Is It Sinful to Watch Shows with Nudity in Them?


The saying "sex sells" has never been more true than in the entertainment industry. Some of the largest streaming companies require their directors and producers to show certain amounts of nudity in their shows because the streaming platforms know that will drive up views. This has in turn normalized nudity to the point that no one even bats an eye at it anymore. Nudity, something that God tells men and women to reserve for their spouse, has


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of Almighty God is hanging over our heads.
They will hear His words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped Himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to this now to make intercession for us.
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear His words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, they're hanged.
All right, Tim, the question for today's episode is, is it sinful to watch shows with nudity in them?
Yeah, I think the obvious answer to that should be yes, but then with some sort of qualifications on it.
But most people, when they hear that question, they should just instantaneously say yes. The general answer should just be yeah.
Yeah, obviously, yeah. Now, I'll qualify it to say that there are certain programs out there like VidAngel where you can cut a lot of that stuff out, and it may be that there's a perfectly fine show to watch that has an unfortunate scene in there just for the sake of upping the ratings and all that, and you are living in a pagan society and culture.
But then putting that aside for a second, let's say you can remove it, then I think you're just talking about a different kind of situation at that point.
And maybe the overwhelming and obvious answer, it might not be yes at that point, assuming that you can remove it without thought.
But other than that, then the obvious answer should be yes. So why should it be yes? Yeah. I feel silly asking you that question, but I mean,
I have to. It's the nature of the episode. Fair enough, yeah. Well, all right.
I mean, this is something that we shouldn't have to explain to people as if they were five -year -olds or something like that.
But yeah, I mean, there is such a thing called lust. And so part of this is related to a lust discussion.
You can have some kind of horribly desensitized person who can say that they can just look at nudity and not be—
It doesn't do anything for them. It doesn't do anything. And if that's them, then you're one step away from being Jeffrey Dahmer or something like that.
So we should be praying for you, because if you're that desensitized to it, there's something significantly wrong with you, and we should be praying for you.
So part of it is like a lust discussion. But even beyond that, you can read through the
Old Covenant, and one of the things you're going to find over and over and over again is there's a euphemism in the
Bible for sexual intercourse, and that euphemism is called uncovering the nakedness of your relatives.
And so post -fall, God instantaneously gave Adam and Eve clothes in order to cover their nakedness, and that's something that's just built into the fabric of society that God has made.
So nakedness belongs to—it doesn't belong to anyone and everyone. It is something that's intimate and personal and belongs to your spouse.
And so you have this euphemism for sexual intercourse in the Bible called uncovering the nakedness of someone.
And Leviticus 18 .7, here's an example of this. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother.
So notice how her nakedness belongs—the father's nakedness belongs to who?
To the mother, right? And you can think about in that the story of Noah becoming uncovered and Ham basically making him into a mockery at that point, and the brothers
Shem and Japheth walking backwards in order to cover their father up. So you have an actual story that happened that is now being explained within the law, but basically the premise behind the whole idea is that a person's nakedness does not belong to anyone and everyone.
And yeah, certainly that's a euphemism for sexual immorality, but then I think also it's a principle that you shouldn't ignore there as well.
But then you can go to 1 Corinthians, and Paul will play upon this idea with the body metaphor, basically saying in 1
Corinthians 12 .23, So there's this doctrine in the
Bible of modesty, and you need to basically cover yourself, and this is what
God has instituted. So this isn't just a matter of how it affects a person. It's a matter of God's design, and nakedness belongs to certain people, and it doesn't belong to everyone else.
If that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. So what about shows with nudity that are not explicitly meant to be sexual in any kind of way?
Yeah, it doesn't really matter. So think of Village being a
TV show about the Holocaust or something. Yeah, the Schindler's List. Sure, yeah. Yeah, so something like that where it's not meant to be sexual.
So the point though is just to say, and I think this is something that people don't understand, nakedness actually doesn't belong to everyone.
