Who Do You Believe? (12/13/2020)

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Dr. Myron Golden


Thank you. We're going to look at 2 Corinthians chapter 11.
That's where we're going to start. We're going to look at a lot of verses today because there are no isolated doctrines in scripture.
Every scripture in the Bible is supported by the entire canon of scripture. One of the ways you can tell false doctrine is when you find something that is only in one place.
Like they'll take a doctrine, they'll lift it out of context, and they'll use it to prove their point. I think I found it to be much better when we just leave the scripture in context, and we prove
God's point, as opposed to proving our own point. And it's really, really interesting to have conversations with people, and you have all of these interestingly, diametrically opposed views about almost everything.
And you see people who do things, and you think, wow, I wonder why they did that. Anybody ever watch somebody do something and go, man,
I wonder why they did that? And it doesn't matter if we're talking about young people, older people, it doesn't matter whether you're talking about educated people, uneducated people.
You just look at folks, you think, man, I wonder what made them do that. And sometimes you even look at yourself and say, man,
I wonder why I did that, right? I got a witness, OK. Thank you, Brother Dave.
And we're going to look at the foundation, the root, the genesis of our behaviors.
And it's really remarkable as we look in the scriptures to find the answers for every question that exists.
When we find those answers and we apply them, we find a level of freedom that we cannot find anywhere else.
So 2 Corinthians chapter 11, I'm just going to read, well,
I'll read the first three verses. And it says, would to God that ye could bear with me a little in my folly, and indeed bear with me.
For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled
Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
He said, the apostle Paul said, just hang in there with me a little bit.
I'm kind of jealous over you with a godly jealousy. And he said, I want to make sure that I present you as a bride to Christ without blame, but I'm afraid, lest by any means, that as the serpent beguiled, deceived, tricked, snookered
Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that's in Christ.
And what's really interesting is the subtle seduction methods that Satan uses to corrupt us, to destroy us, to break us down, to corrode us, to rust us, to debilitate us, are amazing.
And so I think that we need to observe where, like, how do we get here?
How do we get here from there, from there where, from where we started from so long ago? How do we get here from there?
How do we get to a place in our world and in the United States of America where we believe the genesis of our existence was evolution, where we feel like the hope of our world is to prevent climate change, to where we think that the solution is peace at any cost?
How do we get to this place where we look around and we think that the government is the answer?
Oh, that's scary. How do we get to this place where now light has become darkness, and darkness has become light, and good has become evil, and evil has become good, and up has become down, and down has become up?
How do we get to this place in our world as a culture where it is the overarching viewpoint of a large number of people?
I can't, I don't think I would say of the majority of people, but a large number of people have bought into this ideology that is diametrically opposed to scripture.
How do we get here? And if I were gonna give my message a title this morning,
I would call it, Who Do You Believe? Who do you believe?
Father, thank you for your word. Thank you that it is truth. It is more than true. It's truth. It is the foundation of all that is true.
And we thank you that it doesn't change, and it can't change, and it won't be changed. The truth is a constant that we can trust.
And we bless you for the fact that we know we can trust it in the name of Yeshua, amen. So it's really interesting because when we think about the fact that Satan cannot possess a believer, if you're a follower of Christ, if you've received
Christ as your savior, if you've trusted in his death, his burial, his resurrection from the dead as the full payment for your sin and the redeeming of your relationship with God, if that's something that you've put your trust in, then
Satan can't possess you. But Satan understands something that maybe we haven't come to the realization of yet, and that is
Satan understands that he doesn't have to possess you to destroy you. In fact, he knows that all he really has to do is influence you to destroy you.
And what we have to do is we have to be able to recognize immediately the influences of Satan.
So, and the reason I asked the question this morning, who do you believe, is because who you believe determines what you believe, and what you believe determines how you behave.
So if who you believe determines what you believe, then we really have to start with who do you believe?
That's the foundational question about everything you believe. Who do you believe? People say, well, I believe this because it's true.
Do you? Or do you think it's true because you believe it? Because the reality is, none of us were born believing anything.
When I teach my sales classes, and I teach business people how to sell, I say anything that you ever bought in your life, you bought because somebody sold it to you.
People say, no, I didn't, no, no, nobody sold it to me. I knew I wanted an iPhone 12, and I just went down to the
Apple store and bought one. You weren't born wanting an iPhone 12. Somebody put that thought in your head.
And you weren't born, people say, well, I was born a Christian. No, you weren't born believing anything.
I was born a Republican. No, you weren't born a Republican. I was born a Democrat. No, you weren't. Everything you believe in your life is a belief that you've adopted from someone, somewhere, at some time in the past.
Can I get a witness? And the scripture is warning us to be sure not to get our doctrine from demons, not to get our doctrine from the devil, not to get our beliefs from one who wants to destroy us.
And the scripture said, here's what the Apostle Paul said. He said, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that the same way, the same devil corrupted
Eve's mind is the same way that same devil's gonna corrupt yours. Say, Brother Myron, what does that mean?
Satan does not require a new toolbox. Satan hadn't shopped for tools in 6 ,000 years.
The ones he had in the garden still work good today. And if we're gonna understand why we believe what we believe and why we behave the way we behave, we gotta go back to the
Garden of Eden and look at the story of how Satan influenced
Eve so we can make sure that when he comes along and attempts to influence us that way, that we don't allow him to influence us the same way he influenced
Eve. See, when the
Apostle Paul said, I fear less by any means as a certain behavior, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that's in Christ.
He was saying, I'm giving you a clue. If you wanna see how Satan operates, go to Genesis chapter three.
He wouldn't have said Genesis chapter three because it wasn't chapters back then, but I can say that now. He would have said it if it was now.
