Angels and End Times Part 7 (Daniel 12:1-2) | Adult Sunday School

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Angels and End Times Part 7 (Daniel 12:1-2) | Adult Sunday School This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio


Good morning. Welcome to Kootenai Community Church Adult Sunday School.
If you guessed Daniel, you'd be right. Next week,
I think I got two weeks left in me. Maybe three. It all depends on how carried away
I get today. Let's open in prayer. Father, you found us, you chose us, you made us the elect.
We have no idea why, but we are grateful. Your word teaches that you make those kinds of decisions, and it is a comfort to us that what is in your hand can never be taken from it.
You taught these things to Daniel through the angel and through your Holy Spirit in other ways, and we are grateful that he was able to commit to words, to commit to parchment then or whatever it was, so that we could have it on paper now, your words for the future.
Because we know that what you have said is what is to come completely and perfectly.
We look forward to that. We thank you that you are always wonderful, and we are grateful for that as well.
And thank you in Jesus' name for what we will learn this morning. So we're going to look at Daniel chapter 12, and I'd like to read through that entire chapter.
It's one of the shorter chapters, I think it's the shortest chapter in the book. And it starts on page 1160, for those who have the real
Bible, Daniel chapter 12. Actually, because 12, the first five verses are actually a continuation of the thought that started in chapter 10, we're going to start at
I'm getting into the wrong character there. We're going to start at chapter 11, verse 40, and then read through the end of chapter 12.
And at the end time, the king of the south will collide with him, and the king of the north will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen, speaking of the
Antichrist, and with many ships, and he will enter countries, overflow them, and pass through. He will also enter the beautiful land, and many countries will fall, but these will be rescued out of his hand,
Edom, Moab, and the foremost of the sons of Ammon. Then he will stretch out his hand against the other countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape, but he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt, and Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels.
But rumors from the east and from the north will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many, and he will pitch tents of his royal pavilion between the holy seas...between
the seas and the beautiful holy mountain, yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him. Now at the
that time, Michael the great prince...this is verse 1 of chapter 12...will stand...who
stands guard over the sons of your people will arise, and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time.
And at that time, your people, everyone who was found written in the book, will be rescued, and many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, those to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.
And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time. Many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.
Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river, and one said to the man dressed in linen who was above the waters of the river,
How long will it be until the end of these wonders? And I heard the man dressed in linen who was above the waters of the river as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven and swore by him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time.
And as soon as they finished shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed. As for me,
I heard but could not understand, so I said, My Lord, what will be the outcome of these events? And he said,
Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. Many will be purged, purified, and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1 ,290 days.
How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1 ,335 days! But as for you, go your way to the end.
You will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion of the end of the age. There is so much hope in this chapter.
I can't communicate to you the hope it gave to me as I read it and studied it. And I'm going to posit something today that's really revolutionary.
So do we have seatbelts? We don't have seatbelts. I'm going to posit that the word all means all, and that the word many means many.
Are you glad? Many are on the path to perdition, doesn't say all, it says many.
And you know what it means? Many. Because that way is wide. Few are on the path to heaven because that way is narrow.
And expositors have struggled over some of the words in chapter 12 because I posit that they had a wrong theology, a wrong overview theology of Scripture.
And we'll be looking at that as we get, if we make it that far. Depends on how long my introduction is. One thing about last week, we talked about,
I made the statement that at the end battle it talks about in Ezekiel and in Revelation that there really would be horses.
I thought there would be horses because it said there would be horses. And Jim came up to me afterwards and he made an interesting statement.
And I hadn't thought about it to this depth because I'm not as smart as most of the people in this room, if not all of them.
But what is one of the big worries about the sun right now doing to our modern way of living?
If we have a massive solar flare and it took out all communications and most of your vehicles, fortunately
I have an old one, most of your vehicles would stop running. Most of your computer, all of your computer items would stop working.
Everything that controls the modern world would be plunged into the dark ages, if you will, of technology.
It's very possible, if not likely, that these last battles will be fought with horses, swords, chariots, etc.
As I looked at some of the verses, Jim posited that to me last week and I looked, it says, the fourth angel in Revelation 16, 8 poured out his bowl upon the sun and it was given to it to scorch men with fire.
Revelation 6, 12, I looked when he broke the sixth seal and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as saff cloth made of hair and the whole moon became like blood.
