A Reasonable Latino Comments on Dr. James White's Comments RE: Wolfe's White Eva Tweet

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network. Alright, let's do this, let's do this.
Today is a great day. Thursday, 4 -20, Year of Our Lord 2023.
Interesting that it's 4 -20. You know, I don't smoke pot, but I'll tell you what, last night I had a dream.
I just remembered this, just now. Last night I had a dream where I was talking to someone about whether or not pot was legal in the state
I live in, New Hampshire. And I don't remember even what the...
I know in the dream I was trying to acquire some, I don't remember the reason. But that's a weird one, wow, that just came to me just now,
I didn't plan to say this. In any case, it's a great day. I don't know why I feel so good, but I just do.
It could be because I found out that my Price Chopper brand of seltzer water put out a coconut flavor.
Nothing I like more than seltzer water with a little, you know, taste of sunscreen in it, so I'm happy about that.
I don't know if that's it, or maybe it could be that last night we had a bro moment, me and this guy.
You know, one of the guys that called me a Nazi yesterday, or a few days ago. He apologized for being gay, I apologized for emotionally blocking him.
It was a beautiful moment. It was a wonderful moment on the internet. I don't know if it's that either.
I mean, it could be the Mets won, you know, they beat the Dodgers again. Even though Max Scherzer got kicked out in the third inning for allegedly putting too much rosin on his hand, on his non -pitching hand, which doesn't make any sense.
In any case, I don't know if that's the reason, or it could be that I was vindicated. Yeah, I think that might be it.
I have to say, listen, before I continue, let me just say, this video, I'm a layman. These are, of course, just my opinions, but I don't think it is questionable, not even a little bit, that my clown shoes meme didn't have something to do with it.
The day after my clown shoes meme comes out, it drops. My meme dropped. It wasn't my meme, you know what
I mean? I can't call it my meme, I just retweeted it. But the meme that I retweeted with the clown shoes about G3, the day after,
Josh Buis changes his approach. I'm not taking credit for it, but I am taking credit for it.
You can't tell me that the clown shoes meme had nothing to do with it. I don't care what you say. I don't care what arguments you have.
No, AD, you see, Josh Buis is a very reasonable guy. He's a good guy. He does stuff like this.
He's a clear thinker. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. It's the clown shoes meme, and everybody knows it.
Everybody knows that it's the clown shoes meme that pushed the needle. I'm just kidding, of course, but this is really good.
This is a little tweet that he put out. I mean, yes, he did do it after the clown shoes meme, so maybe he just said, you know what?
This morning, I'm not going to put on my clown shoes. I can't even say that without laughing.
I just picture him, say, in his closet, and he's got his clown shoes over here, and then he's got his regular shoes over here, and he's like,
I'll go with the regular this morning. I got love for you guys.
I really do. Here's what Josh Buis said. There's still some stuff here that he's not right about, but that's okay.
You can be wrong, and I don't think you're a clown just because you're wrong. You're only a clown when you act like one.
But here is Josh not acting like a clown. He says, in light of issues concerning Christian nationalism,
I'd like to be clear on some issues. I'm not accusing Stephen Wolf of pressing a
Protestant pope perspective. My Christian nationalist remarks are connected beneath the same umbrella of Christian nationalism but contain separate concerns and movements.
Clarification will come soon. Well, I hope so because even that sentence is not very clear, but at least
I know what you're not saying sort of. This is a step in the right direction. He continues.
He says, in the meantime, I do believe Wolf is correct in saying that Christian nationalism makes the most sense from a
Presbyterian perspective. Yeah, that's real. I mean, I agree with him. I mean, listen, when you're a
Presbyterian, you think everything makes more sense from a Presbyterian perspective. That's why you're a Presbyterian. So that's not really exactly breaking news, but, again,
I appreciate their approach. He continues. He says, I also believe that a postmillennial eschatology drives much of the
Christian nationalist movement. He's wrong on that. I don't even think Stephen Wolf is a postmillennial, but I could be wrong about that.
But, you know, again, like this is not clown shoes. This is reasonable. I also appreciate the dividing line by James White on this issue published yesterday.
I do look forward to more conversations on this issue moving forward. I do have concerns about neo -integralism agenda as well, but to be clear, as a
Reformed Baptist, I reject the idea of a political Protestant perspective. And that's why you're going to lose.
It's just that simple. I mean, it's not a knock on you, Josh, but the thing is that people prefer something rather than nothing.
So, you know, I don't know. I don't know what to say about that. I mean, again, I love Baptists. I know that there is a political
Protestant perspective from a Baptist perspective, and a lot of people are working on it right now. So Josh isn't right here, but this is one reason why this perspective, this, well, let me not say what
I think it is yet because I want to be careful, but this kind of Baptist perspective, it's going to die out.
