Wonder If Bethel Is A False Church? Wonder No More

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


Many people view Bethel Church pastored by Bill Johnson as a church with definite charismatic excesses but it still preaches the real Jesus and the real Gospel. But does it? No, emphatically not. In today’s podcast, I will show you that Bethel church is a false church and will do so from a bit different approach than most who have done so - by looking at their baptisms.


Just a quick word to the any staff at Bethel Church that might try to take this video down with a copyright claim
I am well within the parameters of the Fair Use and Copy Act Very well aware of it what it holds and you are too.
You know that you cannot Legally take this video down because I'm well within those parameters.
So please do not Challenge this video you will lose I can assure you you will lose.
I've been challenged before by Joel Osteen And I was victorious in that so, please don't try it now that having been said any
Bethel staff members here I do ask that you watch this video because you'll see towards the end.
I do care about you. Please please watch Hello dear ones.
My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today I want to thank you so much for joining me for this podcast
I want to address Bethel and those of you are familiar with my ministry you know that I have address it frequently in my seminar clouds without water and But I want to show you if if there is any debate if you have any question in your mind as to whether or not
Bethel is a false church or Maybe just a church with some charismatic excesses, but still by and large still, you know, it's still a real church
They're real believers. They really love the Lord. They preach the right Jesus in the right gospel like some people who have
Escaped from Bethel and initially criticized it but now are saying. Oh, well, our criticism was too harsh
Yeah, we don't agree with them on everything, but they still they love Jesus. They have the right Jesus They have the right gospel.
They're our brothers and sisters in Christ. I want this video to put to rest
Any any doubt that you may have as to whether or not Bethel is a false church
Bethel, of course Reading, California Bethel. That's what I'm talking about pastored by Bill Johnson This should put any of those questions to rest and there's a number of things
I could go to to put those questions to rest I could talk about their canonic Jesus.
I could talk about all kinds of false prophecies occultic practices Bethel has been called
Christian Hogwarts before Appropriately so but I'm not gonna deal with any of those things
Legitimate as they are. I'm going to show you baptisms from Bethel They do their baptisms on Sunday nights, not every
Sunday night But they do it on Sunday night and the way they do their baptisms is this they will have all of the baptismal candidates line up and They come up one by one and the
Bethel staff person whoever it is that particular Sunday night Will ask each baptismal candidate two questions one.
What is your name? Two, why do you want to be baptized? And so I'm going to show you some of these these are taken from two different Sunday evening baptismal services the first one in 2019 and then the second one
I'm going to show you is from just a few weeks ago. I believe it was the first Sunday of 2023
January, I forgot to look it up. Whatever that was first Sunday of January 2023 and so I'm going to show you some of these we'll begin with the one in 2019
I'll point this out because the ones that I'm about to show you from 2019 I have been showing for some time in my seminar clouds without water at least for a
Couple of years now two or three years So we're gonna start with that. So all of these clips you're going to see date from 2019
And then I'm going to show you some from just a few weeks ago as of this recording, okay
Here we go. This is I believe Chris Cruz. I may be wrong, but I think it's
Chris Cruz one of the Bethel staff members watch and Dear friends real quick note here the volume level of these clips varies a lot and I just I tried to do my best to Equalize them, but I'm not sure how successful I was
So bear with me these the volume levels will fluctuate some volume some of these clips may be quite loud so I apologize for that in advance, but at any rate back to the baptismal service
One of the great privileges being on staff. Here's that we get to baptize people I'm gonna ask a couple of questions and then we're gonna go ahead and begin to baptize people tonight
Well, two of those Christians is one is your name and the second of all is why you're being baptized tonight And so let's start with you.
What what was your name? And why are you wanting to be baptized tonight? My name's
Michaela and and why are you wanting to be baptized
Jesus is King I Love him so much, and I'm a child of God Come on.
Come on. Give her a round of applause now. I ask you. Do you think that young lady named Michaela? Do you think
Michaela had any idea what she was doing? No, not a clue.
