Is AI a threat to Christianity? (Artificial Intelligence & the Antichrist)

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Based on the Christian Post article: 'A brand new theology': Will AI write a new Bible, spark cults and create bizarre religions?


Hello, in this video I'd like to take a moment to discuss this popular subject people are talking about,
AI or Artificial Intelligence. Is this a threat to civilization?
Remember, this was the theme of the Terminator films, that the machines or the internet all of a sudden became self -aware and attacked humanity.
Well, some are asking the question, is AI a threat to Christianity?
I saw this article today on the website christianpost .com. It asked the question, will
AI write a new Bible, spark cults and create bizarre religions?
And then there's this other article, why the Antichrist will not be human but AI.
It says there are three main reasons why the Antichrist will be an artificially intelligent android.
Number one, when following the instructions given in Revelation and how to identify the
Antichrist, we find 666 yields a binary code. Reason number two, the
Antichrist is actually said to be an artificial representation or image that comes to life.
That is a reference to Revelation 13 verse 15, which says that the false prophet was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
So some people wonder, will the image of the beast be a hologram or artificial intelligence?
And then the third reason why the Antichrist will not be human, but AI, it says the beast is described in the book of Daniel as being different from all other kingdoms and rulers that came before it.
And in Revelation, it's unable to be defeated or warred against.
Now, do I actually think that that's true? Probably not.
The Antichrist will probably not be artificial intelligence. Could AI write a new religious text that sparks a cult, something like Scientology, perhaps.
But the bigger issue, and the reason why I'm doing this video, is there are a lot of people who won't go to church, but they are very interested in subjects like this to have some sort of tie -in, or at least some people think there's a tie -in to biblical events.
You know, it's like during COVID, how there was a lot of discussion about whether or not the jab could be the mark of the beast.
Now, I think we need to be careful when it comes to conspiracy theories. We don't want to automatically buy into these things or give them credence, because we can end up looking foolish.
But then on the other hand, there have been some things that the government and the news media has called conspiracy, and it ended up being true.
The point is, you might know people who don't want to go to church, but they do want to talk about this.
So just consider, could we use a discussion like this to transition to a more important issue?
Maybe we could talk about the end times, and then move to the great end time event, the return of Christ, and potentially use this as an opportunity to share the gospel with others.
And just in case someone did click on this video, not because of the Christian element, but rather you are interested in the subject of AI, if that were true, that somehow the
Antichrist will use artificial intelligence, I don't know. But I do know this, the only hope of salvation mankind has is faith in Christ.
Look at the world around us. Look how extreme and wicked the culture has become.
The fact is, God has appointed a day on which He will judge the world.
Judgment day really is coming. And the promise of the gospel is this,
Romans 10 9, that if we would confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised
Him from the dead, we will be saved. Thanks for watching. For more on this subject of the gospel, check out the video link.