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Pastor Mike discusses a few news items on today's show... 1) Girl Scouts hire lesbian as chief girl experience officer. 2) Miracle Bible saves life. 3) Reasons pastors struggle with mental health.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth, and I just got done doing three shows this week,
Wretched Radio, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. And so, I wanted to say, this is
Mike Abendroth, Wretched Radio. Thanks for letting me be the guest host. But now I'm back, well,
I was in the same studio. I have it set up here in the No Compromise studio where I can,
I don't know if I can accept calls during the show, I guess I could, but I can receive a call to interview someone like I did with Justin Peters, or I can hook it up to the internet, and through the
Brick link, I can talk with the Wretched guys. So, happy for that, and happy that Josh has got me all styled up.
I did make a mistake, though, in Wretched Radio. How much I'll have to pay for it, I don't know.
The new Pope has said so many things that have run contrary to, in my mind, mainline
Roman Catholic teaching a la Pope Benedict, that I got something sent to me.
And without looking at it too closely, I said, well, the Pope said such and such. It was a satire, it was a spoof.
But in my own mind, I thought, well, this sounds exactly like what Francis would say, especially with his popularity, and with popularity comes power, and so I was wrong,
I apologize. Francis didn't say those things. I said on the first, I think, Friday on Wretched, which would have been
February 28th, segment, hour two, segment one, I think.
So I asked guys to take it off, and if Wretched asked me to give a little disclaimer, I'll do it. I need to check my resources more carefully.
I think 95 % of the other stuff I said was true. So, I mean,
I regularly say, here's the chapter, here's the quote, here's the magazine. I didn't do it, and you know, here's what's happening.
Everything in me wants to blame somebody else. Wasn't my fault,
I didn't mean it. You know, I was too busy. Anyway, I did it.
I should have been more careful, and now I'm gonna cite my sources more closely.
Girl Scouts hire lesbian as chief, quote, girl experience officer.
And so, you know, you have a CEO, a CFO. This is a GEO, I guess. They don't say that, but that's the way
I've said it. I'm sad, in a sense, because I'm not against places like the
Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, and let's have a club, and let's have some good morals, and let's learn some lessons about life, and mentoring, coaching, peers.
I've got so many families these days that the mom's disengaged, the dad's not around, and so these things serve their purposes, and I know they're distinct, boys and Girl Scouts.
I feel bad for the little girls who sell naively Girl Scout cookies.
I think I actually like Girl Scout cookies. They taste good. I usually don't order them because, or buy them because, it's not because of their calories, but it's because of this very thing.
I see the sweet girls there, and their moms, and they're working hard, and it's a good endeavor where you go out and try to sell things, but I understand why the
American Heritage Girls founded because of these lesbian, feministic influences, and in my opinion, when feminism comes in,
I don't mean men and women are equal in Christ. I don't mean this Jesus stuff, but I mean real feminism.
When feminism comes into an organization, an institution, lesbianism follows.
I mean, it's just logical. It's normal. I think maybe even some of the leaders of feministic movement would agree with me.
So, they'll never hear the show, but anyway, according to Brett Bart, so I'm citing my sources now, article written by Austin Ruse, R -U -S -E, millions of moms consider digging into pockets for Girl Scout cookies this year.
They may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Cokejohn -Poehler, in the
P -O -E -H -L -E -R, in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City. She's an out lesbian married to a woman named
Ashley Cokejohn, and this lady is now in charge of the
Girl Experience officer. And so, she was hired, according to this article five months ago.
I do not see a date on this website. San Diego Magazine talked about this issue and talked about their wedding ceremony or their commitment ceremony back in 2007 and their love story, according to the
San Diego Magazine. Wearing formal white gowns, the brides were radiant.
One lady called it beautiful, spiritual, and perfect. Well, what do
I think of this? I think that when feminism leads, lesbianism follows.
It's the drift that's not so slow that goes on at Girl Scouts.
Not long ago, homo -punk rocker Josh Ackley, who's banned the dead
Bettys. Again, this is, I'm quoting exactly from Bret Bart. I don't think it's a ruse, written by ruse though.
