Unbelievable Radio Discussion


We Skyped the DL today, as I am in Florida. Rattled around a bit for the first 15 minutes, then got into playing part of the Unbelievable radio discussion between Peter Williams and Bart Ehrman, took a call on the same topic as well. We intend to attempt to do a DL sometime Friday, but I will be at sea, so I am uncertain as to the exact time as yet. We will let you know.

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Webcasting around the world from the desert metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona. This is the dividing line
The Apostle Peter commanded Christians to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us Yet to give that answer with gentleness and reverence
Our host is dr. James White director of Alpha Omega ministries and an elder at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church This is a live program and we invite your participation.
If you'd like to talk with dr. White call now. It's 602 973 460 to or toll -free across the
United States. It's 1 877 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 And now with today's topic here is
James White And good afternoon, welcome to the dividing line, my name is
James White I am unfortunately hearing myself coming back at me very badly I'm not sure why that's not happened before maybe ah, there we go fix that Not hearing it anymore, so that's a good thing
I am currently in Fort Lauderdale, Florida Where tomorrow evening
I will be debating dr. Bart Ehrman Does the Bible misquote Jesus I have a book open next to me.
I've been It's funny. I Have talked about the
Philip Comfort New Testament text and translation commentary But I I wasn't
It's still new enough in my library that I'm not accustomed to going to it first and I had worked through the presentation.
I'll be doing at one o 'clock tomorrow Where I will be
Discussing Hebrews 2 9 Mark 1 41 Luke 22 19 and I had already worked through the variants on my own and Had looked at some commentaries some major commentaries, but had worked through the variants on my own and it come to particular conclusions, especially concerning mark 141 and I looked up at Sort of the shelf that contains my textual critical material and I said, you know
I don't think I looked in the commentary on that and so I pulled it down and Opened it up and Lo and behold right there on the page were all the conclusions.
I had come to upon my own with pretty much the exact same argumentation and So the more
I've been looking through it the more I've really been enjoying This New Testament text and translation commentary
It truly is a goldmine and I'm sure that rich is very happy that I'm talking about that right now because I know there are
Still a few left on the shelf when I left So if you really want to have a very valuable edition
One of the things that really bugged me when I was studying these texts is even I'm not really big on commentaries myself
Most pastors have a larger commentary library than I do but Even when
I did have what would be considered one of the major modern critical Commentaries they rarely had much about the text and much about variance and So here's one volume you can get especially if you put together with the
NET any 27 diaglot that Would I in my opinion? Tremendously strengthen all the commentaries you have because it fills in a gap that honestly just Really does exist there and so I was just Sitting here reading.
I just opened it up and it was talking about I'm looking at the the commentary on Acts 16 13, and I'll just read you the the options here
It's laid out so well It really is you have the
Westcott Horton and Nessie Alland United Bible Society has the reading we suppose there was a place of prayer
The variant to found the TR prayer was customarily made Invariant three found only in the
D was prayer was thought to be made now Especially in Acts when you find anything that has
D alone it It's well D is just D you is It's not really a copy of Acts.
It is a reinterpretation of that but anyways comfort rights It is difficult to judge which reading is original because the manuscripts not clearly line up with one reading against another
The Westcott Hort's Nessie Alland United Bible Society reading and the first variant However yield a similar sense
Paul and his companions went to the place in Philippi Where they supposed people would be praying the D reading is a variation of this
The majority reading is slightly different in that it points to a place where prayer was customarily made and this would most naturally be a synagogue
But there was not a synagogue in Phil in Philippi which required the gathering of at least ten adult Jewish males
Rather Paul found a group of women praying beside a river just excellent background information
And it's it's clearly laid out It's it's an excellent resource to have and so to be honest with you over the past couple of hours here on January 20th 2009
I have not By purpose had a television on even though in the very nice suite that I'm in right now
There is a very large television over there. I have not turned it on I Instead was doing two things.
I really enjoy doing first of all is listening to Beethoven and I think Beethoven just makes you feel smarter
There's just something about Beethoven's music the guy himself was a bit of a scoundrel but the music
Absolutely incredible so I was listening to Beethoven and I was working on my presentation
If you've been hearing me talk about working on my debate presentation for a long time now I have been working on it for a long time
I have never put as much time into a presentation as I have put into this presentation and Last night.