If you would just do a quick search on the sun, I won't batter you with a whole bunch of sun verses, even though it's
Sunday, you can do the cross -references and see what I'm talking about. There are quite, there's quite a bit about the uprooting of the normal sun's activities in the end times.
And it's a very likely possibility that part of that will include the destruction of our modern technology such that battle and warfare will be plunged into ancient times.
It's just a thought to think about. And that would go, actually that would actually go along more appropriately with those of us who believe the
Bible means what it says. And we don't try to spiritualize verses. Just a thought before we get into chapter 12.
So here in chapter 12, more than many places in Scriptures, in the
Scriptures is an unfortunate chapter break. The narrative that began with the angel speaking to Daniel in chapter 10, verse 20, continues through chapter 12, verse 4, actually verse 4, with essentially no break.
The angel will continue to speak of the time when the Antichrist will come and will rule. This creates a major dilemma for liberals who believe that this is a history written in the 2nd century
BC, rather than a prophecy of the 6th century BC, which is what it is. The first verse of this chapter connects chapters 11 and 12, and we'll get to that in a moment here, and much of chapter 10 with the end times.
It connects much of 10 and 11 and 12 with the end times.
All are in agreement, if you look over the expositors over the centuries, that this is speaking of the time...I've
got to get this book closer to me...that this is speaking of the time of tribulation, and the opening verse connects all of that prophecy.
There were three great distresses that came to the Jews under many different kings, including the wicked Antiochus Epiphanes, and indeed much of this last chapter was given over to describing some of the depredations and destructions of that king.
But this, this refers to the end and the Antichrist, and it is clearly the future.
There are seven, if you will, major issues that we will deal with in Daniel chapter...that
we have dealt with in chapter 11 -36 through 12 -3. And John Walvord outlined them in his commentary.
One, a world ruler, two, a world religion, three, a world war, four, a time of great tribulation for Israel, five, deliverance for the people of God at the end of the tribulation, six, resurrection and judgment, mark that, resurrection and judgment, and seven, the reward of the righteous.
Other scriptures add the facts that this time of the end begins with the breaking of the covenant by the prince who is to come, quote -unquote, from Daniel chapter 9, and that the time of the end will last for three and one -half years,
Daniel 7, 12, and Revelation 13, among others. That the time of the end is the same as the time of Jacob's trouble with the great tribulation spoken of in Jeremiah 30, verse 7, and by Jesus our
Lord in Matthew 24. Many additional details are supplied in Revelation 6 -19, chapters 6 -19.
During this time of the end, great distresses will happen, and indeed, entire, to Israel especially, but indeed to the entire earth.
In the middle of the 70th seven, halfway through the agreement to protect
Israel, the Antichrist will violate his agreement and begin his persecution of Israel.
Energized by Satan, he will do everything he can to destroy the nation of Israel, the people, the nation of Israel.
This will be a time of unprecedented distress, and it is spoken of in many places in Scripture.
In no particular order, here are some of the places where this is spoken of. Revelation 12, 13 -17, and when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman,
Israel, who had given birth to the male child, but the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent.
And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood.
But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth.
So the dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
This is after Israel has turned to Christ. They hold to the testimony of Jesus. Deuteronomy 430, when you are in distress and all these things have come upon you, in the latter days you will return to the
Lord your God and listen to His voice. Jeremiah 37, 30 verse 7,
Alas, for that day is great, there is none like it, and it is the time of Jacob's distress, but he will be saved from it.
And Matthew 24, our Lord speaking, 15 through 22, Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place, let the reader understand, then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house, whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak, but woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days.
But pray that your flight will not be in the winter or on a Sabbath, for then there will be great tribulation such as not occurred since the beginning of the world until now or ever will.
Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
And finally, and this is not all of them, this is some I selected, Zechariah 13, 8,
It will come about in all the land, declares the Lord, that two parts of it in it will be cut off and perish, but the third will be left in it.
Two thirds of the Jews will be murdered, will be killed, will be destroyed in this time. The purpose of the tribulation is to refine
Israel, to bring her only with, to leaving her only with those who believe in Jesus as Messiah.
It is certainly unfortunate in human life that the need to recognize one's need to trust
Christ is often accompanied by such great distress to get people to turn to Him, to help them recognize their need for Christ.
It is a great comfort understanding the sovereignty of God in salvation to know that He will use even this to call
His sheep to Him. His sheep will hear His voice through the distresses, through the tribulations.
