2 Samuel 21:15-22



2 Samuel 23

Heavenly Father, we thank you for another day to come before you and worship you and your house and your people.
And that you open your word to us this time through the teaching of Fr. Mike. And that you give us the words that you have prepared for us.
And that you are just blessed to our hearts and give us things that we can apply to our lives. In Jesus' name I pray.
Amen. I have some housecleaning to do first. I think last week
I said 1st Chronicles chapter 20. And talking about the textual variant.
And I think I also said at the same time 1st Samuel chapter 18. It's 1st
Samuel chapter 18. When I was talking about the textual variant dealing with Michael and Mirab.
Y 'all remember that? I think I said 1st Chronicles 20. Did I?
Ok. That's not. It was 1st Samuel chapter 18. I will get to the 1st
Chronicles 20 today. Matter of fact when it hit, when it caught me. When you asked me those questions.
I'm sitting there talking to you. And then boom. I went I think I said 1st
Chronicles chapter 20. Dealing with Michael and Mirab. And I was like well I'll tell everybody at one time.
That bothers me all week just to let y 'all know. Because I never want to misrepresent God's word. I was like man I know it was an address error.
I appreciate you not calling us at 4am in the morning. It drives.
Hey like when we left and we were over in that class there one time. And I said that you know Sarah was
Abraham's last wife. And man as soon as I walked out that door I went no it was Keturah.
And dude it bothered me all week. So anyway just want to clarify. You can send out emails as well.
To clarify that. So let's go to 2nd
Samuel. 2nd Samuel. And we're going to pick up the tail end of 21. And then we're going to get into 22.
And I'm not going to read 22. The end of 21. We're just going to pick up in verse 15.
And walk through it. Because most of this is David and his men still fighting.
So verse 15 it says. Now when the Philistines were at war again with Israel. David went down and his servants with him.
And as they fought against the Philistines David became weary. Once again we're getting to the time of David getting old in his life.
This is getting towards the end of David's life. He's got to be in his late 60's pushing 70.
He died when he was 70. From what we understand based on the chronology of when he became king.
And how long he was king. He's getting battle weary. Just like anybody should.
There's not many warriors in scripture that we see that were like Moses. When Moses died it says his eyes had not faded nor had his strength abated.
That's not David. David's becoming weak and weary. Caleb. Oh yeah
Caleb too. That's right. He was 80. And then the conquest.
He was 5 years in the conquest. He said hey check it out I want my stuff. I can still fight. I'm ready to settle down.
I'm tired of killing people. Then verse 16 it says. Then. Whatever this dude's name is.
Ish -be -benab. Who was among the descendants of the giant. And the weight of his spear was 300 shekels of bronze of weight.
And he was girded with a new sword. And he intended to kill David with it. Interesting that this man is a descendant of Goliath.
He has a new sword. And that sword had a purpose of one thing. First kill.
He wanted to kill David with it. Why would he want to kill David? Because David killed his daddy.
And took his sword right? And yeah took his sword. And probably looted the rest. Because it says when he.
Remember when he went in to Nob. It says he took his sword and his armor.
Now we know he couldn't wear his armor. But he could swing his probably four foot Excalibur sword.
So it says here that he was going to kill David with it. And he in verse 17.
But Abishai. Here it is. Mr. Consistent. But Abishai the son of Zeriah helped him.
And he struck the Philistine down and killed him. You wonder how long had Abishai been waiting to save David's hide.
I mean here it is. He had went down in there. He had the opportunity to kill Saul. Hey man let me just run the spear through him.
And he said no. Then you had Shimei the rock throwing dust kicking cusser.
That was cussing him out. He said let me go over there and cut his head off. And David said no, no, no, no, no, no. But now here it is
David's battle weary. He's getting older. He gets into a pinch. And Abishai is there to save him.
I mean that's all there is to it. There's no other way of understanding it. He didn't ask either. No. He interceded on his own.
Yeah. He jumped in there and he struck the Philistine down and killed him.
It says and then the men of David swore to him. Here it is. You shall not go out again with us to battle.
