F4F | Sid Roth's Supernatural Scam Products


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You unlocked this door with the key of frustration. Beyond it is our current world, a world of heretics, a world of fake miracles, a world of lies.
You're moving into a land of both shady dealings and falsehoods. You've just crossed over into the
Delusion Zone. Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever watched an episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and either pulled out your wallet, called the number and bought something or were tempted to, go ahead and hit the subscribe button.
You've been deceived. What we're going to do on this installment of Fighting for the Faith is we're going to look at how
Sid Roth's television program, literally from beginning to end, is designed to do one thing.
And that's not regale you with stories of the supernatural. Nope. Each episode is designed to get you to purchase so -called supernatural products, and we'll look at some of the product claims that go along with these things.
And note, there's no way to verify any of these product claims, because what they're selling and the claims that go along with them, it's just nonsensical.
But each and every episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural is supposed to make you believe that the whole narrative behind this really nice -looking and kind old man's television program is that he's just on a quest to discover and find out whether or not the supernatural is true.
And he wants to help you discover that the supernatural is true also. No. Each and every episode is a scam.
Each and every episode is designed to do one thing, that's move product.
And we'll demonstrate this using three examples. We'll begin, let me go ahead and whirl this up, we'll begin by looking at the episode regarding Hakeem and Naeem Collins' book on how to destroy breakthrough blockages.
And we'll note, we're going to start at the beginning of this episode, watch the set -up, and then we'll go right to the product commercial so that you can see what's really going on.
Sid Roth here, welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.
Most of the prophetic people I know are saying we are coming into a season of breakthrough.
Grab your prophecy bingo card. Yeah, season of breakthrough. Yeah, those are prophecy bingo words.
And I agree with them. But my guests have found there are blockages to breakthrough and they're so simple, but this generation doesn't understand them.
He wants to teach them to you. So why? So you'll have a breakthrough.
Woohoo! So everybody's got their appetite whetted here.
And oh man, are you experiencing blockages in your breakthroughs? Talk about a vague concept.
What does that mean? Well, I mean, blockage to a breakthrough could just mean about anything. Whatever you're struggling with in your life, you clearly have a blockage in your breakthrough, and you need a breakthrough.
And so he basically said that these people that he's going to be interviewing, that they've discovered that there are breakthrough blockages, which of course, he just begs the question, if breakthrough blockages are an actual legitimate biblical thing, then why couldn't
I go to 2 Corinthians 19 and have the
Apostle Paul explain to us about breakthrough blockages and the steps necessary to unbreak the blockages so that we can experience breakthroughs?
You see, in order for a doctrine to actually be biblical, it needs to actually be clearly taught in Scripture.
That's how that works. So here we've got the setup for the program is all about, they're going to teach you how to employ these steps to break blockages so that you can have breakthroughs.
But they never really get around to that. Instead, they have a discussion about what they've learned and their experiences, of course.
But of course, if you want to learn how to break blockages, then you're going to need to pull out your wallet and send
Sid Roth some money. So here's the commercial, the infomercial part of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural from this episode,
How to Destroy Breakthrough Blockages. Here we go. Call now and get Hakeem Collins' brand new book and Hakeem and Naeem's anointed three -part audio
CD teaching set, Prophetic Breakthrough, exclusive for our It's Supernatural audience. Learn how to declare decrees that will break curses and release
God's blessings. Yours, Naeem. So how can you verify these product claims?
Yeah, when I don't know of any biblical text that teaches this doctrine about you know, decreeing declares and things like that.
Declaring decrees that break blockages. I'm not familiar with any biblical text that says that, but I can only find these powerfully anointed declarations if I purchase this product.
For a donation of $35, shipping and handling is included. That's $35 for this.
Wow. Yeah. Well, I mean, it probably pays for itself after all of your blockages are broken so that you can experience your breakthroughs.
For offer number 9510, through Hakeem Collins' brand new book, you will understand that sickness, guilt, and shame are all obstacles to God's glorious purpose for your life.
If that's the truth, then which biblical text says that? How to fight for your abundance by speaking truth against the enemy's lies.
Find out how to break curses and begin to release blessings. Discover invisible barriers and restrictions.