I was firing graphics off to Hasim son of Ramallah king of graphics
So he could pull some backgrounds out so you didn't have that in that white square I Had upgraded my keynote version a couple days ago and it has some new transitions that are really really excellent
They're gonna be extremely helpful. I now have the ability to take a section of like a papyri manuscript and Then outline that section and then blow it up and bring it out to another area just in one smooth
Graphic it's it's just great. It makes it much more readable really really neat stuff I'm very excited about this this presentation.
It's only 30 minutes long But I'm gonna
I'm gonna get everything into that 30 minutes. I can possibly get in there and So I was working on that while listening to Beethoven and Very specifically not watching the television.
I did not watch the moment and One of the reasons was I I went to breakfast this morning here in the hotel
And unfortunately they had CNN on and I have especially avoided CNN since November 4th of 2008
The few times I have been exposed to it in in airports Has honestly not only made me feel like I now live in a foreign country
But has Repeatedly brought up the the mud the the phrase in my mind man worship
There is it is frightening to me that issues of What a man's worldview is what his experience is?
What his policies are are irrelevant in this nation right now. I just feel like I have been dropped into the middle of of a foreign country
Because the the nation that I grew up in was so very different and I really feel like a foreigner today in in my own land
I Look out and it looks the same Though I've not I've only been to Fort Lauderdale a couple times.
I probably couldn't tell the difference especially in Florida I can't tell what city I'm in because they all look the same no offense to my my the lovely
Floridians But you're missing one important ingredient around here. It's called a mountain
It's just I can't I can't deal with flat flat flat so But it still looks like my country but Listening this morning.
I couldn't get out of the of the room fast enough I had to take at least a few moments to chew my food and one of the reporterettes on the on television
Made this comment and honestly, I heard this we could go back and prove this but I heard this one of the reporterettes said
Every time Obama speaks the collective blood pressure of the nation goes down ten points and I almost choked on my
Cheerios. I I've just never heard anything like this before and it is frightening to me
There is such a massive lack of discernment amongst the American people that Someone who is is being viewed in this way,
I I don't know what to say The the fact that you have this this sticky pluralism that has been promoted today where you have
Gene Robinson praying and You know to the
God of all of our faiths It you know, how long honestly how how long?
Before that kind of an attitude becomes Very much not only a part of the fabric of the culture, but this this frightening specter of hate crimes
Comes before I truly as I as I look around and go Lord have mercy be with your people and give them guidance and Yesterday somebody was telling me
About a World Net Daily article they saw where someone was talking about praying for Obama's failure and Immediately I said failure in what?
Failure as president or failure to damage the nation by promoting
Ungodliness, I think we have to be very very very careful If you've been watching the blogosphere you have undoubtedly seen
Numerous prayers for the president -elect posted. Everybody has posted a prayer for the president -elect.
I even thought about doing it but decided that I would let that pass but There's there's a hard edge to some folks
That Really does not reflect. Well, I think upon any of us If you just simply say well,
I hope he fails without expressing what you mean by that then you're not really communicating with any clarity
When it comes to the murder of unborn children When it comes to the subversion of what's left of the moral fiber of the nation when it comes to the profaning of God's institution of marriage and the family when it comes to the promotion of the life -destroying behavior of homosexuality
Then obviously in all of those I would pray that anyone Barney Frank or Pelosi or anybody would fail in Promoting Godlessness in our nation.
It should be our prayer. It's always been our prayer at our church that God would bring repentance
To this people that the gospel would go out With power and that God would bless the preaching of the gospel would bless those who who proclaim the gospel with clarity and That that's always our prayer and so we always pray that there will be
Repentance we still use that word despite its impopularity amongst the populace that there would be repentance toward God and That obviously repentance would bring about with it a change
In the lives of those who by God's grace recognize their own sin Some of you will remember how politically incorrect
I was on September 12th When I on the this very program
Discussed the issue concerning How we are to respond? to a national attack as we experienced on the
September 11th and And one of the things I said was, you know, we hear a lot of people saying
God bless America But what are they saying God bless America with what we need is
For God to bless America with a soul shattering
Experience of repentance a recognition of his holiness and the depth of our depravity and sin that's that's what we need for to have
America blessed with but as Was born out as I rather Cynically predicted at the time all this
God bless America stuff was not going to in any way shape or form have an impact upon What Hollywood was was?
