The Futility of Atheism

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Hi everyone and welcome back to Coffee with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
Today is a special day because today we are doing our first Coffee with a Calvinist interview which would make this Coffee with two Calvinists and joining me today is a very dear friend of mine from South Florida and his name is Sam Brown.
Sam it's great to have you today.
Hi my name is Sam and what's a Calvinist? Oh well you know what a Calvinist is I'm pretty sure that's his lovely wife walking by in the background.
Today Sam and I are going to be talking about the subject the futility of atheism.
Now before we get to that I want to sort of give a little bit of a background about why I invited Sam to be with us today.
Sam and I met one another several years ago when I had a screen printing t-shirt business and Sam helped me to design one of my t-shirts that we used.
It was a big t-shirt it said what did it say it said the gospel? Repent and believe.
Yeah that was it just repent and believe the gospel and it was a great shirt and I still wear mine to this day and I made some shirts for Sam since then.
We made a Space Force shirt.
I wish you I wish you'd have worn that one today the Space Force shirt was great but Sam is also a person who loves to tell people about Jesus and Sam has an interesting history and I want him to share it with us share it with you because Sam is someone who would identify himself as a former atheist and I know that I came to Christ when I was 19 years older or actually Christ saved me when I was not 19 years old he drew me to himself and one of the key factors in Christ saving me was an interaction with an atheist.
I met a man who said I would I'm just too smart to believe in those things and those things being the things about the Bible and so that led me to research what I had always been taught it led me to really evaluate the things and for a while I was toying with the idea that maybe it was all just foolishness and that's when God came and changed my heart and drew me to himself and saved me so now Sam what I'd like for you to do is I'd like for you to tell us how the Lord saved you and and what he drew you out of.
Okay so um I say that the Lord had me on the layaway plan.
It took a long time for me to come to faith.
I grew up to last of ten kids in a broken home really just sort of never hearing the gospel never really understanding it hearing it but you know not really seeing it so I didn't really hear the gospel and understand it until I was I think 37 or 38 and I only heard it because you see this beautiful woman sitting behind me over here her name's Christy and she's the love of my life and we met October 8th 1991 at 2 47 p.m.
and I knew in that moment that that was the woman I was gonna spend the rest of my life with but at that time I was a God hater.
I I used to profess atheism but really I was just I just hated God because I had a rough upbringing I really wasn't you know very educated I wasn't very of a very sound mind so it wasn't until almost 20 years later when our marriage was in trouble that we decided to try to attend a church as like a desperate last plea and God put the right people in the right place saved me into a very Calvinistic church with a very pastor that was very much like me he's a rough fellow he's not a pale-skinned virgin priest you know he was a rough guy who can reach me right so over the course of the year I showed up and I said look I don't believe all this crap but my wife wants to try it so let's do this and after a few weeks I'm like this church is boring there's no sound let me set up some sound for you he's like okay and over the course of the next year somehow I became a Christian my God God works in those kind of ways so it really took an act of God obviously to get me there but it was not intentional and it was through no effort of my own amen amen and praise God that he he he works on drawing us a lot more than we work on going toward him because we don't work on going toward him at all never thought of it yeah absolutely so Sam what would you say you know if an atheist came across this video and they were in a situation maybe where you were when you first were in the situation of being a God hater what would you say to someone today if they said to you I'm an atheist I don't believe God exists and and I certainly don't believe the God of the Bible exists what would you say to them so I frequently have these conversations intentionally you know a lot of people you'll hear everybody say oh we're not supposed to talk about religion or politics I'm like those are the only things that I want to talk about right those are the only things that matter right so I'm really depending on who the person was and how well I knew them like just last night I was having a messenger conversation with an unbeliever who was a female she's sweet you know I've known her for a couple of years but I would approach her very differently than I would like a rough guy but I tend to do better with like rough men because nobody wants to talk to them right all these of the Vodou Balcombe described it as the sissified needy Jesus right that's what people believe in is that sort of Jesus is real nice and he just doesn't ever say anything that's not nice well I think that's that's nonsense so sometimes you just have to I just get in people's faces and I go if so this one fellow said to me I'm an atheist I don't believe that I laughed I go you don't really believe that do you don't say that out loud people are gonna think you're stupid right and he's like what are you talking about and it led to a conversation which now four years later we're very good friends and he's hungry for the gospel so you know sometimes you have to talk to people on their level now I am by no means an apologist I have very little skill very little knowledge I've only been saved for a couple of years but I do believe that God prepares us to interact with the people that he's gonna put in our path so there are several I've described us as rough men who I have a close friendship with and we really just beneficial to each other amen amen so how did the conversation with the lady go you said you were having the conversation with the with the ladies you were a little bit softer speaking yeah yeah yeah and and she just kept saying thank you for the gentle response was something that that she said to me a few times because you know she was bearing her soul to me and telling me some some of the horrible things she's been through and you know I understand you know because I was mad at God for those things but I understand but I love I had heard an apologist once say that he was talking to a Buddhist who had this Buddha book