Gospel Coalition and Friends = The New Sanhedrin

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, well, happy Friday. It is Friday. We've survived another week.
God willing, we'll survive another one after this. And I hope you had a good, productive week of work.
Now, I wanted to do a video, you know, ADRobloz has a variety of different kinds of content that he does, and some of it he's getting all ranty, and sometimes he's trying to be funny, but you know, ol'
AD, he's a helpful guy at heart, and he's a big softie as well. And, you know,
I was thinking about Big Eva, and by the way, if you don't know what Big Eva is, John Harris did a very interesting video about what
Big Eva is this week. So check out Conversations That Matter on YouTube, and type in, what is
Big Eva, or something like that. It was a very good video. In any case, I was thinking about Big Eva, and you know,
I rip them all the time. We have a good time laughing about their stupidity, and that's really fun.
You know, it's really fun to laugh at how stupid they are. I just found a podcast, like a very small podcast, that Russell Moore was on, talking about Christian nationalism.
When I say small, it's like, on YouTube, they got, you know, a couple hundred subscribers, so relatively small. And, you know, probably nobody listens to this podcast, and I was listening to it, and I just wanted to gouge my eyes out.
It was so boring, and I can't imagine anyone listening to this and being like, oh, wow, this is so helpful.
But some people do. We have a good laugh at stuff like that, right? And it's a good time. But there's a dark side to Big Eva as well.
I was actually talking to my wife about this, and I started thinking about this. I mean, I've thought about it before, but I started thinking about this past Sunday, when
I was at the ordination service for a friend of mine, Reverend Grant Van Brimmer.
And Grant is, he moved to Canada to be a pastor.
And, you know, that didn't work out, and a big part of that, it's his story to tell, not mine, but a big part of that was essentially his unwillingness to sort of play ball with the
Great Reset, essentially. And, you know, if he's going to tell that story at some point, I'll let him tell it.
But that's essentially what it boils down to in common speak. You know, so that's one guy.
And then there's another guy that I know who was also a pastor, and he felt the call of God on his life, and he was on a track to become an ordained minister as well.
And he also, likewise, was pushed out of his church for his unwillingness to go along with the
Great Reset. And in both of these cases, and I don't think
I'm talking behind anyone's back here, in both of these cases, you know, Big Eva adjacent people were basically, you know, all over the
Great Reset, you know, wanting him to go along, to get along, you know, putting all the same pressure that they put on everybody, where it's like, well, if you don't do, if you don't put a mask on, you're not loving your neighbor.
We got to insist on the vaccine and all this, all the propaganda, right? And these men held their integrity.
They said, no way, we're not doing that. You can't add, you know, stipulations to the worship of God.
Like you can't say that someone's an unbeliever because they don't want to wear a mask and they won't wear a mask. You can't say someone is not able to come to the table of Christ, you know, the
Lord's table. You can't bar someone from the Lord's table because they're not vaccinated, you demon.
They didn't say it like that because they're a lot nicer than I am. But that's kind of what, how I feel about it, right? You're barring people from the
Lord's table for nonsense reasons. And so they weren't willing to go along. They held their integrity.
But it would be a lie to say that the whole situation didn't affect them.
You know, these two men, while they held their integrity, they seriously have to consider, and they did and they still are to some degree, you know, is ministry for me?
Maybe I don't have the call. Maybe God hasn't called me to ministry. And I remember talking to Grant about this and, you know, he said what
I said was helpful. I didn't think I was that helpful. I basically just said, hey, man, you're not alone.
This is happening all over the place. It is a big deal, but it's like I would not consider this as like, oh, maybe you're not called to ministry.
Maybe you are, maybe you're not. But this whole situation, it doesn't have anything to do with that. And I think that's what
I said because that's the truth. I mean, this is happening all over the place. You're not alone. This is just a thing that's happening, and Christians have to stand up for what's true, what's written in the scripture.
