John 14, Are You in Trouble?


John 14 Are You in Trouble?


John chapter 14 beginning verse 1 hear the word of the Lord. Let not your hearts be troubled
Believe in God Believe also in me and my father's house are many rooms if it were not so Would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself
That where I am you may be also and you know the way to where I am going
Thomas said to him Lord. We do not know where you are going. How can we know the way? Jesus said to him
I Am the way and the truth and the life No one comes to the father except through me
If you had known me, you would have known my father also and from now on You do know me you do know him and have seen him
Philip said to him Lord show us the father and that is enough for us Jesus said to him have
I been with you so long and you still do not know me Philip Whoever has seen me has seen the father.
How can you say show us the father? Do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is in me the words that I say to you?
I do not speak on my own authority, but the father who dwells in me does his works Believe me that I am in the father and the father is in me or else believe on account of the works themselves
Truly truly I say to you Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the father
Whatever you ask in my name This I will do that. The father may be glorified in the
Son if you ask me anything in my name, I will do it If you love me
You will keep my commandments and I will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever
Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him
You know him for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans
I will come to you yet a little while in the world will see me no more Yet you will see me because I live you also will live
In that day, you will know that I am in the father and you in me and I in you
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them He it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him
Judas not Iscariot said to him Lord. How is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world?
Jesus answered him If anyone loves me He will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him
Whoever does not love me does not keep my words and the word that you hear is not mine
But the father's who sent me these things I've spoken to you while I am still with you
But the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you
Peace I leave with you my peace. I give to you not as the world gives do
I give to you? Let not your hearts be troubled neither. Let them be afraid You heard me say to you.
I am going away and I will come to you if you love me You would have rejoiced because I am going to the father for the father is greater than I and now
I Have told you before it takes place. So then when it does take place you may believe
I will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming He has no claim on me, but I do as the father has commanded me so that the world may know
That I love the father Rise, let us go from here May the
Lord at his blessings the reading of his Holy Word. Well, are you in trouble?
You in trouble Noah? Get to do anything for your mother for Mother's Day. I might get you in trouble.
No, he didn't forget he says I guess she doesn't look troubled.
Okay, things look good there You're in trouble. Maybe some other way some difficulty some concern something distressing
Maybe stress at work strife at home Raymond doesn't look troubled at all
He might be troubled later. He keeps it up though. Maybe something agitating you you got a debt troubling you a worry a
Dysfunctional relationship Are you hassled with some problem just hanging over you?
distraught by some heartache And you can be in trouble emotionally in mourning or shock because of some horrific loss
Maybe people meaning well Thinking they're a leaving alleviating the trouble
I'll ask you know, are you? still in grief and your vexed by the word still as If something is wrong with you, you're the trouble if you haven't gotten over it yet.
It's been two months already Yeah, how come you haven't? Gotten over that death of someone close to you.
Don't be troubled by that. They meant well, I guess You can be lonely and in trouble feeling desperate until you find the one
You'll sometimes hear teenagers or young young adults, you know expressing their their trouble emotions Because they've had a breakup or can't find a lasting relationship and you know, they just lament
I must be ugly or I must be fat or something horrible must be wrong with me. They moan because I'm single
That's the way our culture teaches our youth to think Singleness is trouble No, not necessarily
You can be in trouble financially you put too much on the credit cards You can't pay all the debt at the end of the month and the interest rates keep piling up Or maybe your business has too many bills to pay and not enough income
Your student loans are too high and what you studied for to get them Doesn't have many jobs out there to help pay them off That's some trouble
You need trouble legally Someone is suing you or maybe you got charged with something.
You're accused of doing something illegal heading to court Get a lawyer You need an advocate a
Counselor who knows the law in the court system. Don't try to save some money and do it yourself. You'll be in trouble You know
They say a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client or you might have led a trouble -free life
Just totally blessed, you know, you're emotionally stable and healthy relationships just have dropped into your lap out of heaven
Everything has just been perfect. You've stayed out of excessive debt. You can pay your bills. You've managed to never have to come near a court
No one drags you there and you don't have to drag anyone else there. No trouble, but you will be in trouble one day
Even if you're healthy now You'll be in trouble physically You'll get older and weaker
You hope maybe you just hope your dream is you'll just be healthy and vigorous until you've a ripe old age
Fall asleep and never wake up, but aging will bring some trouble Won't it?