and he had revealed to him that his father committed suicide he goes so when your dad committed suicide was Buddha the one that you were mad at no you weren't mad at Buddha you're mad at God right because you know God exists right right we know that God exists everything in creation screams out that God exists and if you deny that you're just speaking nonsense Wow that is really that's very powerful you weren't mad at Buddha you were mad at God that is that is a powerful powerful truth well Sam I you know I love talking to you and I love watching you online part of the reason why I wanted to do this interview with you is because you are a very interesting individual since I have begun to know you and a lot of people probably on my friends list are maybe not friends with you but they've seen me you and a thousand things because every time I see something that I think is a great apologetic or a great meme especially a good Christian meme I love to share that with you and I've enjoyed the way that the Lord has has brought us together as friends I've really enjoyed you've been to our church I think two times or at least right and and that's driving all the way up from Melbourne right is where you're at yeah you described a South Florida but Central Florida yeah there's still we don't rise with those yeah we don't mess with those South Florida people I got you yeah well well you know Florida man has gained international attention and so we are both Florida man are you from Florida or is this where you're from I was born in the great city of Orlando on a dark winter night I got you well I was born in Jacksonville and I've never well Callahan is right outside of Jacksonville is where I grew up but but this is where I've been all my life and and Lord Lord willing it's where I'll be until he takes me home I love the church I'm in I don't I don't have any intention of being anywhere else unless like I said unless God unless God has another plan and there's a lot going on right now that I never expected in my lifetime all the things that are happening and I know you have a thousand opinions on Corona and COVID-19 and all those things and for for the sake of safety and brevity I'm not gonna go too far down that path but I do think this is a time where speaking to people who who don't believe in God is is very important because this is a time where people are facing fear doubt the reality of mortality so could you do me a favor could you share the gospel like if you were gonna share the gospel with me if I was an unbeliever and I don't mean to put you on the spot if but but if you were if I was someone who maybe not an atheist but if I just want to on these interviews I want to want to have the opportunity for whoever's listening to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ so so epistemologically like I like to dig deep philosophically epistemologically you know I go right to the heart of things you know why do you believe what you believe right so so we dig down there and and and if if we address that first then we knock out any disagreements that we're gonna have and then we can talk heart to heart you know that Jesus Christ was was was tortured on the cross died for us rose again so that we can be seated next to the father or so that he's seated next to the father and we can be with him in eternity that our sins are are washed away by the debt that he paid that we could never repay right our our sins are are so are not so great but they're so great because of who they're a sin against right if I send against Keith Foskey who cares yeah but my sins are against the Lord God Almighty therefore it is infinitely worse because of who it's against right so so the first thing I want to do is Francis Schaeffer said was asked if you had an hour to share the gospel with people what would you do he said I would talk about sin for 55 minutes so that people know the reason for the need to be saved because otherwise they're gonna go what am I being saved from you know God saving me from himself why what did I do right so we have to talk about sin we have to understand who we are and then R.C.
Sproul is another one who I just adore you know said we don't know who God is we don't understand how holy and righteous he is because we think God is love and yes God is love but God is also just he is also righteous he is also holy holy holy and if we don't understand that part we're not gonna see the need for a Savior so I tend to focus on people's sin and a lot of great comfort the way you know people goes I think I think I'm a good person don't really have you ever lied you know you're stolen anything so you're a liar and a thief okay so you're still a good person so yeah I like to focus on sin and then bring the gospel just to ensure that we're talking about the same thing amen amen all right okay well I want to now turn our attention a little bit I want to make this again I want to make this fun and for those of you who are watching for the first time this is the first time I've ever given an interview and so yeah and and and and I'm thankful to interview my friend Sam and so right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch up to a game I thought it'd be fun to play a game I brought along this little timer that goes along with one of the board games that I have and this timer is going to be used by us and we're gonna do a back-and-forth to see who can give the most memory verses now yeah okay so we're gonna both do Bible chapter and verse and and and I hope you'll be able to hear it every time I I'll go first and I get one I'm gonna click on this and then you'll hear it clicking and then when when Sam gets one I'll click it over and if either one of us when it's our time runs out of time it'll it'll give a little car horn honk and that'll mean that person is is out so we'll do this we're gonna see how it goes I'll go first okay all right in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1 you stole mine okay is it my time now your turn Habakkuk 1 2 how long will I cry out and you will not hear me okay in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God Romans 1 18 for the for the wrath of God is being poured out on upon all the unrighteousness of all men okay John 1 14 oh wait no I can't do it I see I do this is killing me okay Romans 3 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God John 3 16 for God to love the world but he gave his only begotten son John 3 17 for for Christ came not into the world to condemn it but to whatever I forget the last word okay and you did too so I'll get okay all right before Abraham was I am John 8 58 John 1135 Jesus wept oh yeah okay boom oh boy um see I know a lot more than this but I can't oh I promise I'm not just I I'm horrible under the gun come on dr.