How Brandon Robertson DECEIVES You…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a TikTok clip from Brandon Robertson. Now Brandon is a self -proclaimed pastor who holds to the worldview of progressive
Christianity. And essentially, progressive Christians are people who attempt to blend the Bible with secular leftism.
The result of this strange union is a bizarre Frankenstein child, a worldview which bears no resemblance to historic
Biblical Christianity. In today's video, Brandon Robertson is going to give you his theological argument as to why fornication, or sex outside of marriage, is not a sin.
Watch this. I need a lot more than 60 seconds to answer this question, but quite simply I'll say this. Sex before marriage is not necessarily sinful.
The Bible doesn't say sex before marriage is sinful. The word that is often mistranslated as fornication is porneia in Greek, and if you look up any
Greek dictionary, the word porneia, it's this big broad word that means all sorts of sexual immorality.
And it usually is talking about sexual exploitation and abuse, not about premarital sex. So outside of that word, there's no other condemnation in the
Bible of premarital sex. So basically, Brandon Robertson says that the entire argument for fornication being a sin in conservative
Christian circles is based on one thing. It is based on our preconceived notion that the
Greek word porneia means fornication, when in reality, apparently it does not. So let's go ahead and deal with this argument to start off.
First Corinthians 7 .2, but because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
Just so there's no confusion, the word sexual immorality here is the Greek word porneia, the very same word that Brandon says has nothing to do with sex outside of marriage.
But here's an interesting problem with that. If sex outside of marriage can be good and God -honoring and not sinful, why would sex within marriage be the solution to it?
For example, if I said, Because Christians are called to have self -control, you should not get drunk.
Now imagine if someone said, See, it's hypothetically acceptable for you to get drunk as long as you exercise self -control when you do it.
That obviously cannot be the case, because I just recommended being sober, i .e. being not drunk, as the solution to the problem of the lack of self -control.
And likewise, when the Apostle Paul recommends marriage as the solution for sexual immorality, it implies that sexual activity outside of marriage is a problem that needs to be solved.
In Hebrews 13 .4, we find a similar idea. It says, Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
So according to the passage, again we can see that sexual immorality is wrong and Christians shouldn't do it.
And it's worth noting, none of this means that Christians cannot be forgiven of their sexual sin.
Of course they can. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ covers all of your sin. The point is, in the first place, we must admit that sexual immorality is wrong.
And by the way, the Greek word here is pornos, similar to the previous word, porneia.
While porneia refers to sexual immorality, pornos is one word that refers to one who commits sexual immorality.
And just for the record, this word too is also relatively broad in its scope. But again, the fact that Paul prescribes honoring marriage as the solution to this sexual immorality problem is evidence that sex outside of marriage is included under the umbrella term.
So yes, contrary to what Brandon said, there is really, really good evidence that the word porneia encompasses all sex before marriage, including fornication.
But besides this, Brandon is also wrong in another very important respect. If you recall, he implied that the word porneia was the only argument that Biblical Christians have in favor of their position against fornication.
This is absolutely false. For example, Genesis 2 .24 says, Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, there's a marriage unit, and hold fast to his wife, a new marriage unit, and they shall become one flesh.
The point here is that there is only one direct prescription for what marriage looks like. It is a lifelong one -flesh union between a man and a woman.
In the New Testament, Paul makes an interesting comment. First Corinthians 6 .16, Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her?
For as it is written, the two will become one flesh. Here, Paul is making a declaration against the sin of prostitution specifically.
That's the context. But he roots his argument here in the fact that the Old Testament says that they will become one flesh.
Then in verse 18, he says, Flee from sexual immorality. And yes, you probably guessed it, the word here for that is once again porneia.
So what is Paul saying here? What's his point? Well, he says that you should not commit porneia, sexual immorality, and that you should flee from it.
And why is it that you should not commit this? Why is it that you should flee from it? Well, because when you do this, you are becoming one flesh.
This gives rise to the obvious question then. What is the only positive biblical prescription ever given with regard to becoming one flesh?
Right? Paul says do not become one flesh with a prostitute. Okay, we got that. But that begs the question, who should we become one flesh with?
What is God's lawful prescription for being one flesh with another person? The answer is only one thing.
A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.
There it is, right there, clear as day. The way to avoid sexual immorality is to have sex within marriage.
That is becoming one flesh, and that is the only way we ought to do it. And this leads us to a third problem.
Brandon does not have any positive evidence for his claim whatsoever. He cannot give one example in all of Scripture which recommends or promotes fornication.
Now to be totally fair, the burden of proof is not actually on Brandon to offer this. The burden of proof is on those who claim that it is a sin.
And that is why the entirety of this video thus far has been dedicated to proving exactly that.
Yet, the fact that there is not one positive biblical example of fornication is notable, especially when it's combined with all the rest of the facts.
Namely, it makes Brandon's point even more questionable and even less compelling. And that's really saying something.
But in any case, the fact remains. Brandon and his progressive Christian compatriots are specialists in taking the
Bible out of context to affirm sin and promote an unbiblical worldview. That's always what they do.
Virtually every claim Brandon made in that video was verifiably false, and he failed to give any kind of compelling rationale or argument in favor of his position.
This demonstrates, once again, the foolishness, the emptiness, and the deceit of the progressive
Christian worldview. And by God's grace, we will continue to debunk videos like this on the channel to prove it.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Brandon Robertson, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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