pouring out the filth that it pours out and its hatred of God and None of this was actually connected to any kind of repentance whatsoever and so that really is what our nation needs as well and it's certainly from my perspective as We see these false teachers
Who have great access now to the person in the White House? Being put on the same level with you know, all religious opinions are now equal
That's where our society has been going, but it has lurched very quickly At an amazing speed that direction
People in their middle age like I am Must be waking up and going, you know
Things are changing a whole lot faster than they used to And I think there's a number of reasons for that, but we have certainly seen that in the context of events within the
United States, so I Have not turned television on I have no intentions of doing so I'm a little bit focused on other things
But part of the reason for that is that I do experience frustration when I when I hear people
Worshipping a man and Doing so for no particular reason whatsoever
In fact, I must admit I have heard so much open racism in our nation of late that it that it makes me ill and I know there are people who feel that only certain kinds of people can be racists.
That's frightening to me I know that there's not a lot of literature read in modern schooling and the young people might not be familiar with this but I can't help but think of 1984 and This this idea that we all have to think in a particular way
And if you don't think in a particular way then, you know, the government finds you to be a danger
It's frightening to me to hear this kind of thing going on And that's why again
I say I feel much more like a pilgrim these days then Then I ever had before even in in my own my own nation.
And so yes, I am focused on tomorrow evening In fact, I believe that Dr.
Ehrman will be arriving here within an hour or two after the program is over and So I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow
There will be a conference going on starting. I believe at 11 o 'clock in the morning here at at the
Sheraton Airport in Fort Lauderdale, I speak at 1 o 'clock on mark 141
Hebrews 2 9 and Luke 22 19 and Then the debate begins at 7 o 'clock
We're basically going to be using the conference to sort of shake everything out Make sure that the projection systems are working and Recording systems are working.
The last thing I would want to have happen is For this debate not to be properly recorded.
That would be indeed a tragedy because we have been saying for a long long time That's the main reason that we have been doing, you know, putting out this kind of effort and I've spent the time type of time
I've spent To be prepared for this particular Encounter so people are starting to come in The vans are starting to run to the airport's as people are coming in picking them up Bringing them here to this this location
So that tomorrow the conference can begin and the debate will take place so I have received many notes from people saying that you you are praying and That you certainly hope that What is going to take place is
Going to have value beyond just this time period that is our desire. That is the whole reason we've been doing this
It is my desire that this will be a DVD and mp3
That we can send to people for a long period of time
That will be of use to the the young college student who has run into a dr.
Carter type of Person who is brandishing the the weapons of Bart Ehrman's Presentations and that they will be able to hear that there is another side
There is a there is a rest of the story that needs to be understood and needs to be told and maybe leave and ask
Themselves a question. Why isn't the whole story? Being told that that is hopefully something they will begin to consider as well
And so I do appreciate those prayers Especially tomorrow evening as the debate takes place that the
Lord would bless not only the people that are here But especially in the recording of it so that that will be made available for Many years to come that is
I think very very important. And so with that I have queued up some some audio
If there are folks who had some questions about the debate or something like that eight seven seven seven five three three three four one eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
We have been successful in having Folks on the phone with me before even when
I am NOT in the studio there in Phoenix and so possibly maybe there will be that kind of Call today.
So just let me know eight seven seven seven five three three three four one what
I have queued up is a section of the
Unbelievable radio program with Justin Brierley on premier radio over in London, you may recall that I was on with Justin Brierley back in November and Abdul on the
Lucy on The subject of does belief in the Trinity necessitate shirk that was on the
Thursday morning that I was there At least that's what we recorded. It of course is played on the following Saturday But they at the time
Justin told me that he was going to have Bart Ehrman on and I am very thankful that it was a good discussion because he had
Pete Williams the ward of Tyndall house at Cambridge on as well and They had a very good discussion
About the subject of the text and so what I have a queued up here in my iTunes is a portion of that discussion where actually starting with Pete Williams Making I think an important point.
