F4F | Elena Hood: Never Eat Alone


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, if you've ever heard a sermon where you are being given instructions on how to be such a compelling person that you would never eat a meal by yourself ever again, yeah, go ahead and hit the like button, subscribe to the channel, ring the bell, all the things you're supposed to do here.
We're going to be heading down to C3 Church in Auckland, New Zealand, as we listen to Ellen Hood, who shouldn't be preaching at all.
If you're not sure about that, go ahead and watch our video on Was Jesus a
Feminist? We'll put a link, a card link, right up in that area right there.
You can click on it, throw it up in a new tab, and you'll find out why that's the case.
But I just can't make heads or tails of this. And this is what is standard pablum in so many churches today.
Listen, the truth is important. It's extremely vital.
We find ourselves as Christians in a war that's been waging for millennia,
I mean thousands and thousands of years. And at the head of the army that is against us is none other than the ten -headed dragon itself.
Satan, Lucifer, the angel responsible for sweeping a third of the angels out of heaven.
So I'm pretty sure we don't want to be messing around when it comes to applying ourselves to God's word and things like that.
And it's not as if scripture hasn't warned us about this time, because it has.
And noting that there will be a time when people will not endure sound doctrine, what will gather to themselves teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear.
Apparently, this is an example of what people's itching ears want to hear. And it's just bleh.
Now as a bonus, you know, because always one of the things I try to do in our segments here is we want to throw in some actual
Bible teaching. So we'll debunk, she only uses two passages in this sermon anyway, so we'll debunk how she uses the one from Isaiah chapter 10.
But if you've ever wondered, what do you do with that parable that Jesus tells in Matthew 25 about the ten virgins?
What do you do with that? Ah, well, this is your episode because we'll actually be doing some exegetical work in Matthew 25 today just to balance out the lunacy that we're going to hear regarding Ellen Hood and her sermon,
Never Eat Alone. And she's going to be talking apparently about the anointing.
And what she's saying here just doesn't make a lick of lucid sense.
So buckle up, pop some popcorn, grab a Bible. Don't worry if you don't have one, we'll throw one up on the screen.
Let's get to it, shall we? Let's head over to C3 Church, Auckland, New Zealand as we listen to Ellen Hood and Never Eat Alone.
Here we go. So we are looking at Never Eat Alone.
So I thought, well, how do you become the kind of compelling person that other people want to eat with?
Who knew that this is one of the conundrums that the Bible has so richly dealt with?
You know, I would note that Jesus kind of pointed out that if they hated me,
Jesus said, talking about himself, they're going to hate you too, which means that there's a really good chance as a
Christian, if you're confessing Christ and actually believing in the biblical Jesus, the true gospel, you have some kind of a concept of repentance, forgiveness of sins, bearing fruit and keeping with repentance, things like this, that chances are that when you get into the lunchroom, not that many people are going to want to eat with you.
So that's just my thing. But it could be that when I was in high school, the reason why people didn't want to eat with me is because I was a nerd.
Still am. But you know, so there's plenty of days, and it's really sad, really, really sad.
There's plenty of days that I eat my lunch by myself. Now, I mean, my wife, she might be willing on occasion to eat lunch with me, but it's more out of sympathy, apparently, but I shouldn't slander my wife that way.
Anyway, let's keep moving on. This is not this has nothing to do with the Bible.
How do you become like this magnetic kind of Christian that people want to be around and people want to hang with you?
Oh, and I just came to this conclusion. The more of the anointing of the Holy Spirit we carry, the what?
The more of the anointing of the Holy Spirit we carry. Do I need a bucket?
Well, I mean, what are you talking about, lady? Now, from this point on, pretty much to the end of the sermon, she's just going to be making stuff up.
You know, we can talk about her pulling theology out of her, you know, it's just barfing out of her brain.
But none of this is actually coming from the Bible. So, OK, let's so tell us,
Ellen, how does one go about, you know, increasing the anointing and stuff like that so that people will want to eat lunch with us?
More we will have to give out to other people, Christian and unsaved, non -Christian and Christian.
So tonight I want to talk to you about the anointing. So get ready to take some notes.
Right. Like they're going to be. I mean, why would I want to waste any paper taking notes while listening to this nonsense?
And, you know, again, go watch our video on Was Jesus a Feminist? And you'll kind of get the idea about what's wrong here.
Like, obviously. But we continue to capture the thought, apply the principle and reap the benefits.
And just before you start taking notes, why don't you turn to the person next to you and say, you want to look better with an extra hour's beauty sleep?
Why? Why? Anyway. Well, I am here to tell you tonight that you need more of the anointing in your life.
I think we need to put another link up to another video we've done. And that is regarding Todd White being a false
Christ. Yeah. You need to watch that, too. You know, we'll put a link. Wait, no. Yeah, up here.
We'll put a link up here so that you can watch that as well, because you need to understand what a false
Christ is, a pseudo Christos or who the pseudo Christi are.