It's just that simple because it's not biblical, number one, and, again, people prefer something rather than nothing. And then he says he's going to release more specific definitions and concerns soon.
Well, I'm looking forward to that, Josh. I really am. And to be honest, like, if this was the approach you had been taking, where I believe, and I'm not saying you guys are saying that, but I believe this,
I believe that, you know, I might still think you're tilting at windmills, but I wouldn't have posted the clown shoes meme because this is not the way a clown acts.
The way a clown acts is the way you've been acting for the last three weeks. So all that to say,
I've been vindicated. The clown shoes meme was absolutely appropriate. I think this is a soft acknowledgement of that.
And, well, keep memeing, guys. Keep memeing. Don't stop be memeing. Don't stop be memeing.
All right. Let's continue. Let's continue. I am going to talk about Stephen Wolf's tweet here because, you know, to be honest, like,
I haven't taken a side on this meme or this tweet. I have said that I don't think it's a big deal.
Either way, like I've said, like, look, if you agree with him, then of course it's not a big deal. And a lot of people, this is the funny part, like a lot of people were highly offended by this.
And even went so far as to say it's racist, but would then say it's, strictly speaking, true.
But it's still racist. And so they were mad about it, even though they agreed with it, which
I found that perspective to just be amazing. And so there was that.
But a lot of people didn't agree with it as well. And so the way I've approached this so far is like, look, whether you agree with him or you don't agree with him, either way it's really not that big a deal.
This is a very kind of, it's not milquetoast. Obviously, you know, he understood when he tweeted this, he understood that, you know, in our culture saying anything positive about whites is, you're going to get pushback, you know, you're going to get pushback.
I don't think necessarily Stephen expected to get the pushback from where it came from. But whenever you say anything positive about white,
I mean, even the Reddit thing that they did, you know, they started putting up posters, it's okay to be white. And, you know, you saw people lose their mind over that.
Like anything, again, that was the most like milquetoast way to say it. It's like, it's not good to be white, it's just okay.
It's okay to be white. And people lost their mind. So Stephen Wolf, of course he knew that there would be pushback here.
I don't think that he knew exactly where it would come from. And I think that was surprising for a lot of people. If you say something nice about white people, you have to qualify it.
You have to qualify it almost to death in our time. So anyway, so, you know,
I think that the way I've approached this is I haven't defended the tweet, because I'm not sure
I would have even said this, because personally I don't think in these terms. And that's not a knock on Stephen.
That's just I don't really think about this stuff, you know, from a political perspective that much. Yes, I do have a political agenda, but I just don't think in terms of voter groups and things like that.
Frankly, I don't even believe in voting. I just don't. I don't believe in voting. I don't think voting is real, number one.
And number two, I think democracy is kind of a joke. I think it always tends to degrade over time.
I think it's a huge problem. And so, you know, I think that if we're going to have voting, the voting people who are allowed to vote, it should be restricted severely.
That's my opinion. Okay, again, just a layman here, just a layman. So, you know, because of that,
I don't really think in these terms necessarily, you know. So I don't know if I would have tweeted it or not.
I mean, when I saw this, I instantly did not think of the church, right, of people in the church, you know, saying these things about the church, right?
Because we've been commenting on that kind of stuff for a while. You know, white Christians owe this to black
Christians or, you know, setting up ecumenical councils to expel, you know, race deniers from the church and stuff like that, right?
Or even the famous, the Bidi Anyabwile defense of the segregated fellowship event, the forced segregated fellowship event at Women's Gospel Coalition Conference.
Like, you know, clearly, that kind of stuff has no place in the church, right?
But when I read this, I didn't think of the church. I thought of the group of people, you know, the voting bloc that has voted well over the last decades and things like that.
You know, my voting bloc doesn't vote well. You know what I mean? Like, you know, at least half of Latinos, you know, they've just never seen an abortion they didn't love.
Like, it's just, you know, my group is, demographic group anyway, is a disaster.
It's just a complete disaster. Not as bad as the black voting demographic, but it's pretty bad.
It's pretty bad. In any case, so yeah, that's what I, I mean,
I instantly thought about that. It just didn't seem like a big deal either way. Like, I didn't even put much thought into whether or not
I agreed with it or not, because I just didn't really care that much about what it was saying.
Like, I'm not, again, this is not a knock on Steven. These are the things that he, he likes focusing on this stuff, and there's nothing wrong with that, right?
And so I do want to go into a little bit of, a little bit of James White's response to it, because I think there's a lot to agree with, but then there's stuff where I just, don't quite know why he's taken the approach he's taken.