Go back to Genesis chapter three, read the story of Adam and Eve, look at the conversation Satan had with Eve.
And when you see the conversation Satan had with Eve, you know exactly how he is going to operate in your life.
Okay, so let's go back to Genesis chapter number three. I'm gonna give everybody who's here this morning a warning.
I'm gonna give everybody who's watching online this morning a warning. I'm gonna give you this morning a warning. That was not intentional,
I just discovered it right after I said it. A warning this morning. Okay, so the warning is this.
Don't attend Satan's Bible studies. People say,
Satan doesn't have Bible studies? Do not get it twisted. Satan always takes the word of God and twist it to get you to believe a lie about the truth.
If he did it with the first man in the garden and he did it with the first Adam in the garden, he did it with the second Adam in the wilderness, don't think he won't do it with you.
See, Satan is gonna get you to believe something about the Bible that God never intended you to believe about the
Bible. Satan's gonna attempt to get you to believe something about God's word that God never intended you to believe about his word.
That's where he's gonna start. Satan is always gonna start by attacking God's word. So I have to understand,
I have to establish a foundation and the foundation that I establish needs to be that I am going to always believe
God. In order for me to believe God, I've gotta know what God says. In order for me to believe what God says about anything,
I gotta know what God says about that thing. And I believe that one of the biggest problems we have in our world today is that preachers have gotten so far away from the word of God and their
Bible teaching and their preaching, they've gotten so far away from the word of God and they're giving you ideas and ideals and philosophies and thoughts, but they're not giving you thus saith the
Lord. And everything that God has ever done, he's done through his word.
And everything that he will ever do in you, through you, for you, and by you, he will do through his word.
And so the more of God's word you have in you, the more usable you are by God. And the less of God's word you have in you, the less, and you, me, all of us, the less of God's word we have in us, the less usable we are by God.
And it's not just enough to know what the word says. See, people say, well, how do you learn?
Like, how do you learn all these things from the Bible? I'm gonna give you the greatest, like,
Bible study, transformational truth, maybe, that you will ever get in your life.
You ready? Here's how you learn the Bible. When you learn that God says do something in the Bible, do it, and then he'll teach you some more.
That's why the scripture says, if any man will do his will, he will know the doctrine.
Which means if you don't do his will, you can't learn the doctrine. If you're resisting the last thing he told you, say, well,
Lord, I ain't gonna do that right now, but I'll tell you what, as soon as you show me something else, I'll do that. And it does sound funny, but it's how so many people live their, well, you know,
I ain't gonna do the last 16 things he told me, but if he shows me one more thing, I'm gonna start doing it. No, you ain't. So it says in Genesis chapter three, now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the
Lord God had made, and he said unto the woman, yea, have God said, yea, have God said, and he said unto the woman, yea, have
God said, yea, shall not eat of every tree of the garden. And the woman said, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit tree that's in the midst of the garden,
God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. So here's what the first thing we notice. Satan, the first thing he did was he questioned the word of God.
How do you create doubt? You create doubt through questions. And so what happened was, in order for us to understand the significance of those first three verses, we have to go back to Genesis chapter two and see what
God actually said. So Satan said, yea, have God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. So what it says though, if you go back to Genesis chapter two, verse 16 and 17, here's what it says.
It says, the Lord God commanded the man saying, ooh, this is so good, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.
Which tree? Every tree. How do you eat off of it? Freely.
Every freely. Now let me ask you a question. Every and freely. Abundance words or lack words? Abundance words.
So every and freely are words of abundance. Why is God using abundance words when he's telling his children in the garden of Eden?
Garden, enclosure, that's a protected place. Eden, pleasure. God's ideal environment for his children is the protected place of pleasure.
Why is God telling his children of every tree freely eat? Because God wants us to know that the natural environment for his children is an environment of abundance.
Of every tree, freely eat. But of, then he said, but of the tree, every tree, I'm gonna put the word tree there.
Every tree, freely eat. But of the tree. How many is that?
Okay, just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. There's one. Thou shalt not eat of it.
So Genesis one, chapter two, verse 16, 17. And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat.
But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.
I want you to notice, first of all, God didn't say don't touch it. He just said don't eat off of it.
So every tree, freely eat. Now, let's go back to Genesis chapter three and let's look at what
God actually, look at what Satan said about what God said. See, I can tell a lot about a person based on how they handle the
Word of God. And if somebody is not handling the
Word of God with truthfulness and they're using the Word of God to deceive me,
Judas went and hanged himself. Flip through a couple more pages. Go thou and do likewise.
God, surely that can't be what God wants me to do. Oh, what thou doest do quickly. No, I don't think,
I don't think I, no, that's not how we handle the Bible. Let's go back and see what it says.
Now, the serpent was more subtle than a beast of the field. The word subtle, it just means, it means shifty, sneaky, sly.
So subtle changes, are subtle changes big and overt or are they small and covert?
What are they? They're small and covert. So Satan is about to make some subtle changes to the
Word. He's not gonna make some big changes. He's gonna make some little itty bitty changes. Now, the serpent was more subtle than a beast of the field which the
Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea, have God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden, he added a word and he took out a word.
Satan added the word not and took out the word freely.
Does that change the meaning? Drastically. Yea, if God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said, watch this, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
She took out the word every and she took out the word freely. You know what we call that in modern day society?
Political correctness. I don't wanna say exactly what God said but I don't wanna offend anybody.
So I'm just gonna like file the edges off so it's not too offensive. That's what we do.
We don't wanna call it what God called it. So we'll call it something else to make it easier for the people who are opposing the word of God to not stand against us.