These are false anointed ones. That's what Christos means. But I taught about it in the video.
So again, link up here. No, there. There. Yeah. Yeah. Right up there. Yeah. Yeah. We'll put a.
You know, if you don't laugh, you're going to cry because this is just not Christianity. This isn't biblical doctrine.
This woman shouldn't be preaching, let alone preaching this, because this is utter nonsense.
And so do I. And I'm talking about carrying the presence of God.
I've got a bit of oil here. It's not whiskey. It's in my little hip flask. No, it's oil.
It's oil. And this is a symbol of the anointing, a symbol of.
Boy, those Kiwis are raucous people, aren't they? Oil is a symbol of the anointing in the Bible and in Bible times.
You know, the hygiene was not what it is today. And they used to anoint themselves with oil. You know, like now you might spray a bit of links or exit mold or something like that.
But they had, you know, they had. Yeah. Why do
I feel like she's mixing stuff up here? You know. Yeah. You know that, you know, you might put oil on your head, you know, for your hair and things like that.
And sure, you might use it cosmetically. But just because you did that doesn't mean that that's referring to anything regarding the anointing.
You know, Jesus being the how should we put it? This in Hebrew, HaMashiach, the anointed one.
Right. Yeah. So this woman doesn't know what she's talking about.
How many commentaries did you consult, Ellen, before you you delivered the sermon?
Did you translate the text that you are going that you were preaching on?
Did you translate them from the original languages, you know, Hebrew and Greek and stuff like that? That's a good practice, by the way.
Oil back then to make themselves smell pretty. Forget the links.
They had oil and they used to anoint themselves with oil of fresh daily. But, you know, old oil after a while, it starts to lose its fragrance and it blends in with the bodily aromas of your own sweat.
And it doesn't smell so good. So you need fresh oil. And the
Old Testament talks about fresh oil. And we need to keep getting more of the Holy Spirit's fresh oil on us so that we can be.
Could you give me a text that says this job of a pastor, by the way?
Not my opinion, but the job of a pastor, according to scripture, is to preach the word.
You got any biblical texts that are backing up this stuff that you're puking out on the audience here?
Become the kind of person that people want to eat with, Christian and non -Christian.
We need fresh oil daily. Otherwise, the aroma of our own flesh or our flesh nature, our sinful nature starts to take over.
Yeah, she's just making this up. OK, so we need the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, the aroma of our flesh nature will start to overpower and things.
Yeah, I mean, it sounds so practical, so reasonable. Biblical text, please,
Ellen, Elena, whatever your name is. I'm sorry, but this is not biblical at all.
So we need to be living out of a fresh anointing, a today relationship with the
Lord. Are you living out of a fresh anointing? You know, I don't think she knows what that word means. In fact, let's do this.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means. Right. Yeah, you keep using that word.
I don't think it means what you think it means, Elena. We need to have a now walk with Jesus, not a historical walk, not just, oh, you're back in the day.
What does it mean to have a now walk as opposed to a historical walk? What are you talking about?
Walk, not just your youth camp memories. Hallelujah. We need to have a now walk with God.
Now we can sense, you know, we can. You know, it makes you wonder, I mean, is the reason why the grown ups and the
C3 Auckland, that they think that this is really deep and stuff due to the fact that rather than being discipled properly, they their youth leader just gave them pizza and pool parties on a regular basis.
You know, it just makes me wonder. Since when someone has a strong anointing on their lives, you know, we can say, oh, there's the anointing.
There it is there. Like you're just trying to find it so you don't miss it or anything. But, you know, people carry an anointing.
It's invisible, but it's a real thing. It's where we're in the Bible. Does it talk about these things the way you're talking about them?
Spirit and we can't see spirit because we're talking about carrying the presence of God, the Holy Spirit on our lives.
Yeah. And maybe you see someone and you haven't seen them for a while and you can tell whether they have increased in the anointing or decreased in the anointing.
Usually people, when they see me, they can tell I've either increased or decreased, not in the anointing, just, you know, increased or decreased.
And we'll just leave it at that. That's I think it's safer that way. Tell whether they're carrying more of the anointing than they used to or less.
Sometimes, you know, I've met someone and I see them years later and I think, man, what happened to them?
They used to be so full of the Holy Spirit's fire and now they're just full of it. Kind of like the sermon.
Yeah, they've got grumpy, they've got cranky, belligerent.
It's like the engine of their spirit is seizing up. You can hear the sound of mental clanging, criticism, complaining, cynicism.
And you're thinking, come on, quick, let's get some more oil over here. Quick, hose them down with some oil, man.
They need some fresh stuff. We need a bit of fresh anointing. And I've heard
Pastor Phil Pringle say that a spirit is like an engine and it runs smooth, baby, when it's got some oil on it.
Oh, yeah, you know, Phil Pringle, the guy who sells miracles for money. Yeah, you know, because right there and, you know, third hesitations, it's in the
New New Testament. Yeah, third hesitations. It talks about the importance of the anointing oil to make your spiritual engine run smooth, baby.