In fact, she was acting intoxicated This being drunk in the spirit, she wasn't literally intoxicated
I don't believe not with alcohol but that's their thing of being drunk in the spirit where the Holy Spirit is just so strong on you that you just You just act intoxicated and you lose all control of your body and you're just never mind that one of the fruits of the
Spirit is self -control Aside from that, but she has no idea what she's doing.
It was a joke to her. Just just laughing No idea. No, no sense at all of the gravity of what she is doing the gravity of what it represents it's a joke and Chris Cruz, I assume he said he's a wonderful.
That's awesome. That's well after Michaela left Then this young lady walked up watch
Friend, what'd you come for? What was your name? And tell us why you're being baptized tonight. My name is Camille And I hope that tonight's past baptism, excuse me will cause some positive influences in my life positive things in my life future opportunities and Strengthen my relationship with God Camille that's amazing.
Thank you. Do you think Camille had any idea what she was doing? No, I've referred to that particular clip as the good vibrations
Baptism because she said you heard her She said she wants to get baptized because she hopes it will call some good things in her life
Dear friends. That is not why one gets baptized Not even remotely
Again, she has no idea what she's doing No understanding at all of baptism and if she doesn't have an understanding of baptism
She's got no understanding of the gospel. That's not a testimony You don't get baptized because you hope it will call some positive things in your life.
But that That quote -unquote testimony that was enough for Chris Cruz and the staff at Bethel Church In fact, he said that's awesome and everybody applauded and they baptized her
Well after she left Then this lady walked up friend. Why'd you tell us your name and why being baptized tonight?
My name is Lacey and because I want to show how much I love Jesus Again with the laughing and the you know, the kind of losing your control that's being drunk in the spirit same thing
But she says she wants to get baptized to show how much she loves Jesus Friends that's not a testimony just to say
I love Jesus. That's not a testimony Mormons would say they love
Jesus Jehovah's Witnesses would say they love Jesus Roman Catholics say they love Jesus even
Muslims they have a Respect and an affinity for Jesus because they regard him as a prophet
So that's that's not a testimony again, and it was a joke to her just laughing.
It's a joke. It's a big joke But that passed the muster for Bethel Church and they baptized her
It gets worse watch this Friend what you come over tell us your name and tell us why you're being baptized tonight.
Hi, I'm crystal and I Just know that God is calling me to be a warrior for his animal kingdom and That I'm to lead angels of our an army of angels to protect animals across the world
And I just know I can't do it without God Do what
Crystal is getting baptized because she wants to be a warrior for the animal kingdom
She wants to lead an army of angels to protect the animals and he said that's awesome.
That's great They baptized her Because she wants to lead an army of angels to protect the animal kingdom and they baptized her
She obviously hasn't the slightest faintest clue as To what baptism is she doesn't have the slightest faintest clue as to what the gospel is
But oh that passed the muster for the staff at Bethel That passed the muster for Bill Johnson and all the other staff there at Bethel and they baptized her dear friends
What you just witnessed is a that is some of the bad fruit
That is a direct result of what comes from the pulpit at Bethel Church Pulpit as it were they don't have a pulpit.
They have a little Glorified music stand, but whatever That is some of the bad fruit.
That is a direct result of the quote -unquote preaching from their pastor
Bill Johnson that is a cult And for those who would say that Bethel has the right
Jesus even though they're kind of kooky on some things and yeah There's the grave soaking and that is a real thing, by the way, though.