So let's, first of all, here's his, here's his Twitter rant.
And so we're gonna, we might come back to read this, but we're gonna let him talk first. There's just a bunch of shooting going on yesterday.
A .D. Robles, I responded to a meme that he put out.
G3 getting ready to go on Twitter, and it was a clown putting his shoes on. And it worked. And my response was, stop it.
Just stop it. How can I stop doing something that works? This is accomplishing nothing. It accomplished something. It's getting us nowhere.
We got somewhere. It's putting us backwards. No, it pushed us forward. Just stop with the memes and the, and when
I responded to what Steven Wolf said, we'll start with that. So if you want, I'm not being disrespectful. I already did a video addressing him there in a very respectful way.
I didn't talk over him. But again, I've been vindicated, friends. I have been thoroughly vindicated.
Already started, haven't we? But when I responded to that, oh man.
The people started coming out of the woodwork. Oh, I can see what you think about your people.
My people? What do you mean, my people? They meant white people. Oh, whites.
Oh, please, excuse me while I throw up a little bit in my mouth. I don't understand why that makes you throw up.
I mean, like, listen, like, like, I understand, like,
I don't, because I've told this story many times. Like, I've never had like Puerto Rican pride, right?
Like, I love being Puerto Rican. I enjoy it. You know, I like the way we celebrate Christmas.
I like the way, you know, our family, when it gets together, what it's like and all that kind of thing.
I mean, I like going to Puerto Rico, you know, like I like being Puerto Rican, but I've never had that pride, right?
Like, I've never understood the pride. Like, my aunt, when she graduated from college, when she walked across the aisle, she had a little
Puerto Rican flag with her, right? And I like, and again, I like Puerto Rico. Like, in the world baseball classic,
I was cheering for Puerto Rico. I wanted the Puerto Rican team to win over the United States team to win.
And, you know, whatever. I mean, that just is what it was. It's not like I don't like Puerto Rico. I guess that's my point.
Like, I like Puerto Rico, but I never had that like extra pride where it's like when I accomplish something, it's like, this is, we won one for the
Ricans. You know, I've never had that kind of pride. So like, on the one hand, I understand like, but when somebody says like, you know, your people and it's like, you want to throw up in your mouth because somebody identifies you as Puerto Rican, you know what
I mean? Or Latino or white or whatever. I don't get that either. Like, I don't understand like, why distance yourself from that?
Like, I don't know. I've never tried to do that. I don't get it. I just don't get it. And I just don't understand that impulse, right?
But, and again, this is not to take away from your identity in Christ. Of course, you know, I've got an identity in Christ, but God has put me into a particular family, a particular, you know, ethnicity, a particular nation, and all of that stuff is good, is good and right.
And, you know, there's no reason to reject it. You know what I mean? I don't know.
I don't know. Oh, well, we can see what you think about your people. Let me tell you something, dude, whoever you were, and I didn't even care who you were.
I'm sure I blocked you pretty well instantly. I've been blocking people. So I blocked this guy yesterday,
Dave, standing knocks on Twitter. I'm sorry for blocking you, man. I've had an itchy block finger lately.
I've been blocking crazy people. Like, I blocked, who was it that I blocked? Oh, man, it was like, who is the, it's a,
I can't remember, but it's just like a famous person. You know what I mean? Like, I don't want to see any more tweets from this person.
It was just like some random famous person. I blocked Barack Obama. I don't want to ever see that tweet or anyone talking about Barack Obama.
My life is better not knowing about him. But anyway, I wanted a blocking tear this last week, and then
I ended up blocking this guy standing knocks because he called me a Nazi. Normally, I wouldn't have done that.
I tried to mute him for 24 hours, and I don't know, ever since Elon took over, my muting, you know, like my temporary muting feature, it just doesn't work.
It like works half the time. It didn't work, so I just blocked him, and then I unblocked him like a day later, and it was really funny.
If you go to Twitter, and I don't have time to talk about it now, but go to Twitter and find where I unblocked him.
It was just a really funny situation. Anyway. You know who my people are?
You know, aside from my wife and my children and my grandchildren, my people are the members of Apologia Church, and then my people are all the other churches that worship
God in spirit and in truth, and it has nothing and will never have anything to do with the tone of the color of my skin.
You know, right now, my very, very, very heavily Scottish ancestry is embarrassing to me.
You see what Scotland's doing these days? But why does that embarrass you? You're still Scottish. It's like, yeah, like, because he kind of granted some of the reason why people identify with their tribe, because, like, well, my people are the people at my church, which
I agree with. That's my people too, but also his immediate family, like his kids and his grandkids.