Just a bit further. Begin to decree what.
Discover invisible barriers and whatever. Yeah. Again, I mean, where are the product safety people who can test the claims of these products here?
Yours. Hakeem has included prophetic breakthrough decrees and declarations for you to read aloud with authority that will break demonic curses and release heaven's answers of breakthrough for you.
Also included is Hakeem and Naeem's anointed three -part audio CD teaching series. Through what
Hakeem teaches in his lesson, Breaking the Power of Curses, you will learn what curses are and where they come from.
Recognize the signs of curses operating in your life. Identify the origins of curses that war against your prophetic destiny.
Learn how to remove and break war against your prophetic destiny. Did Jeremiah have to decree these things in order to break the demonic curses that were allied against his prophetic destiny?
I don't recall that ever happening. Bloodline curses in Hakeem and Naeem's lesson, Removing Ungodly Soul Ties.
You will. Yeah. By the way, we have covered soul ties here at Fighting for the Faith. Look at our
YouTube channel in the search bar and our channel and type in soul ties. We've covered that topic before.
Soul ties are. Learn how soul ties are formed. Understand the origin of soul ties and soul agreements.
Find out five steps to breaking and. Oh no, there's not only soul ties, there's soul agreements. Who knew? It's not in the
Bible. Moving on godly soul ties. In the final message, keys to breaking spiritual limitations.
You will learn how to partner with heaven to get results. Receive keys to. Partner with heaven to get results.
Okay, if I needed to partner with heaven in order to get results, don't you think that would be something like critical that I could just find in the
Bible if I read it? King spiritual stagnation and restrictions for success. Possess supernatural faith required to make the impossible possible.
Identify faith barriers and blockages to receive your breakthrough. Learn how to wage war over your prophecy and prophetic promise.
Don't miss out on getting Hakeem. Don't miss. Don't miss out, man. It's only 35 bucks. Your prophetic density requires that you decree now by sending $35 to Sid Roth.
Brand new book and Hakeem and Naeem's anointed three -part audio CD teaching set. Prophetic Breakthrough, exclusive for our
It's Supernatural! audience. Learn how to declare decrees that will break curses and release God's blessings.
Yours for a donation of $35. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 95.
Yeah, so there you go. I mean, do you believe in magic beans too?
I mean, I could sell you some magic beans for 35 bucks. I can't promise they'll do anything, but it just depends on whether or not you activate the beans with your faith and things and stuff.
I think you kind of get the point, but that's literally what his program is about. The whole program is designed to be a scam.
Every single episode is selling you something. Let's take a look at another example.
This is his interview with Clarice Fluitt, how to manifest all of God's promises in your life.
Here's the setup for the program. Hello, Sid Roth here.
Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest says the kingdom of God is voice activated.
She also says the kingdom of darkness is voice activated.
Notice she says not the Bible. She says. She also says that she can teach you how to manifest the promises from God's word every time.
You interested? Yeah, see, there it is. He's wetting their appetites. Are you interested in activating this thingy so that you can get the promises of God every single time?
Does it seem like you're just not having a good return ratio on your declarations and activations as far as results in your life?
Well, Clarice Fluitt, she gets everything. Anytime she asks, she always gets it 100 % of the time.
Would you like to learn? Now, they're not going to explain what you do in the episode. No. If you want to learn how to do that, at least the thing that he led the program off with, that's going to require you to send some money.
Here's another example. Call now and get Clarice Fluitt's revelatory brand new book,
Experiencing the Power of God's Word, and her two -part audio CD teaching, Activating the
Word of God, exclusive for our It's Supernatural! audience. Plus, receive this bonus book by Patricia King, 31 decrees of—
Bonus book by Patricia King. Yeah, you need something to line your birdcage with.
There you go. It's a little expensive as far as birdcage liner, but that's about all it's good for.
Blessings for your life. Yours for a donation of $39. Shipping and handling is— $39 now for the activation of the
Word of God and experiencing the power of God. The whole program is designed to move product.
And note here that Clarice Fluitt's two -CD set, that was put together by Sid Roth's people.
Uh -huh. It's an exclusive offer only for the Sid Roth program audience.