They deny it it is Yeah, they do this kind of weird things and you know, they kind of you know, the gold dust yeah not too sure about that They preach a different Jesus They preach a different gospel
If the gospel was being preached at that church at that club
You wouldn't be seeing that If the gospel were truly being preached you wouldn't have people coming up Ready to be baptized because they hope it causes some good things in their life and they want to be a warrior for the animal kingdom and the fact that the staff at Bethel Church approves of this is
Self -evident proof That not a single person on staff at Bethel Church is even remotely qualified to be in ministry
It honestly calls into serious question Their salvation and I'm gonna go ahead and say no,
I don't believe they're saved I don't believe they're saved because as a cessationist
As someone who believes that not all of the gifts have ceased and by the way I'm so weary of hearing people say a cessationist doesn't believe in in the gifts doesn't believe that the
Holy Spirit still gives the gifts Yes, I do. I only believe that the apostolic gifts the sign gifts have ceased but at any rate
I as a cessationist I See no ground in my Pneumatology and my doctrine of the
Holy Spirit to these folks I do not believe that you can be indwelt by the third person of the triune
God and Teach the heresies they teach offer the false prophecies.
They offer engage in the Lunacy that they engage in and ascribe these things
To the Holy Spirit and feel no conviction They're they're acting drunk in the spirit.
They're Intoxication their laughter their their fire tunnels all their fake signs and wonders false prophecies that I mentioned false prophecies because they are a legions of false prophecies that have come from that Goat farm that is
Bethel Church. It's not a church. It's a goat farm there are a few very scattered very very immature
Sheep there who just have not yet Learned enough to get out of there.
There there are I would trust there are some lost sheep there People who have not yet been converted that later the
Holy Spirit will convert but the Holy Spirit will bring them out of that bring them out of that deception, but I do not believe that someone can be indwelt by him and Teach the things they teach
Teach a false Jesus and a false gospel and feel no conviction about it
Where's the conviction where if they were truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God difference?
you wouldn't have to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God for more than about a minute To know that when you hear a testimony like I want to be a warrior for the animal kingdom.
Oh, wait a minute That's not a testimony. That's not someone who understands the gospel
No one on staff at Bethel Church No one is qualified to be in ministry and I very much doubt if they go along with this
Which they obviously do Because this was this is up on their YouTube channel
I mean, they're proud of this. They put it up there for everyone to see If they were truly indwelt by the
Holy Spirit, they wouldn't go along with this and yet they do they're proud of it So I've been showing these clips these particular
Baptism clips for two or three years now in my seminar and they've kind of made the rounds people have picked up on it
Lest you think they have changed and you're thinking well, that was 2019 and surely they've kind of they've righted the ship now
Yeah, no, let me let me show you these clips. These go. These are as of this recording just a few weeks ago first Sunday of the new year 2023
The staff member that will be doing the baptisms and asking the questions in this particular service is
Tom Crandall watch We're gonna hear from everybody here and wait, what's your name and then why do you want to get baptized?
My name is Lucas and why I want to get baptized. This is because I want to get closer to Jesus This little boy named
Luke says he wants to get baptized because he wants to get closer to Jesus now
I'm not mad at Luke. Luke is a little boy. He doesn't know any better tragically Tragically, he is in this false church
May God be merciful to that family and pull them out of this deception Who I am upset at though is
Tom Crandall one of the pastors there who I am upset at is
Ryan Collins and Leslie Crandall and have a look Cunnington. I've got their website pulled up here and being
Armstrong and all it Brian Johnson, Jim Johnson, Dan Farrelly, of course,
Chris Vallotton and Bill Johnson, of course because they should know better here and here's the thing
They do know better They have the same Bible you and I do dear friends
They have the same Bible you and I do same thing with Joel Osteen. He's got the same Bible we do
It's not that they are ignorant of what is in Scripture. It's that if they choose not
To teach what is in or to twist what is in Scripture twist it so far beyond any recognition that it is completely meaningless
That little boy has no idea. He hasn't been converted. He doesn't know what he's doing.
He doesn't understand the gospel I mean, he's not hearing the gospel. It's the Gospels not being preached but that that passed the muster for the staff the pastoral staff at Bethel is okay, so They baptized him
I want to get baptized because I really like Jesus and I just Yeah perfect that little guy said he wants to get baptized because he really likes
Jesus and Crandall said perfect They baptized him.
