Systematic Theology (part 11)



Systematic Theology (part 12)

What is man is what I got to ask last time. So I thought it kind of a neat coincidence that this time
I'm going to get to ask a similar fundamental question to embark on yet another big systematic theology category
What is the church? What is the church? And what better place to start than asking?
What does the Bible say? What does the Bible name or call the church? That's where we're going to start Scriptural names or words for the church and I know the church exists in the
New Testament So I'm going to start there. I'm going to start with the New Testament kind of a weird foreshadowing loaded statement there
I'm just saying that because Burkhoff decided to start his Thing with church in the
Old Testament Yeah So we'll get to that But in the
New Testament words or names for the church Ekkalēsia is almost always the
Greek word which we translate church And that literally means assembly or assembled or the called out
So it's a generic word assembly that on its own sort of just begs the question
Asking us to fill in its meaning by context assembly assembly of what fill in the blank assembly of and The New Testament default fill -in -the -blank meaning is always assembly of believers in Christ It's the word used by Jesus prior to Pentecost in Matthew 16 18 and 18 17
It's used one time to designate a big group of churches in Acts 9 31 But it also sometimes refers to the whole body of believers across the whole world and through all of time
The other word is soon. I go gay Which we just say synagogue
It seems a little strange to me that Burkhoff threw this out along Ekkalēsia be with equal mention because it's
Really only he's always talking about the first century Jewish gatherings the synagogues
But we have to admit that there is one place though And I think only one place where the word soon
I go gay seems to be pointing to a church gathering and that's James 2 2 Where it's talking about people discriminating in partiality against poor believers coming in It says there for if there comes unto your assembly soon
I'll go gay a man with a gold ring in Goodly apparel and there comes in also a poor man in vile raiment and then the partiality thing
But really interesting to me was that our
English word church Is not even derived from a classy at all, but rather Korea coasts and You can kind of see how it evolved into church kuric
Kirk soften the K sounds church and it means belonging to the
Lord and According to Burkhoff. It was first used to describe the church buildings being an object or structure which belongs to the
Lord But then this label gradually quote transferred to the church itself the spiritual building of God unquote to refer to believers
And it makes sense with the first century there being a lot of house churches that don't have a church building
And it's a logical transference, right? Because don't we also? Belong to the
Lord if we have the right view of God and ourselves that he owns us That he bought us off the slave block of sin and we've been redeemed by his blood
Pastor Mike just said that about 1st Corinthians 6 at the end of last Sunday's sermon. We've been bought with a price so interestingly, the only places that Greek word
Korea coast shows up is 1st Corinthians 1120 talking about the supper
Belonging to the Lord the Lord's Supper and in Revelation 1 10 talking about the day
Belonging to the Lord the Lord's Day So the entire New Testament the very
Greek word which gives us our English word church It's never referring to the church the building or the people very interesting
So then we have other designations or names body of Christ Use both of the church universal but also singular congregation
The Bride of Christ which surprisingly Burkhoff missed that one The temple temple of the
Holy Spirit temple of God also spiritual house in first Peter 2 5
Jerusalem The Jerusalem that's above a new Jerusalem heavenly Jerusalem Emphasizing that place where God dwelt from the
Old Testament and then applying that to us Who he dwells inside of in the New Testament and then pillar and ground of the truth only in 1st
Timothy 3 15 they're talking about the church as a general guardian or defender or supporter of the truth against deceptive attacks, so we'll pause there any thoughts or Questions or comments on New Testament names words any thoughts
Wow All right, so now we get to the fun part
Old Testament words These are Hebrew words translated assembly or congregation
Cahil and Ada and Like I said before Burkhoff started his discussion about names of the church with the
Old Testament words that mean assembly So they're kind of like Old Testament equivalents for the
Greek word Ecclesia But I found it a little strange Burkhoff started with the Old Testament like right out of the gates
I wanted to ask wait a second Louie does the church even exist in the
Old Testament and Burkhoff sort of just assumes that right in the beginning and then 16 pages later he finally gets to explaining it and Trying to justify and prove his point about that But before I tell you about what
Burkhoff thinks or before I tell you what I think, what do you think? Does the church exist in the
Old Testament and if so? In what sense or what way does the church exist in the
Old Testament as compared to the New Testament? Come on. Somebody's got to have some thoughts on this one John So you're saying the remnant in the
Old Testament we can count that as the church Okay, good question though, were they meeting together as the remnant anybody or thoughts?
