How To Find A Terrible Church...

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we need to react to a clip of progressive gay
Christian worship artist Semler and her advice on how to find a good church. So, as I just mentioned, there is a so -called
Christian worship artist who goes by the name Semler. She also happens to be an outspoken advocate for her
LGBT lifestyle. But as most of you know, it can be very difficult to find a church that supports said lifestyle.
It's almost as if, and hear me out on this, it goes directly against the historic teaching of the entire
Christian church up until about two seconds ago. Who knew? But fear not, because dedicated Christian Semler has some advice on how you can find a good
LGBT affirming church in Los Angeles, for example. Watch this. All right,
I'm not going to tell you where you should go to church because I think that's deeply personal. But if LGBTQ plus inclusion and affirmation is important for you in your
Christian faith practice, then I can tell you about some places you probably shouldn't go. Mosaic on Hollywood Boulevard.
Don't take my word for it. You can watch this video on YouTube of me interviewing former parishioners that were just gaslit and abused to high heaven.
Reality LA. Wow, this looks like a fun flea market. Couldn't find the word LGBT anywhere on their website, which is a red flag.
There was a page on books that they recommend, and they recommended a few homophobic books. But I just want to include this review.
Didn't work. Sorry, Mom's still gay. Church home. I've talked about this one before. Blah, blah, blah. Lowest rating on church clarity, which is a good reminder that if you're looking for an
LGBTQ plus affirming church, head over to church clarity dot com. If you go to any of these churches and you're like, no, shut up, you're wrong.
Don't yell at me about it. Tell them to go on the record. So first off, she says that she will not tell other people where to go to church because that is a deeply personal decision.
And then she proceeds to directly and publicly call out the churches that other people have made the deeply personal decision to attend.
The moral of the story is yet again that if you want any kind of consistency, do not look for it from a progressive so -called
Christian. All you'll end up with is a bad headache. Second, she offers a few churches that you should definitely not attend, in her opinion.
And this part is really important because it exposes a very common myth that we see in evangelical circles.
For decades now, we have been told that the LGBT movement and the people within it do not go to church because the church is mean, they're judgmental and unwelcoming.
So many churches having good but naive intentions said, OK, we'll make our church as inoffensive and welcoming to outsiders as we possibly can.
Then surely the progressive leftists will want to become Christians, right? No. Case in point, look at the church that Semmler points out here.
Church Home is one of the most popular, trendy megachurches in the nation, complete with cool celebrity pastor
Judah Smith, pop music for worship, and inspiring me -centered sermons that will get you pumped up for your work week.
I mean, they even have female pastors, if that's what you're into. This church could not possibly be using more methods to soften the hard truths of scripture that would be off -putting to a secular person.
And yet somehow it's not enough. Somehow the LGBT community will still reject this church for not being inclusive enough.
Because here's the thing, for the most part, it was never actually about being nicer. It was never actually about having more inclusive programs or having shorter sermons on lighter topics.
And it was never about having contemporary worship music. When it comes down to it, the radical progressives in big metro cities want you to be
OK with the terrible things they do. It's that simple. And if the Bible is not cool with that, then you need to twist the
Bible until it is. End of story. Anything else is unacceptable bigotry from you.
We need to stop adjusting the weekly worship service to cater to secularists who hate God. The Sunday gathering is not for unbelievers to be maximally comforted.
It's for believers to maximally glorify God. Full stop. First Corinthians 1426 says this, quote,
What then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up. Notice that when it says when you come together, that is
Christians. Let all things be done for building up. Well, building up who specifically? Again, the people being assembled who are
Christians. Our entire mainstream society is already designed for the unbeliever.
We don't need our churches to do the same thing. And to be clear, should we love our unbelieving neighbors?
Of course. Should we spread the gospel to them? Absolutely. If you want to know more about how to do that, take a look at Ray Comfort and Living Waters.
Link in description. But ultimately, the fact is that designing the church to appeal to unbelievers will never actually work.
People will get saved in these environments. Don't get me wrong. And that's a testament to God's sovereign saving power.
But the credit does not go to the unbiblical church practices that we've invented ourselves in the last few decades.
No, it goes to God. And this brings me to the third point. Semmler mentions a website for screening churches called
ChurchClarity .org, which rates churches based on how publicly inclusive they are.
Here's a section from their mission statement on that website. Quote, powerful institutions tend to operate in ambiguity rather than in clarity.
And churches are no exception. Many churches fail to disclose their actively enforced policies on their websites.
Can women preach? Will you officiate a same sex wedding? Hire a queer pastor? Answers to these questions often remain elusive.
You know, what's funny about this is that I actually kind of agree. I agree that it's harmful and wrong for churches to be unclear about where they actually stand on major issues like this.
Things like pro -choice, feminism, female pastors, LGBT, etc. Like this website,
I think that they should be clear about their beliefs. But unlike this website, I think their beliefs should be grounded in scripture and they should publicly and passionately rebuke these sins that I just listed for you.
As 2 Timothy 4 .2 says, preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching.
And if you need help finding a church that does these things, please check out the church networks in the description below.
Find a good solid church that believes the Bible and opposes modern distortions of it. A good start would be finding a church that would get an
F rating from a website like this on its ability to be LGBT affirming. That's a great sign.
Then serve that church and get involved for the glory of God. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video.
And check out the ministries linked in the description. Like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our Rumble channel.
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