Said Penny Nance, former Girl Scout and president of Concerned Women for America, told Bret Bart News, in the last 10 years, the
Girl Scouts have lost about a few hundred thousand members, and part of the reason for that is their tone deafness toward the cultural values of American moms.
I think that's true. It wasn't that long ago, 2012, reported by the
Christian Post. Erin's son, I have the hard copy.
An Arizona college student quit her job with the Girl Scouts after being asked to turn her pro -life t -shirt inside out because of its message.
An incident not shocking to a previous member of the organization. Quote, I believe unfortunate situations like this will continue to arise, especially as people discover the truth about Girl Scouts values.
Said Sydney Volansky, a former Girl Scouts member, who left due to the organization's pro -choice stance.
She goes on to say, I can see a cycle forming. As more people know the truth, more people stand for their beliefs and get criticized.
As more people get criticized, more people know the truth. What a shame.
I think I've talked about it on No Compromise Radio. Before, I'm not calling for a cookie cot, a cookie boycott.
I'm just saying that I can't support the Girl Scouts and their cookies. So if you hand me one of those
Thin Mints, I'll probably eat it, but I won't buy one. Dead Betty's, according to Brett Bart, is part of a homo -punk, homo -core movement.
And so when you want national reporting or advice or information from the
Girl Scouts, this reporter says the face that you will interact with at the national office in New York City will be
Josh Ackley, this guy. He joined the Girl Scouts in 2008 in the
Office of External Communications in Girl Scout headquarters. He speaks to national media.
So I personally am done with the
Girl Scouts. I think I have in front of me, Kenyan televangelist
Thomas Weyholm charges congregation to check if their names are in God's book of life. Now, here's what
I'm after. I'm after interesting Bible church names. This guy is
Bishop Thomas Weyholm, is pastor of or bishop of Helicopter of Christ Church in Kenya.
UNICEF lists Kenya as one of the 30 poorest countries in the world.
I'm reporting this from the Christian Post, Leonardo Blair, February, 2014.
See, I usually do that. That's why when this other thing came through, I'm looking at the sheet here and it says
Diversity Chronicle Copyright 2013.
It looks like it's from just a regular website. Cannot find.
It looks like it's real though. So I'm gonna blame though. Controversial Christian pastor in Kenya.
He says at this church that if you give me $10, the equivalent of $10, it costs you a dollar.
You can work all day for a dollar there. You give me 10 days wages. That's 1 ,000
Kenyan shillings. I'll tell you if your name's written in the book of life. Well, homie whose followers have branded him a prophet believe he has been granted special access to the pages of God's book and has been reported as turning not the other cheek in my mind, turning him to check on their heavenly status.
I'm shocked. My friends told me their names are in the book of life and I should go check if I will be allowed into heaven.
Sheila Mbawa, married mother of one told the Nairobian. Send the money to this number 07XX0320000, number concealed and then come tomorrow at around 10 o 'clock in the morning, the
Bishop will tell you. Maybe I'm spoofed on that one as well.
I wish I was, but I doubt it. More news here today in the news.
I think this will be played on a Tuesday since Steve is gone and this is a Tuesday guy thing, it's not as funny, but I'm tired and I'm bugged about the spoof that got me, got through, bad.
Miracle Bible saves life. This is according to Kristen, Christine Lazaro.
And the top of this website says World, World Magazine. February, 2014, the 28th day.
Miracle Bible saved life. Bus driver, Ricky Wagoner got a second shot.
Now the thing is he's okay and I don't wanna laugh at somebody for getting shot, but the writer, bus driver,
Ricky Wagoner got a second shot. Can this be World Magazine? I don't think it is. I think it says
World, like World News. This is under something else. This is some Australian deal.
This cannot be World Magazine, writer. IBT Times, so this is not
World Magazine. See, aren't you glad you checked, Mike? Yes. Bus driver, Ricky Wagoner got a second shot in life when he was saved by the most unexpected thing he can ever think of from two bullets, the
Bible inside his pocket. I see a picture of the guy. Mr. Wagoner was trying to fix his broken bus on Monday when he suddenly was approached by three unfamiliar guys, five guys, reported today .com.
