Wednesday, March 31, 2021 PM


Michael Dirrim Pastor of Sunnyside Baptist Church in Oklahoma City Oklahoma Wednesday Night, March 31, 2021 PM


through all eight to through 39 now it happened on a certain day that he got into a boat with his disciples and he said to them let us cross over to the other side of the lake and they launched out but as they sailed he fell asleep and a windstorm came down on the lake and they were filling with water and were in jeopardy and they came to him and awoke him saying master master we are then he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they ceased and there was a calm but he said to them where is your faith and they were afraid and marveled saying to one another who can this be for he commands even the winds and water and they obey him then they sailed to the country of the gatherings which is opposite and from the city who had demons for a long time and he wore no clothes nor did he live in a house but in the tombs when he saw
Jesus he cried out fell down before him with a loud voice said what have
I to do with you Jesus son of the Most High God I beg you do not torment me for he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man forehead often seized him and he was quick he was kept under guard bound with chains and shackles and he broke the bonds and was driven by the demons into the wilderness
Jesus asked him saying what is your name and he said legion because many demons had entered him and they begged him that he would not command them to go out into the abyss now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain so they begged him that he would permit them to enter them and he permitted them then the demons went out of the man and into the swine and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned when those who fed them saw what had happened they fled and told it in the city and in the country then they went out to see what had happened and came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had departed sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid they also who had seen it told them by what means he had been demon possessed was healed then the whole multitude of the surrounding region of the gatherings asked him to depart from them for they were seized with great fear and he got into the boat and returned now the man from whom the demons had departed begged him that he might be with him but Jesus sent him away saying return to your own house and tell what great things
God has done for you and he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things
Jesus had done for him so two stories that deserve a lot of attention they are famous stories for anybody that has grown up in the church where Jesus calms the storm with simply a word and saves his disciples who were desperately afraid the image of Jesus sleeping on the boat during the storm a shocking image and the disciples wake up wake up we're done we're drowning don't you care orders the wind and the waves to cut it out and they do instantly and there was complete calm now the next story following it the story of Legion where Jesus heals this most demon -possessed man recorded in history and does so in a way that gets everyone's attention as we think about this
I think it's helpful to recall what is going on around these two stories in chapters 8 through 10 and the gospel of Luke Jesus is modeling for his disciples the the preaching of the kingdom the good news of the kingdom he keeps on saying he preaches the the gospel of the kingdom the glad tidings of the kingdom and he shows his disciples how to do that and then he sends them out two by two all twelve of them and then he sends out 70 of them two by two and we see that Jesus is making disciples and then his disciples are essentially making disciples and he's setting up that model long before we get to the
Great Commission about making disciples of all the nations but everything is centered on the authoritative word that Jesus preaches as he brings the reality of the scriptures the
Old Testament scriptures and shows how they're being fulfilled in his person and work and there are a lot of different responses to his preaching his hometown
Nazareth as hometown folks in Nazareth tried to throw him off a cliff many of the people in Capernaum couldn't get enough of him wanted to follow him everywhere he went why such different responses and so Jesus tells a series of three parables one very robust and then two very quickly that we looked at last time
I last couple of times where Jesus it tells the story of the sower who sows the seed and the seed of course is the
Word of God that's what Jesus says it's the preaching of the word and that seed does exactly what it does and it exposes what kind of soil it lands on what happens to the seed whatever happens to the seed shows what kind of soul does it make no penetration at all hard soil hard heart does it does it spring up just a little bit and then go away well shallow soil or a heart that is very shallow in the kind of professing belief a fleshly belief not a not a true gracious belief and the thorns and the thorns choke the life out of it concerns of the world the the heart full of idolatry squelches the message of the gospel but then on a heart that is good soil there is fruit hundredfold
Jesus says then it tells the story about the lights in the house where do you put it and it exposes everything that's in the and then tells a quick parable about what family really is those identified as the family of Jesus are those who receive the
Word of God and then live it out so the Word of God believed and followed following these two stories about the wind and the way that's man
Legion following the story we're gonna see Jesus heal a woman and raise a dead girl to life and he does and and the words faith power and and the things that Jesus says his word are all central in those two stories so what we see what do we see here in these two stories keeping in mind the theme of the kingdom
Jesus has I've got good news about the kingdom of God he's preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom nature of what he's preaching his word and then we come to these two stories what does
Jesus do about the wind and the waves calms him how he speaks a word now he's already said it matters matters a great deal matters in the most important way how everybody responds to his word and we see that the wind and waves obey his word what else obeys his word demons even a legion of demons respond to his word the wind and waves obey his word the demons obey his word what about you right
I mean Jesus has just said here the sower goes out to sow it's the Word of God and in the
Word of God lands and then exposes what kind of hearts there are well we've got wind and waves and demons obeying