You made a number of excellent points. I thought and I thought we would start there and work our way through the program today
So I'm hoping that this will sound clear it has in the past Anyway, and I hope it will as we listen here as well let's pick up with the unbelievable radio program and This is a
Pete Williams talking with Justin Brierley. Sure. And so What do you stand on now as it were for Bart's his?
Studies and his research led to a complete abandonment of the idea that the birth of the
Word of God was divine Was some way authoritative And we've used the word already inerrant now
It depends I think to some extent different people may have different understanding of what that means But but what would you if you were trying to encapsulate how you view the
Bible now? Well, what is your belief about the New Testament specifically? Well, I believe that the
New Testament, but I'd also say this for the old is the Word of God Bart's position is that we don't have the original writings of the
New Testament I would say that we do we don't have the original copies But we do have the original Writings now, let me just stop it right there because I think that is an exceptionally
Vital point and if you're going to be attending the conference listening to the debate I think you you might want to zero in on on what people in just said
It is very important that we recognize that you can have the original writings
Without possessing the original copies That's exactly what he just asserted and that that is exactly the case.
Now. How could that be? Well, it can be because the manuscript tradition continues to to contain within it all the original readings themselves in a
Interview that so Dan Wallace did with Rob Bowman, which is on the I think it's for truth .com
website they were discussing this issue and and Dan Wallace raised the citation of Kurt Holland of the
Nestle Island text and His assertion that the New Testament text illustrates what is called tenacity
That is once a reading enters into manuscript tradition. That's all the manuscript tradition just simply means all the manuscripts
Once that reading enters in it stays there. This is why it's called tenacious and it is because of this tenacity
That we have confidence that the originals are likewise there and that we do not have to then
Default to conjecture to come up with a Reading but that the readings even when there is a variant
Wilkin one of those readings is the original and so what he's asserting is no, we don't have the originals
No one claims that we do But that does not mean that the originals have passed away in their readings and the words that they contain that the
New Testament Manuscript tradition is so rich so full so wide That there the original readings continue to be there
That will be in my opinion the key issue because Bart Ehrman continually says over and over again We don't know what the
New Testament originally said. I will be graphically demonstrating. I I have asked my computer my lovely
Mac here to Produce for me ironically in a Windows program.
I use Bible works for this because I still know how to use by works best, but A a number of graphics and what
I mean by I don't mean by a graph but I took screenshots of the
Greek text and I've asked the computer to mark The differences because the
Bible works has the ability to compare different texts and a mark where the two texts differentiate from one another and I Have I've put these into the presentation and saw at least one of the of the graphics
I've inserted Has nothing marked and this is a comparison between the two extremes of the manuscript tradition it's comparing the
Byzantine with the Alexandria and there are places where there's Absolutely, you can go for verse verse verse verse.
There is no difference between the widest portion of this spectrum And in fact when you compare the modern critical text with the majority text
There are less than 6 ,600 differences across the entire New Testament, that's an agreement of 95 % plus and that's taking the two extremes and So I'm going to be not just saying that that's the one disadvantage of attempting to discuss this
Is When you try to discuss it with voice only as we're doing on the dividing line
Very very hard even remember when we back when we did the textual critical series I posted a bunch of stuff on the website because If you can't see this stuff, it's very hard to describe it.
I Think one of the things that's going to be helpful for folks tomorrow evening. Is that?
My presentation has a lot of graphs and graphics in it that will help to illustrate
What's actually going on and I think it'll be more understandable at that particular point and of course by the way for those of you who are worried
We will be inserting the keynote presentation
Into the video itself. So when I make points That will be there.
That'll be illustrated at least the graphics will maybe sometimes that I'm just reading A text from the screen and there was a number of times especially when
I'm quoting her. Dr. Herman. That's the case Maybe they won't cut to it then but especially when there are graphics
Then that will be a part of what is going to be presented. So that that should be useful to everybody so anyways important point that was just made was
We may not possess the originals that Paul the original letter that Paul pens to the
Galatians or something like that But we do possess what was contained in that letter and as Rob Bowman said to Dan Wallace Dan brought up what
What Kurt Allen said and then Rob? Provided an interesting illustration.
He said well it what I like to liken it to is a large puzzle and It's not that we're missing any of the pieces of the puzzle
It's that we have some extra pieces that have accrued over the years Textual variants and that our job is to determine what the original was.