According to the police, the attacker shot the poor bus driver in the leg and even stabbed him right in the arm.
The three guys ran away after he was able to fight back with a pen. His 911 recorded conversation recalled how the dispatcher asked if he had any injuries, which led to the discovery of a mighty miracle.
It just feels like I've been hit with a sledgehammer. I've got a book in my pocket and I don't think they made it through this book.
He stated upon discovering that the pair of bullets got stuck in his Bible. Investigators added that Mr.
Wagoner's Bible, the message, which is a modern translation of the New Testament, turned out to be his lifesaver.
And to think that the bus driver attested he only started carrying the holy book in his pocket since last week.
Once again, I'm glad the man is okay. I'm glad that that book stopped the bullets, but that's not really the
Bible now, is it? Do I have to play this message moment, this magic moment? It's not a good translation.
I'm glad it stopped the bullets. And if I was joking around, I would probably say something like this.
Maybe the real point is not the miracle that God can save someone, but God was trying to take out not the man, but the bad translation of the
Bible. It seems more funny in my mind. There's obviously some kind of intervention involved in this incident because he probably should not be here, stated
Sergeant Michael Pauly of Dayton Daily News. It was not confirmed whether his Bible was protected with Kevlar.
Divine intervention? Or God trying to take out the
Bible? All right, what else do I have here? Well, pastors and mental health.
Right about today, I think I need a little checkup. Thomas Rainer, Christian Post contributor,
February 28th, 2014. The issue of mental health and Christians is finally getting some attention.
And now he talks about pastors who struggle with depression, pastors who commit suicide.
And Rainer said, and I totally believe him, I love pastors. And he deals with struggling pastors.
Possible issues for pastors that aren't just unique to pastors, Rainer said, but these are why pastors have maybe more difficulties.
And I think as I just scan through most of these, I probably believe most of them.
Number one, spiritual warfare. The enemy does not want God's servants to be effective in ministry. I think if you're gonna shoot for somebody, you shoot for the leaders.
And Satan is real. I would acknowledge that there is spiritual warfare going on.
Even though I'm a cessationist, there's still spiritual warfare has not ceased.
One quick reading of Ephesians 6 tells us, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand firm.
Rainer, I think is right on that one. How do I know if Satan's attacking me?
I don't really know, right? No one really knows, but I think it is truth.
Number two, unrealistic expectations. The expectations and demands upon a pastor are enormous. They are unrealistic.
Just a comment here. Friends, it is very critical that your pastor preach
Christ Jesus. Why? Well, Paul said, I've determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
It would be good for us to follow Paul's example. We are to proclaim Christ Jesus.
Remember what Paul said to the church at Corinth in 2 Corinthians chapter two, excuse me, chapter four, verse five.
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Christ's sake.
If you don't proclaim Jesus, you'll end up proclaiming yourself or someone else or some other topic.
Many times I think I could get more stuff done. I could work harder. The church could run more smoothly, but I have a wife and kids and there's only so much
I can do. But from a congregant's perspective, the second you think that your pastor can do things that only
Jesus and his spirit can do, then there's trouble. I am not
Jesus. I cannot be Jesus. I cannot be your personal Jesus, to quote
Depeche Mode. I want to point to Jesus and proclaim him and present him to you in the pulpit through the scriptures.
That's all I can do. And so if Jesus isn't enough, I don't know what to tell you. I mean, if I just look at the list of things that I have been, people have complained about me, what would they be?
Well, you know what? Some of them are true. Some of them aren't. But I realize the holes that are in the structure and the holes in the ministry here more than anyone else.
And so I'm just trying to do my part and instead of complaining about it, I just want to get things done. But pastor, you don't visit enough.
Pastor, you never invite us over to your home. Pastor, you don't go to my kids' games.
Pastor, you take too much vacation. Pastor, you travel too much. Pastor this, pastor that, pastor the other.
Now, again, I'm not saying everything that people say about me would be incorrect, but with the visitation thing,
I need help with other people visiting because the congregation is too large for me to visit everyone.