God at Christ's Word well what about those who hear his word what are they going to obey are they going to respond remarkable what kind of connections do we see between the far shorter story about the wind and the waves and the more robust story about legion what kind of connections do we see between these two stories how do they complement one another what things seem to be the same beyond what we've said about Jesus taking care of it with his word what else is there yes both both things that Jesus confronted were chaos weren't they like a legion his life was a storm right so very similar yes 12 ,000 yeah almost 13 ,000 right so a lot of power involved but Jesus simply confronts the chaos with a word and notice the calm that occurs after Jesus tells the wind and waves to cut it out there was a calm ever see a ever see a great body of water still as glass mirror finish still as glass that's what
Jesus did to the Sea of Galilee Sea of Galilee at the base of cliffs in the middle of a tumultuous weather system the
Sea of Galilee is like Oklahoma the wind the weather could change just like that it was very it's very famous for having storms come up very quickly and Jesus just simply shuts the whole thing down and we have legion sitting in his right mind and clothed as calm as that sea was
I think Luke of course this is how it happened one after the other the other
Gospels record the same order of events but Luke is enthralled with the fact that these things happened one after another and notice how he says on a certain day and then he speaks of a certain man he's telling us these stories are related on a certain day they got into the boat and then they met a certain man and then again confronted with the storm and then with Legion now the disciples what could they do about the storm nothing and what could the gatherings do about Legion nothing human inability human inability is emphasized here they could do nothing about it and then we have interesting two different very different people pleading with Jesus we had the disciples pleading with Jesus and then we have the demons pleading with Jesus why he's the one with all the authority who else can do anything about this and then we have did you notice the disciples were afraid after Jesus calmed the storm they were afraid after I dare say their fear afterwards was greater than it was prior and so also the gatherings they were afraid of Legion but seeing and hearing seeing
Legion clothed in his right mind and then hearing that the manner in which he was healed was simply that this man
Jesus just took care of it with his words they were more afraid of Jesus than they ever were of Legion right so you see you see the parallel there as well now this is all very interesting but it's most instructive when we recognize that the two stories are connected so that the question the most important question from the disciples in the first story is answered in the second story the disciples ask a very important question who can this be well it's answered in the second story when you go to the very end let's look at that last verse how
Jesus speaks to the healed man and how does Jesus instruct him of course of course
Legion wants to go with him whatever his new name was of course he wants to go with Jesus who wouldn't but Jesus tells him to stay return to your own house and tell what great things
God has done for you and he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him do you see the answer so who is who can this be who can
Jesus be he is God Jesus tells him go tell everybody what great things
God has done for you and then he goes out and says to everybody what great things
Jesus has done for him well what does that make Jesus ah
Jesus is God well who else could he be when he tells the wind and waves what to do and doesn't break a sweat pushing around a legion of demons so that's what that's the main emphasis of these two stories that are that are placed together what can we say about Jesus beyond recognizing that indeed he is he is the son of the
Most High God as the demons rightly recognized and trembled as James the demons believe and tremble that correct
James so they know who Jesus is and then they tremble because they're afraid of his power and authority now so what can we say about Jesus well he's the master of creation doesn't matter what created forces he encounters he has complete control over them as a matter of who they are as a matter of its wind and waves or demons and pigs it's all his to do with as he sees fit so indeed yes
Jesus is God and we see that the disciples fear him and the gatherings fear him the demons fear him
Legion himself feared him so we see that Jesus is worthy of fear he's worthy of reverence he he should be feared as God is feared because as we've noted the main point is that Jesus is
God now Jesus has been going forth and proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom of God we read that in verse 1 of chapter 8 so everything so this is kind of the general heading he's going forth and showing and declaring the glad tidings good news the kingdom of God now it's
God's kingdom and Jesus is king and he's God well this this is very obvious right this is not hidden code
Jesus is in charge he has all the authority what he says goes and he's God and he's got good news and so what do we see we see the disciples in peril in danger the storm is going to sink them but Jesus fixes it well here's some good news about the kingdom that Jesus that rules and reigns in and and brings to a fullness he's he is in control of all of creation and as much as he wants to in it to whatever degree he wants to he can back that curse up shut her down all right that's his prerogative he can make he can make all things new can't he also you know the enemy is a fearsome thing we we look and we see the under this this man
Legion all the different things that he's unclean spirits did and so on but they're no match for Christ no match for Jesus Christ he has complete and total victory over the enemy doesn't he right he is he has no trouble there there are they are already defeated he simply steps upon the shore and commands leap the demons to come out of that man and and they're completely defeated it wasn't even a contest you know they're just looking for a little bit a little bit of relief you know just a drop of drop of water on the tongue of somebody in the fires
I mean they're already in torment because of Christ's presence in confronting them so when we see all of that and then
Jesus tells the healed man so you know what you need to do is go tell everybody great things that God has done for you what is
Jesus doing there well he start off the chapter he's proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom and he tells this man you do that too and he's gearing up his disciples beginning chapter 9 you go do that too and then there's the 70 you go do that to go out and declare the great things that God has done in Jesus Christ as the good news glad tidings of the kingdom so we see that Jesus Christ the
Son of God he reveals his power and authority in controlling the weather and the demons his kingdom knows no bounds it's not like his kingdom has a little slice that he can be king over but he's in control of everything and that's good news that's good news what do we see here in these two stories