That you might not extinguish the lamp of Israel. Why would they tell David that? A live king and a dead king.
Sure. I mean if we back up to 19, you remember when they said hey why don't you go back to Jerusalem.
Go back to where you were. Actually that was in Mahanaim. Go back there and you give us instructions from there.
And what did they say? Your head is worth more than 10 ,000 of ours. So now that they know that David is getting battle weary, he can't fight the way he used to, he's not slaying his tens of thousands, that it's better for him to be in Jerusalem sitting on the throne calling the shots than to have him killed.
And remember what happens to the king? Once the king's dead, what happens to the kingdom? Goes into disarray.
I mean it happens every time. Me and Bert were talking last week.
Think about how when Josiah died in the battle of Megiddo.
I don't know if you all remember what happened. He was told not to go to battle. Pharaoh Necho told him, hey don't go.
Don't come down here. Your God told me don't come down here. Let me come through. And if you come down here,
I'm going to kill you. And Josiah didn't listen. If you all remember the story or the narrative, he dressed up like a regular fighter and he goes down there and he's shot and killed.
Immediately after they mourn over Josiah, do you remember what happened to the nation? They spiraled out of control into idolatry.
I mean immediately is what happened. You had Jehoiachin come in, Jehoiachin right after him, and then
Zedekiah, which all those three kings led up to the destruction of Jerusalem. So it doesn't matter how much good reforms that Josiah had done, how much he had killed the male prostitutes that were in the temple, all the shrines that he had burned down, and then as soon as he died, they went out of control.
We can say one thing, that they were following their king instead of following God. There is part of that.
It says in verse 18, and it came about after this, that there was war again with the
Philistines at God. Once again, we need to understand that the Philistines were always a thorn in their flesh, but understand this, that they never invaded
Israel again. When you see them, they're going after them. They went to God.
They never came and tried to besiege Jerusalem again or Hebron. Never again. They were always, if they were fighting with the
Philistines, it's because they were usually pursuing the Philistines. Then Sabachi, the
Hushite, struck down Sapph, who was among the descendants of the giant. There was war again with the
Philistines again at God, and Elhani, the son of Jehoragim, the
Bethlehemite, killed Goliath the Gittite. Now here is, let me finish this real quick, the shaft of whose spear was like the weaver's bane.
This is, does anybody else say anything different than where it says Goliath the
Gittite? That is how it should be understood, and the reason being is because Chronicles 20.
If you want to look now, make sure I'm telling you the truth. Look, because just like we can go to 1
Samuel 18 and see who Adriel was married to, okay, he was married to Merob.
Remember we were talking about that last week. Now we can go and look at the Chronicles passage in 20 and say, why would they have said this?
Well, we know that in the Chronicles passage, it says the brother of Goliath. Once again, we see this is probably a scribal error, not an authenticity error, a scribal error.
Some do believe that he was also, this person was identified at that point because he was just like his brother as the next
Goliath. Now, that's not where I'm at because if I look at 1
Chronicles 20, you can clearly see it says it was his brother. How does that work out with 22?
Because there's a total of four and a brother. There's a total.
I don't know if you remember, when we were over in that other room, he said they had, remember, everybody said the five stones represented the kill of the five brothers.
You remember that? Okay, and I made the argument from this passage here that even if he had five stones, there were six people that needed to be killed.
They still would have been short on stones. You understand what I'm saying? You had the four, the brother, and Goliath.
How many is that? That's six, okay? That's how I understand that. And then they fell by...
I'm sorry, let me back up. You had the crazy finger and toe guy. Hold on, where are we at? Okay, now there was war at Gath.
Once again, remember, the war is not here. Where's Gath? In the land of Philistines at the border right here.
So once again, they're fighting with them in Gath. There was a man of great stature who had six fingers on each hand, six toes on each foot, 24 in number, and he also had been born to the giant.
When he defied Israel, Jonathan, the son of Shimele, David's brother, struck him down.
So here it is. We've basically got this mutant. I mean, reading this years ago for the first time,
I'm thinking, man, this guy is like something you would see out of some medieval movie cartoon or something.