It's not that anything's lost, but we have to do work To determine the original and that's a I think an excellent
Illustration everyday illustration of what the textual critic is up against. I did include that in in the in the presentation,
I Don't have any PMS that I can see I was just told that I should be looking at a
PM But there are no PMS that I see so there's nothing I can do about that.
So I'm hoping we're gonna be able to take a break maybe hopefully and So we will do so and be right back right after this
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Thank you And welcome back to the dividing line, my name is
James White I am in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the airport Sheraton Hotel normally don't tell you where I am, but You know
That's where the debate will be taking place tomorrow evening between myself and dr. Bart Ehrman of the
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Does the Bible misquote Jesus and I have been informed by the superpower of computer technology
I've noticed that my internet connection speed here is questionable at times. So if I go in and out a little bit, that's probably why but be that as it may that Mike in Columbus, Ohio is a new listener and He is going to join us here on the dividing line.
Hi Mike. Hello. Dr. White. Thank you for taking my call. Yes, sir I'm I'm somewhat new to To what
Bart Ehrman is saying now from what I can pick up he's saying that there's a problem with with some of the variants of the copies of the
New Testament and I was listening while I was on hold and I think you kind of answered my question as far as with you know addressing a textual variance, but I'm just kind of curious.
Do any of those textual variants that that airmen is talking about do they really touch on any central?
doctrines or beliefs that hope that Christianity holds to Well, he actually would admit
That the textual variants do not impact the central doctrines of the
Christian faith Here's here's what he said. I don't think we'll get this part in the
London program today But here's here's a quote what he said At the end of the program he said my book isn't questioning at all whether God is true or not
The question is whether the New Testament can give us access to this truth of God And my question is how can it do so if we don't know what words were in the scriptures?
And the reality is there are places where we don't know what the New Testament books originally said So if we don't know what they said
How can they be authoritative that strikes me as a pressing question one that eventually led me away from my beliefs in the inspiration?
the scripture into viewing the Bible is still a terrifically important and valuable book but not as delivering the words of God and then in the
Program where he was on with the infidel guy He said I thought at one time that God had inspired the very words the
Bible We actually have thousands of manuscripts the New Testament the original Greek language But most of the copies are hundreds of years after the originals and they all have differences in These thousands of manuscripts have hundreds of thousands of differences among them and after a while I started thinking that it didn't make much sense to say that God had inspired the words the text
Since it was pretty obvious to me that he hadn't preserved the words of the text because there are places where we don't know what?
the text originally said so it started making less sense to me to think that God had inspired the words because if he had done the miracle of Inspiring the words in the first place
Then it seemed like he would have performed the miracle of preserving the words after he'd inspired them He obviously hadn't preserved them because we didn't have them and that made me then doubt the doctrine of inspiration
And so there you have his own words. In fact, I just read about five or six slides from the debate presentation right there and His it needs to be understood that what he's saying is that when he when he makes the assertion, we don't know
What the New Testament originally said that needs to be translated into a way that is helpful to people
And that is what he's saying is there are textual variants in the New Testament Where scholars differ over the original what the original reading should be therefore we don't know with absolute
Photographic certainty a lot of people hear him saying well the original has been lost
But that's not actually what he's saying. He's simply saying that since Scholars can disagree over the readings then we don't know and what he means is we don't have perfect Absolute knowledge, which would come from having a photocopy of the original now of course, we don't have that for anything in history and so his level of skepticism results inevitably in a
Recognition that we don't basically know anything about history at all Until the most modern period of time and that everything we think we know about Julius Caesar And and all these other things are nothing but guesses
But they cannot be authoritative beyond the level of certainty we have of those of those guesses that we've taken and It sounds like he has a problem with knowledge in general, how do we know anything?
Yeah, well he he does understand that there are certain philosophical presuppositions coming to play here
And he says that basically the historian can only speak about probabilities This has been his argument when he debated
William Lane Craig and Michael Icona Is that he when dealing with the issue of the resurrection?
He says look I'm a historian historians cannot deal In theology, they cannot presuppose the existence of God which in and of itself is a major presupposition
In other words, you have to have atheistic history, but he over and over again says we can only talk about probabilities and on the level of probability anything that is a miracle in and of itself is the least probable explanation and so that Clearly is his assertion now.