Okay. So it doesn't matter whether or not a person can handle it, or thinks they can handle it, or the context of it.
You know, is it done in art or whatever else, or is it done for a purpose, or all that.
The point though is to say that fundamentally, objectively, this doesn't belong to you.
It's not for you, okay? Okay. And so it's not for you, it doesn't belong to you, and it needs to be covered.
And in that way, that's just, you know, you're running against the passages that I just read about uncovering the nakedness of your close relatives.
So you shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother. So that nakedness of your father belongs to your mother.
It doesn't belong to anyone else, okay? So in that way, the context of it doesn't matter.
How well you think you can handle it doesn't matter. Now, I mean, I remember watching, like, with the
Schindler's List analogy, that was something that we watched. We had to sign a waiver form growing up or something like that, to watch it in high school, basically, for history and all that.
But I remember, like, there were, you know, articles that were written about those kind of scenes that you're talking about, and how, like, degraded the actors actually were, and how that affected them long -term, right?
So this thing that you're talking about that's just supposed to be for this greater purpose of showing the evil of the
Nazis and all that, like, they were, you know, debased and humiliated and shamed. And it was an act of debasing them and shaming them and humiliated them.
And by watching it, you're participating in that, debasing them, shaming them, humiliating them.
You're doing something that's voyeurism, essentially. It's a sin of voyeurism in that way. And you're basically playing the role of Ham in that encounter, no matter what your motive is.
Does that make sense? Yeah, so speaking about the actors themselves, right?
I'm saying, you're playing the role of Ham by watching it. Right, right. You know, you're degrading the actors themselves as they're trying to portray something that was evil, right?
That's right, yeah. That reminds me a lot, too, of, I guess, maybe it's
Job, who says, you know, I've made a covenant with my eyes not to look at anything unclean, right?
And he's presented to us as an example of someone in the Bible who is the most righteous person on the entire earth, right?
And he's basically saying, I don't look at these things, right?
If I can help it, I've committed to not trying to look at anything. And nudity in all of its forms would fall into this category, right?
That's right. Now, I mean, what people will bring up, just by means of, like what people do is they like to ignore the plain sense of what we're talking about here by appealing to just rare examples, right?
Sure, yeah. And that's a bit of a frustrating thing where you can't establish a general principle. Does that work?
And in the minds of many people, if there's any counterexample whatsoever, then all of a sudden you have fundamentally overturned the rule.
So what about doctors who have to perform surgeries on people and things like that?
Or gynecologists or things like that. Well, let me say with gynecologists, if you're a male being a gynecologist, you need to change your job, man.
It's like you're a creeper. It's not intuitively obvious to me that you're not doing something fundamentally wrong.
Let a lady do it. And my wife has commented on that over the years, how she doesn't want to go to a male gynecologist.
Yeah, I've heard plenty of women just mention offhandedly throughout the years that that's something that would make them feel very uncomfortable.
The issue is, though, is there some place for someone performing surgery on someone because they're an expert in their field and they have to...
You have to do open -heart surgery. You have to do open -heart surgery, yeah. So, okay, fine. But the thing is, there is some kind of care that can be taken there.
And God pictures himself seeing Israel as a naked virgin in the wilderness.
And God comes and he covers up her nakedness. And that should be our posture. And there may be rare exceptions to that.
And making them as gender -specific as you possibly can, that's helpful. But that doesn't overturn the general principle.
Right, yeah, right. Last question. And I think you've covered this a little bit, but what about...
So, a lot of times, TV shows like this, they're showing a lot of female nudity, right?
There's not really a lot of male nudity. So if a woman is watching that kind of show, is that still...
She's not attracted to women in any kind of way whatsoever. It's still wrong? If a lady is watching the female nudity?
Yeah, yeah. Well, it's the same thing as ham. Okay, yeah. I mean, ham's a male. Like, it just doesn't belong to you.
And the more that you do that, the more that you're doing something fundamentally immoral. Okay, fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.