Right, because God put you in a particular family, right? And some people are, you know, like my aunt, for example, her
Puerto Rican -ness was very important to her. I never understood that. But it's not, like, a bad thing that you need to, like, rebuke your aunt over that.
Like, it would never occur to me to carry a Puerto Rican flag when I graduated from high school or college or whatever.
That would never occur to me. But, like, at the same time, is that, like, the worst thing in the world? You kind of make it seem like it's, like, the worst thing in the world, and I don't really get that.
You know what I mean? I don't get that. So much for freedom and liberty. William Wallace would be chopping people to bits in Scotland right now.
This whole my people garbage. My people is
Samuel Say. My people is Kofi. My people are Hispanics, and my people is
Oscar, one of our deacons at the church. You've seen him doing debates and stuff like that. Has nothing to do with the color of your skin or where your grandpappy came from, and if that's all your people are,
I feel sorry. But I don't think they're saying that's all what their people are, though.
I think they would agree with you about, you know, Kofi and Samuel and whoever the other guy was.
I don't know. I don't remember what his name was. But I think they would agree with you about all that. I don't know. I mean, listen,
I don't know who he's talking to. Maybe he's talking to people who hate black people. I don't know. But it just doesn't seem that way. I didn't see a whole lot of that on Twitter the other day.
So that's just my opinion. That's just what I saw. But very clearly, the racists started coming out of the woodwork.
So what was the statement? Let's start. We've got to get to it here. It's possible that the racists did come out of the woodwork, but it's also possible that I've already muted them and blocked them, because that's happened before.
Stephen Wolfe, who, by the way, I had to go looking for this screenshot because I can't see
Stephen Wolfe's tweets anymore. He has protected his account, and I'm not one of the people now privileged to look upon his tweets.
That's a bad look. I was. The day after posting something like this, and then you go into hiding?
I was privileged to see them. Bad look. Really bad look. Doesn't help at all. No wonder people were calling me a
Nazi. But you know he posted the Norman Rockwell picture of a room full of white people, and one of them, simple -looking man, just a regular working man, is speaking.
I don't know what the background of it is. Looks like it's in a school someplace because there's a blackboard in the back.
In fact, if I'm looking at it here, I think that's an eraser over on the left -hand side.
But anyway, it was a short statement, and that's the problem.
If we've learned anything from Tim Keller over the past two years, it's throw out a short statement that has one obvious meaning but could have all sorts of sub -meanings, and then when everybody goes nuts, come back and say, oh, but I just obviously meant this, and if you read it that way, then it must mean there's something wrong with you.
How many times has that happened? You just automatically go, oh,
I wasn't referring to that. Okay. So Stephen Wolfe posted this and said, white evangelicals are the lone bulwark against moral insanity in America.
Now, Stephen Wolfe claims to be a Christian, claims to be
Reformed. So I heard a lot of people getting a little hot under the collar about him saying that he claims to be a
Christian, and they were saying that he's implying that he's not a Christian.
He claims it, but he's not one. Now, I don't know what James was implying there, obviously. I have no direct line to James or anything like that, and I don't want you to think
I'm disrespecting him. Dr. White. I kind of go back and forth between calling him Dr. White and James. No disrespect.
But I don't see it. I used to watch a whole lot of dividing line, just with life and stuff like that.
I've watched a little less lately, but he often says that, about claiming to be a Christian. That's just kind of how he talks, in my opinion.
So I wouldn't read too much into that, but of course, you do you, you know? And the silly rest of us went and interpreted his words not as some vanilla observation of voting blocks, because I mean, none of us, none of us have ever sat back and gone, what do they think an evangelical is in this poll?
I mean, how many times have we sat there going, well, how can they even think that someone believes like that is an evangelical?
But what are they talking about? So the majority of us are going to sit back and go, this is a self -professing
Christian. And so I'm going to interpret his words as words coming from a self -professing
Christian. And therefore, I'm going to look at this line and I'm going to go, white evangelicals?
How about black evangelicals? So he just got done saying that, that most of us interpreted it this way.
It's just, that's not the case, Dr. White. Because lots of people, lots of people, and even with your own statements here, people were coming out of the woodwork and stuff like that.
You're saying racists, which I don't doubt that there were some racists coming out of the woodwork. But lots of not racist people, because I saw them myself, came out of the woodwork and did not interpret it the way you're saying everyone interpreted it.
Most people interpreted it. I just, I don't even know how you would know it was most people, because I saw a lot of people on both sides.
And I can't tell you how many comments I've seen that say, man, I love
James White. Why did he do that? Why did he respond like that? Because I didn't see it.
