Mike Todd RUBS SPIT On Man’s Face, Then Apologizes!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So many of you have probably seen the video of Mike Todd, pastor of Transformation Church, rubbing spit on a congregant's face during a sermon illustration.
This man actually turned out to be his very own brother, from what I understand. And side note, I actually have three brothers myself, and if I ever tried to rub spit on one of their faces, bad things would have happened to me.
But that's beside the point. If you haven't seen the infamous spit gate video, here it is, watch this.
And this is where most people would not face
Jesus anymore. What most people would do is turn away.
What I'm telling you is just as he's physically standing here, knowing what's coming,
God's saying can you physically and spiritually and emotionally be able to stand, when getting the vision or receiving it might get nasty.
By the way, I was reading an article from Protestia, link in description, in which they show another video of Mike Todd doing the exact same thing in the year 2018.
This was not the first, but the second time in three years that he had used this sermon illustration.
In any case, Mike Todd later came out and apologized for this whole incident. Here's the video of that apology.
Watch this. Hey what's going on everybody, I hope you're having an amazing Monday. I just want to acknowledge what happened yesterday when the spit hit the fan.
I watched it back and it was disgusting, like that was gross.
I want to validate everybody's feelings that that was a distraction to what
I was really trying to do. I was really trying to make the word come alive and for people to see the story.
But yesterday it got too live and I own that. And I just want to make sure people know that we want to help people.
We want people to see Jesus. We want people to feel loved. We want people who are desperate to be able to find hope.
And I'm passionate about that so much so that I try to do extreme things to help people get it.
And yesterday it crossed the line. So first I just want to echo what Mike Todd said about this.
I want to agree with him. It was gross, it was disgusting, and this was an unnecessary distraction.
First Corinthians 1426 talks about the organization of the church gathering formally when it says, quote, let all things be done for building up, end quote.
This sermon illustration was not edifying to anyone and it was so distracting that it actually prevented people from being built up.
If anything, it was a stumbling block. And Romans 13, 14 says, quote, therefore let us rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother, end quote.
This passage in context was most certainly not referring to distracting sermon illustrations, but the principle still applies.
Indeed, there are many passages you could point to that clearly condemn this kind of behavior. But in any case,
Mike did apologize, and many people have said that Mike's apology was not sincere or comprehensive enough to be accepted, and I understand why people say that.
I mean, he certainly didn't seem extremely torn up about it. He was smiling, he was making jokes and mincing words.
But I'm not here to talk about the apology in this video. The apology isn't the problem. Even if that apology was entirely sincere and completely repentant, which
I don't believe it was, there's still an underlying issue that's being ignored by almost everybody here.
Let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen. This problem has not been solved. Mike Todd is going to continue to do things just like this during his sermons.
I do not believe he has learned his lesson, and I do not believe this is the last time that we'll see ridiculous and distracting antics coming from Transformation Church's pulpit.
Now, why do I say that? Because Mike Todd does not seem to have gotten down to the root of the problem.
In this apology, he says, I'm sorry, that sermon illustration was gross and distracting, that particular thing went too far, that unique circumstance
I'm taking responsibility for. And that's all well and good. But the problem for Mike Todd was not this one sermon illustration that was distracting or went too far.
The heart of the problem is that Mike Todd's sermon illustrations are consistently distracting and self -centered.
In other words, this is not a single one -off mistake, guys. This has been part and parcel of Mike Todd's entire ministry for many years.
That's why he used this same gross sermon illustration in 2018 and all the way up in 2022.
This is not the bug of his preaching, in other words, it's the feature of his preaching. And we have not yet gotten down to the root of the matter.
Psalm 51 verse 10 says, quote, created me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me, end quote.
In order to truly get down to the root, we must deal with the heart. And in this particular situation, it is clear that the heart of the problem still remains.
And the heart of the problem is this. Mike Todd seems to be hyper -focused, hyper -fixated on getting attention through sermon illustrations that are increasingly provocative and distracting.
He also seems to continuously try to get attention through statements in his teaching that are ever -increasing in their absurdity and inaccuracy.
Anyone who has followed Mike Todd's ministry for virtually any length of time can see this underlying problem.
Again, it's not just the spit incident that's the issue. The real issue is the attention -seeking heart that comes behind all this.
Second Timothy 4 .3 says, quote, for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, end quote.
The issue is that Mike Todd's church seems to want to entertain people at all costs.
The people have an itch for entertainment, and Mike Todd has created an entire ministry that scratches that itch thoroughly.
And the Word of God has, frankly, become an afterthought. I mean, think about it. When you watch Mike Todd preach, do you clearly see
God's Word at the forefront of the entire service? No. You see his passion, his charisma, his clothing, his illustrations, his demeanor, etc.
The heart of the problem here is exalting your own human entertainment methods and strategies over the clear teaching and application of God's Word.
And until Mike Todd recognizes that, unfortunately, the problem is still going to remain.
You can't remove a cancerous tumor from your brain by hiding it under a wig. You can't treat a gunshot by putting a band -aid over it.
Covering up symptoms without removing the underlying disease causing them is going to solve nothing.
The apology was treating the symptom of spitting on the man's face, but the apology did not recognize the attention -seeking disease that caused that action.
So I've said it once, and I'm going to say it again. You have not seen the last of Mike Todd's ridiculous sermon illustrations.
This is what he does. This is what happens when you seem to become obsessed with attention and fame and growing your church instead of simply preaching the
Word of God. Just take a look at this promotional video, for instance, that Mike Todd's church made walking on water.
Watch this. So here we have a video of Mike Todd basically pretending to accomplish a unique miracle of Jesus.
It's yet another example of them seeming to exalt him and put him on a pedestal.
Mike Todd also had a sermon illustration, for instance, of him yelling his message while wearing ridiculous attire and standing in a kiddie pool.
Watch this. The fact is, folks, the list of ridiculous and distracting sermon illustrations of Mike Todd is much longer than we have time to review in this video.
That would take several books to cover. The point is that behind all of this, there is a lack of respect for the preaching of God's Word.
Yet Psalm 119 verse 105 says, quote, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
It doesn't say, my celebrity pastor's antics are a light to my path. Only God's Word can serve that purpose.
When did we stop believing that? And why on earth are Mike Todd's sermons so much more focused on his antics than God's Word?
I think we all know why. And it's very telling. And behind all of this, there is also a lack of respect for the office of pastor.
Yet 2 Timothy 2 24 says that pastors must be, quote, able to teach, end quote.
It does not say that pastors must be able to provide endless amounts of entertainment for people who have short attention spans.
So long story short, if you want to see the end product of the whole toxic celebrity pastor phenomenon, look no further than Mike Todd.
I highly recommend that you watch Transformation Church on Sunday if you want a cautionary tale about what it looks like when a church becomes human -centered instead of God -centered.
So let's pray for Mike Todd and for those who follow him that they would stop this madness, and that's what it is, and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.