We don't really, I don't really want people to know exactly where I stand. Now, maybe that was not her intention but that's certainly the intention of people today.
Of every, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but God has said, but of the fruit tree which is amidst the garden,
God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it lest you die. Well, God never said don't touch it. But Eve figured and she figured wrong.
She figured that if I don't touch it, I'm not gonna eat it. But she was wrong because willpower doesn't work.
I mean, this is the first illustration of the fact that willpower doesn't work in the Bible. So you say, okay, well, but Myron, if she doesn't touch it, she won't eat it.
I want you to notice something, what happened here. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but God has said, but the fruit tree that's in the midst of the garden, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it lest you die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die. One of the thoughts that Satan wants to put in our mind, well, the first thought that he wants to put in our mind is he wants to put a thought of dissatisfaction and discontentment in our mind.
Has God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? You gotta understand, there's a tree, there's all these trees, right?
All these trees, almond trees, palm tree, plum trees, coconut trees, walnut trees, apple trees, orange trees, lemon trees, tangerine trees, trees on top of trees, peach trees, pomegranate trees, olive trees, trees, more trees, and then trees for the trees of the trees of the trees.
And there's all these trees in the garden. And God said of every tree, freely eat, but of the tree that's in the midst of the garden, thou shalt not eat of it, neither shall you touch it lest you die.
I mean, no, you shall not eat of it for the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. God didn't say don't touch it. So you got all these things that they have, and they only have one thing they don't have.
By the way, I'm gonna tell you something. In our lives, lack and abundance are both always there.
By the way, in our lives, we always have more abundance than we do lack.
People say, Brother Myron, you're, they don't say Brother Myron, they, because some of the people, well, some of the people I play with, that's not the environment.
They just say, Myron, you're so positive. I'm not positive, I'm just aware. So what do you mean you're not positive, you're just, well, well, you know what?
I woke up this morning, and I was aware that people, there were people who went to bed last night that didn't wake up this morning. I opened my eyes, and I can see stuff.
Now, I have the ability to open my eyes. I do not have the ability to make them see. And I know that there were people who woke up this morning and opened their eyes and their eyes couldn't see.
I'm aware. I'm aware of the fact that my life is a gift. I'm aware of the fact that my sight is a gift.
And I could hear things with my ears, and I can listen intentionally, but I can't make my ears hear, that's a gift.
I'm aware. I stood up after I got out of bed, and my feet held me up.
Now, they might not have held me up as good as your feet held you up, but they held me up. And there are people who got out of bed this morning whose feet couldn't hold them up.
And I'm aware, so I'm thankful. And the more I'm aware of, the more thankful I am, because I have so many gifts that I did not bestow upon myself that are greater than my even ability to comprehend or count.
People say, you're so positive. I'm not positive. I just realized that my heart keeps beating, and I'm not the one making it beat.
I'm not positive. I am positively aware of the fact that all this good stuff that's happening to me in my life, every second of every day,
I ain't doing all of it. Can I get a witness? So, we all always have more abundance than we have life.
Sure, there are some things missing in my life. Sure, there are some things missing in your life. But guess what? We can either pay attention to the things that are missing, or we can pay attention to the things that are there.
And our awareness of what's there creates an attitude of gratitude.
When we start giving attention to the little bit that's lacking, now, we got an attitude to attitude.
Y 'all have seen attitudes of attitude before, haven't you? And I want you to see what Satan said.
Satan said, yeah, have God said, you shall not eat of every tree in the garden?
He just blinded them to all their blessings. Let me ask you a question this morning. Have you been blinded to your blessings?
That's a good question, ain't it? Did you wake up this morning realizing what a gift it was to be able to look outside and see the rain?
Do you realize what a gift it was as you went outside and you heard the birds, that what a gift it was to hear the birds, to hear the wind rustling in the trees, that that's a gift that you can't give yourself?
And Satan said, yeah, God says, you shall not eat of every. Don't look at that.
Don't look at all your abundance. The woman said, we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the tree that's in the midst of the garden.
Tree that's in the midst of the garden, God said, you shall not even eat it or shall you touch it lest you die. Satan said, the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die.
So the first thing he wants to do, he wants to have a dissatisfaction, discontentment. Second thing he wants us to do, he wants us to deny the destruction of disobedience.
You can get away with it. You can get away with it. You can get away. You're not, you shall not surely die. You can do whatever you wanted to add.
Every man does that which is right in his own eyes. If you, you gotta follow your truth. Well, that is dumb as a box of rocks.
Follow your truth. And when did exactly did you come up with this truth? The scripture says, she said, we made a fruit tree.
So Satan, here's what Satan said, you shall not surely die. For God does know that the day you eat thereof then your eyes will be as open and you shall be as God's knowing good and evil.
So here's what Satan did. Satan got her attention off of this and this and this and this and this and this.
Just like he does to you when you say, why can't my husband be like so -and -so, so -and -so? Why can't my wife be like so -and -so, so -and -so?
I don't know why my parents can't be more like so -and -so. I don't know why my blessings, my business, my job, my this, my that. I don't know why.
And when that happens, it's not that the blessing's not there you are blinded to the blessing by focusing on the thing that's missing.
So Satan got her attention off of all her abundance and got her attention on the one thing she lacked.
Why did Satan want Eve's attention on the tree that she did not have? Because Satan understands that where attention goes, intention follows.
And that's why we must be very intentional about what we give attention to. Are y 'all with me?
And so we made it through the trees of God. So I want you to notice. So I'm gonna say something extremely controversial.
I like doing that because sometimes that's the only way you can get people to think. Okay, Genesis chapter two, verse number,
I mean, Genesis chapter three, verse number five is the first religion in the Bible. Every religion since then came from there.