It's like, man, six toes and six fingers. And it says that Jonathan, the son of David's brother, killed him.
He struck him down. These four were born in the giant in Gath. They fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servant.
So once again, did David kill any of these men? No, David didn't kill any of them.
So we are seeing that, once again, David battled weary. He can't. And he has the inability to fight the way that he did.
But who's getting credit for these? Basically, who's getting the credit for these kills? Ultimately, it's
David because they're fighting for the king. Remember, you're always connected to the association of the king.
You and I. We're associated with our king, and who is that? We're seated in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus, and we have everything pertaining to life and godliness in Christ Jesus.
We have that for our association with our king, which is the Lord Jesus. So now it's going to bring us into chapter 22.
I am going to read the whole thing. Question? No. Okay. Do you need something to drink?
No. I'm going to read the whole thing, and then we'll probably break it up in some pieces.
There is a parallel passage to this. So if you read this, this sounds a lot like former
Psalms. Psalm 18 is practically a carbon copy with the exception of one verse.
And I think the beginning part of Psalm 18 says something along the line, as I write this,
I love the Lord and I love Him for my life. Something along that line. So there would be a one verse difference in number.
But we know that the numbering comes at a later date. So here we'll begin.
And David spoke the words of this song to the Lord in the day that the Lord delivered Him from the hand of all of His enemies and from the hand of Saul.
He said, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God my rock in whom
I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my
Savior, you save me from violence. I call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and I am saved from my enemies.
For the waves of death encamped me, the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me, the cords of Sheol or the grave surrounded me and the snares of death confronted me.
In my distress I called upon the Lord and yes I cried to my God and from His temple
He heard my voice and my cry for help came to His ears. In this little section right here, stop for a second, this little section, this is
David saying, Look, God is the one who saved me.
I had all these, there was people rising up against me, my enemies were coming against me, whether it was
Saul or whether it was the surrounding nations and when David says, Hey, when I cried out to God, who came to His rescue?
His God. It was the promise that God was going. Now what did God promise to give him back in chapter 7?
He promised that He was going to save him and keep him on the throne and that He was going to make an everlasting covenant with him and that's what
He did. And then it says in verse 8, And the earth shook and quaked.
The foundations of heaven were trembling and were shaken because he was angry.
Smoke went up out of his nostrils, fire from his mouth, and coals were kindled by it.
Now, these are what we would call anthropomorphisms. Does God have a mouth? Does He have nostrils?
No, so what is He saying? He's showing, they're speaking metaphorically that this is the anger of God, that He is so angry that His nostrils and His mouth fire coming out.
It says in verse 10, And He bowed the heavens also and came down with thick darkness under His feet and He rode on a cherub and flew.
Theophanies often come with clouds and darkness and lightning. We saw that when the
Lord came to Mount Sinai. And what did He do when He came down there? He basically hovered over the top of Mount Sinai in a kind of thick cloud.
People said, Moses, why don't you go up there? We're scared. And there was thunder and lightning.
Anytime we see that, those are oftentimes a theophany of the presence of God.
In the second half of 11, And He appeared on the wings of the wind and He made darkness, canopies around Him, a mass of waters, thick clouds in the sky, and from the brightness before Him coals of fire were kindled.
The Lord thundered from heaven and the Most High uttered His voice. There's oftentimes when someone hears the voice of God, those around them hear what?
Nothing. But what do they hear? Thunder. You remember when there was, I think it was either on the
Mount of Transfiguration or when they heard thundering, but they didn't hear the voice.
Hey, and when the call of Paul, they heard something, but they didn't hear what
Paul heard. Paul heard, why do you persecute me? And the other people around them, all they heard was thunder.
So it's often when you hear the thundering, it's the voice of God. And verse 15,
And He sent out arrows and scattered them and lightning enrooted them. Then the channels of the sea appeared and foundations of the world were laid bare by the rebuke of God, or the
Lord. At the blast of His breath of His nostrils, He sent from on high.
He took me and He drew me out of many waters and He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.
Hey, David's right there. There's a recognition of David that his enemies could have overpowered him.