That's not a conversion That's not a conversion and these little these little kids are going to grow up and think that they are
Christians Simply because they've been baptized and they like Jesus.
They love Jesus. They don't even know what that means The real Jesus is not being preached at this
Church, it's not being preached and I can assure you at Bethel. There is not there is no
There is no Preaching of repentance not rightly. I mean Bill Johnson has said repentance is like going back to the penthouse
He thinks because repentance of the four letters P and P E and T is like he said it repentance
It's like going to the penthouse Whatever that means Biblical repentance is not being preached here biblical faith is not being preached here
No, not at all, but these these little guys these little kids are gonna grow up thinking they're
Christians they're okay No, no examine yourself to see if you're in the faith per 2nd Corinthians 13 5.
No, nothing like that. Not even remotely They're gonna think they're Christians just because they've been baptized
Tragic tragic. Well after that little guy walked off this little girl walked up My name is
Madison and why I want to get baptized is because I love Jesus Once again friends that is not a testimony.
I'm not mad at Madison She's a precious sweet little girl who has been very poorly served and very poorly taught
But I love Jesus. That's not a testimony What's your name?
My name is Ethan and why I want to be baptized because I love Jesus Yet another
Ethan is this little guy's name and you see how young These kids are what was he?
Maybe five six at the most? But I'm guessing probably five
And I mean, he's such a little guy. He doesn't even look like he's a little kid He doesn't I mean, he didn't even know what to say.
I mean he I love Jesus. He's heard He's heard everybody else yet. I mean, he's probably been in this church for most if not all of his life
He's heard this over and over and over. He's heard. I love Jesus. I like those are the testimony. I love Jesus And so he just and he doesn't know what that means and dear friends.
There is a there is a big difference between a childlike faith in a childish faith a childish faith is what you just saw demonstrated there and you these little kids don't understand the gospel now, this is a whole other video and i've there's more coming on this issue later, but Evangelical churches not just Bethel, but almost all evangelical churches are baptizing kids
At ages that are way way way too young way too young Uh Children naturally adopt the worldview in which they're raised
It doesn't mean that that worldview has changed them that they have internalized it that they've investigated it
Uh that they're committed to it these little kids who say, you know, I love Jesus They're just saying what they've been raised in They don't know what that means if you were to take these same kids whether these whether it's these that we've been looking at or Any five six seven eight year old child being baptized in any southern baptist church um, but if you were to take
Those same kids and raise those same kids in india They'd be hindu
Take those kids and raise them in thailand Uh, they'd be buddhist Take those same kids raise them in syria
They'd be muslim Children adopt the worldview in which they're raised.
It doesn't mean they have internalized it these kids Don't understand the gospel.
The gospel is not being preached at Bethel church as we have very clearly seen
Let's continue My name is destiny and I want to get baptized because I want to start a new chapter in my life and define happiness and peace
Good Okay, now this this young lady is not as young as the other she's um,
You know young adult I guess somewhere in there But she wants to be baptized because she wants to start a new chapter in her life and find love and peace
That's not why you get baptized But according to mr.
Crandall so good and they baptized her My name is shiloh and I brought my children here to get baptized because the enemy has been attacking us pretty hard these last couple years
And god's calling me closer And I just want to be closer to the lord So this mother with young children brought herself and her kids
Along with her to be baptized because the enemy has been attacking them for the last couple of years and and she just you know again
That's not why you get baptized At all on any level So hi, i'm i'm ellie.
And uh, the reason I want to get baptized is because god, uh came and knocking at my door a few
A month ago and asking me if I was willing to go on an adventure And i'm so in This young lady named ellie
Said that god knocked on her heart hearts door a few months ago and asked her if she wants to go on an adventure a new adventure
And she said i'm so in And they baptized her Got a big round of applause from everyone in that Room don't even want to call it a sanctuary
Dear friends Bethel church is not a church Bill johnson is not a pastor
He is a hireling He is a wolf Now that may sound harsh but dear friends
I happen to believe What scripture says? I happen to believe that there are a lot of False converts that there are a lot of tares among the wheat.
