56. Dangerous Families



Satan is winning in our culture for two reasons. First, he has successfully attacked and dismantled the family. And second, Christians have forgotten how to prioritize and fight back with dangerous families. Join us as we explore this topic together! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


57. The Nashville Shooting And Christian Warfare

Welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 56 dangerous families
Now I normally avoid disclaimers, but if you understand what I am saying in this podcast episode
Then you will not only understand almost everything that you need to know about spiritual warfare
Or why this country is in the shape that it's in and even how Christians can wage war against it
But you will also come to see how the antidote to all of those things is
Dangerous families Here's the argument point number one
Satan is the enemy of God He hates the things that God loves.
He tries to pervert what God calls good and Then he attacks the things that God has made point number two as a matter of warfare
Satan has focused the lion's share of his attack on the most precious thing that God ever
Designed and that is the thing that God called very good, which is the family see
Genesis 1 26 through 31 point number three The thing that God called very good is the male and female human sexually healthy covenantally faithful child producing monogamous marriage or to say that a different way family point number four
God installed this very good family as the very basis for and the most central unit of all society see
Genesis 1 28 And then point number five knowing this one can reasonably assume that Satan's most ferocious attacks and The heart of all spiritual warfare will be leveled at the thing that God called most good the very good
It will be leveled against the family Therefore the way that we fight back is
By raising up the kind of families that are oriented back towards God's very good vision the vision that threatens
Satan That thwarts his plans that resisted his temptations and will eventually topple his kingdom now before we get into that we need to look at how
Satan is waging an all -out war on the family today and Here. I'm just gonna list a litany.
Although it's not an exhaustive list. That is a lot of examples of how Satan is attacking the family and again, this list could be pages upon pages long
But I just want to give some obvious examples of how Satan is trying to destroy the family today which means destroying godliness masculinity femininity marriage and children
So here's the list gender confusion Perverted woke cartoons
Divorce sodomy adultery pornography Lesbianism fornication godlessness in schools godless schools cross -dressing effeminate men passive husbands domineering women pronoun confusion feminism transgenderism hookup culture woke college campuses birth control abortions sex ed curriculums infidelity
Intersectionality government -propagated sexual perversions Subsidizing the murder of babies, etc
Now the question we need to wrestle with again, it's how do we fight all that?
Do we fight all of that by being individuals or we fight all of that in a different way the reason That we learn about spiritual warfare is not to sit down in our victim hood.
We need a reason We need to be able to rise up as victors. That's the point We study spiritual warfare.
We study the scriptures we study the gospel because we want to step into what Paul says that we are more than conquerors, so That would be impossible apart from relationship with Jesus Christ that's the starting point but For the
Christian Spiritual warfare does not begin or does not end excuse me with just our individual walk with the
Lord like soldiers, we don't put on the uniform of Christ and Think that the battle is somehow magically over just because we put on our uniform There's training that that's involved with other people.
There's education. There's fighting alongside of people There's deploying and war waging and raising up of new soldiers who are gonna enter into the the army
There's eventual triumph after a long fart long hard -fought campaign all of that's done in a in a corporate setting
With a band of brothers that functions much like a family again below is a non -exhaustive list of activities that we can be doing as soldiers of Christ to successfully wage war against the serpent and again
Shocker it has everything to do with the recovery of the family Read the
Bible together in the home Submits to it submit to its truth openly joyfully
Pray continually in the home Commit to a local church and go there together get baptized
Take communion weekly with your family. Love Jesus together be discipled and then while you wait on Jesus to return guard your virginity if your parents help guard your children's virginity by Making sure that they're not in situations where kids are going to do things that that are stupid
Date with purity if you've got adult children help them date with purity
Protect your eyes and provide an environment where your family's eyes can be protected Protect your heart from satanic perversions get you know, help your children grow up to get married to godly believers prepare them for that Be faithful to your spouse physically mentally and emotionally have frequent godly sex so that you're not tempted
You and your spouse make lots of babies raise them up in the Lord Refuse to send them to in the indoctrination camps that we call public schools
Instead disciple them to grow up and have godly Fruitful and multiplying families that look just like the one that you've been modeling for them
Teach them how to worship Jesus fiercely and to storm the gates of hell advancing Jesus's kingdom
Teach them not to be cowards teach them to be strong in the Lord Teach them to be active in their faith teach them to be to not be passive in their homes if you can't have children
You're not broken If you can't have children, that's okay You can adopt
You can help raise someone else's children and disciple them to grow up and to be the kind of Christian that we're talking about here
You can support other parents in the church in the community you can you can do all kinds of things to come alongside of of this mission if You have kids already then do not forget
To teach them how to be in the scriptures How to love
God with all of their heart soul mind and strength how to date how to marry how to raise children how to raise a family that has the same convictions that you've raised them up into so that they can
Make for you an army of grandbabies that will assist you in the war against the enemy
If you're fortunate enough to live to see your grandchildren marry Then you'll get to encourage another generation to take up the blessings of godly faithful fruitful multiplying family
And you will get to die with an astounding heritage and legacy Now the question we need answers.
Why is this warfare? How is this actually? Going to threaten Satan we talked about earlier that Satan hates families.
