Pastor Debates College Students On Campus


Watch this new video of Pastor Jeff Durbin debating with some college students on campus at LSU. The students argued on a number of important issues and we believe that this video will expose a lot as well as encourage and equip you. Pastor Brian Gunter, Pastor Luke Pierson, Pastor Trey Fisher, and Zach Lautenshlager were also engaging with the students. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


Foster care system is probably the worst thing that's going on in the state of Louisiana. I would never want a child to grow up in a foster care system.
It was better when the church had control at the end. We were doing much better with it. I'm sure y 'all were. But let's just be honest with each other, right?
Do you see your contradictions? Everything is a contradiction. When it comes down to choice, nobody else has the right to choose anything that anybody else chooses.
You're a psych major, is that what you said? Yes, I am. And you just looked up that a person is not a human.
Until they have cognitive reasoning skills, correct? Is that what you said? No, I said fetuses within a woman.
No, then you looked it up and you looked up in your book that at 13 is when you have cognitive skills. I said they develop cognitive skills at 13.
Therefore, the reason you killed this baby right here is because they don't have that.
But your book says at 13 is when they have it. So can we kill 12 -year -olds? Well, a moment ago, you said something compelling a second ago.
You said you take an ethics class. Tell me if I heard you right. You said that nobody has the right to tell somebody else what to do.
Yes. So we shouldn't stop child molesters. Oh, you absolutely should.
So you just contradicted yourself. That is my moral thinking. That is yours, but you don't have any say.
Exactly, I don't have any say. So that's why there's a bunch of child molesters running around. But should we prosecute them? Why not?
Should we? Yes, that is my moral thinking. But you just said that we should never tell someone what to do.
I didn't tell you to prosecute them. I said, in my moral opinion, they should be prosecuted.
That does not mean just because I said they should be prosecuted, they will be. No, but it's a moral question.
You took an ethics class, so we're talking about oughts. What ought to be the case? And so I think we ought to, say for example, execute people who kidnapped and enslaved black people.
And I believe that because of God's law. God's law says that they should have been executed. And if it's morally wrong, it's an atrocity.
But let's say that someone believed what you believed back during the time of slavery. And we watched the beautiful black men and women on these auction blocks.
We pass by it and then you say, hey, that's immoral and wrong. We ought not do that. And there were people back then saying that. I know, the
Christian abolitionists stopped it, exactly. So we walk by together and we say, that's morally wrong.
And then someone walks by with your argument and says, No, ethically, we can't tell anybody what to do.
That is true because, you want to know why? That is true because if something is, let me get this correct because I just did a freaking essay on it.
I'm freaking burnt. It's okay, I'm listening. Yeah, it's okay. If that is the cultural, moral law.
Slavery at some point was morally correct according to American culture. Not according to scripture, but the law of the land, yes.
So according to American culture 400 years ago, slavery to some people was morally correct, which is why it stood when it did for so long.
And for the Civil War to happen and for abolition, technically in terms of, who said this?
Rachel said that cultural, ethical laws cannot be changed.
They can be deemed as incorrect, but for somebody to come and try to change the moral, cultural law for a certain society, that is wrong, which is why we had a
Civil War, because nobody wants their cultural, ethical laws changed. Do you see that there's a problem?
Because I know what you're saying. Actually, it's a good point. Morality is the whole thing in itself. That's why there's so many different views on morality. Some people think that happiness should determine how we act.
Some people think that reason should determine how we act. You are taking an ethics class, I can tell. That reason should determine the actions that we take.
That is my stance. Where's human reason come from? From whoever, from any walking, breathing person.
Yeah, but human reason, I can't go out to the lawn over there and dig up the law of non -contradiction.
It's not made of matter. Yeah, but it's an immaterial thing. Laws of logic are immaterial.
Unchanging, right? But if you believe what this university teaches, I imagine, that we came from fish.
If you believe we evolved from bacteria through fish to us. I don't think about that. I don't know where the hell we came from.