But the reality is that this has discouraged two people that I know personally from, you know, it's like maybe
I'm not called, right? And Big Eva has that effect on people. Big Eva makes you doubt things that are so obvious about the scriptures.
Big Eva makes you doubt what you know from the word of God. Big Eva makes you doubt your own salvation if you don't go along with the propaganda, if you don't go along with the great reset.
And, guys, this is very, very dark in my opinion. You know, Big Eva ministers out there, you know, they've got their guild, they've got their friends, and they'll defend them to the death even in the face of obvious sin, even in the face of obvious, you know, we're going to add things to the elements of worship, we're going to add laws to the law of God.
It's a new Sanhedrin, guys. It's a new Sanhedrin, and they're out there, and they've got their schools, you know,
I follow Gamaliel, and, you know, they've got the, I follow Chandler, and they've got their whole thing set up.
They have a guild just like the Sanhedrin did. They've got a whole system just like the Sanhedrin did.
They have extra laws that they pretend are the laws of God, just like the Sanhedrin did.
And this is the thing. I say this all the time on my channel. We mix it up in our minds because we read the scriptures through the criticisms of Jesus Christ that he had against the
Pharisees. So, for us, it's very easy to see that the Pharisees were the enemies in the story, but it wasn't easy for the people to see that at the time, that the
Pharisees were well -spoken. They had smooth words. They probably had great tone. They probably had buttery, smooth tone.
You know how I know that? Because the Word of God warns about people with those smooth, buttery tones.
They were seen to have, the Pharisees were seen to be the ones that loved God the most. They were always talking about God.
They probably wrote poems about God. They were probably pretty good Christian hedonists, if you know what I mean. So, the
Pharisees had all that going for them. They had respect, right? And, in fact, they even had respect, in some degree, from the pagans, right?
Like, yeah, sure, the pagans probably weren't all that thrilled about the Sanhedrin, but when they wanted to talk to the
Jews, when they wanted to negotiate with the Jews, they went to the Sanhedrin. If they had their own equivalent to the
New York Post or the Atlantic in Rome, they would have Sanhedrin guys write for the
Atlantic. That's how it would work. And so, what we've got set up with Big Eva and the
Gospel Coalition and all these guys that have this guild, and they fence that guild very, very carefully, what we've got is a new
Sanhedrin in almost every way that you can imagine. My book is very aptly named,
Social Justice Pharisees, but it's not just about social justice. It's about the whole agenda, the whole thing.
The Sanhedrin that we have today is essentially just like the Sanhedrin that we had in Jesus' time.
These are people that have a squeaky clean reputation, but on the inside and behind the scenes, they're vicious.
And the trail of bodies behind them, good men, good men like my friend Grant Van Brimmer. These are guys that have held their integrity.
The Sanhedrin is so powerful that they can even make a good man like that question whether or not he's cut out for ministry just through their bogus, fake, phony baloney systems that are centered on the traditions of men as opposed to the word of God.
And listen, none of us are immune to this. None of us are immune to this because we all know in our personal lives people that greatly respect the modern
Sanhedrin of Gospel Coalition. We all know people in our lives that when we say anything about, you know, maybe that teaching isn't quite right.
I'm not so sure about that. They get their holy robes on. They tear them. How dare you say that against the
Lord's anointed? And it's like, you know, like we've all seen this in action. We've got people in our lives, and it can go one of two ways, right?
You can kick against that. You can fight against that, and that takes a certain kind of personality.
Or you get put in your place, right? Because the Sanhedrin is very good at giving you that backhand.
They're very good at that. And the thing is, when you don't fall into line after getting slapped in the face with the backhand, then they kick you out.
Then they say that you're not even a Christian. I've got people in the Sanhedrin, the modern Sanhedrin, that have told me,
A .D., you are like a tax collector to me. You're like a Gentile to me, written down word for word.
I could show you the receipts right now if I wanted to, but I'm not going to. This is how they, when you don't fall into line after they slap you, that's what happens.
A lot of people do fall into line, though. They get that slap, and I've got stories, and we're going to reveal some of these stories.