Yeah. Okay. How did they belong to God though?
Chosen in what way to be his in what way?
But even oh Do you want to say something? Okay, right, but again called out for what?
Yeah, and I think your your comment connects with John's right that there's a remnant that are truly saved by faith and Shouldn't we at least be able to count them as the church?
Maybe I don't know Brian Yeah, so like the idea of a replacement theology,
I think it's called where the church replaces Israel alright, so A lot of people
I'll just say quickly a lot of people think like, oh, well the church started at Pentecost, right? But I think we have to say that it had probably existed before that because Jesus uses the word church
Before we even get to Pentecost in Matthew 16 and 18 like I mentioned They're talking about the church discipline process and tell it to the church, right?
So when burka finally 16 pages later gets down to explaining his viewpoint that the church exists in the
Old Testament He gives a list of a bunch of points which I've listed out in your outline
Number one pious households The church was quote best represented in the pious households where the fathers served as priests unquote
Calling on the name of the Lord. He claims the reference in Genesis 4 26 as some sort of public community of calling on The Lord and therefore he says this reference is equivalent to the church being in the
Old Testament Number three the patriarchs when we get to Abraham Burkhaff seems to almost equate genealogical lineage and separation unto
God and the sign of circumcision as Being God's people in the same sense as those who are in the church set apart spiritually
He writes quote up until the time of Moses the families of the patriarchs were the real repositories of the true faith in which the fear of Jehovah and the service of the
Lord was kept alive and Then forth he gets to Moses and Burkhaff even goes more extreme and more explicit in his language and word choices with Moses He writes quote after the
Exodus the people of Israel were not only organized into a nation But were also constituted the
Church of God The whole nation Constituted the church and the church was limited to the one nation of Israel though foreigners could enter it by being incorporated into the nation the worship of God was regulated down to the minutest of details was largely ritual and Ceremonial and was centered in one central sanctuary.
I don't like it. I Really personally struggle with these blatant assignments of Old Testament and New Testament Church Being equivalent as they're as if they're both the
Church of God. I think some of these thoughts they just blur the lines too much between these categories of God working symbolically in shadows through genealogical and national and ceremonial means and then muddying all that up together
With the categories of spiritual and eternal and individual salvation I didn't list them all out here in my notes, but I just there's got to be almost more than you could even list
In the New Testament making statements that are like trying to separate the two not make them equivalent
I think of Colossians 2 16 to 17 where it talks about all this Old Testament stuff being shadows
Of all kinds of stuff in the book of Hebrews which Mike took three years to explain to us, right? Galatians 3 7
I just read in my daily reading this morning It says only those of faith are Sons of Abraham spiritual sons of Abraham, so it's not about physical lineage.
I See the Old Testament as a very physical Typological almost like theatrical performance pointing us to the spiritual
Jesus and the New Testament and So just try to equate them. I don't know.
I'm just gonna like it and I have this other point in here. We know it's not just the nation because we see
Jesus making specific statements to trash those types of rigid national boundaries of God's spiritual will say salvation ish blessings because we don't know they're saved, but he's preaching in Nazareth and he says in Luke 4
I Tell you truly many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah but none of them was
Elijah sent to except Zarephath in the region of Sidon to a woman who was a widow and Many lepers were in Israel at the time of Elisha the
Prophet. None of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian but he Yeah, exactly.
Is it a spiritual reality or is it as Corey is saying is in a assembly realities? I'm not a I'm not part of the church unless I'm assembled what?
Yeah, I do think there's a lot of weird overlaps. Like where did the truth come from? How did people hear the truth?
How do people know the truth? It's a that's a rabbit trail. We probably don't have time to go down but Yeah, the
Romans 11 passage. Yeah Yeah, and I think that connects back to John's comments about the remnant right even in Romans 11
He talks about how you know, he's able to graft back in Jews But what the question is, what are they being grafted into are being grafted into a nation?
Maybe a spiritual nation, you know in the New Testament. We the church is called the Israel of God Right, so I guess the question is is it a national is it a ceremonial?
Is it a genealogical thing or is it a spiritual thing? I think we have to say it's a spiritual thing, right?
So you could be grafted into the spiritual lineage of the remnant right the Abraham remnant
Like I said the sons of Abraham The only true sons of Abraham are those of faith, right?