That they had the ability, humanly speaking, to wipe him out. And who comes to his rescue?
It's God. Hey, David never one time takes credit for anything. Hey, even when he was acting like a fool, foaming out the mouth outside of Achish, did he take the credit for that?
No, the psalm, when he wrote the psalm, he said it was God that saved him. He didn't say, hey, I was good and sneaky and was able to deceive that man not only once but twice.
No, he didn't say that. He said it was God that protected him and delivered him. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the
Lord was my support. He also brought me forth into the broad place. He rescued me because He delighted in me.
The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness and according to the cleanness of my hands
He has recompensed me. I don't know about y 'all, but that sounds a little weird. It's saying that God somehow rewarded
David for his goodness. Is there anything good in David? So how should we understand that text?
We should understand it that God has declared David to be the righteous king. Therefore, God's rewarding him for the righteousness
He provided in him. That's part of when we do, we look at something from a soteriological perspective, meaning the order of salvation.
Was there anything in David that God looked at him to choose him? Hey, was there anything in David that God looked at him to choose him as king?
No. I hope when we were over there I made the argument that it should be according to God's heart, not according to David's heart.
I don't know if y 'all remember I made that argument in the other room. Because if you look at it as there was somehow something in David that God chose him, that has a huge implication to how we understand salvation.
Is there anything in you that made God choose you? No. Nothing.
Nothing. Sheer sovereign grace. That's all it is. Even his father didn't think you were evil.
Yeah, because he was the youngest. And the smallest. Although he was the prettiest, they said. He also brought me forth into a broad place.
He rescued me. This is verse 20. Rescued me because he delighted in me. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness.
According to the cleanness of my hands, He recompensed me. In verse 22. For I have kept the ways of the
Lord and have not acted wickedly against my God. Hang on a second. Once again, we read that and go, wait a minute.
Had David done everything perfectly and righteous? No. Is there anybody in here that has done that?
We should understand that. When it says here in verse 33. For all of his orders were before me and as for his statutes,
I did not depart from them. Understand this. David never led the people off into idolatry.
Never. That was unlike most of the kings that would go after him. His desire was to keep the people spiritually in fidelity.
Not infidelity, but in fidelity to God. Keep them worshiping the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the one who had established him on the throne. Did David fail? Yes.
He was a failure at times. Which points us to the Lord Jesus Christ one day who will sit upon the throne and he will be the perfect king, which we need.
He didn't rest in his failure though. He repented. Hey, every time we see David confronted, he did what
Saul did not do. He didn't make excuses. He repented and he went to the
Lord and he worshiped. And when given consequences for his sin,
David doesn't make excuses. He actually, in both instances, we'll see one coming up in the next couple of weeks, he throws himself at the mercy of the
Lord, which is what we should do. We should throw ourselves at the mercy of the Lord. He really throws himself at the mercy of the
Lord in chapter 24. And he set up an entire worship system. He did. With the priests and the singers.
Yep. Yeah, because when you talk about David, I mean, he was the one who wrote the music.
I mean, you've got to remember, the Psalms are a hymn book for the nation of Israel. He wrote the hymn books. Not only was he the one that wrote the hymn books for them to worship, he also wrote
Psalms that invigorated the men of God to fight. Hey man, he's going to say, hey, he trained my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
And he wasn't talking metaphorically. He was saying, hey, we're going to go out and we're going to fight, and God's given me the strength of an arm to pull back a bronze bow.
He's given me the fingers to throw a knife or a hatchet or whatever they were doing to fight the enemies of God's people.
Verse 24, I was also blameless towards him, and I kept myself from the iniquity.
Therefore the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness. He says it again, according to the cleanness before his eyes.
Why was he clean before God's eyes? Because God had declared him righteous. He did not earn his own righteousness.
He had been declared that by God. Hey, and we do see, like you just said, Mike, we're seeing the repercussions of God declaring someone righteous.
When God declares someone righteous, when they sin, their heart is broken once they're confronted. Sometimes they only have to be confronted.
But when confronted, He confesses. When we get to chapter 24, immediately, when
He does what He does, immediately it says His heart was struck, and He knew that He had sinned.
