F4F | Debunking Larry Huch on the Passover

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. We've been doing a little mini -series on, well, building off of a proper distinction of the biblical covenants.
I did an hour and a half long teaching on sorting out the biblical covenants and made the biblical case that we are no longer under the
Mosaic Covenant at all. No, we're not. The status of the Mosaic Covenant is kaput.
And so from there we took a look, we did two segments on Robert Morris' false teaching on the so -called blessed life and noticed that what he was doing was failing to make a proper distinction of the covenants and which covenant
Christians are in. He was pulling Mosaic Covenant concepts into the New Covenant and trying to bind people's consciences regarding tithing and claiming that if you don't pass the test that your finances are going to be cursed.
And the Bible doesn't teach this for the New Covenant at all. Now building off that same principle then, we can look at Judaizers like Larry and Tiz Huck.
Larry Huck is one of these guys who claims that he's getting back to the Hebrew roots of the Bible, but what he's doing is engaging in obfuscation, he's manipulating biblical text and he's not making the distinction between the commands and the ordinances of the
Mosaic Covenant and what we are bound to as Christians. And so every year, whenever one of the
Mosaic Covenant feast days rolls around, and it just so happens to be the season of Passover now, that what does
Larry Huck do? He says, oh, this is God's appointed Moedim and you need to send me money, send me an offering because God says return to me in tithes and offerings, and he claims that offerings are referring to the
Moedim, the Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. And that when you send in your offering to Larry Huck for one of these
Moedim, that the window of heaven is going to pass over you and drop lollipops out of the sky.
Yeah, that's a little bit of a cynical way of putting it, but that's pretty much his theology in a nutshell.
But here's the thing. He's taking old Mosaic Covenant stuff and somehow making it so that we're required to do this.
Now, are Christians required to observe the Passover? No. Not the
Mosaic Covenant Passover, no. We have the freedom if we want to go to a Seder dinner, but we worship the substance that the
Passover was always pointing to. We'll take a look at that, and we'll even throw in a bonus argument. Have you ever talked to somebody who's a
Judaizer and they say, well, it says in the Book of Leviticus that the Passover is an ordinance forever, forever, forever, forever.
Well, we'll take a look at that, too, by going back to my debate with Jim Staley. I talk about that in my opening argument, touching on the concept of olam, forever.
What does the Hebrew word olam mean? Does it always mean for eternity? Answer, no.
Not even close. So, that will be today's episode of Fighting for the Faith, so let's go ahead and we're going to whirl up the desktop.
This is a photograph that I took recently. Those are the
Northern Lights. We took this up near Oslo, Minnesota, and so the Northern Lights were out that night, a little faint, and low on the horizon because they weren't overhead, but that was my first time seeing them, so I had an opportunity to photograph that, so I thought
I'd share that with you guys. Okay, let's whirl up the browser, and let's head over to the
YouTube channel of Larry and Tiz Huck, and what they are are Judaizers, failing to make a proper distinction between the
New Covenant and its commands and the Mosaic Covenant, which is kaput. So here we go.
Hi, everybody. We're pastors Larry and Tiz Huck, and welcome to today's broadcast. Now, I'm going to stop right there.
Pastors, plural, Larry and Tiz Huck. Scripture doesn't allow for women to be pastors.
That's reserved for men. So already, I mean, we're six seconds in, and you should say, uh -oh, false teacher, change the channel, but if you want to watch the train wreck, yeah, you get the idea.
Let's keep going. You know, one of my favorite scriptures, our favorite scriptures, we live by this scripture, is
Romans 8 .28. Absolutely. It says, all things work together for the good.
Tiz's job is to make the yummy sound. Yes. Mm. Yeah. Mm. I think that, so color commentary by Tiz is all about that.
Right. Of those who love God, now listen to this part, and called according to his purpose.
What Satan's meant for evil, God will use it for good.
Amen. What Satan meant to steal, God will reverse that and multiply the blessings into your life.
Amen. That is never more true than during the time of Passover.
No biblical text says this. God wants to bless you and all that stuff, but it's more true during Passover.
What? And this Passover, I think, is the most important Passover that you and I will ever celebrate.
