Stand Against Marxism with Judd Saul
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- 00:00
- Welcome to conversations that matter podcast. My name is John Harris and today I have with me director
- 00:06
- Judd Saul Who's done a number of films enemies within? They you did a film on the IRS I know
- 00:12
- Judd and now you're doing enemies within the church Which is now also a conference called stand against Marxism and I'm gonna have you just talk about some of those things
- 00:20
- So thank you for joining me Judd. I'm glad to be here. Thank you for having me, sir. It's always a pleasure
- 00:25
- All right, let's talk about this conference first I think most of my listeners probably have heard about the film and we'll talk about a little bit but This stand against Marxism in October.
- 00:36
- What is it? The 10th and 11th, I think No, no 18th and 19th 18th and 19th. I'm glad we clarified that so the 18th and 19th.
- 00:43
- I should know right? I'm coming to right. You're coming. You better get the right week That's right And I'm important because I'm gonna be making the coffee making copies for people and carrying their bags
- 00:52
- Which I'm you know honored to do for all these great speakers. Every conference needs a good gopher.
- 00:57
- That's right. That's right. So so October 18th and 19th
- 01:04
- Des Moines, Iowa, what's gonna happen there? What's gonna happen is you're going to?
- 01:12
- Witness it and be part of a lot of very high caliber speakers That are experts in various fields dealing with the topic of our film enemies within the church we have
- 01:26
- Political experts people that have dedicated their lives to researching the left how Marxism works who's associated with those movements?
- 01:34
- and then we're also bringing people in to speak from a theological standpoint of How this affects
- 01:41
- Christendom and how this needs to be how this needs to be defeated We have
- 01:47
- Catholics. We have charismatics. We have Lutherans. We have Reformed Baptists that we have some
- 01:52
- Presbyterians coming So it's a cross -section. We are all going to put a truce to our differences for now
- 02:00
- To all come together and fight this movement of cultural Marxism that is infecting our churches
- 02:05
- But not just our churches that is infecting our culture. So on Friday night, we have Steve Dace Who's gonna be our keynote
- 02:12
- Friday night? He's really going to address how cultural Marxism is affect the culture and really dive into that topic and then
- 02:21
- Saturday night our keynote speakers Janet Mefford who you might have heard on AFA radio or bought radio network and She's been a watchdog on this from a radio perspective and kind of helped to help break stories as to what's going on And she's gonna share some of her experiences
- 02:38
- In Christian radio and the pushback that she has been getting by trying to raise awareness on this and I think
- 02:46
- Collectively between all the groups that are there We all have something to learn from one another but all of us are coming together in uniting
- 02:55
- We are uniting against Marxism and we're saying enough is enough. We're gonna put a stop to this
- 03:00
- Right, and so we invite any camp that we have people coming together that really don't like each other
- 03:06
- But they're all coming to the same conference to join together in Unity to say we're gonna stop
- 03:12
- Marxism Now there was an article that just went up on enemies within the church .com
- 03:19
- You gave me the information for this particular one and I put it on my website and we populated it on to enemies within the church website
- 03:27
- But you know, there's a few different articles you had sent me and I just kind of strung them together It and they're about the
- 03:34
- Methodist the Wesleyans and the Lutherans and Since resolution 9 and the Southern Baptist Convention I think a lot of the conversation about the social justice movement in Christendom has been about Southern Baptists because they're the largest
- 03:46
- Christian right nomination But some surprising things are happening in other denominations and they're the same talking points
- 03:53
- Some are sometimes the same organizations like current family foundation funding things And these denominations that disagree with one another on Different doctrinal issues seem to agree on this one thing and so I'm gonna give you a few examples real quick I know, you know this but for our audience
- 04:10
- In August the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America passed a measure declaring their entire denomination a sanctuary church for migrants
- 04:16
- Chris Borger the ELCA's secretary stated as a white church We say the right words we the majority population of this church need to do more than talk.
