys, could you keep the chatter down?
And right when he says guys, this guy in a dress stands up and he's very visibly agitated.
Let's continue. It's making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, can we just, I know we're all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum?
All right, now, real quick. Over here, as this guy is speaking about the chatter, somebody raised his hands and did this.
This is jazz hands. Kind of like jazz hands, sort of. That's pretty peculiar, right? Watch the crowd.
You'll see more people do it. It's affecting my ability to focus. Thank you. Thank you, comrade. Jazz hands everywhere.
Is there a speaker against name chapter? Let me just tell you real quick. The jazz hands, that's gonna be explained in a minute.
That has meaning. Just get ready. Point of personal privilege. Yes. Please do not use gendered language to address everyone.
Okay. Point of privilege once again. Quick point of privilege once again. Hi, James. All right, so that was, so that was the guy in the red dress.
He freaks out because the guy says, guys, that's gendered language. That is offensive.
And you could tell he is agitated to no end. Now, the original guy is coming back to the mic.
Jackson, Sacramento DSA, he, him. I have already asked people to be mindful of the chatter of their comrades who are sensitive to sensory overload.
And that goes double for the heckling and the hissing. It is also triggering to my anxiety.
Like, be comradely isn't just for like, let's keep things civil or whatever. It's so that people aren't gonna get triggered and so that it doesn't affect their performance as a delegate, okay?
Your need to express yourself is important, but your need to express yourself should not trump or over, like.
I see that no one's clapping for me. It could be because I'm not engaging, but it also is because everyone's doing this.
And that's really important. All right, guys, this is really important.
You wanna know why? Get ready. Because those loud bursts of noise, even though this is a noisy space, we can do something like reducing that.
That's really important. So please don't clap, shoot up these. We have a lot of disabled comrades. The jazz hands are because clapping is too triggering.
And a lot of those are invisible disabilities. You don't know who it is that is having a more difficult time navigating this space.
And this space was not created with all of their needs in mind. So it's up to us to modify that space to make sure that everybody's able to move in the ways that they need to move.
And additionally, with the noise issue, like avoid hissing, avoid waving banners, right?
Because there's all sorts of things. If you don't know what to do, show up these, right? I'm sure there's lots of ways that we can communicate to each other without needing to rely on something that's going to hurt somebody else.
We have quiet rooms that are available. There's a range of options of these, right? Please don't get into that space.
We have quiet rooms available. Listen, if you get triggered by the noise made with the jazz hands, you can always just go to a quiet room.
It's all good. Just go to a quiet room. Face with anything that's like an aggressive scent, for instance, right?
Because we don't want to put people. Guys, you got to watch out for aggressive scents too. If you have an aggressive scent, that can trigger somebody.
In stressful situations that they don't consent to, right? And there are right -wing infiltrators who are trying to get in here, but it's going to be really traumatic for people if we're not making an affirmative effort to de -escalate each other and de -escalate ourselves, right?
Take a deep breath, and feel better before you say anything.
Don't really talk to anybody who doesn't have a credential, especially if you claim to be from the press.
You have no idea who that person is. He could be from Founders Ministry. You don't know who that person is.
He could be from Founders. Don't talk to him. Please do not talk to anybody who identifies themselves as a member of the press without having credentials.
Don't talk to cops. Don't talk to MAGA assholes. We're almost there.
You hear that woo? That was triggering. Notice he put his little hands up. He's like, guys, that's too loud.
That's too loud. But thank you. We are gonna be visited tomorrow by some.
I'm gonna stop. It gets uninteresting from there. But I just want to make a point here. This is indistinguishable from Kyle J.
Howard's Twitter feed. This is indistinguishable. You know what this is called in the Bible in biblical terms?
This is called God making you stupid. God has made these people stupid.
This is real stupidity. This is not up for debate. It's a stupid religion.
He's made them stupid. This is a spirit of stupor. He's made their thinking futile.
The jazz hands, because clapping's too triggering. The idea of falling apart at the seams because somebody says, guys, gendered language.
You saw the guy in a dress being freaking out about that. The guy, the whole idea of all of this, this mindset, this is futile thinking.
This is stupor. Kyle J. Howard has the same stupor. Because, I mean, just look at his
Twitter feed. This is indistinguishable from the Democratic Socialism Conference. I wouldn't be surprised if he practices jazz hands instead of clapping.