If I sit here and try to figure out the universe, I would jump off God damn Morse Tower.
Because every day there's a new reason for me to climb that tower and jump off. But you said... I don't think that was wrong, right?
I'm sorry. Well, I'm sorry. I don't want... I don't hope for that for you at all. Good, I'm glad.
Okay, good. I didn't know if you were, you know, giving us a deep thought there. So, the issue is reason.
But, you know, if you've ever read Mein Kampf, you can see some pretty convoluted reasoning there.
And he would argue, using his perverted reasoning processes, that Jews were just parasites.
Jews were parasites. And he was using human reason to display it. The plantation owners that were arguing for slavery had really bad reasoned arguments.
And so if you say human reason is the pinnacle of what is moral and ought, you're going to have to wade through a lot of difficult waters of people who are doing some very perverse things with human reason.
So the question is, how do we know what ought to be the case? And the answer is God and His law.
I am not religious. Well, you're very religious. You've been arguing about ethics, what we ought to do.
That's very religious. That's very religious. It is. Well, what is a religion?
Ethics is right or wrong. Religion is beliefs, values, principles. Well, that's... Well, right, when you say something is right or wrong, you're talking about beliefs, values, and principles.
So, welcome to religion. But the issue here, ultimately here, the issue here we're displaying here,
I'm glad, and I respect you, and I honor you, because you're made in God's image. What we're saying here is this isn't a biological issue.
This is a moral issue, not biological. Because what this is is human. There's no question about that.
Like when the slave owners looked at the black people and said, you know, I know it looks like a person. It's not a person.
It's a black woman. That was moral. That was more like, that's an animal.
Right. But what was true is that all of us come from the same parents.
We're all part of the human race. We're all human. You're as much human as I'm human. And right?
And so what they were doing is they were saying, you know, I'm going to say not human. And what we're doing with this little boy is we're saying not human.
Same problem. I think everyone knows that when they have... I would hope that every woman who could carry a child and not like the antichrist or something.
No, that's a good point. The young lady over there. The young lady over there. Somebody's like sitting here like, yeah, let me abort my horse.
Well, actually, they're very good. That's very good. You know, we know what we're doing. Honestly, okay, you know what?
As somebody who is pro -choice, I've never seen someone who's gotten an abortion and has not regretted it for whatever reason.
Why? Whether it was because of the physical and mental strain that it caused. Why would it be mental strain?
Because you have to go through this entire... You don't even know it's going to work. I've seen many people get abortions and they still ended up having a baby.
Praise God. Glory to God to them. They have their little precious baby. What's it called?
What's it called? Their precious baby. Yes, they have their baby. That they chose to carry. So what makes it a precious baby is my choosing it?
Shit, if I have a baby and I choose that this shit is not a precious baby, that's my choice. So you can choose to stay like the plantation owners.
I don't see you as fully human. I'm not going to kill my baby. That's just ridiculous. Why? Actually, you know what? I probably will.
I don't give a fuck. There you go. Yes, because that is my choice. Because in reality... If I have a baby and I'm four months pregnant and I don't want it,
I'm going to terminate it. Right, you're going to kill your baby. Because why would I put such a burden of human life on myself?
First of all, kids are expensive. It's expensive as fuck. I know. It's expensive to have kids. Yes. You know what? Across the way, if you have a dog...
Yes, what is this? If you have a dog, and you say you don't want the dog, I'm just saying you're believing in the wrong thing. I'm not going to sell it.
Why not? Why not just shoot it? Nobody's out here selling shit. Who the fuck is out here shooting dogs? That's just weird.
We're not just shooting. We're not just shooting. We're decapitating them. I did not birth that dog.
The dog's mom decided she wanted to keep the dog. Whoever the dog breeder was decided that my dog is having babies and she's going to have those babies.
That is her choice. If I choose to sell... If I choose to shoot my dog, so the fuck what?
What does that have to do with you? Not a goddamn thing. That is my moral wrongs. So you're okay with shooting the dog?