Mr. Perry? Yeah, he says so knees will creak Muscles will weaken you'll slow down Hey, but if you've never been in trouble yet, you will be
As the witches of Macbeth chant double double toil in trouble fire burn in cauldron bubble
Trouble had been building up in John here as we've been reading over the last few chapters
Remember Jesus was at Lazarus's tomb says he was troubled then next chapter Greeks came to him chapter 12
And he knew when the Greeks came to him that his hour had come Which means his death was coming soon and he confessed now is my soul
Troubled then in the very next chapter at that the last supper with his 12 disciples
He knows that one of them will betray him. He announces that and it says that Jesus was
Troubled and then this so three chapters in a row Jesus himself is troubled and yet as the second ticked by to that Troubling betrayal he tells his disciples and us
Let not your hearts be troubled Then here in this chapter, he gives us four reasons
Not to be troubled First there's the path Second, there's the person third.
There's the paraclete and fourth. There's the peace First the path
Are you in trouble You're in trouble Raymond Not yet getting close though.
Maybe Don't be though. You have a path out of trouble. Our worst trouble isn't being single or in debt or in court
It's not even a deadly disease or the aging of our bodies Our worst trouble is the anger of God at our sins
We are all sinners both by inheritance and by choice and God is a just judge and so will punish
Every sin sin is an infinite crime against God's infinite holiness and so deserves an infinite punishment
Hell, that's the trouble that every one of us faces That's the worst trouble you could possibly conceive of and it makes all the other troubles seem just tiny by comparison
Like the difference between owing a friend five dollars and owing a bank a million dollars. You know, we're really in trouble
But Jesus can tell us to not let our hearts be troubled because he has taken care of that debt
He's settled the case against us. He's resolved our trouble God has remained just while Jesus has justified us
To him he's given us a path to the father and to himself to be to be right with God, so Believe him he says
The end of your troubles believe in God Jesus says believe also in me He says in his father's house are many rooms father's a mansion
What he compares heaven to is a mansion as many rooms enough for everyone. It's a place for you There the disciples are troubled by Jesus all this talk of Jesus He's been saying about his soon going away if they're not being able to find him
But Jesus is saying he is going away to prepare a place For them a room for them now, he doesn't mean
It's one of the silliest interpretations in the history of interpretation that you know, Jesus is a carpenter
So he's going up there and he's working on our mansions up there You know in heaven to build them which means we're lucky because he's been he's working working on ours 2 ,000 years whereas like those people that died really early like Stephen he they only got a shack because he only had a little bit of Time to work to prepare theirs
You know, so ours is gonna be really big and luxurious all this time. He's been working on it know what he means
Okay, I go to prepare a place means his going is to prepare a place for us
By his going how did he go by his going his death on a cross his resurrection his ascension?
He makes a path So that we can be right with God He deals with our greatest trouble so that we can go to That mansion it belongs to the father
He did that by going If he didn't go away You know if he had taken up these offers that he had
Once at Galilee and once is he coming to Jerusalem? Basically, you'd be the king over an empire
Headquartered in Jerusalem if he had seized the power of this world He could have done it easily and now this is why he didn't do it.
He could have done if he had taken that Power now, he certainly could have built a great kingdom on earth
Right, he would have he would have be the head of an empire that would have destroyed
Rome and overshadowed it in glory But guess what? We'd still be in trouble
He had to go away Through the cross to take away our trouble
So he could tell us here Don't let your hearts be troubled He says don't be troubled because he will come again and he will bring us to that place that he has prepared a
Path for us to get to through his death and resurrection that trouble -free place. He's reconciled us with a father
So we can be with him in eternity if I go away Jesus says and prepare a place for you
If he goes to the cross for you Then you can be free of your troubles and then he says in verse 4
You know the way to where I am going, you know the way You know, and I guess they're thinking
Literally must be a way I must be doing this or that. I think he's going to some place He's going to the Himalayas maybe
Mount Everest and you know No, we don't know the way and so Thomas speaks up now in this chapter I think continuing from chapter in chapter 13 where the disciples speak up first Peter had spoken up But in this chapter three disciples speak up at various times first There's Thomas is here the famous doubting
Thomas Okay, we see something about him because there's a building in the Gospel of John toward what's the conclusion when
Thomas himself? exclaims it at the resurrection when he sees him
And this is showing something about his character Thomas says we don't know What's the way what are you talking about?
