Joseph Prince Teaches Preexistence of the Soul / Joni Lamb Praises Kenneth Copeland on Daystar
Televangelist Joseph Prince of Daystar teaches the Mormon doctrine of the preexistence of the soul, also Joni Lamb praises Kenneth Copeland as one of God's "Generals" on her Table Talk program. More proof that the Daystar Television Network must be marked and avoided based on Romans 16:17-18.
In my video I also show Copeland drinking his own blood for communion, he then claims God is the biggest failure in the Bible.
Link to Justin Peters video where he shows Copeland claiming "where the Bible says I Am I just smile and say yes I AM too!"
Marcus Lamb
Suzy Lamb
Jonathan Lamb
Julie Roys
John MacArthur
Joel Osteen
Benny Hinn
Joyce Meyer
Jimmy Evans
- 00:00
- Hello, in this video we're going to be talking about shocking statements made by Joseph Prince.
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- We'll also talk about Joni Lamb, Daystar, and Kenneth Copeland in a moment. But first,
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- Joseph Prince is a Pentecostal Charismatic televangelist whose program airs on Daystar and TBN.
- 00:20
- So the reason why we're talking about him, Joseph Prince recently taught his wide audience the heretical doctrine of the pre -existence of the soul.
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- This is really a Mormon teaching, but this is the idea that we all existed in a previous life as spirit children in heaven, then at some point we were sent to earth to inhabit human bodies.
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- This directly contradicts the Bible, as I'm sure you know. For example,
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- Genesis 2 -7 says that the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.
- 01:06
- So the Bible is very clear on this. We did not exist or pre -exist in heaven.
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- Adam did not pre -exist. In a moment in time, on the sixth day of creation, the
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- Bible is very clear that Adam became a living being, meaning he did not previously live with God in heaven.
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- But according to Joseph Prince, he did. So this is a strange doctrine.
- 01:34
- It is heretical. It's not taught in the Bible. And what's even more troubling, other than the fact that, as I said, this is a
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- Mormon teaching, only the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
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- Saints, aka the Mormons, only they believe this. More on that in a few minutes.
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- But what's even more troubling than that is that Joseph Prince claims to have received this in a vision.
- 02:01
- This was a revelation given to him by God. So it's not that he thinks that the
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- Bible teaches it. It most certainly does not. But one day, as you're going to see, Joseph Prince got out of his car and boom!
- 02:15
- He got this, supposedly, got this vision. And let's just listen to what he has to say.
- 02:21
- Watch. Years ago, I had a vision. I remember I was just stepping out of my car, closed the door, and like this,
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- I had this vision. Just came out of my spirit. I saw from God's breath, from inside Him, came spirit babies.
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- And they were shouting, saying, Send me! Send me! Send me! Send me! And He breathed into the wombs of the ladies on earth.
- 02:49
- Amen. He breathed into them. He breathed into them. There was spirit. So I believe, first the spirit, then the body.
- 02:57
- As in everything. Right? So imagine with me. If Adam, God told Adam, I'm going to give you a creation, okay?
- 03:04
- But I enjoy being a spirit being. Right? No. I'm going to create…
- 03:09
- Earth is going to be wonderful, okay? You enjoy food. But we don't eat food here.
- 03:16
- I enjoy the freedom. Why? Why must I eat to live? Trust me. You enjoy the food that I create.
- 03:22
- Finally, God says, I'm going to create you a partner. Please! MYOB! That's what
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- I'll say to this person. You know what's a woman? Whoa! Men don't know! So God says, you'll be thrilled to have her.
- 03:40
- When the girl in your arms is the girl in your heart.
- 03:46
- No, God didn't sing. I'm singing. All right? When you've got everything, you'll be holding a dream.
- 03:58
- I'm thinking of Wendy now. Okay, anyway. Hey, appreciate the beat lah.
- 04:05
- You know? Thank you, thank you. Okay. So, imagine, he never had a concept of what a woman is.
- 04:16
- Right? Because it is a future creation. It's not yet happened. God says, trust me, you'll love her.
- 04:24
- I don't want to be… I don't want any interference. Will he be like me?
- 04:29
- No. It's a she and you don't understand what's a she. But trust me, you will love her.
- 04:37
- You see? Same thing for us now. God says, the creation is to come, right? You ain't seen nothing yet.
