Dr. Russell Moore's Clinic on How NOT to do it. (Part 3)

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Support my work via donation: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AD_Robles I know lots of you are not shocked. I am, maybe I shouldn't be. Here is part 3 of my response to his signposts podcast.


Dr. Russell Moore's Clinic on How NOT to do it.  (Part 4)

Dr. Russell Moore's Clinic on How NOT to do it. (Part 4)

All right, we ended the last video on a bit of a down -note. We saw
Dr. Russell Moore misusing James chapter 5 Pretending like as if it claimed some kind of thing about adequate pay or something like that It just really doesn't at all.
But anyway, let's continue with this monstrosity. Let's start at minute 1545 and see where this one takes us and And God is paying attention to it so much so that in the case of Nabal one one small farmer brings down an entire dynasty question is who is my neighbor that's why
Jesus comes in and intentionally, right So he's talking about the field that was taken by eminent domain and stuff like that and and the reality is that's true
That's a real justice issue because the Bible in no place does it give the government the right to steal your land or even to force you to sell your land to them and Our government does that all the time and that's evil.
That's wicked. That's oppression So the thing is, you know people from our side aren't saying that oppression doesn't exist but what they are saying is you have to define oppression by the scripture and so if The government came to you and said we want to buy your house because we want to put a roadway here and you say no
Thank you. I'm not trying to sell my house I like my house and then they force you by the court of law to sell it.
That is an Example of injustice. That's a real injustice. That's oppression That's an example of that and so the reality is oppression can happen to rich or poor
You could be rich and own lots of land the government could force you to sell it to them and that's you're being oppressed
At that point and so his example here is a good example of oppression
But the reality is then he wants you to make it seem like everything He says about oppression is true and that's not the case income inequality is not oppression wealth inequality is not oppression
Some one of my viewers said that this is the Mott and Bailey fallacy and it definitely is I've actually I've talked about Russell Moore using the
Mott and Bailey fallacy probably longer than I've ever talked about any person Individually in on YouTube it was one of my first videos that where I said he uses the bait -and -switch
Mott and Bailey fallacy he pretends he's defending something very easy to defend like Stealing land is wrong.
That's very easy to defend but really he's trying to make an argument for something That's impossible to defend like income inequality is a justice issue
Turns this around he gets up and he preaches Good news Luke chapter 4 for the poor and for the blind and for the oppressed
He announces the favorable year of the Lord and the people who are there in his hometown synagogue are
Commending him and they're rejoicing and what does Jesus say Jesus is wait a minute You don't understand what
I'm talking about He points back to Elijah and to Elisha about the fact that God did not send
Elijah to the people of Israel sent him outside of the tribe to the widow of Zarephath sent
Elisha Outside of the tribe to Naaman the Syrian who is my neighbor is consistently the question and so when we're thinking about our responsibilities as Christians to say it is a
Distraction is to ignore what the New Testament says to us Which is to say if we say to one in need go and be warmed and filled
We are not obeying the word of the Lord, right But but this is the big this is the big butt in the conversation.
We everybody agrees with what you just said Absolutely, if we don't give to the poor if we don't help people out when they ask for help
We're disobeying the law of God. God says that we should give to people who ask for us From us.
Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Charity is a great thing. It's it's it's it absolutely It's absolute requirement for Christians It's not optional for a
Christian to be charitable with your money with your stuff all that stuff. No question about that But what you can't do is then say what we actually have to do is vote for systems that force people to be charitable
So in other words, I'm gonna be charitable with your money You know what? I mean that that's not what we can't we can't follow
God's law by breaking God's law and that's the problem Nobody nobody thinks that That Christ was telling us to be not charitable to the poor.
That's not what we're thinking What we're saying is that there are certain ways to be charitable and actually the Bible is very specific
About the kinds of things that it says we should do Right, and it's also very specific about who should get our charity and things like that.
And so just just say well Yeah, you know the widow, you know and the sojourner and the orphan.
Yeah, that's all true But if there's an able -bodied orphan and he's 18 years old and he and he can work
But he just doesn't want to work The fact that God says that we should care for the orphan does not say that we should also give him money
Because the scripture also says if you don't work you don't eat you see what
I'm saying? So we have to have a time a way to to combine those together. It's just your your status as an orphan isn't just completely
Um, it's not it's not the ultimate situation here, you know There's also other things to consider and the scripture is very clear about these kinds of things and the scripture never condones stealing for charity as this is not the case and so Yeah, this is all true.
It is all required and everybody preaches this but what a lot of us don't preach is supporting welfare supporting social engineering
Supporting anything that allows the government to take from you and give to others because what you're doing in that case
It's not that you're giving yourself. It's not that you're being generous with your own money by voting for tax increases or social welfare programs
No, you're being generous with other people's money. Do you see what I'm saying? If you want to be generous give out of your own pocket.