I wouldn't be surprised at all. Because he's talked about how triggered he gets because some guys have beards in his seminary.
He calls them Confederate beards. This is a spirit of stupor. This is God making people stupid.
And now while we can laugh at this, it is funny. Let's just get that straight. It is funny.
But the reality is that there are people that have this same spirit of stupor that are in leadership all over the place.
And that's kind of scary because they are out of their minds. They are out of their ever -loving minds.
And they are capable of literally anything. Which brings me to this hysteria over white supremacy.
Okay, so we've had some very traumatic and very serious shootings in the
United States, okay? No question about it. You know, we've had a horrible couple of weeks.
No question about it. But this hysteria over white supremacy being the biggest problem that we face and how it's just white supremacists that are committing these shootings and we gotta watch out for white supremacy.
Look, the reality is white supremacists are evil and sometimes white supremacists kill people and that is evil.
But here's where the hysteria comes in. When you realize that these people that are talking about white supremacy, see,
I told you white supremacy was dangerous. These are the same people that have a definition of white supremacy. That includes me.
I'm not even white. These are the same people that have a definition of white supremacy that includes 95 % of Trump voters.
Except the ones that are apologetic for it, I guess. You see, Trump's a white supremacist.
You're a white supremacist. I'm a white supremacist. That's what they think. And so the reality is that it's hysteria to try to connect us with those psychos that decide to go shoot
Mexicans in El Paso. That's the reality. And the other thing, this is the thing that just really gets my goat because this has to be a serious video too because at the end of the day, there's some serious things happening.
There's some serious things happening. Because these terms like racist and white supremacist, I was asking
Amin Hudson the other day if he thought Matthew Hall was a racist because Matthew Hall, the provost of Southern Seminary, said that he was a racist, but Amin doesn't think he is.
So the question is, why does Matthew Hall feel the need to call himself a racist when Amin, I guess an expert on racism, doesn't think he's racist?
What's the purpose there? I need to know that. Here's the thing. Amin has a definition of racist that's malleable.
That's malleable. And so the problem is when on the one hand, you're gonna say someone's a racist for things that aren't traditionally known as racist.
They're kind of like this implicit internal racist that it doesn't really affect anything of their behavior. It doesn't affect how they treat black people.
It doesn't affect how they're friends with black people. But they're internally a racist. But on the other hand, you're talking about how dangerous racists are because of these shootings and stuff like that.
Do you see how the combination there, how conflating the two is setting us up for a civil war?
I've said this so many times, guys. If we cannot talk about these things and come up with definitions that make sense and talk about the
Bible and have conversations about these things, if you continue to ratchet up the intensity and the anger and the rhetoric and all this stuff, and you continue to conflate real white supremacy with fake phony baloney critical theory white supremacy like Matthew Hall did in that video, because let's just be honest, that's why he's the provost of Southern Seminary.
It's not because he's a real racist. It's because he's a fake phony baloney critical theory racist. That's the problem. And so here's the thing.
When you continue to conflate those two things, you don't understand what you are doing to ratchet up the intensity and the tension in this country.
There's just no question. You continue to do that, we will have a race war. And I desperately, desperately want to avoid that.
I desperately want to avoid a civil war, another civil war. Some people think we're already in a civil war.
It's a different kind of civil war. It's a cold civil war. Some people think we're already there. There's irreconcilable differences in worldview.
And I tend to agree with that between the country and the city, between the cosmopolitan types and the regular
Joes in the pews. I think there's already a cold civil war going on. And we're starting to see ratcheted up violence on both sides.
And I have to be honest with you. The way the media spins this to make this a white supremacist, racist,
Republican, conservative problem is so dishonest. The media loves this stuff. They love the tensions increasing.
But if you just look at this, look, there's violence on the left side constantly as well. I'd like to see the statistics, but the last few shooters,
I mean, most of them were liberals. I'm not saying that makes you complicit as a liberal in the shooting.
That's not what I'm saying. That's what liberals say about conservatives. What I'm saying is that we need to figure out how to talk about these things so that there is no more violence.
I'm not saying that that would solve all the problems because violent people are gonna be violent. That's just the reality. But we need to decrease these tensions.
And the only way to do it is to talk it out, to talk it out, abandon critical theory, abandon this rhetoric.
I know that it's cool to call a white person a white supremacist internally. Whiteness is wicked.