- 04:44
- Okay, so you can tell none of that is biblical. None of that is biblical at all.
- 04:50
- It's sort of like that Joyce Meyer clip that I played in a previous video where Joyce Meyer is talking about Jesus dying and then going to hell to be tortured by the demons.
- 05:02
- Remember, she just was totally making stuff up. None of that was in the Bible. Same thing here with Joseph Prince.
- 05:09
- He's telling us about this conversation that God had with Adam and how humans preexisted in spirit form as spirit babies in heaven before we came to earth.
- 05:21
- And Adam first thought… He even said that Adam first thought that he was going to be married to another guy.
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- And then God had to correct him and tell him, no, you're going to be with a woman. I mean, this is just… It's nonsense.
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- It's heresy. It's absolute heresy. But again, it not only contradicts the
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- Bible, it's in line with visions and revelations that this other
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- Joseph had, Joseph Smith, of the Mormons. Now before we get to that, someone might ask, do you think
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- Joseph Prince is making all this up? Do you think he actually had a vision or a communication with a demon or something?
- 06:05
- What do you think is going on here? Because it is very similar to Joseph Smith of the
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- Mormons because he claimed to receive this information through visions and through an angel.
- 06:20
- Well, here's the thing. It doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that this is not biblical.
- 06:29
- That's the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter if Prince was making this up or he got this from some spirit.
- 06:36
- I know one person, when it comes to Benny Hinn and these people who think they're getting all these visions and experiences, they're like,
- 06:44
- I think they're on drugs. That's a possibility, I guess, with some of them. It doesn't matter.
- 06:49
- Though, I tend to think they're probably making it up, but it doesn't matter. All that matters, this is not biblical.
- 06:56
- The Christian church universally, I mean, we could talk about Catholics and Protestants have rejected this idea of the pre -existence of the soul.
- 07:07
- I mean, what's the next thing you're going to teach, reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul? Christianity, historically, has totally rejected this idea.
- 07:17
- So the only church that teaches the pre -existence of the soul is the
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- Mormons, aka the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. So where do they get that idea?
- 07:30
- Well, their founder, the Mormons, that church was founded by Joseph Smith.
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- He was born in Vermont in 1805, and he claims that an angel visited him and that God gave him all of these new revelations and teachings through divine visitation and visions.
- 07:50
- So that's the similarity. Not only are they both named Joseph, both claim to receive this new doctrine that is not in Scripture.
- 07:59
- As a matter of fact, it directly contradicts the Bible, but they both claim visions and extra -biblical revelation.
- 08:08
- So why does this matter? First of all, as Christians, we are commanded to test the spirits.
- 08:14
- That's the title of my podcast, Test the Spirits. A lot of people won't do this. A lot of pastors refuse to do this.
- 08:21
- I've had pastors tell me, don't talk about this. Just preach the gospel.
- 08:28
- That's what they do. Just preach the gospel. I'm like, well, you can do, you know, I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
- 08:35
- I can do two things. Where is that in the Bible? Just preach the gospel? Well, Paul said,
- 08:40
- I determined not to know anything else among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. See, Paul was, he just preached the gospel.
- 08:47
- And yeah, that's in 1 Corinthians 2, I believe. And then Paul spends another 14 chapters talking about a whole bunch of other stuff.
- 08:56
- But I've had pastors say that. Yeah, don't talk about this. Or they say never name names.
- 09:02
- So they might preach what the Bible says, but they absolutely refuse to apply it to the modern day.
- 09:09
- And I think one of the reasons why a lot of pastors won't apply it is because a lot of them are listening to Joseph Prince or to Joel Osteen or to these people.
- 09:19
- Or they think that people in the pew are doing it and they don't want to upset them. Either way. Here's what 1
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- John 4, 1 says, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
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- So when Joseph Prince teaches all of that, we are commanded to test it.
- 09:39
- Be good Bereans, test it against the Bible. And I'm obligated as a pastor,
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- Titus 1, 9, that I must be able to refute those who contradict the biblical teaching.
- 09:50
- So if he's going to teach that, it's part of my job to say, no, that's not right.
- 09:56
- That's not what the Bible teaches. So if a famous pastor is teaching false doctrine, really, and the people in the pews are listening to these people.