We don't know where you're going you don't know the path to get there Now Thomas like Peter at the end of chapter 13 thinks he's talking about some place place on earth
But we know of course he's speaking of that His father's mansion Maybe we call it heaven the place for those who are right with God for those who have had the offense of their sins
Taken care of and now they can be in a good relationship with the father. That's the place and That he's prepares by his going now.
What is the path to get there? How do you get there? by being baptized
Go in church staying moral You know learning the right
Theology even it's just bare -bones. What is it if he had committed a if we had committed a prison deserving crime
We want a good lawyer To get us to get us a way out. Maybe Daniel in a few years to be our attorney
What's what's the way to dealing with this problem? Our problem now is our hell deserving sins
What's a way of dealing with that? Well, Jesus answers that question in verse 6 Which is the 6 in the
Gospel of John the 6 of the 7 I am statements here
I am the way What's the way Jesus? Thomas asked
I am the way that's why he said you you you know the way Because you know me here
I am right here in front of you and Thomas didn't get it the disciples didn't get it I am the way Jesus says and the truth and the life the way out of I'm the way of judgment out of Lies and darkness out of death the power out of that Horrendous trouble that has been hanging over all of us
The way the path is Jesus himself. It's not a set of steps we have to take
You know get your life in order get the right religion do this baptism thing, whatever rules of religion We have to keep
Jesus is the way to the father because his death has made access to the father possible for us sinners
He's the way out of trouble. He is the only path Out of our worst trouble notice that he doesn't say
I'm a way, you know And if you are if you perverted that Buddha thing, there's also that way if no, he didn't say that He says he's not a way a truth at one way of life
He's the only way he says no one comes to the father, but by me, you know for all time
Jesus is the exclusive way to God. There's no other way. He is the truth of God He's the very
Word of God in the flesh. He is the life of God He gave himself that we could have life from him abundant life now
Thomas's question shows that he Really for all the disciples they haven't yet really known who
Jesus is and so Jesus says in verse 7 if you had known me Implied that they hadn't really known him yet You would have known my father also
They've heard him for years now, you know closely intimately But they still don't know him
Maybe they thought he was all about an earthly kingdom. Maybe that's what they he's gonna be the champion of a new dynasty
They were gonna ride his wave to power and to glory in this world, but Jesus says from now on from now on Do this crucifixion resurrection, but when the
Son of Man is lifted up then you will know him the Father and You will have seen him
Jesus is going away is the path for his apostles and us to know and See the father.
Well, are you in trouble? You need to know who the person is
The secret always is they say, you know, what it's not what you know, it's who you know
Do you know the person here? We see that the path is a person
It's not a principle. It's not a theology It's not a morality a religion a set of rituals then the next apostle to speak up as Philip Hey Philip, please in verse 8
Lord Show us the father Now do that for us show us manifest show us the father.
That'll be enough for us. That's all we need What's the way to knowing the father Philip wants to know?
But did he hear it? And we see from chapter 13 where Peter asked, you know, why can't
I go where you're going Jesus to hear Thomas asking his question You know, what's the way we don't know the way now
Philip will show us the father your disciples don't seem to understand They don't know what's going on.
They strike us a little dense don't they? It's almost like they're speaking two languages here, but but people are like that It often takes time to get through to people especially when you're trying to break through their preconceived ideas
There's a lot of people that Today salvation is by grace and they've heard it over and over they know amazing grace
Maybe one of their favorite hymns, but you ask him how they're safe because I keep the Ten Commandments I go to church and I've responded to an invitation.