They will hear His voice and they will turn to Him. So no matter the horror of what someone is going through,
God will use even that to drive them to repentance and salvation. This is truly a demonstration of what
Romans 8, 28 is speaking of. The end times will be set up by a rise of anti -God sentiment, but of a kind not ever seen in previous generations or millennia.
We're seeing a rise of anti -God, great anti -God sentiment today. Now I'm not going to posit,
I'm not going to give you a date because we are commanded not to do that, but beloved, we could be in the end times.
We need to be spreading the gospel to as many as we can because some of them are the elect and how will they hear if they have not a preacher?
So preach it. So there does seem to be such a spirit rising in the world today, but to be sure, anti -God sentiment and aspirations have arisen throughout time and history and prompted horrific attacks on God's people, whether they were
Jews or Christians or both. The anti -God sentiment that will arise to accompany the beginning of the work of the
Antichrist will truly be unprecedented. God will use this to purify Israel and to purify
His church. There does seem to be such a spirit rising today, whether it's portend in the end or just another demonstration of the wickedness of man and the demonic oppression of this world, especially when energized by demonic forces remains to be seen.
So with that introduction, I'd like to start with Daniel chapter 12 verse 1, which remember is connected all the way back to 20 chapter 10 verse 20.
This great prediction of the kings and Antiochus Epiphanes and the
Antichrist that so many seem to struggle with, but it's so clear in God's Word. Now verse 1 says, now, excuse me, now at that time
Michael the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people will arise and there will be a time of distress as never occurred since there was a nation until that time and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book will be rescued.
So at that time refers to the end time, the same end time from chapter 11 verse 40.
This is the time known as the great tribulation period in which the Antichrist spoken of in the last chapter, verse chapter 11 inaugurates his demonic vendetta against Israel.
This is clear from the connection with the last chapter and as mentioned earlier, the unfortunate break at verse 45 of chapter 11.
It seems to indicate, even though it seems to indicate a new thought, it isn't a new thought, it's a continuation of chapter 11 where the first four verses of this chapter are a continuation of thought from chapter 10 verse 20 with chapter 11 primarily concerned with the political and religious aspects of the end time.
Chapter 12 addresses the effects on the people of Israel and we see this often, we see it in Genesis where God describes creation and then he goes back and talks about how the creation worked out in chapter 3 and fleshes out some details.
This is what Daniel does here. He'll talk about and then go back and flesh some details out. The Michael referred to here is the same as the angel referred to in chapter 10 verse 13.
The messenger angel here describes his responsibility over Israel.
This refers to Israel, not the church by the way. Another clear indication that this is referring to that time is that the
Lord Jesus Christ speaks of it in the gospel of Matthew where in chapter 24 verses 21 through 22 he says, for then there will be a great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will unless those days have been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
It is important to remember that this period will not follow the death of the Antichrist mentioned in verse 45 but will be the time in which he operates.
So here Daniel talks about the death of the Antichrist in verse 45 of 11 but now the angel jumps back to give some specifics when the
Antichrist is still around. In keeping with the uniform message of the book of Daniel the open quote your people close quote refers to Israel to assume anything else is to ignore the continuity provided to us in the book of Daniel.
The distress mentioned here is one such as has never occurred. Now that's not to say there haven't been great horrific distresses on planet earth and are even some now.
That's not at all implied here. It's just that this one will be it will be where people will go. It's spoken of as mentioned early by many of the prophets and by the
Lord Jesus Christ himself. We find reference to it among other places in Jeremiah 9 and Jeremiah 30 Joel 2 and Matthew 24.
This section is is most difficult to reconcile as a part of Antiochus Epiphanes reign and it is related to verses 36 through 45 of chapter 11.
So those who try to spiritualize this section of Daniel and make it be related to Antiochus Epiphanes reign have a lot of difficulty doing that because of the specificity of the scripture.
The horror the horror and difficulty of this time cannot be overstated.
Zechariah 13 8 indicates that only one third of the Jews will survive. Using December 22 19 or 20 22 population statistics.
That means were this to happen today with that population holding steady four million seven hundred thirty seven thousand three hundred thirty three
Jews would be annihilated for almost five million people if it was today would be annihilated.
Since Israel would become a massive battleground it is assumed that there would be many other casualties as well.
