Hatred Preached in the Name of Christ - Legacy of the Woke Church

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Sorry about the audio on this one. Something went wrong with the capture and I didnt have time today to re-record. Well get it fixed for next time! #NoDespair2020


La onda, a toda madre, o un desmadre. What's onda? La onda is your destiny, man.
It's like a wave, nothing can stop. Madre means mother, so. No, no, it's a lot more complicated than that.
A toda madre, everything is perfect. It's like your mother's love. And un desmadre, it's like you have no mother.
It's absolute hatred, complete destruction. In other words, you win it all or lose everything. Sweet bunch of guys.
All right, well, I hope you had a great weekend. I had a great weekend. If you've been praying for me and my family and our health situation, everybody's feeling a lot better.
So thank you so much for your prayers. We went apple picking this weekend. We did what New Englanders do in the fall.
It was actually pretty unseasonably warm this weekend, which was nice. And we went to church yesterday, and it was just a wonderful, wonderful weekend.
So hopefully you had one as well. And I did a video on Saturday which talked about sort of the momentum that I feel that we have in this social justice fight in the
United States, but also specifically in the Christian church in America. And man, I don't know, man, it just feels like we're just building momentum, serious momentum in this war.
And people are waking up. People are emailing me and reaching out and saying, man, I didn't know this was going on.
It's just so crazy. Yeah, it is crazy. It is crazy. And so I wanted to just do a video here just to talk about a thread that I did on Sunday to talk about the woke church and really why it's so crazy.
Because frankly, the woke church is upside down. It's not a Christian movement in any way.
And so I did a quick thread about that and all of that kind of thing. Also, just to give you a heads up and tease a little things, we have the
Fight Laugh Feast conference coming on Thursday. I will, God willing, be in Franklin, Tennessee on Thursday to attend that conference.
Looking forward to meeting you there if you're going. And if you're not going, maybe you can stream it or something like that.
But it should be a really good time. Also, I have a personal announcement that I'm dropping on the same day.
So keep a lookout on the YouTube channel for an announcement that I'm making on Thursday. And there's just some stuff going on, man.
There's some secret stuff going on and some not so secret stuff going on. Good stuff, man. God is good.
Anyway, here's my thread about the woke church and why it is that it's so crazy.
It's so upside down and why I think it's not a Christian movement in any way.
So I'll read my own thread and I'll provide some commentary on it. We did that last week. It worked out pretty well. So we'll do it again.
So this Sunday morning, I wrote this. I said this. The woke church is a hate -filled church, which means it's not a
Christian church by any means. What I don't mean is angry sounding words and rhetoric, though obviously they have their fair share of that too.
What I do mean, though, is hate in a technical biblical sense. Wokeness is hatred.
And to step out of the thread for a second, I really do mean this. I don't mean angry words or animus in your heart, although that's definitely part of wokeness.
What I mean is hate as the opposite of biblical love. So God says that if you love me, you'll keep my commandments.
And so the two greatest commandments we know from Christ are love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
You know what I mean? So if you take the 10 commandments, you can actually compress them all into love the
Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and also love your neighbor as yourself. Reformed people talk about the two tables of the law.
You've got one that shows us how to love each other and the other that shows us how to love God. And really, it's all loving God. So you start with God, and then you can love each other properly.
And so anything that goes contrary to the law of God is technically hatred.
And so I saw somebody tweet this out the other day, you know, to love someone properly, to love your neighbor as yourself, you need to obey the commandments of God.
That's part and parcel of a Christian mindset, right? We should all believe that. And so therefore, when an
LGBT person says they love their partner that they're having sex with or cuddling with or encouraging in their sin, then they're actually using a counterfeit version of love.
In fact, from a Christian perspective, that love is actually hatred. That's what we need to believe.
Because if the law of God shows us how to love, the love of Christ, the law of Christ, right, shows us how to love, then the opposite of the law of God would have to be hatred.
So that's what I'm talking about here. And I think that the woke church preaches a message and has doctrine that is contra almost every single commandment of God.
And that is one very easy way for you to know that the woke church is actually not a
Christian church. It's a hate -filled movement. Here's how I continue. I say, think about all the bearing of false witness you have heard from the woke.
It never ends. Racist motives and actions are assumed as part of the system without, and sometimes even contrary to the evidence.
And that is hatred in a very deeply biblical sense. Now, what I had in mind was this, was that thread from Ibram X.
Kendi, whatever his name is, who was saying that, you know, yeah, you know, white people, racist white people adopt black people all the time because, you know, they just wanna, they wanna essentially, you know, get the blackness out of them because they hate them.
And so they adopt black children. They give them a home, they parent them, they provide for them because they're racist and they hate them.