No, they still don't get it I mean here Maybe they thought the
Messiah was gonna bring in an empire on earth. That's what the idea They were raised with from when they were children That's what they signed up for when they went following Jesus the way to the father is through laws and force and conquest
So what's all this talk about Jesus? He's saying that I am the way if you had known me you would have known my father
You know, you don't get it and Philip asked still not getting it show us the father So Jesus responds in verse 9 have
I been with you so long and you still don't know me Philip Show us the father. I Don't think
I don't think Jesus is frustrated or exasperated or discouraged, but it is troubling To teach people for years and they show and then put them to the test.
So they show they haven't heard anything if it's like Gone off their back like water off a duck's back
Jesus had just said if you had known me you would have known my father You just said it and then
Philip asked Lord show us the father. Did you hear what he just said? Whoever has seen me has seen the father.
How can you say show us the father? in other words if you haven't seen Haven't seen the father.
Jesus is saying if you haven't seen the father in me It's because your eyes aren't opened
You aren't seeing You're seeing Jesus for who he really is You aren't really believing
Do you not believe Jesus asked in verse 10 that I am in the father and the father is in me Don't you believe it
Philip and the way Jesus asked it is like it's something you're supposed to know already It's basic, isn't it?
And Philip was probably gonna nodding his head. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I believe that Yeah He knows that something he's supposed to believe but it hasn't really dawned on him what it what it means
And like we say often today the same thing We were supposed to seek first the kingdom of God the rule of God in our lives
Not the stuff of the world the money the clothes the cars the houses or whatever and we all know that All right, you've all heard that heard it over and over again, but then we get in trouble
We've heard it but then we get in trouble living for the money and the clothes of the cars and the houses and stuff and When it happens we get in trouble because we live that way we wonder what we're wrong
Okay, we skip church. Let's get Bible study. We skip prayer We saw Jesus is less to be valued than what we what we could get by chasing dollars or relationships
And then I you know kids show even less interest in Jesus there they get in trouble And we wonder why we're wrong
Well, we knew sort of we really didn't get it Here Philip probably knew that the father was in Jesus is something he should understand, but still he didn't get it
Show us the father. He asked right after Jesus had said You seen me you seen the father? But he but he didn't know the way
To the father was it Jesus but seeing him? How do you see? The father
Earlier in the gospel of John Jesus said got a spirit. You can't see him. It's not visible
Well, how do you see the father you see him in Jesus pray? Open the eyes of my heart
To look beyond the deceitfulness of riches beyond the things of this world that they would grow strangely dim then especially hear the
Word of God in The middle of verse 10 the words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the father who dwells in me
Does his works Through his words and you see the you see the father
In the words of Jesus listen to him then in verse 11 Believe him that he is in the father and that the father is in him.
They are inseparable They're united in purpose You believe not a principle or a doctrine or a religion or in baptism or but in a person in Jesus himself in him
You find the father so believe believe what he said Believe what he did
If you believe him Jesus says in verse 12 You will also do the works that I do
Now here comes to an interesting passage controversial Often misunderstood misused but Jesus saying that the same works
That Jesus did did Jesus did and the father in him did The father and son and the father did those same works you will do
In other words, if you have faith, you will work with the father and the son to do their works Same as they did right here and John, you know, that's astounding, isn't it?
Doesn't mean that the things that Jesus did weren't just for that day now that he's that now he's
It's not as though now they're done well in the past and we can't expect anything like that to happen anymore in fact
He says here doesn't he say not only will we do his works go on to say it will do greater works greater miracles
Then Jesus did if we do them and notice we do them He says because I go to the father what
Jesus doesn't going to the father Creates the way for us to do greater works than Jesus did
Now, how's that possible? You get some quote that verse and it's a when they claim that they're the ones doing it.
Really Jesus fed 5 ,000 with just a few fish and loaves of bread He healed paralytics and men born blind.
He raised a man who had been dead for four days You know decay had already set in he raised him up Now I don't see any of those works now.
I know there are men out there claim They healing and it's usually ended up something like One leg that was a half of an inch shorter than the other gets now straightened out.
Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not true I'm not that impressed by what a good chiropractor could do.
