Tucker is Back and Wants to Talk Aliens?

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All right, all right All right. It's Wednesday, June 7th year of our
Lord 2023 and here we are. I guess Tucker Carlson had his first Twitter episode a few weeks ago when he got canned
Or I guess he quit or something From Fox News. I said I said to the audience
I said, you know, maybe I'll start watching Tucker now because I never really watched him before, you know I've seen a few clips here and there but I've never seen even like A tenth of an episode like I just don't watch that kind of stuff
Despite whether you might be reading the comment section But in any case and then you know, he had his he dropped his episode yesterday and I had no desire to watch it
So I didn't so I guess that experiment is is over. I'm actually still not gonna watch Tucker Carlson even when he's on Twitter But that being said someone in a comm box that I'm in said he's talking about aliens which
I thought was Interesting this is to say the least now if you've ever if you've been a longtime watcher of my channel
Then you know, I have not made my opinions about aliens a secret or even how fake most of what
NASA Comes up with is I've never made that a secret either I've mocked
NASA and their alleged photos many times And all of that kind of thing.
So I'm not I'm not really too keen on the space stuff Well, at least the space stuff that they pass off is real.
Like I like Star Wars, even though it's gone really gay lately I like Star Trek, but if that's fantasy, you know what
I mean? I like it the same way I like I Mean, I don't know the Middle Earth stuff is like fantasy too, but it's a little less fantasy
I don't know but you know, it's fantasy that most of NASA is fantasy. Let's just be honest about that But in any case that's for another video.
I figured I'd watch this clip. I have not seen this yet. So this is Tucker Carlson Commenting on UFOs and Aliens apparently alien species.
So let's hear what he has to say because I'm sure this is full of truth Yesterday for example a former
Air Force officer who worked for years in military intelligence Came forward as a whistleblower to reveal that the
US government has physical evidence of crashed Non -human made aircraft as well as the bodies of the pilots
Yeah, what what is this? Why is this happening? Hold on a second.
Let's see if we can fix it. Try to get What to flew those aircraft
The Pentagon has spent decades studying in these otherworldly remains in order to build more technologically advanced weapons systems
Okay, that's what the former Intel officer revealed and it was clear. He was telling the truth in other words
All right, so the the government has been studying alien spaceships for decades and they've got they've recovered an alien body and And Tucker says it's clear.
He's telling the truth This has been the story for a long time Like if you're if you're not if you if you're if you're new to this thing, you know
Maybe you think this is like a special reveal or like this is new. This is not new They've admitted this for a long time and even even when they didn't admit it
There were whistleblowers coming out all the time saying yeah I was you know stationed here and I saw this thing and you know things like that and So this is nothing new it's just very interesting like the very first episode of his new show
He's gonna be super based and he's and now he's not, you know He's not censored by the by the by the the media guys and stuff like that.
He starts to talk about aliens UFOs are actually real and apparently so is extraterrestrial life
Now we know In a we definitely know we definitely know this is true
Listen, and I saw Matt wall. This is kind of how I found out about it So I saw the person in my comm box mentioning it and then
I saw Matt Walsh Talk about it and he said he's like the government's been lying for decades
But now they've come out with the truth And if you just if you deny it, then you just have a preconceived notion against aliens. It's like what?
What are you talking about? Listen listen to yourself. They've been lying to you for decades literally decades
But now they're definitely telling the truth Yeah, they've lied to you every day for decades about how there's no, you know
Alien crafts and there's things like that and then they drop a few breadcrumbs here and there because that's what they do
They drop a few, you know, they put a few you know disinformation, you know, whatever you want to call it They've been lying to you for decades
But now when we have the most evil government we've ever had now it's just gotten progressively more evil over time now though they've decided to tell the truth like so they've gotten they've lied before and then they've only gotten more evil and Now they're telling the truth.