So I always tell people, the Bible is not a book about religion. The Bible contains religion. But it's not a book about religion and God did not create the religion
Satan did. And every religion in the Bible, I mean, every religion in the world is a derivative of the first religion in the
Bible in Genesis chapter three. Say, what religion is that? Here it is right here, Genesis chapter three, verse five. For God does know that the day you eat thereof, then your eyes will be open and you shall be as God's knowing good and evil.
Humanism, that's right, David. Hedonism, humanism. Every religion, the word religion, by the way, comes from the
Latin word, relegar, relegar. And guess what it means? It means to bind.
Isn't that interesting? That's what the word, that's the root word. You can go look up the etymology,
I used to talk, now I just read about it. Go look up the etymology of religion and you will see that the root word of religion is the
Latin word, relegar. Relegar means to bind. And Satan is the
God of bondage. God is the God of freedom. Satan is the God of bondage.
And what's really interesting is, why do I say that every religion in the world, this is parenthetical, this has absolutely not a lot to do with the message, but it does give you something to think about.
Why do I say that every religion in the world is a derivative of the first religion that Satan introduced in the Garden of Eden? Because every religion is about man becoming
God and determining for himself what is right and what is wrong. Whenever you get a group of men together and they're determining that, when you do all of these things, then you're good.
And when you do all these things that are bad, that's what religion is. And it doesn't matter if you're talking about, it doesn't matter if you're talking about the religion of Catholicism or the religion of Mormonism or the religion of socialism or the religion of evolution or the religion of political correctness or the religion of climate change, they're all religions.
Well, I'm talking about a bunch of people got together and said, well, when you do this, you're gonna be, this will make you a good person. That's what religion does.
Tells you what, if you do these things, you shall be a good person. It's really interesting.
They had to change the religion. I used to tell people this. I was just listening to Rabbi Daniel Lappin this morning on my way here.
And he was talking about the same thing. I would tell people, isn't it interesting that the religion of climate change, they had to change the name of it?
Because when they first came out with the religion of climate change, it wasn't called the religion of climate change. It was called the religion of global warming. Now they didn't call it the religion of,
I put that part in there, but that's what it is. It's a way of creating, putting bondage around people based on pseudoscience saying that the problem is that we have to tax you more and we have to put more restrictions on business so that we can make the environment, we can get rid of the invisible hole in the ozone layer.
Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry. Climate change, scientific facts, science proves.
First of all, there's a really good book that I would recommend all of you read. It's called Stealing from God, Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case.
It's a really good book by Frank Turk. And one of the things that he says in that book is the fact that science doesn't prove anything.
Scientists attempt to use science to prove their points. Did y 'all pick up what
I just put that out there? Y 'all got it? Okay, so it's really interesting. So understand that Satan is operating.
So here's what happened. God said one thing, as long as man believed
God, he was in a relationship with God. See, God didn't create religion.
God created relationship. Satan introduced religion to bind a man from that relationship.
Are y 'all picking up what I'm putting down? And so what we've got to do is we've got to cast off the religious bonds so that we can be reunited in a right relationship with the
God of the Bible. Everything that God intended from the beginning with man was all based on relationship.
It was not based on religion. It was not based on bondage. It's so interesting that Christ said, I am come that ye might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.
The scripture said, in John chapter eight, Yeshua said, he said, if you continue in my words, then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall do what?
Make you free. That doesn't sound like religion to me. That's right.
Loosen the bonds. Loosen the bondage of religion. God wants a relationship with you.
He didn't want you just following a bunch of rules. Okay, y 'all with me, so I can keep it moving.
So what's really interesting when we ask ourselves, who do you believe? We can see clearly that who you believe determines what you believe and what you believe determines how you behave.
It's so fascinating that I can remember when I was in elementary school. Now you got to understand, this was in the 60s.
To all of the young people in here, 30 and under, I'm telling you, the 60s was like a real time in history and it really existed.
It wasn't so long ago and no, Abraham Lincoln was not the president. Okay, so just want to make sure y 'all understand.
Okay, so in the 60s,
I remember one of the things, my mom was an amazing human being and one of the things that she would do when we'd come home from school, she'd say, what'd you learn in school today, baby?
We have to sit down and tell her what we learned in school. And I remember one day, I'm in probably first, second, third grade.
It was really the beginning of my school experience and I came home from school and my mom said, what'd you learn in school today, baby?
I said, I learned today that man came from an animal and we're just a higher form of animal. She said, don't you ever say that again. But you asked me.
She said, you're not an animal. Yes, ma 'am. You made the image of God. I said, I am,
I am, I made the image of God, right? I didn't know, God knows,
I didn't know the difference. But I knew one thing. I knew if somebody ever told me that I was in, that I evolved from an animal again and if I ever started believing it,
I wouldn't go and tell her. I might tell somebody, but I ain't telling her.
She ain't having it. My mother's foresight and her ability to see outcomes and what would happen as a result of taking one step today and where that could lead you was so, it was prophetical, not in a literal sense, but it was like she had vision.
Don't you find it fascinating that we teach our children today in the mis -educational, mis -directional system, aka government indoctrination camps, child prisons, whatever you wanna call them.
I don't have any opinions about any of that, by the way. And if I did, I'd never express them publicly. Isn't it fascinating that we teach, as a nation, we teach our children that they've evolved from animals and then we expect them to behave with dignity?
Animals do whatever they feel like doing whenever they feel like doing it, wherever they happen to be, with no regard whatsoever to anything or anyone around them.
That's what you're telling them. Brother Ryan, what are you saying?