So then fifth Burkoff goes to confessions and catechisms He talks about the Belgic Confession and Heidelberg catechism and the comments in those catechisms that he quotes they talk about the church being from the beginning of the world and that God chose people out of all humanity from the beginning until the end
And I just see those quotes as talking about people who are saved but not necessarily a church it's a it's a little bit of a
Jump too big of a conclusion to say Israel is the church just because there were saved people in the
Old Testament Like I have this example here if there was a modern church With a thousand people in it and only five of them were saved.
The pastors are unsaved. The elders are unsaved Is that a church? I? Don't think so.
And I would say the Nation of Israel at times was worse than that The sixth point he makes is the
Septuagint Ecclesia Burkoff uses the fact that the the
Septuagint has the word Ecclesia in the Old Testament for assembly And he says the martyr
Stephen in his big long sermon ish thing
He uses the Greek word Ecclesia when he's talking about the assembly of Israelites wandering in the wilderness
It seems like a stretch to me. It's just a general Greek word assembly You could use it the default is of believers in Christ, but it can be used to be an assembly of anything
It's like if we were going to do that rigid word equivalency logic thing
We could say oh, well, it says synagogue in James 2 2 so every place synagogue shows up has to also be a church
Which we know isn't true because Paul was evangelizing synagogues in Acts, right? So in general,
I see the New Testament going out of its way to make sharp distinctions between God's physical genealogical nation and all the ceremonial symbolisms like circumcision versus God's spiritual saved people
So I see big distinctions in the New Testament rather than equivalencies I Do think the nation of Israel makes a great typology.
It's a great type of the church That's why in in the New Testament does call us the
Israel of God Because it's a chosen people to be a nation and we're a chosen spiritual people
Yeah, so I just I don't see being able to equate them I see the church as really the fulfillment of what
Israel was theatrically ceremonially Doing in the Old Testament So yeah any thoughts on this?
I know we spent a lot of time on this part, but it's kind of a neat controversy any Last thoughts on the church in the
Old Testament Yeah, I really like that I like John's comment that the remnant in the
Old Testament is part of the church the spiritually saved of the church I just don't like the idea of saying the nation was the church as Burkhoff says
Yeah, I think that's true. I but it I don't think covenant theologians would At least the the one book
I read on it would say that the Old Testament nation was the church But there's definitely more way more continuity from Old and New Testament with covenant theology whereas Dispensationalists have a hard cutoff and they would say well the church didn't even exist until Pentecost There was no say it like a totally different plan of salvation some of them say
I think she gets four stars All right as I mentioned
I mentioned in my last talk systematic theology often takes a look at doctrines throughout church history
So wrong or right? How have religious men answered this question?
What is the church throughout church history? the main focus or emphasis of the church up until the latter part of the second century
Was that the church is a communio Sanctorum we got to get a Latin phrase in every time, right?
Which means a sanctified community those who are set apart by God as his people his possession
But then heresies kind of arose around that time which forced church leaders to try to find some way
To distinguish between those people who are part of the true church and those people who are part of the false church
Who's in who's out we got to figure this out And so that need to make in or out distinctions ended up resulting in these unfortunate following emphases
They started emphasizing one the external or organizational church Quote from the days of Cyprian down to the
Reformation The essence of the church was sought ever increasingly in its external visible
Organization unquote number two they started focusing on apostolic
Succession and who were the official bishops and overseers that came down from them and are the good bishops, you know
Submit to the bishops or forfeit your fellowship your salvation from the church Number three traditions who's following the true traditions who's got the right?