I didn't see it. And neither did I, Dr. White. I mean, I'm a Puerto Rican. I looked at that statement, and it seemed pretty like, like it just didn't even register with me.
Like, oh yeah, he's talking about voting. It's true. That's true. Yeah. Now, we're going to talk about the truth of the statement too, because a lot of people are very upset about the lone bulwark thing.
And I get it. I get it. That's why I kind of hesitate as far as would I have tweeted this? I don't know that I would have tweeted it, but we're going to talk about that too, because I don't even think that's a big deal.
I don't. I don't think that's a big deal. So I just don't understand.
It's like, okay, your interpretation. Let's just give it. Your interpretation is valid.
I don't think it is, especially when you read the entire thread, because there was like three or four tweets or something like that in the thread.
So it wasn't just an isolation. And again, that's the problem I mentioned yesterday. Like Twitter, you can pull a tweet out of context.
You can pull it in isolation, and it really changes the flavor of it, right? It changes why it was tweeted.
It changes the tone sometimes when you do that. And I don't think it's fair to do that. Allie Beth Stuckey, I saw her, and she's a
Bible -believing Christian, right? And she saw this tweet, and she said, oh, I see what that's about, clearly.
I understand what that's about. So I just don't think it's like, you can't just take the way you and some of your friends interpreted it and say, well, that's the interpretation.
When tons of people, and I do mean tons. I mean, I have no way to poll how many versus or who had the most, but a significant portion of Christians who saw that tweet didn't really see any issue.
You know what I mean? And the thing is, this is what I've said. Dave from Protestia, Dave Morrill from Protestia, he said,
I don't like how he worded it, but it's roughly true. I mean,
I didn't see a big deal with it. He's talking about voting blocks. And it's like, a lot of people said that. They're like, I didn't like how he worded it, but it's really not that big a deal.
Is that racist? Is Stephen Wolfe a racist? I mean, I suppose anyone could be anything,
I suppose, but this is not it. You know what I mean?
I don't know. It just seems to me that like, because this is how you and your friends interpret it, this is how it has to be.
And I just don't understand that mentality. You know, a black evangelical who really believes the gospel and practices it,
I'm not talking about the wild, crazy, political black church, because there is a political black church.
You see it all the time. They're a political black church, but they're also a theological black church. They have a theology, and it's a horrible one, which
I think you'd agree. But let's not play fast and loose here. I mean, it's both.
It's both. And quite frankly, there are a lot of people that would identify as black evangelicals that likewise have a horrendous theology and a horrible politics.
That's true. Because the thing is, as much as we might not like it, when people look at the category of evangelicals, and you just said it yourself, we look at some of these polls and we're like, well, that's not a real evangelical.
Right, I would agree with you. I mean, that's not a real Christian. But the problem is that they're still in these categories that people talk about and discuss, and we can talk about and discuss those categories, too, out there.
Obviously, we understand that we're in the church, and you're an elder, of course,
Dr. White, and stuff like that. You've got a responsibility before God to identify the sheep from the goats that these people don't have.
But we can still have conversations with the people that don't have those responsibilities. They don't care about that so much.
You see these people right from the pulpit saying, you need to vote for this person and that person, and you need to defend abortion, and you need to defend
LGBTQ rights, and they're just leftist radicals. Well, they're not evangelicals, for crying out loud.
They may be religious people. They may talk about Jesus, but they don't believe anything Jesus taught. They don't live it anyways.
So there are black evangelicals actually believing orthodox gospel preaching, black evangelicals.
And they pay more to stand against moral insanity in America than the rest of us do, because they get called every name under the book.
Try being Latino, because we get called every name under the book, too, and we still get called
Nazi. I mean, on top of that, on top of everything, we still get the white insults, too. Watched it.
Look what happens to Samuel Say. Look what happens to Kofi when they speak out. And to K -dub,
Chris, in Texas. Look what happens to these guys.
To Daryl, Omaha. What happens to them? The terms and the insults that are thrown at them far more than any of the rest of us get thrown at us.
They're not a bulwark. Oh, but what was the defense yesterday?
It was just simply a description of demographic. He was just simply talking about voting patterns.
Well, he didn't put that in his tweet, did he? And that's purposeful. You know that's purposeful.
He posted a picture. You can't argue with that. I mean, everything you put in a tweet, you put intentionally.
It's just a matter of what the intention is. I think, here's the thing. It's like, because I saw a lot of those guys.
I saw Samuel. I saw K -dub. I saw all that. You know, even
Chocolate Knox said something similar. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was similar. And, you know,
I didn't have an impulse to say that. You know what I mean? Because, you know, I'm fine with the work that I'm doing and all of that, but I didn't have an impulse to say it.
