Highlight: An Eschatology of Victory and Justice
Watch this highlight from our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. Luke and the crew talk to Rusty Thomas about the correlation of Eschatology and our involvement for Justice in our nation.
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- 00:00
- I don't, I won't tell everyone that you're a closet post -millennialist, Rusty. Listen, I am a gospel of the kingdom guy.
- 00:08
- I'm a great commission man. If you want to put me in the post bill, that's enough for me, man, that gets the point across.
- 00:15
- I do believe that the great commission is going to be fulfilled in time and history. Yeah. Because one of my struggles being raised in dispensationalism was that passage.
- 00:25
- I'm like, you know, why would you tell us to do something when it's never going to come to pass?
- 00:33
- Right. Exactly. You know, and we know that God does not just putting words in his book to make, you know, fill up some room here.
- 00:42
- His word has meaning. And so my dilemma and what's really helped me to, you know, you know, change my eschatology was the fact that, you know, he wouldn't tell us to do something if he was not intending for it to come to pass.
- 01:04
- And so, yeah, I do believe that in time and history, the great commission will be fulfilled.
- 01:11
- Yeah. And that's so important. This issue is a part of that. I think that's important for people to understand. Well, I will tell you one of the main reasons why the church, and believe me,
- 01:19
- I've gotten many excuses, many justifications why they should not be involved in the battle to end abortion.
- 01:27
- Believe me, brother, the number one objection is the end times teaching.
- 01:35
- And quite frankly, if God didn't change my eschatology before I got introduced to Operation Rescue, I probably would not have joined the movement.
- 01:44
- Yeah. Because I would have had that same mentality. Why polish brass in a sinking ship? Why rearrange furniture in a burning house?
- 01:52
- Jesus is coming back any second. So why bang my head against the wall? Why sacrifice?
- 01:58
- You know, and I'll tell you guys, you know, once God changed my mind and changed my heart on this matter, that's the reason why
- 02:06
- I got 13 kids. That's the reason why I joined Operation Rescue. You know what
- 02:11
- I mean? Because your eschatology matters.
- 02:17
- Like what you believe about the future, like really says something about the quality of your faith today.
- 02:24
- You know what I'm saying? And so these things are critically important, and the church, that is their default template, what they fall back on, why they should not get involved.
- 02:36
- And whenever I touch this with pastors and with elders, I've had some of them say, you know,
- 02:42
- Rusty, you're worse than an abortion. Because I touched their sacred cow, you know, their end time teaching.
- 02:51
- And I got to tell you, buddy, it is a stronghold in the church of Jesus Christ.
- 02:57
- And it's one of the main reasons why the fight has been taken out of the church of Jesus Christ, because in history, if Christians believe what we believe today, there would be no
- 03:09
- Christendom. There wouldn't be no nation after nation falling to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- 03:14
- And I tell you, brothers, we better get back to the true gospel of the kingdom.
- 03:21
- Well, I appreciate it, man. I mean, you and I were talking about this, I don't know, a couple weeks ago or so.
- 03:26
- And I mean, there's a couple different things here.
- 03:32
- One, we know that abortion will be ended because Christ promises that all things will be put under his feet, the last being death.
- 03:41
- Right. So we know for a fact that will be. But, you know, you have to, in order to be in this fight and keep fighting, you have to think long term.
- 03:52
- Yeah, you got to have a multi -generational kingdom perspective, brother. Because we know what's going to happen.
- 03:59
- We're trusting God for that. I mean, you know, you've been trusting in God for that longer than us, way longer.
- 04:06
- But like, you know, like you, you're still trusting in God that it may be a generation, two generations, three generations, 10 generations.
- 04:14
- We don't know at some point, you know, at some point it Christ will, will places under his feet.
- 04:20
- I think it will be a lot. It could be in two to three generations. One reason why is just because, you know, we, our nation has dropped below the replacement rate.
- 04:31
- You know, it's, should you, in order to maintain a nation, you need to be about 2 .1 kids and we're at 1 .8,
- 04:38
- 1 .9. And so our nation has dropped below that where we're not replacing ourselves, unless you're a
- 04:45
- Christian Mormon or Muslim. Right. Well, and that's after a year of people being trapped in their homes.