I happen to believe Matthew 7 21 through 23 that there will be those on that day lord lord
Did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not cast out demons perform many miracles in your name?
And jesus will say I never knew you Depart from me you workers of iniquity
And when you read matthew 7 that is a terrifying passage of scripture And the clear sense is is there will be those many people on that day lord lord
You the sense is that that they're genuinely surprised To find themselves in the situation that they're in about to be cast into the lake of fire for all of eternity false converts false professors of christ
And dear friends bill johnson Knows what's in the bible. He's got the same bible you and I do
And yet he preaches a false jesus and a false gospel
As Evidenced by what we've just seen And friends, these are not aberrations
I have watched I don't even know how many I think I can safely say
Safely say with a crystal clear conscience i've watched at least 200
Not services, but 200 people Be baptized, uh at bethel churches, you know in each service that they do this there's usually 10 15 or so uh,
I mean I Easily, I mean that that's a very safe estimate probably upwards of 300 and I can honestly tell you
I have yet to hear a single person give Anything that would even remotely?
Resemble a credible testimony um I'm, not cherry picking here.
This is standard at bethel church standard This is the bad fruit
That is coming from the preaching At bethel church from bill johnson from chris valentine and from all of the other staff people there
And they have a bunch of people preach Especially on sunday nights. This is the bad fruit that is coming from Men and women who claim to be pastors and women shouldn't even be pastors, but that's another video.
It's another topic This is the bad fruit That is coming from a false gospel and they know better I mean, it's not like bethel is unaware of the criticisms that have come their way.
They're all too well aware They did a whole series called rediscover bethel, which was nothing but pure damage control this is not a church and You know,
I do they have any idea does does bill johnson have any idea? Chris valentine today all these others.
Do they have any idea? The condemnation they are storing up for themselves. Have they read hebrews 13 17
Dude, are they aware that one day? They will stand before christ and have to give an account
They will stand before christ with eyes of flaming fire and feet of burnished bronze and they will have to give an account
For what they have done what they did in their lives with the gospel For the the people that have been under their preaching
Paul says in second timothy 3 13 that their evil men and imposters will grow from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived
They are actively deceiving people and yet It seems that they are being deceived themselves
Both of those dynamics can be at work in the same person, but I I am terrified for them terrified for them
James james 3 1 Let not many of you desire to become teachers my brothers knowing that we will incur a stricter judgment
I'm terrified for them And i'm especially terrified and my heart is broken for all of the thousands
Of people that they have baptized and led To believe that they are truly regenerate real christians
When they can't even muster up a first grade vacation bible school testimony
I mean as many concerns as I have with the southern baptist church I could at least take you to a vacation bible school
In a southern baptist church and pick out most any first or second grader that could give a better answer than Than that than what we've heard in in these clips
Doesn't mean they're saved but they can at least Recite it because they've heard the apcs of the gospel
These people can't even muster that up It's not a church
This is a cult and I make no apologies for saying that this is a cult and if any
Pray that the lord would be so gracious to To bring this video to the attention of people in bethel people in the pews
If you're one of those people if you have family members in this in this false church
Come out You're not being cared for if you're in this church. You're not being cared for you.
You don't have a pastor You don't you have those are hirelings They don't care about you because they know
As i've said i'm sorry to repeat myself they have the same bible we've got they say it's the same bible i've got
They know what the true gospel is, but they refuse to teach it and they are leading people
Down the primrose path straight to hell How much do you have to hate someone to know the truth and not tell them?
Please come out come out and if you're in bethel, let me I want to give you the true gospel the true gospel is this is that You are a sinner.
I'm a sinner. We are all sinners. We have all Sinned and fallen short of the glory of god. We have broken god's laws.
We are liars Because if you have ever told a lie, you're a liar. I'm a liar. We are liars.