I'm not okay with shooting dogs. I'm not out here just shooting people's dogs or shooting my own dogs. Why would I shoot my own dogs when they're my goddamn dogs and I sat here and fucking paid for them?
It's either okay or it's not. No, it's my choice or it's not. Kyle, why are you so angry?
Because y 'all are like... Y 'all are like... It's like talking to a wall. It's like I'm right here with it. We're talking with you.
We've refuted a lot of your arguments. It shows your inconsistency. No, it's not. It's not.
Look, remember a while ago? You don't let me say this. What did you call this picture? If I choose to set this thing on fire, that's my choice. If I choose to shoot my dog that I found on the corner of the street and follow me home, that is my choice.
No doubt it's your choice, but is it the right choice? If I choose to terminate a baby at eight months, that is my choice. So if someone walks by you and chews the punch you in the face and take your purse, you're cool with that because it was their choice?
That would be weird, but yes, that was their fucking choice to make. Is it moral? No, it's not. Thank you. Says who?
Says myself because that is my choice to make. But the rapist, he makes a choice and says,
I like it. That is his choice. That does not mean it's mine. But does that make it... Thank you very much. So what we're saying is that ultimately
God... No. God is the... No, it's not about God. Oh, it's very much about God. If this is all
God's plan, then it was God's plan for me to terminate my baby. Well, no, we sin against God.
We violate God's law. That's so cute. What does God have to do with legislation? What's that?
I'm so glad you asked that. Yeah, come on in. Come on in. Welcome to the conference. Did you say, what does God have to do with legislation?
We're talking about slavery in the Holocaust. No, she's asking a different question.
Can I answer that? Would you mind if I answer it? Separation of church and state... Everybody go home, shoot your dogs, set your house on fire.
Would you mind if I showed her the respect? That is your choice. Just know that. Would you mind if I showed her the respect of answering your question?
Good. Okay, so you asked the question of separation of church and state. That doctrine of separation of church and state, if you like it, you should thank a
Christian for it because Christians developed that in history. The separation of church and state did not mean the separation of God and state.
They were trying to avoid the Church of England situation where the church is controlled by the state.
Separation of church and state is not in our constitutional documents. You can find it in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the
Dansbury Baptists reiterating the Christian historical doctrine of separation of church and state. Separation of church and state does not mean separation of God and state.
God bless you. So if a child is in pain, we should kill the child?
Well, if a child is going to die... Well, so we shouldn't kill sick children, just to be clear.
I know. Don't kill sick children? Is that what you're saying? I also heard that you guys like don't like rape and assault.
Like you think that women and girls should be forced to... I don't think you should kill a child for the sins of her father.
Okay, so what if the girl's like 12? You think that a 12 -year -old... I think we should execute the rapist. Yeah. The rapist should...
You believe we should execute the child. ...and not the product of their rape?
Because there... It doesn't make Can I answer? Can I answer that? It's a good question.
Answer my question. Sure. Okay. I'll do you then you. A 12 -year -old girl gets raped. A 12 -year -old girl gets raped, gets pregnant.
We can go as low as 11 because of how menstruation works. Right. 11 -year -old gets pregnant. They're forcing that 11 -year -old to keep that baby and birth that baby even though 11 -year -olds are not supposed to do that.
It's an evil... Can I answer that? It's an evil, evil thing you're talking about because you're talking about a man doing something to a girl's body apart from her will and her choice.
Right? And so, if you're against rape, you should be fully against abortion because what's happening in abortion is a person is doing to something that's...
Can I answer my question? I am answering it. I'm not finished. Sometimes... No. I'm trying to...
You cut me off. I didn't get to finish. Okay. I didn't get to finish. So, it takes sometimes more than five sentences to answer a question.
You can answer it when you're done. So, I was saying that if you believe that rape is wrong and repulsive, you should be against the issue of abortion because what's happening in rape is the same, in principle, issue that's happening in rape.