Yeah, again, all this just made up. These are human doctrines.
Now, a little bit of a note here. I didn't plan on using this text, but might as well. I would note that Jesus warns us, he does, regarding man -made doctrines.
Yeah, Mark chapter seven is a good place to go for this. And here's what it says.
Now, a little bit of a note. Historically, the Pharisees, a lot of people think that these guys were all about being
Orthodox, about being sound Bible teachers and believing in sound doctrine. That's just flat out false.
The Pharisees were straight up heretics who denied the sufficiency of the
Bible. Yeah, no joke. So they came up with a story. And the story was, yes, when
Moses ascended Mount Sinai, God gave him two Torahs, two.
One was the written Torah and the other was a secret Torah given to him orally.
And the reason why I gave it to him orally is so that the Gentiles would never know what it is. And and so the
Pharisees claimed to be the keepers of this oral Torah. And the name of that oral Torah came to be known in their time, known as the tradition of the elders.
It was a second source of what they claimed were commands from God. And that's the place in that Jesus is referencing, where you find the commandment to wash your hands when you've been out among the goyim, among the
Gentiles, the unwashed masses. You see, the command to wash your hands after being out among the goyim is not in the written
Torah. It's in the oral Torah, otherwise known as the tradition of the elders.
And so Jesus notes that something about these types of doctrines and we'll just pay attention to what
Jesus says here. So it says in Mark 7, 1, the Pharisees gathered to him. The hymn here is
Jesus with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem. They saw that some of Jesus's disciples ate with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed.
For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands properly, holding to the tradition of the elders.
Yeah, that's that second source of what they claim that God gave to Moses. Right. So when they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash.
And there are many other traditions that they observe, such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels and dining couches.
And the Pharisees and the scribes, they asked Jesus, why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders?
You see, that's that second body there of work that they claim that God gave to Moses. But they eat then with defiled hands.
And so, you know, Jesus didn't allow his disciples to follow the rules and regulations of the tradition of the elders.
No, he told them to disobey the commands of the traditions of the elders and to not walk, otherwise known as conduct your life according to the commands of the tradition of the elders.
And then he's going to explain why. So the Pharisees are losing their minds here. Your disciples are not walking according to the tradition of the elders.
Oh, why are they not doing that? And then here's Jesus's response. Well, did
Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites as it is written? And listen to the words. This people honors me with their lips.
Their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
And by the way, this is what Elena is doing here. She's teaching as doctrine the commandments of men.
Oh, you need to you need some fresh anointing. You need to walk in the anointing. And all this, none of this stuff is found in the
Bible. These are the commandments of men. These are doctrines that have their origin in humanity, not in the
Bible or any real command from God. And then Jesus goes on regarding the Pharisees.
You leave the commandment of God and you hold to the tradition of men.
And so that's the problem. So then he gives an example of how there's a commandment in the tradition of the elders that allows a guy to pay to not have to care for his elderly parents.
And it's called Corban. And so Jesus said, you have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition.
For Moses said, honor your father and your mother and whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.
But you say if a man tells his father or his mother, whatever you would have gained from me is
Corban, that's a gift given to God. Well, then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down and many such things that you do.
So I would argue that Elena here, Elena Hood from Auckland at C3 Church down there, that she's just these are doctrines of men.
These are human traditions. None of this is biblical. And the stuff that she's saying is just utter nonsense.
And so this is a salient example here of her doing the same thing that the
Pharisees did. And that is making up doctrines that have their origin in humanity as opposed to doctrines whose origin can be found in the mind of God because they're found in the written word of God.
Now, she's going to make a valiant effort. I got to give her some credit here. She's going to try to make a valiant effort to prove that what she's saying is biblical.
She's going to fall way short, way, way, way short. What we're listening to are man -made doctrines.
That's what we're listening to. But when it hasn't had any oil for a while, it can start to cease and you get that metal on metal sound.
You can hear it. You can hear the clanging and grinding of conflict happening. Everything flows better with some more oil.
Your connect group relationships will flow better when you carry more oil of the Holy Spirit. Your marriage will be better when you carry more of the anointing of the
Holy Spirit on your life. You'll even enjoy your kids more.
You'll be a blessing to all you work with. And your net worth will go up exponentially.
Right. Right. So notice all the whiffoms. What's in it for me, man? I need to apply myself to having and carrying more oil, apparently.
And how does one do that, by the way? I just don't know. But don't worry. Once you figure this out, oh, man, your marriage is going to be better.
Your connect group is going to be your children are going to be far more obedient. You're going to get a promotion at work and stuff.
Yeah, you'll have more joy. You'll be fun to live with again. You'll never eat alone.
You will be a delight to all. Tell the person next to you, sounds like you could do with a bit of that.
You know, when we carry more of God's anointing on our lives than we used to before, it shows because we are spiritually stronger.