And I've been examining myself. Why didn't I have the impulse to say, well, what about me and my efforts and stuff like that?
You know, you're not alone is what Chocolate Knox says, which I agree with. You guys aren't alone. Of course not.
But why didn't I have the impulse to say that where so many people did? And it's like, here's the thing, guys.
I translated this into business because this is something I know more than politics, right? And I think it probably works a similar way.
If you're a businessman, you know, when you look at how much it costs to acquire a new customer versus how much it costs to maintain and keep your current customers, it's a huge difference.
Like, your current customers are way less expensive to get revenue from than finding a new customer, right?
That's just how it is, right? It makes sense when you think about it. And I think that the demographic conversation is important for politicians in the same way because here's the thing, the
Republicans, you know, do seem to be working overtime to sort of get the
Latino vote and the black vote and things like that. And so we need to figure out, I think, and I say we,
I'm not a Republican, but if I was a Republican, we need to figure out if that's money and time well spent, right?
Because you're trying to acquire new customers there. And I know it's not exactly the same thing. You know, voting is terrible.
I hate voting. But this is how it is, right? You're trying to acquire new voters and stuff like that.
Well, would their time better be spent, their time and money better be spent working hard to acquire black customers, to acquire
Latino customers, voters, or would it be better spent, in order to win the election, maintaining your white evangelical voters?
And I think that the concept of demographics matters there. Because you put out a tweet, right?
You put out a tweet, happy Kwanzaa, right? Nobody is fooled by that.
Kwanzaa is a fake holiday. The amount of Republican voters that celebrate Kwanzaa is minuscule.
I mean, I can't imagine any Republican voter celebrating Kwanzaa for real. It's a joke.
Kwanzaa is a joke. Do you think that the people that do celebrate
Kwanzaa, the Marxists that celebrate Kwanzaa, are fooled by the Republicans posting on Twitter, happy Kwanzaa?
No. No, they're not. They're going to continue voting for Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez.
They're going to try to re -elect that Beetlejuice mayor from Chicago. They're not going to be fooled by the
Republicans posting happy Kwanzaa. But you know who's going to be probably annoyed or pissed off?
Republican voters. White evangelicals, maybe. Because they know that they're pandering to a nonsense
Marxist holiday. We know about Kwanzaa. It's a joke. And so you think to yourself, should
I post happy Kwanzaa as the Republicans? And you look at the benefits, which are very minuscule, very minuscule.
You look at the possible harm, which is to piss off your customer base. And you know what?
We're not going to pander to the Kwanzaa celebrators out there. That's what you should have done. Now, the Republicans don't do that because they love to lose.
But maybe if you consider demographics, right? Like, black evangelicals aren't going to be thrilled that you said happy Kwanzaa.
Like, they know it's a fake holiday. They're celebrating Christmas. So it's just crazy.
And we just got through this, right? Like, the whole Bud Light thing. It's like, you're so stupid. Don't you understand your own demographics?
Like, you should consider your demographics when you decide to do something like that. So, like, for politicians, for people that are trying to win an election in our system, you need to consider some of this stuff.
It's just the way it is. Look, I don't like it. I don't like it. But it's the way it is.
And so I just, I don't get it. And again, it's not like we're talking about about, you know, the church, right?
Or dividing up fellowship, or things like that. Like, I'm right there with you. In the church, you can't do that stuff.
I've been railing against that for years at this point. Carmen Rockwell. Not a graphic of some kind of poll that we could then go, okay, who did the poll?
What questions were they asking? Is there any meaningful foundation here? Nothing. None of that was given.
So, again, for all of you who have, you know, come after me, because I wrote a fairly lengthy tweet and attacked me for it, let's read the tweet.
Because I think it's actually very beneficial to read this tweet. This is the tweet you wrote in response to the
Norman Rockwell, the Norman Rockwell meme. James White says this.
There is absolutely, positively no place in Christ's church for white, Asian, black, or Latino, or anything else used as a divisive label.
The unity of the body is in the singular, undivided, indispensable righteousness of Christ, not in skin color, kin, tribe, or nation.
I agree with that. I agree with that. But the thing is, he's responding to someone who's not bringing it into the church.
He's just not what he's doing here. He continues, I will not stand,
I will not stand with anyone who seeks to undermine that unity with the use of such labels.
Again, is he doing that? That's quite an accusation. This is pretty thin evidence to say that Stephen is undermining the unity we have in Jesus Christ by mentioning this voting demographic.
It's pretty thin evidence, but we'll continue. He says, I stood up in 2018 after MLK50 and I said the exact same thing.