You see what I'm saying? That's the thing That's what that's what the scripture commands. It does not command you to Robin Hood people
So part of our responsibility as people who are the people of God is to say who matters in God's economy
Is there any person? That signed that social justice statement or any person on my side of the issue
That thinks that the people that you're talking about don't matter Like if there's an able -bodied
Person who's not working and is living off the government and stuff like that and we say hey, no
No, you should be kicked off the welfare roles. In fact, the welfare role shouldn't even exist. Are we saying he doesn't matter?
When Paul said if you don't work, you don't eat. Is he saying that person doesn't matter? Matters in God's economy are all of those that have been created in his image whether or not the herd that we're
Yeah, even those who are condemned to death because of what they do So in other words, there are murderers that are made in God's image and God says yeah
He should be executed and he should face me instantly. That's the reality. I want to judge him now
That's what God says when we find a murderer and we try them for murder And so is he not made in the image of God?
Absolutely. He's made in the image of God But yet somehow there's a category for people that God says don't get the benefits
Get they're made in the image of God writing with thinks that they're valuable or not.
That means the Getting angry today. Whoo the unborn matter
That means orphans matter. That means women who are being sexually abused matter
This is all this is all ridiculous rhetoric, right? Like I mean who in this debate says that women are that are being abused don't matter
This is all rhetoric empty rhetoric empty this riles up his base But it actually has no value whatsoever because there's no one that says oh, you know what people a
Christian I'm saying, you know what women who are being abused. They don't matter. They don't even have the image of God.
Like are you serious? they matter before God and What's happening in the neighbor passage and happens repeatedly elsewhere
You have a system That is being used unjustly
Naboth uses power To try to take away this man's vineyard and ultimately to take away his life
Now here's why this is a justice issue. This is not just a morality issue. Although it is that it's a it's a justice issue
As well because there's a mechanism whereby a ruler can take property
He does there's a mechanism Right, and there's also a mechanism Whereby the ruler can say it's okay for two dudes to get married right and um
If I remember correctly You said that the woman who said that they do two dudes shouldn't be able to get married should step down and let the mechanism the system
Systematic mechanism take its course I mean am I remembering that correctly? Dr. Russell Moore?
I mean Here's the thing You're inconsistent And you're hypocritical and you're wrong on most issues.
Do you see what i'm saying? Like there's a there's a systematic Injustice going on when the government says that two dudes should be able to get married and then there was a woman a courageous woman
Um, I I heard that she was a heretic So i'm not gonna say she's a christian woman, but a courageous woman said you know what i'm not gonna do that in my jurisdiction
I'm gonna stand truth to power and say no two dudes can't get married because god says so And I remember you said she should resign
Have I got that right? Because you don't know Exactly what you're saying here.
What you're saying here is we need to go to god's law and say here's what injustice is
Here's what justice is and go by that because nabof that whole situation was unjust according to god's law
It's not unjust just because we think it's unjust He was using his power in an unjust unjust way according to the scriptures
Now the reality is what we need to do is say how are these income inequalities these wealth inequalities similar to that?
What scripture do you go to to say? Oh, yeah, if puerto rican families make less than white families.
Well, I guess that's an injustice and i'm being oppressed That's the reality. You can't do that.
You've never done that because it's not possible to do that according to the scriptures Some whereby the government can put someone to death and what jezebel does
And if you're going to go to the scripture to show what the government can and cannot do
As far as putting people to death you're going to end up being on the southern poverty law center hate mob
List, but you won't do that. You'll never do that You see what i'm saying? You're never going to advocate that people who abort babies should be executed and they should you're never going to Advocate for people that commit kidnapping to be executed and they should
Because that's what god's law says when we apply the general equity of god's law We have no choice but to obey god in that area
Right russell moore Is she brings witnesses forward?
They are worthless people Uh, the scripture says in order to testify wrongly against naboth and to put him to death
This is an act Uh, that is social it's the social by the way, uh wrongful witnesses if you say something happened
And then it actually didn't happen. For example, like the uh, the woman in that duke rape case
Wrongful witnesses according to the law of god if you apply the general equity of the law of god Whatever would have been done to them should be done to the wrongful witness
And so as long as we're talking about wrongful witnesses, let's let's talk about it Uh, the woman who accused the the men of rape and it actually she made it all up She should be executed.
Do you see what i'm saying? This is god's law here and we're talking about god's justice. Are we not dr moore I'm, pretty sure you would not agree with that I'm wondering why
Little structure working together and it's an act of injustice And it's an act of injustice that the bible speaks to repeatedly
Yeah, the bible does speak about these things repeatedly, but you've already said you hate theonomy
So if you're not going to god's law to talk about what this social injustice is where are you going
If you're not applying the general equity of god's law, what law are you applying? These are serious questions and I seriously don't think that you have a good answer for them think of the proverbs
Sometimes people Think that the proverbs are just sort of self -help nuggets for people to get by in in life the proverbs are
Are are telling us about things in our personal lives and our personal integrity Also in terms of how we act in whatever our public responsibilities are
So the one who the scripture says justifies the wicked in a court system
To say you're guilty, but you're free. Oh man, or the one who convicts the righteous
You're innocent, but we're going to convict you are alike an abomination in the eyes of god
And what is the standard? Who is righteous and who is guilty? That's the question.