That's going to be an interesting passage when we get to the end of the book. 26,
With the kind you show yourself kindness, and with the blameless you show yourself blameless, with the pure you show yourself pure, and with the perverted you show yourself astute.
And you save an afflicted people, and your eyes are on the haughty whom you abase.
Look, those who are prideful, God's going to bring them low. What does it say in the book of James?
God gives grace to the humbled, and He resists the proud. We could look at the
Proverbs and say, how many times do we see it? A pride or haughty spirit comes before destruction.
Everybody thinks that they can do something on their own, but for a self -made man, God usually brings them to demise.
Saul thought he was a self -made man. Once he came into power, very quickly, it was about growing his kingdom, not
God's kingdom. Unlike David, when he came in, his was to grow the kingdom of God, per se, for the nation.
When we get into Daniel, we're going to see that God takes a very prideful man and makes him eat grass for a time, a time, a half of times, and then maybe a couple more times.
His toenails grow out like claws and all kinds of stuff. He says, but as for God...
Oh, I'm sorry, back up. 29, for you are my lamp, O Lord, and the
Lord illumines my darkness. How do we tell... Hey, the Lord is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Even in the darkest hours of our life, we can trust that the Lord's word is a lamp unto our path.
Hey, how many times did David not understand what was going on in his life? But what did David have to trust in?
He had to trust in the Lord. For by you and I can run upon a troop, but my
God, I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is blameless, and the word of the
Lord is tested. He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him for who is
God besides the Lord? That is a rhetorical question. Is there anybody other than Adonai, Yahweh, that is the
God of all creation? No, there's none before Him. We should understand when it says, I will have no other gods before me.
That doesn't mean He's got to be number one and you can have 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 gods under Him.
It means before me, it means in His presence. That's what it means. It means He has no other gods in His presence.
In the second half of 32, and who is a rock besides God? Nobody.
Who could David stand on? God and God and Him alone. God is my strong fortress, and He sets the blameless in His way.
He makes my feet like hind's feet, and He sets me on my high places. He trains my...
This is Psalm 144. He trains my hands for battle.
Look, He knew that what He did was not in His own power. Now, had
David, before he killed the giant, what was his weapon of choice in the field?
A slingshot. And what was the reason for it? Before the wolves could get there, they could take that sling and pop them in the head, whatever they needed to do to get a gun.
So it wasn't as if all those years out in the field that he wasn't being prepared to use that.
Now, was it laser -lined by the Spirit of God to hit him in his forehead and put a hole in it?
Yes. Yes, it was. So my arms can bend a bronze bow.
36. You have also given me Your shield of salvation, and Your help makes me great.
You enlarge my steps under me that my feet have not slipped. Hey, David understood that everything that had happened in his life, at least up until the time that he had wrote this, and we don't know exactly when this was written.
I don't think this part here is in chronological order because I don't think this falls under the last words of David, just to let you know.
I do believe he is getting to the end of his life, but I don't think this falls under the last words of David. But he did understand that it was the
Lord that kept his steps in place. It was the Lord that kept his feet from slipping so that men could kill him.
He already said it earlier in his song of salvation here that it was God who kept his enemies from pursuing him and killing him.
In verse 38, I pursued my enemies and destroyed them. I did not turn back until they were consumed.
Hey, do we ever see David, once he started pursuing somebody, to say, alright, back off. What did he do?
He pursued them out into the wilderness until they wiped them all out. What did he do? The only ones that we know that got away were the ones that escaped, the camels that ran.
Remember when he was fighting the Amalekites down here and they went and they raided them where they had enslaved their... It said the ones that escaped were on camels and peeled out.
That's the only ones that we know had escaped. Verse 39, and I have devoured them and shattered them so that they did not rise and they fell under my feet.
Once again, we can see that God's going to take all of his enemies and put them under his footstool, meaning the greater son of David, the
Lord Jesus Christ. For you have girded me with strength for battle, and you have subdued under me those who rose up against me.
You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me. Every person that opposed the anointed
King of God, namely speaking right now, David, did they come to demise?