I Don't see any of those works now Any of the men who claim the gift of healing today could solve the debate whether miracles still happen if they would just do one
Miracle like that, you know go to a football stadium and feed the whole stadium with just a few nachos
And one can of coke and see if that you can do it If they you know, not to mention just greater words, let's see it and then we'll leave but how can be we be promised greater works and that promise that you notice that promise that is not just for a special few just like there's a few gifted miracle workers with you know quaffed hair and Strange mannerisms were on TV and they'll do greater works.
But if he's Jesus says in verse 12, whoever Believes in me Will do the greater works all believers true believers.
They will do the greater works. How is that promise possible? Well think about What Jesus did?
What are the works he did? Especially in the Gospel of John. Okay, we're in John. What did they call what they called signs signs to point to things?
Sure. What are the signs do what was pointing to what were the signs for what was their purpose?
A Phrase that you use over and over in the Gospel of John. It's even in this chapter That you may believe
That was the purpose of the signs What Jesus did was was works whose purpose was to create faith in people
Right, that was the goal to bring faith in people's hearts and faith is a decision based on evidence
It's a commitment of the hearts to make people committed to Jesus Now the leaders here had you know had they already knew the evidence about Jesus, but they didn't have faith they committed to kill him
Now some people did in his day had faith. They saw the miracle says when they saw Lazarus raised they believed in Jesus But if for most of them, it's a kind of a temporary
Amazement they were dazzled by what they saw Because how many of them had a real living faith that would
That would drive them to cling to Christ even to the cross
Maybe one John himself who's writing this The purpose of the works of Jesus the
Son and the Father is to create faith But it will take the Holy Spirit to do that Right, you can do the miracles but without the
Holy Spirit There'll be no faith people are just so depraved you can raise somebody from the dead and they will still conspire to kill you for That that's the way human nature is but when the
Holy Spirit comes then suddenly We the church we can do greater work
We can do the thing that these miracles were always intended to do Which is make people believe
Yeah, they What the miracles were intended to do which create faith but people's hearts when they weren't changed by the
Holy Spirit yet They did not produce faith. They produced conspiracies to kill him But with the
Holy Spirit we can do the greater work. We can do the thing. The miracles were always intended to do by creating faith in people's hearts in other words, we share the gospel and people believe
That's life from spiritual death Which is more of a miracle than calling out a four -day -old corpse from a tomb that's the greater work and We can do that greater work because Jesus has gone to the father
First by doing that he created a path so that people can be right with God He resolved that worst trouble we had of God's anger against us.
And also when he goes to the father, he sends the Holy Spirit Who makes people new give them a new heart so they believe
So and then he goes on to say Jesus says now whatever we asked for in the name of Jesus Was it in the name that doesn't mean like you tag it on the end or whatever you want
You asked for whatever you want and you just tagged the name in the name of Jesus and you magic word You get what you want.
No, he means for his sake for his glory. That's the purpose of your prayer in the name of Jesus asked for anything and And you notice he says that so that the father may be glorified in the
Sun that's your purpose That's what's driving your prayer. The father may be glorified in the
Sun and you know, we're not just asking for our own convenience for the money we want The relationship we want so that we'll get out of trouble get me out of this trouble
Lord in the name of Jesus Makes it all go away If we do it just for that we might not get what we want
But if it's so that the father and the son would be glorified Truly then in the name of Jesus, then he will give it
So we ask him anything in his name For his will to be done for him to be better thought of So him be glorified and he'll do it
He promises That's good to know if you're in trouble, isn't it?
Well, are you in trouble? You need a comforter don't you a counselor an advocate
The paraclete now paraclete is a Greek word here translated in the ESV as helper
He says in Jesus says in verse 17 He calls the paraclete the helper the spirit of truth
He's the Holy Spirit And he Jesus says he's going away through the cross and when he does
He will send in his place the Holy Spirit to be with his people His people he says love him in verse 15.