One man called for an ecumenical council to condemn me as a heretic for daring to say that the
Lord's table is a place, not for ethnicities or labels, but solely as a place for focus upon Christ.
I've seen a lot of people bring this up. I saw Josh Dawes bring up a Thabiti and Yabuile tweet where he talked about white evangelicals.
And then Thomas Kutuzis, Thomas Kutuzis said, yes, it was wrong then, and it's wrong now.
And it's like, well, but the problem is, Thomas, is that what was wrong about Thabiti is that he brought it into the church.
If you remember, Thabiti was the one who wrote the piece in Gospel Coalition about how white
Christians need to apologize to black Christians. And so now there's this moral culpability that we need to bring into the church in order to have true unity.
Thabiti was the one who defended Gospel Coalition having a segregated fellowship event where whites weren't allowed.
He brought it into the church. You see, that's the difference. It's like, if you want to be out there talking about voting patterns and say that white evangelicals are evil because they voted against abortion or something like that, whatever you want to say,
Thabiti, I don't know what his beliefs are anymore because I haven't thought about Thabiti in years. And my life has been, my life has been good.
Like, that was the issue. Like, they brought it into the church and they were saying that there were different moral standards in the church depending on skin color.
You know, Matt Chandler's affirmative action hiring practices. Various things like that.
They were bringing it into the church. They weren't talking about voting patterns.
They were bringing it, they were probably talking about voting patterns, but they were also bringing it into the church. And as far as I know,
Stephen hasn't, I mean, maybe he has. Show me. Stephen hasn't brought it into the church.
So I agree with all of what James White is saying, but I just don't understand why he refuses to accept the fact that this is not, like Stephen's saying,
I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this. Anyway, let's continue. Look, Stephen Wolf wrote this on purpose.
He's not a stupid person. He did this on purpose. And, you know, this one guy,
I assume it's a guy, I don't know, quote -treated my response and said, blah, blah, blah, race -blind boomer
Christianity has led to importing the global South and infinity Africans and the decline of the
West. This is cultural suicide. I detest these people. Sounds like a pleasant fellow.
Brought out the people who are, well, white supremacists, sounds like.
You know, I hate this argument so much. It's like, you know, and this has been happening to me for a long time.
You know, people, John Reasoner was recently saying this, like, you should see who comes out to defend your tweets. It's the racists, which means you should take a good look in the mirror.
And it's like, you know, I can't help who likes what I have to say. You know what I mean? Like if white supremacists are watching my content, good, good.
I mean, they're not that great of a white supremacist if they're doing that, but no, good. If people want to watch my content, that's fine because my conscience is clear.
And they're going to hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They're going to hear my views, which are not white supremacist views.
But like, why would I, why would that be my responsibility? Like if, and again,
I don't know who he's referring to, but you know, if this guy is like a hardcore, you know, Nazi, racist, whatever, whatever it was that they were calling us the other day.
And how is that Steven's responsibility? I mean, I've been accused of things for not responding to people that I've already blocked, that I've already muted.
Like I've muted them because I just found their tweets disgusting. And I know for a fact,
Steven has done this too. Like Steven recently came to GAD and he was kind of wondering like, how do you control the feed?
Because I'm just getting so much hate. You know what I mean? So I don't understand this argument,
James. Like, it's not really a good one where it's like suddenly like Steven's, you know, tweet is responsible for bringing all these people out of the woodwork and it's his fault.
It's like, I don't know, man. Like, I just don't like that. I know you're not saying Steven's responsible for it, but you're bringing it up to associate it with him.
And that's just kind of underhanded, man, in my opinion. And they came crawling out to go, oh, you terrible people.
Some other guy. Anyway. That was a long video.
There were numerous responses. We're going to continue this. And I think that's exactly what was wanted. And that's certainly what was achieved.
So there are Hispanic evangelicals and there are Asian evangelicals.
But the point is, if you're using the term evangelical, you're using a theological term.
Not necessarily, though. Remember, this is the author of Christian Nationalism. Now, he said in the book, and this is one of its fatal flaws.
I'm not going to be doing much in the way of exegesis. I'm just going to assume such and such.
Well, you assumed reformed theology, which should have warned you before pressing the send button, that there was something really wrong with what you were saying.
Lone bulwark against moral insanity in America. A couple other real problems with this one sentence.
Political groups are not bulwarks. The moral insanity in America only has one possible answer to it.
And it has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin. At all.
So if you're going to deal with moral insanity, only the gospel, only the gospel can do that.
Nothing else can even begin to start the process. Okay, so we're going to stop there. That's the final comment
I want to mention. And I'm not going to continue this. This has gone on long enough. But I did want to address this because I saw a lot of people saying this.