Ask for offer number 9517. Through Clarice Fluitt's brand new book, you will receive
God's toolbox— So here come the product claims. Let me back this up again. We're going to receive God's toolbox.
9517. Through Clarice Fluitt's brand new book, you will receive God's toolbox for walking in the supernatural every day.
Witness the positive impact that decreeing the Word of God will have upon your life. Learn how to decree
God's Word over your life regularly in a way that empowers you to victory over the forces of darkness through Clarice Fluitt's two -part audio
CD series, which is exclusive for our It's Supernatural audience. Exclusive? You could only get it at It's Supernatural.
You will learn how to activate all of God's promises contained in His Word for your— Who knew you had to actually activate them in order for the promises to be promises?
If God makes a promise, doesn't He have to keep His promise? I mean, let me give you an example, okay?
From time to time, I may be known to make a promise to my spouse. So my spouse says to me,
Chris, you know, we really need you to, you know, we need to do something about the house. I mean, could you promise me this weekend that you're going to touch up the paint on the outside of the house?
And I would say, yes, honey, I promise. So Saturday comes along, Sunday goes by, and I don't touch up the house with any paint at all.
So my wife comes to me and says, Chris, you promised me that you would touch up the house with the paint outside so that it didn't look so bad.
And I just have to say to her, sorry, honey, I know I promised you that I would do some painting, but you didn't activate the promises, so I don't have to keep them.
That won't work, by the way. Life. Clarice includes powerful prayers of impartation on these
CDs, including prayers for God's pure supernatural fire, prayers to reverse every curse, prayers to open up the prayers to reverse every curse.
Wow, this is amazing. Too bad none of this stuff is in the Bible. Portals of Heaven, prayers for avenues of revenue and the entrepreneurial spirit.
Plus, you will receive this bonus book by Patricia King, 31 decrees of blessings for your life.
It contains 31 days. Each with a scripture and an inspirational devotional reading. Each devotion is followed by 10 powerful decrees for each day's theme.
Dealing with love, fruitfulness, friends, wisdom, hope, victory, family, glory, endurance,
God's presence, gladness. Yeah, give me those 10 decrees for glory. I can hardly wait to be glorified that way.
Yeah, and more. Each daily devotional also includes an activation for you to seal God's word in your heart and life.
Don't miss out on getting contains activations. Man, I remember the days in Christianity before there were any activations.
I mean, yeah, we had to pray with like, you know, rocks and chisels and stuff.
Yeah, now you can just write down activations on paper and things, you know. Reese Fluitt's revelatory brand new book,
Experiencing the Power of God's Word, and her two -part audio CD teaching, Activating the
Word of God, exclusive for our It's Supernatural audience. Plus, receive this bonus book by Patricia King.
31 degrees of blessings for your life. Yours for a donation of $39. 39 bucks.
See, they don't actually teach you in the episode how to do all that stuff. No, no, no, no, no.
You have to send in the 39 bucks. Every single episode of Sid Roth's program is set up this way.
Next example, here's Heidi Baker on How to Catch Your Miracle on the
Sid Roth It's Supernatural program. Again, Sid Roth, I mean, he looks like the nicest, kindest, smiley old man.
I mean, this guy couldn't tell us any lies. He couldn't possibly be greedy in trying to scam us out of our money.
That's exactly what he's doing. Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.
Throughout history, many believers have experienced the tangible presence of God, but it kind of comes and goes.
My guest is experiencing the presence of God 24 -7.
She says this is normal and you can experience it, too. Would you like to learn?
Shabbat, sign me up. Would you like to learn? Now, they're not going to teach it on the program.
No, when it comes time to actually learning how to experience the manifest presence of God 24 -7, that takes a little bit of cash on your part if you want to learn how to do that.
Here's the infomercial part of that episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural.
Call now and get Heidi and Roland Baker's four -part audio CD teaching and interactive guidebook,
Living from the Presence. This is a special offer for our It's Supernatural audience. Yours for a donation of $39, shipping and - 39 bucks.
Can't wait to hear the product claims regarding this. Handling is included. Ask for offer number 9544.
In this four -part audio CD teaching, Living from the Presence, Heidi and Roland Baker take you on a powerful journey through eight anointed interactive study sessions.