And if you love me Notice it begins with love There if you love first love if you love me, it doesn't begin with do
It's not You're gonna keep back commandments Then you'll find that they're good and then yeah, maybe you'll love you'll love me for them after you've kept them
It's not get baptized go to church read your Bible make yourself do even if you don't really want to You know like a food that really tastes bad at first, but you'll get you'll get a taste for it
No it begins with love Love Jesus he says find him to be the greatest treasure the most valuable thing in your life
So you don't have to be badgered into reading his word or attending sermons or Sunday school because you want to get to know him
You you don't have to be scolded into giving or serving because you love him and You want to spread that love to others?
If you love him though You know people in our culture say they love to talk about love love to claim they are loving but it you know
Often have any impact on their life if you love him, you know, though Jesus says you will keep his commandments
He'll do what he says and that strikes people today is wrong, doesn't it? That seems odd I mean, this is the putting those words those ideas together.
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. Whoa in our day That's just clashes seems like You don't mix love and commands were told
Does that really work in our relationships our other relationships? We think that works with God It didn't really work on our other relationships, doesn't it?
You don't think they have your spouse. Do you I love him or her so He or she can
Have an affair. I don't care abuse me. I don't care. It doesn't matter love
Let's him do whatever they want to do We don't no one thinks that way about their relations other relationships
But still even among Christians were told it's not about rules. This is what a slogan modern Christians just love It's not about rules, but a relationship as though you can't have both now sure
It begins with a relationship with love that Jesus said, but he's the Lord of this relationship
Don't forget that don't forget who you're in relationship with. Okay, he's not you're just best bud
You're just hanging out playing video games and watching TV You know He's the Lord and he gives us some rules if we love him
We live by them. He says oh But we're not under law but under grace people say today
Meaning they often you're implying by that and we really don't have to do anything You know the grace means he loves us and we love him back
But we we don't really have to do anything He says if we don't want to doesn't matter how we live just as long as we say we believe they say
No, Jesus says if we love him we want to keep his commandments
Commit his orders. We do what he says We may not do it perfectly. We may fail from time to time, but we want to do them if we love him
If we have no desire to do what he says the problem Is our lack of love?
But he then Jesus says he's gonna ask the father to give us another helper Another the word another there means another like him
Like having Jesus personally with us Today except he is with us this hell other helper with us forever
And he's in a spiritually helping us to live as Jesus commands so that now we have help
To live God's way not just kind of advice on how to do it. We have actually help power to live God's way
We are what Paul calls in Romans chapter 8 walking in the spirit Now The world he says literally cannot the word there's cannot it does not have the power of the ability
To receive the spirit so it can't live according to Jesus commands now It may try to it may say they esteem
Jesus's ideals his values, but it will fail It can't receive the spirit.
Jesus has because he's explaining it This is the reason why the world can't it doesn't see him.
Does it see the spirit? It thinks people believe because of whatever reason because of their free will or because they were born into a
Christian family They just inherited that's the reason why for social or psychological reasons It always that's the reason why it can't see that there's our spiritual reasons spiritual causes that there's a
Holy Spirit Inspiring faith doesn't know there's a Holy Spirit But Jesus says you you disciples us we believers we know him
We know the spirit at the end of verse 17 and notice this at the end of verse 17 We know him what he's talking to his disciples at this time
He says, you know the spirit for because this is the reason the disciples know with the
Holy Spirit. He dwells He's living now present tense at this time
With you or among you in your midst like he's like it would be seated here in this congregation but in the future he dwells now with you you disciples and he will be
Future tense. This is what is going to happen soon soon after Jesus goes away
He will be the Holy Spirit will be in you He'll be dwelling in your heart.
We can do the works of the Father and the Son Because we have the Holy Spirit So with the
Holy Spirit, we're not left alone. Jesus says I will not leave you as orphans Jesus promises in verse 18.
In other words, we're not just this is not just a all about remembering someone that's
Dead and gone. We try to value his advice. We're just like a fan club of some deceased religious leader
No, he hasn't left us He will come to us in the person of the
Holy Spirit Who is the one who creates faith in us? Creates that love in us so that we love
Jesus and we want to keep his commands and he says in a little while Which is here just a few hours
This is still the Sun has set. It's dark. This is this is the day Jesus was crucified to verse 18
The world will see Jesus no more Now the disciples saw him literally some a few times after the resurrection
He appeared to them But he the main point is he sent the Holy Spirit Jesus sent the Holy Spirit for us so that we could live like him
We can have him with us. We can hear his voice in his word What's called the illumination of the scripture?