- 04:25
- That's the Evangelical Lutheran Church Yep, the this is one of the more surprising ones in July the month before Shenandoah University affiliated with the
- 04:34
- United Methodist Church hired a Muslim to serve as chaplain and Muslim community coordinator
- 04:41
- Yeah, I don't have words for that. I don't know Okay so There's a number of things happening and we could you know there's more examples of that if you go to the article in the
- 04:56
- Methodist and Wesleyan camp, but we are talking about a movement a political movement and a theological movement that has tentacles within all sorts of denominations including and and I will say this just you know
- 05:11
- I'm not putting words in the mouth of anyone who's organizing the conference or the enemies within the church specifically but as a
- 05:16
- I I'm more of a reformed Christian I would see
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- Roman Catholics is not as a different religion But I know that this movement is affecting them just as much as it's affecting me in the
- 05:30
- Baptist Church that I attend correct, so I think of this more because I've had a few people reach out to me and ask me
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- Why there's so many divergence of views represented and temperaments and and I don't know everyone who's coming necessarily
- 05:45
- I I know some of them and they seem some of the ones that I do know it seemed top -notch but but there's people that are coming that I even
- 05:52
- I disagree with and what I've said is I think about this more from the Beginning as a CPAC kind of thing.
- 05:57
- Like this isn't Shepherds conference, which I'd go to most years or Like g3 or t4g.
- 06:04
- This is more of a political conference And of course, there's a theological component because rightness has a theological component to it intersectionality is a religion
- 06:13
- But this is more than that This is a political movement and and so this is kind of like going to a
- 06:20
- CPAC conference Is that a fair assessment? That is a very fair assessment but the thing we are
- 06:29
- How do I phrase this? If this movement if the cultural
- 06:36
- Marxist movement succeeds at doing what it wants to do None of us will be able to have theological conversations later
- 06:46
- We know right now on social media is a prime example that people's pages are being taken down For what they believe for certain speech.
- 06:55
- They're banning books on Amazon That are for you know, gay conversion therapy books
- 07:02
- The censorship is starting to happen on a massive scale and there's no and you got to be completely naive to think that it can't happen in your circle in your in in in your
- 07:12
- Denomination and the people that are coming to this conference realize this We can have our battles later we can have our theological differences later and and and you know
- 07:23
- Sure, you know and and battle these out But the fact of the matter is if this movement takes root and it takes hold and it succeeds
- 07:30
- We won't talk about this stuff because we're gonna be censored. I understand This is why unity is so important John This is why unity is so important because those guys the left are united they're a united front
- 07:45
- They're working with Islam. Obviously, you just saw in the case of the Wesleyan University They're working with Islam to advance their cause they're doing anything they can to destroy
- 07:54
- Judeo -christian values in Western civilization And if we don't set aside our petty differences or he said something about me bad about me two years ago
- 08:04
- This person said this if we don't set those aside and fight this now We are divine.
- 08:09
- We are divided and that unified Marxist group will conquer us Yeah, it's a scary thought to think about What I've always come back to as far as hope goes is that the
- 08:23
- Lord Jesus Christ said he would preserve his church the gates Of hell wouldn't prevail and I know there's a remnant that's always gonna be there and I know yes for me
- 08:30
- The unity is gonna be in the gospel So I recognize even going to an event like this where there might be people and I don't think there's many of them
- 08:37
- I think there's a few that might be that don't have quite the same gospel that I have which is would be a false gospel
- 08:42
- But they recognize the threat of neo -marxism. I can have an element of Agreement with them and we can share resources, but I know for you and me because I know you're a
- 08:52
- Southern Baptist You're a Christian evangelical. I know Kerry Gordon is as well for us, you know, we see an opportunity here to share the true gospel
- 09:01
- Which I'm going to endeavor to do if as I'm carrying everyone's coffee, right?
- 09:07
- we want to share that contrast it with this false gospel of intersectionality and social justice and And get that message out there as much as possible.
- 09:18
- And I know that's your heart That's my heart and we can learn from those who don't see things our way
- 09:23
- But we are going to in the movie I think right as well share this gospel Yeah the gospel will be shared and if people have question about what we as a team believe we have put out a statement of faith
- 09:34
- That they can always go back and check out and The gospel will be shared the real true gospel will be shared with everybody in the film and This is a call both politically and theologically for the church to get back to the
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- Bible and get back to the scriptures But it's also a call for the nation to get back to its
- 09:55
- Judeo -christian principles You cannot separate the politic the political side from the theological side because they are this
- 10:05
- Okay, if we don't fix the theological side, we can't fix the political side. Mm -hmm
- 10:11
- All right. And as pastor Gordon has said why is politics so important is because politics kills
- 10:18
- There is there will be a remnant church. We know we know Christ wins in the end. However, I As a
- 10:26
- Christian cannot sit back and watch my fellow brothers and sisters get led astray and And and and let a false gospel, which is the
- 10:38
- Marxist social gospel be promoted in our churches Okay, because it's it's anti -biblical.