And someone even responded to me in my last video. James was very clear. It's the gospel that is the bulwark on all that kind of stuff.
And, of course, I agree. You know what I mean? Ultimately, the only thing that will actually curb the tide, that can change men's hearts, and I know
Stephen would agree with this, is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Regeneration, right? We understand that regeneration is what churns a man's heart from stone into flesh, and we all agree with that, right?
But the thing is, though, that God, you know, and James understands this. Dr. White understands this, of course.
God works through means. And so we get that, yes, ultimately, moral insanity is stopped and changed, and only the gospel can change hearts and all of that kind of stuff.
But God uses the civil governing authority to restrain evil.
You know, they're a deacon of God. You know, they're a revenger of God. And so they're restraining evil.
And so I said this on Twitter the other day. I said, obviously, the civil governing authority can't make somebody not want to kill their child, not want to kill their baby, right?
Like, we can't force someone or change someone's heart to not want to kill their baby. However, as the civil governing authority, if Christians were in charge, we could make the price of that so high.
Like, you get caught killing your baby, you are going to pay the ultimate price. You are going to get the death penalty that people won't kill their babies.
We can restrain that evil. So they might still desire in their heart to kill the baby because they're unregenerate, right?
Ultimately, the only thing that can stop that person from wanting to kill their baby is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the
Holy Spirit regenerating the heart. We get that. But God uses means to restrain evil.
So they're going to want to kill their baby, but they won't because they don't want to pay the ultimate price. And so we're talking about two different things here.
Yes, the gospel is the only thing that regenerates hearts. But yes, at the same time, the civil governing authority is a revenger of God executing vengeance upon the evildoer, restraining evil.
And then as far as the lone bulwark thing, the voting blocks are not a bulwark. I think this is just a matter of just refusing to allow the context to dictate what you're talking about.
It would be like, I said this on Twitter today. I said, it would be like, you know, you've got a group of shock troopers or, you know, just troopers that are like, well into enemy territory, right?
And they get surrounded by the enemy and they're there and they're like commandos and they were dropped in there.
And now they're like surrounded and like they're going to die. Like they've got no hope of escape, right?
And they say, oh, and one of them says, hey, hey, hey, I remember seeing a radio over there from one of our fallen comrades.
Our only hope of salvation is to get to that radio to let our guys know where we're at and then they can come save us.
And then somebody goes to him and they get all furious and an argument starts because they say, what do you mean that's our hope for salvation?
That's not our only hope for salvation. Salvation is only found in the Lord. And you look at him like, are you freaking insane, dude?
Like, I'm not talking about that. Of course, Jesus is our salvation. We get it. I've got a situation here.
Like, my goodness, like, why are you lawyering me to death? I just don't get it.
I just don't get it. It's like, in our country, we vote, unfortunately. Yeah, I hate democracy.
I'm just going to come out and say it. I hate it. In our country, we vote and, you know, we get to decide who to put in charge and we've got our agendas and they have to cater to our agendas in order to get our vote and stuff like that.
And so in our society, one of the ways we decide what kind of evil gets restrained is through voting.
And so when somebody says, you know, this voting block, which has historically voted so well, is the lone bulwark, we're not talking about ultimate salvation, ultimate regeneration, ultimate moral foundations.
We're talking about the situation that we're in. We're in a situation here. So I just don't understand, like, the complete refusal to allow
Stephen to define his own context. You can still disagree if you want to. I don't care about the tweet.
I don't even know if I would have said it. But again, it just didn't even... I saw it and that was it.
I moved on. And I didn't think to myself, well, what about me? I'm also doing stuff. I'm a Latino evangelical.
I vote the right way too. I mean, what? Stephen just forgot about me? It's like, we don't have to all get credit for everything.
You know what I mean? People question the wisdom of the tweet. Well, he's got too much pride.
He wants credit for everything. Maybe there's a criticism there. I don't know. Maybe there's a criticism there.
I don't care who gets the credit. We're in a situation here. That'd be like the same group of commandos.
He's like, Ernesto over there goes to get... Or Patrick, he's like, I'll go get the radio.
I'll go get the radio. And then Ernesto's like, You think we need a white savior?
Dude, let him get the radio. We're in a situation here. Anyway, this video has gone way longer than I thought.
I thought this would be a 20 -minute video. I was foolish. And here we are at 50 minutes. I hope you found this video helpful.
Once again, let me just... I love the guy. Dr. White is just a blessing to so many people and to the church in general.
And I am so grateful for him. I'm grateful for you? No, in seriousness. I really am.
And so that's it. That's all I want to say. And I think that's probably the last thing I'll say about it for right now.
Hope you found this video, this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the