We are thieves We are blasphemers we have blasphemed the name of god in both word and deed we are adulterers at heart at least
We have broken god's laws thousands upon thousands of times. We have sinned against him in word indeed in thought
And just like when we break laws on earth There's a penalty to be paid how much more so when we break the laws of god
But because we have sinned against god who is eternal and of infinite value
The punishment of punishment of that of those of breaking his laws is also eternal and infinite
And if we die in our sins if you die in your sins, you will very rightly and very justly Go to a very real place that the bible calls hell
The lake of fire where the worm will not die. The fire will not be quenched. There will be wailing weeping gnashing of teeth
The smoke of your torment will go up day and night It will never end read revelation 14 verses 9 10 and 11
The most terrifying thing about hell Is not the absence of god It's the presence of god.
It says they will be tormented in the presence of the holy angels And in the presence of the lamb
And your works will not save you your works are as filthy rags Before god isaiah chapter 64 your works will profit you nothing
You cannot work your way into heaven And just saying that you love jesus that that is a meaningless statement unless you understand the true gospel
God sent his son jesus christ to this earth fully god fully man the god man
Not a man not the god man who laid aside his divinity by the way
Fully god fully man one person two natures In jesus christ the god man lived a perfect life
To the perfect pleasure and satisfaction of god. He never broke any of god's laws And jesus willingly laid down his life on the cross.
His life was not taken. He gave it And on the cross this perfect person
Offered his perfect life as a perfect sacrifice To perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of god
He died on the cross three days later bodily raised from the dead
Proving himself to be who he said he was god in human flesh And if you will repent of sin turn from sin and place your trust
In the risen lord jesus christ. He will save you He will save you
You'll pass from death to life And let me say something about repentance genuine repentance
Is in and of itself granted by god god grants repentance And when god grants repentance
Yes, your mind has changed. Maybe you've heard that repentance is just changing your mind That's what the word metanoia greek word for repentance means metanoia change your mind.
Yes It does mean that but it means so much more than that When god grants repentance
Yes, your mind will be changed, but everything about you will be changed Your heart will be changed your desires will be changed you will begin to love what god loves and hate what god hates
You'll have a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the lord. Jesus christ. You'll have a desire for truth
If you're truly saved you'll be indwelt by the holy spirit Who will lead you into truth?
Who will lead you out of this kind of deception who will lead you out of this false church?
The bible speaks of two different kinds of sorrow over sin and it's found in second corinthians chapter 7
A lot of people who doubt their salvation. I will point them to second corinthians 7 the bible speaks
Read second corinthians 7 verses 5 through 11 for that for that context Bible speaks of a worldly sorrow and a godly sorrow over sin a worldly sorrow is nothing more than a guilty conscience
A worldly sorrow is the kind of sorrow that says what would happen to me? If my sin were exposed what would be the consequences to me?
And so we try to cover up our sin Not because we grieve over it, but because we don't want the consequences of it if But if I could get away with it, you see if nobody would know
What i'm doing on the side if my spouse didn't know That I was talking to this other person, you know on social media or texting or whatever
You know if my spouse didn't know that if my employer didn't know How I was cutting corners if if uh, if nobody would know if nobody would know
What i'm looking at on the computer If I could get away with it
Nobody would know about it I would go right back to it. That's a worldly sorrow
And the bible says that a worldly sorrow leads to death eternal death Everybody has a worldly sorrow by the way
But then there's this other kind of sorrow over sin and that's a godly sorrow What is a godly sorrow?