- 10:44
- It is pure anti -biblical and we have to take a stand and fight against that as well agreed
- 10:50
- Yeah, so I'm excited to come out and I get a nice tenderloin in Iowa I have never experienced that but also it was on the serious note that you just very important if that is part of it
- 11:02
- Yeah, and and and of course secondary to that, you know sharing the gun. No, of course primarily sharing the gospel
- 11:09
- Learning from other people getting a pork tenderloin and What can others who are thinking about coming expect when they come?
- 11:18
- What are they going to get out of this that will benefit them? Either in their churches or if they're coming from a conservative political background in their you know
- 11:28
- Community what you're going to get out of this is a is a knowledge of hearing different people perspective and expertise on the subject and You are going to walk out with a lot of knowledge in this subject, but you're also going to be able to walk out in how to Address these situations in your churches and and in other organizations where you're finding cultural
- 11:53
- Marxism We are going to help you learn to fight this and you're gonna come out with this from Getting out.
- 12:01
- Like I said getting all these perspectives You're gonna walk out of this emboldened to stand for truth and how to argue the truth
- 12:09
- Give me some names who? Is coming that you would say is an expert that is gonna help explain some things
- 12:15
- I know you don't have the whole guest list, but give me one guy John Harris Who's going to be there?
- 12:21
- That's going to give a lot of great insight. No Besides John Harris, no, it's a
- 12:27
- We have Trevor Loudon Who's working with us on the film as well is going to give a very good overview of how?
- 12:39
- Of how this movement spreads who's in this movement what their goals are now
- 12:44
- They're not gonna find a better expert on communism Marxism then Trevor Loudon. He's the smartest man on this on the planet
- 12:51
- You're gonna get a bishop EW Jackson who is a black pastor from Virginia and He's fighting this movement and you're gonna get his perspective on this very very great guy
- 13:04
- You're gonna hear Pastor Gary Gordon, he'll be talking a little bit about pietism some antinomianism
- 13:12
- In his topic and you're gonna learn How our church got here how we got here as a civilization and how our church
- 13:21
- Started to begin to accept these soft Ideologies and and we're gonna learn how social justice is starting to fill a void in the church we have we have
- 13:35
- JD Hall from pulpit and pen who is a believe it or not is willing to come to the same conference with Charismatic and JD Hall is has done invaluable research that Everyone that you guys talk to or everyone that you guys listen to has taken his research and used it
- 13:56
- And he's gonna talk about his experience. We have Michael Hichborn who is Our Catholic watchdog.
- 14:03
- He's a he's a Catholic but this man is one of the smartest men as far as What has happened to the
- 14:09
- Catholic Church and how the Marxists have infiltrated the Catholic Church and what they've been doing So you're gonna get that perspective so I'm saying is you're gonna get a whole cross -section both political not political in and You're gonna walk away with this very very strong with more with a better Understanding of this than you'll have ever had before and of course
- 14:28
- Steve D and Janet Medford Yes, deep days Janet Medford. Yeah our keynotes and And we have a few others coming out to speak and it's it's a full listing
- 14:42
- You're gonna get a better powerhouse Anywhere else than this conference regarding the subject?
- 14:48
- Yeah, I'm looking forward to you know the the other names that I know will pop up probably in the next few weeks for speakers and so as far as Laymen who come out who want to go back to their church their community
- 15:01
- They're gonna be inspired based on what you're saying, they're gonna be hopefully refreshed when they meet others who
- 15:07
- Maybe have the same struggles one of the things that I'm just gonna be on a rabbit trail that Okay, go for it this conference is also saying
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- Not only unity that we're joining together, but it's also I'm talking to you that person that's in a church that feels marginalized that know this is happening to them
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- And you don't know where to go or who to talk to This is also your conference because you're gonna meet brothers and sisters like yourself
- 15:36
- From all over the country that are gonna be at our conference and this is a chance to also network meet together pray together
- 15:44
- And and build up a essentially build up a support group for those that are being marginalized Yeah, I was gonna go on that same kind of vein in the rabbit trail.
