Intro to Church Life and Ministry (Preview Video)

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Intro to Church Life and Ministry (MPS300) - Class 01 This course will introduce the student to the various aspects of church life and ministry including leadership, membership, finances, missions, etc. Each student will be encouraged to discover the place in Christ’s church where He has uniquely gifted them to serve.


good evening everyone I'm glad to see you all here we have taken a little break and we are back in the new term for Sovereign Grace Academy and this is an eight -week course that's going to be covering the subject of church life and ministry and if you're not quite sure what
I mean by that hopefully you had a chance to look over the syllabus we're fixing to look over it in just a moment but if you don't really know what
I mean by that you'll know by the end of tonight what the goals are of this course if you do have your syllabus please take it out here's here's our outline of tonight's agenda we're going to be examining the course syllabus by the way
I'm doing something a little different this semester as you can tell I've decided to make use of the television that I never had before so all the lessons are going to have accompanying
PowerPoint presentations and I will say this if you have bad eyes there are going to be a few screens where it's a little tough to read but if you email me
I will just email you the PDFs of these screens I can save this to a PDF file and send then you have all the notes so you don't have to sit there and try to squint your eyes to read part of this is for me part of this is for you and the little pieces are like for my for me to be able to see everybody understand so don't feel like it