Dinosaurs and Noah's Flood (Classroom Series)
Natural History Museums and school textbooks attribute the dinosaur extinction to the Chicxulub asteroid hitting the Yucatán peninsula of Mexico 66 million years ago. How can this single event explain the simultaneous extinction of all dinosaurs around the world, including a massive dinosaur kill zone in North America that spans three countries and fourteen states, stretching over 1,800 miles long and 1,000 miles wide? Over a million square miles across the American West are filled with every kind of dinosaur, and they’re all mixed with other land animals including birds and all sorts of marine life like clams, rays, and sharks. Noah's Flood provides a convincing explanation for dinosaur extinction.
See our dinosaur page here: www.genesisapologetics.com/dinosaurs
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- 00:00
- Many flood myths come out of the ancient Near East, and the Bible's account is just one of them. Well, then how do you explain 14 states in America filled with dead dinosaurs and mixtures of marine life and other animals?
- 00:12
- What? There's an area that's about 1 ,800 miles long and about 1 ,000 miles wide, and it's filled in with mud, sand, and ash, which is exactly what you'd expect to find in the case of a worldwide flood.
- 00:23
- Those creatures were buried millions of years ago, and their hard -as -rock fossils prove it. Hard -as -rock fossils, right.
- 00:30
- But there are 120 scientific publications that reveal 16 different types of soft tissue found in ancient bones at every level of the geologic column.
- 00:39
- Some of these soft tissues, like collagen, only have a shelf life of just thousands of years. So how'd that last for 65 million?