Someone is doing something to somebody's body apart from their will, right, and without their permission.
I believe that the man who rapes the 11 -year -old girl, right, I believe that he deserves the death penalty.
You believe the child deserves the death penalty. Okay. How about this? How about this?
How about this? Yes or no? Yes or no? Pursue the rapist. You would force that 11 -year -old to give birth to the child.
When you say force... When you say force, you're assuming the category of the option to murder the child.
What happened in a rape was an evil, immoral thing that you haven't responded to yet in terms of...
You answered my question. I did. Yes or no? I believe we should pursue the rapist and, like Brian said, you should not punish the child for the crime of the father.
So the 11 -year -old would have to stay pregnant and give birth? I believe that we should not take one issue where there's a victim and create two victims.
You're arguing create more victims. Yes or no? You would force... I just answered you. We should not create... I'm answering you.
I'm answering you if you would let me say it. We should not, we should not, like you suggest, create more victims.
You already have a victim and a crime. You have a victim and a crime and we should not pursue...
We should pursue the rapist. When she's 11 years old, give birth to a child.
She's a victim. She's a victim. Why? Well, you call it trauma, right? Yes. And I agree.
And I agree. And I agree. And I agree.
And I agree. I agree. Do you see what happened is that you didn't let me finish the thought. Let me finish.
I said, you call it trauma and I agree. But why is it trauma?
Because someone did something to her body against her will. That's what happens in abortion.
So if you're against rape, you should be against abortion. I'd like to hear you respond to that because you haven't yet.
It's a human being doing something to another human being. I don't know why you're speaking
Latin here. Fetus means small child or baby. So you can speak English. We're in Louisiana. You guys do talk kind of funny.
What's that? When there's a sperm cell and an egg cell that are still in the process of conjoining. No, it's when, when and that's a very good question.
You have a library here. Okay. And all biological textbooks, all biological textbooks, you can check this out.
You can leave right from here and find it out. All biological textbooks will argue and agree today without question is not disputed that all human life begins at the moment of conception.
The very moment of conception. You, you and, what's your name? My name's Annie. Annie, I'm Jeff. I'm Jeff. It's not a lie.
Go look it up. The moment of conception, all human life is at the moment of conception.
So you, Annie, were the you you are today as a human at that very moment. The only difference was the difference of size, level of development, environment and degree of dependence.
Biologically speaking, you were the you you are now at that moment of conception.
That's indisputable today. Except she is a person with a personality and memories and friends and autonomy and consciousness.
Okay, so let's try, can I try any of those? And like a grown adult. Great, great. So we can kill, we can kill nine -year -olds then because you said grown adults will make you human.
Well, I said like memories and You think we should kill rapists. I believe that rapists who go so far as to abuse a woman deserve capital punishment.
Yes. We should protect innocent life, but the rapist is not innocent. He's guilty. You think we should kill him?
Yes. You believe we should kill the children. We believe the rapist should be killed. I believe in the death penalty for rapists, but not for us.
You believe in the death penalty for the baby. We believe in it for the rapist, yes. And I stand very proud on that.
Going under the medical procedure of terminating murdering a child, whatever, is much different than killing a person.
You're using a lot of you're using a lot of euphemisms. When you said fetus, that's a Latin word.
It means baby. And when you said abortion, it's a euphemism for the unjustified taking of human life.
So you can, you can speak with as much clarity as you want. Jeff, I think he just said that he wants to protect the lives of rapists.
Is that, is that correct? That is what he said. I don't think, I don't, I don't, I don't want to put words in your mouth. Do you believe that we should, do you believe that we should protect the lives of rapists?
I mean, maybe I misunderstood you. Can you answer? He never said a single thing about the human rights. I'm not, I'm not sure. I'd like him to answer.
I'd like him to answer. So do you, do you believe we should protect the lives of rapists? Yes or no?