One of the things I'm going to point out is that very clearly Many men like Constantine von
Tishendorf or Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield or or Dan Wallace or Gordon Fee or Don Carson All these people well know what the manuscript tradition looks like.
They know the extent of variation They know the kinds of variation And yet they do not follow
Ehrman into this radical skepticism Why is that what what is it possible that the radical skeptic is setting up a standard that is
Absolutely impossible that he is presupposition Lee precluding the possibility of God revealing himself in Scripture prior to I would the number
I use is 1949 because I looked it up in 1949 is when the invention of the photo -mechanical photocopier took place and That really would would be what would be required to fulfill a dr.
Ehrman's Standard and that is that if there's any variation whatsoever because even printing even when
Gutenberg developed printing press printing in the old style
Required typesetting and in the process of typesetting mistakes were often made. There's all sorts of funny stories about the adulterous
Bible Where when typesetting thou shalt not commit adultery the word not fell out So there was actually a
Bible printed. It said thou shalt commit adultery. Well, we chuckle about that, but it reflects the reality of printing so I would argue that his standard requires that he
That that basically there there could not have been a written revelation of God until 1949
I've even seen the photo photocopies Successive generations where the the letters get blurred ease becomes fees
There are probably other examples Yeah Yeah, I remember the old -style photocopiers.
It didn't take too many generations until you couldn't see anything. So You know, the the point is that he has a standard that's simply unrealistic and and it needs to be challenged and someone needs
To say to him why why do you think? That God is under some obligation
To function in the way that you've determined. He's going to function. So what I've got to do in this first half hour That presentation
I'm gonna make Is in essence not only lay out those questions
But also lay out what I believe is the mechanism that God has used to preserve the scriptures that is consistent with his purposes consistent with the nature of the church the
Evangelistic mandate that the church has to proclaim the Lordship of Christ and the cross of Christ and so on and so forth
It's not easy to cram all that into half an hour, but I'm gonna do my best and then we have 15 minute
Responses and it's the responses that will Really I think give an indication of what direction the debates going to go in And then each one of us has 20 minutes to ask the other questions in the cross -examination period and that's of course for people who have
Listened to the debates in the past know that it's cross X is where? basically, the debate is either takes place or it doesn't either the wheels fall off there or You know cross -examination is where the rubber meets the road, so I'm very much looking forward to that that period of time
Okay, well, thanks for taking the the question of a humble channel rat All right, thank you very much.
I'm bye. Okay. Bye. Bye eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is the phone number and actually,
I think if I continue on with the material here you're going to see
Exactly. What's how airmen presents that so let's go back to the unbelievable radio program Pete Williams is about to finish up and then
Justin Briarley is going to go back to Bart Ehrman and ask him about the basic thesis of his book and Certainly, it's not necessary to have the original writings in Greek in that it would be perfectly possible to Accept the authority of scripture and not believe you had access to it in the original languages
The Reformers at the time of the Reformation Believed that the Bible had been authoritative in the
Middle Ages, even though people hadn't had access to it in its original languages So that's not a necessary Thing so I think that the
Bible is true. I'm happy with the word inerrant. I don't Use Bart's gloss of saying that means no problems
In the Bible, I love that. Not only the way it's being said no problems
Don't worry. I'm not gonna go into the British stuff. At least I'm gonna try to resist the temptation though It's very hard when you're living listening to Brits to to not
Demonstrate your your tremendous capacity of sounding like them. But anyway That is
I think an important point that that that Peter Williams just made and That is that that Bart does seem to confuse inerrancy with the idea.
There are no problems there are all sorts of problems we have to work through there are all sorts of difficulties and The late the less, you know about the history and background of the
Bible the more problems you're going to have in attempting to understand How certain things relate to other passages and so on and so forth, but I appreciated what he had to say there because Ermin does
I think introduce some level of confusion at that point that just isn't isn't necessary There are plenty of things that we can struggle to understand basically by that.