Among other nations other nationalities would die and there would be a great many more wounded the great prince of Israel Michael because of his influence and guard will deliver many as that's what this verse says now at that time
Michael the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people will arise and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred but since there was a nation until that time and at that time your people everyone who is is found written in the book will be rescued.
Michael will oversee that that's spoken of in Jeremiah 37 and 11 30 colon 7 and 11 and Revelation 12 6 through 17 we're going to read those alas and by the way all of this if you go online is in the
PowerPoint there the full PowerPoint if you want to look them up it's also in the
Bible which is a better place to look them up Jeremiah 30 verse 7 and 11 alas for that day is great there is none like it and it is the time of Jacob's distress but he will be saved from it for I am with you declares the
Lord verse 11 to save you for I will destroy completely all the nations where I have scattered you only I will not destroy you completely but I will chase in you justly and will by no means leave you unpunished and then
Revelation 12 6 through 17 we read that so I won't read it again but it speaks of Israel being chased into the desert and being sustained and so the dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children verse 17 says who keep the commandments of God and to the hold to the testimony of Jesus faithful faithful Israel the reference here to those who are written in the book being rescued refers to one of the books which
God keeps likely the book of life there are several mentions of the book of God in the
Old Testament but none of them are commensurate with the book of life spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation here
Daniel is referring to those whose names have been recorded by God in the list of the saved one commentator suggests that this is not spiritual regeneration but rather a promise of national deliverance from human enemies
I but I believe Leon would gets this in his commentary he says this this identifies the kind of people who will make up this one third of the nation delivered the book here in reference is best taken to be the book of life
God's record who of those who are justified in his sight other books are in view in a prior reference to books in Daniel 710 in view of two witnesses having proclaimed
God's message in Jerusalem for 42 months during the tribulation week and also the fact that 144 ,000 will have been sealed by God during this time it is clear by the close of the seven -year period many
Jews will have become true believers in God besides this the rest who are spared from Antichrist suppression will give their full allegiance at the time of Christ's second coming in power to destroy the great army of the
Antichrist effecting the final deliverance of Israel the names of those in both groups will be found written down in God's book of life
Matthew chapter 24 verse 22 the fact remains that the only only those
Israelites who have trusted Christ for their salvation and repented will be among the names in the book mentioned in this verse the 144 ,000 that will be sealed and the one -third that remained will be those
Israelites the rescue spoken of in this verse is fleshed out in Revelation 12 16 through 17 we saw that actually but the earth helped the woman and the earth opened up its mouth and drank the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth so the dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus Satan is cast from heaven where he begins to persecute the woman which is
Israel he does this for 1260 days or three and a half years identified with the last half of the tribulation week and he does it through the
Antichrist fully committed to destroying Israel God causes the earth to swallow much of the destruction
Satan sends toward Israel and yet only one -third of the Israelites remain it's a great time of purging and the remnant much spoken of in the
Old and even in the New Testament is going to be that one -third of Israel who hold fast to Jesus as their
Messiah it will be a it will be a terrible time and I wouldn't wish it on anybody except for the fact that the sovereignty of God has declared it so and the
Bible will be true any comments or questions about verse 1 I think we're only going to make it through verse 2 so we'll see what happens here many of those many what is if I said all in this room will eat lunch today
I'm not sovereign so I can't force that but what would you assume I meant that by that everybody in here will eat lunch today if I said many in this room will not eat lunch today what would you assume by that some of you aren't gonna eat lunch because you were bad people no that's not verse 2 many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake these to everlasting life but the others to disgraced and everlasting contempt some take this reference to those who will awake to mean an awakening from spiritual death but this is a dividing time with some being consigned to everlasting life as it says and some to everlasting contempt or death as it says the words and the intent here are of a physical resurrection a bodily resurrection you will be resurrected bodily
Jesus Christ was resurrected bodily the Israelites who are faithful to Christ will be resurrected bodily the
Israelites who are not faithful to Christ and the people who are not faithful to Christ will be resurrected bodily some will be consigned to everlasting life and some to everlasting death the words and the intent here are of a physical resurrection one that comes literally from the
Hebrew as translated as ground of dust what God create man from probably the dust that came off of your
Swiffer him things work don't think okay a parallel here is
Revelation chapter 20 verses 4 through 6 then I saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the