- 10:05
- And that's true in your church, in just about every church, people in the pew are listening to Joseph Prince and Joel Osteen and, you know, the people on Daystar and all the rest.
- 10:16
- So speaking of Daystar, people like Joseph Prince and others are promoted on Daystar.
- 10:24
- People like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, and even Joni Lamb.
- 10:30
- So let's switch gears. Joni Lamb and her program
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- Table Talk, tens of millions of Christians watch Daystar and listen to this stuff.
- 10:42
- They eat it up. So Joni Lamb on her program Table Talk, guess who she had on her show?
- 10:50
- Well, I know she has had Joseph Prince on in the past, but recently, not too long ago, she had arch heretic
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- Kenneth Copeland on set. So listen to this clip where Joni Lamb is speaking to Kenneth Copeland and she's praising him up.
- 11:08
- He is a general in the faith. Watch. We'll discover
- 11:13
- God's plan of redemption and restoration for your life. Kenneth Copeland reveals the purpose of a covenant, what it is and how it transforms our life.
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- If you're enjoying Table Talk, be sure to like, comment, subscribe. Remember to click that notification bell to stay up to date on all of our latest posts.
- 11:29
- It's Rachel Anne Brown. I am so honored to be at this table with our special guest. This is someone who meant so much to my dad and he used to tell me all the amazing stories of how our special guest helped him in the early days.
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- And I don't want to talk about it because it'll make me cry, but it just means so much that he invested into you and dad and Daystar Enlarge is fruit of that.
- 11:53
- He has part of all that. Every person that's won to the Lord through Daystar, he has a part in that. Please welcome our dear friend, he's a general in the faith,
- 12:01
- Kenneth Copeland. Thank you, Joni. I appreciate it. So good to have you. Okay. So you heard it. Joni Lamb loves
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- Kenneth Copeland, promoting Kenneth Copeland. Joni's daughter said that Daystar is the fruit of Kenneth Copeland, which
- 12:17
- I agree 100%. You know, Copeland is an arch heretic and Daystar is a heretical network.
- 12:23
- So I agree with her on that. But here's the thing about Copeland. He is that one guy.
- 12:29
- Like if I say that Joel Osteen or someone else is a false teacher, a lot of people are going to agree, but some won't.
- 12:38
- Copeland is that one guy that everybody agrees. Just about everybody agrees he is a heretic.
- 12:46
- Even more of the moderate YouTubers like Mike Winger and people like that, even he'll openly call out people like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland.
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- It's so obvious that everyone has to admit that. Not just the discernment ministries.
- 13:05
- Like everyone recognizes Copeland is an arch heretic. So what are his heresies?
- 13:11
- Well, Copeland has denied the deity of Christ. He teaches that he is a God or the little
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- God's doctrine. There are clips where Copeland, I played this in a previous podcast.
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- He called the spirit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He called his spirit, a little wormy spirit.
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- He said that Jesus died and went to hell to be tortured by the demons, just like Joyce Meyer taught.
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- Kenneth Copeland once said about that burning bush passage where God says,
- 13:43
- I am, he gave his name, I am. The great I am, that's the Lord, capital L -O -R -D.
- 13:50
- Well, Kenneth Copeland once said, and you can watch Justin Peter's video,
- 13:55
- I'll link it in the description. He plays the clip. Kenneth Copeland said, when I read in the
- 14:01
- Bible where God says, I am, I just smile and say, yes, I am too. In other words,
- 14:06
- I am God too. So Justin Peters did a recent video on Joni Lamb, and like I said,
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- I'll link that in the description. But so many heresies from Copeland, I could go all day.
- 14:21
- Copeland has literally claimed that he is equal to God. He came right out and said it.
- 14:27
- But according to Joni Lamb and Daystar, no, no, he's, he's amazing. He is a top general in the faith.
- 14:36
- No, Kenneth Copeland is not a general in the faith. He is a general in Satan's army.
- 14:43
- He is a sinister, false prophet. There is a false prophecy he made about COVID.
- 14:50
- You can see it. He says he's standing in the office of the prophet of God. He made a specific prophecy about COVID.
- 14:56
- It didn't come true. He is a verified false prophet, according to Deuteronomy 18, no question about it.
- 15:03
- And quite frankly, quite frankly, and normally I wouldn't say something like this, but with Kenneth Copeland, you can see it in his eyes.