They will guide you - Eight anointed interactive study sessions. What does that mean?
To the manifest presence of God and the glory, where you will encounter God face -to -face and forever be marked by his transforming power.
Well, there you go. You want a face -to -face encounter with God? Just send Sid Roth $39 and he'll send you
Heidi Baker's products. And you can then have a face -to -face meeting with Jesus.
Really? How come this isn't taught in the Bible? This one -of -a -kind teaching.
Learn the significant difference between living in the presence versus living from the presence of God. Receive an increase in your awareness of the
Holy Spirit presence in a way you - Increased awareness of the Holy Spirit. ...ever
thought possible before. Begin to experience the power of the Holy Spirit every day to help you overcome.
Not just some days, every day. Yeah, because Heidi Baker glows in the dark and she knows how to help you glow in the dark too.
Every obstacle and circumstance that the enemy uses to keep you from accessing every promise and blessing
God wants to impart to you. Experience a release of the atmosphere of heaven into your -
A release of the atmosphere of heaven. It's only $39 and you can have an atmospheric heavenly release thingy.
Yeah, these sound like scam claims to me. Can we scientifically validate, verify any of this stuff?
Spheres of influence. Walk every day in new levels of God's glory and witness increased manifestations of signs, wonders, and mir -
Increased manifestations, yeah. ...flowing in your life. These sessions include these topics.
Understanding the foundation of experiencing His presence. Making room for His presence to fill you and overflow from you to others.
Living moment by moment saturated in His presence. Experience - Don't you think if this was a biblical doctrine, all he had to do was like open the
Bible and I can read it for myself there? Why do I need to send 39 bucks to Sid Roth?
Signs and wonders in His presence. Heidi and Roland Baker's interactive guidebook, Living from the
Presence, takes you on a 40 -day journey to encounter God's glory and presence in a way you never thought possible before.
The full immersion guidebook will take you through the eight anointed audio CD teaching sessions with additional insights, interactive questions to help you understand the teaching, plus activities to help you go deeper into your journey into the reality of God's presence and glory in your everyday life.
It includes activation exercises and 18 anointed - Activation exercises.
I don't even like to get on the treadmill. I mean, not going to do activation exercises? ...in
the presence prayers. Don't miss out on getting Heidi and Roland Baker's four -part audio CD teaching and interactive guidebook,
Living from the Presence. This is a special offer for our Rich Supernatural audience. Yours for a donation of $39.
Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 9544. Yeah, there you go.
So folks, the only way I could put it is that Sid Roth has created a machine, a machine for taking money out of your wallets and putting it into his, because every single episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural follows this exact same template.
He makes these outrageous claims, says that his guest has these things or can do that stuff, and can teach you how to do it.
Wouldn't you like to learn? And then they start a conversation where they talk about, oh, how important and the things are that this person does and stuff.
And then they never tell you how to do it on the program. No, no, no. You got to send in your money if you want to learn how that person did it.
This is all a scam. This is what it means to teach for shameful gain the things that you ought not to teach.
None of this stuff is taught in the Bible. Sid Roth is a kind -looking old man, but he is as greedy as they get, and he's going to have to give an accounting to Jesus for every single penny that he stole from people, all in the name of God.
By the way, Second Commandment, that you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, that is exactly what
Sid Roth's program does every single episode. He takes
God's name in vain, teaches things that he ought not to teach, hijacks and steals God's good name to attach it to these schlocky products.
They're basically, every single one of them is a high -polished scam designed to take money out of your wallets and put it into his.
And at the end of the day, you are left with a product that is utterly worthless. And all the claims that they've made that will happen to you in your life, none of them will come true because none of these things are actually biblical.
And that's the problem. So avoid Sid Roth and his schlocky supernatural product scams, because that's what his program's all about, moving scam products.
Hope you found this helpful. And all the information on how to subscribe to our channel and support us, that's all down below.
Please share this with other people. If they think Sid Roth's program is the bee's knees, they need to see this so that they aren't losing money, sending money to this man, and getting products that can't deliver on any of the promises that they're making because God doesn't actually operate in that way.
So, until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.