Word of God and those who did you hear that beheaded because of the Word of God I take that twofold
I mean the Word of God has said it's going to happen so that's true but because they held to the Word of God they're beheaded okay back to Revelation and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection over the over these the second death has no power but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years so this is the very first use of the word everlasting life in the
Old Testament I didn't know that some attempts to conflate that to mean that this is the first reverence to resurrection in the
Old Testament but that is not true that is not true the
Old Testament taught resurrection from the earliest days of writing starting with the book of Job Job 14 11 through 14 as water evaporates from the sea and a river becomes parched and dried up so man lies down and does not rise until the heavens are no longer he will not awake nor be aroused out of his sleep oh that you would hide me in Sheol and that you would conceal me until your wrath returns to you you would set a limit for me and remember me if a man dies will he live again all the days of my struggle
I will wait until my change comes Job knew Psalm and then in Job 19 25 and 20 through 27 as for me
I know this is a favorite a favorite verse in the Old Testament but what it portends as for me
I know that my Redeemer lives and at the last he will take his stand on the earth even after my skin is destroyed yet from my flesh from my flesh
I shall see God when I whom I myself shall behold and whom my eyes will see and not another my heart faints within me it should cause our heart to faint within us what a blessed remembrance that Job has here
Psalm 16 verse 10 for you will not abandon my soul to Sheol nor will you allow your
Holy One to undergo decay how many days was Jesus in the tomb three didn't consume him
Psalm 49 15 but God will redeem my soul from the power of Sheol for he will receive me
Sila Isaiah 25 8 he will swallow up death for all time and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces and he will remove the reproach of his people from all the earth for the
Lord has spoken Isaiah 26 19 your dead will live their corpses will rise you who lie in the dust awake and shout for joy for your do is as the dew of the dawn and the earth will give birth to the departed spirits
Hebrews 13 14 shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol shall I we redeem them from death
Oh death where are your thorns oath Sheol where is your sting compassion will be hidden from my sight and then in verse chapter oh that was
Hosea excuse me Hosea 13 it had an H on the front now
Hebrews 11 17 and 18 by faith Abraham when he was dead offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises was offering up his only begotten
Son it was he to whom it was said in Isaac your descendants shall be called
Abraham knew Abraham knew God's people have always believed in immortality and resurrection and these
Israelites as well as faithful Gentiles but in context Israelites will be raised up to enjoy millennial blessing and eternal blessing with Christ this resurrection of the righteous immediately follows the tribulation week the resurrection of the damned follows the thousand -year millennium the grammar of this verse is such that many of those refer to those raised immediately after the tribulation week and the others refers to those who will be raised after the millennium to disgrace and everlasting contempt the main concern of this verse in context is everyone who is found written in the book quote -unquote who will be raised to everlasting life in his commentary and several places that I looked at rephrase it this way not that not that the new
American Standard or the King James doesn't have it well it's just a it's a better understanding as you look at the grammatics the grammar of the
Hebrew and many that sleep in the dusty ground shall awake and then in parentheses to have part with the living righteous in millennial benefits right parent these indeed shall be to everlasting life but others left parent of the sleepers who do not awake at this time but only after the millennium right parent shall be to everlasting shame and contempt so many at one time will be raised to righteousness and later many will be raised to contempt to final death their
Old Testament because of the way the Oriental mind works the Hebrew mind works has no problem with speaking of two different time periods in the same verse
Isaiah 61 1 & 2 Daniel chapter 9 several places and 10 and among other places in the
Old Testament and so this is not an uncommon thing in light of Revelation chapter 10 20 which falls later in the history of revealed truth and which is much more detailed not more correct just more detailed we should look at this verse in Daniel in light of that section of Scripture further
Daniel uses the qualifier many rather than all to designate those resurrected and finally in verse 3 the word many is used again which clearly refers to only those so affected by that resurrection namely the righteous this group will include righteous
Gentiles who are generally called tribulation Saints those killed by the Antichrist during this time in history this will include all of the
Old Testament Saints and the last verse of Daniel chapter 12 buttresses this if you look at the last verse of Daniel 12 verse 13 but as for you
Daniel go your way to the end then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion of the end of the age
Daniel's allotted portion is with the righteous and he will rise again so and we're not there yet but do you see what
God did here Daniel said what else Lord and he said Daniel shut it up close the book you will rise again for your allotted portion do you like to have that done to you sit down you've got enough you've got enough
God always gives us enough never too much never too little he gave
Daniel enough to write the prophecy that he did and he gave Daniel enough to strengthen his faith and Daniel remains as one of the great heroes of the