- 04:51
- Yeah. What's that Rusty? Now, as I say, you know, the future truly does belong to those that honored the
- 05:01
- Lord when it comes to marriage, to family and to having children, none of us escape
- 05:08
- God, you know, ideas have consequences and a belief system is going to lead us somewhere.
- 05:14
- And quite frankly, we're seeing like in the, in the book of Psalms, like Psalm 37, where the wicked just cut themselves off.
- 05:21
- You know what I mean? You can choose, you know, abortion, you can choose homosexuality, you can choose, you know, these death styles, but you just can't choose the consequences.
- 05:36
- And in fact, I saw a meme the other day and it was, it was sort of predicting the time, especially when it came to feminists, to women, you know, how lonely their future is going to be.
- 05:57
- Because, you know, they cut off the very gifts of God, you know, that God sent to them.
- 06:04
- Yeah. Like who's going to care for you when you get older? Yeah, exactly.
- 06:09
- You know, so you enjoy your rebellion, your joy, your pleasure. Now you make all these decisions, you make all these choices that lead to death.
- 06:18
- And then when you get older, who's going to be there for you? Yeah. See, we don't, we don't escape
- 06:23
- God. We don't, there are consequences, you know, to our unbelief and our disobedience.
- 06:31
- And quite frankly, those who do honor the Lord, those who do honor their marriage bed and walk in fidelity to their spouse and give
- 06:42
- God, you know, their reproduction. In other words, as many children as you give me,
- 06:48
- God, you know, and to raise them in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. This is the multi -generation kingdom vision, brother, and this is what's going to advance the kingdom of God to ultimately break this covenant of death that's produced the culture of death, savaging our nation.
- 07:05
- So Christians, please obey the Lord when it comes to your marriage, you know, get a biblical worldview on family and the importance of children.
- 07:16
- God loves children. He wants a godly seat in the earth. That's his desire. Yeah. And of course the enemy has, you know, his plan and that is to stop that.
- 07:27
- Sure. Yeah. This culture of death is, they're not leaving a generation to pass their beliefs onto.
- 07:37
- They're aborting their children or they're gay and not having babies, you know?
- 07:42
- So like they're not, they're not leaving offspring to pass on their beliefs.
- 07:48
- And I love that you said death styles. I'm stealing that. Which is why they want our children. Right, exactly. Yes. Video show yesterday with the choir in San Francisco.
- 07:56
- I didn't even see it. Oh, my wife just said that to me. Yeah. I mean, you know, we can, this sounds funny, but like, you know,
- 08:04
- Rusty, your family alone in two to three generations can, should be able to populate a small town, you know?
- 08:13
- I've always envisioned having a family reunion, having to like rent out a stadium, you know?
- 08:20
- Yeah. You just have your own town in Thomasville, Texas. Yeah, that's awesome. You know, but that's. And one of the things
- 08:26
- I used to do, guys, is when we've gone to different death camps around America, you know, the pro boards would show up and they'd be in their little electric hybrid cars, take them two seconds to deploy, you know, we would show up in 15 passenger vans.
- 08:44
- It took us like five minutes to unload, you know? And there were sometimes I would just preach a visual message where I said, all right, you pro boards stay over there.
- 08:54
- Christians, you stay on this side, line up by families. And like they would maybe have like pro, you know, 11 pro boards defending the death camp and ushering women into the slaughter.
- 09:06
- And I would just, you know, challenge them. My family alone outnumbers you.
- 09:14
- Yeah. And, and who do you think owns the future? You're, you're a lesbian, so you're not going to have children.
- 09:21
- Okay. And you're defending other women to abort their children.
- 09:30
- And we're having children. So who do you think owns the future?
- 09:36
- Exactly. And that, and boy, that it hit them and they would do that sort of demonic kind of laugh and smirking and stuff like that.
- 09:44
- But the fact of the matter is the truth hit them and it hit them pretty hard. Amen. And that is the reality.