- 15:52
- We had gone out to Wake Forest, North Carolina right where southeastern baptist theological seminary is what a few months ago and you myself and Bill Roach did a talk there and One of the things that I noticed was just people talking afterward
- 16:12
- You know people from different churches, but similar experiences and that's powerful And I know some of these guys who came to that conference have formed relationships with one another have gone out to dinner shared
- 16:25
- Resources with each other and encouragement and we're hoping to do that on a bigger scale. I think at this conference
- 16:33
- That's what it sounds like you're saying If you feel alone in your church, I mean, I felt alone for a long time at seminary
- 16:40
- I thought is there anyone else who sees things the way that I do is am I crazy for you know?
- 16:45
- thinking there's a problem with talking about all the things we were talking about at the seminary at the time and And and I find out no
- 16:54
- I wasn't there are people and and part of that was when I met you in January at the g3 conference and we went to the social justice in the gospel
- 17:04
- Pre -conference and I just looked in a room and thought there's more than just me and I think that's powerful
- 17:09
- That really put a fire under me to say, you know, I can talk about this And we want we want layman to be able to talk to their leaders their pastors or elders
- 17:20
- We want pastors and elders to be Inspired and and ready for for this kind of battle
- 17:29
- And and of course, I know whatever I talk about whatever you have me doing If it's not just getting coffee if you actually let me approach the stage at some point during these events
- 17:39
- I know I'm gonna want to share the true gospel and and just you know, make a rousing plea as much as possible to being
- 17:47
- Oh having your allegiance in Christ and our identity in him and and the church and not in These other identity markers that have become so primary race and class and gender and orientation and and all the rest of it, so Anyway, the beauty the beauty of the gospel is that we are all united under Christ once we once we pledge not pledge once we once we
- 18:20
- Acknowledge that Jesus is our Savior once we submit it all to him once we are Christians We are all united under the banner of Christ There is no separate identity within Christianity.
- 18:32
- We're all Christians We're all united in Christ and that is the beauty of the gospel and let's talk
- 18:37
- Let's just say this the the very root of this Marxist ideology that's infiltrating our churches
- 18:44
- Blows that up and it separates and it divides people. It doesn't unite people under Christ.
- 18:51
- It separates them and That is also what we're gonna call for for unity is unity under Christ And the gospel will be presented.
- 18:59
- I know John if we allow you to speak which we intend to We know that the gospel will be shared properly and done very very well
- 19:08
- So I wanted to ask you this if you're done talking about the conference, how's the movie going as Interviews research all of that.
- 19:18
- Have you come up with anything you want to share here? So we've attained we've obtained funding for a special research project, which is now underway, which is already starting to bear fruit
- 19:31
- And it will be groundbreaking for the film I can't get into details what it is because this is
- 19:38
- Some serious digging we're doing here So that has happened funding has come through for that which is amazing we're still raising funds to go through our next phase of filming we still need a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to finish the film and But the longer this it's all
- 19:59
- God's timing but I can tell you right now As soon as we raise the rest of our funds
- 20:06
- We are 90 days out from releasing the film we have everything ready to go there our research is going to be wrapped up soon within the next month and guys
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- When people see this film Beyond a shadow of a doubt all of our everything we're saying everything that we're going after is gonna be 100 % proven and Cannot be refuted
- 20:29
- Hmm Important and everyone involved who's been a part of advancing cultural
- 20:35
- Marxism has been part of this social justice movement they're gonna have to answer for what they've done and We call we will call all them to repentance or be removed from their positions
- 20:48
- One of the things I'm grateful for for you Judd and for Pastor Gordon is that you know this?
- 20:53
- Movie and even a conference this could have been put on By any conservative political activist if you think about it, you could have you know an atheist even who?
- 21:04
- Sees the merits of the free market and so forth and and likes the Constitution could have Created a conference and invited even people from within churches to come and just seen it purely politically
- 21:17
- Which I and I know that's we're doing a political conference But But but this isn't that because you and Pastor Gordon are actually
- 21:27
- Christians, right? And so you're inviting everyone around who knows there's a political thing going on and You are doing more than just addressing the political concern
- 21:38
- But you're addressed you're going straight to the heart of the matter and you're gonna call for as you just said repentance for people that have done something that is wicked and evil before a holy and Just God And and so I'm thankful that you guys are at the helm of this even though I know there's there's members on the boat who?