I mean true in a normal sense Okay, true it and so you when you say you do believe the
Bible is inerrant I mean, do you mean by that that we have a true? sort of if you like handing down of what was originally written and that the if you like there may be things that obviously need interpretation and understanding in the context of the time which
If you like some people like try to make out and perhaps this was true of your early life, but as a
Christian To make everything match perfectly in the Bible with a modern scientific Understanding for instance of the way the world works and that can be difficult because obviously people at another time
Lived when they understood things in different ways. I mean in what sense is the Bible inerrant in that way for you?
well, the the way I would use the word firstly is it tangentially attach tangentially attaches to the
Bible essentially because Because of God's character so it's it's derived from the fact that God speaks truly and that The Bible is his speech.
So it's essentially that syllogism That that gives you The idea of inerrancy that does not mean that you can prove
Inerrancy, and of course someone might seek to disprove it and that's fine
What I would say then is it's it's a very broad Doctrine of of the truth of Scripture now, of course people
I think through history have always made a distinction between the actual copy they have in front of them and that about which they
Formulate doctrines of Scripture. So for instance, you'll find this with Calvin or Luther when they're writing they
Accept that the copy the edition the printed edition or the manuscript they may have may have what will have
Printing errors and other sorts of errors that come in that they distinguish from That to which they describe ascribe authority
I mean, I think it's a bit like I have two children and we read them Bible stories and they seem to know that The big adult
Bible is in some sense a more authoritative document than the lovely picture things that they receive and and I think
People have always made that distinction. Of course, there's always a failure to make that distinction because when people read the
Bible in translation With time often people begin to forget that it's a translation
King James Version was good enough for people need to be reminded that that's not the way the
Christian doctrine works Well, we will give bar a chance to come back on some of these things as we go on But I mean misquoting
Jesus in the States has been a huge success but I mean why do you think people have been so turned on to this particular book and what it has to say about your beliefs that the
We don't have any way of accessing the original documents or knowing that what we have is is a true representation of them
Yeah, well, you know when I wrote the book, I wasn't sure that anybody would want to read it I mean it's about it's a book about Greek manuscripts the
New Testament and it doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would be On the New York Times bestseller list or anything But as it turns out, this is a subject that most people don't know anything about they never heard of before and People just assume when they buy a
Bible that they're reading. They're reading the words that were written. Of course, it's in a translation, but Basically the stories are in the
Bible or the stories that were originally in the Bible and people Have no idea that we not only don't have the original copies say of Paul's letter to the
Galatians We don't have a copy of a copy of that The original or a copy of the copy of the original or a copy of the copy of the copy of the original
We don't have a copy of this manuscript for for probably about 150 years after Paul had died
And so and and we don't have full manuscripts of the entire Bible until the end of the 4th century 300 years after these books were written people didn't realize that in fact
There was there were so many stages in the in the history of the transmission and that at every stage things were being changed
And I think this was news to people and and it just sort of struck a nerve. Well, we'll Now, let me just comment on that.
I Would actually and this is one of the reasons why one of the last graphics I have in the presentation is a page from p46 and P46 is a manuscript copy of most of the
Pauline corpus. It's not a complete We don't know exactly how large it was there is discussions about whether it contained the pastorals or not and so on and so forth but The page that I have is rather interesting because it contains the end of Galatians and the beginning of Philippians now
Bart is very clear in saying he only holds to seven original Pauline letters and Philippians would not be one of them.
So it's interesting he we heard him go to the mat in defense of Galatians against the infidel guy, but here is a manuscript from around the year 200 and maybe even earlier than that that has
Galatians followed immediately by Philippians Which I found rather ironic but be that as it may
If we are looking at at that Then we have a very very early
Reference to to Paul's writings and there are other References we have one a scrap of Titus which is
Probably more like 175 and things that you could actually push it back to about a hundred and ten years but anyway,
I Think I'm not not sure if it's coming up here or if it's at a later point, but it's in the same context
We're discussing this time frame this this period of time Notice what he said and the scribes are making changes all along Well what he means by that is textual variants occur in the manuscripts battle about you when
I hear about scribes Changing something that sounds purposeful. That sounds like someone sitting back going.
I think I'm not sure that I like this particular doctrine so I'm gonna change something and when he's faced with People who you know can read the text and can point to things and we'll ask specifics
Then he sort of backs away from that becomes a little bit more specific But when he's on NPR and things like that, he doesn't mind using that kind of language which can which can be very very
Misleading Because it sounds like the scribes are sitting there making wholesale changes when that simply isn't the case
Now if you read him carefully, he'll say oh, yeah, most of scribes tried to be very excellent copyists
Okay. Well, why not say it that way? That's that's one of my main problems With with his presentations.
