Spiritual Transitions from Duct Tape Failure

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Okay, well this is the part where we, the time when we take different things that people give in the live class and transition to the gospel from whatever is given to me in the chat room.
Today's topic is duct tape failure. And I'm going to have to transition from duct tape failure to the gospel somehow.
And the reason we do this is because most people find it, well a lot of people seem to think that evangelism is a little bit easy once we get into a spiritual conversation.
And for some people it's, well how do you transition from the natural to the spiritual? Christ did that all the time, where he transitioned from the natural to the spiritual.
But how can we, how can we do that? Well this is a game we play where we give someone a topic or an object or something like that and they have to do a transition either to a spiritual message or a gospel message.
And so I'm doing gospel messages and the topic is duct tape failure.
Now I don't quite understand what duct tape failure is because well, I kind of thought duct tape was the answer to everything.
I mean duct tape and a hammer are the two tools that solve like what 99 % of all problems.
So I don't know how you could fail with duct tape unless maybe you duct taped yourself or something like you tied your hands up somehow and you couldn't get it off because your own hands are tied.
Maybe that's the failure. I don't know how you get duct tape failure. But one thing that we do know is that if there is a way to fail, well humans are great at it.
That's what we do well. We can find a way to fail at anything basically. Human beings fail but there's a reason we fail.
We fail because sin entered into the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. And with that failure came a corruption of the entire universe.
And that's why we have things like the law of entropy where you have things heating up and burning up and eventually going to go out of existence.
And so you have these things where things are decaying and that's because of sin.
But there's one thing that did not fail and cannot fail and that's God.
And what God did on the cross when he himself paid the punishment for sin, that wasn't a failure.
It didn't surprise Jesus that he was up on that cross. He knew he was going there. He was born knowing that he was going to go there.
And he went and he died that sinners could be set free. That's the good news of the gospel.
It's not a failure. And though people think they can use duct tape as an answer for every problem and solve it and use it in ways it shouldn't be used, so sometimes people use
God's word in ways that they shouldn't use. Some people come up with fairy tales or make -believe stories like God is love therefore he loves everybody and will forgive everybody regardless of what they do.
That's not true. That would be a gospel failure where people use the good news in a wrong way.
But the good news without failure is that we have to repent and put faith in Jesus Christ and yet that's something
God does through us, isn't that good? That's the good news. So that's how I would transition from a duct tape failure to the gospel.