I'm saying, who do you believe? Who do you believe? Who do you believe about sin?
Who do you believe about the Bible? Who do you believe about the meaning of life? Who do you believe about where we all come from?
Who do you believe about where we're all going? Because who you believe determines what you believe and what you believe determines how you behave.
So maybe you ought to check yourself and see where you got some of these beliefs from to see if the outcome of that person's experience is an outcome you desire to have.
Okay. So I want you to see, first and foremost, the way man got in trouble in the
Garden of Eden was not initially because of something man did, but initially because of something man believed.
I want you to wrap your mind around this. Satan is a masterful liar. The scripture calls him a liar and the father of it.
Understand that the nature of a lie is to get people to believe that it's true. Nobody's gonna tell a lie that looks like a lie.
Of course, if they're gonna tell really good lies, sound true, look true, smell true, yeah, that makes sense to me.
Well, if it didn't, it wouldn't be a good lie. A lie that looks like a lie is a waste of time to tell. Can I get a witness? Amen. And so what you've gotta do is you gotta understand the nature of the lies that Satan tells.
And we see that Adam and Eve did not get in trouble first and foremost because of what they did.
Adam and Eve got in trouble first and foremost because of who they believed. See, at first they believed
God. Satan came and asked Eve, she said, well, no, God said don't eat off of it. And as long as she believed
God, she was okay. As soon as she stopped believing God and started believing Satan, now she's in trouble.
Watch what happens next. Serpent said unto a woman, you shall not surely die for God doth know that they eat thereof and you shall be as gods and your eyes will be open and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat.
And the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.
I want you to notice what they did. They sewed fig leaves together. They attempted to do a good deed to cover up their bad deed.
They attempted to do a good deed to fix what they had messed up in their bad deed.
But here's the problem. The problem was not the fact that they were naked. The problem was the fact that they knew something that they would not have known had they not sinned, had they not believed the wrong person.
And so now it says, and the voice of the Lord, and when they heard the voice of the
Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the
Lord amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, where art thou?
Do you understand that is exactly where Satan wants all of us hiding from the presence of the
Lord in the midst of the blessings of the Lord? Hmm.
And how did it all start? Believe the wrong one. Okay. So what happens?
God says, well, God already had a plan in place. And the plan that he had in place was going to come to pass through a man named
Abram or Abraham. And it's really interesting in Genesis chapter 12,
God implements this plan that he had from before the foundation of the world. And this plan, he says,
Genesis chapter 12, verse one, it says, now the Lord said unto Abram, by the way, the name Abram, the name
Abram means high father or exalted father, Abram.
And what's interesting is that Abba, Abba, this is how we spell it in English, Abba means father.
In Hebrew, it's spelled Abba. And sometimes the
Abba is left off, but Abba is Abra, father. This represents God. This represents the house.
Sometimes it's just spelled Abba. Sometimes it's pronounced Abba. Sometimes it's pronounced Ab, but it's the same word, father.
This represents God. This represents the house, which tells us that the father is
God's representative in the house. In Sunday school this morning, you were talking about Barabbas.
And I was thinking, Barabbas is an interesting character because the prefix of his name is
Bar, which means son, Abbas is father.
So Barabbas is the son of the father. Isn't it funny? Isn't it not funny? Isn't it interesting that the son of the father took the place of the son of the father?
Anyway. All right. Abram. That was parenthetical too. I chase a lot of rabbits that have, they're interesting little rabbits.
That's about all we can say about them. Okay, Genesis chapter 12, verse one. Now the Lord had said unto
Abram, get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house to a land that I will show thee of, and I will make thee a great nation.
I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, curse him that curses thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him, and Lot went with him, and Abram was 75 years old when he departed out of Haran.
So I want you to wrap your mind around this. So God comes to this 75 -year -old man, and he says,
I want you to move. Okay, Lord, got it. You want me to move. Lord, where would you like me to go?
Because my wife is going to ask me. Oh, she's going to ask.
And the Lord says, I'll show you when you get there. I would just love to have been there for that conversation.
Sarah, are we moving? Where are we going? Yeah, well, we're going to this place that God's going to show us when we get there.
I remember we moved to Tampa from Pennsylvania back in 2013. Months before, like in October, I went down and looked for a house, and then
I came back down again in December, looked for a house. I went to Florida and found a house where we were going to live in Florida before we ever put the first piece of furniture on the truck in Pennsylvania.
Say what you're saying. I'm saying, I'm glad God didn't give me Abraham's assignment, amen. Baby, we're moving.
Where are we going? You'll see when we get there. It's going to be amazing. That's just not a good genesis for a conversation with your wife.
Can I get a witness? Where are my brothers at? Okay, so anyway, here's what God said to Abram. God said to Abram, if you will leave the land of the familiar and go to the land of the unfamiliar, he said, here's what
I'm going to do. I'm going to make you something you can't make yourself. He said, I'm going to make you a great nation. He said, I'm going to bless you.
I'm going to bless you in ways you can't bless yourself. He said, I'm going to make your name great. Abram's name,
I believe, was the source of his shame because names were not just a title. Names were a description. Abram's name is exalted father or high father, and he can't have any children.
Imagine if your name was high father and you didn't have any children. Here comes
Abram, the high father with no children. I don't know that it happened like that, but I do have, as one who hated his name when
I was growing up, I have a vivid imagination what it feels like not to like your name. And the scripture says, I'm going to make your name great, which tells me
Abram didn't think his name was great. Imagine if every time somebody called you and every time they said your name, it reminded you of your insufficiency.
That's Abram. He said, I'm going to make you something you can't make yourself.