Stay with us. Yeah, you said the same thing when the four blood moons in the Shemitah was happening.
Oh, this is the most important Passover ever. So I'm going to fast forward through their opening here, and let's get to it.
Here we go. You know, the challenging thing about us teaching for 26 or 27 minutes is trying to get everything in in the program.
And so let me say this real quick. Right now, we're in the season of celebrating Passover.
Now a lot of Christians, I think, Tiz, you brought it up last week, that a lot of Christians say, well, what does
Passover have to do with us? Right. Jesus celebrated Passover. Of course he did.
He was under the Mosaic covenant. He was required to. If he didn't, we'd be in trouble.
Call it the Lord's Supper. But Jesus said, or they said to Jesus, where do you want us to prepare
Passover? And the reason is, is because understanding.
It's not the truth that sets you free. It's the truth you know. Understanding Passover is the key to the open windows of heaven.
No text says that. No text says that understanding Passover is the key to understanding the open windows of heaven.
That's a doctrine he totally made up. And I want to talk about today, I want to talk about the three miracle blessings that are released during the time of Passover.
Which biblical text says there are three miracle blessings released during the Passover? No text says this.
Grace, divine grace, divine protection, and divine prosperity.
So grace, protection, and prosperity. Let me back it up so you can hear it in context. Miracle blessings that are released during the time of Passover.
Grace, divine grace, divine protection, and divine prosperity. Now note, grace, prosperity, and protection.
Now, I know where Larry Huck is going here, because he's going to make a big to -do about the importance of sending in an offering.
So I want you to consider this, all right? He's turning God into a mafioso.
Yeah, you know, I'd like to protect you, you know, but I am needing an offering.
You know, if you cannot give me an offering at Passover and at Pentecost and the
Shavuot, you know, I'm not able to be protecting you, you know? So you make sure you give me enough protection money.
I'm telling you, that's what this is. This is a shakedown, basically saying God's offering you protection if you send him money.
This is illegal, at least for human beings. But Larry Huck here, in making
God out, he wants to offer you divine protection. But you need to send in money, you know, an offering.
If you don't do that, you know, you can't get the special divine protection thingy.
We don't like to talk just about prosperity, because I think a lot of times that's overused.
But boy, I'm telling you by the Spirit of God, folks, this is
God's appointed time for grace. Which biblical text says that?
Divine protection and for the beginning. You know, one of the great prophecies is the end time transfer of wealth,
Passover. Grab your prophecy bingo card. End times transfer of wealth is a big, charismatic turd of a doctrine.
It's a total misappropriation of Exodus and one of the details of the
Exodus. Israel and Egypt was the beginning. Yes. That was the first, was the avos of the end time transfer of wealth.
And that is getting ready to happen right now. Oh, it's the end times transfer. It's got to happen anytime now.
I was a charismatic. I was in the Pentecostal movement back in the late 80s, and they were talking about the eminent end times transfer of wealth.
It's a false doctrine. Listen, your pagan neighbors are not going to show up on your door with a wheelbarrow and say,
I don't know why, but I just felt like I needed to give you all of the money in my savings account and in my
IRA, and here's all my wife's jewelry and her gold too. Here, take it.
No text teaches this. And this is nothing we should expect. It's just a detail of the
Exodus, the historical account. Every year during Passover, it's grace, it's protection.
It's the favor of God. It has to do with our finances. But this year is vitally important.
He says that every year. You know, one of the greatest scriptures, the
Bible says, call upon the Lord. Lord, L -A -R -D. While he is near.
Now, Isaiah 55, six is not talking about calling on the name of the Lord while he's near because he's only neared three times a year.
Let's just take a look at that, shall we? Okay. So, we are going to head over to my
Bible program and we're going to look at Isaiah 55. Three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, context.
So, Isaiah 55, six is the verse he went to. Let's take a look at this in context.
Come, everyone who thirsts to the waters, he who has no money, come buy and eat.
Come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligent to me and eat what is good and delight yourself in rich food, incline your ear and come to me here so that your soul may live and I will make with you an everlasting covenant.
Isaiah 55 is a reference to what? The new covenant, the everlasting one.