Well, the bible says that a godly sorrow leads to repentance unto salvation second corinthians chapter 7 verse 11
Godly sorrow leads to repentance unto salvation a godly sorrow comes when we grieve over our sin Because we understand that our sin grieves god
And we do not want to grieve him. We do not want to grieve his person He has been so good so kind so gracious So faithful so merciful so patient to us
And when we sin against him, we understand that it grieves him and we do not want to grieve god
A genuine christian grieves over his sin and it's not that christians don't sin we do as genuine christians you and I Do sin
But a genuine christian stumbles into sin a genuine christian doesn't swim in it doesn't relish
Sin doesn't enjoy sin doesn't look for opportunities to sin doesn't plan out that sin
When we as christians sin, it should grieve us It should grieve us
A godly sorrow over sin is the kind of sorrow that david had in psalm chapter 51. David had committed murder
Well, he committed adultery first and then he committed murder to cover up the adultery And then nathan
Nathan came to him And he pointed his finger at david. He confronted david and he said
You are the man And god used that to break david to crush him
And david cried out in psalm 51 against you and you alone. Oh, yahweh have I sinned my sin is ever before me
You're righteous when you speak you're blameless when you judge I have no excuse I'm undone
It is good and it is right To warn people to flee from the wrath to come it is good and it is right to warn people to flee from hell
But just as much as we should want a savior from hell we should want a savior from our sin
If you want a savior from hell, but not a savior from sin Then you have a savior from neither
Does your sin grieve you? And if you're not certain of where you are in your relationship with the lord, jesus christ, maybe you've never had that godly sorrow over sin but now you're
You're being convicted by the gospel that i've presented Go to christ Go to him confess your sins before him ask him to save you and if you will come to him
In that godly sorrow over sin He will save you You'll pass from death to life
All things passed away behold all things will be made new You'll have a love for the lord a love for his word a love for the brethren a love for truth
You'll love what god loves and you'll hate what god hates I don't hate bill johnson
I don't hate chris valentine. I don't hate any of those people at bethel. I don't I hate what they're doing
Because they're leading people astray They're preaching a false gospel. I hate what they're doing. They're bringing reproach upon the name of christ
But I don't hate them And I love them enough To tell them to repent
Come to christ He offers you salvation as well And if you truly come to christ if you truly get saved
Then you'll realize That your your repentance will be evidenced
With real fruit Namely if you bill johnson chris valentine all of you people at bethel
That have been preaching a false jesus and a false gospel. It doesn't matter how sincere you are I'm sure some of these folks are you know on an earthly level.
They're nice people. It doesn't matter sincerity is not the issue Truth is the issue But if you truly come to christ and christ truly saves you
Your repentance will be evidenced by real fruit and that will look like this you will then realize That as a brand new baby christian
You're not qualified to be in the ministry And so you'll step out you'll step out of ministry.
You'll shut it down because you're not qualified to be behind the pulpit as it were
And you'll shut it down then you'll find a good doctrinally sound church not bethel
You'll find a good doctrinally sound church and join yourself to it and you won't be behind the pulpit
You'll be in front of the pulpit sitting and learning and you'll Publicly confess that you have been preaching a false jesus and a false gospel.
You'll publicly confess that you have offered False prophecies and fake signs and wonders and led people astray all of that public sin requires public repentance
That's what it'll look like and I want that for you. I truly truly do Okay, dear ones, uh as I wrap up Bethel it's false church.
It's not just that they do some weird stuff It's not just that they grave soak and have gold dust and fire tunnels and stuff like that.
That's just That's just some of the bad low -hanging fruit That comes off of a rotten theological tree.
It's it's a false church. It's a cult And by the way, when you sing bethel music in your church
And yeah, they have some songs that would pass a doctrinal smell test just with their lyrics But when you sing bethel music and you put that in front of your people
Then you need to know that this is where it's coming from. This is where it's coming from. It's a false church
Same with hill song i'm gonna i'm gonna have much more on on the whole Music issue lord willing in the weeks to come but same from same with hill song bethel and hill song cut from the same cloth
You need to know that when you sing their music This is where it's coming from it's coming from a cult
And that is not what you want to put in front of your people to worship our thrice holy god
And I hope this has been helpful. I hope this has been clarifying There's no other way to take this
All right Thank you very much dear ones until our next time together May the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of his holy spirit