Did they? We listed four of them two weeks ago. Saul lifted his hand up against God's anointed and what happened?
He died. Who else? Absalom. Absalom did.
And who else? Sheba? And any of these other surrounding nations that came in to try to do that.
God made sure that David was safe to the throne. Even when it looked like the nation, we remember immediately after Absalom's situation, they were fixing to cross the
Jordan. And what did Sheba say? One conspiracy just was over before they got over the
Jordan. What happened? Another one immediately started and God put him to flight and he wound up having to kill that guy somewhere up there.
If he was a tough guy, why did he run all the way north? You ever think about that? Here it is. He's going to be the tough guy to wipe
David out. Well, why did he run all the way north? Like a coward. In verse 42,
And they looked, but there was none to save, even to the
Lord. I understand this. And he did not answer them. Hey, when they saw David coming, some of them even looked to the
Lord to get David to back off. And what does it say? God didn't hear their prayer. Why didn't
God hear their prayer? Because they were opposing God's anointed king.
They were opposing God's king. What should they have done? They should have submitted to the king that was in the authority.
Hey, was David not a benevolent king to those that submitted to him? What we do know, early on, when he was here, when
David was in Hebron, a Shebosheth was here, he sent up to Gilead, but he sent an olive branch.
Do you remember that? He said, look, Saul's dead. I'm your guy. I'm the anointed king.
Follow me and I'll take care of you. Now, we don't know what happened. That's all we know. We don't know if those men fought against David.
That we don't know. But we know that that was David's, he extended the olive branch to them.
Verse 43, Then I pulverized them as the dust of the earth, and I crushed and stomped them down as mire in the streets.
How often do we hear the prophets speak like that?
That's how God talks about His enemies. I mean, what did He say He was going to do to the northern kingdom in 722?
They're going to stomp you down like mud in the streets. They're going to pulverize you. Matter of fact, we can even go back in history and you can look at what the
Ninevites had for cleats. They had cleats with spikes on them specifically for taking the wounded that could not get up and for stomping on them.
Same thing happened in 586 when they had prophet after prophet after prophet come to them and say, hey, repent.
And the final one being Jeremiah. And they would not repent. God says, okay, the Babylonians are going to come in here and because you didn't take the example that I did to your sister up north,
I'm going to do to you. It worked good for them, it's going to work good for you. And He did the same thing.
He stomped them down like mud in the streets. Verse 44, you have delivered me from the contentions of my people.
You have kept me as head of the nations, a people whom I did not know to serve me.
Foreigners pretended obedience to me and as soon as they hear, they obey me.
Foreigners lose heart and come trembling out of their fortresses. The Lord lives. Hey, when
I read that, all I could think of was, you remember when this guy here gives him his daughter?
You remember? King of Gesher gives him Absalom's mama. I'm like, okay, now that David's making his conquest, this guy goes, hey, maybe the best thing
I could do is give you my daughter. That'll make peace. And that's basically how I understand this is being fulfilled.
Hey, they basically came out to submit to him. Remember, some of those marriages were, to David, were for political purposes.
Certainly with Solomon, I would say the majority of them were political purposes.
Then verse 46, 45.
Foreigners pretend obedience to me and as soon as they hear me, they obey. Foreigners lose heart and come trembling. Their fortress, 47.
The Lord lives and blessed be my rock and exalted my God and the rock of my salvation.
Once again, here's David's blessing the Lord that it was God that had done this thing. Hey, David never takes credit for anything.
He takes credit for his wrongdoing, but he never takes credit for the good things that took place in his life.
48, the God who executes vengeance for me and brings down peoples under me, who also brings me out from my enemies.
You even lift me above those who have risen up against me. You rescue me from the violent man.
And that was David's life. That was David's life. David was constantly...
Why couldn't David build the temple? That's exactly. Killing too many people.
I guess there's really no other way of saying it. Because he said, hey, you've been a man of blood. But hey, was that what
God intended for him to be? Let's understand that. This wasn't David's malicious intent just to go on out slaughtering people.