Oh, it shows, man. Yeah, right. Uh huh. So how does one go about carrying more oil?
I'd like to know some practical steps to do that. Man, we used to be. We can actually carry more than we used to carry.
Things that used to tire us and weary us no longer do. Again, biblical text, please.
And we are more than equal to tasks that we used to fear and dread. Things at work that seemed daunting to you now are nothing, man.
You just eat them for breakfast. Right. Yeah. Except for when kryptonite falls to the earth, because, you know, kryptonite,
I mean, it just cancels out the anointing, man. So you've got to stay away from that. Because you've got strong and the anointing.
Now, you can't see the anointing. Oh, and don't cut your hair. Yeah, you don't want to cut your hair. That that lessens the anointing.
It's invisible. So you can't flex in front of the mirror like some of you guys do because you can't see it.
But you can notice it. Because you're walking in a strength, a spiritual strength you haven't had before.
So let's put up our first scripture, Isaiah 10, 27. All right.
So first scripture is Isaiah 10, 27. And I got to tell you, we're going to apply our three rules for sound biblical doctrine.
And if you don't know what they are, they are context, context and context. Those are our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, sound biblical doctrine.
And already we've got a problem because Isaiah 10, 27, a single verse out of context from the prophet
Isaiah. And Isaiah can be a bit convoluted. It's it's a bit ponderous as far as the book of the
Bible is concerned. And it requires you to apply yourself to it. So let's take a look at it before she does.
And I'll point out the difficulty with this particular text. So Isaiah chapter 10, verse 27 is, you know, we'll put this into its context again.
You know, context, context, context. And I'll start at verse 20 so you can kind of see what's going on here.
So in that day, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on him who struck them, but will lean on Yahweh, the holy one of Israel in truth.
OK, so this is talking about a future day that's coming. A remnant will return the remnant of Jacob to the mighty
God. For though your people, Israel, be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return.
Destruction is decreed, overflowing with righteousness for Yahweh, Elohim, Sabaoth, the
Lord of hosts, will make a full end as decreed in the midst of all the earth. Therefore, thus says
Yahweh, Elohim, Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts or armies. Oh, my people who dwell in Zion, be not afraid of the
Assyrians when they strike with the rod and lift up their staff against you as the
Egyptians did. For in a very little while, my fury will come to an end and my anger will be directed to their destruction.
And Yahweh, Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts, the Lord of armies, will wield against them a whip as when he struck
Midian at the rock of Oreb and his staff will be over the sea and he will lift it as he did in in Egypt.
And in that day, his burden will depart from your shoulder, the burden of the Assyrians and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be broken because of the fat.
Now, a little bit of a note here. OK, so this is the verse, you know, and his yoke will be broken because of the fat.
If you look at the ESV notes here, the meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
This is one of those Hebrew idioms. If you've studied Hebrew, you read
Hebrew, you translate it and you scratch your head and go, what on earth does that mean?
This is a little bit of a toffee. And so let's let me kind of show you here in the in the back part of it.
So I'm over in my Hebrew panel. And and so his yoke from your neck will he's going to he's going to it'll depart from your shoulder.
And then here's the part here. And let's see who who ball who ball all mehpeni shamen.
OK, I know that's Hebrew, but yeah, let me kind of walk through this and destroy.
He will destroy. It will be destroyed. All the yoke, the yoke, it will be destroyed from the face of the fat.
The what? Yeah, the yoke will be destroyed from before the face of the fat.
Just the literal translation there. And you're going, what does that mean? OK, yeah, a little bit of a toffee.
So let's let's head over to logos, shall we? And it's not logos. OK, if you
I'm just going to make this make this very clear. If you use logos software,
OK, the Greek word logos has two omicrons in it, not an omega.
I'm just saying. OK, so it's logos, not logos. So those of you who pronounce it logos, you're getting it wrong.
It's logos if you're going to be consistent anyway. So here in logos, you know, we've we've got the we've got the text up in question.
And again, a little bit of a toffee as far as how to understand it. So the word for fat shaman is in this is kind of interesting because I know that this is where she's going to get her concept of anointing.
And all she's doing is referencing the New King James version, because the New King James at this point, in fact, let me pull this up and let me make this just a little bit bigger because that is super duper small.
So here's the New King James. It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
Now, that's their translation there. And I would argue that that's not the best translation of shaman.
But I kind of understand what they're doing. And and so coming to that, so shaman, here's it's here's its words, you know, possible definitions.
It can mean fat. It can mean oil. It can mean fatness, fruitfulness, oil, an oleaster, spiced oil, anoint and an ointment, an oil.
You kind of get the idea. But the thing is, is that shaman itself is not the
Hebrew word that is used in reference to the anointing. No, that's a different word altogether.
We'll come to that in a second. There's a few words along those lines. So what do you do then with this text where it just the text itself reads, you know, and Chubal and broken and it will and it will be broken.