Annie. Yes. Go ahead. Right. I really don't appreciate this like super. Well, you guys were, you guys were, you guys were, were actually mocking the fact that as Christians, we believe
God's law that a man who rapes a woman deserves to die because he's guilty. You mock that, but you guys believe that we should kill the child.
We believe the rapist should be killed judicially. You believe that children should be killed.
I have, by the way, I have friends who are the products of rape. I have friends who are the products of rape. They would stand here arguing with you right now saying,
I thank God that I wasn't killed for the crime of my father. They are beautiful, amazing, thriving human beings today.
Should we kill them? Not now. They're the products of rape. But you're arguing that the products of rape should be executed.
I'm arguing, we're arguing that it's up to the mother because at that point for the next nine months the mother's going to be carrying the child. For the next 18 plus years she's going to be carrying
She's carrying a what? Carrying a what? The child. The child. Okay. I think she said carrying the child, didn't she? She did.
If this is the argument that y 'all are working off of, you know, that's what you said, Annie. That's what you said. I guess it was a
Freudian slip. I don't know, but you said the mother carries a child in the womb. Does this make y 'all think it's up to the mother, right?
Because the zygote at that point, the egg and the sperm of her rapist are not going to survive outside of her body.
Well, it's not, I'm just saying it's not an egg and a sperm. I thought
I couldn't interrupt you, but you can interrupt me. If they combine. Right, the zygote. Okay, can I please finish? Yes. Right, so the zygote's not going to exist without her.
The zygote is totally dependent on the mother for the next nine months and potentially for the rest of her life. We're saying it should be up to the mother because she has to deal with the trauma.
Oftentimes, rape addicts, especially in Louisiana where they're not getting the treatment they need, they're contracting STIs, they have
PTSD, they turn to addiction, all those sorts of things. So what you're doing is you're condemning that mother to an awful life to continue living with the repercussion of her rape and this reminder of the trauma she went through.
Because unless you're also advocating for stopping the backlog of rape kits and you're advocating for comprehensive sex education, more than just abstinence -only sex education and free contraceptive and free
STI testing and welfare, and welfare for black mothers. Can I respond to all that? Can I respond?
I'm still finishing. Okay. You're making about ten different points. I'd like to respond to any one of them.
Here's the argument that you guys are supporting the life and that we're murderers for wanting mothers to be able to decide if they are raped what they do with the zygote.
And I'm saying that you're condemning those women to an awful life. So you're saying they justify to be in like psychological death for the rest of their lives.
Can I respond now? Now that I'm done you can respond. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. So you made an argument that because the human being because when the sperm and egg meet it makes a unique human being.
So you're using a lot of euphemisms but the human being from conception is dependent upon the mother and so therefore she ought to be able to kill it because it's dependent upon her.
So you wouldn't have any argument then with a mother who pulled over this is fairly recently in our history she pulled over to the side of the road she turned around and shot her like six and eight year old kid in the chest and killed him.
They were both dependent upon her. Both dependents. Right? So that's a significant issue in terms of when you talk about dependents it's dependent upon me so I ought to be able to kill it.
Yeah Jeff it's not the same thing because she could have dismembered them as children are in the womb. Right. I mean shooting them in the chest was a lot less painful than them being their limbs being removed one by one until they bled it down.
You have to be stopped in order to a shooting of children. I'm gonna answer her question you've already been refuted up and down my friend so we've spent forty five minutes with you so the next thing when you said dependents
I have a two year old and I have five kids my two year old is fully dependent upon me fully dependent upon me can
I kill him because he's dependent would that argument work in court? It wouldn't work in court. Can I explain what I would say to that then?
Well yes go ahead you had a lot of points I was trying to get to but go ahead yeah. Yeah for sure I don't know if I have the patience to stay here for the whole time.