Those that subdued themselves and came under his subjection, David was fine, but those that opposed his rule outside the nations,
David had no problem bringing them into subjection. In verse 50,
Therefore I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the nations.
Therefore I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the nations. I will sing praises to your name. He is a tower of deliverance to his king and shows loving kindness to his anointed.
This is David speaking of himself. He shows deliverance to whose king? God's king.
He showed loving kindness to whose anointed? God's anointed. And he also showed loving kindness to David's descendants forever.
Look, David's people will have the loving kindness of God on them.
Does God at times punish the descendants of David? Well, of course. He chastises them.
But he made a promise that he was going to have someone sit on his throne forever that will begin with Solomon.
Solomon will fail. And that points us to the Lord Jesus Christ who one day will be the
King of kings and Lord of lords that will sit on that throne and sit on that throne forever. And that doesn't mean a throne in Jerusalem.
It does not mean in a rebuilt palace of a temple -like structure in a place in Palestine.
That's not what it's talking about. He will sit upon the throne of David forever in the eternal kingdom.
I know that we went through that quick, but I'm trying not to prolong that for three weeks.
Any questions? Yes, sir. Well, this is actually on the whole giant thing. This is a loaded question.
This might not be the one. But do you think that any of these giants... You're talking about back in chapter 21?
18 through the end of the chapter? Yeah. Your views on the Nephilim, do you think that giant...
No, because the Nephilim... I'll go ahead. I've had that question, so I interrupted you before you finished.
Go ahead, brother. I'm sorry. Pre -flood, you know, don't know about views on Nephilim. I think obviously a lot of that ended at the flood if it was even a thing.
Okay. But this is just like, you know... These are descendants of Anak.
Okay. Descendants of Anak. So to answer the Nephilim question... It's funny. Every time we have an open forum at some place, they say,
Hey, man, what about Nephilim? It's like... So me and Keith always say, normally we have the question, especially like set free or any place where prison ministry...
I mean, it's like, What are the Nephilim? I say right off rip, I'm not answering no questions about the Nephilim. Because that is the first question.
Submit those in writing. Yeah. If you understand what the Nephilim, the word actually means, actually means apostate.
And if you take... When you take the passage that's in Joshua that says,
Oh, wow, they're like giants. The Nephilim. I think that's an expression. I don't know if you ever remember saying that.
That's an expression. Were these men of renown that were before the flood? Yes. Were they some giants?
No, I don't believe that because it's actually been back translated. Bert may know more than me.
I mean, he's been teaching the Bible longer. I am old. No pun intended, but they have back translated from the
Nephilim, the giants back into that Genesis passage. It means apostates.
That's actually what it means. Fallen ones. That probably would be a better way of saying it, fallen ones.
So no way, shape, form or fashion is it connected to the Nephilim. But the sons of Anak?
Yeah, when they came into the land, Joshua sent the spies and then Timor -Bad to were good. What did they come back and say?
Dude, these guys... The expression. These guys make us look like grasshoppers.
They're the Nephilim. So I take that as being that was an expression. How did they know about the
Nephilim? Well, obviously it had been from Noah's descendants speaking, hey, this is what was in the land.
Were the Canaanites apostate fallen ones?
Yeah, they were... What did it say? I think it's in the Book of Kings. What was their purpose for being made?
For destruction. They worshipped all sorts of crazy... Sure. They were into the dark.
Yeah, and the nation of Israel was drug off into that as well. Yeah, so we need to make sure we understand that the nation of Israel quickly was drug off into that because they didn't do what
God told them to do when they came into the land, which was wipe them out. The reason being is if you leave any of them in the land, what's going to happen?
They're going to drag you and your family and all this into idolatry, the killing of babies, drinking blood and all that.
Some of the Mosaic law had to do with the way that when it says don't eat with the blood, that had to do with them drinking the blood.
I don't know about you all, have you ever read in the law that says don't boil a baby calf in its mother's milk?
You're like, what? Well, that was a Canaanite ritual that had came in from them being obviously apostate or the fallen people.
But no, the Nephilim had nothing to do with that. Sons of Anak. And they were the giants.