And then later people were pushing back on that. And he said, see, the pushback means that it's true. And it's like, that's actually literally bearing false witness.
You have no evidence that this Catholic woman is racist in any way. You have no evidence that anyone's racist.
You're just outright saying it. They're racist and they're still racist even if they have black children, even if they love their black children or they say they love their black children, even if they don't, even if they do, it doesn't matter what their response is, all of that's gonna be evidence for Ibram X.
Kendi because he's crazy. All of that's gonna be evidence of racism. It doesn't matter what your reaction is.
That's the whole project of white fragility and white supremacy. And so if you notice people in the woke church often will say so -and -so is racist without any evidence.
And again, sometimes contrary to the evidence that's bearing false witness. And that is part and parcel of the woke church movement.
If you ever ask for evidence that somebody's racist to someone in the woke church, you'll never get it. It's never forthcoming because it doesn't matter what the actual facts are.
It's all about a certain storytelling position. It's all bearing false witness.
And so if your doctrine requires you to bear false witness to speak on things you don't know, that is by definition hatred.
That's against the law of God. That's not something we're supposed to accept. And yet it is every day in the woke church bearing false witness constantly.
But it doesn't end there. I continue my thread. I say there is a distinct dishonoring of father and mother and insisted on.
As we deconstruct our history, again, another key element of the woke church, again, hatred in action.
Now, dishonoring father and mother, this happens in the woke church in so many different ways. You talk about sort of deconstructing our past, tearing down statues, tearing down flags and stuff like that because so -and -so had a slave one day or something like that.
This is all just sort of trying to disconnect you from your lineage, trying to disconnect you from your ancestors.
And that is very evil. Now, we don't have to continue in the sin of our ancestors, but those are still our ancestors.
Those are still our father and mother. There's still an honor that's due to them. You've also seen many woke preachers talk about going home and arguing with your parents about this kind of stuff and what to do when you're so disappointed in your parents because they're gonna vote for Trump.
What a racist. Again, that kind of mixes bearing false witness with dishonoring your parents. There's always a very strong undercurrent of disordering sort of the honor that's due to your father and mother because the younger generation, they know better, right?
This is all over woke church doctrine, all over woke church doctrine. It's a disordered doctrine.
It's upside down. So you bear false witness and you just assume that everyone born before 1970, well, they're just a boomer and racist.
It's just very, very obvious to everyone who can see this with an objective mindset that the woke church overturns honoring father and mother as well.
Here's how I continue. I say covetousness, stealing. They also find their way into core woke church tenants.
This is found in the constant references to wealth, property, income. The woke church cultivates and baptizes a desire for you to get what your neighbor owns.
This is hatred at its deepest levels. And this is definitely true. You always talk about, well, the evidence of racism is that white people have more stuff than black people.
And we need some of that stuff. That's our stuff. We need to take some of that stuff. I mean, you need to give us reparations and we need to tax some of that stuff away from you to give it to us.
And this whole thing, like your politics on economics and social policies is nothing more than what your actual desires are, your actual ethics and morality is played out on a public scale.
And so when you desire to see the rich text so that you could have more, that's just covetousness and stealing working its way out in your politics.
That's what that is. And so much of woke church doctrine either wants to make that somewhat acceptable or outright says it's required to love your neighbor, stealing from your neighbor, taxing your neighbor higher so that you can have more is actually required to love your neighbor in some of these, excuse me, in some of these schemes.
And that's hatred. Again, that is hatred being played out on the political square, in the public square and in people's hearts.
You know what I mean? We've all been making fun of Eric Mason mercilessly this past few weeks because of his gold, hallelujah, drip stacks, hallelujah.
Like that's, it's funny because of his character. He's kind of like a comic character.
He's kind of like a cartoon. Eric Mason is kind of like a caricature, a cartoon of woke church doctrine.
That's why it's funny because you can just make fun of him very easily. But the thing is like what he's actually teaching behind a pulpit, my goodness, my goodness, what he's actually teaching though is not funny.
It's anything but funny. We can joke about it, but it's anything but funny. He's baptizing and making it a
Christian imperative to cultivate a covetousness and a desire to steal in his people and in, you know, woke
Christians all over the place and saying that it's good. And again, this is upside down.
This is overturning the law of God for some other purposes. This is not Christian. This is hatred.
This is hate filled. And that's the reality. It doesn't matter how many flowery words you put around it to have, to blow the fans of covetousness in somebody so much so that they go seek to actually acquire the things that the other people have for themselves in an inappropriate, unbiblical way.
That's actually extremely damaging to those people. It's evil, man. It's hatred. The woke church is a hate filled church.