What is the standard that's always the question by the way Lots of people have have this uh this meme basically and it's basically by what standard right and they put that on the back of Their walls and they have shirts that say it and that's always the question by what standard?
Dr. Russell moore I think you're going to say scripture But if then I take you to the scripture where it says all this other stuff that you don't like I don't think you're going to go with me there and that's the problem
You're inconsistent and I think you're inconsistent for politically expedient reasons It is an active in justice now one of the problems is
That sometimes you will have christians who want to come in and to somehow put this division between morality defined as personal morality only from justice
Defined as public justice only and so you'll have some christians Yeah, there is actually division there because here's the reality too and I was talking to the native speaks guys this came up because Not every sin is a crime
I mean that should be very obvious right like like in the old testament, right? Like god commanded for example, god commanded the people of israel to not
Harvest all of their fields. So the edges of their field Would be left and so the poor if they were hungry
They could go into the field and they could eat the eat the food that was god's, you know That was god's welfare.
So, uh, if you were an israelite you and you owned a field you were a rich israelite You had you couldn't harvest everything you had to save some of it for the poor.
That was god's standard That was an issue of morality But it wasn't an issue of justice because here's the reality if you didn't do it
Let's say you were a rich israelite and you hated Uh poor people or you just hated god, you don't want to listen to him
Let's just say you're rich and you've harvested everything right? You didn't leave any of the edges of your field There was no civil penalty for that the government couldn't then come in and say you know, you didn't heart you harvested the whole field and so we're going to execute you or or uh, we're gonna we're gonna
You know take money from you or something like that. That wasn't possible So there's a difference between justice and morality because morality is obviously true of every human being
It's it's every human being is is beholden to it and they have to act in a morally upright way
They have to obey god's law, but justice Most people talk about justice as a civil matter
And so it's talking about crimes and and and criminal justice things like that And so yes, if you're not giving to the poor that's unjust in the sense of your personal piety before god
God can judge you for not caring for the poor But if you don't give to the poor the government can't do anything to you because that's not
How we apply the civil law of god. Let's see what russell moore has to say about that who will say
Uh, or some professing christians who will say don't talk to me about Uh about my sexual behavior
Don't talk to me about that Yeah, that's morality And it's also a matter of civil justice because we have in the law of god
Very specific kinds of sexual immorality that are punishable. For example, if you rape a woman
That's sexual immorality, obviously And that's punishable by death that should be punishable by death
I should say in the united states you get a slap on the wrist for raping a woman. That's unacceptable in According to god's law if you rape a woman and there's two or more witnesses and all of that you should be executed
So, yeah, that's a personal morality issue But it's also a civil issue and we have a standard god's law that shows us when to apply that That's not what matters.
What matters is our responsibility to the poor And then you have some christians who will say and so that's that's that's a confusion because our responsibility to the poor
Is to not steal from them is to not kill them is to not rape them is to not kidnap them
Those are civil justice issues But as far as giving them money and giving them stuff and taking care of them
Those are morality issues and before god god can judge you for that people can't
God the government can't say well you didn't give to the poor enough today So we're going to put you in prison the government can't do that kind of stuff but what god can do is say you
Broken my law and i'm gonna basically pour out my wrath because of that Hey, don't talk to me about racial justice.
This one got this one got heated man Just don't talk to me about Inequities that are taking place in the in the social sphere that i'm participating in uh, talk to me instead only about Personal morality the scripture doesn't do that.
Why it does though it does though There's a the scripture does actually make a difference between civil law justice
And personal morality now you hear you catch that last slipperiness. We're going to end here You catch that last slip.
Don't talk to me about inequities As if inequities are some kind of a sin
Inequities are not a sin Inequities are not a sin because puerto rican families make less on average than white families.
That's not a sin, but it isn't an equity Now there are some inequities that could be a sin for example showing partiality.
In other words if you're a christian It's perfectly within your legal right to pay if I was a christian, right?
Uh, I am a christian if I was a business owner, right and I decided to pay people differently just based on Random things like for example, if I said, you know,
I I don't have any hair i'm bald So bald people i'm gonna pay ten thousand dollars more than people that have hair just because they're bald and I like bald people
That would be a sin before god But the government would have no right to tell me who to pay and how to pay and how much to pay
That's not a justice issue But before god god could judge me for that i'm showing partiality to bald people and so that's the difference so it's like Yeah, I mean christians aren't they are baying god is not optional for a christian
But not everything's a matter of justice. Let's just let's see who finishes out and then we'll end this thing. Okay Because they're not two separate things.
They're both manifestations of human sin and idolatry And they're rooted
Inequity is not idolatry. Let's end this we'll start at minute 30. Uh, there's only three minutes left in this video
I'm, sorry minute 21. Why am I saying 30? Uh, we'll start minute 21 There's only about 10 minutes left in this whole video, uh, or this whole podcast.