I think you're conflating different types of dependents right so like obviously your two year old is economically dependent on you because he can't hold his own job so he's relying on you your family structure your community your neighborhood those sorts of things what
I'm talking about I mean he's not he's not just economically dependent yeah and like mentally because like you have an emotional bond whatever he can't drive a car all those sorts of things he can't feed himself
I'm not okay what's see there's more than more than just a simple category you and I go out of degrees of dependence on other humans our entire lives when you were when you were
I didn't finish answering so well I wasn't finished either and you tried to get you tried to let her go I know but now
I'd like to I'd like to respond to that though okay so you'll cut me off to keep going well I you had about ten points
I was addressing one and then you wanted to respond you didn't let me do that so I'm just trying to respond as much as I can you let her go okay you let her go okay yeah and now
I'm going to respond to your point and and demonstrate that it's an error you and I go through different degrees of dependence as human beings our entire lives from the moment we come into this world we're fully dependent like nursing moms are displaying fully that their children are dependent upon them to survive you wouldn't argue
I don't think that a nursing mother who just at nine months in said this is a hassle it's it's difficult for me
I'm going to go ahead and decapitate this child you wouldn't argue that that's justified would you will
I be able to answer fully now if I if I respond right now can I answer fully sure go ahead you cut me off yeah go ahead so what
I was talking about in terms of dependence earlier was there's like a level of biological dependence during the nine months from which the egg and sperm cell develop and so at that point that organism the zygote is not living independently so that's when we're talking about like we would
I think all of us would disagree that it isn't a fully fledged human with a belief system and with the morality so you disagree with all biological science then but the consciousness of like so what if someone's in a coma can
I stab them while they're in the coma that would be up to the family to determine can I stab them in the coma you've been asked this about 10 times and you can't respond to it can
I stab them who is who is reaching inside and stabbing a baby what is that oh my goodness are you serious do you want to see a video of it that's actually how it's done it's done by crushing the skull pulling the legs off pulling the arms off this is this is the issue can
I just say this to you with respect why are you using that terminology when the sperm and the egg meet it's not sperm and egg for nine months as you tried to suggest when the sperm comes out of the egg it's a unique human being from the moment of conception that's the truth it's not whatever it's the truth you're at a university and I expect more from university students it's a human being it's a human being we live in a world that God made where babies are formed in the wombs of mothers we live in a we live in a we live in a you don't have any basis to be arguing for anything left right up or down apart from the biblical worldview do you agree with the evolutionary perspective of origins do you believe in it yes so you believe your ancestors were fish yes so why are you so why are you out here arguing evolution no
I All biology textbooks say that life starts at conception.
You're talking about science and you don't believe in evolution. You don't even believe in evolution? So, what's amazing is the mockery.
You're mocking somebody for what... You think something is true and they don't believe it, so you're mocking them. And yet you believe that your ancestors...
Your ancestors, you believe, were bacteria. Science depends upon the uniformity in nature and induction.
So you tell me, as someone who believes that your ancestors were fish, and that you live in a godless, unguided universe, give me a justification that satisfies the preconditions of intelligibility.
You don't have an answer, young lady. You don't have an answer. Fantastic. Fantastic.
So, can you answer the question? Can you answer the question? That's a
Christian doctrine. What did it mean? Who gave that to the world? Who gave the separation of church and state?
Can I ask you... Please don't interrupt her. Can I ask you, you said church and state. Where did that doctrine come from?
Oh, I don't know, like moral, like common sense... No, it came from the Christian church. It came from the biblical worldview.
And what did it mean? What did it mean? It means that we need to separate legislation... Nope, that's not what it means.
That's not what Thomas Jefferson said. That's not what the Huguenots or the Puritans meant.
There are more than just Christians. Right. Right. We cannot enforce our religious beliefs on other people.
So, what if someone says they want to enslave a black person? Are they allowed to do that? No. Who says? What are you talking about?
Who stopped it? It's logical fallacies. Who stopped the enslavement? Christian abolitionists, based upon the law word of God.
That doesn't mean that... Okay, so you're saying that... It was an atheist. Wait, so you're saying that only Christians are against slavery?
Atheists borrow from the Christian worldview to be opposed to slavery. But let me tell you, if you believe your ancestors are bacteria, you have no justifiable ultimate objection to slavery.