So then I continue and I talk about murder, right? Because murder seems like a safe place for people. You know, when you talk to atheists, oftentimes this is what they'll say.
Well, I don't need God to know that murder is wrong. And you know, if you talk to enough atheists, you know, you realize that obviously you do.
You do need God to know that murder is wrong because most atheists are pro -murder. Just depends on who the person is, right?
Like that's really what it boils down to. It depends on how old the person is. It depends on where they're located. It depends on a lot of different things.
And so, yes, actually you do need God to decide whether or not murder is okay. But that's beside the point because even murder, it's like a safe haven, you would think, for most people to agree, right?
Yeah, murder is wrong. Most people should agree on that, you would think. But even the word murder is twisted and distorted in the most evil ways in the woke church.
The word murder has become so distorted that they just throw it around when somebody gets killed in a way that is not murder, according to scripture
I'm talking about. They call it murder because it fits their little agenda. And then sometimes murders that are clearly murders, like when people go around trying to find a cop to shoot, a white cop to shoot, that gets downplayed by the woke church.
Well, it's just blowback. You know, what do you expect? You've been abusing us for years. Like that kind of stuff. That's twisted, man.
No Christian mind ought to think that way. No Christian mind ought to think that way. But the woke church promotes this stuff every single day.
This is not hidden. This is not in their secret meetings. Although they have secret meetings, we know about them. We know about your evil secret meetings, woke church.
Let's just be honest about that. You have them, we know about them. But this is all public though. I'm not talking about anything that's private.
And then they have a church. We have a church, a woke church that's supposed to be showing us how to love your neighbor as yourself that is openly advocating at this point, openly, voting for a party that says it is a fundamental constitutional human right for a human mother to kill her human baby in the womb.
So yes, they even overturn murder. The woke church is a hate -filled church.
Every single one of God's commandments, they overturn and turn it upside down. And all of a sudden you've got Christians out here that are about to go vote for the party of Baal.
They're about to go vote for the party of Moloch. They're about to go vote for the party of death in almost every way.
The Democratic Party is likewise overturning every single one of the law of God, every single one of them.
They're not good on any of them. They're not even stating that they're trying to be good on any of them.
They're actually stating that they are overturning every one of them. This is the thing.
This is the anti -Christian party. This is the anti -Christ party. That's what this is. And we've got an entire segment of the church with forewords written by Ligon Duncan.
We've got an entire segment of the church that is openly promoting a system of doctrine, a
Christian -sounding movement that literally is preaching hatred every single day in the church with smooth -sounding words, sometimes with aggressive -sounding words.
But I don't mind aggressive -sounding words. I care about what you're saying. And what you're saying is pure hatred.
And so that's what we have here. None of this is hidden. This is on Twitter every day. This is on YouTube. This is on podcasts.
And some of our most favorite evangelical leaders are providing cover for preaching hatred in the name of Christ.
Christ said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. Where did Christ command you to eat the rich? Where did
Christ command you to burn with covetousness of the wealth disparities that the white people have over you?
Where did he do that? Where did he tell you that it's okay to assume racist motivations and actions where there is no evidence of it, and sometimes even contrary to the evidence?
Where did he say that that was okay? Where did he say that it's okay to vote for baby butchering in the public square, even though privately,
I would never do it? If you love him, you will keep his commandments. If you love him, you will actually teach others to do his commandments.
If you're gonna be Great Commission Baptist, you gotta be the whole commission, though. You gotta baptize and then teach him to obey everything
Christ commanded. Now, you tell me, where did Christ command that you essentially, when there's a racial incident that happens, you just run immediately to level four, like J .D.
Greer was saying, and just believe it. Just believe. We'll figure it out later. We'll figure out the facts. I know the lynch mom's gonna go burn down the city, but just assume it's racist, right?
It's just racist, obviously. It's a black guy. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable.
It's hatred being taught in the church. And I've got news for you. It doesn't matter if this guy's black and maybe he has been oppressed.
Maybe someone has said something racist to him in the past. I don't care if someone said something racist for you in the past.
You don't preach hatred behind the pulpit of Jesus Christ. It's just that simple. People have said racist stuff to me all day long.
In fact, more so since I've been on YouTube. More so from your side, by the way. People say racist stuff to me all day long, but it's no excuse for me to bear false witness against them.
You understand what I'm saying? It's no excuse for me to preach covetousness. It's no excuse for me to preach something that contradicts the things that Christ taught when he was here on earth and the things that the
Bible teaches. None of it is an excuse. It doesn't matter how poorly people treat me or you or anybody.
None of it is an excuse to get behind that pulpit and preach hatred in the name of Jesus Christ.
But here's my encouragement, because there are some of us that are waking up, right? There are some of us that have been hip to this game for a long time, a lot longer than me, and credit where credit is due.