Like do you realize how stupid that sounds? That sounds really stupid and honestly when you start to think that way
You you have to realize that there's something going on in your brain. There's some kind of trigger that's gone on in your brain
Where it's like trust the government trust the government trust the girl I know they lie. They lie. They lie. They lie, but you gotta trust them now
You gotta trust them. And this is it. I remember one time I had this is actually this was a Jared Wilson I believe I was arguing with Jared Wilson about public school and this is back when
I was kind of in my like Libertarian ish phase and I was saying how we should defund public schools and stuff like that And I and I was and I still believe that to this day
I just back then I was much more black and white like wooden about it And obviously
I still want to do that just not like it of I I don't I'm not I'm not OCD about it in any case and this was like days after he was saying how the
America has been systemically racist and how we've been taught a racist view of history and He was like, well, what are you?
Why are you gonna defund public schools like people need public schools? And I'm like, I think do you hear yourself? Like like the government is racist
They teach us racist things and they've been doing it for decades But yet you still want public schools funded to teach us these allegedly racist thing.
It doesn't make any sense Same kind of thing news would qualify as a bombshell the story of the millennium
But in our country, it doesn't the whistleblowers account ran on a technology website called the debrief
Which you've probably never heard of the Washington Post had that story but decided not to run it
The New York Times meanwhile just pretended it never happened on the front page of the
New York Times website this morning There were five stories about Ukraine as well as four stories apiece about Donald Trump Trans people and climate change the usual lineup
There was nothing at all about how an alien species is flying hypersonic aircraft over our cities.
Not one word So if you're wondering why our country seems so dysfunctional
This is a big part of the reason nobody knows what's happening a
Small group of people control access to all relevant information and the rest of us don't know
We're allowed to yap all we want about race But go ahead and talk about something that really matters and see what happens if you keep it up.
They'll make you be quiet Trust us That's how they maintain control. All right, I guess I could see why he
All right, that wasn't as bad as I thought I was gonna be I thought that was gonna be really It was stupid, but I thought it was gonna be even stupider
So I guess he's making the point like yeah, if there's really aliens out there like, you know
Like you would think that would be you know front page news But it's just like it's not news because it's it's an obvious psyop like there's no aliens up there.
There aren't any aliens You know what? I mean? Like it's just this is a psyop. It's it's obvious.
It's an obvious psyop That being said it's like I could see the point it's making
Yes, these you know, they want you to know about Ukraine. They want you to know about trannies They want you to know about racism. That's all true.
That's all true. But this example about aliens is not that's not it Why is he doing this?
Why why would why would Tucker Carlson in his very first episode to make a point? That's a very good point.
It's a very good point You know, you've got these these small conglomerates that control the news and whatever and they make you stupid
They they make sure you're not informed about anything that matters That's all true. Like but you know, you would think that he wouldn't want to sully that point with us with a not with nonsense about aliens
Yeah, yeah, they've been lying for years but but then you know, they they decided to to to to have disclosure and they disclosed it on a random tech blog that nobody's ever heard of Insane story is this
And Tucker Carlson Tucker, I'll tell you right now I mean, this is the first two minutes of Tucker Carlson that I've watched in many many months
And I gotta say it's not really it's not really inspiring any confidence. I'll tell you that much. I Don't know.
What do you guys think? You guys like this Tucker Carlson stuff. This is new stuff. I don't know I mean, I I didn't watch the rest of it.
I mean, I'm sure it was okay, but man You So the aliens though like, you know
The whole thing with the UFOs UFOs are definitely real You know what? I mean UFOs are real people see things in the sky all the time, you know,
I've seen things in the sky but UFOs are definitely real but you know a lot of these encounters that are associated with UFOs.
These are these are very clear demonic Encounters, these are these are demons.
These are demons trying to contact us. These are demons that are trying to Mystify us and all kinds of things and back in the day.
We understood this as if these were demons These were demonic encounters demonic entities in the sky, you know, and even in the
Bible It talks about the various things in the sky and stuff like that anyway Yeah, these are demonic entities and and and We all kind of you know knew this a long time ago
But now because we're so modern and we don't believe in demons now, we just pretend that they're extraterrestrial
It's not they're not extraterrestrial. They're demons. They're deep. Well, I guess if they're extra their demons are still extraterrestrials
I don't know who knows like they'd like to play word games like that. You know, they're not they're not aliens Like the way you would see an alien in Star Wars That's the point like they're extraterrestrials in the sense that they're not like normally from here
But they're not like from the planet Kashyyyk they're not Wookiees, you know what I mean like that kind of thing
So they you know, and I'm fully aware that Star Wars and Star Trek. These are all part of the of the psi -op machine you know, they they they make these these these movies that we all love and and things like that and shows and Then we start connecting the phenomenon.