The burden will be broken. The yoke will be broken from from the face of the fat.
Again, it's just a little challenging. So you're going, I don't understand at all. I understand it. Believe me when I tell you when the
ESV sits there and goes, yeah, the meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain here. It's it's just not clear what's going on here.
But you're going to note it has something to do with something that's been fulfilled in the past in Israel's history, not something that is kind of an ongoing thing regarding the anointing, making it making people want to eat lunch with you.
We'll just kind of get that out there right now. So consulting the Lutheran study
Bible, which is kind of a layman's commentary on this, we'll note what it says.
And, you know, burden or yoke oppression by the Assyrians because of the fat.
See the ESV note, the ESV note says this is hard to understand. So this may mean that the growing strength of Israel, the ox, would break the oppression of Assyria.
This is God's gift. The abundance of their blessings will break the yoke. Now, the reason why, again, this is tough to translate is because ancient the ancient world had a different set of idioms that they used than we use today.
And so as a result of it, you know, translating a concept using an idiomatic phrase, you know, broken from before the face of the fat, that again, that's an idiom.
And we're not 100 percent sure what to do with it. But I can tell you this. Shemen is not the normal word for anointing.
And you're sitting going, this is really nerdy and technical. I understand that. And I apologize. So that being the case, if we were to just search the the the
Old Testament for anointed or anointing, we would we would begin to recognize the actual word that is generally used for real anointing oil that might have something to do with the concept that she's apparently preaching on.
And the Hebrew word is Meshach. Yeah, like Hamashiach, right, anointing, that's the normal word, and it's not
Shemen. And so what she's doing by going to this text in the
New King James, Elena here is making it very obvious that what she did is she got on to Bible Gateway or some kind of a
Bible search website, typed in the word anointing and, you know, and then, like, opened it up to like any
English translation and found a hit on Isaiah 10, 27.
But she doesn't know Hebrew. She doesn't know how the idiom itself works.
In fact, very few really do understand. This is a tough one. You know, the yoke broken from before the face of the fat.
Yeah, that's a toughie as far as how to how to get what's going on there.
And I would say that, again, the context is helping us understand that this is a picture of Israel's being put under the yoke of Assyria and that yoke being broken.
And it had something to do with their growth, their, you know, something to that effect.
That's the context. And I know that's just really convoluted and a little tough to kind of follow.
But Elena here, you know, doesn't apparently consult commentaries, doesn't read
Hebrew. And as a result of it, she's just going to plow ahead and think that this has something to do with an anointing that's going to make people want to eat lunch with you.
Yeah, I'm not making that up. Let's keep going. Are you getting ready for the Holy Ghost to move in this place?
He's going to move in this place very soon. And then here's a new King James, Isaiah 10, 27.
It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be destroyed.
Whose burden? Whose yoke? The tech, the context is the yoke and the burden of the
Assyrians that's been placed on Israel because of the anointing.
No, no, no. Now, because of the shaman, that's just the Hebrew word there. And it's not
Moshiach or Moshach, it's it's shaman and which many times it's translated.
Again, let's take a look at our options here. You know, standard translation would be rich or fat, you know, things like that.
So, yeah, she doesn't know what she's doing. Not an egg yoke, a yoke, one of those wooden oppressive beams that they would put on the shoulders of two cows or two oxen.
And by the time still now in developing nations and places to force them to work together, they would go together under this wooden yoke, go along and like pull a plow, plow a field or something like that.
So this is a symbol here. The yoke is a symbol of enemy oppression. Right.
Of the Assyrians. I read the context because you're not doing that.
It's an analogy here. So the good news is that the anointing breaks the yoke of the.
No, this text is not saying the anointing breaks the yoke.
It doesn't say the anointing breaks the yoke of oppression. And again, the the
Hebrew phrase here is that the yoke will be broken.
Will be broken from before the face of the fat. That's the phrase.
It doesn't say that the fat or the shaman breaks the yoke.
It doesn't say that. I mean, it's just words matter.
Nouns. Grammar is important for truth. OK, especially biblical. The devil breaks the power of the devil.
No, it doesn't. That's not what this text says. You're making this up. No, I think destroys every yoke, every burden that the enemy tries to put on us.
Yeah. Again, Isaiah 10. Twenty seven does not say that on our shoulders.
Some people are walking around with burdens of debt, burdens of disease, burdens of pain, burdens on their shoulders.
Yeah. Again, context says that this is about the burden that was on the on Israel.
The yoke that was on them because of the Assyrians. Yeah, I just read that out.
So all the things you're saying that this text is teaching us regarding the anointing. Totally bogus.
You don't know what you're talking about. Relationship breakdown. But the anointing can break the power of those over our lives.
You know, in the Greek, the anointing, it says that it means charisma. You are just reading an
Old Testament text that's written in Hebrew, not Greek. It's often translated unction in the
King James Bible. The word anointing, interestingly enough, can also be translated fat.