Because your ancestors are fish. Correct? Okay. I don't know how close
I need to stand. There's where the legs fall off, ladies and gentlemen. And you're going to take all of what we're saying out of context because...
Oh, it'll be all in context. Oh, we'll put it all together. We'll put it all together. None of our audio is being recorded, so what you have here instead...
That's not true. No, that's what he just told me. He said no one can hear me. There's no mic over there.
Okay, so I'll be good. I'll be in view when I say that it's really unfortunate that you guys... All this debate about choice, but you don't believe that we have the choice to monitor what happens within our own bodies.
And just the utter lack of compassion for people who experience probably the most traumatic event ever. Why is it traumatic?
She's talking about compassion. I want you to explain. I want you to explain.
It's traumatic according to him. Can you tell us why? I want to hear you explain why. Because I know why
I think it's morally evil, but why? According to your world view, why is it traumatic?
Honestly, I'm going to say as someone who's experienced sexual violence, I don't have, like, the emotional ability to stand here and hear you twist my words and tell me that what happened isn't bad enough for me to have autonomy over my own body.
So, like, do what you guys feel like... So you believe in bodily autonomy? I don't have... How about him? Did he have bodily autonomy?
I don't have the mental energy for this. Okay. Thank you. Y 'all have a good day. Hey, God bless you.
I'll pray for you, Annie. That's what we don't do. You are such... It was good right until the wheels fell off. Our ancestors were fish.
That doesn't hurt. That doesn't hurt. Your ancestors are bacteria.
You're not a Christian. Yes, I am. No, you're not. You deny God's word. I am a Christian. Is Christ the
Lord of all? One day, you will let God's love and acceptance into your mind... You believe that our ancestors were fish, and yet you say
Christ is your Savior? Yes, because I believe in evolution... So you don't believe the Bible. You don't believe the
Bible. So you don't believe Jesus, his word. You don't believe that his word should be the standard.
Do you follow Christ? He said you shall not murder. What's this? Oh, come on. That's not murder.
It's the unjustified taking of human life. That's an image bearer of God. Christ would look at you, and he would hate you. Okay. How do you know that?
Because he had a message of love and acceptance. How do you know Christ's message? Where did you get Christ's message from?
And I go to church, and I pray to God. This is all for you guys. Listen, you're not listening.
Where did you get Christ's message? Where did you find it? Did you read it somewhere? I found it in my parents.
I found it in my community. I didn't listen to hateful bigots like you all. That wasn't very nice.
You said we're being unloving, but you've been insulting the whole time.
So who's being loving? I'm loving to lots of other people. You're the one that's trying to force trauma on children, on girls.
No, you are. You're saying kill the children. We're trying to stop children from being traumatized. No, you're not. You do nothing to help girls that are being raped.
Actually, I do. So I wanted to answer this a moment ago, and we were arguing. I'm not going to let you answer. No. You said
I've done nothing. I've actually started medical clinics in the state of Louisiana where women receive free medical care when they have a crisis pregnancy.
But you don't allow them to make the choice of whether or not they want to. To kill their baby. Last year, we helped over 1 ,100 women in the state of Louisiana in a crisis pregnancy center.
But you didn't offer them the choice. Of course. You didn't offer them the choice. Of course.
We helped them along the way. Some of them chose to place their child for adoption.
You did. Many of them chose life for their child. You forced them to go through nine full months of pregnancy. No, no, no.
They weren't forced. They wanted to keep their children. It sounds as if you're upset that these women, 1 ,100 women, kept their children.
And we provided them the support so they could do that. They want to murder their child? If they want to murder their child, it shouldn't be legal.
We'll give them the gospel and love them. Of course we support and love them. But we don't support children being killed.
We've had this conversation like a thousand times. But you keep reverting back to a child because you don't. But you said,
I have no compassion. There's 1 ,100 women that I've helped in a crisis pregnancy. How many have you helped?