I know it's cool to say that in your circles. It's evil. It's unbiblical. It's anti -Christ.
It's anti -gospel to talk about your brothers and sisters in Christ in that way. Jamar Tisby, I saw him tweeting out.
He relishes in the opportunity to slander the church of Christ. He loves it.
He saw somebody saying how white people are the problem with all these shootings.
And Jamar goes, no, it's white Christians. I wouldn't be surprised if they're white Christian fundamentalists.
I just cannot imagine that's the first place your mind goes.
Oh yeah, it's Christians. Christians are the ones shooting these people. Yeah, absolutely. Just evil. Evil. Rhetoric is evil.
So if you're one of these guys that supports, what, this is wicked. And oh yeah, white Christian fundamentalists.
Yeah, that's the ones that are there. They're the ones with the violence. Yep, definitely. If that's how you think you're a racist, you need to repent and you need to find
Christ for the first time because that's not the spirit of Christ. That's a spirit of stupor that Christ has given you.
He's made you stupid. He's made you futile in your thinking. He's made you think at that base level of racism, that base level of tribalism that you claim to reject, but you actually embrace completely.
Whole hog, just the opposite way. It's disgusting. It's absolutely disgusting. It's just as disgusting as people who see blacks shooting blacks in Chicago and the people that look at that and they say, oh man, look at those black people.
They're just animals. It's just as disgusting as that. I find that kind of a view abhorrent.
I find that kind of a view disgusting and despicable. Un -Christian, anti -Christ. I find it all just disgusting, but the problem is
I don't give you a pass for saying the same thing about whites because you're black. I don't. I find that just as abhorrent, just as disgusting.
And if you think that I'm heated here, I'm absolutely heated here because the reality is that Christians have a higher standard for how they think about things and how they view things.
And if your first reaction is to slander the church of Christ when something bad happens, you need to get your head examined.
You need to repent and your church should discipline you. It's just that simple. It's just that simple.
That's not what we should be doing. Now, here's the reality. You might say, well, Adam, you're being inconsistent.
You're talking bad about brothers and sisters in Christ right now. Yeah, that's right. I'm talking about things they've actually done and things they've actually said.
I'm not slandering whole swaths of people. That's not what I'm doing. People, I have no idea if they're racist or not.
No idea if they're this or that. No, I'm not doing that. I'm taking your words, pointing them out to you and showing them how they're unbiblical.
That's very different than just saying, oh, another shooting happened. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a quite
Christian evangelical fundamentalist. You see, the reality is that it goes beyond just the base level racism for a guy like Jamar Tisby because Jamar will slander the church as well.
He will say things that highly imply and sometimes outright say that there's something in white theology, whatever the heck that's supposed to mean, there's something that white
Christians are teaching to each other that allows for this kind of a killing. You would never use that kind of logic in any other thing because let's just say, example, someone in a church commits adultery against his wife.
Does that mean that someone in the church was teaching that it's okay to commit adultery? Absolutely not. But somehow, when the spirit of stupor, the idiotic thinking makes you put these racist lenses on, all of a sudden, you have to say, oh, yeah, yeah, that's white theology that teaches it's okay to kill black people, that black lives don't matter, that it's okay to go on a killing spree as long as it's not white that you're killing.
That's psychotic, that's stupid, that's idiotic, and it's slander. It's absolutely slander.
Anyway, let's get back to something comical for a second. There is a new fan theory about the upcoming
Star Wars movie, which I am not excited for. I know that Disney's going to ruin it. It's going to be horrible, but there's a new theory that it's so stupid, it's so unbelievably stupid that it has to be true.
Honestly, the stupider the theory about the upcoming movie, the more likely I am to believe it's true. I think
Disney is doing this intentionally. They're ruining Star Wars intentionally. It's all part of the culture war. That's what
I think. These people are idiots. They've been given a spirit of stupor. Anyway, the new theory is that Rey is going to lift the
Death Star from the ashes of Jakku. Why is the Death Star at Jakku? I don't know. But Rey is going to use the
Force to time travel and then lift the Death Star out of Jakku. That's what's going to happen.
That's going to be the climax of the movie. Rey is going to do it because Rey is the most ultimate, best, unbelievably talented
Jedi person, entity in the entire world, in the entire universe. And I fully think that this is probably exactly what happens.