The Mosaic covenant isn't an everlasting covenant, all right? My steadfast love, my steadfast sure love for David, behold,
I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and a commander for the peoples. And behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know and a nation that you did not know shall run to you because of Yahweh your
God and of the Holy One of Israel for he has glorified you. So, seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.
This is a general call for repentance. So, let the wicked forsake his way, let the unrighteous man his thoughts, let him return to Yahweh so that he may have compassion on him and to our
God for he will abundantly pardon. Yeah, so Isaiah 55 6 is in the context of a call to all nations everywhere to repent of their sins.
Now is, today is the day of salvation. God is near now for salvation and he will abundantly pardon and as promised in the everlasting and new covenant, he will remember your sins no more.
So, we see what Larry Huck is doing. He's taking Isaiah 55 verse 6 out of context. Call upon the
Lord while he is near. And well, of course, he's only near three times a year. No text says what
Larry Huck is teaching here. Let me explain that real quick because I want you to talk about grace in just a moment.
Call upon the Lord when he is near. And you say it all the time, babe, that God is
God 24 7. But there are appointed times on God's calendar that he is closer to us, which means.
Which text says that? In order for it to be a biblical doctrine, there has to be a biblical text that says
God is our God 24 7, but three times a year, he's even closer.
Okay, because since God is omnipresent, what you're saying doesn't seem to make any sense.
Remember, Christ is where two or more are gathered. He's in his name. He is present among them. So we've got an issue here because no biblical text says that three times a year,
God's closer than other times of the year. Which means his anointing, his power, his blessing.
This is why God gives us these appointed times. This says you from the book of first opinions, but this is not biblical.
Has to do with Malachi. I'll open the windows of heaven. Malachi chapter three, we've already discussed this recently, is in relation to the
Mosaic covenant. You know, return to me in tithes and offerings is a call for the children of Israel to return to God by obeying the land lease agreement that they're under that called the
Mosaic covenant. He opened the windows of heaven, return unto me and I'll return unto you.
And I don't want to get political right now, but I believe that's what's happening right now in America, around the world.
I believe there's a great wake up call that people are saying everywhere we go, what in the world is happening?
Everywhere you go, people are saying, you know what? We got to get back to God. This is exactly what
Malachi said when God gave him the prophetic word. So he's claiming that people are out there in the
United States saying, we got to return to God. And he says, oh, Larry goes, oh yeah, we got to return to God.
So how do we return to God? Send me offering money. That's what he's saying.
And I'll show it to you in a minute. God said, return to me. Isn't that what's happening right now?
People are saying, you know what? We can't rely on Washington.
We can't rely on wall street. We can't rely on the UN. We can't rely on the medical reports.
We're getting who to rely on. And God says, return to me, Teshuvah.
And when you return to me as a nation, as the world, as an individual, when you make that move, when you make that move, then
I will come back to you, your home, your family, your life, your nation.
And I will be Jehovah, Jireh, Jehovah. All right. Now notice he referenced Malachi 3 .7.
Let's take a look at it again in context. This is regarding the children of Israel not keeping their end of the
Mosaic Covenant. For I, Yahweh, do not change. Therefore, children of Jacob are not consumed.
From the days of your fathers, you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me and I'll return to you, says
Yahweh, Savooth. But you say, how shall we return? Notice it ends with a question mark. Will man rob
God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, however he robbed you in tithes and contributions, you are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me and the whole nation, the whole nation of you.
So, invoking Malachi 3 .7 and saying, y 'all, the U .S. needs to return to God.
The U .S. is not under the Mosaic Covenant. And here the returning to God is a call to them to keep their end of the bargain in the
Mosaic Covenant, which they are breaking egregiously. And so, what
Larry Huck is saying here, what the United States needs to do is return to God and with tithes and offerings.
You know, so send it to me. Jehovah's kids can do. Jehovah make cadets. They said, great, that's great.
How do we return? And God says, in your tithe and your offerings, and this is what it…
So, in order for people to return to God, here in the
United States, with all the turmoil that's going on, we need to send Larry Huck our offerings during the
Passover, because it's one of the three Moedim. And God will open up the windows of heaven over us if we do.