I'm going to bless you in ways you can't bless yourself. He said, I'm going to make your name great.
I'm going to take the source of your shame and make it the source of your fame. He said, I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee and he shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
I'm going to give you something you can't get yourself. I'm going to bless you in ways you can't bless yourself. So Abram departed. So this is
Abram 75. He had a whole bunch of experiences. I'm not going to go into the details of all the experiences he had between Genesis chapter 12 and Genesis chapter 15, but 10 years passed by.
A couple of things that are interesting about this 10 years. He still has not arrived at his new destination.
I just remember back to the time when we used to travel with our children. Are we there yet? Are we there? We just left five minutes ago, right?
Back in the days, we used to drive from Pennsylvania to Texas. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there? We ain't there yet.
Okay. 10 years and a high father still has no children. Do you understand 10 years of waiting for a promise would cause any of us to wonder, well, did
God really tell me that? Or did I just have too much to eat before I went to bed that night?
I want you to notice what it says. Genesis chapter 15. After these things, the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision saying, fear not
Abram, I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.
Like the message that God wants all of his people to hear right now in 2020 is fear not.
I am your shield. I am your protection. I am your provision. What happens in Washington, DC is not your protection and your provision.
I'm your protection and your provision. I am your shield and your exceeding great reward. And Abram said the same thing
I would have said. He said, well, Lord God, what wilt thou give me seeing I go childless and the steward of my house is as elderly as her domestic? I hear what you're saying,
Lord, but show me a sign. And Abram said, behold, to me thou has given no seed.
It's been 10 years. He didn't say that, but you can hear it in his voice. And lo, one born in mine house is mine heir.
And behold, the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision saying, this shall not be thine heir, but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
And he brought him forth abroad and said, look now toward heaven and tell the stars if thou be able to number them.
And he said, so shall thy seed be. I want you to notice this next verse. It's one of the most beautiful verses in the entire scripture.
Here's what it says. And he believed God and he,
God, counted it to him for righteousness. What just happened?
I'll show you what just happened. Man went into sin by not believing
God. God chose the progenitor through whom the
Messiah would come and the characteristic that he chose was not that Abram tithed.
The characteristic that he chose was not that Abram was perfect. The characteristic that he chose was not that Abram didn't tell lies.
The characteristic that God brings to our attention in the man that he chose is he believed
God and God counted that to him for righteousness. That is not religion.
God said, I'm gonna take the very thing that got man in trouble in the first place, not believing the
God of truth. And I'm gonna, that is the thing that I am going to use to redeem the human race.
And that's why your religious works don't work. That's why your good works ain't good enough because it's only by believing
God the God who the scripture tells us cannot lie can we be redeemed to God.
Abram believed God and was counted to him for righteousness. And he said unto him, I am the
Lord that brought thee out of the earth of the Chaldeans to give thee this land to inherit it. And he said, Lord God, whereby shall
I know that I shall inherit? How do I know that I'm gonna inherit? And he said unto him, take me an heifer three years old, a she goat three years old, a ram of three years old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.
Story is so beautiful. Now, when he said, take the young pigeon, verse 10.
And he took unto him all of these and divided them in the midst and laid each piece against the other, but the birds he divided not.
And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. And when the sun went down, it was dark.
Behold, a deep sleep fell upon Abram and low and horrid great darkness fell upon him and low. And he said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs.
And they shall serve them, and they shall afflict them 400 years. And also that nation whom they shall serve will
I judge and afterwards they shall come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace and thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
But the fourth generation shall they come hither again for the iniquity of the Ammonites is not yet full. There's so much in that story.
But I want you to notice that God, for the second time in human history, used his holy anesthesia on a human being.
When was the first time he did it? Adam. He put Adam to sleep. And what'd he do when he put Adam to sleep? He made
Eve. What'd he do to make Eve? He opened up Adam's side and took a rib out. Do you know the word covenant means to cut?
Do you realize that the Bible calls marriage a covenant? And God put
Adam to sleep to make woman and bring him his covenant partner.
And then God gets ready to enter into a covenant with Abram and then he puts Abram to sleep. But here's what's really interesting about God putting
Abram to sleep. God tells him, okay, you bring all these animals. She go three years old, have her three years old, ram three years old, turtle dove, young pigeon, kill the animals, cut them in pieces, but don't cut up the birds.
And then after Abram does that, he starts giving Abram this speech. I just want you to know of a surety that the land that you're in is not yours and your seed that you're gonna have is gonna go down into a country.
They'll be there for, Abraham. I mean,
I am not a big fan of talking to people who fall asleep while I'm talking. God said,
I'm gonna put Abraham to sleep. I'm gonna give him one of the greatest dissertations ever given to a man.
Like, does anybody ever wonder about that? Why are you gonna put him to sleep and then start talking to him? He can't even hear you. Because God is showing us that he does not keep his word to us because we know what he said.
He keeps his word to us because he knows what he said. Do you understand the
Hebrew word for truth? The Hebrew word for truth is the word ament, right? That's the
Hebrew word for truth. Aleph, mem, tav. The interesting thing about truth is that it's spelled, the word truth is spelled with the first letter of the
Hebrew aleph, the middle letter and the last letter, which tells us we can't know the truth about anything unless we look at the beginning, the middle and the end.
You can't look at a small sliver of anything and know the truth about it. That's why it's a bad idea to take scripture out of context.
You have to look at the whole thing. But also, this letter represents God, the aleph, which is really interesting about this.
Not that you care, but I'm gonna chase a rabbit, so just hang in there with me. Yeah, what time?