I think is this that the revealed authority of Christ demands a response the revealed authority of Christ demands a response the disciples respond by saying who can this be like I have that you know
I'm confronted with the revealed authority of Christ I've got to figure out who this is I have to understand who this is and they are they're full of reverence and fear and awe the gatherings are confronted with the power the authority of Christ and now what do we do this guy just defeated him defeated legion and sent all of our pigs into the
Sea of Galilee it demands a response and their response was what please leave and it wasn't so much you know you know stomping their pitchfork on the grounds and you better get it was like please please please leave their pleading was very much like the demons please stop tormenting us don't stay here we can't stand we wouldn't be able to stand it if you stayed this is just too fearful for us and of course we have the healed man's response he's like his first response is
I want to be with you I want to go with you wherever you go which is a great response and and Jesus says now here's how here's how you can serve me here's what you do but the revealed authority of Christ demands a response there is no real neutral ground here right it wasn't it's it's either or you're either for Christ or you're against him you either want to be with Christ or you want
Christ to leave you so we see that the revealed authority of Christ demands a response and it's not neutrality nobody can be a neutral about Jesus so how does this text matter to our lives well look at this question
Jesus asks the disciples right after he calmed the storm he said to them where is your faith now that's a that's a thought -provoking question because you can take it in two different ways where is your faith meaning where did it all go do you spring a leak what where did it all go especially this is a poignant because all the things
Jesus has already done all the amazing things all the powerful things the healings the declaration of forgiveness that he gave over and over again everything they've heard him teach and preach where'd their faith go the storm comes up and they're done you're right so that's a that's a effective question but here is another way to take that question it's related where is your faith meaning where are you locating your faith where are you locating your faith you know and this is important because they themselves are saying who can this be right their faith been in a powerful teacher who was able to do in regards to his fresh teaching and they were trusting in him to to be this idea that they had a maybe even
Messiah but when it came to you know the created order and him just having full authority there that really shook them up and so where is their faith where is their faith is their faith really in Jesus the
Christ the Son of the Living God or not and so what does locating our faith in Christ look like well one thing it certainly looks like is reverent submission reverent submission somebody you know where is their faith somebody can't have faith in Jesus and be flippant about Christ right because then who are they really believing in and what idea of Jesus have they concocted to believe in when the disciples were shown who
Jesus really was and his authority then they responded in reverent submission notice that also with Legion and the chaos in his life and the problems and that have been caused by the enemy and so on when was he in his right mind where do we when he's finally in his right mind where do we find him he's sitting at the feet of Jesus this is an expression of submission is it not we find
Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus you know listening to what he has to say here's the healed man he's sitting at the feet of Jesus listening what you know this is very true that we're in our we're most yeah we're most in our right mind when we're sitting at the feet of Jesus letting him tell us how things are and what these things mean submitted to his authority and to his truth that's when we're in our right mind was we sit at the feet of Jesus now notice also that Jesus tells this man to go go to the back to his house and tell what great things
God has done for you and he told the whole city not just his own household but he told the whole him city was filled with people who just did what they had just said what about Jesus we don't want you here we don't want you here we don't even we don't want have anything to do with you
Jesus and in this man went to that same audience to talk to them about Jesus so what does that tell us well we should declare even to hostile hearers what good
Christ has done for us what good God has done for us the glad tidings of the kingdom or even for those who hate the kingdom we're not just to give glad tidings to people who would really like to hear it but we're to talk to those who have vocally made it obvious they don't want anything to do with it tell them anyway don't don't suppress the good things
God has done for you share that so this is a wonderful combination of two stories we see their connection and we see their point any questions or thoughts as we close our
Bible study tonight and it's humbling and every time we see
God show up in the Bible people tend to fall down like dead men fix somebody oh yes so the the we're obviously when you go across gap opposite Galilee you go into a region called
Decapolis a region of ten cities and Galilee of course had its mix of Gentiles and Jews and Jews who had been
Hellenized accustomed to the cultures of the Greek life were more at home in Galilee than they were in Judea and Jerusalem but when you cross the sea to Decapolis you have a lot of Gentiles living over there so the the swine are being kept by people who are definitely not
Jews right you it's like that is not there that was not their thing and so when we we did when we hear that Jesus has crossed the
Sea of Galilee and he's dealing with those who are raising swine first of all we're to think ah he is he is preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom to the
Gentiles okay that's that's one thing that we find out the the other side of it is
I think there's there's there's I think a good connection between Jesus and I was in the text casting out the demons from legion and removing the the swine from the gatherings both those things happen simultaneously so so what's the point well again pig the swine is just a this the poster animal for uncleanness okay if you if a
Jew was hunting around for a metaphor for an unclean animal he'd go with a swine okay and so the story the the the miracle
Jesus is which is what
I will remove all uncleanness which is considered unclean this is this is good news of the kingdom later on Jesus would have to get real direct with Peter that he should not call unclean what he has determined to be clean all right when
Peter didn't want to go to Cornelius house and and so on and so forth well this is an early signal this is an early signal of Jesus saying
I have come from the