About three times a year, you come before the Lord. That's what offering is. Three times a year, you come before the
Lord. And Deuteronomy 16 is dealing with the Moedim, the feast days of the
Mosaic Covenant. Now, here's where we're going to jump off for just a minute and do a little biblical work.
Okay. Number one, we're going to note that scripture clearly says, this is one of the passages we looked at in our sorting out the biblical covenants teaching,
Therefore, let no one pass judgment on you, you Christians in Colossae, on questions of food and drink with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
Sabbath. Festival, a new moon or a Sabbath. Festivals are going to include
Passover. These are a shadow of the things to come. The substance belongs to Christ.
Now, since Passover is a type and shadow, the substance belongs to Christ. We're not under the
Mosaic Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant has been nullified. It is obsolete. It has been, it is kaput.
We're not under the Mosaic Covenant. Nobody is. That being the case, nobody is required to keep the
Passover. And Larry Huck's claims that God's closer at Passover and you got to send an offering in order to receive the blessing.
It's absolute nonsense. So, what does the type and shadow of Passover teach us about Christ?
Since it's a shadow of Christ, taking a look. So, here's what it says in Exodus chapter 12.
This is where God institutes the Passover. So, Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, This month shall be for you the beginning of months and shall be the first of the month of the year for you.
Tell all the congregation of Israel that on the 10th day of this month, every man shall take a lamb according to their father's houses, a lamb for a household.
And if the household is too small for a lamb, then he and his nearest neighbor shall take according to the number of persons, according to what each can eat.
You shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old. You may take it from the sheep or the goats, and you shall keep it until the 14th day of this month.
And then when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill their lambs at twilight.
What time of the day is that? Three in the afternoon. Same time that Jesus died, right?
Christ died at twilight at three in the afternoon. So, when they take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat it, they shall eat the flesh that night roasted on the fire with unleavened bread, bitter herbs, they shall eat it.
Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted its head with its legs and its inner parts.
And you shall let none of it remain until morning. Anything that remains until the morning, you shall burn.
In this manner, you shall eat it with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet, your staff in your hand, and you shall eat it in haste for it is
Yahweh's Passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and on all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgments.
I am Yahweh. The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when
I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you and destroy you, and I will strike the land of Egypt.
Now, remember the promise of the New Covenant. God promises in the New Covenant that He will remember our sins no more.
And so, a good way to think about it then is that as the way the Apostle Paul puts it in 1
Corinthians 5, and he says this to the church at Corinth, who was putting up with somebody who was sexually immoral, your boasting is not good.
Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? And here, you'll note that Passover is a season where for 14 days, you have unleavened bread.
Leaven is a type and shadow of sin, right? And then the fact that Christ says,
I am the bread of life who's come down out of heaven, Christ is our unleavened bread.
He's sinless. That's the point. It points to Him in that sense. So, as Christians then, we recognize that a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
So, cleanse then the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened.
Yeah, that's right. In Christ. And then it says this, for Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed.
Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. That is 1 Corinthians 5, 7. So, Jesus is our
Passover lamb. The Passover is the shadow. It's the type and shadow, and Jesus is the substance.
Christ is our Passover lamb, and because the text says it so clearly then, we see then that the type and shadow gives way to the substance who is
Christ, and He has been sacrificed. And so, God sees the blood of Christ on us, on you, and on me, and the destroyer passes over us.
We are not judged with the world, and God remembers to not remember our sin.
That's how that works. So, the Passover is this beautiful picture of Christ and how
He saves you and I. And we have an exodus too, an exodus out of slavery to sin, death, and the devil, as we wander towards the promised land, which is the new heavens and the new earth.
You see, it all works together when you let the scriptures teach you how to understand these things.
Now, I said I would throw in a little bit of a bonus argument, and this is not something that Larry Huck is going to address, but something that has to be addressed, because the
Judaizers within the visible church, they'll say, uh -uh, you have to observe the
Passover because it says that it's a feast forever, forever. And here's your text.
So, this day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations as a statute olam.
Olam does not mean eternal, and it does not mean forever in the way you are thinking it, okay?