- 21:56
- Who may differ on different things? To have someone steering it who recognizes the heart of the issue.
- 22:02
- I think is really important I'm sure that this is they're gonna be discussed probably at CPAC and all the conservative political conferences
- 22:10
- As as a social justice movement gets going more and and I think you were the one that told me already
- 22:16
- I think president Trump's approval rating has dropped among evangelicals If I'm not mistaken right by 10 % or something like that by 10 % that is that's the poll that has come out and Like I said, you got to be naive to think that this movement isn't political
- 22:33
- It's both political and theological, but it wants to destroy It wants to destroy us politically, but also wants to destroy us theologically
- 22:42
- And yeah, so Trump's approval rating is down this movement has has already taken effect and it's bearing fruits and unfortunately
- 22:51
- Those of us on the conservative side Have not stood up to fight it We have people in the conservative political movement that don't want to acknowledge us and pretend that this doesn't exist and it's not a big
- 23:00
- Deal, but John you and I both know people personally who've contacted us That churches are splitting up and falling apart all the time
- 23:09
- And people are being chastised and lectured if they vote conservative By their pastors and by people in their church that have joined into this movement
- 23:19
- And like I said, this is not just a political thing. This is also theological but Yeah, we're in a tough spot
- 23:26
- We are yeah, and I'll point everyone also to the article that we put out there yesterday
- 23:31
- I keep saying we but you know, I've worked with you on so many things I just group myself in there but on the enemies within the church website from James Riddle who was a recent
- 23:42
- D min grad at Southeastern where I went and And he I thought made an excellent point that some of this language that's being utilized now is
- 23:52
- Vague to conservatives. It kind of goes over our heads or one ear out the other but to the left, it's a clarion call they understand exactly what you're saying when you talk about human flourishing or You know regulated capital capitalism, right or white privilege they they get that they know what that means and and so It's almost like, you know, the liberals always accuse us of dog whistles, but it's
- 24:17
- I think I think actual liberals are projecting they're doing they're accusing us of what they do
- 24:23
- Which is sending dog whistles and and I think that's part of the confusion that we see out there in the churches is
- 24:29
- Conservatives don't know what's going on They just think can't we just get back to the way Christianity used to be I don't understand what all these new words and these new things that are being added to the church are and we're gonna
- 24:40
- The left are masters at manipulating language and I and I can't stress this enough.
- 24:48
- They redefine words Okay, so the definition of a word that you grew up with I'll just use the word tolerance for example, because that's an easy one now 30 years ago.
- 24:59
- The definition of tolerance means completely something different than what it means today But to somebody who's older and another another generation if you use the word tolerance
- 25:08
- They still think tolerance means tolerance meaning you can do what you want to do I do what I want to do and I won't kill you for doing what you're gonna do, right?
- 25:15
- essentially, that's a rough version of what tolerance is now the word tolerance means that we have to approve and Accept what the other person is doing and congratulate them for what they're doing
- 25:27
- Hmm even if we're complete disagreement to it, we still have to congratulate him and compliment him on doing what they're doing the
- 25:34
- That's just an easy word to target, but they have changed the definition of words. And if seriously
- 25:39
- I dare you to try it find a word in a new brand new dictionary of 2019 and look at its definition and take some of those same words and look at what the definitions were 30 years ago
- 25:50
- They're different. Mm -hmm. Well racism is one of those words Racism what racism is one of those words?
- 25:57
- So I'm saying is so if they're using a term you have an understanding of what that means versus somebody who hasn't been newly
- 26:04
- Indoctrinated and brought into the system Understand that to be something completely different than you do
- 26:10
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah a good point So we're gonna try to make somewhat of and a
- 26:16
- Rosetta Stone I guess at the conference for understanding what these new words and what these new terms are
- 26:23
- So, yeah, I'm excited for it I'm glad you're doing it I know there's other guys now since since you guys have started and you guys were pretty early
- 26:30
- It was the last year. I think when you first made the Sort of a preliminary trailer.