Yeah. She doesn't know what she's doing. She just don't. I I always like to point out and it really irks some people.
I have a degree in biblical languages. I've been reading Greek and Hebrew for a quarter of a century.
She doesn't know what she's talking about because Shaman is not the Hebrew word for anointing.
It's not. The NIV, the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat.
Some people just woke up right now. Right. What is she calling me fat? Some people.
Did you go to the Amanda Wells School for learning Hebrew and Greek? Freak out when
I say the word fat. It's the F word. Right now, let me fast forward to the other part of the sermon where she'll finally get into Matthew 25 and the parable of the ten virgins.
And believe me, if you want to go back and watch the four minutes that I skipped. Oh, you're welcome to it.
It won't bless you at all because it just gets worse. This woman doesn't know what on earth she's talking about.
But I applied a little bit of context before she gets to the parable of the ten virgins so that I can't be accused of misquoting her or anything like that.
So here's the next section. Let's get to it. God wants us to grow and enlarge under the power of his anointing, reaching out for potential, carrying a full measure of his power.
And the anointing of the Holy Spirit gets on us as we spend time in his presence.
Really? So the anointing of the Holy Spirit gets on us. You know, like ectoplasma, you know, it just, you know, gets on you, you know.
The anointing is transferable, it's tangible, it can get in your clothes.
Really? Do you have a text that says that? It got in Jesus' clothes. It did?
Where does it say the anointing got on Jesus' clothes? I'd like to see that text.
One laity was healed just by grabbing the hem of his robe. It doesn't say that Jesus' anointing got into his clothes.
You made that up. That's called eisegesis, reading something into the biblical text that ain't there.
It got on Peter's shadow. The anointing got on Peter's shadow. Which text says the anointing got on Peter's shadow?
No text says this. Paul, he would lay hands on a hanky in today's world. So the anointing got on a hanky.
I anoint hankys every day. You know, Kleenexes, and then I throw them away. But it's a different story altogether.
I wouldn't use them to heal anything. It would be a tissue, and healing anointing would get on it. And then they'd take that little tissue or hanky and lay it on a sick person, and they'd be healed.
Because the anointing... Again, where does it say the anointing was on the hanky, on Jesus' clothes or on Peter's shadow?
No text says it. You made it up. The Holy Spirit is real. It has substance. And it's like a perfume in a way, because we start to smell like what we've been around.
If we hang out in the presence of God, His anointing gets on us and others notice.
They get a whiff of the presence of God when we come near them. And they're like, oh, what are you wearing? It's like, it's the presence of God.
Do you like it? You can have some too. Man, I like to wait on the
Lord in my prayer times. I like to just walk around my room, praying in tongues. Sukkara, kashiyar, abasitariya.
And then after I pray... By the way, what she just did is forbidden by Scripture. Yeah, it's true. Let's take a look at that, shall we, real quick.
And that's going to be in Matthew, not Matthew, 1 Corinthians 14. There is a prohibition that regarding...
Well, the use of tongues. So, therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret,
Paul says. If I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, my mind's unfruitful. So he put some prohibitions on tongues.
And notes then, if the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues and an outsider, unbelievers enters, will they not say that you're out of your mind?
But if I'll prophesy an unbeliever or an outsider enters, he's convicted. So the secrets of his heart are disclosed.
So the idea then is that what then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.
Let all things done for building up. So if any speak in a tongue, let there be one or two at the most or at the most three and each in turn and then let someone interpret.
If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in the church and speak to himself and God.
So if you don't, if you're if you're going to speak in a language that that you've been miraculously given the ability to speak and you don't know what you're saying, if there's no one to interpret, you got to stay quiet in the church.
So what she just did is forbidden by God's word. I pray in tongues for at least five minutes. I feel like I'm in the presence of God and I feel like I know how to pray and I wait on the
Lord and I like to wait on the Lord in this corner because, you know, if the weight of the presence of God gets on, you can't stand up anymore.
The walls will catch you in the corner. It's a great thing. Yeah, drunkenness is not one of the fruit of the spirit.
That's one of the fruits of the flesh. But I can feel the weight of his presence and his anointing on me.
We can feel the presence of God. He's not a philosophy. He's not. He's not. Yeah. Where are you getting all this stuff about the presence of God and the anointing and the
Holy Spirit? None of the things you're saying are actually biblical. You're just making it up. Like I said, you're vomiting this up out of your own brain.
Only in atmosphere, he is real and we need to carry more of the anointing than we think we need.
You better carry more of it, man. I don't even. How do you carry more? How do you even carry it? Now, I'm going to read to you a scripture and it's a parable that Jesus told of the ten bridesmaids.
All right. So this is a parable of the ten virgins, parable of the ten virgins. Now, let's do a little biblical teaching here.
I will front load it this way rather than wait for her. This is a text that does get abused.
But if you recognize what scripture says, salvation is by grace through faith apart from works.