I have little kids in the house who aren't so little anymore and soon they'll be out of the house and my visitation will go up because I will have completed the ministry that God has given me in the charge for my family.
Well, you haven't invited me over to your house recently, pastor. Well, okay, well, why don't you invite me over?
If you want me to come over, if you want to spend some time with me, then call me and invite me over. Say, hey, we'd love to have you over.
Let's schedule a time. And you know what? Every single time I'll say, that's a great idea. And then every single time when we get together, either over at my house or their house,
I'll say, you know, we should do this more often. This was just really rich and fun and just good fellowship.
Why can't we do this more often? And so the story goes, unrealistic expectations placed upon myself by me, right?
Ignoring the sufficiency of scripture, the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit, sola scriptura, and unrealistic expectations by the congregation.
Three, Thomas Rainer said, pastors and mental health, why they struggle with issues. Greater platforms for critics.
In the good old days, a critic was typically limited to telephone, mail, and in -person meetings to criticize a minister.
Today, the critics have found, have the visible and persuasive platforms of email, blogs, social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.
And that is true. And the other thing is, if you're dopey like me, you're out in public more because of no compromise radio, wretched radio, books, blah, blah, blah.
So, you know, I kind of asked for it. I didn't really want it. I never thought I'd speak one time at one place.
I was glad to be a pastor. That's the highest calling in the world. So as your platform increases a little bit, your footprint, then more people know.
I get more encouragement than I do attacks, but still have people criticize. And so it is hard to take criticism.
Greater platforms for critics. And you know, when somebody walks up to you and says, pastor, I don't like that tie, which has happened to me, or they walk up to a visitor and they say, you're a liar.
I've had that happen to me. Or you get anonymous notes about NoCo Radio and it's screeching music and it's ad -lib, you know, lack of preparedness.
You know, okay, I understand those things, but I'm a person too.
Seriously, I'm a human and when I get criticized, I don't like it. I have been taught,
I think rightly, that when I receive criticism, I should say this. Lord, for whatever reason, you've brought this criticism into my life.
What part of it is real? What part of it isn't? Why am I in ministry?
Is it my own name, my own fame? Is it for Christ's fame and Christ's name?
And Lord, just help me kind of process it. And then I'm kind of off to the next thing. And time, you know, goes by and time heals some of these things.
But I'm sure people could get very down on this issue of being a pastor.
It's hard, it's hard work. No wonder the pastoral epistles talk about fight, battle, war, no wonder there are illustrations in 2
Timothy 2 about farming. Farmers are hard workers. You better be because otherwise you don't have a living.
You don't have a life. Military soldiers, 2
Timothy 2. How about athletes? Same thing,
Olympic athletes work. You're gonna have to work and struggle and sweat and toil.
And so those things become very tiring. It's hard work. And we are weary in the work as Vance Havner used to say, but we're not weary of it.
Not weary of the work of proclaiming Christ Jesus. Even on my most tired days like today, exhausted, discouraged, just emotionally kind of spent.
I've actually talked so much this week, I'm losing my voice. And I haven't been to a Patriots game.
It's just talking, talk, talk. What's that old song I used to listen to on K -Rock in Los Angeles?
All you do is talk, talk. So maybe we should be monastic with silence.
Although you can just turn off the radio if you want to. I did get a very encouraging email today from someone in the Philippines.
And her name was Hope, I believe. And Hope is very thankful for No Compromise Radio. And through No Compromise Radio, she's found a master's seminary graduate who's a pastor and has a training institute and she's plugged in.
Through No Compromise Radio Ministries. So see, even though I'm discouraged today, I'm encouraged because of that.
The Lord knew just exactly when I needed encouragement. So today we've got all kinds of things happening.
Once again, I'm going to be checking my resources. And so I want to make sure that I report well and honestly,
I should probably stick to the things that I'm better at, like teaching the Bible, instead of just making these comments.
But it is radio after all. You can write me at info at nocompromiseradio .com. The new book should be out by the time this is played.
And so you can go to Amazon. Things will go bump in the night. I think you'll be encouraged and it'll be kind of a fun read too.
Clint and Byron are both excellent writers and I'm glad to be third string there.
Anyway, Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.