- 15:12
- You can see it in his eyes. Just one more clip. And I know this is hard to watch, but Kenneth Copeland and some other guy, they're going to cut themselves and drip their blood into the communion cup.
- 15:28
- And we're going to mix our blood with God's blood. And then they drink it. Watch. That's the cutting of the covenant.
- 15:55
- And then I would do the same. Jesus said, take this cup.
- 16:06
- This is my blood of the new covenant. Now we've mixed our blood.
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- Which is his and which is mine. And we could never separate. You can't separate that.
- 16:36
- Yes, sir. Now his blood is in my body. Yes, sir. It's in there.
- 16:41
- His blood is mixed with my blood. Can you see it?
- 16:47
- Who is the big, who's the biggest failure in the Bible? God is.
- 16:54
- Okay. So that's demonic. Now, did Copeland really cut himself? I didn't actually see any blood, but it's still a demonic display.
- 17:04
- Nowhere in the scripture does anyone do this. It goes directly against God's commandment to not consume blood.
- 17:13
- So when Jesus talks about this cup being my blood and the bread, my body, that's symbolic.
- 17:19
- Okay. And then I threw in that clip at the end of Copeland claiming that if you're not convinced that he's a heretic by now, uh,
- 17:28
- Copeland claimed that God is the biggest failure in the Bible.
- 17:33
- And again, I know, I apologize. I know this stuff is hard to watch, but there are so many people out there who watch day star.
- 17:41
- They defend Joseph Prince. They defend Kenneth Copeland. You know, people in the pews are listening to them.
- 17:48
- Pastors are listening to them, defending them. So you need, I need to show you this to prove that these people are heretical, but these are the people that Joanie lamb and day star promote
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- Joseph Prince, Kenneth Copeland, just the worst heretics, the worst false prophets in the church today.
- 18:09
- And they have such a huge platform on day star and TBM. That's why we need to pray that day star would come to an end and that people would just tune out these televangelists, get into a good local
- 18:24
- Bible believing church, read the Bible for yourself, tune all that out and, you know, learn in a good solid church.
- 18:32
- That's what people need to do. So in conclusion, just to wrap this up, I sort of feel like Jude, have you ever read the letter of Jude?
- 18:41
- He's he's like, I, he starts out, I wanted to write to you concerning our common salvation. Like I wanted to write to you about how things are so great and we love
- 18:51
- God and God is so good, but you know, the times require something else. So I sort of feel like that.
- 18:57
- I really wish we lived in a great times of peace and spiritual zeal where multitudes are getting saved and I could just spend 95 % of my time just teaching the basics to new converts.
- 19:11
- I would really love to do that, but that's not the hour that we're living in. We are living in times of spiritual war.
- 19:19
- I mean, that's the reality. People want to stick their head in the sand and be an ostrich Christian and pretend it's not happening, but you're just making things worse.
- 19:29
- Paul said that perilous times will come and they have come. So on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights,
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- I'm preaching the gospel going verse by verse through the scripture, but I also need to spend a fair amount of time, you know, teaching these other things and warning the body of Christ, because as Jude says, we need to earnestly contend for the faith because quite frankly, most people, even most pastors are just not doing that.
- 19:59
- They intentionally won't talk about this stuff and that's where I think, you know, podcasts like mine and there's a thousand other people like me on YouTube and who are not on YouTube but are out there, you know, we're in the minority, but we need to, more of us need to speak up against the heresy, against Daystar, against Kenneth Copeland and show people the clips, tell them what they're teaching so that they will, you know, some of them will be snatched, you know, from the fire.
- 20:31
- Let me close with this verse. I'll end with Jude 22 through 25. He writes, and on some have compassion, making a distinction, but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.
- 20:49
- What's Jude talking about? He's talking about those who are being deceived by false teachers. Make a distinction.
- 20:55
- There are some people who are just being misled a little. There are some people who are, you know, diving headfirst into heresy.
- 21:01
- I mean, we need to go in and grab them. We're going to get a little dirty, you know, pulling them out of the fire.
- 21:07
- We're going to smell like smoke ourselves. Be very careful. This is dangerous stuff, but he tells us to do that, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.
- 21:18
- And then he closes with these encouraging words. I want to end on something positive. He says, now to Him, God, who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our
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- Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.