As a statute forever, you shall keep its feast. So, what I did here in preparation for this, this is a little bit of a bonus argument,
I'm going to go back to my debate with Jim Staley and my opening argument. And in my opening argument,
I address this issue of forever and the word olam and what does it mean.
And let's let me explain this, at least me from seven years ago, explain how olam works.
Here we go, okay? But basically, hermeneutics is the study and discipline of biblical interpretation.
And one of the features of hermeneutics is an understanding of correct reference. You'll hear me use that term a few times tonight.
And to kind of demonstrate the importance of a proper reference. In fact, what is a text referring to?
If you misunderstand a reference, you can get yourself in a lot of trouble. So, I have a story to tell you about Mr.
and Mrs. Snodgrass. Now, Mrs. Snodgrass is a person not unlike many of us. She hates to be stuck in traffic.
And for the past few months, she has spent her days dreaming about owning a bright new red sports car.
She even on several occasions recently was seen at several car dealerships, test driving the newest muscle cars and dreaming of the day that she could zip effortlessly through traffic and go around cars and things like that in her bright new red shiny driving machine.
Now, being that her birthday was quickly approaching, she began dropping hints about what she wanted for her birthday to Mr.
Snodgrass. And when he finally asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she didn't want to be too direct.
So she said, Honey, I've been dreaming of owning something that can go from zero to 200 in less than four seconds.
Now, Mrs. Snodgrass's birthday arrived and she was filled with the type of excitement that a five -year -old feels on Christmas morning.
Although you guys don't celebrate that here, do you? But when she opened Mr. Snodgrass's present, rather than find the keys to a brand new shiny red muscle car, she found a bathroom scale.
Funeral services for Mr. Snodgrass will be held this Tuesday. All right.
The point of that story is to demonstrate the importance of understanding reference. Although a bathroom scale does go from zero to 200 in less than four seconds, that was not the reference that Mrs.
Snodgrass was referring to when she told Mr. Snodgrass what she wanted for her birthday. So properly understanding reference can not only save your life in the case of Mr.
Snodgrass, it can also help you properly understand God's word. So let's take a look at Exodus 31, verse 16.
And notice I'm not projecting today, so you get to follow along. Therefore, the people of Israel shall keep the
Sabbath day, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations as a covenant forever.
Now, notice I should put some echo on that. Forever, ever, ever, ever, ever. Now, at first glance, this seems pretty cut and dried.
It seems to be saying that the Sabbath will be observed for eternity. After all, isn't that what the words covenant forever mean?
Well, answer no. When you pay closer attention to the text's referent, you will discover that it is not saying that the
Sabbath will be observed for eternity. Now, in order to demonstrate why this is the case, we're gonna look at a couple of cross references in the book of Exodus that use this exact type of language.
Exodus chapter 21, verses two through six, reads this. When you buy a
Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh, he shall go out free for nothing.
If he comes in single, he shall go out single. If he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons and daughters, and a wife and her children shall be her masters, and he shall go out alone.
But if the slave plainly says, I love my master, my wife, and my children, I will not go out free, then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost, and his master shall bore his ear through an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.
Forever, forever, forever. Question, is Yahweh actually revealing that someone will be another person's slave for eternity?
Well, before we answer that, let's look at another passage. Exodus chapter 27, verses 20 and 21, says this.
You shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beaten olive oil for the light that a lamp may regularly be set up to burn.
In the tent of meeting outside the veil that is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening to morning before the
Lord, and it shall be a statute forever to be observed through all their generations by the people of Israel.
Well, where is this lamp today? It doesn't exist. God's word says that this will be a statute forever.
Does God's word contradict itself? How can this be a statute forever if there is no way to observe this statute?
Well, the answer is simple. The Hebrew word in play in all three of these texts is the Hebrew word olam. And the question we need to answer is whether or not the referent in Exodus 31, 16, our original text, is eternity or something else.
Now, when you do your semantic research, you will find that olam does not always mean eternity, but oftentimes is referring only to a duration of time.
As H .M. Riggle correctly noted in his book from the Sabbath to the Lord's Day, he said this, forever, speaking of spiritual things and future destinies, et cetera, means unending.