- 26:36
- What month was it? Was it like the fall? Was it October? You remember? First preliminary trailer happened last year
- 26:44
- Last last February it was in the winter time last February when we did our first initial potion trailer.
- 26:50
- Oh Really? Okay, so we're talking 2018 February that I was 18 February. Yeah. Wow. So you've been okay.
- 26:56
- It's absolutely fascinating to me So this was before a lot of the developments we've seen
- 27:02
- I mean, could you have predicted within a year and a half how things would would have progressed?
- 27:08
- I mean, it's amazing how fast that's that's the shocking part. I Figured I honestly figured that things would advance to where they are now that it would that would have taken about five years
- 27:19
- And it's taking a year and a half it's taking a year and a half the Southern Baptist Convention Let's let's let's just let's just use this for an example.
- 27:26
- Okay gospel coalition a Year year and a half ago would not have put out an article that says
- 27:35
- Jesus had Transsexual identity desires or temptations.
- 27:44
- Okay, the gospel coalition would have never said anything close to that But they just did about a month three weeks ago.
- 27:53
- Yeah, I saw that article I was shocked and then they doubled down on it and then and then they doubled down and defended it
- 27:58
- Yeah a year and a half ago. I Would have I would have said maybe five years they would get that bold But it's only been a year and a half
- 28:08
- And the problem is and and what they're doing is is they will they will shove something is so absurd and obscene out there to see what kind of pushback they get and And then they'll pull back a little bit to see what kind of pushback they get and then they might back down a little bit
- 28:23
- And then wait for another period in time and then they'll push something absurd again All right, but guess what?
- 28:29
- They didn't get nearly the fight back that they thought they were gonna get on it So things are gonna get worse coming out of the gospel coalition
- 28:35
- Because they're there we aren't fighting. We're not calling for their heads like we should be Yeah, so it's fascinating and I wanted to just bring that up to say since that time since a year and a half ago
- 28:46
- There have been more efforts Popping up. It's I'm not saying that you you know, we're your project is credited with that But in every sense, but you were kind of early on sounding this alarm and now
- 28:58
- I know founders ministries Baptist Convention is doing more of a theological
- 29:04
- Conference and movie on on what's happening specifically in the SBC, which is I mean, it's different than the project you're doing
- 29:11
- But it's it's got a similar goal and I'm sure
- 29:16
- I mean, I haven't paid attention in detail but I'm sure there's other projects and people noticing out there that are trying to now respond and and you guys were early so congratulations on that and well, well the the thing is is is a
- 29:31
- We welcome as a project. Like I said, we're about unity. We welcome anybody that wants to fight this
- 29:37
- And anybody that's going out there that's that's putting their neck on the line to fight this
- 29:43
- I say god bless them and I say brother go fight
- 29:49
- Amen, and we are behind their efforts and we pray for their success. So this is not my project versus anyone else's
- 29:57
- We need to be working together and I cannot stress that enough and that goes to all factions
- 30:03
- Because they are united front right now we're divided and we need to unite against it
- 30:09
- All right. Well with that said where can people go? We haven't really plugged this I guess. All right.
- 30:14
- Well, yeah Okay, so they want tickets to the conference or they want to support the movie stand against Marxism calm is our conference
- 30:21
- Stand against Marxism calm is our conference website. Go in register get your tickets
- 30:29
- Book your travels now, it's, you know, October 18th and 19th. We want to see you there If you can't make it to the conference, but you want to support our efforts go to www .EnemiesWithinTheChurch
- 30:42
- .com www .EnemiesWithinTheChurch .com and donate to our film now
- 30:48
- We need a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and I'm gonna go on John show and I hope you have a big audience All right, but really if I had 150 people to donate $1 ,000 each
- 31:00
- We would be funded and we'd have a film out in 90 days That's a hundred and fifty people to donate a thousand dollars or three hundred at five hundred or three hundred at five hundred you know 1 ,500 people at 100 but we need
- 31:15
- We need the funds to complete this and the big donors the big people They they just rather stay out of the fight it seems like but we're asking for big donors if you feel
- 31:26
- Convicted and you feel led by the spirit to donate to this project. I encourage you to do it
- 31:33
- We need all the help we can get and like I said, we need to be working together Yeah, I'm encouraging folks to pray as well that you know, the devil likes to attack those who are
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- Who are on the front lines at the very point at which the battle is raging the most and so If you could just pray
- 31:52
- I think for for Judd and pastor. Kerry Gordon personally that they would be
- 31:58
- Be kept safe from that and That there would be unity in this there's a lot of different ministries a lot of different temperaments different denominations that just is working with as he just stated and and And one
- 32:14
- I'm just gonna say this one of the things that I had told I had said to you I said some different temperaments and ministries.