Sacraments who's doing the sacraments correctly? That's as an indicator a requirement and of course who's doing them right and what are the true sacraments was determined to find by those bishops and then universality the universal
Church And if you're going to focus on the visible What we can see universal
Church now that visible Church needs to have overseers needs to have a hierarchy needs to have
Those bishops overseeing everything The British politician
Lord Acton said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
Absolutely, and this external focused universal overseeing system that the church turned itself into Lent itself to power and therefore corruption
So it allowed for moral corruption to kind of show up pretty early in reaction to that Various holiness sects sort of rose up in those first few centuries like Montanism and Novationism and Donatism and These sects just kind of deepened that need to make distinctions, which is the true church
Which is the false church and they had to double down, right? Eventually Augustine had this battle with the
Donatists and he viewed the church as communio sanctorum He did have that view
But then that became kind of muddied up with this Cyprian introduced view of the focus on the bishops and the hierarchy and the succession from the
Apostles and Augustine also held that view and So the first century view and Augustine's view of the communio sanctorum focus of what the church is pretty much got disregarded and lied dormant for in the entire
Middle Ages and So in this way Augustine quote prepared the way for the
Roman Catholic identification of the church and the kingdom of God on earth and Before studying this
I had no idea a that it started that early or be that Augustine was kind of this pivotal director of everything in that way
So to take us from that time period all the way up to the Reformation, I'm just going to hit you with three Burkoff quotes quote number one
Hugo of st. Victor speaks of the church and the state as the two powers instituted by God for the government of the people
Both are monarchical in constitution But the church is the higher power because she ministers to the salvation of men
While the state only provides for their temporal welfare Quote number two
Step by step the doctrine of the papacy came to development until at last the
Pope became virtually an absolute monarch quote number three
This identification of the visible and organized Church with the kingdom of God had far -reaching
Consequences it required that everything be brought under the control of the church the home and the school
Science and art commerce and industry and so on It involved the idea that all the blessings of salvation come to man only through the ordinances of the church particularly through the sacrament it led to gradual secularization of the church since the church began to pay more attention to politics than to the salvation of sinners and the
Pope's finally claimed Dominion also over secular rulers the
Reformation The Reformation comes in and seeks to correct all this mess all kinds of aspects of this gradual
Derailment of the church which had been going on going downhill for over a thousand years
They return to this communio sanctorum focus and of course a wholesale return to the foundation of God's Word sola scriptura and of course all the other solas and then from there until now
Burkhoff only really touches briefly on that and With a compromising impact of rationalism where we end up with the common quote modern liberal conception of the church as a mere social center a human institution rather than a planting of God Okay thoughts on church history any comments any things that were interesting in there
John well, we're gonna actually talk much more about visible versus invisible in a bit, but I Guess the question is sure they both exist.
Which one are we going to emphasize? I mean other thoughts on church history stuff
Steve I don't think that Burkhoff puts a time on it or that I would put a time on it
But there's like a gradual descent I think According to Burkhoff there's a gradual descent from Cyprian to Augustine and then goes completely
Gradually downhill from there until the Reformation so When do you go below zero?
I don't know with that curve. I mean
I read it. I read another book I think it was the Matthew 1618 controversy or something, but It definitely seemed to be really off the rails around a thousand like really bad
That probably just made it even more political right yeah, and I don't know when's when's
Augustine and Constantine is which one's first Yeah, so if Augustine teed up the golf ball
Constantine drove it right all right So let's go a little deeper beyond just the names and labels to really ask.
What is the church? What's its nature? What's its essence? What's its character and? So Burkhoff does this many -sided character of the church compare and contrast?
You know could we could we say the church is a coin and they have a head side and a tail side
Where do we heard that before I don't know So if you flip over your note sheet, there's a chart on the back, which
I'm going to just talk through The first one there is the idea of a militant church versus a triumphant church and embattled church versus a victorious church
So now on earth we are in a spiritual war But we look forward someday to a very different situation where we will be in heaven and there the war will be over Really cool quote from Burkhoff on this point
If the church on earth is the militant Embattled church the church in heaven is the triumphant church
There the sword is exchanged for the palm of victory The battle cries are turned into songs of triumph and the cross is replaced by the crown
The strife is over the battle is won and the Saints reign with Christ forever and ever in These two stages of her existence the church reflects both the humiliation and exaltation of her heavenly
Lord Then we look at visible versus invisible as was just brought up The first one is very similar to the
Embattled victorious contrast now on earth. We see the church we can see churches gathering people gathering people being saved but What's the church look like in heaven?
Can we see it now? No, we can't it's a future invisible reality. We also see invisible and visible contrast in even our own
Sanctification, what is primary? What is secondary? What comes first? What comes second?
So what's primary is the fact that we're saved on the inside justified
Regenerated by faith. It's all invisible But out of that from the inside out comes the visible our sanctification good works and Then the visible invisible contrast for the church itself visibly
We see An organizational church we see practical but imperfect embodiments.
We see baptisms We see professions and that includes a certain body of people But then there's an invisible ideal church spiritual church that are all the saved only
And Berkoff has a great quote that kind of points this out.
It's like there's two like a Venn diagram They they overlap, but there's stuff hanging out on the side.