That's going to be vital because scripture always interprets scripture. So let me give you like just a couple of governing texts here, because this is a salvation and judgment parable in Romans chapter three.
Paul makes it clear that no one is righteous, not even one. No one understands. No one seeks for God.
All have turned aside together. They become worthless. No one does good, not even one.
Their throat is an open grave. They use their tongues to deceive. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood in their paths or ruin and misery. The way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
This is the description of all humanity, myself included, before it.
And unless you become a Christian, unless you're brought to penitent faith in Christ, this this is what describes you, period.
OK, so now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law. And the reason why the law is important here is so that every mouth may be stopped and so the whole world may be held accountable to God for by works of the law.
No human being will be justified. That is, declared righteous in God's sight, since through the law comes the knowledge of sin.
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it.
This is the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus for all who believe, for there is no distinction. All of sin and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by his grace as a what gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom
God put forward as a propitiation, you can say atoning sacrifice by his blood to be received by faith.
This was to show God's righteousness because in his divine forbearance, he had passed over the former sins.
So the idea then is this, is that salvation being by grace through faith apart from works, works do not justify.
But if you do not have good works, you're not a Christian because there's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works. That's a that's a time for a different discussion.
The point is, is that the thing that makes the difference between a believer and an unbeliever is faith.
That's the difference. Do you believe and trust that Jesus Christ bled and died for all your sins and that you are saved totally by what he has done for you and by his merits?
Or are you an unbeliever who thinks you're a good person and that somehow you that being a good person, that when you get to heaven,
God's going to go, you're a good person and you've somehow earned your salvation by being a good person.
That's an unbeliever. The difference is one has faith, the other doesn't.
That's the difference. So that's your missing ingredient. That's the you know, so when you compare everybody,
OK, you know, in humanity, when it comes to the day of salvation, what's the thing that distinguishes those who perish and those who are given eternal life?
Faith. Faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. That's the difference. Now, that being said, let's take a look then at Matthew 25.
And this is a parable, an eschatological parable regarding the return of Christ, the day of judgment.
So then the kingdom of heaven may be like ten virgins who took their lamps, went to meet the bridegroom.
Now, ten virgins here, this is a symbol of like all of humanity. And again, the dividing line is going to be faith.
Five of them were foolish, five were wise. By the way, Scripture, OK, who does it say is wise?
The one who believes, you know, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, fear of God.
And it's the fool who says in his heart there is no God. Again, you can kind of see how this the divide is working here.
For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them. But the wise took flasks of oil and with their lamps, as the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and they slept.
The sleep that's being referred to here is what? Death. All right. So all of humanity, you know.
So, you know, Jesus has been taking his sweet time on his second coming.
You know, we're nearly up to the 2000 year mark for Jesus's ascension into heaven.
That being the case, it's been 2000 years since Christ's, you know, ministry, life, death, resurrection on planet
Earth during a state of being humbled. And all of that being said, if he tarries any longer, we're all going to die.
You know, if in fact, let me just kind of put it out there. 100 years from now, all of y 'all listening to me, watching me right now, y 'all are going to be dead.
Me too. Me too. OK, so that being the case, you know, the death being referred to here is the sleep of death.
So you either go into death with oil or you go into death without oil.
You either go into death with faith in Christ or you go into death without faith.
That's what the oil is referring to. So at midnight, there was a cry. Here's the bridegroom.
Come out to meet him. Then all those virgins rose and trim their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out.
By the way, you can't believe for another person. Right. But the wise answered saying, well, since there's not enough for us and for you, you go rather to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.
And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him into the marriage feast and the door was shut.
Afterwards, the other virgins came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered, truly,
I say to you, I don't know who you are. I don't know who you are. Watch, therefore, for, you know, neither the day nor the hour.
All right. So you can see this is an eschatological parable dealing with the last day when
Jesus returns in glory. And either you have faith or you don't have faith. That's the dividing line between humanity, the dividing line between the wise.
And the foolish. That's the point of the parable. So watch. You don't know when Jesus is coming back.
You don't know when you're going to die either. So you want to make sure you don't go to sleep without the oil and the oil here is not referring to that anointing
Holy Spirit presence that's going to make people want to eat lunch with you. See, that's when
I say that, it just doesn't make any sense. But here's more of Elena, Elena, and she just botches this.
And it's coming up here, Matthew 25, 1 to 13. At that time, in fact,
I'll just read it from here, it might be a bit different from there. At that time, the kingdom of heaven will be like 10 bridesmaids who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish, five of them were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps, but they did not take any oil with them.
The wise, however, took oil and jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
But at midnight, the cry rang out, here's the bridegroom, come out to meet him. Then all the bridesmaids woke up and trimmed their lamps and got them going.
The foolish ones said to the wise, give us some of your oil, our lamps are going out. No, they replied, there may not be enough for both us and you.
Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived.
The virgins, sorry, bridesmaids who were ready, went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut.