Old Testament because of his faith and Daniel I imagine down here said okay I can do that sovereign
God sovereign Yahweh okay I got off track here Revelation 7 19 through 7 19 through 17 am
I trying to end this thing okay we'll get to that Revelation 7 9 through 17 after these things
I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne before the
Lamb clothed in white robes and palm branches were in their hands and they cry out with a loud voice saying salvation to our
God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb and all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and worship
God saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our
God forever and ever amen then one of the elders answered saying to me these who are clothed in the white robes who are they and where have they come from and I said to him my lord you know and he said to me these are the ones who come out of the
Great Tribulation and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb for this reason they are before the throne of God and they serve him day and night in his temple and he who sits on the throne was spread his tabernacle over them they will hunger no longer nor thirst anymore nor will the
Sun be down on them nor any heat for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd and will guide them to springs of water of life springs of the water of life and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes that time is coming beloved that time is coming
I don't know if you can wipe he said every tear but sometimes I bawl when cool things happen so you can you imagine trying to hold your tears and standing there and seeing this happen
I guess we will maybe I'll grow up many have spiritualized this text to make it seem as though Daniel was talking about a national spiritual revival or restoration they interpret the first part of the verse as though it applies to Israel's restoration but they ignore the second part but the fact simply is that in the same way that the righteous elect are raised to live everlastingly with Christ so the unrighteous are raised to permanent eternal destruction and that is what spurs evangelism on in the
Christian church and so it should be this verse and those like them and Daniel are speaking of a physical resurrection of the righteous to everlasting reward and a physical resurrection of the unrighteous to everlasting damnation
Culver deals with the concerns in this way in his commentary he says physical some believe physical resurrection is not taught in the second verse of this chapter if it were the passage would be in clash with the revelation concerning resurrection in the
New Testament we repeat the passage has nothing to do with physical resurrection physical resurrection is however used as a figure of the national revival of Israel in that day this is what they say it has nothing to do with physical resurrection it has to do with the national revival he answers it
Culver answers it this way he says the thing so utterly unacceptable about this is that this person adopts the very spiritualizing or symbolizing principle of interpretation which our opponents adopt and this was a man by the way who was a premillennialist that said this that in the and and that in the midst of the passage where everything else is esteemed to be literal not figurative he does this does with this passage precisely what the postmillennialists anomalies often do with the reference to a first resurrection in Revelation 20 thus he throws away the hermeneutical advantage of premillennialism his and categorical insert assertion is so utterly without foundation that is does not manage does not merit further attention as Robinson says if a resurrection of the body is not here declared it will be difficult to find where it is or to imagine words but in which it can be quoted by excuse me it will be difficult to find where it is or to imagine words in which it can be found another man says if the language of this verse be not declaratory of a resurrection of the dead actual and literal is there any passage of scripture at which speaks of such a resurrection this speaks of a physical resurrection there's a oh
I think I went too far here okay dead in the water can you back me up one no he can't this is what happens when the
Sun strikes at our technology it goes dark so I'm looking for the little picture of the resurrections there we go there's kind of a thing a thumbnail sketch of the types the kinds of resurrections the resurrections that are going to occur so the simple fact again in this matter is that Daniel is speaking here of the same hope that all
Old Testament Saints at least from Job on and I posit before Job but this is where we have our first historical reference taught that this was a physical resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous they believed in a physical resurrection from that point on and probably and most and most certainly before adding to our understanding of this verse is important in connection with the resurrection of the dead so again commentator
Culver explains the entire situation and I'm not going to go through the entire situation but basically what has happened is the word all and many are used in Scripture in numerous places in the
Old Testament the let me see if I can find this rather than go through this whole thing the word all is
Robin and the word many is different than that Harbin in the
New Testament the word for many is hoi polloi and the word for all is Pantis I got that back the word for many is
Robin and the word for all is Harbin and in the New Testament hoi polloi is for many and Pontus is all and they they use sections of Scripture like I'm gonna have to kind of page through this rather than I will not have time to go through all of this today so I'm going to I'm going to translate it for you some believe that the word all doesn't always mean all when