He says quote. It's possible that some who belong to the invisible Church May never become members of the visible organization
On the other hand there may be unregenerated children and adults who while professing Christ have no true faith in him are only part of the church as an external institution and these as Long as they're in that condition and do not and will not they do not and will not belong to the invisible
Church So a sad reality there, you know, there's some people that are just I'm not into organized religion
But they're actually saved sitting at home Then there's people here who got baptized and said they believe in Christ, but they're not saved
He makes a key distinction that these again are not two different churches but they're really describing the same church with a little bit of different viewpoint and clarification and Then he looks at the organic versus the institutional
The organic is sort of like what all of it. Oh Steve No, I just I just say that's a possibility
He didn't say there's people at home that refuse to go to church that are saved I'm saying I think that could be possible.
I have friends that I think that are saved that refuse to go to church Well, actually
Shannon I were just talking about this on the right here. You know, what is Hebrews 10 saying when it says Don't refuse to be
To gather together, right? If you get together in small group, but you refuse to go on Sunday.
Are you disobeying that command? I don't know You're still gathering together.
You're not refusing to gather together But I still love
Jesus Yeah, and there's you know what Vadim said to maybe there's other countries like maybe there's a
Muslim that got saved and he can't find the church, right You're a spiral of ignorance of oh,
I thought I didn't know that was important. I should go what? Yeah Okay, so to get back to the last entry on our church.
We have the organic versus institutional There's a priesthood of all believers. We all have gifts talents.
Everyone's kind of doing general ministry and service. That's not like official And not being like managed, right?
You're you're Evangelizing your co -worker while you're at work. That's organic ministry organic church activity and then we have the
Institutional church kind of the elders and deacons the church leadership the government the word and sacrament here on Sunday very public official
So those that contrasts All right. So then the second chart on the back of your page the attributes of the church
I'm not going to read all these boxes here, but he has three attributes of the church
He focuses on unity holiness and the universality of the church each one of these in the book
He kind of compares and contrasts Catholic Roman Catholic viewpoint on them versus the
Protestant But intertwined in that he talks about invisible and visible and I thought that was kind of a cooler distinction
So that's the way I set it up in this chart for you So with unity there's a spiritual unity and a physical unity we're all unified in Christ's we've all been justified by faith in Christ Sanctified and regenerated on the inside by the
Holy Spirit. We're unified in doctrine So there's a spiritual unity that we have that's invisible.
You can't see but then we also have this We have a visible unity. We're all gathering together
Except for those rebels staying at home, right Steve The we're all gathering for the same sermon we're all taking the same juice and crackers we're all
Together as one visible church as well Our holiness is also invisible and visible.
We have an imputed perfect righteousness of Christ deposited to our account That's invisible
We're a new creation on the inside, but we can't see that We're hoping to be in heaven.
Like I said, which we can't see But there's also if those things are real those invisible things are realities for us.
There should also be a visible holiness It should be lived out
God is sanctifying us to practically live differently if his Holy Spirit is truly in us changing us.
Are we living differently? It should be tangible. There should be something out here showing up, right? the universality of the church
There is a as we've mentioned multiple times, there's all believers on the earth are all part of the church
But who are they? How do we count them all up? We don't it's all in it's an invisible reality of a church worldwide and even
More so a church across all of humanity through all of time And then the visible universal church that is a punt
That one doesn't exist We messed that one up that obviously was a big mistake
Yeah, so some good quotes from Burkhoff there. I won't Read them, but it didn't prove productive to try that one
So attributes of the church He talks about that actually in the chapter how like but the tension they're like shouldn't we be trying to do this or should we?
I don't know it failed should we try it again? Should we emphasize it going in that direction or do it as much as we can on a local level like?
Denominations he talks a lot about that. I it's too much to really get into but yeah, there is a tension there
So is there any that he missed should we have used Rick Warren's purpose -driven church? List of five instead like what do you think?
attributes of the church Alright, so the marks of the church
Remember our church history section how they tried to mark out and make markings of who's the true church and who's not
How that kind of messed up? Let's go back. Let's do a woulda coulda shoulda What what should they have done to mark out?