It's interesting. After we get through David's reign, we probably don't hear anymore about gigantic dudes anymore.
We really don't. We get through this time and we don't hear anymore about it. Do you know what happened to the people of the land of the
Philistines in the progression of it? Because I've never really researched that much. Did they get wiped out by the
Syrians? Well, this was... This is going to open up.
No, no, I'll just say real quick. All the stuff that's going on there now, okay, all the garbage about the
Palestinians and all of that, it was actually the land of the Philistines. If you know anything about history, and Bert's smarter than me, the
Hadrian, one of the emperors of Rome, 130 -135, he let some
Jews come back into the land. He was going to make a... Remember, Bernton, 70, okay?
I mean, slaughtered people, mercy, okay. Came back into the land, 130, yeah, around 130.
They came back in the land. He was going to make a Roman colony out of it. And when he did that, he said, no circumcision.
They saw that as genital mutilation, as a form of castration.
Not just... Sometimes they go, oh, they just told him not to circumcise, like Antioch's Epiphany. That was not the reason. They saw it as mutilation.
They threw a revolt. Just... Bar Kabaka, I think was his name, threw a revolt.
They wind up, buddy, slaughtering all of them, okay?
They salted the land, ran them out, and he said, that land will be called Palestinia.
Okay. Ran out by the Romans, salted the land, you're never coming back here.
And he said the reason why, I think it was in Eusebius, I think is the one that said it. Church history.
He said, you know why I'm going to name it that? Because they hated the Philistines so much that they were always going to name their land after them.
That was Hadrian. That's a Roman emperor. Yeah. So, hey, when you go and you hear about that, so they want to talk about this, argue about whose land, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all that mess, okay?
Stop looking at the Ottoman Empire and go back and see, how did it get that name? Now, I don't care who's in that land.
There's no redemptive historical thing that's happening there, okay? Geopolitically, I think that's, but there's nothing redemptive or salvific.
How do you think we got our land? We fought for it, okay? Now, Israel got there and they fought for their land, that land.
And they have it. Every people that have another land come in and overrun another. That's how world history has happened.
We're really going to see that in Daniel. God raises him up. He throws him down. Now, there is something to be said about the land of Israel that, man, everybody hates them.
I just had a conversation with somebody yesterday about it. Everybody hates them over there. I have my reasoning why they do that. Why do you think
God destroyed them in 70 A .D.? Because they rejected their anointed king,
Jesus Christ. Jesus said that. The end of Matthew 24, He said, this house is going to be left, you didn't want me, it's going to be left desolate.
And then He walks out immediately. And I know we make that distinction between 23 and 24.
And immediately, they're walking out. They're going down to Kidron Valley. Oh, man, check out all this stuff, dude. Jesus, check it out.
And He says, no, no, no. Anglestone will be left alone. And why? Because they had rejected their
Messiah. Now, I don't have... And you have, you know, all the history of Ishmael and that fight.
I'm not so sure that goes back to... And this could be something you could disagree on, okay?
I don't think, when it talks about him being a donkey of a man and he's going to fight again, I don't think that's this.
Okay? I don't. I don't think that's this. But I do believe the nations are a scourge around them to the people of Israel because they did reject their
Messiah. Do I believe at the end of the age, meaning the time before Christ comes and makes all the wrongs right, splits the east from the south.
He said to the target, do I believe there's going to be a massive coming to Christ of the
Jews? Yes, but that doesn't mean it has to happen here. It can happen anywhere. It doesn't even say it happens there.
Now, I understand how people... Oh, well, because they're in the land... Okay, but you're reading in...
They're reading in to that their system instead of... What does the text say?
The text says in Romans 11 that God's going to bring them in at the end. Hey, if He could take us which were wild and grab us in, what do you think
He can do to the true bond? That's what He was talking about. Ethnic. Remember, we need to separate ethnic...
And we've got to go. We need to separate national Israel from ethnic. They're not the same.
Okay? They're not the same. They can be connected, but they're not the same. Alright, sorry. You'll pray for us?
Bert? Father, thank You for this time we've come together and understand just how thank