This is just very very sloppy on this very point and it Causes me to wonder if there's not a reason for that if that's not what he's specifically trying to do
But anyway, either now or later on he talks about the enormous Time period
Between the original writing and the first Evidences that we have the enormous time period.
Well, the the problem with that is that It sounds again
Like that would mean that if we looked at other ancient works contemporary ancient works
Suetonius Pliny the Younger Tacitus maybe some of the Greek historians from a little bit earlier that Their earliest manuscript evidence would be so much closer
If you're gonna use a term enormous this enormous time period of 150 years this enormous time period and yet anybody who knows anything about the history of Suetonius or Tacitus or Pliny knows that on average
Their first manuscript evidence is 500 years and there are some where it's 900 to a thousand years after the original is written before we have the first manuscript evidence of these works, but I Invite you to go read.
Dr. Ehrman's textbooks. He's written a number of textbooks for use in and colleges and universities and when he quotes
Suetonius when he quotes Tacitus when he quotes Pliny or any of these others
Does he ever say now we have no idea what these texts actually originally said or in the best sources?
We might read this No to my knowledge not even once And in fact compare this the the massive time frame
That is found between these other writings and their first manuscript evidence with something like p52 which could be within 10 to 15 to 20 years of The original of its writing that is the
Gospel of John Or then compare that with with some of dr. Ehrman's favorite materials such as the
Gospel of Thomas Which we only possess in some Greek fragments and in one
Coptic manuscript and there are major differences between the Greek fragments and The one
Coptic manuscript far greater differences than exist between any of our
New Testament manuscripts at all but do we have the same kind of Widely wildly
Skeptical citation of those sources. Well, no, of course we don't and that's what makes people like myself go
Hmm. I wonder why there seems to be a massive double standard here
What could be the reason for this? well Maybe the debate will make that very well known comes out in a bit more detail and allow you to kind of if you like put out the thesis the main sort of points
That you make in the book in the next section of the program but so that's the start of this program as we look at this question of do we have the original writings of the
New Testament and What difference does it make the fact that there have been changes that over time errors have crept in etc
How reliable are the documents we have and the translations we have of these documents and What impact does that have on the
Christian faith? Well two people with if you like different conclusions, but both with a vast amount of scholarly work and Research behind them
Bart Ehrman and Peter Williams joining me on the program today to talk about this very important issue And we're talking about misquoting
Jesus it so it was the New York Times bestseller from Bart Ehrman Recently, do we have the original writings of the
New Testament is the question? We're asking Bart's book has provoked a whole storm of a controversy
Available what has been available to the New Testament scholars for a long time just the facts about the Transmission of the
Bible and Bart's thesis is that we simply can't get back to the originals in the way
They were really written we can to some extent but not fully and many people don't realize that about the
Bible That's that's what Bart suggests in this book and it draws on all kinds of evidence for that We've got
Peter Williams also with us in the studio Peter is a Christian He's the warden of Tyndale house in Cambridge who he specialized for a long time in the translation of new and old
Testament documents So he's a if you like our voice of authority on the Christian side of this particular debate
And he believes that despite all of what Bart says in the book and much of which he agrees with we still have
Faith in the Bible and that it does give us if you like the intention and the words that were originally purported by the original authors
So let's talk about this and I think let me we're running out of time. So I did appreciate that last statement
I've often said one of the issues is when dealing with Bart Ehrman most of what he says is true
He's normally factually correct, but it is the lack of context and the spin of those facts
That Pete Williams is going to criticize in this by the way, you can download listen to the rest of this
It's an hour and 20 minutes long Just go to premiere radio Just Google Justin Briarley's name, it's a
I think premier dot Co dot UK dot org or something along those lines.
I don't have the reference right in front of me. I apologize for that But listen to the whole thing yourself.
I think you'll find it to be very very useful We're gonna try to do a dividing line from the ship on Friday if we can work it out
And give you a report on what takes place But we do ask that you would support us in your prayers and your giving to the ministry so that we can
Press forward at this very challenging time. I do appreciate all of you who have written and said you're praying and We will talk to you on Friday here on the dividing line
Lord willing. God bless Let this moment
We need a new