What's the true church and what's the false church? Burkhoff gives us three number one true preaching of the word
Agreed that this is the most important mark. This is why the Reformation Was mainly just a return to Scripture Some say that even the church basing everything on the
Word of God is really the only Mark of the church and everything else flows out of that The set but he gives us two more number two the right administration of the sacraments and again
You could go all the way the Catholics took that and say you have to do them here in this building with this wafer
Right, but Burkhoff says no the right administration of the sacraments is word based
He says quote the sacraments should never be divorced from the word For they have no content of their own
But derive their content from the Word of God They should stay
Christ focused They should emphasize the spiritual reality and meaning behind the ceremony
So we don't get lost in all the externals and third faithful exercise of church discipline
Some said church discipline though is not necessary for being a church, but it is necessary for the well -being of the church
The purity of the church. So in other words, they would say it's really important Sure, but it will be really kind of an exaggeration to say well, they're not doing church discipline
So they don't even count as a church Okay, so marks of the church any thoughts on that did he miss one is there a mark he should have kept
Yeah, well, he did use the word true preaching of the word, right? so like we were we were doing the evangelism thing yesterday with Jonathan and we've hit these
Jehovah's Witnesses and so I We encountered them and there was on their little poster
There was like this word Biblica and I was like does that mean Bible and he goes? Yeah, and I'm like So what's the purpose of the
Bible? What's the whole message of the Bible? And he goes well God's kingdom and I was like, okay
All right, and so we got into it and you know They would be not true preaching of the word
But they would be preaching of the word right because they're emphasizing the kingdom rather than the king and even in the emphasis of the king
They don't emphasize the prophet or priest aspects is what I told them. So it was an interesting debate we had with them
Jonathan Yeah that that actually Jonathan is a perfect segue to my last point which is why does it matter and This again is me not
Burkoff. So if it stinks, it's my fault If we look back at our church history portion of our discussion that shows just by itself
Why it matters if we don't keep the right focus in how we answer this question What is the church then we'll emphasize all the wrong things and soon our church is promoting
Christless Christianity like Andrew said And so now I'm going to venture into a little bit of preaching to the choir
So certainly our focus for what is the church must be on the communio sanctorum for the church
But not just for the church also for you
Communio sanctorum is made up a lot of a lot of solo sanctorums We talked about the body of Christ, but as first Corinthians says the body is made up of many members
You are what make up the church You're the church Our view of the church must be the communio sanctorum
But that means our view of ourselves has to also be sanctorum. Are you solo sanctorum?
Are you sanctified? Are you set apart? Do you know that you know that you know that you've been spiritually separated unto
God? By God the Holy Spirit and are confident you're in Christ the Son of God by faith
Is that your main and primary focus when it comes to you being part of this thing we call the church
Or is it just being part of the BBC organization and social gatherings the programs and ministries serving at BBC Involved in the church ordinances making sure we're baptized and taking the
Eucharist as the Catholics would call it You went through the BBC membership class with Corey.
That's great Are you reading your Bible regularly sure all these things are great things, but they can't be our primary focus in 2nd
Corinthians 12 14 Paul says I do not seek yours your stuff
But you that's where it starts, that's what God wants. He doesn't want your membership. He doesn't want your money primarily
What God wants from you is? you all those other good activities in the communio sanctorum are mere outflows from the solo sanctorum and In the next chapter 2nd
Corinthians 13 5 Paul says examine yourselves as to whether you're in the faith test yourselves
Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you're disqualified?
We're only solo sanctorum with saving faith in Christ if Christ is in us, and we are in Christ That's what sanctifies us.
That's what makes us sanctorum and nothing else and then to the degree
With which are all aspects of our lives are sanctified in that sit to that same degree
That's the degree that which we're being the church as God intends So you remember how when we discovered what that word church originally means it's actually from the
Greek word belonging to the Lord So that begs the question is he is he your
Lord is he Lord to you are you God's does God own you? Are you one who by faith let
God buy you through Christ's price of blood? Did you at one time and do you continue to let
God have your soul? If so, then God owns us and we are each solo sanctorum and each belong to the
Lord and Then as members of the body of Christ were communio sanctorum, and we're all together
Belong to the Lord kuriakos the church any thoughts before we pray in clothes and Communio yep, awesome.
All right great place to stop. Let me pray for us God. Thank you for Making us part of the church by your son
Without him we would be lost We would have no life We'd not we would not be part of your community your family
And so we just rejoice in that that we can be part of your family and be part of this thing called the church that We can belong to you
Because it's so much better to belong to you than to ourselves or to anything else and so God Thank you for the church.