That's real with the show and in our mind There's then it's just like it is in the show
You know what? I mean, you got to be careful with that kind of stuff because you start to think well, you know If there are people encountering these these entities
Then it's got to be just kind of like the same thing in Star Trek or the Star Wars Like they're just other races and you know they're they're fully sentient like us and they've got emotions like us and they're fighting for freedom just like us and And they have you know political games just like us and it's like No, like like that that part was all made up like yes
They are actually meeting entities. That's that's fine. You can you could agree with that? That's pretty much undeniable
And by the way, if you're just finding out about this that it's that it's undeniable that people are encountering these kinds of things
You need to kind of consider why it is that you're just now Considering that because I've known about this stuff for I mean,
I'm 40 So at least 20 years probably more and it's been undeniable that entire time like like people's encounters
With these demons is has been undeniable for for a long long time
And if you're just now coming to realize oh, man Maybe this is real like you got to consider why that is
I would argue that you've been programmed to not believe in those encounters for a long time
And now you're being programmed to believe in them. And so you've got to somehow get out of this trap That the government has set for you that your education that you're that the propaganda programming has set for you
Because you know in your mind the people that saw aliens were like Hicks right there were hillbillies, right?
You shouldn't trust them. It was like Billy Bob over there You know a little bit too much moonshine and he's crazy and that's that's what you think, right?
That's what you think that that's who saw aliens before that's not the case That's not the case at all.
That was propaganda that that told you that that was propaganda that told you that and so now
So you are believing the propaganda then Make sure that now that it's been revealed that all of that was propaganda then because that's what's being revealed here
These stories of these encounters that you were propagandized into not taking seriously. You just thought it was
Billy Bob You know suck into back too much moonshine. He had a bad batch and he saw aliens That's what you were
Propagandized to think that those alien reports were people like that and even if they were people like that you were you were made to Think that they were insane.
They were making it up. They were liars. That's what you were made to think But the whole time that wasn't the case
That was not the case there were credible reports of this kind of stuff and you never heard about that you didn't believe that or you were you were you
Were embarrassed to admit you believe that because that's what that that's what describes a lot of people like they believed in the
UFO Phenomenon, they believe people were encountering entities, but they were too embarrassed to admit it
Because they didn't want to be called a conspiracy theorist or something like that So you were propagandized to believe a certain thing and now you're being propagandized to think oh, oh
It's it's a highly advanced technological species that comes from the planet Andromeda and it's gonna be just like in Star Trek when the board came and like that like like it you're being
Propagandized the whole way through and it hasn't stopped and I got to be honest with you I I I I don't
I know a lot of you guys like Tucker. I don't trust them. I don't trust them Maybe he's good.
Maybe he's awesome. Maybe he's based. Maybe he's not part of the propaganda machine. Maybe I Don't think so, though.
I Don't think so. But yeah, there's some really good stuff, especially from a Christian perspective. There's some really good stuff about UFO encounters and and and and encounters with aliens
Which are just demonic encounters. There's a lot of really good research and thought thoughtful Explanations and things like that So, yeah, you should check that stuff out
You should check that stuff out and and try to revisit it with new eyes because a lot of these Christian Scholars were taking this extremely seriously and they would interview people and they would you know
Think this through they would match it with theology and stuff like that and not all of it's good But but there's a lot of really good stuff there
If I'm not mistaken Matt slick from from calm org used to do some research in this
I might be mistaken about that cuz I haven't thought about Matt slick in a long time But I'm pretty sure Matt slick did some research about this.
He's got a show to you Should call him up and see what he has to say In any case, yes, please guys, please don't believe everything you hear
That's a great example of how the media controls everything the aliens are out there Man anyway, it's all