- 32:21
- They don't mix. Well, it's like very Unstable chemicals and you have to you know, if they keep keep certain chemicals in certain flasks that you can't, you know
- 32:31
- Mix them, but you're trying to mix some and and you need you know All the help you can get in prayer so that things don't blow up in your face and so far
- 32:40
- You know, it sounds like you've got a good lineup for the most part and you're gonna
- 32:45
- Be getting more people to come out and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of unity and and what kind of message
- 32:52
- People take away from that. I I want to I just want to say this If if you guys only knew
- 33:00
- What it's like trying to get all these people together to come together in the same room You guys wouldn't believe
- 33:08
- What we've had to do but the but glory be to God that all these people are willing to come in and humble themselves
- 33:17
- To to join together in a sign of unity to fight this so so that is of God It can only be of God.
- 33:25
- That's that I give him the credit for that. So So God is great but we do need to keep you and we do need you to keep us in your prayers because We have been going through a lot of things
- 33:37
- Satan is attacking Anyway, he can what can go wrong will go wrong and that's happened to us
- 33:44
- So we just ask keep us just pray for protection over us and also pray for protection over John.
- 33:50
- John has also Stepped out. He has shown the courage to blow the whistle on a lot of things.
- 33:56
- He needs your prayers as well Don't just pray for Judd and Kerry, but also pray for John pray for the whole team in this movement people
- 34:04
- And add this to your prayer list because this is important Yeah, and I'm just gonna add one final thing and for those who come
- 34:12
- You know, I'm gonna be there. I know a number of other Christians who more are evangelistically minded are gonna be there and You know some of those who come are not going to be
- 34:22
- Christians. They're gonna be perhaps conservative activists they're gonna be concerned about Marxism because that's we're making this for that's what this is about, but Because so because you guys are
- 34:31
- Christians and because so many of those who are coming are Pray for their salvation pray for salvation even of speakers who come that understand this threat of Marxism But they don't know
- 34:41
- Jesus and we want them to know Jesus. So yeah. Amen. All right. Well on that note, thank you
- 34:48
- Just I appreciate you filling folks in and I I've just had this thought come to my mind but if you are listening to this and If you want to go to the enemies within the church
- 35:01
- Conference which is called stand against Marxism and you get a ticket So you go to stand against Marxism calm you get a ticket you screenshot that or download it as a
- 35:10
- PDF whatever You can send it to me to prove that you you got a ticket my email address
- 35:16
- I'm putting this out. There's Jonathan Harris 1989 at gmail .com Send that to me and What I will do is
- 35:24
- I'm gonna send you a t -shirt And you've seen 80 Robles Judd, do you have one of these?
- 35:30
- I think I sent one to you. I'm not wearing it I didn't I didn't think I had time. I should have worn it for this.
- 35:35
- Yeah next time. I'll wear it. I promise Oh, well, we'll make sure we'll make sure that you get a t -shirt
- 35:41
- I'm not wearing it either but you can go back. You can see 80 Robles videos You can see I wore it. I think like two or three videos back
- 35:47
- It's a it's a lime green and it says it it's the gospel coalition emblem but it's got a hammer and a sickle instead of a
- 35:55
- C and It says the social gospel coalition and at first, you know, I was nervous to even put that out there a little bit
- 36:01
- I was like, oh, this is just it's kind of a joke. And I actually People don't even know why I made it yet. I haven't even like I haven't given the reason
- 36:08
- There's a reason I actually made it and it was for a little spoof thing I was gonna make but it caught on when 80 Robles wore it and It's people are just emailing me like I want one of those shirts so if you want one of those shirts all you have to do is you to become a patreon supporter of mine or Get a ticket to stand against Marxism prove that you got a ticket and I'll make sure you get one
- 36:27
- So there you go, Judd. That's my contribution and and I'll say this if anybody donates to our film
- 36:33
- Double that match and give give match what you give to us and give some to John as well All right,