FBC Daily Devotional – August 11, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well good Wednesday to you and here we are in the middle of the week and we're considering today a passage in Luke chapter 20 that On one hand sounds really foreign to our ears
And on the other hand raises some interesting questions about the afterlife, doesn't it? I'm talking about this
Interrogation between the Sadducees. This is a religious sect in Jesus time That did not believe in the supernatural.
They didn't believe in a spirit world They just dismissed it. They they were
Jews and supposedly following the Jewish religion, but they just didn't believe about much about an afterlife
They didn't believe in angels and They didn't believe in an eternal life
So because of that they came to Jesus and tried to paint him in a corner And they appealed to a practice that was common
I don't know how common it was, but it was available in the old testament where If a man married a woman and The man died before they could have any children
The wife would then would then marry an unmarried brother of her deceased husband and They would have a child and the firstborn son of that union
Would take the name of the first husband To perpetuate his name to perpetuate his family and that would perpetuate his inheritance rights now that it's totally foreign to us and And I don't want to belabor that it it had its place.
It had its time and it had its purpose That's not the point Uh to elaborate on that.
The point is that the Sadducees picked up on that Practice and they said okay.
Here's the deal This guy he married a wife a woman and they they didn't have any children the guy died and so The brother took her as wife
And the brother died and they didn't have any kids And then a third brother married her and he died
Before they could have any kids and finally I mean this happened with all seven brothers
It's one bride for seven brothers if you think of that That movie the story seven brides for seven brothers
This is one bride for seven brothers and they all died and none of them had any kids and so then then the
Sadducees say so Smart one in the resurrection Who gets to have her as a wife?
Like gotcha on this one And jesus says You don't know what you're talking about Because he goes on to say
Those who are in heaven They are like the angels they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
They're like the angels Now I don't understand all that that means
I I really don't comprehend a great deal about Post -resurrection life and all that's involved so much of that is is literally beyond our comprehension you know, it's like I mentioned the other day my wife and i've been married 41 years and It's I almost can't conceive of Eternal life where she's not by my side.
I mean it just It just seems inconceivable to me. I can't comprehend and I can't comprehend how
That would be a a happy eternity. You know, I just I can't comprehend that it's beyond my comprehension
What will it be like for us to be like? the angels I I don't really know
What are they like? We really don't have a whole lot to go on there when it comes to what the bible tells us
What are they like? Well, all we know is what jesus tells us here. They're they're don't they don't marry They're not they don't marry and aren't given in marriage
We'll be like the angel. So You know, there's an awful lot about that Post -resurrection life that I don't comprehend.
So On the one hand My lack of comprehension
It needs to prevent me from being dogmatic about things that God hasn't really revealed
You know on a different subject regarding marriage. I mean I have have you ever had have you ever had a child, you know, you've had a pet that died
And and we've had have you ever had a child after that ask? Um Are we going to see our dog our pet dog in heaven?
Is our is our dog going to be in heaven? That really puts a parent in a bind doesn't it because here's the deal the bible doesn't clearly say what we do know is
That our animals animals are different from people, you know, they they don't have the souls that people have
So we don't really have the answer to that question So it'd be wise not to be dogmatic one way or the other about some of these things that the bible doesn't tell us
But on the other hand I also need to avoid needlessly speculating
And just simply be content with an incomplete understanding We are not given to understand everything
What we're told And what is revealed to us? We humbly accept and we accept the limitations of that revelation
We don't get all our answers. We don't get all our questions answered here and now do we? Time will come or maybe
I should say Eternity come will come when we'll have an eternity to get at some of those answers and i'm sure
I'm sure they'll come then so in the meantime Let's keep on keeping on and not give ourselves to needless speculation and on the other hand not not allow ourselves to be
Needlessly dogmatic about things where we don't have clear revelation All right. I trust you'll have a good rest of your wednesday and that god will bless you in it.
Let's close in prayer. Shall we? Thank you father for what you have revealed to us
Let's be content. May we be content? To let the secret things of the lord remain secret until you're ready to reveal them to us
In the great hereafter and this we pray in jesus name. Amen All right.