He attacks families in the way that we fight back is by Making robust families.
How's this gonna work? Because every satanic attack listed above is meant to spoil the family
Satan has exhausted every bit of his energy and effort to pervert boys soil girls poison marriages
Stop women from having children have children cut off their genitals in this in this perverted godless war
That's being waged upon them in fact I believe the very reason that Satan attacks women as ferociously as he does and Families as ferociously as he does is because it's women who will carry the next generation of serpent crushing
Christians in her womb Satan's destiny is already determined by Christ and what he did on the cross, but his duration here is
Dependent upon and obviously it's under the banner of God's sovereignty and his foreknowledge But his duration is dependent upon us doing the mission of Christ when every tribe tongue and nation have heard the gospel when all the
Nations have been discipled when this gospel has been preached to every tribe tongue and people When all of Jesus's enemies have been put under his feet
Then the end will come you see if Satan can cause a society to be confused about what a woman is and Be confused about whether the infant in the womb is a real human or not
If Satan can get us to that place, then the battle is over Then we as a society we've lost now
God's plan is not lost God's plan is gonna be victorious God's gonna continue to gain his victory from One river to the ends of the earth as the waters covers the seas like we know that But our participation in Christ's victory
This culture this American nation Supposedly, you know plants it as a city on a hill as a light to the nation's
Our participation will be taken from us Our lampstand will be taken from us and it's because we've allowed
Satan to pervert the family He has attacked the wives the husbands and the children of this culture
Because families healthy biblical families are dangerous they're threatening to Satan in his kingdom and if we stand up and fight and Develop dangerous families if we develop the kind of families that threaten
Satan in his kingdom. We will certainly win this culture will be spared if we just get in the battle and stop standing on the sidelines in Confusion or stop wasting our time doing things other than building the kind of families that that God told us to build
Like we spend so much time thinking about everything else our job our careers our work our this or that how much time do we spend
Cultivating the kind of family that is fruitful multiplying
Gaining dominion like Christ told us in his word who will stand up and it will fight for the kingdom of God That's exactly the work that we need to be doing brothers and sisters
We have to stand up and fight Not as individuals Not just as churches, but as dangerous
Satan threatening families because we will certainly win the war if we just get in the battle Think about it if we believe if us believers would simply act like Christians Mary Christians have pure faithful frequent and joyful covenantal sex make lots of babies and welcome them into distinctly
Christian worshiping homes and then send them out to repeat and do it all over again
Then we would soon fill the world with more Christians than then there's maybe even room on this planet for the battle would be over The Great Commission would be over.
We would have evangelized all the nations if we would just do that one of the main reasons that Satan attack is winning so decisively right now and one of the very reasons that our society is rushing over the cliffs of insanity right now is
Because Christians are having historically low birth rates and they have no vision for what a dangerous family actually looks like They're giving themselves over to Satan's lies family planning abortions
Confused about what discipleship means what it looks like family worship confessional catechism
Training up children all of that We've treated evangelism and discipleship is teaching other people people outside of our home how to have an individual walk with God instead of preparing our own kids
To be godly husbands fathers wives and mothers who are gonna storm the gates of hell and we're gonna stem
Jesus's kingdom in the ends of the earth but think about it like this imagine if Christian churches and individual believers caught a vision for the family
Imagine what would happen if men and women were discipled and they were prepared to live holy fruitful multiplying lives in their homes
Marriages would be healthy There'd be a legion of godly children that would be raised up from that Union and the earth would be busting at the seams with gospel loving people
Imagine if we stopped thinking about evangelism as Through converting pagans now.
That's part of it. I'm not saying it's not but imagine if We stopped trying to convert the pagans and we just simply had a vision for family
Imagine if we prepared our kids not to succumb to Satan's lies when they go into the colleges, but to attack
To break down the foolish satanic pagan ideologies with truth from Scripture Imagine if we taught them how to think
Imagine if we raised up many of them each of our families having many of them Imagine if we prepared our children with a vision to have many
That part of the purpose of their life is to have bustling burgeoning godly biblical families if we did that we'd see nothing less than in the entire world filled with Christians in just a couple generations and We know this would happen
Because the world has forfeited fruitful and multiplying marriages They've adopted the kind of lifestyle that cannot reproduce lesbians can't have babies gay people can't have babies
Transgender people can't have babies. They've adopted a lifestyle of fruitlessness which means that unless Unless they convert our children.
They will be extinct in a single generation The only reason they survive is because they are trying to evangelize our kids god forbid that It's time that we stand up and we evangelize our kids and we train our kids and we disciple our kids in the confessions and catechisms and in the
Bible So that they're ready to give an answer to anyone who would ask so that they're ready
To marry and have family so that they're ready to raise up the next generation of of godly lions and maidens for Christ I'm not talking about political engagement.
I'm not talking about social movements big seeker sensitive churches. I Think all of that is is not gonna win anything the evangelical megachurch model is gonna fade away and Then it's gonna be replaced by something else
What I'm talking about is Godly Christ honoring families.
That's why Satan's attacking because that's what's threatening not Big Eva That's what's dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.
And if we want to win the battle Then we need to start waging the war accordingly Thank you so much for listening and subscribing to this broadcast
We're so thankful for your engagement of this content. So thankful for the way that you've listened to it and shared