Jesus spoke of those who would be saved well let me ask you this question if God had wanted to save all do you think he was capable of that of course he was if Christ's blood was meant to be a payment of sin for all do you think his sacrifice was sufficient to do that but God has not said that he came to save all
God has said he came to save many and the many spoken of in the
New Testament that are on the way to righteousness and the many the the some that are on the way to righteousness and the many that are on the way to perdition means just that I don't think
God had a problem with grammar here in the Old Testament or the New Testament the problem was with expositors who have a wrong biblical view a wrong theology of salvation now
I'm going to use a phrase here that's already been used actually it's the title of a book and I didn't mean to but I couldn't think of a better way to save it say it
God doesn't try to save people and if you need reference for that I know a guy he doesn't try if he had chosen to save all brothers and sisters all would be going to heaven it would be a gigantic reunion of the entirety of humanity from 6 ,000 years ago until whenever Christ comes but he chose some
I don't know why he chose me he is really getting the worst part of the bargain but he chose some and Christ's sacrifice whom he said he would not lose any of that the
Father gave to him was perfectly sufficient for those for the many and so in this verse here now at that time many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake these two everlasting life but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt that was well known in eternity past by the sovereign
God of the universe and the many that will be the saved the elect of Christ will be
I guess I can leave it at that there's quite a bit of I had
I had pages and pages of support here but the Sunday school is only 45 minutes or and and I never use a sentence when a paragraph will do so I guess one person put it this way he said some believers during the tribulation period period will be well like Daniel and his three friends be delivered from death but all who remain faithful all of the elect will eventually be delivered through death by the means of God's promised resurrection all who have put their faith and trust in Christ who have repented whom the
Holy Spirit has regenerated will be part of the redeemed all who have not the many who have not will not it should also be noted that this is speaking again
I can't say this enough of a bodily resurrection in the front flesh Daniel makes reference to those who sleep in the dust of the ground this is a clear statement of bodily bodily resurrection on par with Isaiah 26 19 and Hosea 13 14 speaking of flesh so when we see the word sleep and rise in the
Old Testament one commentator put it this way he said the Old Testament standard way of envisioning envisaging yeah dying and coming back to life is by speaking of lying down and sleeping and then of waking and getting up and that's what
Lazarus would have looked like beloved he would have looked like he laid down to sleep didn't start smelling and got back up the alarm clock went off the alarm clock was
Jesus's voice come Lazarus come forth he so he says the
Old Testament standard way of envisioning dying and coming back to life is by speaking of lying down and sleeping and then of waking and getting up the former is an extreme form of the latter which thus provides the metaphor for it we see that in 2nd
Kings 4 13 Isaiah 26 Jeremiah 51 Job 14 further dying means lying down with one's ancestors in the family tomb with its non -material equivalent she'll so coming back to life would mean leaving such a land of earth
Psalm 49 and 73 the image presupposing presupposes a restoring of life of the whole person with its material and spiritual aspects the entire spiritual and physical aspect is restored to the person who lied down and then was raised back and got back up so last this verse teaches that eternal life attends both the righteous and the unrighteous this being the first mention of the word everlasting life or eternal life in the
Old Testament carries with it the way to first mention heaven is forever and so is hell the
Hebrew word translated everlasting is Olam and it means and it is applied liberally throughout the
Old Testament to the sovereignty and each analogy of Yahweh himself is off is attended by this word in the analogy the analogies are one would conclude that if hell and heaven are not eternal then neither is
Yahweh would you conclude that logic would dictate that but Yahweh is eternal and the places that he has chosen for the elect and for the non -elect are also eternal this agrees with the
Old Testament I guess I should say in other words the the
New Testament agrees with the Old Testament depiction of eternality and both are precise in that they adhere to specific doctrinal connotations and statements about eternality heaven hell
Yahweh and those who reside in those two places are eternal and we will rise again and that is what
Daniel I'm going to keep referring to the last section of Daniel even though we're not going to exposit it yet Daniel you will rise again for your allotted portion at the end of the age what a comfort that must have been and it should be a comfort to us are there any questions about verse 2 all the other stuff that's in there if someone's interested
I can refer you to it but yes Rick Rick made reference to David's child that he fasted and prayed and then when the child died
David knew that he would see him again he knew that he would see that child again any other comments or questions let's close in prayer father we are we stand in awe of how you have constructed the universe and how you have constructed us and how you have written your word to give us comfort instruction to change our lives to conform us to your word and to to spread the gospel your word is so true so perfect so wonderful there are those who hate it but we love it and we love you let us go about our day today demonstrating that love for you we ask it in Jesus name