“Jesus Screws Up”

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


The Holy Nope Breakdown: “Jesus Screws Up” Nope Store: https://www.wrathandgrace.com/theholy...


Progressive Christianity progresses its adherence into the depths of hell. In episode 398 of the Holy Note, Jesus is said to be a sinner.
This has been my favorite Bible story for a very long time.
What does it say about a person whose favorite Bible story is the one from which they can say that Jesus sinned?
I think it says enough. It used to be because it's such a blatant example of the humanity of Jesus.
The sinful humanity is what she means. She must deny the orthodox understanding of Christ's incarnation who assumed into union with his person a human nature so that there could be no possibility of his turning away from conformity to God.
She's fashioned a Jesus that has fallen like her and in her synagogue of Satan, she has erected this blasphemous idol and called upon those in her clutches to bow down to it.
He screws up bigger here than in any story I know. Jesus screws up and apparently this isn't the only time.
This is just the biggest screw up, I guess. Implications of such an assertion on the nature of the Godhead and the holiness of God, the work of Christ, the sanctification of believers and more, leaves no room to question whether progressive
Christianity is compatible with the Bible. It isn't a take the good and leave the bad situation. It is a dumpster fire and the devil lit it.
This woman is Syrophoenician. She is from the city of Tyre, which was considered unclean. From the sounds of it, she is not married, which means that she is divorced or widowed or abandoned.
In a culture where a woman's social capital is defined entirely by her connections to men. This woman is an outcast. So she asks him to heal her daughter and Jesus responds by calling her...
Now, she's not the first sad woke white woman to accuse Jesus of sin from this text. So let's read it. Mark 7 24 -30
Jesus got up and went away from there to the region of Tyre and when he had entered a house, he wanted no one to know of it, yet he could not escape notice.
But after hearing of him, a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at his feet.
Now, the woman was a Gentile of the Syrophoenician race and she kept asking him to cast the demon out of her daughter.
And he was saying to her, Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.
But she answered and said to him, Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children's crumbs.
And he said to her, Because of this answer, go, the demon has gone out of your daughter. And going back to her home, she found the child lying on the bed, the demon having left.
She's going to frame this story, being the feminist she is, like it's a men versus women kind of thing, as if Jesus was being misogynistic, which is like a pretty serious sin in her twisted worldview, which, again, she is accusing
Jesus of. The text is very clear that this woman is a Gentile. In fact, the author wants to make that point so clear that he states it repeatedly and in three different ways.
Jesus was in the region of Tyre. Now, this woman was a Gentile of the Syrophoenician race.
Israel, being God's chosen nation, had privileges that other nations did not. Before the inbreaking of the kingdom of God, the
Gentiles were separated from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Jesus doesn't speak to her in this way because she's a woman and he's a sinner. You should wash your mouth out with soap, for real.
The inspired author is making a statement about the kingdom of God. This woman comes with the request that her daughter be delivered from an unclean spirit.
The miracle of exorcism was an important sign of the inbreaking of the kingdom of God to the Jews with a power greater than that of the evil one in fulfillment of prophecies like,
I don't know, Genesis 3 .15. We see this not only in the way Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God being at hand and then following that declaration by casting out demons, but when he gives his 12 disciples the ability to do the same, it is meant to be done in tandem with that same announcement.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. And included in those instructions for his 12 disciples is to go to the
Jews only and not to the Gentiles. And to the Jews, Jesus says in Matthew 12 .28, If I cast out demons by the
Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Salvation is to the Jew first because Israel was
God's chosen people. Jesus' messianic ministry of miracles is the children's bread, that is, children of Abraham according to the flesh, the
Jewish people. And he was saying to her, Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.
Notice that Jesus does not deny her but actually indicates that the blessings of his messiahship are coming to the
Gentiles also, these so -called dogs. That's you and me, by the way. Let the children be satisfied first.
Jesus isn't calling her a bitch. She asks him to heal her daughter and Jesus responds by calling her a bitch.
That's just reading your context into the text. He is responding with a kind of parable. Household dogs don't eat at the table.
In everyone's mind at this scene, it is clear that the divide being highlighted is between Jews and Gentiles, not men and women.
This woman responds accordingly. Household dogs don't sit at the table but they are graced with the crumbs.
And remember, she came humble and fell at his feet. And so Jesus stretches, as it were, the faith he sees in her making her the dog in the parable.
That's what's happening in this exchange between Jesus and this Gentile woman. She is demonstrating faith.
Notice that Jesus wanted privacy in verse 24. And the author includes the note, Yet he could not escape notice.
And then verse 25, But, after hearing of him, this Gentile woman seeks him out, falls humbly at his feet, and believes for crumbs.
And she will receive much more. And here's where we need to zoom out a little bit. And remember the big picture
Mark is painting. Back to our little brown brush with all the little colors on it, the greens and the yellows.
He records this here in the gospel. And so does contrast her belief for crumbs, this
Gentile woman, with the unbelief of those who are given loaves in the next chapter, feeding of the 4 ,000, who will later cry out,
Crucify him, the Jewish people. You see, the story Mark is telling is about the kingdom of God arriving in the
Messiah, who is sinless, by the way, and the going forth of the gospel to the ends of the earth to welcome into the kingdom of God people from every tribe and tongue.
Speaking to Gentiles in Ephesians 2, Paul writes, to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
But now in Christ Jesus, you who were formerly far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
This is the magnificent picture being painted in Mark 7, salvation for the
Gentiles, that's me and you, and progressives mutilate it like it's a little boy who happened to pick up the
Barbie one of his moms bought for him. And that's a holy...
It's everybody in the world. Please, Lord, give me a sign.