Later, the others also came, sir, sir, they said, open the door for us. But he replied, I tell you the truth, I don't know you.
Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. So we know that day or the hour of what,
Elena, of Jesus's return. This is an eschatological text. This is a parable about the last day.
Uh -huh. It's not about me having an anointing so people want to eat lunch with me. That oil is a symbol of the
Holy Spirit in this parable. No, it's not. It is a symbol of faith because the dividing line between saved humanity and unsaved humanity is faith.
The bridegroom, we know that's Jesus. Now, the ten bridesmaids or in older translations like King James says virgins, they are pure, they are clean, they're born again, they're a picture of us, the redeemed disciples, the church.
No, it's a picture of all of humanity. Yeah, because again, no, if it's a picture of the saved and the redeemed, how is it that five of them being foolish end up being well in hell?
If they're saved, how is it that Jesus says, I don't know you? Would Jesus ever say that to one of his people who are saved?
No. We're all waiting for Jesus to come back. They're all waiting for the bridegroom. So they're all followers of Jesus.
But half of them were dumb. Half of them were stupid. It doesn't say half are good and half are bad.
It says half are wise and half were foolish. They all had their lamps burning for Jesus.
This little light of mine, sing it with me. Ah, you do not. You do not know how to rightly handle a biblical text.
You know, if you were attending the church that I serve, I wouldn't even allow you to teach the two year olds because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
I'm going to let it shine. OK, that's enough. We could cut an album.
See if your Auckland sings. They were all carriers of the light waiting for Jesus to come, but half of them did not last the distance.
All 10 were chosen, but only five were prepared. So five of them, they didn't end up being saved.
Uh huh. Yeah, they were cast out into the darkness. Jesus didn't know them. So if I don't if I don't learn how to carry more of the anointing, then
I can't even be saved. Now, all of a sudden, what she's teaching is a form of works righteousness.
Do you have enough of the anointing in order to be saved? To go the distance so that when Jesus shows up, he doesn't cast you into outer darkness?
You're not saying. Yeah, this is a weird form of works righteousness here. Half of them put it out before their journey was done because they did not have enough oil stored up.
They did not have enough anointing stored up in their lives. What does it mean to have anointing stored up?
What are you talking about? Are we saved by our anointing? How much are we saved by how much we store up of the anointing?
So the lamps went out, their love for Jesus, their light went out.
And when Jesus came, they were not ready. When Jesus came, they were in darkness. Now, we all know people who started this journey of following Jesus with us way back in primal or back in the day.
But somewhere along the way, their light has gone out. And now they're not here and now they're nowhere.
They were not able to sustain the journey to the end. Jesus wants us to learn something from these foolish bridesmaids, these dumb
Christians. What does he want us to learn from them? Who did not make it a priority to get extra oil.
What does he want us to learn from them? Oh, yeah, they had just enough oil for now. They had just enough oil to keep their light shining for now.
They had just enough oil to look the part for now. But they made no provision for the future.
They made no investment to keep their light going for the long term. They had just enough to get by mentality.
Well, I'll have just enough oil to keep just enough to get by mentality. Uh -huh.
They end up with the damned. So I'm pretty sure they didn't believe in Jesus.
My light shining and looking good. And I'll do just enough to keep Jesus happy and stand as good books.
And I'll just come to church once a month. Again, this is works righteousness. She's totally confusing law and gospel here.
So I stay on the roll as a regular. And I'll just read my Bible now and then so it won't look too dusty.
And, you know, I'll just do God a favor and spend five minutes in prayer with him once a month.
Hey, we don't have to spend time with the father. We get to. It's a privilege. These dumb bridesmaids, these foolish
Christians thought that the bridegroom wouldn't be long. They thought, oh, Jesus will be coming back soon.
I don't have long to go here. They thought God would come through in their timing. But Jesus took longer to come through than they thought he would.
Oh, have you ever had that happen? Come on, God. They died.
They went to sleep. You don't know how to handle a biblical text.
You shouldn't be teaching anybody. You have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to what this parable is about.
You're creating a form of works righteousness. And to boot, you keep using the word anointing like you know what you're talking about and you don't.
You shouldn't be teaching nobody nothing. About the Bible. In fact, what you need to do is repent and put yourself under the authority of a pastor who actually knows how to handle
God's word properly and will rightly call you to repent of all of your wickedness and your sins, including the multitudinous sins that you committed in this particular sermon.
I don't know what to call that thing. So hopefully you found this helpful. Yeah, this is just a quintessential example of the sad state of affairs in so many places that call themselves
Christian churches. Just remember, there's nothing great about the great apostasy. And we need to pray for Elena and we need to pray for the people of C3 Church in Auckland and all of the people who are under false teachers and people who are not qualified to be teaching them.
And, you know, and all these people who are listening to this nonsense and think that by it, they're actually learning something about what
God's word says when, in fact, all they're learning is what these people are vomiting out of their own heads and their own minds rather than what's written and inspired for us in the written word of God.
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