Fake Deliverance! Proof Katheryn Krick is a Bad Actor / False Apostle

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Katheryn Krick (the female version of Benny Hinn) is taking the Charismatic / Pentecostal world by storm! Hundreds of thousands of people follower her as a legit Apostle of Jesus Christ. When it's so obvious her "miracles" are fake why don't more people see thru the act and speak out?


Hello, another video here on Catherine Crick. I did one a couple months ago showing that she is an actress
She literally is a failed actress Who couldn't make it in Hollywood?
So she got into religion and she's playing the role of something like a female
Jesus or the female version of Benny Hinn, I don't know but this matters because She claims to be an apostle and there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who follow her
Charismatics and Pentecostals who believe she is a legitimate apostle like there's the Apostle Peter And then
John and then Paul and now Catherine like it's hard to believe people buy into this
But they do the video. I'm gonna show you proves once and for all like there's no question.
This is acting they're actors This guy who pretends to be demon -possessed
He's an actor and he's a bad actor. These they are failed actors and The video it's funny.
It's it's hard not to laugh at this But it's also very sad because they're making a mockery of the faith and they are scamming people
They are conning people in the name of Jesus. So this is a an article from Protestia It says worst acting ever
Hilarious quote deliverance featuring Catherine Crick, the article says
Catherine Crick is the most disingenuous fakest deliverance minister
Working the charismatic circuit today the well -known and popular Huckster has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across her social media platforms putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry
While she Casts out demons from sad and desperate people in a video posted to her
YouTube channel Crick explains that a few Sundays ago a man who came to fivefold
Church You know a church where she claims to be the pastor even though first Timothy chapters 2 & 3 totally forbid that but a man came to fivefold
Church a week prior as A skeptic he came so humbly
That he renounced his past sins in his past life and let's just let's just play the video watch
I've been in the entertainment industry a long I need to renounce something and you said last week
Humility is the key cannot be under this waterfall of anointing without coming like it with a heart like a child
This is really embarrassing. This is the end of my career by the way once it's out. It's out It's it's all over with agents.
Everyone's gonna drop me after this first time. I told my mother I wanted to kill myself I was three years old and I've had that spirit of Mental illness whatever label you want to call it suicide depression bipolar mania
This at any other in the first kind of sexual experience. I've ever had I was five years old and it was in a church and from that I know just all hell entered me at that point and it was just crazy, so what
I need to do is renounce all my Ancestral bloodline covenants blood covenants hosts agreements and contracts with Satan Freemasons German witchcraft
English witchcraft. I practiced divination for the Nazi occult Nazi witchcraft
I renounced just there's so much darkness before I was even conceived Into my
DNA that I had a spirit of murder when I was two or three years old And I spent ten years in the penitentiary
For armed bank robbery. I mean that's out there. I've been on there's shows on me about that And I also
I renounce the contract Agreement or my agency. I renounced my talent agency for sending me on a porn audition
Basically, I renounced working for the porn industry sex trade lust perversions
I want complete total and Absolute deliverance and healing I'm living nothing for but for Jesus for now for whatever it costs me
So praise God praise God come God is so proud of you. So proud of you
He he gives grace to the humble and he's giving such grace to you right now to deliver you from everything
I break every generational curse off you now in Jesus name
I detach you from everything you have renounced. I declare all must go now
You want to renounce more? I want to renounce having renounced Christ and given my life to Odin and the
Ossetru the gods of the Norse Which is the Nazi occult. I Did that in a blood oath?
I renounce that in the name of Jesus. Amen Amen I cancel that blood covenant now
Thank you, Jesus. I detach him from that Blood covenant now and I come in every spirit attached on three.
I command you must leave him in Jesus name one two three
Hallelujah Hallelujah Thank you, Jesus Thank you,
Jesus Praise God Jesus you want to renounce something else?
Yeah. I was a kundalini yoga instructor, too. So I detach you from that now in Jesus name and I declare every spirit of kundalini
I declare all must leave in the order you entered now Praise God Praise God Praise God Praise God.
Thank you, Jesus Thank you, Jesus Yeah, okay.
So like I said, that's it's kind of funny I laugh I literally laughed out loud when
I watched that It's so bad. It's so obvious This is acting but it's sad because so many
Thousands maybe even millions of people buy into this. She literally has like last time
I checked like 600 ,000 followers So there are charismatics and Pentecostals who clearly have no discernment and they believe she is a real
Apostle and that she's really working miracles and Why this matters is yeah, we we need to be discerning.
We need to warn people about false teachers but here's the thing and I've tried to Show people and I want charismatics hopefully,
I know there's some charismatics who watch this channel and I just want them to wake up to the fact that Because I've I've heard the teaching.
I know that many charismatics are taught either implicitly or explicitly Charismatics are taught that you cannot question
You know the anointed man of God you cannot question the faith healer. You cannot question these miracles because to question
This is it's like questioning God himself they're afraid to speak against any of this because They're afraid they're gonna commit the unpardonable sin blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit well, I did a sermon on blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and Speaking there's no way you can commit that sin by speaking against Catherine Crick and Obviously again, these are fake miracles, but a lot of charismatics are in bondage
Where they feel like they have to believe this stuff. They have to go along with this and even if they are skeptic, they're
They're not allowed to say anything. They're afraid to say anything It's like the John Lindell Mark Driscoll video
You know, it's touch not the Lord's anointed you have the guy on stage the man of God and he's saying basically you are not
Allowed to question me because I'm God's anointed and Catherine Crick is the same way.
She claims to be anointed well She's not anointed. Okay, the the true biblical doctrine on the anointing
Every true Christian that has the Holy Spirit is anointed. There's no such thing as this elite class of anointed
You know tell evangelists that you're not allowed to question. It's just a false doctrine
So a lot of charismatics are in bondage. A lot of people are afraid to say anything, you know
I was meeting with a in a meeting with a charismatic pastor just a little while ago
And he said, you know, he said I agree. We need to call out because some of this came up This type of thing and he said
I agree we need to call out false prophets But literally every time I've done that and talking to him literally every time he has always defended the false prophets so They simply will not label anyone a false teacher
Or they're very reluctant Therefore people like Catherine Crick have free reign to just go out and con people and deceive people
Even when it's so obvious like this People refuse to say anything so Bottom line the bad guys are out there doing their con artist, you know show in the name of Jesus Which is what we watched the bad people are scamming
Christians and Some of these people are probably false converts if they can't see through this.
I don't I don't know I mean It's discernment of the Spirit Discerning by the
Holy Spirit if you think Catherine Crick is a true Apostle I would question whether or not you have the
Holy Spirit honestly, it's it's so obvious, but There's a lot of people being taken advantage of and the bad guys are out there scamming people and the good guys
Unfortunately, most of them are just remaining silent So we are called to test the spirits to test all things hold fast to that which is good
So that's what we're trying to do here Catherine Crick is a false Apostle and We need to get this video out there
I found it from the YouTube channel revealing truth the more people who get this type of stuff out there and point out the obvious the fewer people hopefully
That will be you know taken advantage of by these charlatans and the fewer people doing this, you know
Like like I said, it does damage to the body of Christ Because this just makes it makes
Christians look foolish this kind of stuff. So I hope this video was helpful Thanks for watching and until next time may the