God is eternal, there is no time. No, I'm kidding. So the letter aleph that represents
God is made up of two yodes and a vav. Guess what a yode is? A yode is,
I mean, guess what a vav is? A vav is a nail and a yode is a hand. And it shows the nature of God is that the hand above connects to the hand below by the nail that nailed his hands to the cross.
God's, this is might, the might of the ocean. That's what mim is, the might of the ocean,
M -I -G -H -T. God's mighty, that's an M, it looks like a B, but it's actually an M. And if you just look at it really hard, it looks like an
M, okay? God's might, this represents a cross or a covenant.
So the word for truth is God's mighty covenant. And what's really interesting, if you separate
God from the truth, and you put God over here and you put this over here, this is the word met. And the word met spells death in Hebrew.
In fact, Noah's great -grandfather was his grandfather. His grandfather was who?
Methuselah, the first part of Methuselah's name is met, memtav,
Methuselah. What does Methuselah mean? It means his death shall bring. And when Methuselah died, what happened? The flood came. So met, alef, memtav, so here's what this shows us.
If you attempt to separate God from the truth, all you have left is death. Hello, America, it's time for us to wake up.
We wonder why so many people are dying. We've kicked God out of every corner of our society.
We said we don't want the God of life. Well, if you don't want the God of life, then you only want the God of death. We say, oh, oh, gun violence, gun violence, gun violence.
No, it's not gun violence, it's anti -violence. You say, why are all these children, like all these schools are being attacked with guns?
We kicked God out of the school. The only thing left is death. But not only when we attempt to remove
God from our society, do we create a society of death, a society, we've taken
God out of families. And what do we end up with? We end up murdering tens of millions of unborn babies so people can gratify their physical desires on the altar of right now.
And we'll kill the offspring, our own offspring. And we wonder why
God has not, has lifted his hedge of protection from around a nation that once said, we will do what
God says. America's not perfect, never been perfect. That's not my point. It's certainly been the beacon of hope for so many people around the world for a long time.
And now we just look like a nation of confused imbeciles. Why, we've gotten rid of God.
The universities have gotten rid of God. And now the universities are struggling to stay afloat.
They're gonna have a hard time keeping their doors open for three years, having online classes. You still got all those buildings you've got to pay for.
You still gotta keep them warm. You still gotta pay upkeep. You still gotta keep up the grounds. You blew it, you brought it on yourself.
So fascinating. We look at, we look at the judge, the more anti -God a society is, the more death reigns in that society.
Anyway, not only does it show that a society without God is a society of death, but it also shows us that God himself, if he does not keep his word, he himself has to die.
That's why the scripture calls him the God who cannot lie. Not the God who does not lie. There's no place to go, oh, the
God who does not lie. That's not what he calls him. The God who cannot lie. The God of truth and without iniquity.
God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. Why can't he lie? Because if he's lying, he's dying.
That's where it started. If he dies, everything ceases to exist. How do I know that? Because by him, all things consist.
He's before all things and above all things. And by him, all things consist, which means without him, nothing could consist.
You gotta understand, do I wanna do this? Do I have time to do this? Can I give y 'all just a really quick illustration? I promise it won't take more than an hour and a half.
Okay, so at least I'm honest, right? Okay, Brother Dave, can you come help me?
Because I can't think of anybody better to come help me than my brother David. So I'm gonna take this jacket off because I'm hot.
So if David Mitchell and I were going to enter into a covenant in the ancient times in the
East, we would bring an animal, like we'd bring a cow. He's a rancher, so it'd be easy for him to bring a cow.
I'm gonna go see if I can find one somewhere. Okay, so we're gonna bring a cow. So we're gonna bring a cow to this place. I'm gonna leave my cow, you leave your cow.
We're gonna come to this place of covenant. Okay, so now I want you to turn around to your cow and I want you to kill it and cut it in pieces. I'm gonna kill mine, cut it in pieces.
And I know some of you have seen this before, but that's okay. I've seen it before too and we gonna see it again. Okay, we put the carcass of that animal on the ground right here.
So God entered a covenant with Abram. He told Abram to bring the animals and to kill them and to cut them in pieces.
Bible says that when the fowls came down, Abram drove them away. So the fowls are coming down to try to take away.
Myron, don't chase the rabbits, just say it. Okay, just stay here. Okay, so the covenant.
Okay, so now when two humans got ready to enter in a covenant, the one human would face the carcass of his animal.
The other human would face the carcass of their animal. We walk around in a circle. Go ahead and walk around in a circle. We walk around in a circle around that animal.
We're looking at the animal. We're taking in the brutality of the death of the animal. We come back in the middle face to face. And then he takes a knife in his left hand and he cuts his right hand.
And I cut my right hand. And we put our hands together like this. And the line on his hand and line on my hand form a cross.
By the way, the ancient symbol for the olive was actually a cross. Okay, so it forms a cross.
And it's a cross that's made of blood. His blood becomes my blood. My blood becomes his blood. We become blood brothers.
Hmm, what does that remind you of? For he, that's God, has made him, that's Christ, to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
We would exchange blood. So his blood becomes my blood. My blood becomes his blood. We exchange covenant names. My name becomes Myron David Golden.
His name becomes David Myron Mitchell, okay? And then we exchange covenant vows.
And I say to David, David, I'm gonna give everything I have. I'm gonna give my life. I'm gonna give my wealth. I'm gonna give my energy. I'll give everything, including my life, if necessary, to protect you and yours.
And he says the same thing to me. He's gonna give everything he's got, all of his resources to protect me and mine. And then we point at the animal behind us, point at your animal.
We point at that animal and say, I don't keep my word to you. May what happened to that animal happen to me. So now we are covenant brothers, and we've sworn on our own existence to do what's best for the other person.