So the Holy Spirit makes it alive So it's not just words on a page like you're reading something from Shakespeare something
It's from it becomes something the voice of Jesus himself to us or transformed by that We see him at work in our lives because he lives in verse 19.
We also have Resurrection life we have the spirit and we live new lives
Because of that and he says in that day in verse 20, that's our day
That's now for us When Jesus has made a path we believe in the person we have the paraclete in this day
We know that Jesus is in the father. He's united with him. You know, he's seated with him
He's there that that we know God by knowing Jesus and by the Holy Spirit in us.
We have Christ in us He's the one who makes it possible for us to love
Jesus and keep his commands Now a lot of people today, especially in this culture may claim they love
Jesus Take a few snatches of his words here and there say I love that and say that's
Jesus I saw someone online just this past week arguing that Jesus celebrates homosexual behavior And then if you really love
Jesus, you will not repeat those Command condemnations of homosexual acts in the Bible.
You'll just love all that But we know that people who really love
Jesus. We know people who really love Jesus by whether they keep Jesus's commands and those include by the way, the commands of the
Apostles who speak for him There's no real separation there. He sent the Apostles to speak on his behalf saw that in the last chapter remember
Okay, if we don't keep Jesus's commands the first problem isn't though our lack of obedience It's not it's not as though we need to tell them you need to just obey
It's our lack of love if we love him will be loved by the father and he promises in verse 21 that he'll love us and He'll manifest or demonstrate
He'll show himself to us Well now another disciple speaks up Remember, there's three disciples in this chapter
Judas not a scare yet. He's gone off. There's no there's another one called Judas Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world?
Now get into the assumptions of this question. Now what he's thinking is he's what he's
He's confused. He's thinking Jesus. You're a man We can see you
Everyone can see you So anything that you demonstrate to us demonstrate means to show to make it obvious to make it plain out of the open
Anything you do like that other people will see to the people out there in the world. You do it for us You do it for them
That's what he's assuming. So how is it possible then to manifest yourself to us and not to the world?
He still doesn't get how Jesus will manifest or show himself to us it's through the
Spirit You know someone that's had For yourself or maybe you've known people
Maybe your own experience Jesus has demonstrated himself to you and it seems so obvious.
It's so so so played He's the way the truth in the life. He's the Lord. He's the Savior He's the greatest treasure and you can't understand why other people can't see it.
It's so obvious Because he's demonstrated himself to you but not
Not to the world That still goes on today all the time So Jesus repeats in verse 23, if anyone loves me, he will notice it.
Definitely. He will keep my word I don't mean perfectly sure but he's gonna he's gonna try even more and more now those who are living in disobedience to Jesus You know, they think they could just flout his word and claim their their believers.
Well, they're in trouble. They're in deep trouble They may think they're just carnal Christians Whatever the excuse they make for their life who have they think they've taken advantage of Jesus's fire insurance and gotten out of hell
But they're gonna opted out of the lordship part. Let's leave that alone They can do that and Jesus says here.
No, your problem is you don't really love me at all Notice in verse 24 if you don't keep his word, it's because you don't love him
Their solution then isn't just to be told you need to buckle down and get to work start obeying
No, you need a new heart You need a heart that really loves Jesus. It wants to hear him.
It wants to obey him We understand if you fail from time to that we all do but if you don't even want to you're just living in complete
Contradiction to him you won't take you won't repent when yet's pointed out Your problem is a lack of love
And if you do that notice of verse 23, but if you do hear him and you do obey him first 23
Jesus says we the father and the son will come to him or her to you and we'll make our home
Notice that our home. It's the same word. We saw back in verse 2 Very unusual word only occurs twice in the entire
Bible in this both times in this chapter We'll make our home our room there. It's in verse 2 is it was it was that room?
We have in the father's house in his father's mansion here verse 23 We the father and the son the person who loves him keeps his commands.