Obviously, I'm not going to gossip, but I'm going to tell you what people experience with the Sanhedrin. A lot of people just fall into line, and they say,
Man, maybe I'm not even a Christian. I don't see it this way, and they slap me down.
I'm just going to keep quiet now. I'm going to put my head down. I'm going to obey. It's like this is what the
Pharisees used to do. This is how they operated. They operated in public with the squeaky clean, buttery words,
Just love, love, love, love, love, and behind the scenes are vicious like a mafia. It's brutal.
It's absolutely brutal. We know whose side that the Great Reset Passers, the
Gospel Coalition guys, we know whose side they would have been on in Nazi Germany. We already know that.
We don't need to know. We don't need to guess. We know what side they would have been on during slavery.
We know what side they would have been on in Jesus' time because it's all the same spirit.
They do what is expedient, what the public will see as loving. They do that.
They support that kind of stuff. What the public will see as loving, whether it's loving or not, it doesn't matter. What the public will see as loving, that's what they'll promote because they love the praise of men just like the
Pharisees did, just like the Pharisees did. So this whole video is meant to encourage you because you are not crazy.
The Sanhedrin might make you want to feel like you're crazy. They might want to make you feel like you're a worse sinner in the entire world.
You're totally wrong. You're completely pagan. You're a Gentile and a tax collector. I've heard stories, man, you would not believe the kinds of things that are said behind the scenes from the
Sanhedrin, the modern Big Eva Sanhedrin. But you're not crazy.
It is not okay to add things to the elements of worship. It is not okay to bar the table from people who aren't properly vaccinated.
That's not Christian in any way. That's completely pagan. It's just that simple.
It's not okay to divide the church up like a pizza according to skin color. It's not okay to do those things.
It's just you're not crazy. Don't let these idiots gaslight you into thinking you're crazy.
I can only imagine like what the Pharisees would have done if like a regular person would have been like, yeah, but, you know, this
Corbin Law, like that doesn't really seem to match what I know from the Fifth Commandment, like honor your father and mother.
This actually seems to be the opposite. I could only imagine the kinds of things, oh, look at that guy's tone.
His tone. It's just, you could see that he's evil. Look at his tone. He doesn't even know it. He didn't even go to seminary.
This is the tactics. Circle the wagons. I could see, you know,
Shlomo over here being like, you know, he sees the controversy. He says, oh, Gamaliel, we support
Gamaliel. He's a great man of God. And, you know, the way that the guild does it, you know, where they circle the wagons.
Anyway. But, yeah, so this is meant to be encouraging, guys. Like, you, it often is very simple.
If somebody's telling you that you have to do something that the Bible does not say you have to do in order to take the
Lord's Supper, you are not crazy. They're Pharisees.
It's just that simple. It's just that simple. So, anyway, I hope you found that video encouraging.
If you're in Big Eva, or you, like, are part of this guild, or you desire to be part of this guild, this video has probably made you very mad.
And if you feel anger from my comparisons to the modern -day Pharisees to, you know, the
Sanhedrin of old, there's a very good chance that you're in the Sanhedrin, or you're at least seeking to be in it.
And, you know, to you, I say it's time to repent. Stop worshiping men. Matt Chandler's not
God. You know what I mean? Why would you treat his words as if they were God? Gospel Coalition is not a good organization.
Gospel Coalition is negative, and it's not even close. Gospel Coalition needs to be over.
I cannot wait to the day that Gospel Coalition is just a byword. It's just a complete insult.
It's coming. It's almost here, I think. I can't wait for that day. Because these people are destroying real lives.
It's not hypothetical, and it's not just, you know, we're just having this ideological battle up here, and it's just all up there, and there's no real effect down here.
No, no, no. These people are destroying people's lives and reputations, and they don't care one iota what the
Scripture says to do. They know what they need to do to hold on to their power, to keep that semblance of authority that they've built around them.
Man, if they were in the old days, they'd be wearing those hats and everything. Like, this is the reality. This is what's going on.