Well, this is not two people entering into a covenant. This is God and a man entering into a covenant.
So in Genesis chapter 15, when God and the man enters into a covenant, we wonder, why did God put Abram to sleep? Because after Abram killed the animals, they would have been face to face.
Abram would have had to die because no man has seen God in any time and lived. So he would have had to die. But not only that, Abram couldn't keep the covenant.
He would have had to die because he didn't keep the covenant. So now he's in double jeopardy. So what did Abraham need? What did he need?
He needed a substitute. He needed somebody who could be face to face with God and not die.
He needed somebody who could keep the covenant to take his place. So the scripture tells us that God put
Abram to sleep. Just act like you're asleep. You don't need to lay down. Just close your eyes. No, right here, stand there and be asleep. You heard of sleepwalkers, he's a sleep stander.
Okay, here's what it says. It says in verse number 12.
And when the sun was going down, it was dark. Behold, deep sleep fell upon Abram and a horror of great darkness fell upon him. So he's sleeping.
And he said unto Abram, No, but surely, now he starts talking to him. No, but surely that thy seed shall be estranged in a land that is not theirs and I shall serve them.
I'm sorry, and shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400 years. And also that nation whom they shall serve will
I judge. And afterwards, I'll come out with great substance and thou shalt go to thy father's in age. He can't hear none of this, right?
Go to thy father's in peace. Be ready to write in a good old age. And the fourth generation, the iniquity in the fourth generation, so they come hither again for the iniquity of the
Ammonites is not yet full. And it came to pass when the sun went down and it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between those pieces.
Who's the smoking furnace? Who is it? Do you remember when Moses on Mount Sinai met with God?
What does it say? It says the smoke ascended like what? The smoke of a great furnace. What does it tell us in Hebrews?
Our God is a what? Consuming fire. So we know the smoking furnace represents
God the Father. It came to pass when the sun went down, it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a burning lamp.
Who's the burning lamp? The beginning was the word, the word was God, the word was with God, the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him.
Without him was not anything made that was made. And in him was the light and the light was the light, the life was the light of men.
In him was the life and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.
Remember what Jesus said before he opened the blind man's eyes? I am the light of the world and I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work.
So the smoking furnace is a picture of God the Father, the burning lamp is a picture of God the Son. So God puts Abram to sleep.
Just go over here and stand over here, Abram. Matt, come help me, bro, come help me. Just right there, you're sleeping.
You're not even like, you don't even know what's going on. Matt's like, let me get ready.
Here I come, okay, okay. So what happens, what happens, Abram's asleep.
Okay, Matt's gonna be the burning lamp. So instead of Abram walking around in the circle, the burning lamp and the smoking furnace walk around in a circle.
So walk around in a circle, Matt, looking at the animal and then come back in the middle face -to -face with me. So here's what happens.
The smoking furnace says, if I don't keep my word to him, if I don't make him something, he can't make himself.
If I don't give him something, he can't get himself. If I don't make his source of his shame the source of his fame, if I don't bless him, if I don't bless everybody in the world through him, may what happened to that animal happen to me.
But here's what the burning lamp is saying. Go ahead, point to animals, point to animals. And then point at Abram.
If he doesn't keep his word to you, may what happened to that animal, point yourself, happen to him.
He did that knowing he couldn't keep the covenant. The burning lamp knew that Abram couldn't keep the covenant and he entered the covenant promise anyway.
And when Christ was crucified, do you remember the prophecy in Isaiah? His visage was so marred more than any man in his form more than the sons of men.
It wasn't just that he died, but he had to die a brutal death. Why? Because it's a fulfillment of this prophecy in Genesis chapter.
So if he's lying, he's dying. If I'm lying, I'm dying.
God has to keep his word. That's why he's magnified his word above his own name.
How dare we not believe him? We believe the one who wants to destroy us and we don't believe the one who gave for us his very life.
Thank you, gentlemen. Give these guys a hand. Aren't they great actors? They're great. You guys are great. Understand who you believe determines what you believe and what you believe determines how you behave.
Why do we have a nation of unrest? We have a nation of unrest because we have decades of believing people who don't believe
God's word. We've been listening to people who don't. Don't you find it fascinating that we've allowed the two biggest societal cesspools in the world to become our guiding lights?
Washington DC and Hollywood. And that's who we look to? Political correctness is a religion that was spawned by Satan himself.
You say, Brother Myron, what are you saying? I'm saying if we don't believe the truth, the only thing left is a lie.
Who you believe determines what you believe. What you believe determines how you believe.
So what's the ultimate message in this? Believe God. First, foremost, and always believe
God. Man got in this mess. Man got in this mess by not believing God.
God redeemed man by choosing a man and that man believed God and was counted to him for righteousness.
And by the way, if God's ever gonna count anything to you for righteousness, it won't be your good works. It'll be that you believe
God. As many as believed him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them which believe on his name, which were born not of the flesh nor the will of man, believe
God. Everything he says, the way to stay on track, believe
God. Believe God. Who do you believe? Father, I thank you for your word.
I thank you that it is truth. May we be a people who stands, if we end up being the last man or last woman standing, let us stay, remain standing on the truth of your word.
Wherever that leads us, wherever that takes us, whatever the consequences, may we be people of the truth.
We thank you for it in the name of he who is truth, Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus, the savior. Amen. Brother David.
First, I wanna apologize about being here. I picked my baby boy to be
Jesus. I almost had a baby boy. I didn't need much to know him.
I didn't need much to know him. I hope this will pass around and go viral.
I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral.
I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral.
I hope this will pass around and go viral. I hope this will pass around and go viral.