It is also used in speaking of laws to indicate that they are in continuous force, standing permanent.
In such case, it indicates a law is unchangeable and unrepealable while the system of which it is a part lasts.
As Old Testament scholar Harold Dressler noted, the Sabbath is not viewed as a universal ordinance for all of mankind.
Instead, it is a specific institution for Israel. As a sign of the covenant, it was to last only as long as that covenant, not forever.
Next passage, Matthew 5. Okay, so you get the idea here.
So the Hebrew word olam, when it talks about that this is a statute forever, is not saying that this is going to go on until the end of the world or into eternity.
It's as long as the Mosaic covenant lasts. That's the point.
And that's how olam is used. So the word olam doesn't mean, it doesn't have the same meaning as like forever or eternity as we understood.
And that's the point. And I pointed that out biblically because there was a slave who decides he doesn't want to become free.
And so he's to have an all driven through his ear and now he's a slave forever. No, no, as long as he lasts, as long as his lifetime lasts.
So the people who argue that, oh, the Bible says we're to observe the Sabbath forever. You don't understand how olam is used and you are using an improper reference.
All of that being said, let's go back to Larry and Tiz Huck as they are basically mangling up the
Mosaic covenant. This isn't even proper Mosaic covenant stuff that we're hearing from them.
It's totally made up. Nobody in the Mosaic covenant thought, oh, there's three times a year where God is closer.
And if I send in my offering, the windows of heaven will drop blessings into my lap.
No one in the Mosaic covenant believe that because no biblical text says this. And you don't come empty handed.
That's Passover. That's Pentecost. That's Feast of Tabernacles. We bring a special offering.
And when we do that, and right now we're in Passover Tiz, there are three, every day of every year,
God brings grace and protection and favor. But it's multiplied right now. And God opens the window.
No text says this. And nobody under the Mosaic covenant believed any of this.
Think about it right now. With all the craziness that's going on, the window of heaven is ready right now.
It's ready right now. Oh no. The window's gonna be passing me by. How do
I get it to drop lollipops on me? Well, you'll see. To be opened up and pour out these three blessings that he doesn't pour out in this way any other time of the year.
And boy, do we need these three blessings. Talk about, we were talking off camera. Talk about what
God showed you. Yeah, we really need these blessings. How do I get the windows of heaven to drop a lollipop on me?
Let's take a look here. Let's see here. This is a book that I finished right before we found out about the pandemic.
All right, so that's their book that they're selling. So how do I get these special Passover blessings?
Well, let's go here. Here we go. Out of the shadow of Pharaoh and into the blessing of God.
This Passover is special. We'll be right back. The appointed time for your
Passover blessing is almost here. Not only will this first fruits offering activate the promise
God made in Malachi. So you got to send in your Passover first fruits offering and it's going to activate things.
To open the windows of heaven over you, it will be used to bless Israel through Project Aliyah.
So there you go, folks. I mean, you want the windows of heaven to drop lollipops, protection, grace, and prosperity on you.
Just, you know, send your Passover offering to Larry Huck. Yeah, this is why
I call him Larry Huck -ster. And you'll note when you understand the biblical covenants, you recognize this guy, he would put us back under the
Mosaic covenant. We're not under that. But even his understanding of the Mosaic covenant is garbage.
It's not sound scholarship. He's twisting things up. He's the quintessential example of what the
Bible describes as somebody who teaches for shameful gain the things they ought not to teach.
So we're not required to keep Passover. You have the freedom. If you would like to, you know, see a
Seder meal, you have the freedom to do that as a Christian. But Christ, our Passover lamb has been slain.
Christ is my Passover lamb. And being covered in the blood of that lamb, the lamb of God, I know that God will not destroy me and remember the promises of the new covenant to remember my sins no more.
Same for you as well. So let us truly keep the Passover by looking to Christ and being the unleavened loaf that we are to put sin out of our lives, to repent and to return to God in faith and in contrition and penitence and receive from him the internal inheritance as a gift won by Jesus.
You get the idea. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ as vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. Okay, I think that'll work.