And there are some of us that are just starting to become hip to this game now, right? They're just starting to become hip to this game, and you're gonna get blowback, man.
People are going to be really angry when you say, no, Eric Mason has no business behind any pulpit. He has no business making stuff up and pretending it's the words of God.
That actually used to get you stoned back in the day. At the very least today, he shouldn't be listened to, right?
We're not gonna stone him today, but he shouldn't be listened to. He's saying things that God said that God never said.
He's not saying things that God said that God did say. That's confusing, but you understand what I'm trying to say, right?
People are gonna be angry at you. They're gonna call you all kinds of names. They're gonna call you racist. They're gonna call you white supremacist.
They're gonna call you centering whiteness, all that stuff. Pay attention to none of it. Pay attention to none of it, because when they're overturning the law of God in such an obvious way at every point, what that demonstrates is that they have a big, serious problem with God himself.
They hate what God has made. They hate what God's rules are. They hate
God's provision, how he provides more for some and less for others. They hate God's blessing, how he blesses some in a different way than others, and they hate that stuff.
They hate everything. They hate God's hierarchies, how he's set up, how things are run, and stuff like that.
They hate it top to bottom. And why do they hate everything that God has made, his creation, his hierarchies, his blessings, his provision?
Why do they hate all that stuff? Because they hate God. They hate
God deep down. They don't think God has been very fair to them. They think they're owed something that they didn't get.
And so what they'll do, they'll say anything. It doesn't matter. Because they're owed something that they didn't get, they'll blame everybody else but themselves.
They'll blame everybody else. Oh, yes, the white man who took it from me. I would have been rich, but the white man took it from me.
I would have had this, but the white man took it from me. And it's just so crazy. And so all kinds of, when your covetousness is just so unhinged, you can justify all kinds of stuff.
You can justify baby butchering. You can justify stealing. You can justify murders. You can justify anything when those flames of hatred and covetousness are burning within you and your pastors are telling you that it's okay.
In fact, it's Christian what you're feeling. You're just looking for that liberation that Christ provides.
It's not true. It's not true. And I don't want you to believe it. There's another way, man.
There's another way. There have been times in my life where I've had those fires of covetousness burning within me.
And it's no good, man. It'll destroy you. You need to set it aside. You need to set it aside and look to Jesus Christ who died for the sin of covetousness that's burning within you right now.
Don't listen to charlatans like Eric Mason. Don't listen to pagans like Jim Artisby.
And stop supporting those who would elevate them like Ligon Duncan. Ligon Duncan's hands are not clean here.
You write the forward to the woke church book, you're writing the forward to essentially the hate -filled church book.
That book is full of covetousness. That's full of sins being taught as Christian doctrines.
And Ligon Duncan wrote the forward to it. And so, as you fight this fight, this is an evil movement in the church.
It's a satanic movement in the church. As you fight this fight, remember that the people that revile you for things like caring for your family, trying to advantage your own children, raising them in the truth, adopting,
God forbid, adopting black children, you're gonna get reviled for adopting black children. Pay them no mind.
Pay them no mind. They hate you because they hate Christ. But because they can't attack
Christ, they attack you. And so, there's nothing you can do to please someone that is committed to not being pleased by you.
Ibram X. Kendi, whatever his name is, Jamar Tisby, Eric Mason, Thabiti Anyabwile, Curtis, whatever his name is, all these guys that are being pushed by Big Eva, all these covetous preachers that are preaching evil doctrines, all of these people, they're committed to a certain view of you that has nothing to do with the facts.
They just are trying to push this wicked agenda. So don't even attempt to please them.
Don't try to, how do I adopt a black kid in a way that they'll like me? You can't. They will never like you.
We all know about this. You move out of the neighborhood, it's white flight. You move into the neighborhood, it's gentrification. It doesn't matter what you do.
You're damned if you do. You're damned if you don't, in a technical sense, in their wicked, evil, fake
Christian system. It doesn't matter what you do. You're damned. It's just that simple. And so the reason that is is because they hate their
God. They hate God, and so they hate you. And so don't even pay them even the slightest bit of attention.
You can't please them. So don't even try. Instead, just do what God says.
If they don't like the fact that you've adopted a black baby, but you know that God told you to provide for widows and orphans, and it doesn't say if they're white, then do it.
If they're black, then maybe consider some other ways. It doesn't say any of that nonsense, right? So if you know that God has told you to provide for widows and orphans, and Curtis Wood is like, well,
I don't know, I mean, you've adopted a black baby. Who cares? Who cares? Don't listen to charlatans.
Don't listen to pagans, because they have no clue what they're talking about. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.