We will come and make our room with him We the father and son will dwell with him the believer the lover of Jesus by the
Holy Spirit Who will be in you? So Jesus shows that he's speaking.
He's been speaking about the Holy Spirit this whole time in verses 25 and 26 He says these things I have spoken otherwise all this
I've said about loving and keeping my commands and me and the father with you is because the helper a
Glen there's that Unusual Greek word the paraclete the comforter the advocate he and he makes it clear
He was talking about here the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name
He will be in you and he'll he'll be making his home in you He will make it possible for me and the father to be in you
He's the one who will live in you and through him. You'll know who the father and the son and he says he will teach you all things
He is our teacher Human teaching even a very entertaining or interesting or impressive is ineffective it really revealing
Jesus without him and Human teaching if sometimes it's not so entertaining can be effective if the
Holy Spirit will attend to it and open people's eyes He brings to our minds Anything that Jesus taught
The Word of God he equips us to remember Jesus when we're tempted
When we're in trouble, well, are you in trouble? Maybe you are financially or personally legally physically
But you don't have to be Spiritually, he's shown you the path. It's not religion or morality.
It's a person Jesus himself But you know, he's gone away you might think how does he help him how is he a path for me?
How does he help me now? He's had but he says he hasn't left us as orphans He's left us the paraclete another helper.
There's a lot like Jesus himself Except he can live in our hearts in us forever So that that fact finally gives us the last point peace
That's why we can obey that command at the beginning remember don't let your hearts be troubled He's sending the
Spirit and he's leaving us peace and it's a special kind of peace.
He calls it my peace Isn't in verse 27 my peace
It's not like the world's peace the world at this time had the Pax Romana. They call it in Latin That means the
Roman peace in absence of war no conflicts No wars within the Empire at least because the
Roman legions would crush any rebellion We're not gonna have any wars because we're gonna destroy you if you start one, okay, that brings a kind of peace
I guess Today people want an absence of conflict Even sometimes though if you'd allow tyrants to rule
They'll at least there's no conflict or even in the church false doctrine will be allowed to flourish
As long as there's no conflict about it, you know, people won't argue about it
Even if it's well, they think that is peace But Jesus gives us a real peace first because he's taking care of our worst conflict
Which is the anger of God against us for our sins? He's given us the path that to peace and then he sent the
Holy Spirit to change our hearts so that through him The God we used to be at war against we used to have a conflict against We were rebelling against his word
Now we love him We want to keep his word Now we're at peace with the one we used to hate.
Well, are you in trouble? You don't have to be Here Jesus assures troubled disciples that if only they knew what his going away would mean for them
Remember, they're troubled by this talk of him going away And he says if you if you only knew what it meant
You would rejoice It seems odd doesn't rejoice in Jesus leaving them
But his going away provides them peace with God and he sends another
Who's like him? What are you in trouble Don't be because The one like Jesus the
Holy Spirit lives in us empowering us to keep his teaching that we've heard We have these words so that we would believe believe that we're not left alone
Like orphans. We're not We have these words So with that when the ruler of this world comes against us and sure he has some something on us
He would if not for Jesus it Jesus said he has nothing on me. There's no claim on me
He could have a claim on us if we weren't covered by the blood of Jesus He's we have these words that when he comes against us tempting us pressuring us squeezing us troubling us
That we too Would do as the father has commanded us that That we would be untroubled
We would be at peace. We have these words so that we won't think that just because Jesus is it with us physically?
That we're left alone left to thin for ourselves That were somehow this is all about just remembering an historical figure
Remembering his words remembering what he was like, like like I like George Washington. It's a fan club for Jesus He's gone past.
No, that's not it. We have a person a living person
To comfort us and to encourage us to help us We have
Jesus to believe in and to love we have the Holy Spirit who is like him and through whom we know and Love Jesus and the
Father We have peace So that when we're in trouble When the ruler of this world targets us
We have more than just knowledge You know, we have more than just a past role model to follow
We have the father making rooms for us in his house We have the son the path to the father to the truth and to the life and we have the
Holy Spirit Making his room his dwelling in us.